[DEVELOPING] PewDiePie says it, absolute shitstorm inbound.

480  2017-09-10 by ferchomax


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On point as always.

So good.

How did you first get into contact with Pewdiepie's content?

/r/drama thread about wsj.

You appear to be very passionate about this slim young blonde Swede with a charming smile and a successful online career

I'd appreciate a little bit less gayness in your comment.

This is /r/drama

Lmfao. Waiting on another hit piece by WSJ.

Hit piece? He said it tho, there's no denying or misconstruing it.

Hit piece? He said it

Tho, there's no denying or

Misconstruing it.


                  - SkittlesDLX

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good bot

And with a hard R. How can he ever recover from that?

His fanbase are edgy so they like him for it. We're in the middle of a paradigm shift. Soon young people will stop giving a fuck about snowflake shit

They say that Gen Z will be the most fascist generation since WW2.

I don't think that word means what u think it means boi

Fascism = Power + Prejudice.

very vague and obscure statement. How about "a tendency towards authoritarianism, big government and bigotry." This most certainly describes the leftist millennials that ascribe to sects of postmodernist dogma (like feminism of racial identitarianism.) Alt right too, theyre also shitty. But these two movements are a "90s kid" thing IMO. Gen z (like me) seem more open minded and distrust the government since we grew up in the aftermath of 9/11, where individual rights were being sacrificed for the greater good and consequentially did little 'good' at all.

Buzzword = faggot + blog

It's easy to construct your own definitions for words and then call people you don't like those words.

Sounds like something a liberal would say.

We've been smeckledorfed!

I keep hearing this about Gen Z but I never see any sources. Do you have a source I could read up on? I feel out of the loop because reddit as a whole seems to agree that Gen Z will be far-right or even extreme-right but I've not seen anything authoritative.

I feel out of the loop because reddit as a whole seems to agree that Gen Z will be far-right or even extreme-right

If you're being serious, you may wish to consider expanding your circle of subreddits.




I see.

They're the first ones to be truly isolated from it all right? Eg their parents were post cold war.


Thinks everyone who disagrees with you is a snowflake

Gets really mad when you call his hero a racist


Anything negative again youtube gamers, "intellectuals", or "entertainers" even if it's true is a hit piece. See PewDiePie last time, JonTron1488, and h3h3 productions.

The funny thing is the actually cool youtubers are in another section of.the website.

Has h3h3 actually done anything controversial?

Ethan said in some podcast that women secretly want to be raped or something

There was the time he had some big call out video about how a (I think WSJ) journalist wasn't being ethical and had all the facts wrong and it turned out h3h3 was full of shit. That was relatively controversial.

He retracted his post and apologized for his mistake.

I don't know if you get to call that an apology. Apologies usually involve taking some responsibility.

He did take responsibility by retracting his video and making a video addressing his mistake with an apology. What else should he have done?

He didn't, he put out a video where he said there was some conspiracy going on but he didn't yet have the proof.


More like doubled down on his conspiracy

"Actually cool youtubers"

literally no such thing. If you mean guys like Contrapoints and Hbomberguy you're basically just watching lefty Sargons and should feel as bad about yourself as 'skeptic' youtube watchers should.

I meant people like ERB, superwoman, makeup bloggers, fitness tubers, or the X meets metal guy. Though Hbombs videos are also the bomb. But over all for the most part gamer ytube and skeptic ytube are lame and full of neckbeards.


I remember being a teenager in the early 2010s.

They're still pretty good. The wife and I had a nerdgasm at Tolkien vs Martin.

Those arent the cool ytbers. Its people like Jake Paul and Rice Gum.


God I hate Sargon's forced laugh so much. He made a video a while back on how lefties always act so smug, and that was when I started to notice his "holier than thou" laugh.

lol do you post in negareddit and ghazi holy shit

Negareddit and CB2. Not exactly the most popular person there because I'm not a communist. Don't post on ghazi because video games are already a useless waste of time. Why would I go into meta complaining about video games?

i dunno you just seem to believe the same stuff as those cultists for whatever reason

its all blown wildly out of proportion

jontron didnt say anything bad and gamergate did nothing wrong basically

Well I mean the Destiny stream was a little bit too far

But everything he said in the stream with Sargon I pretty much agreed with entirely. It was quite funny actually, we were all making fun of SJWs for calling Jon a white supremacist in Sargon's stream, and then he goes off and says some wacky /pol/ shit in the Destiny stream. And that was the point that /r/The_circlejerk decided to jump in.

It was all one big shitfest that could have been avoided if Jon just kept his mouth shut after Sargon's stream.

Hit piece

I was being facetious, I should've outlined that. But since seriousposting is the new shitposting, I apologize for nothing.

It's all good. It's hard to tell sometimes.

The fact that you even responded makes you look weak. Fàaaaaaaaag

Please don't use the word fag, it is wrong and bigoted.


the à makes it ok

The fact that you even responded makes you look weak. Tàaaaaaaaard

see, it doesn't have the same zing without fag

anyways, why are you ok with using disparaging language about the mentally handicapped, while being sensitive to disparaging language about homosexuals?

I can't wait for the WSJ to be called a bunch of SJWs again. Also, all the you tuber fans who are going to stick it to the WSJ by never signing up for the $200 a year subscription, like they were ever going to anyway. Bonus points if they think people are dumb enough to believe they are already subscribed and are cancelling in protest. I mean I know you're joking, but I literally can't wait. I hope the WSJ does like a three part series.

Listen, you have to stop being a nigger and associating with dramanauts or people will think you are racist.

Thanks for the heads up.

wsj has zero credibility now though so it doesnt matter

Who is assigning zero credibility to the WSJ?

readers and the general public

anyone who isnt ideologically motivated and partisan as all fuck basically

nobody likes outrage culture about minor bullshit

WSJ is generally a conservative to centrist paper, hardly partisan.

Like the 300,000 people they added to their subscriber base in the last year? http://money.cnn.com/2017/05/09/media/wall-street-journal-subscribers/index.html

Look, the people who read and subscribe to the WSJ are rich old white men who give two shits about the culture war slapfights that consume certain corners of the internet because they're too busy running things. That's why I hope for more WSJ drama because it's so funny to see people who believe things like a random you tuber is going to take them down. It's my guilty pleasure.

funnily enough the WSJ is susceptible to the same sort of nepotism and sjw faggotry through diversity practices that other outlets are

they hired enough hipsters to write about "social issues" that theyve turned normal people off

yeah they got a bunch of people who saw the word nazi and started frothing but is that really a good trade off

theyve fallen far and will keep falling because once you start with the sjw shit you change readership entirely and cant afford to stop

This is the funny stuff I was talking about.

i didnt say anyone was going to take them down, just that their credibility has been eroded to the point where it doesnt matter and only gullible people believe the outrage

the fact that you apparently dont understand this is hilarious and a bit of a window into the mindset of a dnc fan

Lol, did Paul Joeseph Watson do a video on their lack of credibility or something? A bunch of youtubers getting upset at some fluff piece about them doesn't really invalidate the rest of the content.

The only people who think they aren't credible are the ones that think any old dipshit with a YouTube channel is more credible then an established reliable media source.

why are you obsessed with random youtubers, as though thats the only reason someone could not trust a thing

you may not like it but identity politics isnt popular with any demographic apart from young sheltered americans

Because it and the likes of breibart are the only ones attacking the credibility of the likes of the wsj,who's content has very, very little identity politics and who's demographic certainly isn't young sheltered Americans.

If you don't watch him then you read the same garbage as him since you share the same misinformation.

Yeah, honestly this guy should pick up a copy at the newsstand and he'd see it's for boring millionaire grandpas and it has definitely not been taken over by the SJW menace.

Nobody though?

This. Also gamergate is why Trump won.

I also hope he got enough balls to say fuck you snowflakes and make this drama even bigger.

Unfortunately for him, he doesn't have fuck-you money, so likelyhood is doubtful.

I'll donate if he says nigger again tbh.

Come on now, after buying your MAGA hat, you must have zero money left. Maybe you should save up and buy something nice for your cousin-children?

Your attitude sounds very unresponsible for any /r/drama user.

Giving money to cause drama is a noble thing you know.

I was reading about Irma and had a moment's sympathy for inbred dumbfuck hillbillies living in trailer parks right now. It's gone now. #TeamIrma

Ok that sounds better.

I was reading about the hurricane and had no sympathy for the niggers.


Wow, you think it's okay to use that sort of language?

Oh right. Sorry.

*trash people

Oh wow don't cut yourself on those edges now. Wouldn't want you to accidentally die and make us pay for the funeral.

Where do you think you are?


Downvoting? Jesus Christ, what a normie.

Assuming I'm downvoting like I give a shit about fake internet points? Normie x10

Most of the people living in the hurricanes path are spics. You ever been to Florida?

Tampa Bay is 76% white, 10% black and 10% Hispanic. Where's the hurricane going? 🤔 🤔 🤔

Lmao it hit Miami which is spic central and completely destroyed the Caribbean where all the nogs live. Especially when you consider the fact that most whites have money to evacuate it's crazy you think whites and not your precious brown ones are going to be the hardest hit.

Tampa was expecting the worst of it, last time I checked. And who said I consider any Floridians precious? Don't be retarded. I'm #TeamIrma.

Hey it's why I supported Trump.

unresponsible irresponsible


Trump supporters on average make more than Hillary and Sanders supporters.

on average

Turns out that Peter Thiel raises the average. That doesn't make trailer trash rich 🤔 🤔 🤔

Turns out having multi-billionaires like Soros and list-toppers like Buffett doesn't outweigh the amount of human refuse that voted for Clinton

I really don't know what you thought when you were making that point. You stupid nigger-brain -.-

Oh, you're seriousposting to the point you're posting evidence to /r/Drama?


Banning kids because you cant help but to get into slapfights with resident autists?

Seriousposting is a capital offense.

Thank you!

He deleted his account. Lol.

Lol what a loser

By enforcing the rules of this place, you're taking it too seriously. Ban yourself please.

Mod abuse is a time-honoured tradition. I ought to ban you for the temerity.

Wow, loser.

You're clearly so autistic you can't detect tone. I recommend you fellate bees.

Did you just call me autistic? That's it. I'm banning you and banning your ban. Suck it!!


I'm a Trump supporter that makes just under 6 figures a year. Combined with my Trump supporting girlfriend we're pushing just under $200K a year combined.

How much do you make a year /u/ComedicSans?

A lot more than you, if you're under six figures.

Lol, I'm sure.

The top end of pay band is higher than your combined income, too. Kek.

How much do you make? Give numbers, give job listing.

I'm a lawyer, numbnuts. That's never been a secret.

why is it on average that Trump supporters make more than Hillary supporters?

You've got that backwards. Rich people voted for tax cuts, irrespective of who they're coming from. So much for draining the swamp 🤷‍♂️

I live and work in Manhattan, I am better off than you ever will be lol. Trust fund + excellent job @ 24 means I have nigh-limitless potential for growth (already making over $200k).

Lmfao. "Muh trust fund". God I hope you're serious.

Are you in corporate law?

Are you a Kardashian :^)

Lol was the deleted guy that slayer4kings idiot or whatever his name was?

I think so.

Wait, really? After the few brief interactions I've had with that dude I just assumed he was a 12 year old or some pathetic incel.

who was the guy that deleted his account?

Dunno. Some 'tard. I think this one was different.

I've met plenty of lawyers who make fuck all.

I don't do criminal law or family law, thankfully. I admire quite a few lawyers who do, but that's such a fucking grind for relatively little pay.

You Otago/Vic/Auck alumni or what?

Victoria, as are all the good ones (fite me IRL, Mai Chen).

ah yep, sweet as

Again, lol, I'm sure...

I'm sorry of you now feel inadequate, petal. Don't ask questions to which you don't want the answer.

I'm sorry of you now feel inadequate

I don't, because I simply don't believe you.

Except you do, that's why you're pulling out the faux-laughter.

Except you do

Nope, but you go on thinking whatever you want.

You sound bitter. Have fun with the other poors!

Like I said, I don't believe you and short of you posting your W2 form(s) I won't ever believe you.

You going to keep on responding with your nonsense? I've got football to watch.

Hahahaha. Bitter.

Not at all, like I said I don't believe you.

Based on our other interactions I'm pretty sure you're a moron so it's not surprising you'd lie about your income to try to look better than someone else.

Shitposting 🤔 on 🤔 a 🤔 shitposting 🤔 subreddit.

Got 'em.

Doesn't matter what you say, I still don't believe you

You're clearly not letting it get to you. The last 20 protests of innocence have convinced me. Lol.

No, I'm just not letting you get the last word.

Hahaha. If I gave a shit about that, I'd just temp ban before you can respond to something. But I'm hoping you snap and sperg out more so it hits SRD first.

Not a chance. Just going to keep reminding you that I don't believe a word you've said in this exchange

Maybe if you say it enough you might even convince yourself. Although for that lasting effect, you might try a screwdriver up the left nostril. Finger-licking good.

I dont need to convince myself. Just reminding you that you are a liar

The best part is I'm actually being truthful. The fact you are so butthurt about it is fucking great.

I can't get butthurt over something I think is a lie

And yet here you are, still caring about it :^)

Not really. At this point I'm just here because it's you.

I could have just called you a liar and let it at that but I'm determined to have the final say

You two are both so incredibly gay just go get a room and deepthroat each other already

Is that what would make you happy? :^)

Only if you videotape it and PM me 🙂🙃🙂

now this is madposting

I win!

Man you cousinfuckers get so angsty when the fact you're irrelevant trash gets rubbed in your face


So since we can't trust what people post about online this means that you and your girlfriend have a household income of $30,000.

Lol, go on thinking that

You are such a complete retard. Literally anyone of us could be dogs and you wouldn't fucking know Mr. "Me and My Girlfriend and Her Son Make $55,000".

Why do you throw shade at someone else for income claims when you're not even backing up your own?

Why do you throw shade at someone else for income claims when you're not even backing up your own?

Because I wanted to

because I make less than $30,000 a year



I earn 34 figures.

Those are dollars, you earn 34 dollars.

Wait, but you said you make under 6 figures. So if figures is dollars, then you just asserted that you make less than 6 dollars.

No I didn't. Learn to read.


Lol you cheeky shit with your Ninja edit.

What edit?

You tell him daddy. I expect some new panties soon

OK Trumple-thinskin

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under 200k a year? Lol

I'm a drama user that makes just under 6 grand a year. Combined with my waifu daimakura's dry cleaning expenses, we're pushing just under 2 grand a year net income.

How much do you spend on prostitutes while your wife invites over her black friends to spend the night?

do you mean as opposed to all the antifa living at home with their parents and illegal immigrants

theyre pretty rich right

Who the fuck cares about antifa?

trump supporters who think anyone who isn't sucking his ass is antifa

im talking about the dnc fan base, you dont really have the high ground in terms of proportionate wealth

dnc voters for the large part vote for the dnc because they think theyre underprivileged and need help, thats why all the rhetoric against trump is "oh the poor x demographic he wont help them but we would!"

oh poor gay people

oh poor illegals

oh poor women

etc etc

What in blue fuck are you talking about, you mouth-breathing retard? I've told you before that I'm not American. Why would I give a shit about the wealth of the Democrat base, let alone antifa? Guzzle bleach.

why would you give a shit indeed

and i didnt actually say you were american genius, the "you" was in reference to your argument that trump voters were trailer trash or whatever

trump voters were trailer trash

They are. Look at his rallies, they're not exactly held on Wall Street with attendees in Armani, are they?

Pretty sure Richard Spencer still checks under his bed for them every night

Pretty sure Richard Spencer still checks under his bed for them every night

muh economic anxiety

look at this broke lefty nigger trying to project his poverty onto other people

I'd do the same. I'm a liberal who hates the left lynch mob.

>being this upset

That's some top-quality bantz, friendo. Did you come up with that right off the top of your head? Also:

not knowing how to greentext in /r/Drama

he doesn't have fuck-you money

How is that possible?

he doesn't have fuck-you money

I thought he was worth 20 million or something absurd like that

Some website just told me he's made $124 million since 2010. That's pretty much fuck you money.

thats "be quite please" money

lol look at mr fancy, 100 million isn't enough to say fuck you to people. Dude if i had 1 mil in the bank i'd tattoo fuck you on my forehead.

look at this poor lmao

I thought he was pretty well off?

Pewdiepie literally has fuck-you money though? Hasn't he been the literal top Youtube for half a decade?

He doesn't have Notch 'Fuck You' money, but he does have enough.

'fuck you' money to me starts at around 100 mil.

I'd say 10 million for me. Tfw poor.

It's pretty obvious how much fuck you money notch has since he likes to be an ass on Twitter or something right?

I'ts obvious because the sale of mojang to microsoft was public.

We're talking about a man who was reduced to tears at the sight of people taking issue with him getting some Indian kids who didn't speak English to hold up a sign that read "Death to all Jews" in exchange for his pocket change.

He could have all the money in the world, it still wouldn't give him the balls to do anything like that. His grasp on the relationship between his actions and other people's reactions is not a solid one.

His net worth is currently 6 times more than a doctor makes in his life time. I'll say he's pretty close to fuck you money. If fuck you money is Enough money that he could lose every single fan in the world, and still, have enough money to live very very comfortably for the rest of his life.

Yeah that would be so badass, right? Doubling down on being so oblivious and autistic that you use the word "nigger" publicly with thousands (I guess?) of people watching.

I mean let's face it, he's the real hero

As long as that causes drama he's a hero for me.

Don't act like you're just in this for the drama. I love the drama too but you're defending the guy like he's your wife's son's father.

I'm defending people's privellege not to be excluded from society for slurs and jokes.

But in this very thread I merely prayed for more drama.

No, dude. You have a personal stake in racism-drama and get super offended when people make fun of your kind.

Seriousposting is a capital offense.

Yeah I know. Speaking biotruths isn't seriousposting.

I'm just talking about race realistically.

Jokes? Sure, I can see that. But do you expect to be accepted by the people you're using slurs against?

You wouldn't walk into a gay bar and yell "HEY FAGGOT", would you?

Yeah IRL "in the face" is different I agree, but pewdiepie didn't even used slur on a person, so those kinds of situations should be covered.

I somehow doubt that.

Doubling down on being so oblivious and autistic that you use the word "nigger" publicly with thousands (I guess?) of people watching.

Kanye got to marry Kim "Queen of Spades" Kardashian because he did it often enough.

It's neither oblivious nor autistic.

I would donate more if he did. I'm done crucifing people for an insatiable lynch mob.

"fucking nigger. I mean fucking asshole, I didn't mean to that in a bad way"


WSJ attack article btw, poodiepie isn't racist btw, SJW conspiracy btw.

He really went in for that hard R too.

He says that shit on the daily

who doesnt

People with friends

r u srs. millions say it everyday in the US alone

Your sister/wife doesn't count as a friend, buddy.

are you attempting an incest joke

Yeah and that's the reason their dating pool and family connections are the same group

what a racist thing to say

You don't get data, and you don't get dates

cuz you dont have any to provide, youre just smearing an entire race of people out of ignorance


i dont care if youre being ironic, ironic racism is still racism. millions say 'nigger' across the US, this is a fact. your claims of incest are unfounded

You don't get facts and you don't give facials

you have no facts, racist

You don't get racism, and your ma got raped

youre right i dont get it, but you have plenty of it


Le both sides xd

He could save others from death but not himself

You don't get data, and you don't get dates

cuz you dont have any to provide

Are you hitting on him?

he wouldnt date me cuz im black


Look in the mirror. There is your data.

pretty hard to beat arabs in that regard tbh

I'm not sure if you are ignorant or a troll.

The N word with a hard R vs without are two very different things.

If you're suggesting that millions say the N word with a hard R, then you're likely talking about rural white americans, which is what he's joking about.

If you're saying that Pewdiepie saying the N word with a hard R is the same as someone who is black saying it without a hard R, then you're ignorant about the meaning and history of the word.

are you trolling, or just that stupid?

there are rhotic and non-rhotic accents in english

is 'car' and 'cah' the same word? yes
is 'four' and 'fo' the same word? yes
is 'runner' and 'runna' the same word? yes

the exact same applies to 'nigger'. you can go off all you want about whether someone calling someone 'nigger' when theyre frustrated is a taboo or not. but dont be so retarded as to pretend we're talking about different words just because some swede has a rhotic accent and some black american has a non-rhotic

You're deluding yourself into thinking the hard R is a part of an accent.

'Car' and 'cah' (and all your other examples) are the effects of regional dialects and accents. You can't help but just say it either way you learned to.

