Trump vs Bannon

155  2018-01-03 by Oh_hamburgers_


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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It's treason, then.

Yaaaaaassss, now we wait for Bannon to go nuclear.

~insert evil raccoon meme here~

2018 is turning out to be a good year for this sub lol

I mean, Bannon was always a hack. Nothing has changed.

Ok bb we believe you Bannon was bad all along it's ok

So you think he's trustworthy? Dude lost custody of his kids because hes literally insane.

So Trump probably shouldn't have trusted him you think? Maybe not given him all that unfettered access? 🤔

Trump used his name and then moved on. That's why Trump fired him.

Oh I see, of course it was Daddy playing 5d waterpolo. Very smart very tremendous

Oh no, you're serious.

Stay safe buddy.

Sure it's not like he literally listened to everything he did and used him as a campaign and administration advisor lmao

Man it takes effort to be as retarded as you

Gotta have goals.

You know he was secretly talking to him every day behind Kelly's back right?

Dude lost custody of his kids because hes literally insane.

Where's Barron? 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔

Has anyone seen Tiffany lately?

He's got more insider information than you do, so I'd trust him over your sour ass.

It's okay to admit you made a mistake though, we're understanding here at /r/drama

at least he wasnt a flaming homosexual like milo

That's no trash panda, but I loved it anyways

Is that a possum?

Kinda looks more like a sugar glider.

/r/the_donald 5 minutes ago:

Fake quotes. Fake news.

/r/the_donald now:

WTF I have Steve Bannon. Cum on me more daddy!

About that edit, Holy shit really? Post some links bby.

Place moves so fast and is so delete heavy, but basically they're panicking and saying it's fake news because so far a) it's not on the official White House website or b) there's no "direct quote" from Trump

people keep posting stuff from the_donald but ever since i got banned on that subreddit ive been convinced there all a bunch of liberal's and the donald is there safe space

Time for you to go back to the minor leagues /r/cringeanarchy. Your baiting average is terrible.

This is really low effort and generic trolling.

that's the point. here, the poor craftsmanship is the bait

I get that's the angle, but we already have Ed for that.

This, tbh

/u/Jac983 is a true shit artist


Seriously, why are you so bad at this?

If you want tips on how to bait people, feel free to PM me.


Come on, at least try a little.

people think im trolling and baiting but what i posted was 100 percent serious

The "I'm actually retarded" defense could only work in courts, retard.

Wow, that's even worse.

Sorry you're retarded :(

Bannon is a Zionist. He is doing exactly what the liberal MSM is doing, shifting focus on Russia so people don’t look at the real treason with Israel

r/Conspiracy never disappoints lol

"bannon is a zionist"

but whatever happened to them calling the alt right and its supporters nazi's? there all of a sudden zionists now,have they forgotten that zionists were the ones being turned into soap and put in gas chambers by the real nazi's

/r/conspiracy is filled to the brim with alt right. It would make sense they believe a person they don't like is a Zionist.

yeah that den of anti-trump agitprop r/conspiracy sure cant keep its story straight

"The holocaust didn't happen even though I wish it did.", most of the alt-right, probably.

The Elder of Zion is basically Palpatine. He's behind all sides and will kill them off when they're no longer useful.

Ur syntax is problematic 2 say the leest

Z I O N ➡️ N O I Z ➡️ N O Z I ➡️ N A Z I

Nah, the hardcore go straight for ZIONAZIS!

what do you think apostrophes do

Fucking lmaooo

There's always some quality drama going on in r/Conspiracy lol.

Ayy that gif is dope af! But to be fair, it could be applied to any post on this sub.

Sure. Here's the higher res version

If you want to have some fun make a throwaway and see just how insane of right wing conspiracies you can create there and still have them eat it up

Ooh you have some stories?

Made a few posts about the protocols of the elders of Zion and they ate it right up. Ill do something next time I'm drunk, let's say it will be about immigrants and socialism

Lol. Though I wonder how many conspiracy users are just regular people masquerading as crazies to make them look dumber than they already are 🤔

A really good one that riles them up is saying that Russia murdered Seth Rich to cover up evidence that he leaked to Wikileaks. It's beautiful because:

a) It accepts their premise that Seth Rich was murdered

b) It also accepts their premise that Seth Rich leaked emails to Wikileaks


c) It turns the motivation for his murder on its head with as much evidence as there is that the DNC/Hillary had him killed.

It's so simple, yet so effective. I bet pushing this theory would probably get you instantly banned though, tbh.

That's actually a pretty solid idea. I encourage byou to have a run at it

But trump is a shill for israel

Omg this comment is hilarious. Do they not realize that those words apply to their beloved Trump?

