Official /r/drama survey results!

53  2017-10-13 by MasterLawlz


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


  1. This Post -,*,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Absolutely true, and this post is a perfect example of the way /r/drama radicalizes socially inept young men.

Despite my expectations, many of the messages received on the open-ended question were, in fact, not nice. Several wished some kind of bodily harm or death upon me, and many others suggested I do said things to myself.

Others were either memes or racial slurs.

And to the people that left nice comments, thank you :)

Post the rest faggot

A lot of the responses are really long copypastas, I couldn’t really compile them all into a single screenshot

cum in my ass daddy

So compile them into several screenshots you lazy fuck, what do we pay you for?

U r only slightly gay


fuck u

So full bush and Tequila?

You need to post all of them


Drama used to actually have some drama on it even if it was well poisoned bullshit from Pisslords targeting anyone they can't run off the site with blatant harassment.

Now, since its dying (dead, really) they're desperately trying to turn it into another SRSsucks/SJsucks/Tumblrinaction/socialjusticeinaction/degenerates etc etc they're basically all the same subs with different levels of how hard the tryhards perform for attention. And to try and pump more blood into the dried out corpse that is their subreddit they rely on harassment through @ing people to try and get them to come in there and start something.

Basically another hive of, as I say: Douche signalling. Whoever can edge-douche the hardest has the highest value and definitely never even looked at tumblr. Hallowed be his Steam handle.

Spicy take

"That Pasta is so fresh it could jump back into the box and nobody would notice" -Chef Gordon Ramsey

It's actually been aged, much like a fine wine. haven't used it in a while but I know its older then 6-7 months

What did you mean by this?

Survey says...

She said shes off to pee while were watching a movie, now shes been gone 5 minutes and i knew something was up, i knocked on the door and asked if everything is ok, she said yes she'll be right out...her voice was labored and i became i yelled "IM COMING IN!' she screamed no but there was no stopping this, i smashed through the door and i see her sitting on the toilet seat, i told her to get the fuk up, she didnt so i threw her off, i looked inside the toilet...just as i suspected, a goddam log, bitch u better pray this isnt yours. i looked around and saw no pet in site, I KNOW THIS IS UR POOP U WHORE, she screamed at me that im crazy and that shes calling the cops, all the while toilet paper in her hands. i told her no need to call the cops, im breaking up with u u some kinda poop whore. and that was that. I feel like a new man and off to find a woman who doesnt poop.

Since Howard Stern apparently uses so much occult symbolism around his show/brand, it's likely that there is an occult symbol behind Howard 360. It turns out that the luciferian illuminati have roots in Babylon and used their 360-day calendar for their rituals. The Babylon religion was witchcraft.

The Babylonian witchcraft religion was the origin of Kabbalah which is numerology based witchcraft used by the luciferian illuminati. Howard 360 likely has a hidden meaning representing the 360-day annual Babylonian calendar -the first calendar ever created was by the ancient babylonians. Howard's product name, Howard 360, was likely inspired by the product name, Microsoft Office 365, which is based on the calendar the rest of us use today. The Secret society Howard allegedly belongs to uses code and double meanings to communicate with eachother, worship and cast spells.

The freemasons Jews held captive in Babylon created Kabbalah based on babylon witchcraft religion and the luciferian illuminati took control of all the Masonic lodges after they were formed by the Rothschilds in 1776. *Freemasons started communicating without language because of the confusion of language at the Tower of Babel. *Many linguistics say that Genesis provides a credible explanation of how we ended up with so many languages. This is likely why freemasons/secret societies started communicating with body language/hand gestures/wardrobe colors, etc instead of with language.

According to the story, a united humanity in the generations following the Great Flood, speaking a single language and migrating eastward, comes to the land of Shinar (שִׁנְעָר‎). There they agree to build a city and a tower tall enough to reach heaven. God, observing their city and tower, confounds their speech so that they can no longer understand each other, and scatters them around the world. sauce

Some historians, scholars, and scientists, along with a few popular authors, have claimed that ancient civilizations used a 360-day annual calendar. The Mayan, Egyptian, Aztec, India, Sumerian, Ecliptic and Babylonian calendars use the 360-day annual calendar. Sauce

Keith Hunter talks in a video interview about his theory regarding the 360 day year (original 60 base number system used by the Illuminati Magicians) to select days for their rituals and acts of dark magic.