However, you can choose to purposefully add the hard R. You can choose to use a term used to degrade a group of people based on their skin color for centuries, or you can not.

You can try to bring up accents or anything else. But there's no way anyone in a predominantly English speaking country wouldn't know the difference.

You're deluding yourself into thinking the hard R is a part of an accent.

its called rhotacism, you black moron


Friends aren't really friends unless they're willing to ostracise you based on political beliefs and usage of silly words.

implying anyone on this website has friends

At least pewds has someone to say nigger to.

I say obscenities all the time if I'm letting out frustrations. Is it really any different if I say that word of "cunt" or any other slough of horrible words?

Yeah, it's way different you silly cunt

I disagree. Not only do I have friends.. my best friend is black and loves casual racism. He doesn't take it seriously. But.. to be fair most people don't know what it's like not to give a shit about singular words.

you can't joke around with your friends? Do you really police yourself around them?

I don't police myself to say that word like I don't police myself to not wear socks with sandals. I have no desire to do either because I'm not a complete twat. It's not hard

Functioning human beings

good to see you dont think blacks are actually human

Black people don't drop the hard R.

the hard R is irrelevant, you dumb nigger. learn2accent


and blacks do drop the hard R

Lol no we don't. Not casually.

So now racism is something you have to look for in words, not in actions? That seems good enough for me.

Racial slurs are a thing. They have been for hundreds of years

Becayse they're so much fun to use!

How are they different from gender slurs? Or ableist slurs?

If men being called dicks by women does that even constitutes something worth discussing?

They've been more of a way to virtue signal to other racists how much you hate a race and as such, keep them down. I don't think that happened as much with gender or ableist slurs, although it can happen with them. Men primarily call each other dicks in my experience, not women.

So you realize that it's not a problem of a word, it's a problem of another racism that is/was in form of some real actions.

That's where you need to virtue signal, when you see actions. Not words.

So basically words are meaningless because they don't have any power. For example, when SJWs get some guy fired, the problem is 100% his employer, not the twitter witchhunters, those are totally wholesome.

In the spirit of your retarded worldview I humbly suggest that you kill your worthless self.

Yes in present situation I agree that it's eventually employer who's being a pussy. If america had more employers with balls it wouldn't hurt. Like patreon - it works with all kinds of people and is very crusial to freedom of speech at the moment.

Personally I'm totally ok with me being called whatever you want, if you don't withdraw from interactions with me. And no I won't kill myself sorry about that.

And no I won't kill myself sorry about that.

I'll take "Words which will disappoint /u/kekistanian9000's father" for $1000.

Yes in present situation I agree that it's eventually employer who's being a pussy. If america had more employers with balls it wouldn't hurt.

Employers follow their rational self-interest, do you want to change that somehow? Or do you roleplay living in the world where it's magically not true?

Personally I'm totally ok with me being called whatever you want, if you don't withdraw from interactions with me.

Why do you hate Freedom of association?

Do you think Christian bakers should be allowed to deny services to homosexuals?

Why would Christian bakers deny services to priests?

Answer the question.

No u.

Because the're false teachers and Rome doesn't have a saving gospel tbf

Idk, how is that relevant to the question of who is to blame, the bakers/employers refusing to associate with a person, or the frothing twitter sjw horde doxxing that person and informing everyone that they'd better not or else.

No. Furthermore, they should be gang raped by ladyboys while they’re forced to make the gayest wedding cakes ever.

It's known that you are a stupid nigger and a cum-guzzling libshit. /u/works_of_nomercy was being asked because xe claims to care about private property rights.

Nah, man, I’m into scat. Your prejudices just mean you can’t interact with normal people appropriately. It’s kind of sad, but I would still shit in your mouth.

Yep, normal people make accounts about their cannibalistic obsession with eating the skin of black people.

I’d still shit in your mouth. You’d like it.

Why do you like eating black people?

I’d still black people in your mouth. You’d like it.

Nice racism, homie.

It’s squishy. You’ll love the feel on your tongue, how it slides down your throat. How pungent and sweet its scent, slowly infiltrating your nose as you swallow.

I bet you get so hard, all 3.5 inches will be at attention.

3.5 inches ≈ 9 cm

metric units bot | feedback | source | block | v0.8.1

good bot

Good human :)

Do you have a mouth I can shit in?

rational self-interest

What's rational about fear of sjw freaks with signs near your business?

Why do you hate Freedom of association?

Just saying I'm ok with being called names unless people don't do anything more. At the same time, I'll appreciate if other people would have the same attitude instead of being a snowflakes.

What's rational about fear of sjw freaks with signs near your business?

I guess they are afraid of people and other businesses not doing business with them. Anyways, you calling Google for example "irrational" is a clear example of the folly of attempting to teach your grandma to suck eggs.

Just saying I'm ok with being called names unless people don't do anything more.

Like deciding to fire you, for example, because like a nice little sjw you believe in your right to employment, yes?

I guess they are afraid

Well that's the point, fear is not rational. Ask that "anti gay" bakery how many clients they lost after shitstorm went away. They are still in business. SJW can't even close shit, only harass people for a brief period of time.

Like deciding to fire you, for example, because like a nice little sjw you believe in your right to employment, yes?

It isn't discussion about rights. What i'm saying is being called names doesn't really makes your life worse unless it's accompanies with real actions. That's why I don't care about it, that's why I find pewdiepie saying nigger totaly not worth of any substantial consequences.

What i'm saying is being called names doesn't really makes your life worse unless it's accompanies with real actions.

And I'm trying to gently walk you towards the realization that pretty much every single action people do, especially collectively, is caused by speech.

So while we have this very useful legal fiction that says that people are shielded from the effects of their speech (only as far as the Government is concerned) to an extent, as if there was no causal link, it's important to understand that this is not actually true, and that we accept this fiction only because it's a much lesser evil in that particular kind of circumstances.

That's why I don't care about it

You only don't care about it because you're a NEET and your mom will love you no matter what people on the internet say about you.

every single action people do, especially collectively, is caused by speech

Apart from being false, it's gotta be the other way around if you want to justify punishing people for speech. People are constantly led by impulses that then can't articulate. Just the same as saying something doesn't mean doing something. Apart from being a snowflake there's really not reason to stand for that.

Yeah, yeah, there's no 100% correlation so there's no correlation.

When a whole lot of people say that all cops are bastards and that killing cops is good, then some crazy BLM dude goes and kills a bunch of cops, that doesn't mean anything, because most of the people who said that were just LARPing instead of going out killing cops, so it's totally OK that they say that shit, we should celebrate their use of free speech, right?

There are particular set of speeches that incite violence, threathen people and so on, clearly I by no means talking about those.

What I'm talking about is some bullshit like swear words that somehow considered bad enough for people to be fired for example.

There are particular set of speeches that incite violence, threathen people and so on, clearly I by no means talking about those.

Wait, do you think that anyone who says that all cops are bastards and only good cops are dead cops should be jailed, should be imprisoned for inciting violence?

I'm sorry, but I have to ask, on a scale from 13 to 17 years old, how old are you? Because that sort of immature ideas presented with a lot of gusto but not much of commitment are kinda suggesting that asking you to post bussy could be a criminal offense.

Inciting violence is when you call for violence explicitly, neither acab not "good cops are dead cops" even constitutes that. More like "kill cops asap".

Also it's hard to put youself somewhere above 20 y.o. with assumptions that if I'm not talking about "inciting violence speech" at the moment I somehow for jailing people for saying acab.

When a whole lot of people say that all cops are bastards and that killing cops is good, then some crazy BLM dude goes and kills a bunch of cops

There are particular set of speeches that incite violence, threathen people and so on, clearly I by no means talking about those.

Wait, do you think that anyone who says that all cops are bastards and only good cops are dead cops should be should be imprisoned for inciting violence?

Inciting violence is when you call for violence explicitly, neither acab not "good cops are dead cops" even constitutes that. More like "kill cops asap".

The fuck?

Try to be more articulate plox.

Me: what about when a whole lot of people say that all cops are bastards and that killing cops is good, then some crazy BLM dude goes and kills a bunch of cops? Totes OK?

You: There are particular set of speeches that incite violence, threathen people and so on, clearly I by no means talking about those.

Me: Wait, do you think that anyone who says that all cops are bastards and only good cops are dead cops should be should be imprisoned for inciting violence?

You: Inciting violence is when you call for violence explicitly, neither acab not "good cops are dead cops" even constitutes that. More like "kill cops asap".

There's a bit of a contradiction between your fourth and second responses. Like somehow you shifted from "oh of course inciting violence in a way that results in half a dozen of dead cops is not OK" to "no-no-no, you must directly tell the guy to kill them cops, if you just say that it's a good thing to do you're OK". As far as I understand.

That's why I asked what your age is, because you seem to lack any sort of consistent opinions, just the soundbites you heard from the grown ups.

I should have said "direct call for violence", not "inciting". For me those are kinda synonyms.

You're waffling hard. Are you OK with when a whole lot of people say that all cops are bastards and that killing cops is good, then some crazy BLM dude goes and kills a bunch of cops?

Like, not that we should ask the government to imprison those people, but that we are justified in telling them that they are responsible for that shit and we don't approve of it?

is this fun for you

it isnt fun for me

It is sort of fun for me. A, you know, guilty kind of fun, one that you get ashamed of in the next morning.

If you don't like watching it nigger Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha.

well i cant deny youre doing good work

Yes I'm ok with that because words and actions are completely different enteties and that is where I draw the line.

You are not responsible for violence unless you explicitly called for it. Say acab as much as you want.

Yes I'm ok with that because words and actions are completely different enteties and that is where I draw the line.

Do you understand that there's a whole spectrum of possible responses to someone saying a thing, from grumbling to yourself that they maybe shouldn't have, to having the government imprison them?

I do, so I don't experience any cognitive dissonance when I say that the people who say that only good cops are dead cops are partially responsible for cop murders, so I participate in public shaming of them here, for example. I'm not sure if it does much good, of course, but it feels nice.

It doesn't help the cause. You're not much brighter than that guy who sued game developers for violent games.

I understand your best intentions but it looks to much like witchhunting for me. The only things that must be enforced is a barrier between words ans actions, and your views is what causing this for example: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/09/09/british-conductor-sacked-us-music-festival-joke-labelled-racist/amp/

I understand your best intentions but it looks to much like witchhunting for me.

Motherfucker, my entire point is that witchhunting is bad, despite being entirely words and divorced from resulting actions in your autistic worldview, and you tell me that now? KYS.

Anyone else but you insisted on "participate in public shaming"? Like if you say acab it's public shaming of cops somehow? Calm down you little bitch.

Like employers give a shit about protecting your edgelord lifestyle. They want you to make them money, not cost them money. Are you seriously too stupid to get that?

Why parteon doesn't block shitlords then?

So basically words are meaningless because they don't have any power. For example, when SJWs get some guy fired, the problem is 100% his employer, not the twitter witchhunters, those are totally wholesome.

So who is pewdiepie getting fired? In what way is he materially harming anyone or signalling his intent to cause material harm, in the manner that sjws commonly do with their own slurs and hate speech?

He contributed a little bit to the perception that black people are inferior, and that it's OK and even cool to believe that.

That sounds pretty trivial, I'm going to go ahead and shelve being bothered about this until sjws stop using their own slurs to legitimize actual violence and ruining people's livelihoods.

You mean, calling people marching alongside with swastika-waving nazis, nazis?

Actually I mean calling anyone who voted for Trump a nazi as an excuse to violently assault young women in MAGA hats.

But I can see where someone as intellectually dishonest as you would try to pretend otherwise.

Are you retarded?

Will you like me more if I say yes?

Probably not.

Then ask something important next time.

When are you going to keep yourself safe?

u first

Are you never worried this shit like encouraging suicide might make someone consider you unethical? Oh wait, you're a lawyer, of course you're unethical.

Real talk: Lawyers tend to be ethical. It's that most people simply do not understand that legal ethics are not the same as common morals. You can be a complete piece of shit and still meet your ethical obligations as a lawyer, or be a thoroughly unethical Mother Teresa.

I never once presumed your immoral behaviour was unethical. I naturally assumed your definition of ethical was steeped in immorality. I'm talking about your unethical behaviour in this sub.

Ethics has no place here. I should add that to the sidebar. Lmao.

Encouraging autistic kekistanis to commit suicide is the most ethical thing one can do tbh

It would be pretty rude of him to steal your shtick.

Why do u care about /r/drama liking u?

he's not /r/drama

Why do u care is some random user likes u?

Because when conversation becames dull this way I can get something from it. To make people like me because my mother never did.

Your mother liked me.

She liked me a lot.

so you say, pale-face

I am appalled at your racism

saying nigger

not racist

K, nigger.

What's your comment about?


Are you really that stupid to the point where you don't see "nigger" as a racial slur? Or are you just on so many layers of irony that words have stopped having any meaning to them?

I'll repeat - using racial slurs is totally acceptable level of racism for me. I couldn't care less if all racism in the world would be just words people curse with.

Holy shit you're on a new level of stupidity

I feel some ableism in your words, you might want to think about apologizing.

his name is "kekistanian9000" i mean what do you expect this kid is fat as snorlax in person

/u/Kekistanian9000 is a piece of shit who hangs out here whenever the drama is about racism

Racial dramas are spicy what can I say.

This is like an alcoholic saying he hangs out in bars for the people

Alcoholics don't hang out in bars, they drink piss cheap vodka at home.

You seem upset, broflake.

Do you need to lie down in your safe space and vent for a bit?

"shouting nigger is acceptable racism"

"wow youre retarded"


The typical conversation with someone from /r/worldnews or TD


*control f his post history and realize "the blacks" appear over 50 times on the first page alone

Is that what my calm, collected posting reads like through the haze of your virtue-signalling outrage? Perhaps you need a liedown in the safespace with mistakenmaker.

"shouting nigger is acceptable racism"

of course it is, it's not even directed at a person, not to mention it's not directed at basketball american.

yes, we understand youre a retard, you dont have to repeat yourself

It's really offensive to use the R word like that.

Sure thing peckerwood

Can you stop being mentalophobic?

Great counter argument friendo you really proved him wrong

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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Hell yeah!

Here's the thing you see, context matters and calling a white kid on the internet a nigger doesn't exactly convey the idea that you hate black people. Unless you think all black people are niggers, you racist.

It conveys the idea that you've never hung out with black people.

If youve hung out with black people who aren't rich you would know they drop nigger into every other sentence and think its hilarious whities are scared to say it.

Yeah, you don't socialize with any Black people.

Youre right i socialize with niggers.

What happened in your life?

read his username.

/u/I_DRINK_TO_FORGET, you gotta talk to a psychologist (or a social worker if you're poor) to get out all that anger from what your mom's boyfriend did to you.

Why are you accusing me of being a black american?

He's just saying you should talk to a social worker before you decide to become an hero

Depends where you live and who you're talking to. Most of my black friends don't mind nigga, for instance, and one or two don't even mind nigger if its in a shitposting sense.

[they] think its hilarious whities are scared to say it.

You're not wrong.

I would love to see you drop that word in a sentence with that crowd.

Why, do you think blacks are subhuman and would attack someone physically over a word?

So we're you born stupid or did it take years of work?

Only took me about 15 words to outsmart your dumb ass.

So it took some effort then

/u/Hellkyte destroyed

Ye I live in Finland and got two black friends. One calls other black people niggers and isn't offended by the word, and the other goes full tilt if he hears the word. It's a little confusing.

He grew up in Sweden and now lives on the south coast of England, that'd hardly be a surprise.

Because there aren't any black people in Sweden?

It's about 1% of the population.


Ugh smh

This is a joke right

Social justice is never a joke!

Of course but I wanna be a triggered bonabo so no it's not

a fate worse than death

Who knew not hanging out with black people was equivalent to hating them

Ok, so?

He is from sweden that is kinda expected

He's suffering from late stage irony poisoning.

Are you really that stupid to the point where you don't see "nigger" as a racial slur?

You get three guesses, and one hint.

its a changing language, words are shaped by how people use them

okay, but, this word hasn't changed in meaning yet. So whats your point?

weve had like 20 years of people using it as a term of endearment between friends and hip hop being mainstream, it has a fuck of a lot less impact at very least

people are just being tribalist because "omg the alt right pewdiepie will influence the youth when i want to influence the youth its not fair"

im doing it too but on a self aware not really caring sort of level, i just think its funny that the usual crowd is up in arms

Context also infers meaning, I call some of my best friends cunts and yet cunt is still an excellent insult for those who might deserve it

yeah but that also depends on what context its most often used in

Dude if you call someone a nigger while you're raging in a game it means you hate black people!!! We figured out racism guys!

That doesn't exactly change the fact that the word itself is a racial slur.

Unless he's using the word to disparage black people, it doesn't matter.

Oh good point dude. I guess the word has literally no stigma attached to it. I'm so happy I can go out in public and use the word to address my friends and family without having to fear looking insensitive or like a piece of shit if anyone hears me. Thanks for the information.

Nah sorry you can't do that because you'll be prosecuted for wrongspeak, wouldn't want any black people to feel bad now would we? But you're right, the n-word (I don't want to spell out nigger as it may be upsetting to some readers) must be thoroughly purged from the vocabulary of all melanin-deficient "people". If you are caught reading Huckleberry Finn or singing a song with the n-word in it you WILL be punished for being a piece of shit human being for daring to say the word in any context.

But for real if you can give a moral or ethical reason why saying nigger is bad if it's not disparaging to black people feel free to say it otherwise just take the loss.

I have the same issue with it that I do calling someone a "bitch." Its a word with a lot of stigma and bad connotations to it. For both words you probably shouldn't use them in general, unless in specific contexts, like in literature as you say, or in a circle with friends where you're all fine with it, or a joking setting like this sub where we try to be as inflammatory as possible.

Unless you want to say some dumb shit about how "bitch" isn't a bad word if its not disparaging women, in which case theres no explaining this to you.

I already said, unless you have a moral or ethical reasoning that you're using then just take the loss. You didn't provide either of those, you just said that it has a stigma to it. Plus the fact that you think that bitch also is a terrible no-no word is indicative that you are especially sensitive, way more so than the average person.

If you want to try again, here's your assignment: Come up with an actual reason why calling your white friend a nigger out of rage from dying in a videogame is a morally wrong thing to do. And "you can't say nigger in public!" is not an argument.

Social stigma isn't a moral or ethical reason? I don't want to offend people with a word that is generally considered by society to be offensive. That sounds like a moral reason to me.

No, not saying nigger because you don't want to be ostracized isn't a moral reason, that's just something that you do to avoid punishment.

But imagine you are in a room with only white people, and one of them calls the other a nigger out of frustration because he just lost a card game. There are no black people there to hear anything that is said and no other people there have an issue with what was said, and none of them are racist towards black people. What would be your moral reasoning to say that he should not have said that?

I mean its not like the worst thing ever to do. In the scenario you proposed, I wouldn't yell out "don't say that" or some dumb nonsense like that. But even you've got to admit it would fill the room with an air of awkwardness, because its something people shouldn't say in general.

But you've also got to remember that this isn't the same as the scenario you posed. If the dude was just in a private party with his buds it wouldn't matter nearly so much. He was streaming to thousands of people, a lot of them impressionable kids.

Also stop instadownvoting me. Literally the worst thing a human being can do.

Sorry mang I just read your comments and instinctively hit that button out of the disgusting sliminess I feel after getting a brief yet potent look into your psyche.

It wouldn't be filling the room with awkwardness because some people actually understand that banter is banter and leave it at that. I know I wouldn't care if someone did that unless I know other people would get pissy about it, in which case my reaction would be to try and suppress my laughter as I get to watch white people get offended on behalf of people that aren't even there, which always is a good laugh.

And I don't really care if kids (who are probably around middle school age or so) hear a guy say nigger online after raging because they're being taught from birth that if they say nigger in any context then they will be crucified for being a white supremacist. This is not harming them in any way nor teaching them to say nigger regularly.

Pretty sure saying something is an action kemosabe

He was playing a yt alt righter for so long he became one. Lol.


well imagine my shock

That's what happens to every person who does ''ironic joke racism'' though.

sounds like some high school shit. Me and my friends would always use faggot casually, it became a subconscious habit. Had a couple close calls where I almost called someone I didn't know well enough a faggot. I don't think he's racist but I def think he's immature

There's an idubbbz video where he talks about how he uses swears so casually so they just become normal words and lose all meaning. Now that I think about it I think that might have been the tana mongeau video which was partially about how she said "nigger." Kinda ties in to all of this I guess

Yeah exactly but normal people grow out of that shit when they hit maturity. Pewdiepie is what, almost 30? With an audience of millions of children. Yeah he's a piece of shit

He's donated more money than you will ever make. lol

Damn lol.