Bannon is garbage, he was fired for a reason, he was a leaker. The dude is an insecure hangers-on of a person, he has literally never done anything in his life except ride other people's coattails. I hope we can finally be rid of him, he is not helpful if Alabama didn't demonstrate that enough.


"caring about states filled with inbred hillbillys in the year 2018"


Np. for the_donald should be mandatory because it removes the godawful subscribe banner that covers half the screen.

2018 and doesn't know how to block CSS

Fucking freshmen😒

>implying RES is some kind of magic.

Making an np link just for the_donald makes life easier for everyone.

It just coddles the lazy

TBH I did it to coddle you so that you could feel comfortable in your constant state of outrage.

And annoys the goys

What a strange hill to die on.

You must be new here




M'uh darkside


I know you are but what am I

*the energy efficient

It's 2018, the hate against people who don't do things should stop.

The fuck are you talking about? This has nothing to do with RES lmao.

RES has a little button to remove css on a page.

Subscribe and unsubscribe, and it'll be gone for good.

Requires subscribing to t_d

Yup, but the banner doesn't reappear when you unsubscribe.

I have done that many times because I'm a tard and sometimes click on the Trump.

Yay - I'm not the only one!

Np removes the godawful subscribe banner that covers half

The real tip is always in the comments

I'm pleasuring my pickle rick so hard to this.

LMAO. New snappy quote when?

So you disagree with the statement?

> wtf I love bannon now

This is really boring and lame trolling. Try again, but with higher energy.

anyone that shows my hypocrisy is a troll

Seriously, Trump fired Bannon ffs. Of course the dude is going to be disgruntled. And he turned brietbart to shit.

Awww you appear to be TRIGGERED

So you believe Brietbart is trustworthy?

The deflection is strong with this one.

It's a pretty simple question. Do you think Bannon is a trustworthy source?

It's really amusing that you think you're being clever here. ;)

It's really funny that you hide behind calling me a troll when you get called out on your hypocrisy.

That's some mighty fine 4D Pretty Pretty Princess that you're playing.

in a world where the president labels anything that criticizes him "fake news"does it really matter

'if alabama didnt demonstrate that enough"

well its not to see alabama doing something other then fucking there sister

/u/white_s2k I assume you and your family members look like variations of Sloth from the goonies you retarded chucklefuck?

/u/802_golfer let me know how that box of staples taste.

Lets see if he discounts this book as fake spin. Ill eat a box of staples if I'm wrong.

/u/802_golfer that's far too painful and might actually not kill you, may I suggest a gunshot wound to the head instead?

They are so confused that different ideas and perspectives have the same number of upvotes

Something horrible must have happened

Something is coming.... whoooa... something is coming.

These are people who get triggered by Chelsea Clinton (literally who?) tweeting The Church of Satan.

So yes, really.

Chelsea Clinton (literally who?) tweeting The Church of Satan.

Wait, what now?

i remember when i watched the video of that statue they put in detroit,i was amazed by the amount of white people i saw in a city like detroit

"I trust the media now!" Regarding Bannon

Life comes at you fast

We are being heavily brigaded as paid CTR shills are downvoting our posts while we’re sitting here fighting about Trump and Bannon. Look at the comments, I see Pedes calling each other cucks!! All while David Brock masterbates reading them and blows his loads all over his young male interns!!

I see Pedes calling each other cucks!! All while David Brock masterbates reading them and blows his loads all over his young male interns!!

/u/generalgdubs1 I'm not one to kinkshame, but that's a really specific fetish you have.

I’m not one to kinkshame

I mean please

WTF I hate Steve Bannon. Cum on me more daddy!

It's really not that far off from how some of them think

There is some sweet dreams on /Pol/ that I can't link to but I did copy this content from one of the threads

Is it stating to sink in now that nobody in the Trump camp was actually sincere? When push came to shove, the Dear Leader of the alt-right himself basically picked a petty personal vendetta over his supposed ideology. You faggots understand that this fatass basically decided he would rather burn down the entire administration if it means getting back at Kushner and Ivanka, right? That is the true nature of your 'movement', Just a bunch of idiots, opportunists and criminals playing on idiotic populist sentiments that have no basis in reality. The only thing you faggots have accomplished is smear right-wing ideology for decades at a critical point in American politics. In 2019 or 2021, when the Democrats inevitably retake control, the pendulum is going to swing so fucking far to the left, America will make Sweden look fascist. Amnesties, open borders, censorship, diversity laws, etc. Mark my words, we'll look back on the 2016 election as the worst thing that could have happened to right-wing ideology since Hoover and the Great Depression.

that I can't link to

Why? Here's the thread (archive).

making america great again,by turning red states blue and republicans to democrats

That's the first not idiotic comment I've seen you type ever.