The Babylonians, who were famous for their astronomical observations and calculations (aided by their invention of the abacus), used a sexagesimal (base-60) positional numeral system inherited from either the Sumerian or the Eblaite civilizations. Sauce

Sexagesimal (base 60) is a numeral system with sixty as its base. It originated with the ancient Sumerians in the 3rd millennium BC, was passed down to the ancient Babylonians, and is still used—in a modified form—for measuring time, angles, and geographic coordinates. Sauce

Babylon appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, including in descriptions of the destruction of Jerusalem and of the Babylonian captivity, and in several prophecies. Consequently, in Jewish and Christian tradition, Babylon symbolizes an oppressor against which righteous believers must struggle. Sauce

Persian Conquest According to 2 Chronicles 36 of the Hebrew Bible, Cyrus later issued a decree permitting captive people, including the Jews, to return to their own lands. Sauce

Revelation 18:2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

Revelation 18:8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.

Revelation 18:23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.

The Whore of Babylon or Babylon the Great is a female figure and also place of evil mentioned in the Book of Revelation in the Bible. Her full title is given as "Babylon the Great, the Mother of Prostitutes and Abominations of the Earth." The Whore of Babylon is associated with the Antichrist and the Beast of Revelation by connection with an equally evil kingdom. (The word "Whore" can also be translated metaphorically as "Idolatress"). The Whore's apocalyptic downfall is prophesied to take place in the hands of the image of the beast with seven heads and ten horns. In the most common medieval (Catholic) view from St. Augustine's City of God, *Babylon and Jerusalem referred to two spiritual cities (or civilizations) spiritually at war with one another, throughout all of history. Babylon [from Babel] is interpreted confusion, Jerusalem vision of peace. . . . They are mingled, and from the very beginning of mankind mingled they run on unto the end of the world. . . . *Two loves make up these two cities: love of God makes Jerusalem, love of the world makes Babylon.[31] [Sauce- wiki-whore of babylon]

Wiki on Aliester crowley- the most famous occultist/satanist whose writings are part of those followed by the luciferian illuminati (along with the writings of the elders of the protocols of Zion): He nevertheless utilised Satanic imagery, for instance by describing himself as "the Beast 666" and referring to the Whore of Babylon in his work, while in later life he sent "Antichristmas cards" to his friends.[254]

Religious Counterfeit: The Freemasons were an organization of builders who were bound together by their secret knowledge of the relationship between the earthly and divine sciences of architecture. In other words, the science of how an earthly structure was built would supposedly provide wisdom on how to build a “Spiritual Temple” within one’s own soul and for all of mankind collectively.

Freemasonry has roots in ancient Babylon

These types of Secret Societies have always been in existence, and they have been the bridges from ancient Babylon to modern day occultism that masonry practices and teaches. Babylonian Witchcraft is it’s “Mother”… “The Mother of harlots and abominations of the Earth.” Revelation 17:5

Religion of Babylon was witchcraft. Jews held captive in Babylon studied the Babylon religion and created their own witchcraft religion: Kabala

During their captivity in Babylon, there were certain Jewish priests who had explored deeply into the Religion of the ancient Babylonians, which was Witchcraft. These Jews had developed the “Secret Mysteries” of the Babylonian Mystery Religion into a sophisticated form of occultism which they called the Cabala, and Cabalistic teachings are a part of modern Freemasonry.

The Babylonians had wanted to keep their community united in one body, and to found a great monarcy that would one day embrace the whole earth (NWO). The Freemasons who pride themselves on having their roots in the tower of Babel have the same ideas and plans of the one whom they reverence… Nimrod! They too have a great desire to build a World Empire, uniting their forces of evil together against the God of Heaven! These Secret Societies have one goal and that is to create a World Revolution, and a New World Order in which occult teachings will one day prevail, with Lucifer and here and here at it’s head


Only Genesis provides a credible explanation for the creation of 20 distinct languages, the origin of which puzzles linguistics.

