Best of 2017 Winners Thread

32  2018-01-10 by AnnArchist

Vote here. Whoever nominates the winner gets gold. Whoever is linked to in this thread gets gold. 5 categories. 10 winners. Voting ends Sunday night.

See comments.


golds been distributed.

The /u/MasterLawlz Award for worst poster


Edit: Come on! Why the downvotes? Have you looked at my comments? All of them are cringy redditisms. I haven't even lured a lolcow ffs or made a good post ever. I deserve it.

Awww you have my upvote :3

Thanks fam 😘


Thank You!


Ayy bby u da best 😘

Why make a fan account dedicated to some metasphere egghead?

First off all, Rude!

Also, why did you ghost me? I sent you that lovely PM and you never responded. 😞

But more importantly, why are you so worked up about it?


He's adding a category for himself to win.

That buttered toast guy.

Voted both times because I want him to win this twice.


That buttered toast guy.

Voted both times because I want him to win this twice.



thx 4 recognizing the hustle, fam

Tbh i'd nominate kropotkin over you if he posted in here anymore but he was intellectually destroyed by literal retards.

Can I still nominate /u/prince_kropotkin?

idc ask him

Don't insult my waifu like that.

you're losing pretty badly to ed.

oh yeah, there's absolutely no way i'll beat out /u/ed_butteredtoast. i've been out of the game too much.

that guy is truly a legend. we should all aspire to his quality of posting

thank you, riemann senpai 😍

Awwww!! Thank you!! :3

no, thank you



Nuff said

Toasty Ed.



Since no one thot to tag.

In my opinion him blowing the competition out of the water in this category is proof he's the best poster on here

"Worst" doesn't mean "bad" in /r/drama tbh.

Indeed, but there are some genuinely bad posters here. I guess that's what the seriousposting category is for

In eds case it does


Senpai!! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

I'm honored to make you proud (◡‿◡✿)

Fwiw I don't actually think you're the worst poster, the fact no one was tagging their choice was annoying me tho.

Ayyyy being the worst poster on r/drama is an honor o7


I hope you die a slow painful death.

k you 2 win

I <3 my sugar daddy.



/u/MasterLawlz himself. Nobody can out-autism that dude.




What about /u/wil ?

He crowdsources his autism. It hardly counts.

I agree

Take that back. He's awesome. And dreamy. 😍🙈

Nooooo!! I want senpai /u/MasterLawlz to notice me!!!



It's got to be ed

the australian guy who reply to 2 days old comments

captainpriapism (I don't want to ping him, too afraid to be bussyblasted by one of his spiritual retorts :( )

/u/captainpriapism look this guy /u/moudougou is talking shit about you lmao

captainpriapism told me on irc that he's 44 and the only sexual experience he had was when a prostitute stuck a finger up his bum

lol i dont use irc

That sounds exactly like what someone who wants to hide the fact that they use IRC would say. Really makes you think 🤔

more like captainautism

sorry for not being on r/drama 24/7 so i can respond to inane faggotry and people obsessed with me that i dont even know

This comment was bad,

Sincerely, a fellow wage slave.

what are you, a wagecuck?

i just read reddit when im shitting or waiting for something why would you actually want to spend time on it like its a real hobby

This gets my vote. His baitposting is the most boring shit.


ur the worst poster, give me money plz

/u/xNotch fly to aspen n come snowboard w me this weekend. ill cover for your hotel and lift pass. pm when you make it here

oh well there is always next year.

I wouldn't say your the worst, just possibly the cringiest.

The botchlings memorial award for least self-aware seriouspost

Literally 85% of /u/pizzashill's posts

I think he is self aware. He just values pissing off people more with his seriousposting.

The misogynist copypasta specifically

Isnt mods winning cheating?

