Dave Chappelle has a new Netflix special. This has made some people mad. From both left and right. Is he /ourguy/?

126  2018-01-02 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


going after the women who Louis CK harassed as being weak people.

Who did he harass? What? As far as I've seen, he literally asked women if he could jerk off in front of them and they fucking said yes.

Edit: It's even worse than I thought, it wasn't even in person:

"You don't know how to hang up a phone?" he said of a woman who claimed that the 'Louie' creator masturbated while on a phone call with her in 2003.

Now I see why they're angry. Because what Dave said is perfectly fucking accurate and they know it. Someone jerks off on a phone with you and you decide to quit being a comedian?

No, what actually happened here is you realized you were dog-shit and so desperately wanted an excuse. So then the "metoo" movement rolls around and you see a perfect chance to suck up some sweet sweet victim points while blaming someone else for your own failures.

It was in person.

As soon as they sat down in his room, still wrapped in their winter jackets and hats, Louis C.K. asked if he could take out his penis, the women said. They thought it was a joke and laughed it off. “And then he really did it,” Ms. Goodman said in an interview with The New York Times. “He proceeded to take all of his clothes off, and get completely naked, and started masturbating.”

During Ms. Goodman and Ms. Wolov’s surreal visit to Louis C.K.’s Aspen hotel room, they said they were holding onto each other, screaming and laughing in shock, as Louis C.K. masturbated in a chair. “We were paralyzed,” Ms. Goodman said. After he ejaculated on his stomach, they said, they fled. He called after them: “He was like, ‘Which one is Dana and which one is Julia?’” Ms. Goodman recalled.

Also really funny:

When he phoned her, he said he was sorry for shoving her in a bathroom. Ms. Corry replied that he had never done that, but had instead asked to masturbate in front of her.

What the fuck, I didn't follow the Louis C.K. drama all that closely, so I just knew that he masturbated in front of women, but this is on another level.

That first bit sounds like dennis tbh

She answers a phone call from someone who "assaulted" her?

If you don't want to see someone's penis, don't say "yes" if they ask you if you're ok with them exposing their penis.

Haha this is so funny. this guy is inviting us to his hotel room after a night of drinking and hes asking to take of his pants. haaha so funny must be joking hahahaha.

Does anyone like this actually exist?

They are comedians no less.

I'm honestly impressed that Louis C.K. can paralyze people with his dick.

I want to believe I would make my saving throw vs. paralysis when he whipped it out.

I used to think I could do that, but then I realized I was just too heavy for the missionary position.

When he phoned her, he said he was sorry for shoving her in a bathroom. Ms. Corry replied that he had never done that, but had instead asked to masturbate in front of her.

I like how this basically suggests that he's done shit like this with enough women that he literally loses track.

Didn't you know it's still rape if you consent??? It's current year!

That last paragraph is so spot on. I feel bad for the real victims. So many leeches in the industry.

Never upvoted pizzashill before

We're scanning you for cooties as we speak.

Yeah they're trying to tie him to pizzagate lol.

The "he's a clone thread" was fantastic and shouldn't have been missed.

Epic topmind shit. Because he once made favorable comments about Donito Cheetolini, the “new” Chapelle must be a pod person.

Dave Chappelle #1 comedian of the deepstate.

I'm not a clone I got a zone the Grouch fits in

I watched the specials last night. Man is my fucking hero right now. I think my favorite part was when he looked at an upset audience member and said not to worry because his career was already over after saying something particularly politically incorrect. All and all, the man is a damn national treasure.

Chappelle doesn't want to be your hero, he just wants to be a millionaire.

Edit: Downvotes huh? You know he said this in his new special.

Yeah well, I don't care if he reads fan mail and he doesn't give a shit if I call him a hero on the internet. Call this his Paul Revere moment to me. He doesn't need to do jack shit and I'll still think, "Remember when Dave Chappelle pissed off all the pretty snowflakes from all sides?"

editing your comment to complain about downvotes


Dave Chapelle once walked away from a $50 million deal, just because he wasn't feeling it any more. Dave just wants to be Dave.