This but unironically

56d backgammon

Taps head meme

Democrats can't implement socialism if the party is flooded with conservatives

Wtf I love Democrats now?

socialism died with comrad bernie

which is funny because the last socialist to run for president(bernie sanders)they screwed out of the nomination in favor of somebody who didnt have a chance either

But it was Hilary's turn.

She worked so hard for it only to be beaten at the final hurdle by that terrible negro.

Don't you understand what her presidency would have meant to young girls and women around the world?

"terrible negro"

"doesnt realize donald trump is white"

i know it looks like his face just got piss'd on by a russian hooker,but hes hardly what id consider a negro

Think he's talking about Obama, chief.

well there both dumb liberals,why didnt they run together

a nigger and a white bitch,its a match made in heaven

Hilary stood a chance in 2008 against the cripple and the slutty redneck. Unfortunately for her the batton got passed to Billy Ray Valentine.

In 2016 an "inside-the-beltway" candidate like her was always going to struggle. That she won the popular vote is testament to what a truly awful president most people understood the Alzheimer's Orange would actually be.

"b.b.b.bbbut she won the popular vote"

obama was popular and couldnt run america for shit,popularity means nothing when it comes to being a good president

Our last three presidents were Trump, Obama, and GW.

Of those, we all know how GW worked out and Trump is already a shitshow of epic proportions.

So i'm having a hard time figuring out what you think Obama did that was so bad.

"we all know how GW worked out"

yeah,better then obama and trump.your dumb liberal ass isnt worth arguing with if you cant see why obama was bad

Wow, you have to be like 9 years old if you don't remember the GW presidency. GW took office with a record surplus and promising "compassionate conservatism". He left with a record deficit, 2 unwinnable wars, fucking Guantanamo Bay, oh, and the worst banking crisis in decades.

Meanwhile, Obama killed Bin Laden.

yes,i remember the GW was a great time in america.unlike when your nigger obama got elected

I too was excited in 2008 when my portfolio dropped 40% and nobody could get any credit.

Oh yes I agree. Obama was not a good president.

But then it's been a very long time since there was a president who consistently managed the job well and left a legacy worth mentioning...

Teddy Roosevelt maybe...

I can't wait until Hillary Clinton becomes elected and follows in Joseph Stalin's footsteps.

Welcome back btw.

Trump is starting to sound like Charlie sheen when he talks about all his winning

starting to


"obamacare was never actually repealed,immigration will be a massive failure with or without his wall,the tax plan republicans clap and cheer about will more then likely benefit the rich morons while screwing over the people who actually support republicans"

yep,so much winning there

the tax plan republicans clap and cheer about will more then likely

You realize that we don't have to guess, right?

Like, the legislation is passed. We know all of the details. Hell, people have been altering their habits in the past week to plan to maximize their 2017 return based on the facts we know.

And the fact is, this tax break benefits almost everyone - ask the 200,000 AT&T employees if they enjoyed their $1k holiday bonus or the 7000 new employees next year as the company brings back spending and hiring to the US.

benefit the rich

It boggles my mind when I see libfags complaining about this.

OF COURSE GENERIC A TAX CUT IS GOING TO BENEFIT THE RICH MORE. Like, are you fucking retarded? A rich person is paying tens of thousands in federal taxes. Your poor ass is dropping 1 or 2, max.

There is no possible way a meaningful tax break could be designed that would only help you out on your $1,500 but not help the rich "morons" (whose coattails you are riding btw) on their $30,000.

It doesn't even make sense to try. And trump did try. If you look at the before & after tax brackets, the lower income brackets DID drop more than the upper income brackets (3-4% for the lower 2 brackets vs 0-2.6% for the upper 2 brackets).

I already know how much more I'll save next year thanks to my literacy and ability to put numbers into a spreadsheet and it's substantial. And I am right dead center in the middle of the middle class.

except im not a libfag,i hate republicans and democrats equally

non americans to start sueing companys that wont hire them because they arent american

holy shit, it's retarded

Companies have been discriminating based on citizen status for years. Nationality has never been a civil rights protected class. Have you never applied for a job before? One of the first questions they ask is if you are a citizen for fucks sake.

im talking about real jobs,not companies in charge of the shit jobs that real americans dont want to do so the only way they can get workers is hiring immigrants who are to stupid to know any better

Dang, this post reminds me of a twitch streamer I used to watch whose streamroom had a ceiling mirror that she wasn't allowed to take down cause it was a rented apartment. Chat had so many inside jokes about it and I had made my share of "oh man that would be so hot for watching me cry and jerk off" type quips.

I'm sad now cause now I have to relive the worst screwup of my life. I had been faithfully watching her for almost a year and she mostly played League and Hearthstone plus sandboxy fun games like Little Big Planet and Minecraft. Those games weren't really my cup of tea put her personality and sense of humor were so great that I didn't care.

