A thing was said and SRD didn't like that thing and it's about how misogynist the world is you guys

146  2017-08-08 by Auzym


This is why we need mayocide.


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Bot on point

Lol why delete your account


It's widely known that SRD is the best collection of drama simply because everything posted there is already dramatic and then you have normies swimming with CB2/SRSers. Don't hate.

you're not wrong

If I was, I wouldn't change my opinion and instead run to an internet forum that supported me anyway and then we'd scream about how right I was.

it's too early for these hard hitting truths

What about now?

I was able to read it and not be left shellshocked. thanks fam

It's widely known that SRD is the best collection of drama

this person actually believes this

Anyone who have those symptoms should keep themselves safe.

I mean, as a means of pointing and laughing, it's shooting fish in a barrel.

What is your personal favorite, Zachums?

For reddit-related drama? Probably the batshit insanity of /r/occult or /r/nofap.

I can't remember ever reading anything from the first. The second is fucking insane though. I still can't stop laughing at their whole premise. Semen is fucking magical to them.

Wait until you see r/MuslimNoFap

I mean for farming for this sub. You get a dramatic topic, then you get regular folks running into negaredditors and being bewildered. Then sometimes you get how the linked thread ended up: drama/SRD regulars hitting up that thread, teaming up with the normies, and downvoting the negareddit crowd.

Which then results in this thread, which is obviously very fun, look at it.

Would you please take that one guy's request for a "It's different when we do it" seriously? Fuck, having an automod say it to every post would be great. Think about that for next April Fool's, if you haven't offed yourself by then.

lmao the person arguing who didn't even read it.

This is accurate:

get that the internet just consists of people talking past each other 24/7, arguing what they wish the "other side" said instead of what they actually said, but you know you don't have to do that yourself if you don't want to, right?

People on the internet found out that other people on the internet supported what the guy said so now it's a battle between alt right freaks and social justice weirdos and the actual content of the memo is completely superfluous.

Just a reason for two camps of mongoloids to yell at each other while not being irl successful.

The important thing is you've found a way to feel superior to both.

Wow! Someone is superior to two groups of people. What a revelation!

As opposed to someone like you, who's maybe superior to racists but not sexists, or fascists but not neocons.

I'm actually superior to literally every other human being, fam.

Which I guess means I'm just superior to leftists, since everyone knows alt-right retards aren't people.

I am a person with real feelings actually

and they're feeling pretty hurt :(

If you're hanging out /r/drama, I'm pretty sure you're not. And I don't care about sub-humans' feelings.

You're pretty sure I'm not a person, or you're pretty sure my feelings aren't hurt?


You think you're being funny, but really you're just a douche

Yes, hi, welcome to /r/drama

People have actually been really nice to me since I hopped off the boat from r/SRD...

..until you showed up, that is 😪

you're actually pretty good at this. Stick around for a while, you'll like it here.

Normally drama appreciates a little effort behind their shitposts. At least make it funny. You're like the internet equivalent of the middle school kid who thinks he's funny but everyone else just thinks that he has turrets.

Normally drama appreciates a little effort behind their shitposts.

no we dont lol

oh please, a lolcow with paragraph after paragraph of new copypasta material is so much better than this shit.

Well duh, pasta is filling.

Post bussy, lmao

Come on, South Indians aren’t that bad

Seriously, who reads that and is like "Yeah, good point"?

I feel superior to teenagers working at Taco Bell and teenagers working at Hardee's. Is that supposed to be impossible?

It's about two sides of a debate not two random groups. You shot really low with your groups too.

I shot low on purpose: because it's really easy to imagine being superior to two groups of people.

Considering actual rational debates about policies don't have two binary sides, it's pretty normal for real people- as opposed to fucking college kid internet caricatures- to feel superior to people who represent two proposed solutions to a debate that has dozens.

Considering actual rational debates about policies don't have two binary sides, it's pretty normal for real people- as opposed to fucking college kid internet caricatures- to feel superior to people who represent just two proposed solutions to a debate that has dozens.

south park neutral, u so dum

/u/ay_what_up am I doing it right?

/u/ay_what_up gets angry easily and I think you should delete this, lest he write another letter.

faggot when have I ever wrote a comment in here more than like 3 sentences

Follow the joke.

You sound like you shot low out of necessity. It's a dumb circle broke meme you retard.

Yeah, I'm making fun of the meme.

And yes, I work at Subway, the Cadillac of fast food.

You're serious posting about a stupid meme used by CB to dismiss people coming in to argue. But hey, at last you found a way to feel superior to all 3 sides.