I thought he implied there was some foul play?

Chappelle got famous over objectively edgy content. Back then this was considered to be funny. If you uploaded something like this today the internet would have a collective sperg out. The left would call it racist and homophobic, the right would call it LGBT propaganda and criticize the KKK part as anti-white fear mongering.

It still baffels me that in only one generation, being absolutely politically correct under any circumstances and always trying to avoid any conflict has becom the „hip“ thing young people do.

People lost their damn sense of humor somehow. Maybe the reason I thought he was actually funny was because he didn't seem to be TRYING to be edgy and he sure as fuck wasn't trying to keep shit safe. It was just real shit from a funny person.

It still baffels me that in only one generation, being absolutely politically correct under any circumstances and always trying to avoid any conflict has becom the „hip“ thing young people do.

Millienals suck at everything.

Le millennials suck xddd

Evidence #1, right here

Real talk: Believe it or not, his show actually helped diffuse racism and bring people closer together and help understand one another's cultures. When you can laugh at everyone, including yourself, its hard to simply focus on hating and being critical of one group. The Chappelle show, The Boondocks, and a couple other shows more or less defined the early 00s. It was an amazing time for college age kids who kept awake most of the night getting high as fuck. Premium weed content.

Chappelles Show, Boondocks, and DBZ were how I broke the ice with black classmates and came to be their friend. We shared edgy racial jokes all the time and nobody ever got shitty about it.

What the fuck happened, man?

Who didn't win over their black classmates with "I'm rich biotch!" and "The darkness."

I was flunking out of college at the time... er, I mean, I escaped liberal brainwashing camp.

Friday Night Sissy Fights? Count me in

It still baffels me that in only one generation, being absolutely politically correct under any circumstances and always trying to avoid any conflict has becom the „hip“ thing young people do.

You should spend some time off the internet. It might be good for you.

we're in r/drama, youre one to talk

The gay landscaper clip kills me every time. It's such a perfect send-up of what some people think "gay x" is.

The way he dances behind the mower is amazing.

It still baffels me that in only one generation, being absolutely politically correct under any circumstances and always trying to avoid any conflict has becom the „hip“ thing young people do.

God, I wish this was the case, nowadays it's "hip" to just be as partisan as possible and call that humor, somehow. I'd take the endless blandness of a thousand Jimmy Fallons over a single Seth Myers.

Yeah, but the partisanship is still "safe" and conflict-avoidant because you're just pandering to your tribe in that case. It's no longer subversive or powerful comedy, but it still gets an emotionally-charged dopamine reaction from the audience because you're basically just telling them "you're right and good" over and over again.

That is, until you accidentally step over the line on some tribal shibboleth that you didn't hear about in time and then they gut you like a fish.

All I know is his bit about Trump’s lips sweating had me in tears

Le Drumph!

Here comes daddy defense squad just on cue.

The God-Emperor protects.

I don't want to live in a world where you can't make fun of the president whenever you want. Shit's an American tradition.


He is so dumb! Unlike me, I am smart and liberal.

you sound a bit booty blasted

You can do better botchlings

I am Maoist Pussy, not botchling.

Classic botchlings.

y'all shat on botchlings but like 1 in 10 botchlings posts was pretty insightful and we will come to regard his reign as the glory days of tolerable daddyposters

This is a great thread on the subject.


It includes this warning from a mod

There is no reasonable defense that can be offered of Dave Chappelle's specific transphobic jokes. Defending his specific transphobic jokes will be treated the same as any other post in defense of transphobia from this point forward. You have been warned.

I've been warned. Well, I'm goin in...

Phew, i was afraid we were losing our South Park neutrality after the last couple of days.

it ebbs and flows but /r/drama will always be a safe haven for south park neutrality.

Don't you know, being centrist makes you literally hitler nowadays

And r/drama is our literal Centrist Fourth Reich.

You know this place is like a pendulum.

It's like poetry. It rhymes.


