GallowBitch cries in SRC modmail, slap fight ensues.

119  2017-10-06 by missmurrr

There was a post in subreddit cancer about /u/GallowBoob being a karma whore and banning those who disagree. Is it a day that ends in y? He messaged modmail a few days ago, but I can't be bothered to find it. Today he messages the mods again crying to ban people. It's hard to have power when you aren't a mod in a sub. I respond, because honestly, who the fuck cares about reddit. This slap fight ensues.


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


  1. This Post -,*,,

  2. post in subreddit cancer -,*,,

  3. /u/GallowBoob -,*,*

  4. This slap fight ensues. -,*,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

And we all died a little bit this blessed day.


Speak for yourself.

he did dumbass

/u/gallowboob how much does ladbible pay you to post their crappy shit?

/u/gallowboob have you considered ending your life for being such a massive faggot?

Any day now he's going to get up, remember that his job is posting cat GIFs, and then he's going to do what any sane person would do in that situation.

Really, there's no reason at all for u/gallowboob to continue existing. I would fully support him in any venture to do something about this sad state of affairs.

I would support his children by myself on welfare. I want to fuck him, if you 😉😉 get my drift.

Oh we feel you!

all reddit accounts should be automatically deleted when they reach 100k karma

all reddit accounts should be automatically deleted when they reach 100k karma

all reddit accounts should be automatically deleted when they reach 100k karma


Hey?! FUCK YOU! 😤

all reddit accounts should be automatically deleted when they reach 100k karma

all reddit accounts should be automatically deleted when they reach 100k karma

Let the ritual begin.

But how else will people know how much of a fucking loser I am?

Oh we'll know...



/u/GallowBoob is one of the best Reddit users. He regularly provides great content.

lmfao at the controversial arrow for a memepost. People sure are serious about their disdain for an easily avoidable reddit user.

Someone downvoted you too! DON'T DOWNVOTE MY BABY YOU MEANIES (ง'̀-'́)ง

How does it feel to be famous on /r/drama

Bad bot

The only bigger retard than u/gallowboob is you

Pretty rich coming from you lmaooooo :D

You're right, I was mistaken.

There are two bigger retards than /u/HodorTheDoorHolder ... u/gallowboob and /u/Ed_ButteredToast


Jesus. That was a prety boring slapfight, but that sign-off from Gallow. What the fuck would possess you to think that was a good idea to write down?

if you step out of the pleb zone

nigga i aint steppin into any zone that has you in it

Also /u/gallowboob, you old-ass fuck, "pleb zone" would have been cringey in 2005 when people still used that gay-ass word. Welcome to the new millennium spergmaster.

Me, a patrician

/u/gallowboob everyone else is pinging you so I'm going to do it too

u/gallowboob I just want you to know that among all this hate, there's someone that loves you!

Can we get into trouble as a sub for harassment if we all ping the same person 100 times in one thread?

If so, I say we do it, and we can finally get this cesspool shut down

If it didn't happen with Jewdank it probably won't happen for GB.

everything about this is pathetic

/u/gallowboob plz interact

/u/gallowboob the fact that whatever advertising company you work for allows you to post on your account is still hilarious to me

damn bro, no need to remind him that he'll be thrown off a roof for his homosexuality.

You mean throw himself off a roof for his homosexuality

He's also somehow fit and utterly repulsive

gj /u/gallowboob

somehow fit

Methinks the lady doth protest too much

imagine being so sad that your whole life revolves and fucking imaginary internet points

getting mad at gallowboob is only supporting his imaginary power. the only proper response to that "person" is to treat him as the joke he is.

Did /u/GallowBoob just send instagram proof to some random mods of his having reallife friends?

Yes he did.

He's fronting like a motherfucker. I wonder how many of his friends were paid for.

Lmao. Nothing proves a balanced social life more than going out of your way to convince internet strangers of your balanced social life.

That's so sad.

You can be one too, if you step out of the plebzone

Picking on /u/GallowBoob is the new circlejerk. I feel like Redditors, but the ones in meta subs in particular, would know what it feels like to be bullied and would refrain.

/u/missmurrr, I want you to notice this word:


Keep that word in mind and look at not just your posts but those made by others in SRD, CB2, and even here in drama. It’s fucking everywhere and I hate it.

I concur.

/u/gallowboob plz interact

/u/gallowboob How does it feel to be in the pleb zone?

/u/gallowboob how does it feel to post content you didn't create

Is this the guy whose life entirely consists of getting karma on this website by reposting content devoid of any value in any subreddit he can?

I like him. Makes me feel better about myself, but just a bit.

/u/gallowboob have you heard of the supreme value that cannot be found outside of

/u/GallowBoob who the hell are you and why should I care about your instagram?

/u/gallowboob 🅱️ost 🅱️ussy

U/gallowboob is a cuck.

very unfit behavior for an Admin. (u/woodpaneled)