He's donated more money than 90% of the population will every make. What's your point? People can give to charity and still be shitty people

My point was to belittle that person.

The bigger picture is a human made a mistake and its only news because hes such a big target, nothing else. Maybe people should work on their lives, instead of being scared of the word nigger, which is just deprived from the word 'black'. Us 'blancers'(blanco meaning white) need to stop treating black people like defenseless animals and let them get offended by themselves and not for them. I just personally see black people as individuals, like everyone else.

Yes I do as well. I'm in no way afraid of the word nigger I just think that you've got to be pretty moronic to say racist language in front of thousands of impressionable children who look at you as a role model.

At this point i bet most of his followers are adults. Children don't need pewdies bad choices too influence them. The world does that for them, peer pressure to use bad words, etc. Oh well, its all passed.

Hes been memeing so hard he became the thing he hated. Just like /r/the_donald

Hes been memeing so hard he became the thing he hated. Just like /r/the_donald

Hes been memeing so hard he became the thing he hated. Just like /r/the_donald

Hes been memeing so hard he became the thing he hated. Just like /r/the_donald

Late stage irony poisoning. The terminal state is when you show up to a far right rally with a sign that has memes on it, then get kicked out because they don't want your pathetic ass.

Hes been memeing so hard he became the thing he hated. Just like /r/the_donald



Hes been memeing so hard he became the thing he hated. Just like /r/the_donald



He said it once. idk if your comment was satire but I don't think he is racist for saying it once. Is he stupid? Yes. You really shouldn't say that in front of thousands of people but I don't think he is racist.

there's no brakes on this train

to be fair, he was being kind of a nigger

I hope this is PewDiePie's official response.

His response should be along the lines of "I said what I was thinking" and then follow that up with "Why do you care, I'm a Youtube entertainer that most people have never heard of"

>most people have never heard of

>57 mil subs


57 mil subs

Impressive but not all that impressive when you consider there are over 325 Million people in the US and 7 Billion in the world.

My guess is that if I went out on the street and asked 10 people who he was maybe one would know if I'm lucky.

Point being, he's not all that well known.

7 Billion? fuck, that's what I get for using the number I learned in middle school, back in 1995.

Yup, just looked it up.

7.5 as of April

7 Billion? fuck

That's exactly how we got to that number. Lots and lots of it.

I cannot fucking believe I'm defending a YouTube moron right now but the guy has been on Colbert. He's about as famous as any exclusively internet based personality could possibly be.

Colbert averages less than 4 million viewers a night.

57 million puts PDP leagues beyond Colbert, Howard Stern, Fox News, Walking Dead or anything else in the media.

But Colbert is mainstream. JonTron isn't exchanging jokes with Jimmy Kimmel. Also, the number of people that are livewatching broadcast television is dwarfed by the number of people that are watching it online or elsewhere.

PDP's numbers make Kimmel hilariously irrelevant. If you want to divide it up by demographics and make certain eyes more important, it's a different story. But those eyes are gonna grow up.

57 million young influential gamers don't care what Jimmy Kimmel thinks and vice versa. But PDP being on Colbert was much more important for Colbert if you give it any forethought.

Great, you're proving my original point.

You dont really think all 57m actually watch dont you? A better way to look at it is comparing subs to views. He has a lot of subscribers but nowhere near 57m retention view.

He gets 57 million viewers every time he streams does he? Almost as if Colbert is in fact reaching more people.

I don't disagree that Colbert is reaching more than his average viewer. But come on, under the best conditions those numbers are miles apart.

You're also comparing a domestic audience to an international one. What's Colberts syndication like?

Good point. I have no idea. But it can't be much. Doesn't seem like he'd sell well overseas.

Still, dramatically different audiences. One is much bigger, the other has more influence. For now.

He has 16,000,000,000+ views though. By comparison Guardians of the Galaxy 2 has been watched about 4,000,000 times.

PDP is mega famous. I'd guess he has as many views as all of Tom Hanks' movies combined.

That comparison doesn't make sense people have to pay to watch the movies so of course less people have seen it.

It makes perfect sense. I was replying to a guy that said he wasn't famous. I wasn't trying to argue that he was the highest paid.

I'm saying that movie "views" work differently from YouTube views, obviously you know that. A vast majority of his total views on YouTube are from a much smaller number of people. Whereas a movie usually is only seen once per person.

You have more video views than most most actors have from their movies but I'd say they're more well known than you.

I also think if you were to compare a PDP video to say a primetime show on CNN; that would be more of a fair comparison.

Are you really suggesting that 57 million fans = not that well known? Who's the least well-known person that makes the cutoff for notoriety as far as you're concerned?

Are you really suggesting that 57 million fans = not that well known?

Yeah, 57 million fans worldwide isn't that many, and those 57 come from a very specific demographic. Likely under-20, internet users who are interested in gaming culture.

Ask your average 30 - 50 year old if they know who he is...

Lots of people over 30 use YouTube, dude. In any case who makes the cutoff for famous? Like who's the least-known person who still qualifies as famous in your book?

Lots of people over 30 use YouTube

Sure but in general they aren't looking at the same content as people in their teens and early 20s.

Like who's the least-known person who still qualifies as famous in your book?

That has no bearing on this conversation at all.

PewDiePie isn't famous in the grand scheme of things. He isn't even close.

That has no bearing on this conversation at all.

Sure it does. Your contention is that he's not famous "in the grand scheme of things." I think that's kind of absurd, so I'm asking you who is famous in your book.

Not PewDiePie

Look, you obvious think he's famous but he really isn't. He's "internet famous" at most and even then he's only "famous" to a fairly small demographic.

Well I'm a little embarrassed. I guess I can take some solace in the fact that Time, Rolling Stone, Forbes, Slate, The Guardian, Business Insider, the New York Daily News, and BBC News all reported on this incident, apparently based on the false assumption that this guy is well-known. Time even went so far as to list him in its list of the 100 Most Influential People last year. To be fair, these are all niche outlets that practically anyone has ever heard of.

This doesn't prove anything. The dude is a public personality and he dropped the N-bomb. The news media is going to make an example out of him. He'll be a household name by the end of the week for being a "racist."

Before this incident if you went out and started asking random people who he was you'd be lucky to find someone who knew. He wasn't famous but like I said above he soon will be for all the wrong reasons.

People in that age range usually determine what's "popular."

Lots of people over 30 use YouTube, dude

Yeah, but they ain't watching pewdiepie.

But they probably know who he is. I mean I'm in that category and I know who he is (although I don't watch him -- that's true).

that femfreq retard

I'm almost 32 and I was playing games with most gamers saying the N word for no reason long before Pewdiepie was a thing. This sort of shit comes from American gamers. Which is exactly how Pewdiepie grew up (online) around this shit as a young kid himself.

I don't watch him, though. I play games alone and drunk like real adults.

He's the biggest thing on YouTube. He's been on talk shows, and his escapes make international news. Your argument is very weak.

57m SUBS not fans. Subs. That includes people who may even subscribe as a fuck you every time there is a controversy.

It also means way more than 57 million people know who he is and/or heard about him.

And a good bulk of those subs are probably 11 to 16 y.o. kids from around the world.

No too many adults know who tf Pewdiepie is.

That's just what I said in another reply.

As the average 30 - 50 year old if they know who he is. You'd be lucky to find 1 in 10 that does

Especially amongst younger demographics that use youtube (guaranteed) almost everybody has heard of him.

That's sort of my point... that's a pretty small demographic.

By younger I mean ages 12-39. I guess you're thinking of only the teen demographic.

I'm thinking pre-teen to early 20s demographic. I'd be surprised if anyone in their mid-20s to late 30s had heard of him, aside from maybe seeing something about the drama he's caused.

Honestly that's the only reason I know who he is.

You must be a teen yourself? I'm in my 30s and everybody in my circles has always heard of him. He has by far the most subscribers on youtube and everybody uses youtube.

No, I'm in my 30s and outside of my gamer friends I'd be hard pressed to find a friend that knows who he is. Then again, I don't think very many of my non-gamer friends are actively following streams on Youtube either.

Now, my friends that have pre-teen and teenaged kids? All of their kids know who he is. Especially ones who are into minecraft.

Maybe I'm just out of touch with that aspect of internet culture?

I don't think in our generation there are many non-gamer males.

31 here, only use Youtube to look up things I know about from real life, couldn't pick PDP out of a lineup of two people. It might surprise you, but not everybody's experience in life mirrors yours, not even at a 10% clip.

I could say the same to you. We're talking about having heard of someone's existence here. Not everybody's life mirror's yours, buddy.

You COULD say the same thing, but I'm not the one making absolute statements.

I'm not the one being rude and focused on semantics.

Yea, and how many people who have heard of him are subscribed? Probably between 1% and 10%, putting the people who've heard of him in the hundreds of millions, or even in the low billions. Calling him unknown is pretty dishonest.

That's 1 in 6 americans are subscribed to him in essence

The US is HUGE, keep in mind. 57 million is more than the population of England and probably a lot of other European countries.

World's got like 5 billion faggots in it. What's 57 million to that?

over a full fucking percent lol

I hope it's something along these lines, I'd prefer for him to be honest over whatever media pressure he's gonna receive to profusely apologize.

Yup! Here at Drama it's okay to say Nigger! Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger fucking faggot ass autistic nigggeerrrrrrrr

This is the correct answer

Did the other player jump of the bridge and then drown because he couldn't swim?

If all the other players jump off a bridge would you do it too?

This is awful and I laughed a lot, I guess I'm a bad person

You are kekistani sympathizer now.

Praise Kek

Normies, get out!

Am I doing this right?

don't forget to REEEEEEE



/pol/ was right again

Of all the words of tounge and pen, the saddest are these.

/pol/ was reich again

Can't wait to read the Daily Stormer article on this.

After the Charlottesville bumper car fiasco, didn't he say he wouldn't be an edge lord anymore?

He said no more nazi jokes.

Nigger is a classis US south joke.

We need Ethan to explain to us that the WSJ is wrong again and how he knows Pewd's isn't a negro hating antisemite.

We don't need no (((Ethan))) to explain people they are a rucking snowflakes.

Lol no it's not

People can get to a point where they act edgy for so long that they can't stop themselves, even if you try. He probably told himself he would make a conscious effort to stop being an edgeboy, but in the heat of a moment edgy nonsense slips out. Thats the point where you start to realise maybe you've taken things just a little bit too far.

It's like the South Park episode where Cartman pretends to have Tourette's for so long that he ends up giving himself Tourette's for real

Wow yeah. It's a lot like that. You can only pretend to be a Nazi for so long before you accidentally start belching your online thoughts in real life.

It's like reading and posting on /pol/ ironically, after a while it's only a matter of time before the visual image collage redpills corrupt your brain.

implying that the Jews aren't trying to get me genocided.

implying the Jews aren't using an army of gay muslim transvestite immigrant leftist refugees to destroy the white race

Sorry not sorry

Late stage irony poisoning.

Holy shit, stealing this thank you.

NP. There are several terminal forms of the condition, but my favorite is where the person actually goes to a far right rally IRL carrying meme signs, and get kicked out by actual extreme right wingers because they think that crap is retarded: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXRbIdaLD4Q&ab_channel=AltRightPepeGeneralFranco

Confirm this happens. I can manage it tho.


It's like how people spend so much time pretending g to be upset over naughty language that they end up getting sincerely butthurt when someone says a bad word.

Yeah just like that. Though that is less common from what I've seen

does that actually happen? i've honestly never seen such a thing

Well, I would pretend to get angry when my brother would say dumb shit like "Swag" or "dab" out loud ironically. And nowadays because of it I get actually upset when I see people write it out or say it.

lmao that's cuz u got no swag

dabs into the sunset

thats it I quit.

Dab back.

Sup bruh

Thats the point where you start to realise maybe you've taken things just a little bit too far.

This is the point where I've started to realize you're acting like a real nigger. Sorry man, but what the fuck? You're a fucking asshole. I don't mean, that in a bad way, but come on... Why would you write this? Legit, why would you do this?

oh ok.

Unfortunately this is played too straight to work as a copypasta, and comes off as genuine

That's a risk I'm willing to take.

I mean, I don't get it. My friends and I are edgelords around each other but I'm not stupid enough to say edgy shit in public or to people I don't know. How is it so difficult to not say "nigger" on a livestream?

Sometimes when you're really into something you just speak without thinking. Like for example I like to call my friends "nerds" all the dang time. But I do it so I've once or twice hung up calls from my mother with "bye nerd" because it's the end of the call and I stop thinking about what I'm saying. I'd imagine this scenario is something like that, but more edgily.

Does this mean he calls everyone that kills his teamates a nigger?

Nah it probably means that he and the guys he makes his videos with say it to eachother constantly (all 3 of them are white, by the way) and that he was exceptionally mad this time while playing.

yeah, i went through i phase where my go-to greeting for a lot of my friends was "sup cunt," and that definitely almost fucked me over once or twice. you tend to forget the actual meaning of habitual sayings, because all the repetition gradually drains out significations beyond where it structurally belongs in a conversation.

I've once or twice hung up calls from my mother with "bye nerd"

That's so cute hahaha

Who knows. Maybe you are retarded and dont know it ,you keep being ironic edgy long enough and it might stop being ironic, the stuff starts seeping into the actual you. Also if someone hears you saying slurs you don't really get to say "hey its only a joke" in a realistic setting.

I think its more that he's recorded literally thousands of hours of himself playing video games. Honestly, I'm surprised he hasn't dropped the n-bomb sooner. Do you know how frustrating and annoying these games can get? All it takes is for you to be having one bad day and be playing one annoying ass game to blow your entire reputation.

Though he really should have realized in the moment his error and quickly started damage control instead of just brushing it off like he does

Yeah I'm not too surprised myself. I say some dumb shit when I get angry at games too. Like I'll yell "KYS" at NPCs in games like fallout because of how often we use it here in the sub and how often that game frustrates me.

But yeah if that was me, in the middle of a stream infront of thousands of people, I would go " I'm so sorry about that everyone. That was wrong." Brushing it off is the last thing you want to do in a situation like this, especially considering how controversial he's been in general the past year.

Irony poisoning

People can get to a point where they act edgy for so long that they can't stop themselves, even if they try.

Because that becomes their new self.

Not necessarily their "new self". Its not like they've become a whole new person. But I do think it does become a part, even if a small part, of their self.

Not necessarily their "new self". Its not like they've become a whole new person. But I do think it does become a part, even if a small part, of their self.

That's been called off ever since it turned out to be more of the 'Charlottesville-heart-attack-caused-by-morbid-obesity'.

What fiasco?

I mean Jon Tron literally went on a nazi tirade it won't effect anything. People who would be upset already hate him. Gamers are known for all devolving into white nationalist rubbish because of the confused boners Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian gave them. It's kind of sad.

What's sad is history of US slavery telling what content on youtube is appropriate in 2017.


As it says on my birth certificate.

You make me sad.

>has autistic username >judges out for autistic username


>sincerely, someone with an autistic username

Kinda like being a nigger and seriousposting in drama.

Keep yourself safe, friend. It's a crazy world out there.


'Edgy' is the retort that sensitive pussy's resort to when they don't have anything else, don't worry little guy it's just a word.


don't worry little guy it's just a word.

Yet all the "kekistanis" flip their shit and get super offended over words like "racist" or "nazi." A bunch of emotional crybabies who think juvenile cynicism and nihilism makes them appear intelligent and cool.

They don't get mad about someone simply saying the word racist or Nazi regardless of context or if it's even directed at somebody you literal mouth breathing retard get the Fuck out of here with this SRD tier post

Commas, motherfucker!

Yeah those guys are faggots too.

Kys nigger gas the kikes race war now I am agains white genocide the holocaust never happened but it should have happened and it will happen again MAGA pol was right again skyrim belongs to the nords


circlebroke pls go

JonTron is marked by that, people are gonna bring it up forever. Also is YT his career anyway? He puts out barely a dozen videos a year.

Youtube is his career.

He has been very clear on that in his last few update videos. He really needs to fucking upload more shit soon though.

How? If it really was his career he is an idiot. He barely puts out content. On top of saying stupid shit that will only hinder any type of collaboration.

He puts out barely a dozen videos a year.

At this point, I'm pretty sure he's actually gone into hiding somewhere in Argentina.

the confused boners Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian gave them.

I do kind of want to cut in Anita's nostrils

With the big nose she has and the micropenis I have I could fuck her nose

lol imagine sincerely believing this

Some people need to quit their bubbles.

are u implying not everyone is a nazi

Well, your name implies the most confused of boners...

Anita sure, but I don't think Zoe Quinn has ever aroused a sentient being.

And yet her ex missed her booty so much he made a big scene online and ended up getting sued. The bar for arousing gamers isn't that high.

I already have low low standards for men i'd hate to see what gamer me would be like.


Because all the subs he'd normally converse in about this topic have locked all their threads. cause DEAR GOD!!! WHAT IF ONE OF OUR DARKIES READS THE N-WORD

Nah the cb2 and negareddit threads are open. Only locked one I saw was SRD and nobody cares about SRD they have horrid mods who delete 60-90% of everything depending on how much an asshole their cats are on that particular day.

I mean Jon Tron literally went on a nazi tirade it won't effect anything.

Didn't he pretty much go into hiding shortly after that, presumably somewhere in Argentina?

I remember listening to a pewdiepie interview where he mocked the swedes that think immigrants bring crime to their country. He sounded just like any other tolerant young man. I wonder what redpilled him


Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

Probably immigrants bringing crime to their country.

I've never seen someone so downright afraid of people who don't share his skin colour.

Dude, you are such a cuck for not wanting your daughters to get raped

Swedes > immigrants in terms of sheer amount of raping. So maybe we should let the immigrants have Sweden and send all the white people to a different land? Isn't that you want? A white ethnostate?

Just like whites beat blacks in sheer numerical amount of welfare usage in the US, but NIGGERS are higher proportionally. You stupid fuck!

Here's the rundown on the "rape capital of the world aka Sweden" thing. Sweden has a very broad way of classifying rape. But their metrics still went up as they imported in more dune coons. Get it?

You didn't answer my question. If immigrants are taking over Sweden, and you want a white ethnostate, why not just move somewhere else?

  1. Uproot natives that have lived in a territory for thousands of years

  2. Deport dirty niggers back to their lands that they left in the past decade.

The latter is more practical and more moral.

Cumskins didn't seem to mind uprooting native people and fucking their lives up through colonialism. What goes around comes around, you know? Maybe if the country gets conquered by these dirty niggers you're so scared of, and they end up outbreeding you and white people become a minority -- which WILL happen for sure -- then that's just natural selection, isn't it?

What if niggers end up getting shot and deported?

Niggers will NOT end up getting shot and deported because the vast majority of white people -- degenerate as they usually are -- are not very afraid of people who look different than them. Them's the breaks, chief.

It's not about looking different. It's about acting different, as in parasitism, rape, theft etc.

I am fine with most Asian-Americans, even if they vote Democrat. They are hard-working, intelligent people. The reason I am fine with them is that without a welfare state, without a bleeding-heart political party, they would still thrive. Niggers and beaners would go bonkers and have to be put down. So would a lot of whites, in fact, and I would gladly annihilate them too.

You can't annihilate anyone because you're a frickin' nobody. What part of that don't you understand?

your projection skills are working overtime today eh buddy?

Dude I'm not even pretending to be somebody hahaha like stop copying what other people say on reddit thinking you get the gist of what they mean.

Seriously what is up with this piece of human garbage? My favorite part is that he was confident enough to post this shit but then decided to delete it.

I'm actually working on overthrowing a small African country just for this purpose

if you didn't want your daughters to get raped, why would you move to england?

the UK is famous for that, it's like the number one draw of the Isles

Did you just assumed immigrant's skin color?

He lives in England you fucking moron. He hasn't been home in a decade. He's the immigrant.

White European immigrant being equivalent to sand nigger in your mind

Kys you stupid fuck

being a Trump supporter

How is raping your sister going, hick?


Trump supporters make more on average (so are smarter and better human beings) than Hillary supporters. The amount of niggers and beaners who voted for Hillary can not be offset by the cucked whites, sniveling jews, and conflicted Asians.

OK desi boy. Turns out you're a sandnigger yourself. Who'd have thunk it?

Are you delirious?