She only had about 60 average viewers but we all adored her and there was a great sense of community among everyone. I was super excited that night cause it was her one year twitch anniversary and she invited us all to drink with her to celebrate.

I woke up with a massive hangover still in front of the computer and instantly went to her twitch page to check out the vod and was met with a "this account does not exist or has been deleted message." I'm not proud but my first thought was hoping that she had gotten a bit to flirty in her drunken state and maybe even flashed chat which led to a temporary ban from twitch, I then went to her twitter and her last tweet was "I'm sorry, I just can't even...I'm out." I started to replay the night back in my head and noticed one of my "hidden" folders was open and ohhh no..oh god no...

The night started out great, with many toasts to her subs and longtime lurkers but as she drank more she gradually got more and more morose and started to open up about her personal life. She said she loved streaming but she wanted to do this as a career and her parents had given her a year to prove it was viable until she needed to get a "real job" and her time was pretty much up and she was scared. She also talked about how she was undateable (very untrue!) and no man would ever want her. All she really wanted out of life other than making it as a streamer was to be a housewife and mother but she would probably screw that up too, fuck my life!! And she tilted the webcam away so we couldnt see her cry.

I was drinking shots of whiskey to her swigs of champagne and was even drunker than her at this point, and typed "Actually you'd be an amazing mother!!!" And I then uploaded a shota gallery of her and me I had been working on for 6 months to imgur and being a longtime mod I was able to link it directly in chat.

I'm a cartoon storyboard artist by trade and had put more effort into this than my real job. In between the sex parts it was full of inside jokes from the stream including the ceiling mirror and the storyline was basically "me coming home from school and walking in on mom in the shower" which should be familiar to anyone familiar with the "genre." It even involved several personal aspects of her life I had discovered from a bit of internet detective work.

Seeing the look of horror dawn on her face as she scrolled in disbelief I immediately started apologizing but she ended the stream and I screamed fuck!!! and punched a hole in the wall and started chugging the whiskey in an effort to forget what I did and soon passed out.

It's been 3 months and she hasn't come back, the only saving grace is I deleted the gallery before passing out and nothing made it onto r/cringe or livestreamfails. If I'd just offered her kind words of support she probably would have ended up streaming on Saturdays and we might even have a budding relationship going on.

I remember the first day I applied the therapeutic masturbation to my son. It felt completely natural as I already had a deep sense of intimacy with my son’s body through the process of massaging him, bathing him, changing his diapers and cleaning and touching his genitals and other private parts. The therapeutic masturbation was a natural extension of what I was already doing in taking care of my son’s body. I also remember how my son expressed a sense of relief, delight and happiness with a smile followed by laughter and other sounds of contentment when I applied the therapeutic masturbation. His body also succumb through orgasm to indicate his enjoyment of the masturbation. The reaction indicated a positive acceptance of the therapeutic masturbation by my son, both physically and emotionally. The therapeutic masturbation also led to a calmness in my son’s behaviour and he continues to show his contentment and happiness to all around him.

And the fact is, this tax break benefits almost everyone


A bracket-wide tax break is not "selling the country for parts" you fucking moron

"tax break"

"from a guy who still hasnt released his own taxes"

good job donald!

lol you can't even type a coherent sentence. SMH.

not my fault your to stupid to understand basic english

maybe you should of spent more time paying attention in school instead of eating glue in the special ed class


your to stupid to understand basic english

you should of spent

this has to be satire

"from a guy who still hasnt released his own taxes"

cause this is hugely relevant when we're talking about legislation.

try and put ur drumpf boner away long enough to stay on topic lmao

"brings back hiring to the us"

until of course,enough non americans get tired of it and start sueing companys for ironically being discriminated against.because daddy trump doesnt understand what equal opporunity employment(ya know,something that does in fact exist in america)means

the fact your middle class and support donald trump makes me laugh

you realize hes just like every other rich prick and is only going to benefit his rich buddies right? thanks for being dumber then a sack of shit like the rest of trump's supporters

educate yourself you fucking twat

"educate yourself"

no thanks,im educated enough to laugh at the shitfest america is turning into thanks to 2 failures(barack obama and donald trump)taking turns making america into a pile of shit