More like a perineum

No it taint


Im so glad southpark returned to cartman bashing kyle.

Pink kyles on parade was great

It's strange. He started off strong making fun of libs but then it took a turn.

u/PksRevenge you literally cant stand it when he ribs on your daddy lol

u/PksRevenge is the sort of people we had in the middle ages, for them the only kind of humor they understand is when someone who they dislike or don't care about is getting hurt and they feel good about themselves. It's this sort of people which led to st. Augustine or someone condemning all humor as unchristian and evil, because that was pretty much all humor at the time.


Cat burning was a form of entertainment in France prior to the 1800s. In this form of entertainment, people would gather dozens of cats in a net and hoist them high into the air from a special bundle onto a bonfire. In the medieval and early modern periods, cats, which were associated with vanity and witchcraft, were sometimes burned as symbols of the Devil.

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nuke France

As long as we can remove the cats first

to cat-burn more efficiently!

I don't dislike Chapelle at all, i just don't agree with some of his politics. I'm more than capable of disagreeing with somebody without weaponizing politics or victimhood.

I don't dislike Chapelle at all, i just don't agree with some of his politics. I'm more than capable of disagreeing with somebody without weaponizing politics or victimhood.

The question is if you're capable of finding something humorous if it doesn't involve burning cats or political opponents. Like, in case you weren't aware, a lot of other people actually do find things that don't involve hurting other people funny, and you lacking that capability makes you a minority.

Wahh he didn't make fun of my hated group for the entire set that means he sucks.

It's wayyy to easy to make fun of this or this or this or maybe even this

the sort of people we had in the middle ages




Is the new one any good? His last 2 were ok, but you can really tell that something is off about him now. Just seems worn out and his humor seems to have eroded somewhat.

Yes it's very funny.

... so I kicked her in the pussy!

Political "humor" is where comedians go to die. Happened with oswalt, louie, and others. Dave will be nothing but a street preacher from here on out, and will slowly fade away.

Somehow whenever he has done political or social commentary I have never thought of him as preachy or a smarmy douche bag.

He seems like the only comedian who can do that for me

Because he didnt really have an agenda with any of it.

Like his “criticism” of george bush: “oil? Bitch you cookin?”

Its not just sarcasm, its legitimately making a character that even if you like their politics you can laugh at.

Like mr garrisons trump is way funnier than baldwins

He's done political commentary his whole career.

Yeah it came out when most the guys saying this stuff were tweens. And he never insulted someone they liked personally so this is surely the time he goes down.

Difference here is that he made fun of trump and that automatically makes him unfunny

Patton Oswalt was never that funny outside of TV and movies to begin with though

was never that funny

Talking about Patton or your autistic stickies?

my stickies are consistently off the chain though

Imagine criticizing his stickies after Wheaton visited.

Imagine pretending you know what you're talking about.

Dave's been doing political commentary forever.

This new one was much better than the first 2 specials. I haven't watched the 'Bird Revelation' yet.

He's a clone so it's to be expected

He reminds me of Carlin in that he's slowly transitioning from humor to cranky social commentary

He has always given social commentary.

Yes but now he's cranky and gives no fucks

Can you tell us more about how you think he's a clone?

I'll take a look at this guy's Netflix Special in a minute, didn't know him before. My hope is he could be some kind of American version of Serdar Somuncu, I'm running out of material of this guy. ;_;

Anyway, alone from reading the comments, I get the impression that this Chappelle guy is probably rather left wing liberal, and the outrage he's causing on both sides is caused by people not understanding irony, sarcasm or comdey in general. It's true there is a big overlap between left-wing groups and political correctness, with the latter one being suspiciously correlated with having a stick up your arse, but there's such a thing as being left-wing and not overly PC. I'm of the conviction that everyone has the right to be made fun of and that's a good thing. The trick is that comedy has the potential to let go of your seriousness and your hatred and bitterness. You can put legit criticism into comedy and still make it funny. You can talk about your own prejudices and admit that you have them in the first place. Kind of why I like drama. Here I go seriousposting on this sub of all places....