Can I be a mod now dd? bc I ain't

Nick and craftygirljessica

Lol uh no u/pizzashill is a way bigger sperge. Plus the entire mommy defense team u/ed_butteredtoast

Always the bridesmaid, never the bride

/u/IvankaTrumpisMyWaifu nobody's buying the mommy meme my dude. Drop it

It makes you reeeeeee so hard

Really? Link me one comment. But you won't lol. Maybe apart from Alice, nobody likes Hillary. Not even a little bit. Just let that sink in. No one!

I agree, but your the one defending her

Link to a comment/post of me defending her?

Hey I'm a friendly (for now)

What about Ed makes you ree so fucking much lol.

I am cool as a cucumber friend

u/ed_butteredtoast just is so easy to trigger by pointing out his support of Mommy

I like cucumbers. They are nice :3




/u/Ed_ButteredToast right now

/u/AnnoysTheGoys /u/Honk4Tits /u/wazzupnerds idk what to say anymore lol

u/IvankaTrumpismyWaifu do not talk to me are my son ever again

/u/IvankaTrumpisMyWaifu OUT OUT OUT!!!

Block me then! Come on, you're so close to that epic spergeout

Le epic xd. Have I started sperging already?? Huh :D

You're one of 3 people... come on dude perfect chance for some fresh cooked pasta

I love older dudes! Ivanka you should try!

He can’t because nobody plays the dick flute solo for daddy like /u/Ivankatrumpismywaifu and his brass bottom bandmate /u/eva_unit_hung

Ur a shithole poster

You misspelled, like, stablegenius poster I think.

You're all right, don't go to r/drama tomorrow

Oh sweet, this is how (((I avoided))) 🏢🏢✈️✈️

stop trying to make mommy defense team a thing Gretchen, it’s not going to happen

Stop trying to make "mommy defense team" work, it won't. I don't even like Clinton, she's a stupid bitch.

Mocking Trump for being a learning disabled clown and refuting blatant bullshit does not mean I like Clinton.

Imagine being this retarded in the current year.

Pizzashill never change! The world needs tards like you who gobble up whatever CNN says!

Imagine looking more retarded than pizzacuck

keeps referring to everyone as mommy defense force

has literally never provided even one link for anyone


Anonymous sources have told me, okay. And that's EXACTLY how I heard it. Mommy defense force.

He's a seriouspost? Not a poster?


Ivanka wins.

I'd like to thank the mommy defense force for making this possible... without you I wouldn't have anyone to wind up.

That's you especially /u/ed_butteredtoast pushing your buttons is easier than dialing a touch-tone telephone


It's gotta be pizzashill, he tried convincing me that liberals have never believed in any conspiracy theories.

liberals have never believed in any conspiracy theories.


I don't know the post but the one where /u/pizzashill outs his alt.

The fuck are you talking about. I don't even have alts anymore and haven't for a while.

I didn't even know this was a meme. When did this happen?

When /u/botchlings deleted his account, he made a post declaring himself a le epic troll and said that several of the accounts on this sub, including yours, were all him.

Yeah, and clearly botchlings wasn't trolling retards here.

Assuming that post was the one /u/PM_ME_HAIRLESS_CATS was talking about, it was a pretty impressive spergout, with botchlings proudly declaring he played us all like a fiddle and "outing" his nemesis with his deletion post.

Unfortunately, I can't actually find the post at the moment, or I'd link it.

it was posted by a different account since bothlings was just a ""persona"" (lmao) of puckmarin who used to post here like 3 years ago before he got sitewide banned for being a psychotic weirdo but i assume that account is gone too since hes still ban-on-sight iirc

That's the one. /u/pizzashill deleted it in a hurry but it was obvious they forgot to not switch out accounts.