Secular linguists are puzzled by the existence of twenty or so language families in the world today. The languages within each family (and the people that speak them) have been shown to be genetically related, but few genetic links have been observed between families. This is a problem for secular linguists. If, as they believe, man evolved from an ape-like ancestor, man would at some point have gained the ability to speak. This process of change would actually be superbly dangerous, as they admit. But still, if speech did evolve somewhere, somehow, we would expect to find that all languages are genetically related. They clearly are not. Some have therefore suggested that man evolved speech simultaneously in more than one place. This suggestion is beyond belief, considering the dangers involved in the supposed evolution of speech. So how did the language families come into existence?

*Only Genesis provides a credible explanation. *It records how God gave the people new languages to speak. Groups speaking the same language moved away together. The languages they spoke then, have slowly evolved into the six thousand-or-so languages we find today, but the distinctions between the groups of languages are still observable,


Babylon was destroyed by God in the Bible because it became a center of hedonism and is the symbol of idol worship which is the opposite of worshipping God. When God confused the languages at the Tower of Babel so people couldn't communicate easily, freemasons created their own code language using hand gestures/body language, wardrobe colors/styles, symbols and more. Aliester Crowley referenced the "Whore of Babylon" and it's a symbol for the beast and the antichrist.

No, your knee jerk reaction is a mistake. The global elite are luciferians. They worship Lucifer with child sacrifices, pedophilia, Kabbalah (numerology), astrology/secret architecture, and music. They willingly allow themselves to become possessed through these means by conjuring demons and committing violent acts. They also use drugs and TM meditation. You're assuming there is no spiritual world. There is no reason to assume this since even science takes an agnostic stance on the supernatural/spiritual world. You can only prove something false, not true.

Now you have to admit that much of science is theory and much of medicine relies on testimony. Testimony is evidence. Demons have been written about for thousands of years. The goofy horse poop you are referring to is the fact the demons manifest in this dimension in any form they want but their true form -as the Bible and much literature states- is reptilian. They look like lizard people. They can appear when they want to the human eye but they usually hide. They appear momentarily in person or show signs in a possessed human by showing scales or lizard eyes/tongue. That's what those crazy david Icke stories are about. It's real. It's not aliens.

Aliens don't exist as far as my research has shown me. They are just the same demons written about for thousands of years. They manifest in different forms other than their true form such as appearing as children or deceased loved ones or Bigfoot but they are reptile-like in their true form. Sleep paralysis and alien visitations are -from what I've learned-just demonic attacks. Praying to or simply saying Jesus Christ name makes them flee. The more powerful ones that can possess people sometimes require fasting with prayer to get rid of them.

The global elite (13 bloodlines including the Rothschilds who funded the creation of the illuminati in 1776 and the creation of he state of Israel) are allegedly offspring of the nephilim. They are generational luciferians who are perfectly possessed and communicate directly with Lucifer in London. That's because that's where there is a low amount of Christians. They worship with child sacrifice and rape mainly so that's why there are so many pedophile rings linked to the elite/top public figures.

Your knee jerk reaction against the idea that there is a spiritual world was programmed into by the mainstream media from a young age. They control the media. That's why there is such a strong anti Christian sentiment for decades now. If you research luciferian illuminati symbolism you'll see it all through top brand logos, public figures hand gestures and wardrobe and tv shows/movies/music. They worship in plain site with symbolism. They have to. The rules of engagement dictate that we have to give consent in order for them to take our souls which is what they want. They control the money as means to control and lead us away from God. I was agnostic for decades until I started researching why 9/11 happened and who was behind it. They were. It was a setup. The Rothschilds make their money by manipulating wars. The reptile people are real but they are demons. I took a photo of one in a car that had luciferian symbolism on it.