*From what I understand, black people, white people, and hispanic people join gangs based off of their own race to survive in prison. The Aryan Brotherhood, for example. Those three races have the dominant presence in prisons across the United States, so for any new inmate of one of those three races, there will be a "safe space" (lol) where they can mingle with friends.

WTF happens to us folk? Is it "good game" for the token desi who ends up in the pen?*

You posted that two weeks ago. What happened? Can't sort out all the lies in your head?

You are possibly the first person I have met who makes up lies about people's posting history to try and defame them.

That and Desi folks are referred to as "towelheads". Dude can't even get his racist screeds right.

Have a look at my reply, genius.

Lmao, you're fucking hilarious. The most pathetic person on reddit this week. When called out for your bullshit, you delete the post and think that you'll get away with it?


Here you go, Trumple-thinskin. It's a wonder why you were stupid enough to think deleting would work. How's that 200k a year job working out buddy? Do they always hire dumb fucks?

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

Dank editing job, dude. Good thing I'm not retarded enough to miss the pixelation around the username and the body text xD

Lol was waiting for this. Exactly why I took a screenshot. It's a google cache you Trumple-thinkskin.


This is extremely amusing. Do you just work next to someone who earns 200k? Or in the same building? Are you the IT support? Oh god, I hope not.

this thread chain was fucking satisfying to read

Fucking amazing.

Wow and he deleted his account. What a fucking dumbass.

Deleted your account bozo

than Hillary supporters.

TBF, smart people of both sides of the aisle don't support Hillary.

>not banging siblings

Git gud nerd

>defending muzzies while thinking incest is bad at the same time.

them mental gymnastics.

Actually Muslims and blacks do far more inbreeding then whites. The more you know.

I know everyone around you including your family are hicks, but unlike him I wasn't stereotyping a whole race, just Trump supporting hicks.

I've lived in America's most liberal city my whole life I'm not a hick. I'm your worst nightmare, I live in your city and act like you but you'll never know I support Trump.

Americas most liberal city

Birmingham Alabama isn't Americas most liberal city Jethro.

yeah no immigrant problems in england

Not as much as dumb Americans like to claim

Wasn't their just a huge pedo ring taken down made up of "Asian" men?

I don't think it was taken down, just exposed

Well duh, it would be racist to tell brown people to stop raping small children.

If it was "exposed" then they have been charged

There's plenty of bullshit available

brits have more pedos per capita than even the UAE, if anything bringing in asians pedo rings is lowering the chester concentration

After seeing how most of their women look, I wouldn't judge them too much, tbh.

Its not like the english need help being a nation of pedos.

Wasn't there just a huge pedo ring taken down made up of "Asian" men?

Oh look a retard! Much of what you Americans call "the middle east" is in the east, which interestingly is also were Asia is you fucking dolt.

Next time try making 2 comments before outing you're self as having no idea what's going on

acting as if anyone with a brain doesn't know that the ME, Pakis, and Bangladeshis are technically Asian countries

calling other people retards while oblivious to how shady it is for the British media to refer to all of these Muslim scum as "Asian" as if to conflate them with all other Asians

Who's the real retard? Call a spade a spade. Brits have a Muslim problem, not an Asian problem.

Yea you're doubling down on the retard!

calling other people retards while oblivious to how shady it is for the British media to refer to all of these Muslim scum as "Asian" as if to conflate them with all other Asians

No, they call them Asians because they come from fucking Asia. They've been calling them Asians for years. In the UK when you say Asian people think of Pakis and Bangladeshis

When you think Asian you think east Asian, because you grew up calling a huge part of Asia the middle east.

There are plenty of Asian countries not in East Asia that don't have an excess of Islamist filth. Why not just call them for what they are? It's not Buddhists running pedo rings and mass raping and groping European women.

Why not just call them for what they are?

You mean Asian?! Any how you've stopped being funny so i'mma bounce.








There have been a number of sex rings exposed in the UK over the last 20 years involving British men of Pakistani heritage. Most of these men were UK citizens.

sure if you dont mind acid

Acid attacks existed for decades before immigrants showed up in england wtf

whats your point dude, rape existed before them too but its a fuck of a lot more prevalent now

because you are trying to claim that somehow immigrants are why there are acid attacks in England because ur a shitty person

uh im pretty sure they are though

saying something that happened doesnt make me shitty, it makes me insensitive

and only then to people that have the wrong priorities

lol brits literally invented acid attacks you mong

yeah thats what i was implying if you read it back

englands fine and has no immigrant problems, if you dont mind acid

oh i see, problems FOR immigrants

Peado gangs are a big problem here though tbf

Not on the south coast where he lives.

Well the ones that aren't immigrants are English, so that's not particularly great either.

only the fucking racist nords saying dropping hard r n words on their friendly multilayer games or whtaever the fuck he was doing

oh no not a word thats much worse than rape gangs

Not sure what the point of this comment is.

Implying a Swede is comparable to MENA immigrants.

That's why Brexit is happening lulz

keep yourself self


England is rightful Scandinavian clay, he's simply enforcing Danelaw.

I wonder what redpilled him

Seems like the whitest of white dudes just go balls out stupid whenever they get Don't Give a Fuck Money.

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He probably wasn't redpilled. I am one of those immigrants that is not bringing crime to any country and I use racial slurs all the time, both referring to myself and others. I just make sure to not be a massive edgelord in public on a live stream watched by thousands of people.

He's not redpilled. He just said nigger. He's still a tolerant young swede.

Just because someone says "nigger" while playing a game doesn't mean they are racist.

dude just said the n word he didnt fucking gassed a jew jesus christ

Holy shit. Is this satire? I honestly can't tell. Yes he is stupid for saying that on stream but that doesn't automatically make him an alt-right racist dickhead. He didn't even use the word in a racist connotation. Yes he is dumb but no I don't think he is a racist and if this isn't satire it is 100% an overreaction man.

honestly 23 and me needs a secret service to forge your native/african heritage.

Oh so that's what those white bitches been doing all along.

Calling it now. He'll apologize, saying he's Swedish and doesn't know what the word means

I don't think he will use his cucked nation to cover for that.

Errr username checks out?

Sweden is too busy getting raped by their "downtrodden" anyway.

It's time guys. Our leader just gave the signal. Time to fight back and take back our country from the desert Orchs. This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill.

Swedicide when?

Oh wait right now lul.

The swedish word for nigger is slightly less offensive atleast so he can use that as a cover I guess.

Like fuck it is.

It's still offensive, but nowhere near that of the english word


Svenska är mitt modersmål.

It's racist as fuck to go calling people you play against "neger". Pewds can't hide behind that bullshit excuse.

listen nigger. in the us the word has cultural connotations not comparable to anything you have in le sweden. dumb fucking swede retard

Because racism not real in Sweden?

read what i wrote you fucking moron.

Tyst tönt jävel

here comes the meatball brigade. scram bitch

I mean do they have a history of chattel slavery and suppression of POC?

No, at least nowhere near similar in severity an extent. That doesn't mean the word isn't used as a slur or wouldn't have strong negative connotations when used as such.

Saying "I didn't know it's bad, I'm Swedish" is an excuse that does not pass the smell test in the slightest.

nobody is defending poopiepie you autistic faggot

Yeah but I thought the argument for why that word was so exponentially worse than like Polack because of the history behind it specifically in the us.

Would you use polack in this context?

It's r/Drama so probably yeah.

Holy fuck you're dumb as hell. Fuck Pewdiepie and all, but neger doesn't even translate into nigger. It literally just fucking means black and comes from the latin word "niger" which also means black.

It has no fucking racist connotation except for what spawned later on from people like you mistaking its meaning.

It means black only when referring to black people.

It's a slur because it's used as a slur. Specifically in this instance. You'd get just as much shit for calling your opponent that in Swedish. Pewds cannot hide behind that excuse. Even if he said it in Swedish it would still be just as shitty.


Yeah, cause the word was originally made to refer to people from Africa. Of course, any word used as a slur is a slur in that situation. (Even the word "boy" can be a slur when used against a black person due to the history behind it)

But you said that the word neger isn't less offensive than nigger, which it definitely is. There is no history of people being called neger before being whipped as there is with nigger.

There certainly is a history of people being called neger before being assaulted.

I did not say the words are equal. I do mean what I said: that hiding behind the excuse of being Swedish doesn't jive.

There certainly is a history of people being called neger before being assaulted.

That's not what I'm referring to. Slavery in the U.S only stopped in 1865 and segregation ended in 1968 making racism in the U.S a very recent thing. The way the two words were used through history is very different.

I did not say the words are equal.

Actually, that's exactly what you said.

I do mean what I said: that hiding behind the excuse of being Swedish doesn't jive.

Yeah I agree.

Check out all the faggots crying about racial slurs on the subreddit dedicated to "mayocide now."

You realize that the word nigger also derives from the Latin, right? Arguments from etymology don't really work in this instance, or ever.

Actually didn't realize that lol, the more you know. Still, neger has nowhere near the same history/meaning/connotation as nigger does.

It doesn't but it isn't a good word, and even then I can't imagine he'd drop a random Swedish curse when he's been speaking English the entire time, and it happens to sound exactly like a hideous English racial slur and - whoops - he just coincidentally happens to be someone who keeps getting himself embroiled in racial drama. Like, there just isn't an innocent explanation that's at all credible.

Oh, I didn't mean to defend him in any sort of way. I was just replying to the fact a guy didn't think neger is a slightly less offensive word than nigger.

I know neger isn't a good word these days, because of the way it's transitioned into being used. As evidenced by my saying

It has no fucking racist connotation except for what spawned later on from people like you mistaking its meaning.

Um, ok. So then why did he call someone black for doing something bad to him?

You need to up your reading comprehension. Also he didn't say neger, he said nigger. I don't condone what pewdiepie did in any way.

He used it negatively. He apologized immediately after, indicating he knew exactly what he did wrong.

Again, your reading comprehension sucks. I know he said nigger, I know he said it negatively. I was never defending his usage of the word nigger, I was defending the word neger which is completely different(Despite still having evolved into a bad word in the past decades). I clarified this to you before, but apparently, it wasn't clear cut enough for you.

Holy fuck man, this discussion comes from some guy saying that the word neger is equally offensive as the word nigger, which it isn't(Again, despite neger still being classified as a bad word nowadays it's nowhere near as bad as nigger).

He should probably avoid homophones for racial slurs in the future.

Even if "lol swedish" were a legitimate excuse, Pewd's been embroiled in enough racial drama in his career that there's no way on earth he can argue ignorance at this point.

I'm Swedish as well and you should know that the word neger was a socially accepted term wasn't offensive until the 1990's when it got it's new meaning imported from the United States. It was literally not racist to use the term neger until the skin head movement in the 90's started using it. Saying neger today in Sweden is more or less the equivalent of saying Negro in America today, not nigger.

Sooooo why did he even use that word then?

Nigger in Sweden is more or less is just imitating the cinema in US. As it is a word almost impossible to fit naturally in a sentence in Swedish as it is essentially shitty loanword from english.

Swedish have a lot of word that come from English and have different meaning.

Because he was playing a game and got mad at someone so he said the worst thing that came to mind?

I mean, sometimes the simplest reasons are the correct ones.

Because he was playing a game and got mad at someone so he said the worst thing that came to mind?

So the worst thing he can think of is calling someone a nigger and soo its ok?

what are your thoughts on people with tourettes syndrome using that word? even though they aren't racist, their brain can't help it because it provides a mental release

Hi, person with Tourette's here. These are in no way comparable situations. People with the type of Tourette's that causes inappropriate verbal tics have absolutely no control over what words they say. Your brain latches onto words that are offensive and once that's happened there's no changing it. (Medication helps for some but not everyone.) As a rule, people with Tourette's do not want to say these words. They have no choice and should never be deemed racist because of a brain disorder completely beyond their control causing them to say a racist word. That would be insane. I've never seen anyone make an argument like that. As I stated above, this is not comparable to Felix's situation in any way, shape, or form. Felix has control over his own speech. He doesn't have Tourette's. For a normal person words do not just slip out unless you use them on a fairly regular basis. Simply knowing a word exists doesn't mean you accidentally say it sometimes.

Just some extra info if anyone cares to learn: It's not simply Tourette's that causes inappropriate verbal tics, it's a symptom of Tourette's called coprolalia. The vast majority of people with Tourette's don't have it. I happen to be a person that does, but mine is still much more mild than the extreme cases you see on tv. I'm on medication that keeps my verbal tics completely under control unless I'm under an incredible amount of stress. My verbal tics are "goddamnit son of a bitch" and "fuck fuck fuck". Thankfully nothing too hateful or offensive, but still awkward in certain situations like if one works with the public.

News flash: pewdiepie doesn't have tourettes.

Just because someone has a stroke in the middle of the street doesn't mean you can throw yourself in the middle of traffic and its all ok.

You have a choice in acting like a retard. They have a medical condition which they cant help. Completely different situations.

What kind of a retarded question is that? OFC it's not okay, but it's pretty fucking normal. Just like the times you call people faggots, retards, spics fuckin towelheads. It's all the same, yet nigger is the one where every time it's mentioned someone dies.

Who thinks it's okay to call people faggots, spics or towelheads??? This is such a lame excuse of a defence.

Which of these are you more likely to hear: Nigger, faggot, spic or towelhead.

Answer: Not nigger. :)

So? I do agree that it's a double standard that some pejoratives are treated as worse than others. For example, in my country, most people who consider themselves to not be racists use slurs when talking about Romani people. That is no excuse for using any of these slurs, and the fact that jokes like these exist does not make it okay to use any of them.


Mate, you either accept all of them all or the scary "deny them all" option.

Uh, yeah. I accept that they exist, and am not trying to get any words banned, If that's what you mean. I'm just saying that not calling people hurtful names is a pretty basic part of human interaction you're supposed to learn at a very young age. It's an especially good idea to not throw those hurtful words around if you know, like I'm sure Pewdiepie does, that they are very controversial, loaded words that have hundreds of years of oppression behind them.

No and yes. You either ban all the words or none of them. And like you said usually you don't hurt other people, but there exist jokes about faggots and towelheads and a few about niggers and negroes. Also when something goes wrong in a videogame and you yell "nigger" you're not a fucking racist based on that set situation, if you think so you're legit fucking retarded.

You seem hell bent on writing out every slur you know in every reply. It doesn't make you an ~edgy alt-right intellectual exposing all the SJW's~, FYI. You just sound like a little kid who just learned a big bunch of no-no words and recites them at every opportunity. Hopefully you'll learn better manners in preschool.

If you wanna teach me how to get my point across to the likes of yourself who don't get it the first time it hits their screen, please do. God bless.

Oh boy I sure learned my lesson. Thank you for showing me the error of my ways, I'm off to throw around ethnic slurs and pretend that doesn't make me racist now! Yay!

Jesus fucking Christ you massive retard. GL

You seem upset.

Because I'm against letting the mentally ill be alive and first and foremost be born. God blessed you enough for you to be alive this long.

He said it to his computer screen, not to a person. It would be different if the person he meant it to could hear him.

It would be worse said to a real person, sure. Still, he has 57 million followers, most of them kids. I really think that gives him a lot of responsibility. He's a grown man doing his job, and it's really not that difficult to not use pejoratives.

OFC it's not okay

Who thinks it's okay...???

Dat reading comprehension

Yeah, I don't use those slurs. That's not universal.

What kind of a retarded question is that? OFC it's not okay, but it's pretty fucking normal. Just like the times you call people faggots, retards, spics and fuckin towelheads. It's all the same, yet nigger is the one where every time it's mentioned someone dies.

Yet im some random faggot on the internet not a famous person streaming for money.

-faggot +human and we good. Faggots (Read: Humans) make mistakes and PewDie made a pretty fucking big one, but apologized.

Svenska är mitt modersmål.

REE you negro.

showing everyone how swedish i am will surely make me look less like a morally outraged loser

Jag är halvamerican och halvsvensk. Neger är inte häften så illa som ordet den här snubben använde. Neger är jävligt illa, men det här är värre. Att säga n-ordet i USA är typ värre än att säga Voldemort i Harry Potter landet. Folk kan inte end säga det utan att bli skrajja. Märk att jag inte har några problem med att skriva ordet neger.

It is mine as well, and he is correct. The word is still offensive, but it became offensive in the lat 19th century when, this is my own theory, people started to compare it with the English word. I mean, the SAOL, Svenska Akademiens ordlista, that came out in 1986 didn't describe the word without any description of it being offensive, while the new one that came out in 1998 described it as phrase "with a hint of offensive".

I mean, for goodness sake, even at as late as 2000 we had a sweet, made out of chocolate, called "negerboll" without any intention to offend anyone.

So yes, he is correct. While "neger" is still offensive, it's not even fucking close to being as offensive as the English word.

Had. What's the new name again?

Yes, thats what I said. But like I mentioned, in the english language its the worst word you can say and has no equally as offensive word. Here in sweden, there are more than a few word that are seen as equally bad.

Anyway, I juse find it annoying because the word had existed for 100s of years in the swedish language without any hint of hatred. But in the early 90's people started saying "hey, you can't say that word because a similar english word is offensive".

I'm sorry but thats bs. The english word limiting our language because of their fucks up.

Or maybe racial attitudes shifted in Sweden.

Why do you think it shifted and precisely towards that word, that had no connotation towards racism? Hint, it has something to do with Sweden becoming very americanized..

Or with people of color gaining a voice in society.

Either way it doesn't really matter why. Insisting on using an offensive term is a bit of a silly hill to die on.

Heh, I am a man of color in Sweden and I am mostly against this. In fact, most of fellow non-white friends are the same. Like seriously, you wouldn't imagine how anti-PC all of my brown/black friends are and how much they love dark humor.

t. Stockholmare

Not true in scandinavia neger is considered as an old fashinoed word for black person

Yet we are living today.

Yes but it has not gone through the same history as the american word. So therefore a swede or dane won't have the same relationship with the word

Still doesn't make it okay.

I agree with you because people get inspired to use it in their daily life and there are still a lot of racist out there in america. But it does make it understandable why pewdiepie wouldn't have thought it was that big a deal and therfore he shouldn't be fucked for it

He's hardly fucked. He's sitting on millions.

Also this is not an isolated incident. It comes after his "death to all jews" debacle.

His reputation is.

The jew thing was an edgy joke. Jews are hardly repressed in todays world.

See Charlottesville.

disagree. pewdiepie has a plurality (maybe majority?) US audience and there's pretty much zero chance he hasn't come across people using the word online in that context, or had the opportunity to learn why it's so offensive in other parts of the word (it takes 5 seconds to google).

maybe the average swede has a good reason to use the word (doubt it), but pdp definitely does not

Sure he has. But growing up in a culture where a word is seen as offensive and growing up in a culture where no words are inherently offensive. You have a different mindset

but i'm talking specifically about pdp, who's been exposed to an international audience for long enough that it's fair to expect him to know the connotations behind that word. no one is asking him to be an expert on US culture, but man, when you have literally the biggest channel on yt, you gotta know at least that much.

REE Offensive!!! Who gives a fuck. People need to man up. We use to have to stuggle to survive in this world and now people are taken to their knees at a word. Its pathetic and weak.

He wasn't speaking Swedish.

I hope he doubles down and calls everybody going after him a stupid nigger

There is literally no word as taboo in the Swedish language as "nigger" is in America.

There is the word neger but that really only goes up to the negro level in America and not nigger.

Sweden just doesn't have any history with black slaves either, yes one of our kings had one, but he was treated better than the average Swede back then because Sweden had a long period of being really poor, but the kings nigger got to live in the castle and eat with the king so to say.

We had more slavs as slave workers than black folk.

"The kings nigger"

"Cunt" is Germanic, surely it has a Swedish cognate?

Yes, but it's far less taboo than in English. And doesn't co e close to the "n-word"

Except he was speaking english so obviously he was using the American one.

But he doesn't have the cultural baggage. Americans are reminded time and time again how taboo the word is.

Take for example the Cambodian genocide. I know it happened and it was horrific but I have no personal relation to it. I don'thave family or friends who were killed. I don't live in Cambodia and am constantly reminded of it.

The ol' Die Antwoord defense

He definitely wont be going for the ignorant defense. He will probably say that he just said the worst word that came to mind or something along those lines.

That is most likely the truth too. When I play overwatch and get annoyed by some player I sometimes yell the worst things that come to mind at the screen.

calling it now, he will delete his channel by end of 2017. even game developers are coming after him now...they felt they made him and now they will break him.


however..... https://twitter.com/leonardjfrench/status/907030139338412032

"It's German for Pew The Pie!"

He'll apologise, but not because "he doesn't know what it means". His English is very good and it's obvious that no one would buy that excuse.