The fuck are you smoking?

cirquedefuq or smth

there it is. He has a big victim complex about being a man or something;sh=fa9b1a34

Sorry, that "professional" was very informed and reasonable about women literally not being able to abuse people.

sorry you’re too much of a pussy to punch a bitch

this but unironically

Accuse him of being a pedo to get the best reaction from him.

i just realized this is older than i thought. im sorry

I nominated it last year. It didn’t win though

He was giddy about the libs getting owned in a repeat of Kent State too. I miss that rascal.

that's the guy that sent /u/mircy a dick pick and then got her temp suspended for doxxing when she posted it ya? Or was it that LewdRedditor guy

No. The fake dick pic was /u/LewdRedditor one of my alts.

diff dude i think


This guy thinks eye for an eye is some kind of high level shit despite being the oldest, most basic form of justice in history. Probably cosplays as the guy from American Psycho.

its game theory you idiot. you imbecile

Best in-sub spergout!

Nick and craftygirljessica

All spergouts are both organic and inorganic at the same time

Vinyl Nick should win, but nunast and his alts should get an honorable mention for paranoia and tenacity

/u/ed_butteredtoast thread for context:

Thanks for recognizing the hustle fam 🙌

I don't want to tag him in case the spam starts again but this was seriously impressive:

Not to mention he's still posting and doesn't seem to be a bot.

/u/121381 is it depressing when you look into the mirror every morning and realize you will never find success in life?

I love how much I can bother you. Almost as much as PRESIDENT TRUMP'S SUCCESS bothers you.


it was more amusing than anything you soyboy

Love your insecurity.

I love how much I can bother you. Almost as much as PRESIDENT TRUMP'S SUCCESS bothers you.



Reddit gold is useless can I get a pug flair like u/zachums instead.

The craft vinyl scammer


I love how much I can bother you. Almost as much as PRESIDENT TRUMP'S SUCCESS bothers you.


Listen up, cuck. Liberals are the biggest rapists out there. Everyone knows the Dems were running a child sex dungeon, because being a soyboy cuck leads to no one wanting you. You want to fulfill disgusting desires, but Dems have no morals. They were letting this country rot, morally, economically, every way possible. Thank God Trump is in office, to fix what the Democrats ruined. #MAGA

The thing is, no mainstream news source will ever report on explicit controversies like this because it goes against the liberal media narrative. Want to hear the harsh truth, cuck? Republicans care more for child welfare than rapist cuck Dems. Only a pedophile would see something bad in an innocent picture of a father and his daughter. It's to be expected, because the left is filled with them.





Jobs and the economy

Passage of the tax reform bill providing $5.5 billion in cuts and repealing the Obamacare mandate.
Increase of the GDP above 3 percent.
Creation of 1.7 million new jobs, cutting unemployment to 4.1 percent.
Saw the Dow Jones reach record highs.
A rebound in economic confidence to a 17-year high.
A new executive order to boost apprenticeships.
A move to boost computer sciences in Education Department programs.
Prioritizing women-owned businesses for some $500 million in SBA loans.

Killing job-stifling regulations

Signed an Executive Order demanding that two regulations be killed for every new one creates. He beat that big and cut 16 rules and regulations for every one created, saving $8.1 billion.
Signed 15 congressional regulatory cuts.
Withdrew from the Obama-era Paris Climate Agreement, ending the threat of environmental regulations.
Signed an Executive Order cutting the time for infrastructure permit approvals.
Eliminated an Obama rule on streams that Trump felt unfairly targeted the coal industry.

Fair trade

Made good on his campaign promise to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Opened up the North American Free Trade Agreement for talks to better the deal for the U.S.
Worked to bring companies back to the U.S., and companies like Toyota, Mazda, Broadcom Limited, and Foxconn announced plans to open U.S. plants.
Worked to promote the sale of U.S products abroad.
Made enforcement of U.S. trade laws, especially those that involve national security, a priority.
Ended Obama’s deal with Cuba.

Boosting U.S. energy dominance

The Department of Interior, which has led the way in cutting regulations, opened plans to lease 77 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico for oil and gas drilling.
Trump traveled the world to promote the sale and use of U.S. energy.
Expanded energy infrastructure projects like the Keystone XL Pipeline snubbed by Obama.
Ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to kill Obama’s Clean Power Plan.
EPA is reconsidering Obama rules on methane emissions.