I snapped this photo of what looks like a demon face to me in the rear view mirror of a car within ten miles of an Air Force base directly because of a show I heard on the stern show in 2011. I took the pic in feb 2012. I had heard stern ridiculing a Christian lady who claimed that the monster logo allegedly had a Hebrew 666 on it. I think she was right. I took a pic old a car that had a huge monster logo decal. I thought why would anyone put a logo that big in their back window? Later I noticed the numbers of the license plate were 6363it. They add numbers together in numerology and 6363 is as good as a 666. So Since the monster logo -and most other top brand logos- appears to have luciferian symbolism embedded- I thought it might mean to "666 it" in reference to the logo decal. As if to say "make it evil/worship lucifer". I later saw it on a big screen away from the suns glare and noticed that the drivers face looked like an alien face. I looked to check if the supposed satanist inside driving saw me snap the pic.

According to many Christians, end times will be a fake alien invasion of demons that will try to get permission to take over by pretending to want to "serve" mankind. We'll be in deep shit when they finally arrive to supposedly save us. At home I zoomed in and saw the face. I blew it off as the tinted windows and jpeg compression in my photo distorting the pic. Only months later when I learned after much research that aliens are actually just the same demons we read about in books over centuries old including the Bible which look like reptiles, I decided to look at that pic again. It's clear as day to me now. It was actually a movie about gargoyles that made me remember that face I saw in the rear view mirror which I blew off as a digital artifact/visual illusion.

That's a reptile face, not an alien face. I didn't see a drawing of a reptilian until then to see that there are exact other versions of that face already on the web from different angles and renderings. After taking the pic I almost died in three separate car accidents and just stopped driving after that. I'd never had a car accident in my 19 years of driving and suddenly -in one incident- some Arab woman started driving in the wrong lane headed towards my car. Anyway, here is the pic of that demon face.. This one is less cropped but also brightened. . The face is in the rearview mirror. You can see the bulbous round back if it's head in the drivers seat. It's grainy because the windows were tinted. It seemed to have a scarf hanging over the mirror to block people from seeing it easily and perhaps the huge logo decal was another cover. Here's the full unbrightened and uncropped pic that was compressed by Dropbox I think. I have a better version less compressed/lossy version not handy at the moment. It was taken in a tiny backwards town full of rednecks. Edit: Someone was nice enough to create a guide using the unbrightened photo, too. It's harder to see but I still see it. It's extra hard to see on a small screen.

Personally on the brightened version, I see even ambient glow in its catlike eyes of the sun setting on the right and it reminds me if my cats eyes. I see it frowning at the area my camera was when I held it out of my window to take a clearer pic. I even see it's scraggly like hand (looks like white lines) on the wheel and a cloth over the center of the rearview to hide its face more. This was taken in a backwards town near an air force base and Kennedy Space Center.

satanist/occultist, Aliester Crowley drew the demon he channeled and it looked like a gray "alien".

Yesterday when i was in the shower, i cupped my hands, and peed into them. i sat there holding 8 ounces of my own pee. i looked at it, felt its warmth, and then unclasped my hands as i watch the golden liquid flow down the drain. and i thought what if... what if i would have drank that pee?

8 fl. oz. ≈ 240 mL

metric units bot | feedback | source | hacktoberfest | block | refresh conversion | v0.11.10


Sometimes when I piss on myself in the shower, my urine is really cold, instead of warm like it usually is. Does anyone know why?

It’s cancer. You should make an appointment with your doctor and pee on him as soon as he walks into the exam room to demonstrate your problem.

Cancer doesn't make your pee cold, dummy.

Yesterday when I was in the shower, I cupped my hands and peed into them. I sat there holding a handful of my own piss; looking at it; feeling its comforting warmth. I brought it up to my face just close enough to take a smell. I felt the blood rushing to my penis with every whiff. I thought: "what if I took a little sip? Just a little taste..." The urine felt warm and zingy around my tongue. I'm getting horny now - hornier than I have been in a long time. I can't help myself. I fill my mouth with my own piss. Holy shit. It's disgusting. I swallowed some but spit most of it out. As disgusting as I felt, part of me enjoyed it. I was still very hard, and my dick was pulsating and leaking precum. I got on my knees and licked the shower floor, sticking my tongue in between the slits in the drain cover. It was then that I came uncontrollably and explosively, the white goo hitting the ground and swirling towards the drain, leaving a salty taste in my mouth.