Memes aside, until that word gets desensitized in the general public (which it definitively isn't), this is about the biggest no-no you can do while being a public person.

Not JonTron white race purity bad, but still pretty bad.

Hah I forgot about JonTron's white ethnostate autism.

You have? I don't think I'll ever forget it

I remind myself of it in my nightly prayers.

I actually do go into his Twitter just to see if he's liked any tweets from anyone that might indicate he's sieg heiling again.

And then post it to Ghazi for ez karma.

I went back into all the old threads on this and it's just as glorious as I remember

I'm out of the loop on that. What did JonTron do?

He busted out the softer side of white nationalists greatest hits during an interview on Sargon of Arkkad. Like blacks commit most crimes, European colonialism in Africa was good for Africa, whites are becoming a minority in their own country, etc etc.

The funny thing is that he's half Iranian.

so he said some true things

You're still the worst poster here congrats

Said without a hint of irony while riemann and comedicsans are still around. Fucking kill yourself nigger

He says, while being too afraid to ping them.

lol ok

feel some more emotions why dont you

Basic Offendotrons have only two settings: Docile or Full Reee. You have to buy the deluxe version to get more emotions, sadly.

You bad

I am a human devoid of emotions. See my apathy and be awed

if youre in a shitposting sub you probably shouldnt get all blubbery about the most generic edgy shit in the world like a fag is all im saying

caring is bad

Beep boop autismo superior

hows being an Australian trump supporter going

youd have to ask the people whos imagination thats happening in

oh okay man, I guess it makes sense to lie about yourself at this point when going from thread to thread to be like "Actually guys trump is good and George soros is a nazi"

GL with it!

its hilarious to me that you havent let up with the sjw crazy since 2014, but somehow you still dont understand any of the issues youre angry about

and soros objectively worked for the nazis and is banned from multiple countries for crashing currency values deliberately, not sure why people try to defend him lol

and soros objectively worked for the nazis and is banned from multiple countries for crashing currency values deliberately, not sure why people try to defend him lol

Have you tried reading this thread? You know, all those posts that people wrote containing citations and factual information? (AKA, not any of yours?)

You could try there. That might explain why people defend someone who was a child at the time of being accused of being a nazi. (especially considering most of the people who accuse him have a very cushy relationship with Nazis, similar to the people who talk about Byrd)

That might explain why people defend someone who was a child at the time of being accused of being a nazi.

thats because he worked with them as a child, this is a thing that objectively happened regardless of how it makes you feel

(especially considering most of the people who accuse him have a very cushy relationship with Nazis, similar to the people who talk about Byrd)


ask russians or thais how they feel about the guy who crashed their currency markets with risky speculation

oh you dont have to because he and his entire family are banned from there

also have some citations that im sure youll ignore







oh but people just hate him because theyre a nazi and conspiracy theorist amirite

im consistently amazed by how uninformed you are

if you dont like any of those articles how about the man in his own words


some stiff competition these days tho

thats not even true man REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEidman is

Gas mayos is a true thing. He just said things.

minorities cant head on genocide white people, thats why they have to resort to encouraging mass immigration and trannies

You don't have to on genocide

black man taps head

when you can simply subjugate their women

well you say that

Of course I do. I thought the white race is threatened.

well its different, its not an imminent or physical threat

its just because white people virtue signal by trying to be altruistic to a fault and to their own detriment

its unwarranted guilt making people do it to themselves

rest assured if white people collectively felt like it tomorrow theyd be able to wipe out everyone else almost instantly, so im not sure why people that are like single percentages of the worlds population keep pushing for it tbh

amazing that he caught shit for speaking obvious truth. this is 'emperor has no clothes' territory

Iran is named Iran after Aryan, in an effort to suck up to Hitler in the 30s, so it kinda makes sense

The name Iran comes from Aryan in the older sense (before Arthur de Gobineau) , an ethnic group from that general area. Fairly sure it was used to refer to the area by the natives way further back than the 30s. From the unshakeable source that is wikipedia: "the Iranian people inside their country since the time of Zoroaster (probably circa 1000 BC), or even before, have called their country Arya, Iran, Iranshahr, Iranzamin"

Not neccisarily a refutation though. For them to use the name for such a long period, only to actually change it during the short Nazi timeline is still a bit too coincedental to not think this is plausible.

Yeah I know, I just wanted to post something :^(. Still not like the name was pulled out of thin air or originates from 'that' kind of Aryan.

I just wanted to post something :^(

Me too friend, me too

Yeah but rezah shah changed Persia to Iran to appease his pal Hitler. Google Iran Hitler or something I'm too drunk to link properly

Ah yeah I actually did see some stuff, fair enough. Nothing concrete about the name change but Iran and Nazi Germany were def mates so I guess our alter Freund JonTron is in the clear.

Na Jon tr is a cunts

True, good point sweaty

Aren't Iranians white though?

No..... lmao

Then what race are they? Middle Eastern is not a race. Persians aren't Arabs, but Arabic is a race either. Are they Asian? Not racially. So pick one for us?

Persians are genealogically considered Caucasian. This actually has nothing to do with skin color. It's a race that historically includes peoples from the Middle East. If you go by skin color though, the vast majority of Iranians are in fact white.

Welp I learned something new.

If you go by the three 19th century racial groups (caucasoid etc) then both Arabs and Persians are considered caucasian.

Persians, by skin color, are on average darker than many Arabs (inc many Syrians and even many North Africans from certain groups) and most Jews. There are a few with light hair and green eyes, but the same goes for Indians and Pakistanis as well.

It might also have something to do with the fact that Iran is nearer the Caucus moutains (where the term Caucasian originates) than say, the Irish.

Yeah I was wrong. I'm sorry.

Middle-Eastern, Arabian, and Persian can all be considered races. Whether they also count as white all depends on where you draw the lines.

Historically, those are ethnic groups, not distinct races. They are considered white, but clearly they don't nearly fit into racial categorization. Many would say this is due to racial categorization being overly an simplistic and outdated system.

Absolutely. Anyone that says they aren't has no idea what they are talking about.

Have you ever met a large number of Persians? They don't look anything like most Europeans.

I'd think that my username should speak for that. One could say that English people don't look like French people either, that doesn't mean they aren't both white.

Yeah, sure, under the US census definition North Africans, Arabs, Turks and Persians are all white. But in practice, they mean European. I'm Jewish and white, but I'm not "white" in the far-right ethnonationalist sense, which is the point relating to Jontron's views that he was supporting.

No dude, they're Muslim.


"They're rapists"


And this is why "race", in the way muricans view it, is retarded

The world is 'us' vs. 'them'. The way 'us' is defined is always retarded, as is the way 'them' are defined. Doesn't make it any less real, though.

They actually call the white descendents of European settlers non-white because they aren't from Murica (Hispanic). Imagine arbitrarily making up a new race for white people so you can sort people by stereotypes about lowriders and beating your kids

Persians are

Depends on who you ask. They are definitely Aryans, though.

Every other ethnic group from Portugal to India think they're "true" aryans. It doesn't really mean anything.

You are right, I was wrong.


Well, the Nazi's did consider them Aryan, so if that's your metric...

Definitely. Some of them are just more tan because they spend more time outdoors.

White, everywhere

No, the stuff he said with Sargon was completely fine, to the point where Tumblr had to lie in order to make him look bad.

It's the shit he said on Destiny's stream that you are referring to.

What did he actually say with Sargon and destiny?

There's a bunch of clips running around that I'm too lazy to grab, but on of the worst was when he and Destiny were discussing immigration.

Destiny asked if immigration from foreign countries would be bad if they could theoretically be 100 percent integrated. JonTrons response was "yeah but then that'd be bad because they'd enter the gene pool..." Before trailing off.

This wasn't ironic meming either, he pretty clearly believed in what is basically Richard Spencer lite.

I remember him claiming rich black people commit more crimes than poor white people

Wasn't that true though?

No. Not in overall population. The only thing anyone could come up with to back up good claims was one particular town somewhere in rural America where a ring of rich blacks got busted for drugs. So that was literally it. A single town.

I don't remember seeing anything about one town. A quick glance at some google results suggests jontron was right, if you go by convictions or arrests. It kinda looks like the only way he wasn't right, is if you assume a big number of unverifiable unreported crimes by whites (in the same way that feminist stats include huge numbers of unverifiable unreported rapes).

I just don't know what he was thinking with this shit. Dude had a nice gig, was making tons of money doing minimal work, could have easily coasted. Instead, was consumed by retardation.

Hey, you can't say "retarded". That's offensive.

He still has quite a following

Yeah, the controversy hasn't had a lasting impact on his following. His latest two videos are proof of that.

When I last checked though, there were quite a few people still complaining about it in his latest video's comments.

Like blacks commit most crimes, European colonialism in Africa was good for Africa, whites are becoming a minority in their own country, etc etc.

What beliefs? All I'm seeing are cold, hard facts.


Not really

The only part of that that's even debatle is whether or not colonialism was good for Africa. I guess "blacks commit most crimes" is hard to know, since not all crimes are resolved, but they do commit the majority of murders in the US despite being only 13% of the population. They are definitely massively overrepresented in all crime.

The problem people have is that it ignores major context, things like Black Americans more likely to be arrested and incarcerated for an offense that a White American wouldn't (drug use often used as the example), and that crime is heavily linked to socio-economic status, and Black Americans have a higher likelihood of being poor or disenfranchised.

It bothers people because it treats the colour of their skin as the cause of their criminality rather than a larger societal effect of centuries of discrimination.

things like Black Americans more likely to be arrested and incarcerated for an offense that a White American wouldn't

White Americans are not arrested for murder? Because this is the statistic that I used.

and that crime is heavily linked to socio-economic status


It bothers people because it treats the colour of their skin as the cause of their criminality rather than a larger societal effect of centuries of discrimination.

No, this is just a stupid talking point. Nowhere in "blacks commit the majority of murders" is it implied that their skin colour as a cause of criminality. Literally nobody ever has been so stupid as to think that melanin causes criminality.

People have throughout history, and to this day, unfortunately, talk about aspects of certain ethnic groups, Black Americans having faced a lot of these, as inherent to them. Criminality, sexuality, intelligence, they have all been attached to the race of a people.

Every different type of crime is going to have different representations and factors that lead to it. I talked about drug use because it is a pretty common one to show that this a disproportionate punishment towards Black Americans. Homicide is a different set of crimes, and where the factors that lead to spikes in certain towns are going to have factors specific to them. If homicide across the nation is going down but going up in certain cities than it is probably more complex than the criminality of a group of people.

Criminality, sexuality, intelligence, they have all been attached to the race of a people.

Of course, but it has nothing to do with skin colour and nobody ever claimed that it did. It's in the brain, not in the skin.

I talked about drug use because it is a pretty common one to show that this a disproportionate punishment towards Black Americans.

What makes you say that? Everyone is charged equally for the same crime. If you smoke weed at home with your friends you're never ever going to get caught, but if you're a dealer then it's much more likely. I'm not entirely sure how it is in the US, but in Europe less than 0.1% of street dealers are white.

If homicide across the nation is going down but going up in certain cities than it is probably more complex than the criminality of a group of people.

These "certain cities" are cities with a lot of black people. It's not innate to the city itself. If all the black people moved away from Baltimore and they were replaced by white people, Baltimore wouldn't have a crime problem anymore.

Are you actually saying that it is black brains that are the problem!? As if so then your earlier comment about it being about the melanin was a bit of a bait and switch if you actually think there is something different with black people.

You can find various places that talk about how, in the US, the rate of use of drugs is about equal for both races (among teens, it is more common on white teens ) but the incarceration rate for black Americans, in general, is much higher.

I'm also from Europe, all of my dealers have been white, but anecdotes be anecdotes.

Yeah, if you talk all the black people out of Baltimore and replaced them with white people you might not get the same crime rates, but you would also need to account for the generational poverty, unemployment, underfunding of schools, and the racial profiling that has made community policing basically impossible in areas of the city.

I came from a British town, our inner city had a very white area and you were always hearing about the stabbings and shootings that happened there. They experienced similar problems of chronic unemployment and underfunding of the local community and area. More funding has been directed towards it and improvements are being made (one of them being that the edge of the area gentrified giving a large boost to the local budget).

Are you actually saying that it is black brains that are the problem!? As if so then your earlier comment about it being about the melanin was a bit of a bait and switch if you actually think there is something different with black people.

Sub-saharan Africans evolved completely separately from the rest of humanity. They also did not interbreed with neanderthals. Of course we are different.

You can find various places that talk about how, in the US, the rate of use of drugs is about equal for both races (among teens, it is more common on white teens ) but the incarceration rate for black Americans, in general, is much higher.

So? Just becase they use drugs at the same rate doesn't mean they should be arrested at the same rate. As I said, police aren't breaking into random homes to see if people are smoking weed. If you're smoking weed on the street you're obviously more likely to be arrested than if you're smoking in your backyard. White people are less likely to be doing drugs publicly.

I'm also from Europe, all of my dealers have been white, but anecdotes be anecdotes.

White or gypsies? I've literally never seen a white non-gypsy (redundant, since gypsies aren't white, but just for clarification) dealer in my life and I've seen hundreds of dealers. Now that doesn't mean they don't exist, but they're certainly not out on the streets, and that's where people get caught most of the time.

generational poverty, unemployment, underfunding of schools

There are white communities in the US with these same problem that have nowhere near the same crime rate as similar black communities. Read the statistical analysis I linked.

and the racial profiling that has made community policing basically impossible in areas of the city.

Racial profiling just means you're not forcing the police to ignore patterns. If blacks are more than 10 times more likely to murder someone than whites (and more likely to commit literally any violent crime), it makes perfect sense to keep a closer eye on the black guy.

Sub-saharan Africans aren't all black people, nor are they one ethnic group.

Secondly, the genetic diversity across the whole of the human race is astonishingly small.

You're now just barking a lot of 'race realist' nonsense that tries to give a pseudo-scientific justification to views of racial inferiority and/or superiority.

Sub-saharan Africans aren't all black people

What? Do you even know what the Sahara desert is? Are you saying there are black people who "came from" (genetically speaking) north of the Sahara desert, or from Asia? Or are you talking about the astronomically small minority of Australoids, for example? In their case, they were even more isolated from the rest of humanity, so you're not really making a strong point here.

nor are they one ethnic group.

Of course not. What's your point? They were all separated from the rest of humanity. No sub-saharan Africans have neanderthal DNA. All Eurasians do.

Secondly, the genetic diversity across the whole of the human race is astonishingly small.

The same holds true for any species. That doesn't mean different subspecies of the same species don't behave differently.

colonialism was not good for africa, anyone who tries to "debate" this is a moron. the reason most african countries are so deep in economic crisis and war is because their former colonizers stripped the continent of resources, then arbitrarily divided it up into countries with no regard for ethnic or tribal lines. the "colonialism was good because now they have technology and infrastructure" is a meme, unfortunately one perpetuated by a very small number of academics, but a meme nonetheless.

the others are "facts" that ignore a ton of context, and from those facts one should never reach the conclusion "we need a white ethnostate". so yea even if he did state "facts", his interpretation of those facts is completely off-base and that's what people are criticizing

they do commit the majority of murders in the US despite being only 13% of the population

That's not strictly accurate, although the numbers are surprisingly close.

This data from the same report shows blacks were charged for 52.2% of murders in 2013. This data lists blacks as 38% of murder offenders where 33% of offenders are non-black and 29% unknown.

So your stats are old? Great.

What the fuck are you talking about? They are literally the same statistics as yours. From the same report.

He heavily implied that blacks commit more crime because they're of African descent. That's an objectively false and racist statement.

What the fuck are you talking about dude? He said blacks commit most crimes, which is impossible to scientifically validate, but it's certain that blacks at least commit a hugely disproportionate number of crimes, yes. How does saying that blacks commit more crime imply that it's because they are black? It's just an objectively true fact. How would one even state this fact in any other way, without "heavily implying blacks commit more crimes because they're black"? Also, it's not objectively false to say that blacks commit crimes because they're black. You clearly don't know what the word objectively means. It's false in your view. That's subjective. It's impossible to prove that it's not because of their race, just as it is impossible to prove that it is because of their race.


Because during his debate with Destiny he said "If blacks in the US have disproportionate crime rates supposedly due to discrimination & unfair treatment, then why do blacks in Africa have similar problems". From 1:07:00 to 1:09:00.

How is it edgy? Words have meanings you retard.

Aren't whites actually becoming a minority in the US, Canada and some others? Like, not "edgy", but actual statistical fact?

It was more the "stifling the country and lowering its potential is an acceptable price to pay for maintaining a white majority." Even if you're a white nationalist, that's a pretty fucking stupid way to articulate your beliefs.

European colonialism WAS NOT good for Africa though. The long term effects in regional power dynamics has made that abundantly clear

At what point are Africans responsible for slaughtering Africans?

Neither before or after colonialism apparently

The same point Caucasians are responsible for killing both Africans and themselves.

Which they're held responsible for, no?

Yeah they are. Equally as responsible as the Africans who killed other Africans.

I'm not saying Africa was perfect by any means. What I'm saying the long term issues created by the European Colonization of Africa far outweigh whatever institutions of 'order' they claimed to have brought

Why do you think they were just happy communes of hippies and not bloodthirsty brutal warrior cultures before European colonisation?

It's not so much the facts themselves, but which facts the person is presenting and not presenting, and what agenda that presentation is aimed to promote. With the contentious topics, you can often infer the person's underlying beliefs based on the facts that they're presenting alone.

For example, the fact that white people are becoming a minority does not in of itself suggest any course of action. The universe does not have a grand plan that is dependent on white people holding a majority in the United States of America. This fact only becomes a cause for concern when you already view the world as a struggle between your race and others, or you've been consuming a bunch of literature painting any one of a different race as some kind of demon hell bent on bringing about society's collapse.

Another classic example is the "black people have a lower IQ" message that white supremacists like to raise as a justification for the more extreme treatments of black people, like chemical castration and genocide. While this is in fact true--even after accounting for social economic status and education, studies do find a residual difference that has yet to be attributed to anything else--another fact that these very same studies also suggest is that Asian and Jewish people have a higher IQ than Northern Europeans. Therefore, based on the superficial logic used by white supremacists, if IQ is apparently a primary determinant of a human's worth, then the best course for society would be to open the borders to the Chinese and start breeding programs to increase the number of Jews. But would a white supremacist ever say this? No, of course not, because at their core, it's never been about IQ, their only concern is the promotion of their own race. They began at this position, and all the rhetoric they're pulling out exists purely to push it.

What JonTron said was that even the richest black man commits more crime than the poorest white person. That's verifiably false.

All wealth is theft. Naturally a bourgeoisie patriarch has committed more crime than the innocent proletariat.

I believe he said wealthier black people commit more crimes than whites, this turned out to semi untrue.

It was later shown that wealthy African Americans commit more homicides, which isn't as large as a statistic as all crimes.

He could have easily been a racist on his own time, WTF compels people to share their retarded views to thousands of people.

If you went onto his Twitter likes, it was nothing but Stefan molyneux, and Paul Joseph Watson and listen southern, think the dude drank their koolaid to quickly and got retarded.

Destiny is great at getting people to say shit. Jon isnt good at off the cuff stuff. It was a bad combo. I do not think Jon is racist, or a white supremacist. He is just an idiot.

I do not think Jon is racist, or a white supremacist.

It's a shame so many have deemed him as such. It was definitely stupid of him to go into a debate with Destiny, discussing this kind of thing isn't Jon's strong point. He's not some hateful racist so painting him as such seems odd to me, then again it seems a lot of people view these types of things in black and white.

Yea...Destiny is really good at debating (not really, but you get what I am saying). Jon is not. He isn't some evil scheming racist. He is a caring guy, who got fed up with things he was seeing. He decided to use his platform, but he wasnt able to properly say what he felt.

The stuff with Sargon was tame. But the usual suspects think anything Sargon touches turns to NAZIS.

please. if youre close enough to a white nationalist that you can be tricked into advocating for a white ethnostate in america by a mediocre debater then youre probably just an actual fucking racist. idiot fans with stars in their eyes.

ah so the reason you want to make excuses for some shit youtuber is because youre also a racist. shocker!!!

well the armenian genocide never happened then?

yeah he totally just got tricked into advocating for a white ethnostate in america!! how can you be this stupid?

Destiny tricked him into being racist!

LUL, that JonTron defense talking point.

Destiny didn't get him to say anything he didn't want to say. If asking questions for clarification is getting him to say shit, I have a bridge to sell you.

Sweet. Can I live under it too?