Protecting the U.S. homeland

Laid out new principles for reforming immigration and announced plan to end "chain migration," which lets one legal immigrant to bring in dozens of family members.
Made progress to build the border wall with Mexico.
Ended the Obama-era “catch and release” of illegal immigrants.
Boosted the arrests of illegals inside the U.S.
Doubled the number of counties participating with Immigration and Customs Enforcement charged with deporting illegals.
Removed 36 percent more criminal gang members than in fiscal 2016.
Started the end of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival program.
Ditto for other amnesty programs like Deferred Action for Parents of Americans.
Cracking down on some 300 sanctuary cities that defy ICE but still get federal dollars.
Added some 100 new immigration judges.

Protecting communities

Justice announced grants of $98 million to fund 802 new cops.
Justice worked with Central American nations to arrest and charge 4,000 MS-13 members.
Homeland rounded up nearly 800 MS-13 members, an 83 percent one-year increase.
Signed three executive orders aimed at cracking down on international criminal organizations.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions created new National Public Safety Partnership, a cooperative initiative with cities to reduce violent crimes.


Trump has nominated 73 federal judges and won his nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.
Ordered ethical standards including a lobbying ban.
Called for a comprehensive plan to reorganize the executive branch.
Ordered an overhaul to modernize the digital government.
Called for a full audit of the Pentagon and its spending.

Combatting opioids

First, the president declared a Nationwide Public Health Emergency on opioids.
His Council of Economic Advisors played a role in determining that overdoses are underreported by as much as 24 percent.
The Department of Health and Human Services laid out a new five-point strategy to fight the crisis.
Justice announced it was scheduling fentanyl substances as a drug class under the Controlled Substances Act.
Justice started a fraud crackdown, arresting more than 400.
The administration added $500 million to fight the crisis.
On National Drug Take Back Day, the Drug Enforcement Agency collected 456 tons.

Protecting life

In his first week, Trump reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy that blocks some $9 billion in foreign aid being used for abortions.
Worked with Congress on a bill overturning an Obama regulation that blocked states from defunding abortion providers.
Published guidance to block Obamacare money from supporting abortion.

Helping veterans

Signed the Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act to allow senior officials in the Department of Veterans Affairs to fire failing employees and establish safeguards to protect whistleblowers.
Signed the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act.
Signed the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act, to provide support.
Signed the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act of 2017 to authorize $2.1 billion in additional funds for the Veterans Choice Program.
Created a VA hotline.
Had the VA launch an online “Access and Quality Tool,” providing veterans with a way to access wait time and quality of care data.
With VA Secretary Dr. David Shulkin, announced three initiatives to expand access to healthcare for veterans using telehealth technology.

Promoting peace through strength

Directed the rebuilding of the military and ordered a new national strategy and nuclear posture review.
Worked to increase defense spending.
Empowered military leaders to “seize the initiative and win,” reducing the need for a White House sign off on every mission.
Directed the revival of the National Space Council to develop space war strategies.
Elevated U.S. Cyber Command into a major warfighting command.
Withdrew from the U.N. Global Compact on Migration, which Trump saw as a threat to borders.
Imposed a travel ban on nations that lack border and anti-terrorism security.
Saw ISIS lose virtually all of its territory.
Pushed for strong action against global outlaw North Korea and its development of nuclear weapons.
Announced a new Afghanistan strategy that strengthens support for U.S. forces at war with terrorism.
NATO increased support for the war in Afghanistan.
Approved a new Iran strategy plan focused on neutralizing the country’s influence in the region.
Ordered missile strikes against a Syrian airbase used in a chemical weapons attack.
Prevented subsequent chemical attacks by announcing a plan to detect them better and warned of future strikes if they were used.
Ordered new sanctions on the dictatorship in Venezuela.