What, are you an Arby's guy?

Sorry I took literally 25 seconds to make fun of something you didn't think should be made fun of.

This is you.

Youre trying to tell me you came up with the hard hitting analysis of "both sides can be wrong." In only 25 seconds?


wow you leave Hardee's out of this

Carl's Jr you savage.

Whataburger, you pleb!

I wish I still lived within range of Braum's.

it's not a point you retard, it's a south park neutral joke that gets posted here all the time. Everybody constantly makes fun of the south park neutral

It's dumb though. Do people make fun of people that aren't political extremists? Are you posting from /pol/ or Evergreen State, please respond

And I'm making fun of the joke and pointing out that it's fucking retarded. Does that bother you somehow? Write a letter about it. That always makes me feel better.

People on Reddit do, sure, because then they don't have to think to themselves, "Hey, maybe I'm wrong!" and can continue to circlejerk. In real life, however, most people (least that I know) who aren't extremists would classify as "southpark neutral".

People on the extremes, obviously.

...well, shit.

This may be an unpopular opinion, but I dislike Nazis and commies and am better than both of them.

Prepare for the hatemail, you're a rogue. A rogue one indeed.

Hey retards, stop downvoting the people you ping to come into the threads. JFC y'all are like children.

it limits how often they can comment, right?

If they don't have much karma in that sub then they can get a penalty timer. I think the max amount of time between comments can be as much as 10 minutes. So if you goad someone into a sub for the purpose of fucking with them, what's the point in limiting how much they can respond?

but are we really surprised users would shoot themselves in the foot and fail to maximize the potential drama

But what if I really, really disagree with something they said on the internet tho

Hit that MF upvote button so they can continue posting more things you disagree with, fam.

Doing God's work son

i'm upvoting every single post /u/decadentegalitarian makes fuck the haters man

Anyone pops up solely to use an ancient XKCD panel as punctuation deserves both downvotes and death.



Title: I'm So Random

Title-text: In retrospect, it's weird that as a kid I thought completely random outbursts made me seem interesting, given that from an information theory point of view, lexical white noise is just about the opposite of interesting by definition.

Comic Explanation

Stats: This comic has been referenced 213 times, representing 0.1289% of referenced xkcds.

xkcd.com | xkcd sub | Problems/Bugs? | Statistics | Stop Replying | Delete

Fuck you, hippie. Nobody tells me what yo do.

Ever since the sub hit /r/all there's been a massive spike in retards downvoting the lolcows. Fucking normies and SRDine tourists, smdhfldd.

-28 points, 41 children

Drama within the drama.

Turns out the local edgelords can't handle what they dish out! I'm shocked, just shocked I tell you.

Are you differently-abled?

My mommy says I'm extra-abled!

Probably why I fit in so well with /r/drama. Such a shame that that's a secret source of shame; this is hardly an aspirational subreddit.

Bless your heart. At least you're trying.

At least you found a way to feel superior to both /r/drama users and mentally challenged people

why did you say "/r/drama users" twice

It's pretty damn easy to be superior to both.

Is your name an EVE reference?


Figures goons and their pets would be in /r/drama. Is this how you're trying to feel relevant these days?

I haven't even played in over a year, and I left the CFC at least a year before that.

Well, um...something about how you suck for winning EVE!

Most people do. If you think it's hard to "find"...

That's not what's going on. The right is arguing about the SJWs and discussing the content. SJWs are circlejerking about what they think the writer meant, but they didn't read it.

There's probably like four people in that thread that are actually on "the right". It's a bunch of moderates arguing with far left psychos.

In that thread. Not others

I guess. I'm just enjoying their daily freakout that moderates are secretly alt righists, that /r/drama is a hate sub, etc etc.

I'm hijacking this part of the thread so people can see this super important thing that I have to say:

It looks like there's a revolt against the CB2ers there.

That is all.

It'd be nice.

I'll hijack too, to say this thread turned out real nice.

if they read it how can they argue it's not sexist lmao. The guy literally talks about how women will be objectively worse at a number of jobs because their emotions get in the way

Yup, you just proved my point.

Literally quote that then.

Keep those goalposts moving

Here's a counter-claim to your point

Source for that claim?


How...how is asking for the quote moving the goalposts? Do you know what that phrase even means?