Does this guy not have any agency? Like at all?

Those are facts though. Oh I forgot facts are now racist in 2017.

Yeah, mixing genes is totally not racist

-dog whistle racists.

Like blacks commit most crimes

Way better than that; it was that wealthy blacks commit more crime than poor whites.

The best part was when the dude he was talking to went out of his way to give him an opportunity to save face, asking something like "So then, assuming they assimilate, you don't have any problems with immigrants?", and he went and replied "Well, you know, then they find their way into the genepool...".

"Well, you know, then they find their way into the genepool...".

Are you serious? He said that? I need a source so bad, I had heard of his rant before but I didn't know he said something like that.

That was in his hangout with the youtuber names Destiny.

Man, that was painful to rewatch. Here's the direct quote:

"So what if whites became the minority, but most brown people assimilated to the culture, would that be ok then?"

"Yeah, but if they assimilated, they would enter the gene pool eventually and would just, you know, I mean..."

Destiny then cuts him off, but throughout the stream JonTron regularly trails off like that and then reframes without ever really finishing the thought. At best, he's incapable of articulating a thought from start to finish. At worst, he's realizing halfway through his sentences that he's painted himself into a corner.

At best, he's incapable of articulating a thought from start to finish.

That's what it seemed to be. He just wasn't prepared for a debate, he probably didn't know how Destiny does these types of debates and expected something more casual.

People are still taking the 'gene pool' quote alone and interpreting it to mean that Jon was implying other races are inferior and would taint the gene pool, but it seemed more that he was suggesting that it would lead to what we now know as the 'white' race to no longer exist. He brought up how the Japanese are free to be proud of their race and remaining the majority in their country but it's almost as if white people need to pretend they're ashamed of their race, particularly in the US. I take it this argument by Jon was in relation to the apparent increase in anti-white sentiment in recent years.

Jon only seems racist if you ignore the context of his arguments and the context of the 'debate' itself. I know I'm not going to label someone a racist who doesn't express racist views, he certainly didn't express any hateful views either.

it seemed more that he was suggesting that it would lead to what we now know as the 'white' race to no longer exist.

Obviously that's what he was saying, that's clearly not the problem. Destiny had been trying for a half hour to get a straight answer as to why it would be a bad thing if white people became a minority, and Jon kept mentioning that the other cultures didn't assimilate. But then he makes it clear with the gene pool comment that the white race itself is important regardless of culture.

But then he makes it clear with the gene pool comment that the white race itself is important regardless of culture.

Regardless of culture, is race unimportant? Personally, I feel that people put far too much emphasis on things like race and gender but some people regard such things as part of their identity so for them their race is important.

I'm not sure that I really see the evolution of a race as a negative thing in itself but I can see why some may see it that way. He seems to view the changes that he sees occurring to the 'white' race in America as erasure of the race, if he views his race as part of his identity then I can see why such changes wouldn't sit well with him. If this is really what made Jon uneasy about a supposed 'white erasure', assuming that the other cultures did assimilate, then it seems he just had trouble articulating the 'why' when all it may have been is that he is proud of his current white identity and feels that it is being erased. When the 'why' is more emotional than it is logical there's not that much he could have said about it in a debate with Destiny.

If this is really what made Jon uneasy about a supposed 'white erasure', assuming that the other cultures did assimilate, then it seems he just had trouble articulating the 'why' when all it may have been is that he is proud of his current white identity and feels that it is being erased.

Look, I'm all for giving the benefit of the doubt. Personally, I find Jon much closer to the "annoying but endearing idiot" end of the spectrum than the "hateful white supremacist" side. But if you're really using the Kellyanne Conway "ignore what he said and look into his heart" defense, then you're just assuming a conclusion and working backwards from there.

When the 'why' is more emotional than it is logical there's not that much he could have said about it in a debate with Destiny.

I can empathize with someone not fully understanding their own emotions and struggling to articulate it. When that person is able to come up with an hour's worth of arguments solely about how non-white races are actively causing problems, I have a hard time believing it was all just an unfortunate series of slips of the tongue.

Look, I'm all for giving the benefit of the doubt. Personally, I find Jon much closer to the "annoying but endearing idiot" end of the spectrum than the "hateful white supremacist" side. But if you're really using the Kellyanne Conway "ignore what he said and look into his heart" defense, then you're just assuming a conclusion and working backwards from there.

Alright, that's true. I can't say for sure, that part was just my impression of what he was getting at. The discussion jumped around a bit and Jon wasn't wording his statements well so what he really meant to say isn't 100% clear.

I can empathize with someone not fully understanding their own emotions and struggling to articulate it. When that person is able to come up with an hour's worth of arguments solely about how non-white races are actively causing problems, I have a hard time believing it was all just an unfortunate series of slips of the tongue.

I didn't interpret his arguments as being a racist/hateful rant against non-whites, but more a reaction to the anti-white sentiment of recent years. He had been posting a few things on his Twitter about it but tried to not go overboard, it seems he'd been bundling up all of this frustration and these ideas to himself so when he finally came to the point where he had enough and wanted to express how he felt about these issues he just let loose. So with that also in mind, you have Jon who is invited to debate with Destiny on his views on whites and race/identity politics (primarily) in the US, so the topics are already going to be focused around race but also critical of whites. Jon had to take the position of defending whites, in doing so he brought up issues with other races.

I can't defend everything he brought up (nor do I recall everything he said). Of course there are issues with different races/cultures not only in the US but worldwide, whites included. I just think the debate became directed at him and his views so that meant he had to defend his position that whites aren't as bad as they are often made out to be. Bringing up the problems in other non-white cultures or communities was his way of saying that white aren't so bad in comparison, which is true on the surface but obviously these are complex issues.

It's getting late so I think I'll leave it at that for now, it might be hard to change your view on this but at least you're discussing this more reasonably than I have seen others do in the past so kudos to you.

best, he's incapable of articulating a thought from start to finish. At worst, he's realizing halfway through his sentences that he's painted himself into a corner.

He's gone full Trump.

I wish Jon would have just kept his mouth shut. I do not think he said anything out of malice. He was just majorly uninformed, and not articulate enough to explain his views, especially against a troll like Destiny.

Yep, no one has ever said that mixing genes is bad and surprisingly been a racist. Nope never. Richard Spencer who?

Honestly, I know fuck all about who Destiny is. That thing with Jon is the only occasion in which I've been exposed to him.

With that said, having watched the entirety of their exchange, there is no flippin' way you can put any of Jon's claims or conduct on Destiny. He didn't trick Jon into saying that immigrants are detrimental because of their genes, he didn't goad Jon into lying about the relation between wealth, race, and crime rates, and he sure as fuck didn't force Jon to say "We've gotten rid of discrimination in Western countries", or "Crime rates are pretty consistent across Africa", or "White supremacists and racist are just slurs", or "Bring it bitches, let's go. Debate me. I dare you to fucking debate me."

Of course he was grossly uninformed, that's not being disputed at all.
But you know what we call an uninformed fuckwit who insists shit like race-mixing is bad, the best blacks are worse than the worst whites, and that whites are facing genocide despite having the largest population now than we ever had in all of human history?
We call that person a racist, because that's what they clearly are. Even if it's because they're stupid.

It'd be one thing if the person in question later learned that half the claims they had made were easily disproven lies, and then decided to apologize for the bullshit they had spread and the accusations they had made while they were ignorant.

But Jonnyboy? He hasn't done anything like that. Instead he posted an unlisted "reaction" video on Youtube, in which he apologized for none of the lies he had told, provided a collection of links to clickbait and blog-posts whose fault it was that he said such things, and said that it's not his fault because apparently he's only articulate enough to accurately express his views when he's saying things like "debate me, motherfucker, I dare you".

Look, I don't doubt that he's just some gullible dude who's just regurgitating a bunch of nonsense he read on /pol/ because he's never checked a source in his life, but that's only a legitimate excuse after he admits that many of the assertions he made were, in fact, bullshit.

Do whatever you have to do to convince yourself that this means he doesn't really believe it, even though he remains unwilling to do this, but a glance at what his twitter feed looked like before he got backlash for this looks stunningly similar to the folks who really do.

Don't forget when Jon talked about keeping the gene pool pure.

Now that is some advanced autism.

Advanced racism.

What's the difference?

Shit, man. the 'hardest' white nationalist I ever get is, I think white chicks are hotter than other ones.

Fuck, though, anything 1/2 white or over gets counted as white by me.

Like blacks commit most crimes,

I just checked - they do.

Hey, you can't say that fact. That's a racist fact.

Like blacks commit most crimes, European colonialism in Africa was good for Africa, whites are becoming a minority in their own country, etc etc.

Those are facts though, like, you can think whatever you want but those are facts.

I'm glad people didn't forget about this.

Don't you think that the word specifically does so much damage and harm to people because they have been taught to react to it and let it affect them?

He made an accidental slip up which gives the opposition ammunition but overall shouldn't the goal be to teach people not to get offended by frivolous bullshit? The reason that edgy teenagers like the word so much and use it is because of the reaction it garners. Remove the reaction and you win. This is like anti-bullying 101.

congrats on ur first DeepHighSchoolThoughts™️

proud of u

Well, of course. Nigger shouldn't be held to this golden standard of racial slurs when every other insult also has some pretty horrific baggage to it.

That said, it's not going to get desensitized just because some youtuber (that has recently been accused of being a nazi, mind you) accidentally said it, perhaps it will even do the opposite. People aren't going to stop being offended even if it's in their best interest to just not give a shit.

I know he wont make a difference and the drama in enjoyable and you even explained it a bit but you explicitly said it was bad so now you are feeding into it.

Although the irony is not lost on me that i am microscopically examining every word you type and I mistakenly assumed your intent.

hey, i'm just here for the memes and the occasional gassing of minorities

what i say or do doesn't matter in the long run anyway

I agree that memes are funny but the problem is that a new generation of anons have come up mistakenly thinking people were being serious when they were just joking around. Conversely there is also a new generation of hyper sensitive individuals. It really speaks to the inability of people to understand nuance and how stupid people can be.

If you don't think it's a problem go check out /leftpol/ sometime. The memes have been misinterpreted both ways. I'm not sure what the correct line of action should be to combat this except making fun of people for being retarded and taking things seriously that were meant to be jokes.

the occasional gassing of minorities

2049 can't come soon enough.

No, the solution to anti-bullying is to make everyone else change. You can't just expect delicate niggerfaggots to toughen up.

This is like anti-bullying 101.

It really isn't. It's not until the bully feels repercussions from their actions that they understand that the power dynamic is not what they were anticipating. The whole "just don't react" movement is like an extension of the same bullshit people peddle when they don't want to confront a problem but don't want to hear about it either.

The issue with him using the word is not necessarily that he caused damage by doing so, though in this case given his position and social influence he probably has. The problem mostly stems from why is a go to word.

People get offended by things out of the desire to improve the situations we're in. Ignoring shit doesn't fix anything.

People get offended by things out of the desire to improve the situations we're in

You are in for an extremely rude awakening one day

Lol. I got here by rethinking. Good luck buddy

It's not until the bully feels repercussions from their actions that they understand that the power dynamic is not what they were anticipating.

So mayocide is the answer.

Hey man there's a country called niger why don't people get offended?

It's never gonna get desensitized until people start saying it. So really PewDiePie is a brave pioneer, sacrificing his own reputation in the war against racism. Godspeed good man. Godspeed.

Memes aside, until that word gets desensitized in the general public (which it definitively isn't, both in meaning and emotional baggage), this is about the biggest no-no you can do while being a public person.


It's bad in how it looks. I'm not convinced he's racist. Just very fucking stupid, because America is extremely sensitive to this word. And we all know it.

Holding the N-word at such a high regard is in and of itself pretty racist (even if you don't mean it to be. you're giving the word its power by getting so upset over it).

But then, I don't know what other drama happened prior to this, maybe he did express racist opinions in the past like JonTron?

Didn't some dude on cable television say it and people didn't give a shit because he's a comedian and liberal?

what i dont understand is no one would get pissed if he said the word "faggot" on stream. or if he said "cunt" which should be equally offensive. But for whatever reason people think "nigger" will spawn Satan or something.

What's so weird? Before he had 8 year old humor, now he has 12 year old humor. His playerbase got older, and he knows it.

Right? I mean have people played an online shooter in the last 10 years. I stopped using voicechat long ago because it's 99% 12 year olds calling each other faggot and nigger. He's just playing to his audience

The ironic thing is that disney probably thinks that this is inapropriate for children, while it's exactly what they are there for.

Like louis ck said, "you know how 'nigger' was invented? Some guy was being a nigger."

yes, and we should take everything Louis ck say very seriously.

As much as you can take youtube stream very seriously.

This, but ironically

What have you got against Mexicans, racist?

Beaners are problematic because they culturally appropriated themselves by race-mixing.

Beaners were created by whites raping natives tho

how the turntables...

we should take this comment very seriously.

Sorry, I forgot we were in a serious only thread

Pewdiepie clearly just blurted out a sound

Louis CK is actually capable of being funny/witty though

C'mon man, no one likes when you're being a nigger

r/imaginarycastles is my favorite subreddit

I like to look at it in the morning while laying in the bathtub

huh it's almost like comedy is subjective.

And then he invited said nigger over to his house to fuck his wife.

I guess jerking off in front of other comediennes was getting old

It's a real struggle to stay fresh.

When you start busting out the Louis CK quotes you need to put down the mayo.

nigger detected

What I find pretty funny, is that Louis CK had a pretty thought provoking discussion of the usage of "faggot" on his show.

Ck is a beaner though

Hes also a comedian that can pull it off in a context with comedians around. PDP just used it as a general insult.

He deserves a swift punch in the face for that one. Not an ass beating or a stomping, but a nice jab to the eye or nose for saying it. His brain would relate the physical pain to that word and he would no longer let it slip out.

That's quite nigger of you.

That makes no sense but coming from you I'm not surprised.

"Nigger" has a slave heritage. Slaves were beaten if they misbehave, even for words. You talking about hitting for words means in that setting you either a slave who got used to it, or a slave owner who does that himself. And, dare I say, both of those options are very nigger indeed.

It's not an adjective, you retard. Try again.

Could you be any more nigger?

OMG! You used the R-word, you must hate disabled people

That's exactly what someone who's constantly niggering would say.



Double nigger.

kill yourself unironically

You are appropriating my culture. Please stop.

lol he touched a nerve

I love you

nobody who cares enough to do it has the capability or the nerves

Triple nigger

I'm kind of surprised how much people are managing to argue about this. It seems pretty straightforward that yes, it was very bad for him to say it, especially with viewers who are so young. But no, it doesn't mean he secretly hates black people.

But no, it doesn't mean he secretly hates black people.

Why are you defending Nazis?

Are you saying all black people are niggers?

What if I say that all nazis are niggers?

Who am I now?



I see you know your judo well

Get your hand off my penis

That's now how the word works, its just a general slur for any black person.

You're the one saying all blacks are niggers Mr grand wizard of the KKK.


/s is for niggers

it just means he's never been around them on a regular basis.

Slaveowners were, stil used that word.

a fate worse than death

He must not have lived near sweden's 1 black guy.

sweden's 1 black guy
Oh sweet summer child.

You leave Tyŕonë out of this.

Or been around them too much.

False, my token black friends don't bat an eye at white people saying it unless they actually mean it.

That can't be right; Paul Joseph Watson told me Sweden is 98% African refugees now. Maybe all the smoke from the smoldering, post-apocalyptic wreckage is obscuring his view?

Technically true though. Sweden is majority white, and Brighton where he currently lives (and where I live, so I can confirm) has only a 0.81% black/black British population. I suppose its worth mentioning if people are going to be having this discussion.

100% agree with this. We all know it's going to cause a lot of drama anyway though because that's just how things work apparently.

But no, it doesn't mean he secretly hates black people.

Well yeah, it is not exactly secret now.

Lmao. False.

Nothing magic about it.

You're right. I suggest communicating in a way that's more direct. Your attempts at turning my argument into something that fits what you're saying is a tactic of an idiot. You're right, nothing magic. Therefore not at all. Guess what he doesn't hate black people and he's not a racist.

what you're saying is a tactic of an idiot

No u

Guess what he doesn't hate black people and he's not a racist

This but ironically

Lol ok kid. Think what you want obviously and then present it so fucking terribly lmao. Like the way you posted means fucking nothing and only indicates your terrible approach to a convo, lol. If there is a person who doesn't view black people as inferior, and they say the n-word, they don't magically transform into somebody who thinks black people are inferior. Giving you a warning, if I don't respond to you again it's because your reply is a terrible attempt at any rational thought and is the language of a 1sr grader

Lol. I'm an ex army ranger, degree in microbiology, make six figures a year, and can bench over 250lbs multiple times. If you don't believe me, feel free to check my post history where I have to other people that wouldn't stfu about it and called me a liar. Soooo.... No? I think your projecting. I'm guessing you're young, probably fat AF, and still love with your parents. Or, just your slut of a mother because your dad was smart enough to run the fuck away. If you had a real dad in your life, you wouldn't be such a disrespectful little shit. Like I tell everyone else who tried to be an online tough guy. I'll tell you the town I live in over a PM and we can hang out sometime... Hope you aren't a guy who ever gets married, has kids, get divorced, and then have everything, including the kids you help raise taken away. When that does happen to you, since most marriages don't work out, and divorce are initiated 80℅ by the wife. When you come here looking for legal advice or needing help because the family court treats you like garbage for having a dick, I for one, will simply say, told you say. Then, probably laugh a little at you. Take care bud.

oh my God you are the internet tough guy. People who say meet me in real life and who flaunt IRL on the internet are the tough guys. You threw the same type of assumptions right back at me. They are all sadly sadly wrong. You so desperately tried to believe a huge negative assumption about my character, just so you can feel better about this situation? You're fucking pathetic. Try not to get beat up by some 17 year old goth you fucking goober. Lmao.

How do you cope with not being an instagram male model?

This is happiness beyond anything you can fathom. It's impossible to appreciate how easy, stress-free, validation filled, and endorphin-releasing these lives are but you can guess.

You've escaped the rat race. No 40 hour weeks, no hours spent in traffic commuting, no deadlines to worry about, no essays to research, no projects to lose hair over. No forcing yourself to wake up early, force-feeding for energy even if not hungry.

You wake up at 10am after a full night of GH-releasing sleep. Your hair looks effortlessly styled even when messy. You eat your breakfast and take a shirtless selfie "cooking eggs!" "it's bacon time!" and post it to IG.

You put on a plain white tee and some jeans. You haven't shaved or showered and your wardrobe is as basic as it gets but NONE of it matters because your face just makes everything work. It's the uglies who agonize over which direction to style their hair or how much stubble to trim or what shirt to wear with what pants to look good. All irrelevant to you.

Then your ride comes to pick you up. A limo from the agency to take you to your photoshoot of the day. You spend 2-3 hours in good lighting with a female model, posing and cracking jokes with snack breaks in between. You collect your fat paycheck and head out.

In between all this you've gotten literally hundreds of IOIs from women - on the street, on the train, in the grocery store. The entire world is like a runway because chicks keep GAWKING at you and cant control themselves. You have to hide a ****-eating grin - how can life be so amazing you wonder as you shake your head and laugh.

Now you go to the gym for some weight lifting and briefly glance at the bloated pimply moonfaces high-fiving each other over their 4 plate squats. You see a chick secretly snapping a pic of you from the corner of your eye but ignore it and laugh.

80th text message of the day comes in. It's the desperate sloot from tinder who has messaged you 3 times in a row, begging you to be her FWB. You don't feel like smashing though and just want to play video games. This thought doesn't give you any second-doubts or cognitive dissonance or anxiety over turning down sex because pussy is a never-ending stream for you, a commodity.

Quick check on instagram - your unshaven unshowered selfie has 80000 likes with 9/10 hbbs posting kissy emojis and tagging their hot friends

"@kayley this is the guy i was telling you about!"

"future husband"


"@tiffanyyy @jessicaxo @amber92 ohmy****ingGOD"

Another stream of endorphins release upon seeing this validation. The tenth time today. Better than any drug out there. Heroin without the side effects. You smile as your self-esteem is satiated. Your genetics are celebrated. You are intrinsically desired Women want you for you. Not your money or your social connections, they want YOU.

It's a tactic of an idiot not because it disagrees with me because he was using a process that doesn't allow to you reach a conclusion in the most efficient way. Sorry you're too dumb to understand.

Love u 2 bby

Yeah, but how many non-racists automatically go to 'Nigger' when they're frustrated? I'm guessing not many, if any.

clearly you've never been on xbox live. Not all those 13 year olds can be racist, can they?