Restoring confidence in and respect for America

Trump won the release of Americans held abroad, often using his personal relationships with world leaders.
Made good on a campaign promise to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Conducted a historic 12-day trip through Asia, winning new cooperative deals. On the trip, he attended three regional summits to promote American interests.
He traveled to the Middle East and Europe to build new relationships with leaders.
Traveled to Poland and on to Germany for the G-20 meeting where he pushed again for funding of women entrepreneurs.

I love how much I can bother you. Almost as much as PRESIDENT TRUMP'S SUCCESS bothers you.


I love how much I can bother you. Almost as much as PRESIDENT TRUMP'S SUCCESS bothers you.


Im sorry have we met

No, you just have followed me around like a dog for about 6 months because I hurt your sweet little feelings in a thread. Pretty pathetic, really. LOL

I'm sorry have we met


Jobs and the economy

Passage of the tax reform bill providing $5.5 billion in cuts and repealing the Obamacare mandate.
Increase of the GDP above 3 percent.
Creation of 1.7 million new jobs, cutting unemployment to 4.1 percent.
Saw the Dow Jones reach record highs.
A rebound in economic confidence to a 17-year high.
A new executive order to boost apprenticeships.
A move to boost computer sciences in Education Department programs.
Prioritizing women-owned businesses for some $500 million in SBA loans.

Killing job-stifling regulations

Signed an Executive Order demanding that two regulations be killed for every new one creates. He beat that big and cut 16 rules and regulations for every one created, saving $8.1 billion.
Signed 15 congressional regulatory cuts.
Withdrew from the Obama-era Paris Climate Agreement, ending the threat of environmental regulations.
Signed an Executive Order cutting the time for infrastructure permit approvals.
Eliminated an Obama rule on streams that Trump felt unfairly targeted the coal industry.

Fair trade

Made good on his campaign promise to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Opened up the North American Free Trade Agreement for talks to better the deal for the U.S.
Worked to bring companies back to the U.S., and companies like Toyota, Mazda, Broadcom Limited, and Foxconn announced plans to open U.S. plants.
Worked to promote the sale of U.S products abroad.
Made enforcement of U.S. trade laws, especially those that involve national security, a priority.
Ended Obama’s deal with Cuba.

Boosting U.S. energy dominance

The Department of Interior, which has led the way in cutting regulations, opened plans to lease 77 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico for oil and gas drilling.
Trump traveled the world to promote the sale and use of U.S. energy.
Expanded energy infrastructure projects like the Keystone XL Pipeline snubbed by Obama.
Ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to kill Obama’s Clean Power Plan.
EPA is reconsidering Obama rules on methane emissions.

Protecting the U.S. homeland

Laid out new principles for reforming immigration and announced plan to end "chain migration," which lets one legal immigrant to bring in dozens of family members.
Made progress to build the border wall with Mexico.
Ended the Obama-era “catch and release” of illegal immigrants.
Boosted the arrests of illegals inside the U.S.
Doubled the number of counties participating with Immigration and Customs Enforcement charged with deporting illegals.
Removed 36 percent more criminal gang members than in fiscal 2016.
Started the end of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival program.
Ditto for other amnesty programs like Deferred Action for Parents of Americans.
Cracking down on some 300 sanctuary cities that defy ICE but still get federal dollars.
Added some 100 new immigration judges.

Protecting communities

Justice announced grants of $98 million to fund 802 new cops.
Justice worked with Central American nations to arrest and charge 4,000 MS-13 members.
Homeland rounded up nearly 800 MS-13 members, an 83 percent one-year increase.
Signed three executive orders aimed at cracking down on international criminal organizations.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions created new National Public Safety Partnership, a cooperative initiative with cities to reduce violent crimes.


Trump has nominated 73 federal judges and won his nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.
Ordered ethical standards including a lobbying ban.
Called for a comprehensive plan to reorganize the executive branch.
Ordered an overhaul to modernize the digital government.
Called for a full audit of the Pentagon and its spending.