There' gonna be an Edit if my overall impression turns out to be wrong.

Where is this pasta from?

Happy to provide -.-

Btw the guy's really lukewarm. America as a whole is so incredibly butthurt.

The comedian connoisseur

Serdar Somuncu

now there's a name that's on a CIA watchlist somewhere

When the fuck did we start critiquing comedians as moral philosophers. They're crafting a bit to be funny not to tell people what's right or wrong

Where have you been. This whole election cycle people have got their opinions from comedians.

Breitbart is pretty funny.

Huma Abedin has an abnormally large teeth/mouth/smile, tbh


I would put my abnormally large dick in it, not gonna lie.

my abnormally large dick in it

not gonna lie


I identify as black below the belt, sunshine

So, knees down?

Hey that was pretty good.

Reminds me of Achewood.

That was pretty funny, thanks for the link.

Prove it

Yeah, I'd pee in her butt.

I like the photos where she is crying.

Don't shame her for her horse DNA.

Why the long face?

Where she comes from it is quite difficult to distinguish a human female from a mare. So you end up with these half breeds.


What the fuck did you say about my queen?

Breitbart is cool and good.

ughhhh Jon Stewart ring a bell?

"You're hurting America!"

Tbf, he got that shitty show cancelled by going on it and saying it was terrible.

Dave Chappelle is Jon Stewart now?


how did you come to this conclusion dumbass?

The difference is that Jon Stewart was politically active and centered his entire show and persona around politics.

Yeah, and in practice that was probably a mistake because his success created a whole bubble of liberal outrage porn in contemporary comedy led by a bunch of his protégés, who are trying and mostly failing to reach his level because really only John Stewart could make that model work, and then really only up to 2010 (maybe 2012 if we're being generous). The cultural moment for that has passed, and now these spinoff shows (Bee, Oliver, Noah) are basically lifestyle markers for mainstream liberals without offering much to anyone else.

Comedy can only come from the side that you support duh.

Jimmy kimmel has been horrendous about this

Colbert was great when he had to coach his audience tho

Comedy has always been about insight, often unexpected.

Wasn't me

Let me post a George Carlin clip to explain

This shit right here. George Carlin and lenny Bruce ruined comedy by implying that it is something more meaningful. These guys weren't comedians, they were public speakers. I wouldn't call George funny as much as I would call him entertaining. And people started taking whay they and every other comedian seriously.

Lol comedy has been political for thousands of years and probably for as long as "comedy" and "politics" were concepts. Comedy in Ancient Greece was political.

It is one thing to be political, and have humorous political observations, but another thing to suggest that they should be the moral authority on all issues and held to that standard.

Who is saying that Dave Chapelle is the moral authority on all issues?

I can't explain who but here is a 20 minutes Bill Hicks clips that does, make sure you watch to the end

And here's a clip of Bill Burr talking about everyone's wrong these days

Here's a clip of Louis CK jacking off infront of random women

And here’s a Chelsea Handler clip to jerk off to

Wow, way to kill everyone's boner.

First, he never apologised

Well first, he didn't have anything to apologise for.

The uk/the daily mail been doing it to frankie Boyle for years... too many jokes about fucking the queen got them in a right spergout.

He caught quite a bit of moral outrage when he said that the only reason rich people buy yachts is to fuck dead kids in international waters.

That's fucking hilarious tbh

Second season of the Daily Show with John Stewart.

You mean you didn't learn what's right and wrong from that one Southpark episode and a Louis CK standup special?


Hey thanks to Louis, I also started asking, 'may I masturbate in front of you' instead of wordlessly whipping it out and staring.

They're crafting a bit to be funny not to tell people what's right or wrong

Don't tell Jimmy Kimmel.

Dave Chappelle is right. Trans people are bad and we should kill them all.

wew lad


This is wrong on so many levels.

The truth is, trans people are grotesque and we should kill them all.

They literally drink virgin blood and turn into bats

That's globalists. Trans are just gross sad perverts

Well at least they have the decency to castrate themselves, so we don't have to do it.