Well I forgot what the context was of the guy I was responding to but it strikes me as strange that only certain claims get the demand of quotation

Women, on average, have more: Openness directed towards feelings and aesthetics rather than ideas. Women generally also have a stronger interest in people rather than things, relative to men (also interpreted as empathizing vs. systemizing). These two differences in part explain why women relatively prefer jobs in social or artistic areas. More men may like coding because it requires systemizing and even within SWEs, comparatively more women work on front end, which deals with both people and aesthetics. Extraversion expressed as gregariousness rather than assertiveness. Also, higher agreeableness. This leads to women generally having a harder time negotiating salary, asking for raises, speaking up, and leading. Note that these are just average differences and there’s overlap between men and women, but this is seen solely as a women’s issue. This leads to exclusory programs like Stretch and swaths of men without support. Neuroticism (higher anxiety, lower stress tolerance).This may contribute to the higher levels of anxiety women report on Googlegeist and to the lower number of women in high stress jobs.

... And?

read it you fucking fag

This leads to women generally having a harder time negotiating salary, asking for raises, speaking up, and leading.

baseless conclusion that women can't do shit good. If you read the whole thing it's a bunch of self-citing and assumptions

"Women are not on average less aggressive than men, so it doesn't make them worse at salary negotiations" is the hill you want to die on? Lol.

Top drama right here. Upvotes all round.

If only there was some form of worker organization which could both negotiate collectively for employees (and win everyone higher wages) and guarantee workers the right to criticize their employers' policies without being fired.

Nah, just kidding, why organize that when you can snipe at each other over this gender war bullshit?

Women being more interested in people than abstract ideas and objects on average (and vice versa for men), women gaining less income from salary negotiations, and men being more aggressive in general are all well-known phenomena. You also seem to be the one condemning jobs emphasizing empathy to a lower-prestige position than systemization-heavy ones here; a quick counterexample I could throw out is veterinary medicine, where the average salary is actually higher than in software development and the field comprises 75% women.

The writer of the manifesto is obviously speaking from an ideologically tinted perspective rather than anything approaching a neutral one, but things aren't as cut-and-dry as SRDine knee-jerkers make them out to be. You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of no longer contributing anything useful to the discussion seems to apply especially well here.

They argue it's not sexist because they agree and "facts cant be sexist." ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Good on you for trying to find as much drama as you can but LOL if you think only the "SJWs" have no clue what they are talking about.

I dunno man, I'm just talking about that thread.

Yeah, I've read the memo.

Did you really? Because you said you didn't and your comments show that you haven't.

I'm not very patient with people concern-trolling

Because someone disagreeing with you is concern trolling

and JAQing off about how "it's not really sexist tho", so I make fun of them when they start up.

"I'm not retarded I was just pretending to be retarded"

...why call me into a shit sub like /r/drama, when you could just reply to the comment you're quoting in its own thread in SRD? If you had trouble understanding my comments, you're more than welcome to respond to them there.

Probably because he'd rather talk with you in an environment where everyone is siding with him already?

That, or he was banned from SRD for being too shit for SRD. Which if you think about it, is really something.

That just leads to the follow-up question though. If the person begging for my attention is too shit for SRD, why should I spend time pretending to value their opinion?

I'm not banned from SRD lol

/u/jerkstorefranchisee, /u/deeper_state_daddy, tell us about how you're too shit for SRD.

lmfao those two are like peak SRDine

I'm pretty sure they're both banned for freaking out, though. In the same exact thread, no less.

wait they got actually banned? Which thread was that?


You'd have to pore through ceddit for it, but both of them went hard into the "you fucking piece of shit, fuck you" and whatnot mode.

This is hilarious if true.

90% sure.

That, or he was banned from SRD for being too shit for SRD. Which if you think about it, is really something.

Not being banned from SRD really just shows that you're not actually a human being and that your parents should be killed in front of you tbqh

why should I spend time pretending to value their opinion?

I dunno, but here we are fam.

A) you're already in this thread

B) Because I felt like it

the most solid of reasons tbh

actually going to SRD is gross.

ACSHUALLY you're not a person so I don't care what you think

says the dumbass that forms his opinions by standing on soapboxes in the most bland drama sub around. SRD is just a lower effort circlebroke with people completely lacking self awareness as the main user base.