traps are not gay. I repeat, traps ARE NOT GAY. How idiotic do you have to be to think that they are? traps are probably even less gay than some women. I understand why some people MIGHT consider traps to be gay, but once thinking about it i don't know why people wouldn't change their mind. traps look like women. WOMEN ARE NOT GAY. IF YOU FUCK SOMEONE WHO LOOKS LIKE A WOMEN, HOW IS THAT EVEN SLIGHTLY FUCKING GAY? I can kinda see why people think having a dick makes it gay, but the dick only makes up about 0.2% of the human body. if the rest of the body is feminine, that's 99.8% straight. let me repeat, 99.8% STRAIGHT, THAT'S EXTREMELY FUCKING STRAIGHT. THERE ARE WOMEN WHO ARE LESS THAN 99.8% FEMININE, YET PEOPLE DON'T CALL THEM GAY. If you wanna fuck a woman who looks manly as fuck, I'm not gonna call you gay, but you shouldnt call me gay for fucking traps either. It makes no sense why people let a single penis ruin an entire sexual encounter, it's easy enough to ignore. Traps still have fuckable assholes, you don't need to fuck the pussy specifically. And if it's that much of a problem, just look away. He isn't gonna rub his dick on you or anything. There are plenty of nice traps out there, and Im sure you'd get along well with them, but you choose not to because of something on them which takes up 0.2% of their body. It's nonsensical and stupid how worked up people get over something so small but completely ignore the rest of the body. If you're worried about your friends knowing that you're fucking someone 0.2% masculine and 99.8% feminine, they don't need to find out. Believe it or not, traps can wear clothes too. They don't walk around with their dicks hanging out, they cover their dick with pants or skirts. Nobody has to find out that you're in a perfectly heterosexual relationship

Edit: Downvotes? Really? Okay enjoy your sport drinks idiots. They are bad. A glass of beer is a lot better for you after a good workout. I do not drink energy drinks or sport drinks. I do drink Fermented Tea that I make at home and a cup of coffee with milk and nothing else. I do not touch added sugars. Only what is already in the real food. I will outlive you all. I don't even age that fast. In fact, I slowed down my ageing because of the steps I took while I was still a teenager. My children will not touch soda or energy or sport drinks. You are all brainwashed by the corporations who use you and give zero fucks about your health. Drink all you want but later don't complain how pathetic you will be, feel after you hit 30+. You will have health problems. I can guarantee you that.

You realise that AT&T just announced lay-offs right? Also it's dicks easy to rewrite a tax bill that doesn't favour the right. Include a flat tax break. Everyone pays the same amount of tax as last year but gets an additional reeeeefund.

We can circle back to this comment and have a conversation about who to touch base with. I'll take this as an action item and escalate it to my supervisor if we're not able to draw a line in the sand by Q2.

Yeah they'll probably end up letting go 4500 or so employees.

With their commitment to hiring 7000 more this year this is pretty much a moot point, and every corporation with 300k+ employees is bound to have pretty wild sounding employee count swings (sounds like a lot even though it's just 1-2%), but I'm sure you knew all that and are just pretending to be retarded.

They said that to get the tax bill passed. They haven't started hiring and the only thing they've actually announced is lay-offs.

And the fact is, this tax break benefits almost everyone - ask the 200,000 AT&T employees if they enjoyed their $1k holiday bonus or the 7000 new employees next year as the company brings back spending and hiring to the US.

Didn't ATT just pay off a bunch of folks?

I like Charlie

Honestly, the LARPing they do in every thread as 'master tactician' is still incredibly satisfying to chuckle at. The_Spergatory never stops entertaining me.

Something is coming. This was planned for diversion. Watch and see something big happen.



I can't wait until Trump says Bannon is an ugly guy.

That’d be the first understatement I’ve ever seen from him.

Mental retardation

I don't really think that guy is even a trump supporter, he just likes to meme on the libs

If it walks like a cuck...


Have you read any of his seriousposts? He's legit retarded without the gimmick

I had already won the nomination by defeating seventeen candidates, often described as the most talented field ever assembled in the Republican party.

most talented field ever assembled in the Republican party.#gt

Ayyy lmao

J E B !

jeb bush and mitt romney for 2020

make america clap again

Make America Get The Clap Again

Can't clap and eat guacamole at the same time.

Do you want me to post a video to prove you wrong?


Only if you have Rage Against the Machine's "Killing in the Name" playing in the background.

Will give gold for video

mitt romney will be president before 2020

Say what you want, but Ted Cruz being able to kill 7 people without anyone suspecting him is definitely a talent.

Before he was born too. that is remarkable to say the least.

((( Z O D I A C )))

Hey now Chris Christie "legit" running was beautiful

Did someone ever see Christie running?

he runs as much as "im in perfect shape"donald trump

has anyone ever seen donald trump runing? this is 2018,fat white men are the future leaders of america

He couldnt even run away from Trump's trap

That might be one of the stupidest comments ever posted to Reddit.

dont be ableist. the man is legitimately retarded.

"often described" can just mean by Trump himself. Doesn't mean it's correct!

This is true.

