"Bless antifa—I’m not going to criticize them when I haven’t gotten off my ass. The optics might not be ideal, but they are out in the world doing decent work."

96  2017-12-04 by Korn_Bread


Typical lib doing nothing and pretending they're doing something LOL probably fat

I'm fucking sick of the double standards. There's so much proper-gander that's effecting literally everyone. And we're losing, we need to fight harder. So yesterday, mother the fucking libtard bitch told me I should go outside and get some air: "It's a lovely day out there, perhaps you should take a little break from the internet". I fucking destroyed her in debate, I debunked ALL her arguments. I said "What about ANTIFA? DO THEY NEED TO GET FRESH AIR?" She was stunned. I'm so glad to be breaking the spell of this PC culture. But then, later on. After dinner I was eating some icecream with some like smarties on top and my fucking cuck dad said "Do you really think you should be eating all this sugar?". I was fucking PISSED. Does he not know how hard I've been working all day? How much karma I'm getting? I said "Holy shit dad! Policing my food? While you watch antifa do what ever the fuck they want?" He was stunned too. I think I'm getting to them.


Personally, I agree. But it's not down to me what the stakes are, and the violence has already begun. Nazis are murdering people.

Oh, it's violence that's the trigger? Shit, should go to urban communities and genocide the blacks then, you know, because it's just. Violence is violence, boo hoo.

These kids are retarded. Nazis are like Satanists of the 90's, only stupid people buy this paranoid garbage. If these worthless faggots wanted to do social justice, instead of LARPing in a park throwing pee and knocking off trashcans, they should work a soup kitchen instead or join peace Corp.

or actually work in politics lol

I mean all these people are doing is going and standing in front of a statue with LEGAL guns and then you get the pink haired men coming in a punching them what a joke

or actually work in politics lol


wanna get me up to speed? I only just learned about a lot of this stuff lol

Taking The Moon is a Harsh Mistress literally.

If you are a libertarian I think you have two long term options: become an ironic-but-actual Nazi or become a progressive tranny.

Ms. Wu blamed criticism of her on sexism: “that’s the danger of being a woman on the internet!” she exclaimed

Wew. You say shit more retarded than Jill Stein and it's only sexism. I hate this cunt

funniest part, the guy isn't a woman

Don't talk about about the official /r/drama 2016 presidential candidate.

I hate this cunt

Bad news on the cunt portion.

i know it's a dude, im just saying cunt in general

Brianna Wu, a Dem, claims that Moon valuable militarily because rocks ‘have power of 100s of nuclear bombs’

claims that Moon valuable militarily

my favourite thing about her is her husband and how hes incapable of closing his mouth

You wouldn't want him to choke on vomit, would you?

good point, he is in close proximity to her

they should work a soup kitchen instead or join peace Corp.

who on twitter would see that though?

u/crapwittyname, get your retarded dumb socialist ass here and explain this shit

join the Peace Corps

You need a university degree in a useful field to join.



Joining the Peace Corp actually required you complete college though

90% of actual neo Nazis are either in jail or selling meth out of a trailer park. Then you're left with MAYBE a few thousand people who are actively trying to implement Nazi ideology. A few thousand. In a country of 330 million...

There were, what, ~500 in Charlottesville? And the guy who did the thing was from California, so it was a national rally for them. So yeah, thousands, and not high thousands.

I think it's funny that in a time when Nazis are supposedly running rampant the only legit example of violence from Nazis occurred when "counterprotesters" were there rattling their cages

And that fattie had a heart attack the car never even hit her!

where's the drama?

the drama was inside all of us the whole time. :)


In OP's butthole

It's coming out my butthole right now.

/u/RedRiotGirl just don't let the minorities in and suddenly teh fascists won't be a problem.

> oh no, it's retarded

Except that doesn't happen, does it. Antifa don't attack people who disagree with them, they just attack Nazis.

Hey /u/crapwittyname, let me know if you need any more examples of what an uninformed retard you are:




The solution isn't to admire antifa, it's to get off your ass.

If degenerates didn't REQUIRE fascism, then there wouldn't BE any fascism.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Fascism Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Stop Being Degenerate Like Nigga Don't Be A Commie Haha

This guy gets it.

Tyler the Comrade

This is what socialists actually believe

So who gets to decide who counts as a Nazi?

Anyone who disagrees with me is a Nazi.

How many Nazis are there?

However many people disagree with me.

Nazis limited anti-ideology speech, not pro-ideology speech. Same as antifa.

-323 points, and gold.

Locking due to brigade.

Oh no! People disagree with you!

they are out in the world doing decent work.

They're really giving those Nazi garbage cans a what-for!

Always amusing to see those "butthurt downvotes but no counter replies for some reason" cases: https://www.reddit.com/r/socialism/comments/7hhb6b/difference_between_nazis_and_antifa_pretty_simple/dqr2hil/


Btw everyone but me is a Nazi

Anyone who uses the word optics in that context can fuck right off and stay fucked off.

what about optometrists lel got em

But for 2, we've already seen in pre-nazi Germany that debate and education just aren't enough.

u/Doctor__Shemp, pre-nazi Germany also saw natsocs being attacked by their opponents and protected by the SA - and then they fed on this persecution image to gain further sympathy.

So if you wanna punch them, you should guarantee best PR for your side - don't make them look calm and civilized by comparison, make sure they're seen calling for genocide or something comparably violent/oppressive, and then you go.

I don't really get why r/socialism is this biased against nazis, after all nazis were also a form of socialism.

Isn't that right, u/pizzashill?

Gonna be honest, you almost got me dude. Of all the pings, this was the most tempting.

Hey, you ended up breaking your vows, so there's that. And shouldn't you know your sources from memory by this point lol?

Uh I do know them, they're just in books and I have to copy paste and shit. Of course, I know what they say, I just haven't transferred my books over yet.