That the true-true.

Don't forget mentally ill

You aren't wrong. However, not all mentally ill people need to be eradicated for purely aesthetic reasons.

I have to disagree as eradicating the mentally ill will finally usher in mayocide.

Not the ones from Transylvania

thats Transylvanians you silly

Transsexual Transylvania?

Vampire Transformers

I just watched Hotel Transylvania and it is one of the best movies I've ever seen.

I agree

Trans people are too weird and off-putting for normal people to want to talk to or interact with them in any way, let alone kill them.

That's why trans murders are so rare and so many trans people kill themselves to get the attention they crave

truly the greatest punishment we can inflict on trans people is ignoring them

that's effectively a death sentence for them anyways, because then they don't get any attention

this but unironically

I watched it inadvertently while high as balls last night and holy fuck I couldn't decide whether I loved or hated him. But it was good shit.

He really gave off a george Carlin vibe.

Good comedy makes you laugh first and think afterward.

What these people want is pre approved jokes and a laugh track to tell them that something is funny.

Probably why there aren't a lot of conservative comedians. Conservatives are afraid of thinking.

Carlin sucks and so does Hicks

Both preachy mayos and not really funny

Carlin being remembered as a "great comedian" is massive tragedy.

He honestly was pretty great, he just hasn't aged well. Watching him now, he comes off as too self-satisfied in his own independence and skepticism; it's a little too reminiscent of New Atheist smugness for <current year>.

Stfu white boy

The OP in one of the posts even said they haven’t seen the special yet, just read articles about it.

Well, of course they haven't. This is the internet, you're expected to form an opinion based on what everyone else tells you instead of finding out yourself. With all the information in the world at your fingertips who has TIME to do anything other than read someone else's synopsis?

Honestly, Trump just needs to jack off in front of some MTF comedians while a black man holding an airhorn yells out "ISLAMIC RAPE GAMERGATE PARTY" over and over again in the background with Little Pump and Paul Logan nodding in approval from above.

Then after Dave comments on it saying "Well, that's retarded." we can finally see reddit debate on what side he's truly on.

So Dada

I'm glad he made trans jokes. It seems like every comedian today is afraid to touch that shit because they'll get crybullied out of their career. He didn't even say anything that bad.

I watched his 2015 set on Netflix yesterday. Never seen anything from Chapelle before (tbh he's not really known outside of the US), and he was laiding it out pretty hard against trannies. Already joking about chicks with dicks, and bitching about being forced to use their pronouns.

So, nothing new.

Yeah, but in 2015 the outrage machine wasn't fully lubed up and ready to go like it is now, so he could still fly a little bit low to the ground on that stuff. Now, though, it's popcorn and tendies for everyone.

trans jokes

oh so that's why everyone is mad. should have figured.

trap humor really undervalued in modern day

trap means drag actually, but that's not stopping some of them getting offended by it.

/u/JustTray, /u/JustTray, /u/JustTray...

Imagine finding yourself at home in the /r/drama community. shutter

The place so stupid and childish they think user pings are edgy.

First of all, it's "shudder". Second, do you think that saying bad things about people behind their backs like you srdines cowardly do is somehow a morally elevated position?

I'll say it right to your face you pathetic, pencil dick loser with no life whose high point of each day is kekeing in a circle jerk about how mean the SJWs are... virtually of course. You're too much of an actual coward, and so lacking of all social skill that when you're in the real world you no doubt just hide in a corner and keep your stupid fucking opinions to yourself.

Which again, is why you live here, in this shitlord community of losers, pinging me to an unrelated thread about some grammar nazi shit because you got that butthurt by an obscure comment on a subreddit you're probably banned from, since you're a faggot.

How's that? Rhetorical, I don't give a fuck about you and won't think of you again.

This reminds me of the poignant way Victor Pelevin described the shitshow that was the 90s in Russia: people were trying to figure out how to build capitalism, but the only blueprints they had was the Soviet anti-capitalist propaganda. The result was predictably fucked up in all unpredictable ways even.