It's funnier to think that ¡Jeb!, Mittens and the Zodiac Killer are the best they've ever had.

most talented field ever assembled in the Republican party.

Chris Christie, ¡Jeb! and Mittens star in

The A-Team

Steve 🅱️annon is truly a 🅱️eta cuck. SAD

That Paul Ryan dab will be a future symbol of the downfall of Western Civilization

I like how everyone suddenly believes anything Bannon says.

paul ryan is a cuck anyway

he was mitten's running mate you know the guy who called 47 percent of america leeches

Epitome of Rino

Yes, along with McCain, a Republican from the days of Reagan and didn't shift to the far, authoritarian right so is a RINO?

Say what you want about Bannon, he's a piece of shit, but he's always been pretty honest.

\ > wtf I love Bannon now

He destroyed Breitbart. Didn't he lose custody of his kids because he's literally insane?

I don't "love Bannon" and he's absolutely insane. But he's honest in interviews, always has been, really.

He'll tell you exactly what he wants.

What he wants, not what actually happened. Like he wants to sell copies of his book now.


Yeah, this sounds a lot like "psychopath has psychotic break and becomes Democrat so now I believe everything he says".

Yeah, did every other member of the white house staff also have a break?

becomes Democrat

being this stupid


"of his book"

oh man,i can see the alt righter's running as fast as they can out of there mother's basements to go read that

Men don't lose custody of their kids because they're insane. They lose custody of their kids because who wants to take care of kids full time? lol

isnt taking care of the kids the women's job in the relationship

who would of known that neckbeard even had kids to begin with

Are you confusing him with Alex "I can't remember my kids' teacher's name because I had a bowl of chili for lunch" Jones?

Oh yeah, tbf they're basically the same character.

lol no

destroyed Breitbart

Just a few weeks ago his newspaper was covering for the notorious pedophile Roy Moore. There’s not a moral bone in his body.

When did anyone say he was moral?

Honesty is a moral

You can be honest and not be moral..

A moral for what?


I want a dab emoji so bad.

Sameeeeeeeee. That and a butter emoji :(

🙅 does this double dab count?


/u/Ed_ButteredToast confirmed to be Paul Ryan.


Fathers were a mistake.

I know Paul is shady as a motherfucker but I love the man

He has to try to keep party of "the bible should be law", "we should charge for air", and "Kill the darkies" all on the same page with the mainstream and he does a decent job at it

If it wasn't for Ryan the main speaker would be a Grand Wizard of Rand Paul trying to explain that Wal-mart would fund public utilities

I honestly don't mind Paul Ryan. I don't agree with almost anything he says, but I think being the speaker really shows you what a shitshow politics is and when you compare him side by side to some of the other clowns in the GOP he's pretty solid.

I'm registered Republican and I've already reached the "good people have to stick around a messed up organization to fix it" kind of thing

I don't think anyone wants the hated Two-party system to drop a one party system for the next couple of decades

"fix it"

"doesnt realize americans are to lazy and stupid to fix there country"

just look at net neutrality and nsa spying

If I don't try how am I better than a Cuban or Russian?


I am a real American.


Or speak their language, apparently.


That's more like it!

this but unironically

Don’t forget your NRO subscription. Also listen to “The Remnant” by Jonah Goldberg. It’s got Bigfoot erotica!

I'm unironically gonna register to vote as a republican and start trying to vote for sane GOPers in primaries. That party is out of control.

Do you live in a solid red state?

I think that Paul Ryan is not as smart as people say he is. He's supposed to be this golden boy policy wonk but he's not.

Republicans have a very bleak outlook on government and his milquetoast leadership is endemic of it. I struggle now to think of what my place as a conservative is in the US. I've been registered as a Democrat, an Independent, and a Republican. I am not a social conservative. I don't think there are any Republican ideals align with mine. Somewhat ironically, I don't think Republicans have offered anything to people like me since Dubya.

I really don't know who to blame. I don't know if I should blame the base for being religious zealots who would cut off their own nose to spite their face. I don't know if I should blame the leadership for not shunning the worst parts of the party. I'd like to register as a Republican again and get involved to help remake the party into a party about personal rights but I'd just be drowned out by Evangelicals who want to continue to regulate the body as one of their tentpole positions.

The current republican party has zero for you

They would likely call you the dreaded "Neo-con" who "ruined their party"

"neo con who ruined their party"

this coming from people who nominated donald fucking trump.the guy who really ruined the republican party

wtf does "neocon" mean when a republican says it



Basically a non-isolationist.

oh so the same thing as when a demmycrat says it

i wouldnt consider you a conservative

your a dumb liberal,just like the rest of people who use words like "dubya"

dont worry though,donald trump is achieving his goal of destroying the republican party thanks to the morons who thought a fat liberal from new york was the best choice for there president


That's short for The Venerable Dubya, to you bud!