I couldn't give half a fuck about pewdiepie if I tried, but if I know anything from being a kid, it's that the general thought process is "what's the worst word I can think of? Let's use it!"

I think you underestimate how many racists there are in the world. (hint: there's a fuckton of racists)

Me too thanks

That doesn't relate or counter what he said at all...

I was responding to his disbelief that there are a lot of racist 13 year olds on Xbox Live. Didn't feel the need to respond to the idiotic notion that Pewdiepie should only be held to the standard of a middle schooler.

Lmao get out of your bubble you fucking loser. His post was showing it's possible to use the word and not make you racist. He was making a logical statement and the logic of what you said doesn't disprove him at all. You simple minded retard

There are a lot of racists but I don't think most of the 13 year olds on xbox are racist. They are trying to be "edgy" by pushing the most offensive word they can think of out of their mouths. If we could make the word "Butterfly" the most offensive word in English, then 13 year olds would be calling people butterflies instead. It's the reaction to the word, not the word itself that people like that are after. I think this is much the case for Pewdiepie, he's not a racist, he's a fucking immature idiot and I'm not entirely sure which is worse.

The thing is, PewDiePie is not a naïve 13 year old boy on Xbox live.

He's an adult with an audience of millions of young, impressionable kids who has lived in countries where the meaning and context of that word is abundantly clear.

He knows better.

Yeah, it was a bad move. But he's not racist

He just instinctly spouted a racial slur as an insult and later in the stream explained he "sometimes forgets [he's] streaming". How the fuck are you so sure.

Because it's part of culture for a lot of people who aren't racist, including black people and including people who are friends with black people. And knowing the culture, since you don't, when they use it the way he used it, yes the assumption is 99% safe to say he's not racist.

But he's not 13 anymore...so he should probably have matured mentally pass that.

should is the operative word here.

I think more than you'd expect tbh. A lot of people like to say offensive things to be edgy when playing games in like a /r/imgoingtohellforthis type of vibe. I know I have a few friends who say racist terms almost as a meme when playing games. I know they're not racist because we have good friends from all different cultures but they do love to throw out the occasional nigger/cracker/jew jokes just for the sake of being edgy when they're fucking about on games.

I've tried to get them to cut down tho because of situations like this where they're so used to saying it that they might actually spill it out at the wrong time and really offend people.

I do. I just use the word because people always react in such a huge way to it. Now my friends don't even register it when it's said, which is how it should be.

Killing the meaning kills the hate behind the word.

Are you black?

He probably is. The only people that get offended when someone says, "nigger" these days are white people it seems.

Are you black?

Next time you're about to fall asleep - you know, just moments before you head off to meet the sandman - everyone, even the most narcissistic of us take that moment to perform a bit (and sometimes too much) introspection.

Next time you're at that moment of perfect tranquility, clarity and personal honesty - ask yourself:

Does it really matter who's black here? Did your black friends ask you crusade with them against this word? Or for them?

Or did you decide to crusade on your own with your other white compassionate friends on their behalf... for their own good?

Bruh, seriously, stop giving that word so much power. The people that should care, don't. That leaves you and your friends who do and your not helping at all.

Words have no meaning and communication is impossible.

No I'm not. Does it make it okay to use it if you are?

The way some of them call each other "my nigga" or the like is the same deal, they're desensitizing the word and giving it a less hateful meaning. Honestly you could probably walk into a room of people and shoot off any word you wanted, spic, chink, gook, whatever. None of them would react as badly as they do with the word nigger, which is silly to me.

There's also hateful intent. I live in a country where hate crimes can land you in jail, but they still require INTENT. You wont get hauled off just for using the word, you have to use it in a hateful way against another person. Most people never do that.

No I'm not.

Then you dont get to decide if that word has meaning anymore.

Who does then? Black people?

The honest fact of the matter is that nobody is alive today who was a slave, so the word shouldn't even mean anything to most people in modern time. A baseless racial insult is as far as it should go, just like how every other one does, but for whatever reason people give this one example out of them all huge favor when it comes to talks about racial equality. How is that fair? are other racial slurs just not as equal? or did the hateful meaning die?

Shut up

Wow your white friends are desensitised to a slur towards blacks! We are truly moving forward in the world, great job!

Like how all people who say faggot are homophobic and all people who say dick or cunt are sexist.

how many people that have absolutely nothing against homosexuals automatically go to "faggot" when they're frustrated? You see what I'm getting at? Context matters. If I were to say "faggot" to someone I know about, that he/she was homosexual, chances are high I have a problem with their sexual orientation. When I say "nigger" in an insulting way to a black person, chances are high I'm racist.

But just on their own, they are simply swearwords

You're GUESSING not many, well can you realize it's a guess. Don't fill in a lack of information with an assumption. Black people use it in that sense all the time and if he has black friends that don't care if he uses it that same sense - then boom.

12 year old PDP fans arguing with 13 year old tumblrites, none of which have developed enough brains to understand the actual meaning behind any of the words they say. We're looking at a level five retardation cascade here.

Yeah I mean it's fairly explicit that he does.

Your second point is true but it also means he's a immature piece of shit 💩 reminiscent of the all the other immature pieces of shit black gamers have to deal with on a daily basis. Lord almighty I couldn't even begin to want to play any online multiplayer game if I was black.

I am definitely no fan of PDP, and this has made me less of one.

Yeah, it's natural for Americans to get upset about the word "nigger" in particular, obviously due to the significance of the word in America's recent history. For other parts of the world it is still treated as an extremely bad word, but not on the same level as in America (for example, many Americans won't even write the word out when referring to the word itself).

It's said in this clip in extremely poor taste, but I agree that saying a particular word as an insult doesn't make him a Nazi or a racist. You can call someone a cunt without necessarily being a misogynist; you can call someone a faggot without necessarily being a homophobe; you can call someone a nigger without necessarily being a racist.

That's ridiculous. No, you absolutely can't! Why would you need a super insulting word specifically for a black person if not to be racist? The word has no other meanings.

He's using it here as a general expletive, he isn't using it specifically to disparage a black person. It's a terrible thing to say regardless, but it doesn't automatically make him a racist in the sense that he would be expected to discriminate against a black person in his day-to-day life.

I'm not saying that Pewdiepie isn't a racist - I don't know one way or the other. I'm just arguing that using the word "nigger" doesn't automatically make you a racist, unless of course you use it specifically to disparage a black person.

God damn, read 5 threads on it and you're the only person who gets it.

He said nigger, it's a terrible word and he shouldn't have said it, but he didn't direct it at someone because they're black, it's just a swear word. He was probably thinking of any word he could and just blurted it accidentally. I hate his videos and don't care about him but I'm not gonna hate on him for making a mistake anyone could make.

Seriousposters pls go

It was less he was thinking of any word and more that the n word is his go to insult when not in public. He's probably said at first for shock value around his friends, and has just said it so much that it's become a bad habit. He's never meant it to demean the Africa ethnicity, but he understands its value to an extent (there's some argument over it being a Swedish swear word that won't argue since I don't know Shit about Swedish). Doesn't make him racist per se, but definitely insensitive, tasteless, and stupid.

You're an idiot lol

Did you even read what I wrote? I specifically pointed out he wasn't racist.

Sorry man, my Reddit app replied to the wrong comment somehow. That wasn't even aimed at you. I actually replied to another guy saying, "I agree" which was aimed at you. Lmao.

Ah I see haha. No worries then

Saying the word doesn't make you a racist.

But clearly it's proof deep down he's a racist who loves lynching black people. Whereas Bill Maher did it and he's just a misunderstood comedian.


If that's the word you go to, then there's a bit o racism there.

He swears allllll the time. He's never said it before.

I've said it before in real life without thinking and I know for a fact I'm not a racist so don't you dare try to spin it like that.

It's not like he never swears and he just blurted it out, he swears alllll the fucking time, this time he just happened to say a pretty bad word.

If he is constantly throwing it around i could see how he contributes to making a bad environment. To two white dudes it's probably just a word but to a black person is something more. It's weird having PDP do this and weirder if he tries to justify it because he will never be hurt by that word. And yes words have power beyond a personal meaning.

It seems pretty straightforward that yes, it was very bad for him to say it, especially with viewers who are so young.

Indeed. With rap, or "hip hop," having died out in the late '80s, I suspect it was the first time hearing it for most 12 year-olds.

But no, it doesn't mean he secretly hates black people.

He managed to do a LOT of racist slip-ups recently for someone who definitely isn't racist.

This. Man I've read through sooo many comments in the last 30 minutes and people are either defending him or calling him a horrible racist. Yes it's undeniably shitty that he said it. Unfortunately the word has become synonymous in 'gamer' culture but it doesn't mean he's necessarily racist. Assholes spew this shit online all the time hoping it'll get a rise out of someone. It just means he's an idiot.

EDIT: I guess it's not so straightforward, since apparently PDP must be either blameless or hitler.

Thta is basically what it is, he said a bad word, he knows it, doesn't hate black people but shouldn't say it.

What i kinda find funny is that some of my mates are having a go at him calling him a "cunt".

So apparently sexist insults are fine as long as they are being used to stop someone using racial ones :P

Same reason you shouldn't really use words like cunt as its a bit of a sexist one.

found the american

Wtf I love poop pie now

I agree, he stands for all that I believe in.


Yall crackas already loved him Lol

omg dont use that word it's offensive

Word Frequency
people 96
black 81
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highschool 5

Amusing but yawn...

Impeach PewDiePumf

Pewdipie ia a dick. Who would have guessed.

So the problem is that he said nigger with a hard r? What's the racism gradient here? Nigger is peak racism, what's next - nigga, niguh, nikkah, nikkah, negro, or any other misspelled variant of the same fucking word?

pfffhahahaha the madman trajectory of this guy since the WSJ thing, it's been a fun ride.

Why is it that whenever something like this happens edgelords go "it's just a word" and shit like that, but then some random article by some random irrelevant journalist comes up which says "gamers are dumb" and everybody stars REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-ing.

gamers are an oppressed minority and must be liberated from their SJW feminist overlords before they can be rehabilitated

I'm not gonna blame them for getting worked up and invested in shit concerning their hobbies. But it's retarded to bitch and moan about stuff happening in the world of gaming and then turning around and calling people who don't like racial slurs pussies/snowflakes/SJWs.

i agree but we must stand in solidarity with our gamer comrades until they rise up and overthrow the bourgeois developers and critics who refuse to stop putting WOMEN in the games

What's next? I bet they'll even start having non-white female protagonist as well, and then they'll defend that with "because we wanted to" rather than the minimum 20000 word essay that's obligatory to justify having a character not be white!

They need a reason to not have the default skin

But it's retarded to bitch and moan about stuff happening in the world of gaming and then turning around and calling people who don't like racial slurs pussies/snowflakes/SJWs.

What if we make the distinction that those people are pussies whether or not they openly whine about racial slurs?

What do you have to gain by playing by your own rules? They don't, so neither will I.

well maybe if pewdiepie said niggers are dumb that would be a good comparison.

It's still a good comparison, it's just words after all.

It's still a good comparison

It's not at all. But if you think it is, good news, you might be retarded.

I thought this sub was a safe-space, don't be mean friend :(

Nah, gamers are dumb is an opinion presented through words.

Given how so many people are preaching "lol getting affected by words in 2017" I actually think it kinda fits. People are so bent on finding a loophole to not feel bad/guilty or whatever for saying nigger that they are acting as if having feelings should be outlawed in 2017.

Like, if you didn't get affected by words at all I would think you're socially retarded or a serial killer.

Well no, I think people can get hurt by whatever words you want, and it'd be insane to say there aren't things that people could say to me that would hurt me. I just find it hard to see, in this case, who Piewdiepie is hurting.

Then again, he is white, so I guess he's hurting others just by existing.

I don't even care that much that he said it, I've seen him as an edgelord for some time now. I personally don't like the word and don't hear it constantly everywhere like some say(nigga yeah, nigger no). I'm just not a fan of the reaction overall and how hypocritical it feels and the way people defend it.

REEEEEE-ing with a hard R, tho?

Could someone explain to me what you mean by this "hard R"? I've been reading it everywhere and I don't quite understand what people mean by said hard R, or why it's bad.

"Nigga" vs. "NiggeR". One if softened and less controversial (to a degree), while the other is the full-strength version, guaranteed to get you in shit if you use it and aren't black.

I see. TIL, I guess. I use them interchangeably.


Wait, are we not supposed to use the hard R?

people got offended when nicki minaj used the hard R in her song so no not even blacks can say it.

mayocide yesterday

On the internet, it's all mayocide, everyday.

Who doesn't say Nigger when they think nobody's listening, it's 2017 for christ sake

I say it when people are listening. I call my black friends nigger and they call me master. Its a running joke with us. Why? because we understand making dark history into humor and we are't righteous pussies like 60% of the population who break down and cry because of a word. 56% of them are white. That makes no sense.

I'm not sure who is worse:

Disney poster-child preteen pandering Pewdiepie, or edgy (((((((alt-right)))))) larper Pewdiepie.

It doesn't matter, they're the same.

Imagine being so retarded that you are offended by people saying nigger.

And in /r/Drama of all places.

That's what happens when the dummies from CB2 kick the door down and nigger up the place with their overwhelming whiteness.

Mayocide now.

Imagine being so privileged, insensitive, and self-centered that you can't understand how your words can be harmful and toxic to others. Oh, wait...

Well if they can be harmful and toxic then just use some bad words to white people, see if they care.

But white people have never been systematically oppressed. Derogatory words directed at them will carry far less power.

So if it's not words that actually harm people we can call any basketball american born after certain year (when systematic opression ended for sure 2000? 1990?) a nigger, good.

Umm, no. It's not that the words aren't harmful, it's just dependent on a lot of other factors. And systematic oppression is alive and well today. But I'm guessing you're not interested in having a real discussion about this, and are just trying to a jerk, so I'm not going to bother trying to explain this further. Hope the rest of your night goes well. Peace.

And systematic oppression is alive and well today.

Well, I can safely call that pretty much bullshit, thank you very much.

Um ok take a sociology class sometime and then get back to me.


sociology is the most retarded anti-science field.

Uhh no. You'll see when you take the 101 class. Don't worry, just give it a chance!

take a sociology class


Can't you explain it?

it's not his job to educate us.

His job is to put items that customers dropped or misplaced back on the shelves.

Still better than harvesting cotton.

Oh BOY you sure are TRIGGERING. Mom should be enforcing a bed time.

Yeah I know, it's time to stop posting, been doing that literally since this post was created.

her, and no. I am *much smarter than you.

Her. And nah, man.

nah, man

stop appropriating dude culture.

Not interested in explaining to people who don't want to learn.

You are a weak breed of person. I don't know how you can make it through your day without passing out from offensive content.

You would be absolutely useless in any dangerous situation, you would be too scared to help someone because you might offend them. Don't really need people like you in this world, you are what makes the human race weak.

Hahahahaha this comment is hilarious! Dude, I'm a crisis counselor. I am literally in charge of resolving dangerous situations all day long, and I'm pretty good at it. It's an incredibly challenging job, and not to toot my own horn even more, but very few people can do it. But I'll give you partial credit about not wanting to offend people, because then it's much harder for me to help them. And I CAN and DO help them, because THAT is what will make humanity stronger, not tearing down strangers on the internet with inaccurate assumptions. So forgive me if I completely disregard your inane, sniveling, useless opinion.

I stopped reading when you said you don't want to toot your horn about being a crisis counselor. Lol

Mhmm. Ok.

Haha, thats pretty shitty counseling skills you got. Can't debate or discuss different view points. Those poor people who go to you for help, they probably say something you find "offensive" and you screech things at them. ;)

Remember kids, don't go thinking for yourself now!

I never judge the people I counsel! But I'm not counseling you. I can judge you for your shitty biased viewpoints and general assholery all I want. And on that note, kindly go fuck yourself.

I guess counseling skills don't require communication??? I was simply stating that you seem like a cunt who cant fathom a different or opposing opinion. Judging from your responses i'd say I was right on the money. Hehe, enjoy life getting triggered and offended. I will be off having my own thoughts and saying what I want.

K thx byeee, twat

Hey later cutie. Comeback anytime to get fucked in the ass.


Take a bullet sometime and then get back to me.

Most useless form of education on the planet


Well, I can safely call you pretty much retarded, thank you very much.

Do you know how offensive using that word is? My Rabbi is retarded, how dare you. Your words carry power you know!

I acknowledge that my language is immature and I should strive to do better, though.

Stop using that word. :(

Like I said, I apologize if I offended anyone. I didn't think about it and was just focused on making a snarky comment. I should have known better, friend.

I apologize if I offended

Pewdiepie apologized too, no one gives a fuck.

PewDiePie has a record and went a bit further than "retarded". He has no excuse at this point.

Then your apology doesn't mean shit too. You don't choose how people get offended by your words, it's up to them.

Just because I apologized doesn't absolve me of consequence or demand others forgive. It's a statement and it means as much or as little as the reputability of the source and the degree of the offense.

I honestly feel bad for you, not understanding basic social interaction.

See you're just as bad as pdp and you realize that. Now you need suffer more just because someone got offended (or at least said so). That's how world really works.

I apologize if I offended anyone.

Why in God's name would you do that?!

Don't be retarded.

Dude deleted his account, so my options are limited.

This is /r/Drama, it's mandatory.

Mentaly ill people have been systematically opressed for a long time, can you stop using that word?

Stop being retarded.

Irish losing their white pass already? Damn.

They were not even considered white back then. Our idea of whiteness has evolved over time. The difference here, though, is that they were eventually able to progress to the same plane as other white folks. The same cannot be said of their non white counterparts.

But white people have never been systematically oppressed

Well not THOSE white people.

You're a retard who has never opened a history book.

Dude speak for yourself.

Hope the rest of your day goes well. Peace.

Hope you finally decide step into moving traffic during your daily mental breakdown after leaving your job at Starbucks.

Ha! If only. My job would be a lot less stressful and I wouldn't have all those pesky student loans 😉 Kindly run along and fuck yourself ☺

Shitter status: shattered.

white people have never been systematically oppressed

How about learning some history?

Speak for yourself

You're really not getting this


I have to admit I didn't feel anything.

They get extremely triggered when you call them racist.

No, not really, they get extremely triggerd when the loose their job and became an outcast because of that.

Shouldn't have majored in coal mining.

People who use the word toxic to describe things they don't like are gay FACT

this but unironically

deal with it nigger

People know what they're doing when they get some people in trouble for using it but excuse musicians from using it. Is it harmful and never to be used or is it an open double standard? Make up your mind.

I'd go for mainly privileged or sheltered. I grew up without any black friends (not that my area is completely devoid of black people) and have said it a lot over the years in various contexts. I toned it down when I realized saying black person felt weird. My first experience of offending someone with it was on a random voice chat on Discord at 19 years old, when I was talking about a black guy who randomly came up to me on a vacation.

The same people who choose to use "nigga" 24/7 and in pop culture?

Imagine being so privileged, insensitive, and self-centered that you can't understand how your words can be harmful and toxic to others. Oh, wait...

No need to bring SRS into this discussion.

This but ironically

Oh good, a SRDine jumped out of the tank and is stinking up the place.

Gtfo SRDine

Yeah and? People say hurtful shit all the time.

Imagine being an SRD regular.

pff lol its a word, like faggot, like whore its a bad word but its just a word, you never say fuck or shit for exemple ? But conservative christian people could get offended and it could harm their children !!


it's virtue signalling from people who think getting a form of ID is impossible for black people.

Pewdiepie says one word and causes one of the biggest drama waves in recent Reddit history. What a day.

Below average people are good at exactly one thing, and that thing is seeing an opportunity to become part of a mob

He should post a video tommorrow on 9/11 with a partial apology and then a smash cut to the twin towers falling with "dead niggers" written in the foreground

Oh please!

what game is that?

Playerunknown's battlegrounds if i am not mistaken

Player unknown's battlegrounds AKA pubg. It's blown up recently and it's basically a sort of battle royale concept where a bunch of people gotta kill each other and stuffs

Everyone says it. Who tf cares lol

I don't say it.


Thank you for fighting the good fight.

How does this fucking douche still get views and attention?

this thread has been locked because yall cant stay civil

I'm just waiting for more hit-pieces.

I've never matched PewDiePie before. Does he usually curse this much while streaming? He sounds like any other million people on Xbox live.