wot the fok did ye just say 2 me m8? i dropped out of newcastle primary skool im the sickest bloke ull ever meet & ive nicked 300 candy bars from tha corner store. im trained in street fitin’ & im the strongest foker in tha entire newcastle gym. yer nothin to me but a cheeky lil dickhead w/ a hot mum & fake bling. ill waste u and smash a fokin bottle oer yer head bruv, i swer 2 christ. ya think u can fokin run ya gabber at me whilst sittin on yer arse behind a lil screen? think again wanka. im callin me homeboys rite now preparin for a proper rumble. tha rumble thatll make ur nan sore jus hearin about it. yer a waste bruv. my homeboys be all over tha place & ill beat ya to a proper fokin pulp with me fists wanka. if i aint satisfied w/ that ill borrow me m8s cricket paddle & see if that gets u the fok out o’ newcastle ya daft kunt. if ye had seen this bloody fokin mess commin ye might a’ kept ya gabber from runnin. but it seems yer a stewpid lil twat, innit? ima fucke fury & ull drown in it m8. ur in proper mess ya knobhead.

I hate how this pasta mixes accents.

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

— Mahatma Gandhi

It wasn't worth my time thinking about /u/MasterLawlz for long enough to fill out a survey.

Wow, rude

Who r u.

The mod we never deserved 😔

nor wanted

I've heard you have a crush on me. I thought you were gay?! 🤔

I thought you were gay

I am 1/16 gay tbh.

(((Anonymous))) sources ;)

That means you get money from the gay casinos

Or observed. Who the fuck is he?

He's my daddy! 😍

They should put this photo into the DSM 6 as the single diagnostic criteria for autism.

I�ve always loved sex and golden showers. Maybe this makes me some kind of weirdo, but I don�t care. Peeing on a girl, or having her pee on me, I love it all. Standing over a woman on her knees, hot piss cascading over her face, her hair, her breasts. Aiming my flow down, over her stomach, and down between her thighs. Or lying on my back with a girl straddling me like a great Goddess, gushing forth a scalding stream of delicious piss. Then our bodies coming together, sliding up and down against each other even as we pound each other to frenzied orgasms. The first time I experienced the wonderful world of golden showers happened when I was twelve years old.

I had been in the hospital for some kind of surgery, and the doctor told my parents that I would most likely suffer incontinence for a few months, until I could regain control of my bladder. As you might guess, this started out as a terrifying time for a seventh-grader. I lived in constant fear of my bladder giving out in the middle of school. I stubbornly refused to wear a diaper, even though the doctor and my parents tried to explain that I shouldn�t be ashamed of it, that even some adults had to wear them. Naturally nothing they said could make me wear them, mainly because - for the first time in school - we were made to take showers after gym class. I couldn�t let the other guys in the locker room see me wearing diapers!

One sunny day in April we had Gym class outside, and were doing a kind of obstacle course. The girl�s gym class was also outside, doing something like a cross between dance and cheerleading routines. I was jogging along the track surrounding the field, when I felt a warm wetness coming from my crotch. I didn�t even stop, but ran off the track to a stand of trees that was the border between the school and some private property. My bladder finished emptying itself by the time I got to the trees, and the front of my gym shorts were totally soaked. I stood there, looking down at myself, completely at a loss for what to do. Tears of shame and frustration were just beginning to form at my eyes, when I heard a voice

"Hi! What�s the mat..." The voice belonged to Jenny, one of my classmates. It would be a lie to say she was the prettiest girl in our class, but she was definitely one of the cutest. She stood around four and a half feet tall (shorter than me), had long, curly red hair, and pale freckled skin. Like the other girls she was wearing a set of gym clothes, a Tee shirt and sweatpants. Now she stood totally transfixed, staring at my sodden shorts. "Oh." She gulped, then she raised her eyes. To my surprise, she smiled and got this mischievous look in her eyes. "Don�t feel bad, I don�t mind."