Same with your comment tbh.

I knew you probably had an alt in there.

Would it bother you to know that I manage a couple dozen people, and a few billion in infrastructure?

For the federal government?

That many of you who hate what I stand for are funding my happiness and well paying job with your tax dollars?

When I stop being called a pencil dick, a mangina, a white knight, a c word, or a pussy, when redditors who use these words or those who oppose us grow up, I'll stop using it.

If someone told your friend to shut the fuck up, wouldn't you stick up for them and say something? Is hearing the word dick really offensive to the fee fees when it's perfectly normal to see the c word and women treated like garbage on reddit?

This place is a bizarro world sometimes. Up is down, racism about whites is the biggest problem, and white college aged men are the most oppressed class. Racism is the scientific "race realism". I don't hide my dislike for MRAs, nor do I have to coddle them in the subreddit I'm top mod in.

Why are you so mad and lacking in empathy for your common man?

Let's not be harsh. This is probably an indicator that they support the mayocide.

adding more adjectives and expletives makes an insult good

Um, no sweetie


You're that retard who REEEEEE'd in SRD because someone dared to suggest that pedophiles should be pitied due to their mental illness and may not be "LITERALLY HITLER." How do you determine which crazies should be hated/mocked btw? Is there a checklist that says pedos are okay but trannies are off-limits?

they are Hitler tho

Woah simmer down with the homophobia what the fuck is wrong with you.

Nice rant lil buddy, you won my upvote

you're a faggot.

::checks post history:: Ahhh an SRDine. Bet it felt good to drop that f-bomb here didn't it. Double G, hard T. Faggot. Rolls off the tongue and keyboard beautifully. None of this wimpy fag shit, you went straight for the full faggot. I admire it. Very few words indicate the pure, vitriolic contempt that faggot does.

How does it feel knowing you won't get banned for it? Shunned by your peers and labeled homophobic for using it. Nah man, here you'll get slapped on the back (or ass if you'd prefer, hee hee) and upvoted for your delightfully hateful rant.

Imagine finding yourself at home in the /r/drama community. shutter

You do find yourself at home in the /r/drama community. You just haven't admitted it to yourself yet. Take the rod out of your butthole. Unclench. Relax. Breath in and out deeply, embrace the angst that lead you to write these terrible words. And start shuttering. Not in horror as you implied earlier, but with pleasure. For you are now home. I welcome you brother.

I am absolutely certain you will think about this guy later today and this week.

calls him out for saying mean things on the internet and calling him a coward for it

says mean things about him on the internet, thus becoming exactly what he complains about

But you're right this place is a shit hole, but only because you and your bourgeois friends exploited us for everything we had. Prepare for the revolution comrade. you'll be first against the wall when we shave our neckbeards and surprise attack you all while you're gaining IQ watching Richard and Mortimer.

watching Richard and Mortimer.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎

Thanks for the pasta cumlord

Let me tell you this-- /r/Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.

TL;DR version


Why do you hate fun?

since you're a faggot

Why does every srdine who comes here feel the need to drop edgy slurs?

Just because you've left your censored shithole for a forum that permits actual discussion doesn't mean you need to act like a shit head

They dont need to, they just do.

and won't think of you again.

Ya somebody who goes into maximum spergout mode like you just did totally isn't going to be thinking about their rustled jimmies for the rest of the night 🙃

Classic progressive tolerance.

won't think of you again

Is not healthy to try to fool yourself like that hon

Chill out penis breath

coward not talking about SJWs


Is this pasta?

I'll say it right to your face

/u/JustTray , I...

Oh my god. u/SnapShillBot PLS

Think about these nuts, faggot

pinging me to an unrelated thread

To be fair, this is not an unrelated thread.

camera lens sounds

Further proof Yakub doomed humanity's future

It's strange. He started off strong making fun of libs but then it took a turn.

It's like these retards honestly can't fathom just making a joke because it's funny, rather than making sure it completely adheres to your ideology first..

Centrism is against the law.