He makes money by being an adult that acts like a middle schooler with divorced parents, thereby validating their down syndrome ways and manipulating them into giving him their moms' money

He swears an absolute ton whilst streaming lol, I've watched 5 minutes or so of a couple of his streams before when I am procrastinating on YouTube and he can barely go a sentence without dropping an f-bomb or 5.

Ha - No kidding! From his interviews, I would have never had guessed. Thanks for the info.

Just saying, the word "Nigger" has much, much, MUCH less of an impact in countries outside the US. It's so bad there because it's tied to slavery, but not all of us had the industry to such an extent.

I mean, if it's used unironically to a black person, it's still gonna end up with you face down in the pavement, courtesy of anyone within earshot that has manners. But, you can say it, at least in Australia, among friends without any repercussions.

I want an apology from /r/drama for not having anybody who would use the word in their submission title. You know which one.

Who. Cares.

For those who can't seem to wrap their head around the issue:

We get it. You don't care about the "N" word. That is pretty much the point of the problem here.


1: PewdiePie. He is a Youtuber who has a MASSIVE following. He even had a deal with Disney. Had, you say? Yes. Because he had a very public fall from grace regarding photos he used in a couple videos which, taken out of context or not, were racially inflammatory. He claimed not to be racist and it was a joke. That ends, he loses the Disney deal, and here we are back again with him dropping racial slurs on his stream.

WHY THAT MATTERS: Well, firstly, it kinda detracts from the "not racist" thing, but also it proposes normalization of a not culturally acceptable phrase to 57 million viewers, many of which likely taking how to be cool cues from him.

Sure, he is not American, so likely the "N" word doesn't matter all that much to him as it does in America. That is absolutely irrelevant to the issue, though, because there is no question the majority of his audience is going to be American. If the majority of your viewership was Israeli, you probably wouldn't want to be using "Kike" as an exclamation. It is simply not OK, nor is it OK to act like it is OK just because you are mad.

Why did I use the "K" word but not the "N" word? Because the "N" word IS WHAT IT IS. It has been deemed so unacceptable that uttering it, even in an appropriate context, is generally disallowed. Don't like it? Get over it. Culture has moved past you; the fight is over. Are other racial epithets OK? Of course not-- but there is no denying the "N" word has a special place in disallowable words.

It is unfortunate that a non-American has to suffer American sensibilities, but if he wants an enormous sum of money from Americans and be a notable part of culture and American media, he had better figure it the fuck out.

Yeah, still don't see how it matters. It IS okay to say it.


Obama can say nigger but pdp cant?


Because he's a half nigger and pdp isnt?


That's racist.

im brown does that make me a nigger?

I have no idea tbh.


Can you summarize that for me because I'm a dumb nigger

Meh who cares at no point was it meant as a racial insult. Sure it's not in good taste or even suitable for his audience but really? This much drama over nothing?

"The question then is: what is getting in the way of intimacy? As a POC and therapist, I have come to see that white people tend to project childhood experiences of feeling unloved on to their relationships with POCs. Allyship from this place is exhausting for us to receive because it keeps covertly centring the unmet emotional needs of white people"


To be fair PUBG is pretty much a n word shouting simulator for the first 2 minutes

Can't wait for people to attach Trump to this somehow.

Why are there 718 comments in this stupid thread? I'm gonna have to actually read through all this garbage at work tomorrow. smh.

So it worked, basically.

Honestly jesus fucking christ its a goddam word. nobody died, nobody got physically hurt. why does anyone at all give a singular fuck.

Some idiot said nigger and that's somehow news here? Even for neckbeards you guys sunk low.

We must not be niggardly with our drama.

I live in New Zealand and as some one not from America the word n**** has literally no negative connotations. And while I don’t personally don’t use it I hear it often. Used as a somewhat ironic greeting by people of all races. And while I understand that the word does have very negative connotations in America it’s important to understand America isn’t the whole world, however much of popular culture is based in American trends. And with the uptick of rap music the word n***** is frequently used. To us it doesn’t mean anything more than what we hear in music.

Understand I’m not trying to defend pewdiepie in anyway, I’ll leave that to the professional judges in the comment sections. All I’m trying to remind people is that American values aren’t necessarily global. And the highly exaggerated personality of pewdiepie is the exact personality I’d associate with ironically using phrases like “whassup ma n****” in passing.

The americanisation of n**** is such that I’ve only been aware that it’s considered highly offensive since the end of the recent American election.

What do you mean "ironically?" What are you being ironic about?

Well the only times we hear it is on rap songs which aren’t exactly something you quote sincerely. We’d use it if we were pretending to be some sort of rapper as an example of the image associated with rappers.

Why were you doing that? Do you all know each other from a special needs class? Are you autistic?

fuck off

Why be upset? What he described is the sort of thing the high functioning autistic kids did at school

Completely agree, it's the same in the UK (where Pewdiepie has lived for several years...), at least in my experience - it is still considered a swear word, but it's nowhere near the level I've seen Americans treat it (understandable, given the history, but still). I had friends who used it as a generic insult with the exact same standing as things like 'wanker', 'tosser', 'dickhead' etc., and were definitely not racist. Also the whole thing about 'omg he said it with a hard r!!1!' is also neutered by this language difference, I can't say I've ever heard people in the UK make a clear distinction about the implicit social comprehensions of ending it with a hard r or not.

All in all, yes he was an idiot, and yes him saying it in anger may well mean it's part of his everyday vocabulary, but it still doesn't make him a racist imho.

Fucking knulla Faen shit arsel nigger, Gå och dö. Even this thread is litigating it.

I just don't understand. Words only have power if you give it to them. Him saying nigger has no impact on me.

You might not like it, and most white people won't admit to it on here, but we say nigger regularly. I yelled nigger at my tv while playing GTA 5 earlier today, won't be the first or last time I do it. Now I'll wait for this to get downvoted by the PC army 😈

Honestly that's fine, it's a word. Not that I like it in any incarnation. But you know that people can be offended by it and I'd hope, that if you had a huge audience watching you, you wouldn't say it.

if you had a huge audience watching you, you wouldn't say it.

If only people could choose who they watch and stop watching someone if they upset them. Are you really saying that someone should change for their fanbase?

No I'm replying to the guy who posted above. What he said was about him personally, and by the way he said it- it sounds like it's not something he'd say in public

Think what you want, but you and your asshole friends aren't the norm. I've never said it in my life, except for maybe reading "Huckleberry Finn" and shit. Why on earth would I? We are who we chose to be, you, my friend, are choosing to be shitty.

Man do whatever you want but choice of words in not what makes you a good person.

Uh, I'm pretty sure what you say matters.

Much less than what you do.


Oh sure, of course it's not the only thing. But when you actively choose to be needlessly awful, it does say something about your character. And let those words bounce around in your mouth and odds are they'll slip out at the wrong time, like happened here. This could easily happen with a friend, someone who trusts you, and yeah, that would matter.

Only to snowflakes.


Lemme guess, you're Asian? Asians are the most racist people on the planet so good on you if you're one of the few that isn't.

No, it's not something I say, at all. Wherever you grew up must treat the word differently than where I grew up. Fuck shit damn cock cunt faggot etc are way more common.

Those are homophobic and sexist slurs. Stop being such a sexist homophobe


By most peoples logic you must be homophobic, what do you have to say about yourself?

You are homophobic for saying faggot then. At least that's what a lot of people think.

Pls, I own the word faggot

See I think this is actually important, in the UK (where Pewdiepie lives, just like to point that out), in my experience those few people that actually use the n-word at all just use it with the same lack-of-actual-meaning as all those other words you included. I had friends in sixth form / high school who I am 100% sure weren't actually racist but still used it as one of their go-to casual insults on the same level as faggot, cunt etc.

No matter how much of an idiot he is for saying it, I don't think it being a part of his vocabulary or whatever intrinsically makes him a racist.

Going down the rabbit hole further, there is even a proper section in the relevant wiki article about british usages: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigger#British_usages

It started out neutral, particularly in literature. But it seems that it fell out of favor even in the UK in the 1970s... I don't see any references of the word being benign in Britain, despite most the animosity of the word coming from America

I didn't mean to imply that it is seen as 'benign' in Britain, if someone said it on TV there would still be some degree of controversy. What I meant is that in reality when regular people use it in their day to day lives it is only used as any generic insult would be; the racial connotations are effectively ignored. I think it is still probably more questionable than other things, but once you are familiar enough with someone to understand they swear a lot or like edgy humour I don't really think anyone would care if they said that instead of any other insult.

Keep in mind this is all just from my personal experience, and I did grow up in one of the richest parts of the country where most people are far removed from issues like racism and so on, but then again to the best of my knowledge Brighton (where Pewdiepie lives) has pretty similar circumstances.

A lot, and I do mean a lot, of black people are going to be coming out in support of Pewdiepie.

But did you yell it at Franklin or Michael? One’s a racist insensitive slur and will probably make the world hate you, and the other is a little joke (or so I understood this whole thread)

Most white people don't do that.

Whites are not niggardly with our use of nigger.

They think him implicitly writing and speaking through the medium, just like paper or youtubeclip - "Death to all the Jews" and "Hitler did nothing wrong" is hilarious. And now saying Nigger to someone is just cool and probably hilarious too. Do i really need to wonder whos the normal one on this planet anymore ? I hope they are minority of Trump supporter in USA but they sure fucking got their president. At least i can hope that most of the rest of the world arent people to whom above statements are fucking hilarious...

After every comment there basically cheerleading Kill the Jews and Nigger paroles, i wonder how can they even hope to spin that they are not racists, and at the same time amazed that they will pull something out of their ass, and that every single one of t_d users will nod their head in agreement. Its a battle of ideas. Its a battle of fucking realitys. And that they managed to vote in a president of fckng U ES OF EJ. Whoever thinks this is just fringe and vocal minority is deluding himself just so he doesnt consider reality where this is the norm.

Please never delete this comment

I wish to remind you of it once you're old enough to understand why

Remind me of what ? You think being a old idiot makes you.. what exactly ? What did your enlightened age revealed to you about casual "jokes" about killing the jews, niggers and how hitler was right ? That they are funny?

Niggggggaaa where do you think you are


The best thing he can do now is admit he was in the wrong and that's about it.

"Say Nigger!"

So many people serious posting here and saying he is a racist...

Watch out kids, the judgmental crusaders from the land of Sanctimonia are here to strike you down with their middle school sass.

So what I'm getting from all these PewDiePie apologists is that its just "locker room talk."


He was just foolin', nigga. Like get over it, ya silly nig.

In English-speaking countries outside the US (including the UK, where he lives), despite people being aware of its major social nuances in the US, many people just use it as a generic insult. Pretty sure that's about the entire extent of what any of this means.

You know. I gotta ask this but videogamedonkey once commented that it shouldn't matter what you say on video games but he shouldn't be banned from LOL. So what's his stance on a fact that a famous YouTuber used the n-work during gaming? Would he be supporting it or would he be against it?

We need americyde

Reddit right now



No I'm replying to the guy who posted above. What he said was about him personally, and by the way he said it- it sounds like it's not something he'd say in public

user reports:
1: This reveals private information about someone
1: >400 comments in 4 hours
1: It's targeted harassment at someone else

942 now, bitches.

man, every time we get posted to srd and get infested by normies it feels unreal. i'm sure i'm just exaggerating and it's the same as every other time but it's still fucking annoying

Tbh I'd almost rather have the SRDines than the retarded kekistanis. At least the SRDine agenda-posting is recognisable as a dialect of English, even if it's retarded.

they also tend to either get offended and leave pretty quickly, or naturalize and become at least borderline tolerable, whereas keklords will stick around for months without changing one iota because of the whole "fools thinking theyre in good company" problem

keklords will stick around for months without changing one iota

I don't think they're capable. If they were bright they wouldn't be college kids or adults acting like 12-year-olds who just discovered Bad Words.


have the SRDines

Any subreddit that gets invaded by that side of people becomes boring and agenda driven real fast. A completely one-sided padded comnmunity full of 'lel so randum XD freeze peaches' humor. At least the kekistants are fun.

At least the kekistans are fun.

Lol fuck off. They're literally retarded. Every single thread has some downvoted pack of mongoloids at the bottom spouting off "DAE think mudslides rape all the Euros? Build a wall. Kek". That's not fun in the slightest.

You seem like a totally fun person yourself, and totally not way topoo emotionally invested in all this.

You clearly have no idea what this sub is usually like. Fucking tourists.


That dude is a shill. He removes and censours posts when he disagrees with them. He literally just removed a post of mine of leftists crying when Trump was elected because he thought it was "Boring" when the thread had like 50 upvotes already and 50+ comments. Yeah, boring.

Weak ass mod.

Let it state on the record that /u/sarcasmejaculator literally believes that /u/ComedicSans is paid by CTR to remove low-quality threads from /r/Drama.




dudes white as the sand gtfo right here

You see you are a weak ass mod when in your "removed" comment chain in my thread you have more downvotes than me. People seem to hate you here and you see the n word to validate yourself.

Hillary supportes

Might as well call them ComedicSans

Kekistanis are fun to wind up because they take the slightest criticism of their retardation to mean that you're a communist globalist librul and sperg out

That's only rarely fun though. They're not bright enough to say anything novel. It's always Fifty Shades of Ree.

Mmm, good shit. Get higher.

user reports:
1: never let a nazi bite you. its like zombies


The number of apologists for this literal racist are staggering.


lmao, whiteboy.

I don't think any of you have ever played this game but it's an extremely tense game where you totally get immersed. If you suddenly get headshot by a friggin SKS or Kar from 500 meters away without having seen it coming there's bound to be some profanity along with an elevated chance of a heart attack ... this game is tense.

Feeling really conflicted about this because I feel like I he didn't use the word in an attempt to offend/harm anyone. I feel like it's the Dutch equivalent of saying "cancer" for basically everything without any ill intentions towards people suffering from that horrible disease.


that game is garbo streamerbait who cares

no its not you fucking faggot nigger commie i bet you play overwatch lmao

For someone who isn't racist he sure is racist a lot.

the only people that actually get their feelings hurt by people saying nigger on the internet are cumskins

When you don't care about anyones opinion and you have free range to say what ever you want. Hahaha.

Hey niggers!

delet this

It's a fine piece of drama. not judging his word choice, he's just boring and unfunny person who somewhere in the 2010s accidentally made off like a bandit on a flunked YouTube algorithm.

The channel is watching him play video games

Go outside

Im going to play the devil's advocate here, and say that he did look sorry after saying it. Of course, it's still a pretty bad thing, but I don't think Pewdiepie is a racist asshole who insults people every other sentence

The dramas going to get worse, some games developers are DMCA'ing his content now, saying that since they don't like what he has been saying. This is a abuse of DMCA but of course some are supporting it since its attaching the right person

Thing is, if a precedent is set.... they just basically set a precedent that lets play can be DMCA'ed! killing a bit part of the content that they watch.

Also means that some youtubers are going to have to talk about it, since while they hate the word and the person,if this becomes a think it will be used by the corps against them and they can't have that precedent set.

This ones gonna burn for a while.

He's done it before. He'll just ignore it until it goes away like last time.

Relevant from the last time he said it: https://streamable.com/3c0x9

How about the whole episode of South Park where they talk about using the word fag as an insult but not directly towards gay people, not intending to be homophobic? I've never done what pewdiepie just has but it does seem pretty similar?


you can say the same about any word. Bitch,Cunt and asshole could be considered sexist. but people seem to forget the meaning.


what? why? Everyone has an asshole.

Because it's mostly used to insult men...

Edgy 12 year olds love when their favorite lets players shout random obscenities, it hilarious to them. PewDiePie just needs to be more careful of what words he uses because of how big he is, he should know the media will come for him like vultures. Dudes not a racist tho

the funniest thing about this whole thing was at the beginning of the stream he said he hadn't had a major livestreamfail yet lol

That's already the top post of all time on that sub damn

i should have posted it to srd for more karma whoring

The left hates truth bombs and red pills

All you snowflakes saying hes not allowed to use the word "nigger" better not use profanity at all. All profanities are offensive to someone. dont hold " nigger" on a pedestal.

Blacks commit 53% of all murder, despite being only 12% of the population. Source: FBI Crime in America 2013 Database

Blacks make up 56.2% of all serial killers, despite being only 12% of the population. Source: Radford University Serial Killer Database

Despite making up less than 7% of the US population, and only 12% of the male population, black males commit 1 in every 3 rapes. Source: FBI Crime in America 2013 Database

Blacks commit 56% of all robbery, despite being only 12% of the population. Source: FBI Crime in America 2013 Database

Young black men kill 14X more than young white men. Source: Time Magazine

African Americans commit 1 in 3 aggravated assaults, despite being only 12% of the population. Source: FBI Crime in America 2013 Database

African Americans commit 41% of all prostitution offenses, despite being only 12% of the population. Source: FBI Crime in America 2013 Database

African Americans commit 1 in 3 burglaries, arson crimes, fraud crimes and offenses against family/children, despite being only 12% of the population. Source: FBI Crime in America 2013 Database

Blacks accounted for a notable 42 percent of all cop killers in 2013. Source: FBI 2013 Statistics on Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted

Blacks make up more than 50% of all homicide victims. Source: US Department of Justice

Blacks victims of homicide are 93% of the time killed by other blacks. Source: US Department of Justice

In 2006, blacks made up nearly 40% of the total prison population, despite being only 12% of the general population. Source: Bureau of Justice

Of course, merely point out these facts makes a person a racist stormfront KKK hazi hitler, and we should just pretend there's nothing wrong here! There is no problem with black culture, its the white people who are constantly oppressing the blacks because of slavery that must be blamed. Its just white people keeping black people poor right?

1) Blacks have a higher violent crime rate than both whites and Asians across socioeconomic lines. Blacks with a household income of over $85,000 have a higher homicide rate than the lowest socioeconomic strata of whites and Asians, according to the U.S. Bureau of Justice.

2) Crime rates in the US have a startling correlation of 0.81 to the percentage of population that is black., much higher than socioeconomic factors. This is vastly higher than the correlation between crime and poverty (0.36), unemployment (0.35) and lack of education (0.37). Source: FBI Color of Crime, 2005

3) Other groups with an even lower socioeconomic status (such as immigrant groups from Asia) don't have anywhere near the crime rates of blacks in America.

4) The link between the two isn't even that particularly strong. For the years 2006-2011, the Census-ACS provides estimates of the Mean Income, Median Income, and Poverty Rates for each urban center, allowing us to look at the correlations between crime, income and race. The correlations between the Mean Income and Median Income leves and the various crime categories generally fall in the range of -0.30 to -0.60, being moderately rather than strongly negative, usually well below our racial figures:


Blacks are only 2.7 times as likely to be in poverty. If you were to create a nation wide crime/poverty index, in which crime rates are adjusted for poverty across states, they would still be way more likely to commit crime.


There are almost twice the number of white people below the poverty line as black people in the US. Using the numbers found on Wikipedia, there are about 9.6 million black Americans below the poverty line and 19.2 million white Americans below the poverty line. So it was true that (irrespective of race) poverty caused violence, then whites would be committing violence at a pace twice that of blacks. But they don't.


Poverty rates are insufficient to explain the differences in crime rate. There are more whites than blacks at every level of income (in absolute numbers), there are twice as many whites in poverty as blacks and yet blacks commit more murders than whites (in absolute numbers).

So we can say with relative certainty that when it comes to crimes like rape and murder which are not committed for economic gain that poverty is not a sufficient explanation.

This is why when we look at places like Kentucky, home to a population that has the second highest white poverty rate in the nation (yet a violent crime rate that is 40 percent lower than the national average)


Appalachia is almost entirely white and the poorest region in the country. We see horrible rates of poverty, yet the crime that plagues Detroit, Norfolk, Richmond, Baltimore, St. Louis, Atlanta, Memphis isn't found.

The 10 U.S. counties with the lowest annual median household incomes are:

1.Owsley County, Ky. – $21,177

2.Zavala County, Texas – $21,843

3.Clay County, Ky. – $22,255

4.Knox County, Ky. -$22,493

5.Wilcox County, Ala. – $22,611

6.Quitman County, Miss. – $22,625

7.Sumter County, Ala. – $22,857

8.McCreary County, Ky. – $23,163


‘Yet, The violent crime rate for Appalachia in 2010 was lower than the national violent crime rate average by 56.76%’

Anybody who still believes that there is no problem with black culture in America, and that its all the white devil keeping them down while they are doing nothing wrong and are being opressed by the man (the president of the country was literally black), needs to seriously look at the facts and consider why they are so incongruent with that narrative. Turn on BET and watch a random 5 minute clip while you think about it.

Pewds literally worse than Keemstar.