*they're president

If your punctuation is also bait that’s really the only think you’re doing right because I am fucking triggered.

+1 for Eisenhower

Lie to us again Ike

Men lie. Women lie. Numbers don't.

He has to try to keep party of "the bible should be law", "we should charge for air", and "Kill the darkies" all on the same page with the mainstream and he does a decent job at it

This is why John Boehner is the happiest man alive now.

Hillary's dab execution was more natural, I have to say. Ryan's form was perfect but he moved like a robot.

Logan Paul 2020 <3<3<3

kill mewew lad

Wait, there's more:

In the book, Mr. Bannon is quoted as describing Ivanka Trump, the president’s daughter and a White House adviser, as “dumb as a brick.” A spokeswoman for Ms. Trump didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.''

She's a classy broad

women are usually less intelligent then men

its a scientific fact

Ok Skinner

Women and men are of roughly equal intelligence, with men being represented more in the extremes and women clustering more tightly towards the mean. As such, there are more male geniuses as well as more male retards, like yourself.


is that even true i thought it was on the level of 'race realism'

It's pretty much nonsense as far as I know

It's true as far as research demonstrates, but intelligence research is spotty for various reasons. It's good at examining specific populations, but it can't really be generalized to the world at large. Men in the West have a higher spatial IQ according to some studies, but men and women in Iran don't display this difference, suggesting that there may be a cultural reason for the difference and a gap in the literature (intelligence studies usually either target specific populations or Westerners). Aboriginal Australians have a very high spatial IQ compared to other populations, likely because they have to grow up learning to navigate the wilderness without many landmarks. The 'race realism' types like to post their IQ maps (all of which have some SERIOUSLY shitty data, like below amateur-level stuff), but they also fail to take into account the Flynn Effect, which essentially is the rise of on average 15 IQ points per generation in any given (?) population, due to factors such as prenatal and natal nutrition, parental involvement in education, parasites, etc. By current standards the population of America a few generations ago would on mean be functionally retarded. I wouldn't be surprised if men did have a more erratic IQ spread at large, though, testosterone does weird things.

Hell, men seem to vary more than women in non - cognitive traits as well. I recall reading a couple theories a few years back.

Having only one x chromosome means a lot more recessive genes get through. Also, men are a lot less successful as a whole at reproducing, so more varied strategies are tried.

the "race realism" stuff is empirically true as well.

just because something doesn't feel good doesn't mean it's factually wrong.

well it's like 20% true and 50% supportable

snally stop posting hatefacts

i love how my original comment got downvoted 3 times

would love to see women try to function in society without the help of would be entertaining to say the least

Oh wow, so you really are somewhere in those lower standard deviations.

update,its actually downvoted 5 times now

must of really made these feminazi's who preach equal rights but dont want to do an equal amount of work off

must of

Yes, please keep us updated on how many downvotes you receive..

its a scientific fact

I recommend that you convert to Islam, this was an Islamic fact over 1400 years ago. How could the Prophet (pbuh) have possibly known about this back then?

Narrated Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri:

Once Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) went out to the Musalla (to offer the prayer) of `Id-al-Adha or Al-Fitr prayer. Then he passed by the women and said, "O women! Give alms, as I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-fire were you (women)." They asked, "Why is it so, O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) ?" He replied, "You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you." The women asked, "O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion?" He said, "Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?" They replied in the affirmative. He said, "This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Isn't it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?" The women replied in the affirmative. He said, "This is the deficiency in her religion." (Sahih al-Bukhari 304)

My favorite thing about the alt-right is that you don't even have to critcise them. They will come to you and tell you why their former allies are shit once they realise that they hate each other.

the alt "right"lost all credibility when they invited leftist plants and cock suckers into there political movement

lol, wut? Pretty sure the "Alt-right" had no credibility to begin with.

Seriously, I'm 100% certain that every MAGA dork owns a Guy Fawkes mask that they have hidden away in their closet next to their collection of Yu-Gi-Oh cards and a decade's old jizz rag.

says the guy posting on a webpage that made guy fawkes masks popular

Is the last two enough?

cock suckers(literally)

It's not gay if you suck your own cock. I heard it from the Mooch.

those leftists weren't plants, they were just accelerationist bolsheviks and racist commies

If you think the alt-right has a chance, you are fortunately mistaken.

The world is familiar with the dangers of fascists, and they're not just going to stand around and let them take over. We've been preparing, planning, recruiting, and training. You might think you have a chance, but you're vastly outnumbered. We exist in almost every facet of your life. Your postal carrier? They might be one of us. The manager at your friend's company? They might just be waiting for the call. We have people in over 82 different countries, affiliates in 14 more, and they're all ready to mobilize at a moment's notice. Thinking about setting up in a country where we don't have active operations? Think again—we have elite squadrons made up of hardened fighters that specialize in hunting down fascists in hostile and unknown territory.