Combatting opioids

First, the president declared a Nationwide Public Health Emergency on opioids.
His Council of Economic Advisors played a role in determining that overdoses are underreported by as much as 24 percent.
The Department of Health and Human Services laid out a new five-point strategy to fight the crisis.
Justice announced it was scheduling fentanyl substances as a drug class under the Controlled Substances Act.
Justice started a fraud crackdown, arresting more than 400.
The administration added $500 million to fight the crisis.
On National Drug Take Back Day, the Drug Enforcement Agency collected 456 tons.

Protecting life

In his first week, Trump reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy that blocks some $9 billion in foreign aid being used for abortions.
Worked with Congress on a bill overturning an Obama regulation that blocked states from defunding abortion providers.
Published guidance to block Obamacare money from supporting abortion.

Helping veterans

Signed the Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act to allow senior officials in the Department of Veterans Affairs to fire failing employees and establish safeguards to protect whistleblowers.
Signed the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act.
Signed the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act, to provide support.
Signed the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act of 2017 to authorize $2.1 billion in additional funds for the Veterans Choice Program.
Created a VA hotline.
Had the VA launch an online “Access and Quality Tool,” providing veterans with a way to access wait time and quality of care data.
With VA Secretary Dr. David Shulkin, announced three initiatives to expand access to healthcare for veterans using telehealth technology.

Promoting peace through strength

Directed the rebuilding of the military and ordered a new national strategy and nuclear posture review.
Worked to increase defense spending.
Empowered military leaders to “seize the initiative and win,” reducing the need for a White House sign off on every mission.
Directed the revival of the National Space Council to develop space war strategies.
Elevated U.S. Cyber Command into a major warfighting command.
Withdrew from the U.N. Global Compact on Migration, which Trump saw as a threat to borders.
Imposed a travel ban on nations that lack border and anti-terrorism security.
Saw ISIS lose virtually all of its territory.
Pushed for strong action against global outlaw North Korea and its development of nuclear weapons.
Announced a new Afghanistan strategy that strengthens support for U.S. forces at war with terrorism.
NATO increased support for the war in Afghanistan.
Approved a new Iran strategy plan focused on neutralizing the country’s influence in the region.
Ordered missile strikes against a Syrian airbase used in a chemical weapons attack.
Prevented subsequent chemical attacks by announcing a plan to detect them better and warned of future strikes if they were used.
Ordered new sanctions on the dictatorship in Venezuela.

Restoring confidence in and respect for America

Trump won the release of Americans held abroad, often using his personal relationships with world leaders.
Made good on a campaign promise to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Conducted a historic 12-day trip through Asia, winning new cooperative deals. On the trip, he attended three regional summits to promote American interests.
He traveled to the Middle East and Europe to build new relationships with leaders.
Traveled to Poland and on to Germany for the G-20 meeting where he pushed again for funding of women entrepreneurs.

I'm sorry what is this in reference to?

President Trump's long list of 1st year accomplishments:

Jobs and the economy

Passage of the tax reform bill providing $5.5 billion in cuts and repealing the Obamacare mandate.
Increase of the GDP above 3 percent.
Creation of 1.7 million new jobs, cutting unemployment to 4.1 percent.
Saw the Dow Jones reach record highs.
A rebound in economic confidence to a 17-year high.
A new executive order to boost apprenticeships.
A move to boost computer sciences in Education Department programs.
Prioritizing women-owned businesses for some $500 million in SBA loans.

Killing job-stifling regulations

Signed an Executive Order demanding that two regulations be killed for every new one creates. He beat that big and cut 16 rules and regulations for every one created, saving $8.1 billion.
Signed 15 congressional regulatory cuts.
Withdrew from the Obama-era Paris Climate Agreement, ending the threat of environmental regulations.
Signed an Executive Order cutting the time for infrastructure permit approvals.
Eliminated an Obama rule on streams that Trump felt unfairly targeted the coal industry.