Frist of all, how dare yo u

How dare you make such comments.This is very much retarded and sick act.I don't know whats your background and wont care to but I seriously doubt your upbringing and surrounding and don't think its anything better than any roadside slum dweller or may be worst.This is very serious personal comments and for me you are the worst idiotic retarded soul I have ever come across.I don't know your social stature but cant think of anything more than a stray dog and its time for you to be caged like the municipal corporation catch hold of stray dogs.I dare you share your contact details if you have guts to.I would anyways will get that legally and by all means but its an open challenge.Well, I know Street dogs can't be tamed by intellectual talks and will go on barking unless treated the way they should be treated.I could use more abusive language here which I very much feel I should have been because cases like you need to be dealt that way rather than these comments but again, one ! last time, I would ask you to remove this comment with immediate effect and I seriously mean it or deal with me in person if you have guts to..I will show you,your family and whoever around you what is meant by real bashing and banging

man, this is just getting weird

i can't post it because automoderator automatically removes the comment, but i glanced at your snoopsnoo. you use reddit just as often as me.

which means you're coming back to this site as often as i am (which is very, very often), but you're literally always doing it just to be upset about something. like, re-evaluate yourself. you're carrying a grudge about some random shitposter because he has too much fun on reddit!

like, are you enjoying this? only coming here for negativity and being mad at the idea other people are having fun with each other? there's nothing wrong with being friendly with other people on the internet, because at the end of the day none of this matters anyway

Are you sure you sent this to the right person?

It's true that I sometimes get upset by what I see on reddit, but it's fairly rare. Much more often, I'm enjoying myself. It's not an attractive personality trait, but I enjoy punching down intellectually. So when I see someone being so smugly, obliviously stupid on reddit, well, why wouldn't I make fun of them and subtly imply they're the inbred child of alcoholic rednecks?

Or someone said something witty and I want to join in.

Or someone's discussing something that affects me personally and I want to get my two cents' worth in.

Or whatever.

Congrats on seeming sincere enough to get me to respond to you seriously in a cesspool like /r/drama I guess, that's a new one. But, seriously, the other people here on reddit with you aren't some maladjusted monsters weeping angrily into their keyboard. Most of us are just here to dick around and waste time until we can clock out and go home, just like you.

That said, /r/drama is trash and the "people" here should all be forcibly sterilized.

God dammit!

Fine, you got me, you win. I fell for a pasta. ffs, and here I thought I was better than that...

Don't fret too much my dude. Its not very well known pasta.

Plus your response just gave me a whole new pasta to spread to the masses!

The one he gave you is way better imo

>Posts on r/subredditdrama and r/thebluepill

>Argues with people in r/pussypassdenied

"Heh, I do have a life, drumpftards amirite"

I understand the COPE you get from lying to yourself, but why lie to your friends on the internet?

Echo chambers so loud they're deafening.

This sub had the best people on all of Reddit. And we should still all be extrrminated

Who the fuck comments positively? Good god you're the person who says



Get out of here with your logic and reason lol

Um, I already said I didn't want to argue with you about this. This is me responding to someone else, after clearly and respectfully stating that I didn't think continued discussion about this between the two of us would be productive. Do you think you could please stop reading my comments here, since it seems you feel a need to respond to them when you do see them?


You mean that when you spend time in communities devoted solely to acting like assholes, other people expect you to act like an asshole and preemptively ignore you?

The INJUSTICE OF IT ALL!! People should avoid your obvious red flags and let you shit on them anyway!


The best part is that you're reading my comments. Hope you learn something from them!

Not much to learn from someone learning about themselves by agenda posting in SRD


I also agenda post in TBP and occasionally make fun of TiA, MRA, etc when they hit the front page. Don't minimize my accomplishments!

dude I think you might have something wrong with you brain. Why are you trying to be all cyberbully on me. Do you really think anyone care about you. You talk to people like they trash. Why would you want to come off like that. Does it make feel tough? You need to see a shrink. Have fun going through life wondering why people don't like you. I'll give you a hint though, you try to make others feel like sh*t. But you have failed on me. I know what you are. See, the thing is, I'm nice guy. You on the other hand can't control stupidity. You really don't even realize that you is a jerk ,do you? When your older maybe you can look back on times like this and see that you where unnecessarily rude to people you don't know. Right now you think you are being cleaver and it just fun time. Keep treating people like you do and see where you end up. You can not compete with my intellect so I warn you give up before embarrass youself further..


Recent past experiences have taught me that this is probably pasta.

you're just saying that because you can't argue with my logic

Well duh.

as long as we're on the same page you just need to post bussy and you'll be out of here in no time

First time posting, be gentle

No selfies allowed !

Nothing ever goes wrong with dehumanizing your opponents

It's liberal fragility

...he said in /r/drama, completely unaware of how deliciously ironic his statement was.

Are you retarded or did you miss that that was the whole joke?

He's retarded subhuman.

You can't tell if he's tarded? What are you, tarded?

You think these comments make you sound ultra smug and ironically funny but really, you're coming off as more of an autist than the regulars here

This comment is really problematic.

Wow just cuz he's black he's not a person? SRD racists SMH.