"Are you kidding?" I said "I�ve just p,pissed my pants!" I looked around, to make sure no others were coming to investigate. "What am I going to do, how am I going to get back to the lockers to change without everybody seeing me?"

"Well," she said, pulling down her sweats "you can wear these, I�ve got my gym shorts on under �em." I couldn�t believe this was happening. But what she said next blew my mind. "In fact, I�ll make you feel better. It�s only fair, since I�ve seen you with wet pants..." She pulled her shorts down, and off her coltish legs, revealing white cotton panties. I noticed her panties had little flowers printed on them, as she squatted and looked up at me. My eyes were glued to the soft cotton pulled tight against her crotch, and almost immediately, a wet spot formed. Totally dumbfounded, I watched as she let her bladder go. Her panties were completely soaked in seconds, and then the pee was running down to the ground through the wet cotton.

I had never seen a girl my own age in such an intimate position, and the result was fairly predictable for a 12-year-old boy. My dick was hard as oak, and the school�s gym shorts did nothing to hide my obvious arousal. Jenny noticed right away, and her smile grew to a wide grin.

"Uh-oh" she said "looks like you�ve got another problem." My face went bright red again, and my hands moved to the front of my shorts, belatedly trying to hide my stiff member. "Did it make you horny, to watch me pee?" She asked, still grinning.

"Well, yeah" I said, looking at last from her crotch to her face. "I mean, I can�t believe you would, I mean did, this...for me." I dropped my hands back to my sides, realizing there was no point in trying to hide. "I�ve never seen a girl�s, you know, uh, pussy, before. Peeing, or otherwise."

"Well, I didn�t do it only for you, you know." She said, "I really had to go, anyway." Then the twinkle was back in her eyes. "You know, we should probably get cleaned up a little, before going back to the lockers. Come here."

I was so off-balance from the whole scene; I did as she asked without thinking. I stepped forward, until I was standing right in front of her; less than a foot away from her upturned face. She reached up, and pulled both my shorts and underwear down at the same time, yanking them to my sneakers. I had recently begun sprouting hair above my dick and, although there wasn�t much of it, I was proud that I was finally starting to look like a grown man. My dick was as hard as it had ever been before, and it even throbbed a little, less than an inch from the tip of her nose. The sharp, alkaline scent of urine wafted up, as I looked down at her.

"Hey! You have hair, down here!" She exclaimed, gazing raptly at my dick. She reached forward and took hold of it, and I jumped slightly from her touch. She pulled it this way and that, looking at my crotch from every angle, from my newly-grown hair to my balls.

Then she gave an experimental lick on my inner thigh. Then a lick along the side of my dick. Then one across the top of the head. The sensations she caused with each lick were bright flashes of electricity running straight to my brain. I think I whimpered, or growled, or made some kind of noise, because she stopped and looked up at me "Are you okay?" She asked, concerned.

"I�m fine" I gasped, "It feels awesome! Please, don�t stop!" Then she started in earnest. She licked every inch of my crotch; my balls, my thighs, and especially my dick. I had only started masturbating a few months before, but I could tell I was getting close to cumming. My breathing turned ragged, and I think Jenny knew I was close, because that�s when she pursed her lips like an "O", and enveloped the head of my dick in her mouth.

I could feel her tongue fluttering around it, and the sensation pushed me over the edge. "Oh God, Jenny! I�m goin...I�m goin..." My dick exploded in Jenny�s mouth. To her credit, she never moved. She started to swallow, and I could feel her throat muscles working to take my cum. At last, I stumbled back, and Jenny stood up.

"Did you like that?" she asked, sounding slightly nervous "That was the first time I ever... you know, did that. Did I do it right?"

"Oh yeah, Jenny, that was... that was amazing!" I said. "I�ve never, I mean, no girl has ever done... that, to me before." Now it was my turn to smile "So can I... I mean, do you want me to..." I sort of gestured to her.

"You better believe it!" She said, grinning hugely again. She yanked her panties down her narrow hips and over her thin legs, at last pulling them off entirely. Then she walked over to where she had tossed her sweats, and laid down on top of them. I knelt in front of her knees, and looked her in the face. She seemed suddenly shy, but I certainly understood.