Fair trade

Made good on his campaign promise to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Opened up the North American Free Trade Agreement for talks to better the deal for the U.S.
Worked to bring companies back to the U.S., and companies like Toyota, Mazda, Broadcom Limited, and Foxconn announced plans to open U.S. plants.
Worked to promote the sale of U.S products abroad.
Made enforcement of U.S. trade laws, especially those that involve national security, a priority.
Ended Obama’s deal with Cuba.

Boosting U.S. energy dominance

The Department of Interior, which has led the way in cutting regulations, opened plans to lease 77 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico for oil and gas drilling.
Trump traveled the world to promote the sale and use of U.S. energy.
Expanded energy infrastructure projects like the Keystone XL Pipeline snubbed by Obama.
Ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to kill Obama’s Clean Power Plan.
EPA is reconsidering Obama rules on methane emissions.

Protecting the U.S. homeland

Laid out new principles for reforming immigration and announced plan to end "chain migration," which lets one legal immigrant to bring in dozens of family members.
Made progress to build the border wall with Mexico.
Ended the Obama-era “catch and release” of illegal immigrants.
Boosted the arrests of illegals inside the U.S.
Doubled the number of counties participating with Immigration and Customs Enforcement charged with deporting illegals.
Removed 36 percent more criminal gang members than in fiscal 2016.
Started the end of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival program.
Ditto for other amnesty programs like Deferred Action for Parents of Americans.
Cracking down on some 300 sanctuary cities that defy ICE but still get federal dollars.
Added some 100 new immigration judges.

Protecting communities

Justice announced grants of $98 million to fund 802 new cops.
Justice worked with Central American nations to arrest and charge 4,000 MS-13 members.
Homeland rounded up nearly 800 MS-13 members, an 83 percent one-year increase.
Signed three executive orders aimed at cracking down on international criminal organizations.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions created new National Public Safety Partnership, a cooperative initiative with cities to reduce violent crimes.


Trump has nominated 73 federal judges and won his nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.
Ordered ethical standards including a lobbying ban.
Called for a comprehensive plan to reorganize the executive branch.
Ordered an overhaul to modernize the digital government.
Called for a full audit of the Pentagon and its spending.

Combatting opioids

First, the president declared a Nationwide Public Health Emergency on opioids.
His Council of Economic Advisors played a role in determining that overdoses are underreported by as much as 24 percent.
The Department of Health and Human Services laid out a new five-point strategy to fight the crisis.
Justice announced it was scheduling fentanyl substances as a drug class under the Controlled Substances Act.
Justice started a fraud crackdown, arresting more than 400.
The administration added $500 million to fight the crisis.
On National Drug Take Back Day, the Drug Enforcement Agency collected 456 tons.

Protecting life

In his first week, Trump reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy that blocks some $9 billion in foreign aid being used for abortions.
Worked with Congress on a bill overturning an Obama regulation that blocked states from defunding abortion providers.
Published guidance to block Obamacare money from supporting abortion.

Helping veterans

Signed the Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act to allow senior officials in the Department of Veterans Affairs to fire failing employees and establish safeguards to protect whistleblowers.
Signed the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act.
Signed the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act, to provide support.
Signed the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act of 2017 to authorize $2.1 billion in additional funds for the Veterans Choice Program.
Created a VA hotline.
Had the VA launch an online “Access and Quality Tool,” providing veterans with a way to access wait time and quality of care data.
With VA Secretary Dr. David Shulkin, announced three initiatives to expand access to healthcare for veterans using telehealth technology.

Promoting peace through strength

Directed the rebuilding of the military and ordered a new national strategy and nuclear posture review.
Worked to increase defense spending.
Empowered military leaders to “seize the initiative and win,” reducing the need for a White House sign off on every mission.
Directed the revival of the National Space Council to develop space war strategies.
Elevated U.S. Cyber Command into a major warfighting command.
Withdrew from the U.N. Global Compact on Migration, which Trump saw as a threat to borders.
Imposed a travel ban on nations that lack border and anti-terrorism security.
Saw ISIS lose virtually all of its territory.
Pushed for strong action against global outlaw North Korea and its development of nuclear weapons.
Announced a new Afghanistan strategy that strengthens support for U.S. forces at war with terrorism.
NATO increased support for the war in Afghanistan.
Approved a new Iran strategy plan focused on neutralizing the country’s influence in the region.
Ordered missile strikes against a Syrian airbase used in a chemical weapons attack.
Prevented subsequent chemical attacks by announcing a plan to detect them better and warned of future strikes if they were used.
Ordered new sanctions on the dictatorship in Venezuela.