Said the SRDine

Because why the fuck would he waste one iota of effort on a subhuman circlejerker like you? Giving you actual validity by going there to mock you would mean you're worth it. But you showed up in the thread like a good little doggy anyway.

>willingly posting in SRD

>assuming any of us would stoop to that

Keep Yourself Safe

You are a sassy little bitch aren't you! I don't think you actually read that which you are commenting on either, though. And by read I mean really read, not skim through the first paragraph and then get distracted reading other people's outraged interpretations of the same thing they also didn't bother to read.

/u/decadentegalitarian is quite frankly a babbling autist so take everything they say and refilter it under actual human speech:

I haven't read any of /u/decadentegalitarian 's comments in the linked thread but I think it's safe to say that he's enormously bigoted and transphobic.

Yeah, I've read the memo.

Did you really /u/decadentegalitarian? Because you said you didn't

Not sure why I find this so funny, but it's such blatant agendaposting and then backpedaling

"lol you guys it's so stupid don't waste your time reading it, gimme them upvotes...oh wait some people are disagreeing and I sorta need a serious response, nvm I mean I totally read it."

It's interesting how consistently idiots misunderstood what I was saying.

I wasn't saying "don't read the memo it's a waste of time". I was saying "don't get into debates about which line and phrase exactly was sexist it's a waste of time". Guess I've gotta work on my clarity when saying things that might upset retards, I know y'all's reading comprehension degrades when you're triggered.

You literally said you didn't read it.

Is it okay to mock people with PTSD or not now? I can never remember what the PC rule on that is, can you help?

In here? Sure is!

I don't do it as a rule, but what would be the fun in sticking to that when in /r/drama? You guys want lowest-common-denominator mudslinging, right? Well, it's a nice change of pace from being considerate and respectful in my speech, so what the hell. Why not treat you how you like to be treated?

So you decide on a case-by-case basis, just like everyone else? You're "just kidding"? Cool. Maybe stop screaming at people who do that when you don't like it, then.

Nah, it's only ok when I do it.

- The far left

literally the reason trump was elected

Humorless retards willing to believe anything as long as they feel it gets back at the hated "elites"? Yeah, that's the reason trump was elected. But I dunno if I'd blame those elites tho; meeting minimum standards for literacy and critical thinking doesn't seem like something we'd want to discourage.

"humorless retards"

posts in SRD and TBP unironically


> "meeting minimum standards for literacy"

> can't even read the memo

imagine being this CB2

Motherfucker can you get even a tiny shred of self awareness?

are u triggered lmao you just derailed onto a different topic

Uhh he made fun of how this super PC guy suddenly thinks it's okay to make "jokes" when it's convenient. That's pretty normal.

how is he super PC. I don't recognize him so maybe he has a history but the doc that was leaked definitively had some sexist shit on it

Wow, here I thought it was pretty obvious but lmao you couldn't follow the convo, that's funny. LD?

idk if the dude has a history here but discussing the sexism in the google document doesn't make you an SJW. Retards always try to pin hypocrisy on people that are liberal but dont tiptoe around language, the two aren't mutually exclusive, you can not hate gay people while still making gay jokes

it's a nice change of pace from being considerate and respectful in my speech,

smh 👏 you 👏 do 👏 not 👏 get 👏 a 👏 cookie 👏 for 👏 being 👏 a 👏 decent 👏 human 👏 being 👏

If they have been in the military and legitimately have ptsd then they are fair game, if they are a fat cow who gets "triggered" by someone resizing large clothing then it's not.

Scientifically backed facts don't care about your widdo feelies.

I read it because it's the funniest piece of crybaby STEM nerd writing I've read in a long time.

i'll just unironically use stem as an insult

that'll make me look real good

This part might turn into some fun, too, but in general the whole thread is lol

You're right, it got interesting. /u/voksul* waded into it.

*the lolcow 18 year old behind this drama

*11 year old

Gotta love those moderates

Jesus fucking christ, I think that's the worst meme I've ever seen! I've been on the internet since geocities / AOL days and that is really hellish. I'm actually stunned at how bad that is. D'you think perhaps that could be a Chris-Chan original? It's just appalling.

Thx for the bat signal

You're the hero reddit needs.


Does Trump think the free market should decide? Looks like it just did xD

THB the paper seems mostly innocuous. Both autists from both sides are RAGING HARD.

I really hope /u/gokutheguy is like 14 because otherwise holy shit.

Not so much that thread (although yeah), but basically every post I've ever read from him as a whole.

feminism was a mistake

comment score below threshold (120 children)

Today just got better

>he keeps Reddit default options active that try to dictate what you should or shouldn't see


I nuke my account every month and im lazy


He nuked it again. Neat.