Nothing sadder than zealots looking for a perfect demagogue

Well seems Chapelle was right to stop doing comedy since everyone is insanely assmad.

You dont think this is masterfully crafted free advertising? The people in Political groups that truly get pissed off about this are a minority and easily triggerable into action . As long as chapelle has a positive message overall he can trigger all day lobg and rake in the free advertising.

The irony is that he talks about how the #metoo movement needs "imperfect allies" such as most men who wish to help.

that may have been his unironic point

Ed’s all up in it. Makes it tainted

Imagine being such a loser that when someone says something bad about your shitty president you have to go online and whine about it.

u/oh_member_I_member you need to take a good hard look at yourself.

Says the guy who took the time to tag me, deleted his original comment, BC I "triggered" you somehow. Lol girl bye. I look good, my president looks good, im just chilling!

no offense. but Donald Trump is The fattest president you have ever had, he definitely does not look good.

You just assumed i meant on a scale of physical attractiveness. Maybe we like our men orange and plump down here in the rabbit hole.

Who am I too judge you for who turns you on.

It puts the bronzer on the skin or it gets the hose again...

Trump is a rapist.

And you came outta left field swinging, didn't ya?

Trump gropes underage women with his small hands.

But I wanna talk about what your small hands do Dave.

they stop my underage ass from getting groped by Cuckservatives

Google Image search "William Howard Taft" sometime.

I think trump has a couple pounds on him. And trumps only getting bigger 😂

Dave Chappelle expresses regret for telling jokes about trans people, saying in his new stand-up special, “…those types of choices do not disqualify you from a life with dignity and happiness and safety.”

“…those types of choices..."


Goddamn I loved the new ones! It made me look at shit that I’ve been a “brittle spirit” about.


  • Dave didn't apologize to trannies for not saying anything wrong

  • Pointed out trannies sacrifice more than Rachel Dolezal did when she got a fake tan and a 'do

  • Pointed out that if you don't like a fat, ginger Mexican jerking off while talking on the phone, you can hang up

  • Called fragile crybabies who saw a fat, ginger Mexican jerking off 'brittle-spirited'

  • Said that pussy is worth at least $25k

  • Acknowledged that Kevin Hart has a sex tape

  • Says titty-fucking trannies isn't gay

  • Said gay kids are more mature and that, while straight 14-year olds go out seeking pussy, maybe a gay 14-year old might have been a little horny when he went to a party with Kevin Spacey

  • REAL TALKED for 15 minutes about how the entertainment industry was metaphorically beating him with a coat hanger and then patching him up just so they could get another 200 fucks out of their bottom bitch.

maybe a gay 14-year old might have been a little horny when he went to a party with Kevin Spacey

lol oh lawd

The fact that your last bracket is vibrating like that really had me rattled for a minute.


did u know sometimes people say positions they dont really agree with for the sake of comedy? especially you know, comedians?

patton oswalt is a great person and great comedian

list of lefty acceptable comedians

My fucking god circlebroke

/u/supergauntlet how does that sub manages to get worse? how is that possible?

Once you accept the central ideas, then it becones like gravity. Time slows, your connection to others diminish until eventually you get too close to the black hole in the centre and end up overweight eating, sleeping and dying on some pointless subreddit.

Then 4yrs later the politics change regardless of what's true and boom you're free. If you choose to leave...

Am I the only one who noticed what seems to be blatant "boy lover" symbols in the intro of Dave Chappelle's new special?

u/GeometricPhenomenon I found footage of you taking a Rorschach Test.

Are you insinuating there is no resemblance between the logos released by the FBI and those featured here?

Maybe you're right. I would very much love to hear an argument for that.

Are you insinuating there is no resemblance between the logos released by the FBI and those featured here?

No, he's flatly stating that if you're trying to establish a connection between the two that you might want to make your next tinfoil hat a little bigger so it doesn't choke the flow of blood around your head.

i like how SRD is trying to critique Dave's blatant deflection of blame with "but i'm oppressed." without contradicting their progressive values.