We've been collecting intelligence before you even knew what antifa was. Do you feel secure in your numbers during your Identity Evropa meetings? Guess what—you have no idea how many of them are part of clandestine anti-fascist cells. They're just waiting for the moment to destroy the group from the inside. We know more about your plans and movements than you do. Does that sound unethical? War is deception, there is no fair and unfair, especially with fascists.

You think those rallies on college campuses are all we have? They don't even make up 1% of our numbers—in fact, they're just recruits. We're organized, prepared, and simply just waiting to destroy you. A civil war may be coming, but rejoice not—it's the fascists that will lose. Go ahead, try something. I'll lay it out straight for you: you'll be completely annihilated.

And now they're eating each other, that's the best.

Bannon is actually an interesting person with, like, actually thought out beliefs and morals. He really was out of place among all those aimlessly ambitious politicians. Of course Trump is also out of place among people with IQs in the triple digits.

But back to Bannon, go look up some of his interviews and speeches. I mean he probably is a little crazy, but he's crazy in a way that's worth paying attention to. The fact that he's triggered pretty much the entire American political spectrum at this point is a testament to that.

Like look at this shit, this guy is basically yanked from the 19th century. He fucking reads Unqualified Reservations that's amazing.

If his book is actually written by him and not some boring ghostwriter I'll probably read it.

Unqualified Reservations

Wall of Text: The Book

"It has lots of words so it must be really smart!" ~ NRxtards

nrx was less bad when it was just edgy monarchism

UR is fun, even if 95% of the people who like it are garbage.

How often do you find someone who's political position is to restore the British monarchy?

Bannon is actually an interesting person with, like, actually thought out beliefs

Such beliefs like "My children will not be allowed in a school with jews in it" and "Fuck, where's my second bottle of Southern Comfort?"


god help the poor souls who actually can say "my dad is steve bannon"

I mean I'm not saying they're good, just that they're interesting. I have fun listening to Bannon, someone like Ryan or Clinton is just like boring platitudes.


The same people who believe a SJW author claiming Bannon hates Trump...

Is the same person who takes mass Jewish employer, Israel loving Bannon's ex-wife on a claim made during the peak of their heated divorce.

Yeah I’m paid to do this tbh

Do you have audio or video of these antisemitic comments or just peddling fake news?

I'm reminded of what somebody once said about Newt Gingrich:

"Newt's what stupid people think a smart person is like"

how can you trigger the entire american political spectrum when the only people who cared about you to begin with where dumb white kids following an edgy "look at me im a white supremacist now"trend

You know I don't know, but he did it.

It's like Alien vs Predator if they were all fat and retarded.

There's something odd about this. I don't think this is nearly as straightforward as it seems.

Though Bannon may be more dangerous than Trump, in that he has a long-game which doesn't seem to be about accruing/protecting money, he seems to be far more intelligent and strategic than Trump. Despite the strained response of T_D to this thus far, with most siding with Trump or refusing to believe the whole thing is real, Bannon can exact enormous damage on both Trump and the support base. What is he intending to do after that has been achieved? It is all very well to hope that Bannon will collapse Trumpism and the alt-right, but that feels naive.

Or the whole thing is a new level of smoke and mirrors, in which they both have agreed roles.

If you ask me, I think Steve bannon is actually hurting the alt right cause more than what Democrats have hoped for.

Splintering your already radical base will give more power to the establishment Republicans. And it makes the Democrats even more competitive.

Even the radical president tried to support a somewhat less radical senator for Alabama and that plan gone to the shitter when this drunk fuck goes on a tour to promote a fucking pedophile for senate.

Now he is turning against the very guy he helped win the presidency.

At least trump has the lol factor unlike bannon who is a disgusting looking person.

If the alt-right turns on itself and on more conventional Republicanism, that might suit Bannon's interests very well. Chaos seems to be his intermediate goal after all - getting Trump to this point was just step 1.


"lets just fuck everything up and have a gay man for a spokesmodel"

yep,those alt right people sure do know there republicanism

Bannon didn't want chaos, he just saw trump as a retard he could control/influence for his own benefit.

But he couldn't gauge the incompetence of this administration and bit off too far too much than he could chew and is probably trying to distance himself from the shitshow

Bannon apparently burnt both Mercer's so he's lost all his funding. Milo's out. He overplayed his hand and he'll fade.

so this was his big palpatine scheme eh

Trump should rehire the Mooch to lead the fight against Bannon.