I have mine set so that any comment below one is collapsed. Works well in "score hidden" subs so I can immediately see people who reply to each other's comments are being petty.


People like you are the worst. You probably think that you are smarter than anyone, think that you are better morally, ethically and believe that your political viewpoints are the only viewpoints a moral being could ever hold, but in actuality, you have never, once in your life, stopped and did any introspection whatsoever to actually figure out if your political viewpoints are internally consistent. It's pretty apparent from your comments that you look down on people that you disagree with, but can't even string a logically coherent statement if your life depended on it. Not only you can't string a logical thought, but you also actually admit to lying to people you are arguing with that you haven't read the memo, but in other comments, you say that you read it, which suggests to us all here, that you didn't read it, and are only doing it to cover your ass for future conversations with people you disagree. A perfect example of today's identitarian morally relativist Islamophile leftist who never put any work into the things they actually care about, because they are so entitled, immature and intellectually feeble.

You're a perfect example of a Dunning-Kruger effect.

You probably think that you are smarter than anyone, think that you are better morally, ethically and believe that your political viewpoints are the only viewpoints a moral being could ever hold,

What a great start to a comment! Yes, all of these things are true.

you have never, once in your life, stopped and did any introspection whatsoever

...and then it goes off the rails. And you were doing so well, too.

Why do you feel that if someone holds progressive values and doesn't pretend to respect the shitlords of /r/drama, they must've stumbled onto their values by lottery? Can someone have internally-consistent well-examined beliefs, and also think that the sorts of people who take pride in being edgy and "ironic" are scum who should never be given the validation of being taken seriously?

Why do you feel that if someone holds progressive values and doesn't pretend to respect the shitlords of /r/drama,

You realize most of us here are just left leaning centrists, right?

You realize most of us here are just left leaning centrists, right?

Young conservatives online love to call themselves "left leaning centrists" these days. I guess they want to fit in with their more progressive peers, while also continuing to be awful people? idk, but I don't really put a lot of stock in a community calling themselves "left leaning" when their rules and behavior screams otherwise.

You literally just said edgy jokes were okay sometimes when you made fun of PTSD.

And I literally just said: that's only ok when I do it. Why was that hard for you to understand?

Young conservatives online love to call themselves "left leaning centrists" these days.

I'm 36, you fucking idiot. It's very likely that I've been voting Democratic since you were a toddler.

I guess they want to fit in with their more progressive peers, while also continuing to be awful people? idk, but I don't really put a lot of stock in a community calling themselves "left leaning" when their rules and behavior screams otherwise.

What behavior? Making fun of people? It's okay when we do it!

Oh, so not young, just juvenile? God, that's even worse! At least teens have an excuse.

Sorry you don't like jokes? The internet is very serious for you, you fucking idiot.

Ooh, scathing!

Thanks for helping with the recruitment, brother. They're slowly seeing us as the rational choice.

I find this is the main difference between kids who grew up just before the internet and kids who grew up with the internet; the internet is way less serious business to the older, more mature folk than it is to your average college kid. But that's just speculation.

Either way, it's quite clear that the other guy is just better than you in every way.

There definitely is a difference - I've heard it described as "the older, meaner Internet" where you wouldn't get skewered for having a little fun at the expense of others.

There's plenty of college-aged kids who think most Reddit users are retarded also. We just don't spend our entire day on Reddit and actually have a life outside of the internet.

Having actually hung out with college aged people IRL, I absolutely believe you. Reddit is just a pool of cess sometimes.

People with decent social skills and who don't get outraged about stupid shit are our future leaders. Goodspeed, young man. Remember to do drugs and drink and have unprotected sex while your freakshow peers argue about social justice online.

You know, "I don't care that I'm being smacked around" means you're still being smacked around

The tone of all your comments in this thread is so /r/iamverysmart that I can't tell if you're really this unbearable or if you're just pretending for goofs.

We're in /r/drama, where we're supposed to be as dramatic as possible. Not only that, but I'm only in this shithole because I was called in to be the day's lulcow. And then I proceeded to be completely insufferable and irritate everyone here.

What do you think?

My comment perfectly described you, your bubble of personal and political views, how you conduct yourself, and you somehow are still unhappy? What would make you happy? That every person you disagree with would just get sent to an island somewhere? Or that every person you have ethical or moral disagreements with would just vanish into thin air? But that would be a pretty boring world, don't you think? Living with people who think like you, who dress like you, who talk with a lisp, who walk like you. Do you really want to live in such a mundane and uninteresting world?