I put my hands on her knees, and slowly pulled them apart. She didn�t have any hair covering her pussy, and the skin around her nether lips was shiny with pee. I leaned forward on my elbows, and slowly gave her outer lips a lick. Her hips bounced at the touch of my tongue, and the taste of her pee was sharp and kind of sour, but not in a bad way.

I tasted her again, and decided I liked it. I began licking all over when her hands came down, and pulled her outer lips apart so I could slide my tongue into her. I started rapidly flicking my tongue up and down her adolescent slit, and she started moaning. I washed her pussy clean of all traces of pee with my tongue, and then I heard her

"God Andy, that feels great!" I could hear the passion in her voice "Only," her fingers came down, and pulled back on the hood covering her clitoris "Lick me here, Okay?"

I gave it a flick with my tongue, and she jumped. I looked up "Are you okay?" I asked, "That wasn�t too hard, or anything, was it?"

"No, Andy! That, that feels sooo good!" She gasped. I went back to the task at hand, and licked her clit with a will. I wanted her to feel as good as she had made me feel. I concentrated on her clit, frequently dropping down to slide my tongue into her swamped young pussy. Then I felt her legs start trembling, and I could feel the muscles in her stomach tighten.

"Oh, Oh!" She cried, "Andy, please don�t stop! I�m going to cum, Andy!" I renewed my assault on her clitoris with even more speed. She started humping her pussy up at me, totally lost in the spiraling climax, until she reached the peak, and her pussy started clenching. Her orgasm was so strong, her girl juice was running out of her pussy faster than I could lick it up. At last she went limp, completely drained by the experience.

By this time my dick had gotten hard again, and I slid upward between her damp thighs. We were face to face, and I leaned down and kissed her. All of my shyness and embarrassment was gone, only the urgent thrumming of my cock. No shyness in Jenny either, I saw only raw desire in her eyes.

No words were needed. I nudged my dick at her tight young hole, and she rocked her hips upward, spreading her legs wide. I had some difficulty getting the head of my dick lined up, and Jenny reached down between us and grabbed my cock pushing it into the tight folds of her wet pussy. I was inexperienced, and I thrust into her hard. Fortunately my earlier activities helped to ease my passage. She gasped and I paused, feeling something blocking the head of my cock. I knew it was her hymen, of course. I wasn�t sexually experienced, but not ignorant.

"Are you ready?" I asked "I�m gonna bust your cherry, and I�ve heard it hurts."

"Yes" she said with a smile "It�s supposed to hurt, but only for a minute." She kissed me "then it feels really good!" That was all the encouragement I needed. I backed out a little, then thrust forward. I felt her cherry give, and she cried out. I stopped again, still worried.

"Are you okay?" I asked

"Yes" she said, "Yes, okay, now you can start." Then I began shoving my dick in and out, fast. Jenny was humping back at me, our hips smacking loudly together.

"Oh!" Jenny gulped, her eyes widening "Oh, Andy, I�m gonna... I�m gonna cum again!" I was slamming into her in a frenzy, my own climax beginning to peak

"Jenny!" I gasp "Oh God, Jenny!" It was all I could manage, before I went over the top, and spewed my seed deep inside her clamping pussy. She pulled my head down to her, and buried her mouth in my shoulder. I could hear her screaming out her orgasm.

After we rested a few minutes, we heard the school bell signaling the end of the period, and we hurriedly dressed, laughing like fools the whole time. We made it back to the lockers with none the wiser, and the next morning I returned Jenny�s sweats.

"So" she said with the now familiar twinkle in her eyes, "See you at gym class?"

"You�d better believe it!" That was the start of a wonderful friendship.


--------------------------- The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison. --------------------------- Kristen's collection - Directory 36

How many inches?

100% retards, nice

I'm glad /u/MasterLawlz continues enjoying fucking the corpse of my mom

is you're mom ok?

fucking kill yourself

I wonder how a team of the top psychologists in the world would diagnose r/drama.

You actually took the time to make this. How utterly pathetic. This is your average drama user.

Fuck. I missed this again.