You should actually check the survey of /r/drama, and you will figure out what people we actually are. Just because we like to skirt the edges of edginess does not make us "scum" or "worthless" or "inferior". In actuality it makes us interesting, refreshing, engaging, delightful, stimulating, curious and compelling. We are the better people, the remarkable ones, and you should be too, because it's just sorrowful to read your abysmally boring and uninteresting comments.

What would make you happy? That every person you disagree with would just get sent to an island somewhere?

That's pollution fam. Why dump all our trash on some island somewhere when we could take care of it ourselves?

Mayocide when.

So you think that we are scum because of our "ironic" social and political posts, but yet you yourself engage in it. How are you better in any way? Does this not seem to you entirely hypocritical? Or is this just how you conduct yourself in normal conversations? And you say that you are unhappy with how I described you, but it described you perfectly - your social and political views are internally inconsistent, and it's just the perfect time for you to admit your moral and ethical failings for all of us to see.

So you think that we are scum because of our "ironic" social and political posts, but yet you yourself engage in it. How are you better in any way?

Because it's only ok when I do it. Jeezy chreezy, reading comprehension isn't the best among neocons huh?

It's obvious it's okay when you do it, your conduct represents the contemporary leftism in all its glory for all of us to see. It's embarrassing that you somehow don't see anything wrong with how you conduct yourself. You are a hypocrite.

I see you edited your comment from accusing me of being a neocon, which is a uniquely American phenomenon to alt-right, which is also a uniquely American phenomenon. You are seeing ghosts everywhere you go. Maybe it's finally the time for you to think over how you see yourself and strangers?

Wouldn't it be easier to censor you instead?

I can't get to you just yet, but soon we leftists will control all world institutions. As you can see, we already control Google. The day of reckoning is coming my friend, and when it does, reactionaries like you will be swept into the dustbin of history.


So let's follow your train of thought. At first you accused me of being a neocon, then being part of alt-right, and now you accuse me of being a reactionary. So, how are you denying the charge that you aren't seeing ghosts whenever you go? Seriously, think it over.

It's the persistence with which you believe that if only you present your Logictm and Reasontm enough, I'll come over to your side and support MRAs recruiting at Google (or whatever has your panties in a twist right now) that charms me the most.

I don't think of myself as being logical or think that reason is the utmost important thing in the world. Again, you are projecting onto me the opinions of people you disagree with, when I don't even hold those opinions.

So, you call the guy an MRA now? So, did you finally mustered up your intellectual capacity and read that so called "anti-diversity screed"?

Dude's arguing that women aren't as well-suited to the privilege of working at Google, and that men are being oppressed by women being hired for these jobs. Yeah, he's an MRA.

So if you're not upset by an MRA facing public consequences for publicizing their awful views to their workplace, what are you upset by? What're you hoping to convince me of?

So, you didn't read the memo, because nowhere in it did he even imply that he is in favour of women not being part of Google, or the tech community at large. I mean, he writes this:

Unfortunately, as long as tech and leadership remain high status, lucrative careers, men may disproportionately want to be in them. Allowing and truly endorsing (as part of our culture) part time work though can keep more women in tech.

and this

The male gender role is currently inflexible

and this

Feminism has made great progress in freeing women from the female gender role, but men are still very much tied to the male gender role. If we, as a society, allow men to be more “feminine,” then the gender gap will shrink, although probably because men will leave tech and leadership for traditionally feminine roles.

Does this sound like someone who is an MRA at all?

You haven't even read a single sentence of this memo, and are only going by opinions of other people from metareddit/leftist circles that you are part of, because you can't actually muster your courage to read it in fear of seeing your narrative crumble.

What do you mean I'm not upset by this? Of course I'm upset by this. This memo was part of the employees internal discussion, and someone leaked it to the press with no reason whatsoever.

You haven't even read a single sentence of this memo,

I have though. I read some of it, skimmed over the more boringly-stupid bits.

Can you seriously not wrap your head around the thought that someone could've read this guy's MRA rant, and not been convinced by its Logic and REEEason?

What do you mean I'm not upset by this? Of course I'm upset by this. This memo was part of the employees internal discussion, and someone leaked it to the press with no reason whatsoever.

Oh, that's what you're upset by? Someone shat up their work environment by spreading their private views in a public space, and then (shockingly!) faced consequences for it...and that's bad somehow?

Instead of whining about how unfair it was that this taint lost a job he was clearly (by virtue of his poor judgment) unsuited for, why not try to learn something from it? For example, the next time you want to message thousands of coworkers about how unsuited women are for jobs at your company, just...don't. Keep that shit to yourself. You might not be able to help whatever stupid opinions you may have, but at least you can learn enough to keep them to yourself.

Ahh, so now you have read it, but somehow claimed that you didn't? Which is it, liar?

And you are still calling this guy an MRA. No MRA in this world would write the words he communicated with his memo.

Oh, that's what you're upset by? Someone shat up their work environment by spreading their private views in a public space, and then (shockingly!) faced consequences for it...and that's bad somehow?

What do you mean public space? Internal communications aren't public, they are specifically for the employees to see, and not the general public.

Instead of whining about how unfair it was that this taint lost a job he was clearly (by virtue of his poor judgment) unsuited for

His claims were only made true about the company. He said that only one political viewpoint is accepted within the company. Not only that, but he could sue for wrongful termination.

For example, the next time you want to message thousands of coworkers about how unsuited women are for jobs at your company

Again, nowhere in his memo did he write that women at the company are not worthy of the positions they hold. Your earlier claim of reading the memo just reeks of you lying again to save face. Can't let the narrative change, right?

Calling me a liar

I don't have to take that kind of abuse from a /r/drama nerd!

This sort of abuse is nothing compared to what we are capable of. You better not anger us or Inshallah you will find out what kind of monster hides beneath this thin mask.

The kind what ain't too keen on personal hygiene, I'm guessing.

Considering that leftists are known to be unkempt and the majority of you still live with your parents, this sort of comment just makes me sort of laugh at this weak attempt at projection.

You can call me whatever buzzword you want in response to this, but a lefty making fun of someone for a lack of personal hygiene when you've got the likes of Moldylocks in your camp is rather absurd.

among alt-right kiddies huh?

We are diverse here at /r/drama. We have plenty of Hillarymen and various other lefty faggots, and we love them all.


You can do better than that, come on.

Please do not disparage our self-loathing globalist degenerates, it is very racist.

I was getting used to being called a "Hill Shill", too. To downgrade me to a "Hillaryman" is just lame.

There is nothing to shill for anymore.

Speak for yourself

nobody thinks you stumbled onto your values by lottery. we all know you've taken both Phil 101 and Psych 102.

Can someone have internally-consistent well-examined beliefs, and also think that the sorts of people who take pride in being edgy and "ironic" are scum who should never be given the validation of being taken seriously?

Proceeds to spend hours serious posting on r/drama

Can someone have internally-consistent well-examined beliefs, and also think that the sorts of people who take pride in being edgy and "ironic" are scum who should never be given the validation of being taken seriously?

Proceeds to spend hours serious posting on r/drama

Is this a pasta? Regardless, the last sentence is right just by virtue of him not reading the source of the drama but arguing about it.

This is OC.

Keep yourself safe fam.

People like you are the worst. You probably think that you are smarter than anyone, think that you are better morally, ethically and believe that your political viewpoints are the only viewpoints a moral being could ever hold, but in actuality, you have never, once in your life, stopped and did any introspection whatsoever to actually figure out if your political viewpoints are internally consistent. It's pretty apparent from your comments that you look down on people that you disagree with, but can't even string a logically coherent statement if your life depended on it. Not only you can't string a logical thought, but you also actually admit to lying to people you are arguing with that you haven't read the comment, but in other comments, you say that you read it, which suggests to us all here, that you didn't read it, and are only doing it to cover your ass for future conversations with people you disagree. A perfect example of today's identitarian morally relativist r/drama poster who never put any work into the things they actually care about, because they are so entitled, immature and intellectually feeble.

You're a perfect example of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

Thank you for the compliment.

think that you are smarter than anyone, think that you are better morally, ethically and believe that your political viewpoints are the only viewpoints a moral being could ever hold

I think all those things but also think I'm a complete retarded piece of shit, what does that make me?

A drama poster i guess.

On virtue signalling...

When used in self-reflection it's intriguing. When accusing others it's masturbatory narcissistic projection.

Narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one's own attributes; projection is defending yourself against your own unconscious impulses by denying their existence in yourself while attributing them to others, so WTF is "narcissistic projection"?? Is that like, jacking yourself off, while accusing someone else of jacking you off?? I mean, psychology is not easy, but AFAIK you don't master it by mashing a couple of quite complex terms together and hoping that they mean something.


Yeah, except the true meaning can only be used in reference to one's own actions.

Otherwise it's using it exactly the way the alt-right does: "people don't disagree with me, they just have to say they do to look like good people."

Exactly. Because, as we all know, people never actually say things out of a sense of moral compulsion by their in-group.