Restoring confidence in and respect for America

Trump won the release of Americans held abroad, often using his personal relationships with world leaders.
Made good on a campaign promise to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Conducted a historic 12-day trip through Asia, winning new cooperative deals. On the trip, he attended three regional summits to promote American interests.
He traveled to the Middle East and Europe to build new relationships with leaders.
Traveled to Poland and on to Germany for the G-20 meeting where he pushed again for funding of women entrepreneurs.

I'm sorry what is this about

President Trump's long list of 1st year accomplishments:

Jobs and the economy

Passage of the tax reform bill providing $5.5 billion in cuts and repealing the Obamacare mandate. Increase of the GDP above 3 percent. Creation of 1.7 million new jobs, cutting unemployment to 4.1 percent. Saw the Dow Jones reach record highs. A rebound in economic confidence to a 17-year high. A new executive order to boost apprenticeships. A move to boost computer sciences in Education Department programs. Prioritizing women-owned businesses for some $500 million in SBA loans.

Killing job-stifling regulations

Signed an Executive Order demanding that two regulations be killed for every new one creates. He beat that big and cut 16 rules and regulations for every one created, saving $8.1 billion. Signed 15 congressional regulatory cuts. Withdrew from the Obama-era Paris Climate Agreement, ending the threat of environmental regulations. Signed an Executive Order cutting the time for infrastructure permit approvals. Eliminated an Obama rule on streams that Trump felt unfairly targeted the coal industry.

Fair trade

Made good on his campaign promise to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Opened up the North American Free Trade Agreement for talks to better the deal for the U.S. Worked to bring companies back to the U.S., and companies like Toyota, Mazda, Broadcom Limited, and Foxconn announced plans to open U.S. plants. Worked to promote the sale of U.S products abroad. Made enforcement of U.S. trade laws, especially those that involve national security, a priority. Ended Obama’s deal with Cuba.

Boosting U.S. energy dominance

The Department of Interior, which has led the way in cutting regulations, opened plans to lease 77 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico for oil and gas drilling. Trump traveled the world to promote the sale and use of U.S. energy. Expanded energy infrastructure projects like the Keystone XL Pipeline snubbed by Obama. Ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to kill Obama’s Clean Power Plan. EPA is reconsidering Obama rules on methane emissions.

Protecting the U.S. homeland

Laid out new principles for reforming immigration and announced plan to end "chain migration," which lets one legal immigrant to bring in dozens of family members. Made progress to build the border wall with Mexico. Ended the Obama-era “catch and release” of illegal immigrants. Boosted the arrests of illegals inside the U.S. Doubled the number of counties participating with Immigration and Customs Enforcement charged with deporting illegals. Removed 36 percent more criminal gang members than in fiscal 2016. Started the end of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival program. Ditto for other amnesty programs like Deferred Action for Parents of Americans. Cracking down on some 300 sanctuary cities that defy ICE but still get federal dollars. Added some 100 new immigration judges.

Protecting communities

Justice announced grants of $98 million to fund 802 new cops. Justice worked with Central American nations to arrest and charge 4,000 MS-13 members. Homeland rounded up nearly 800 MS-13 members, an 83 percent one-year increase. Signed three executive orders aimed at cracking down on international criminal organizations. Attorney General Jeff Sessions created new National Public Safety Partnership, a cooperative initiative with cities to reduce violent crimes.


Trump has nominated 73 federal judges and won his nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. Ordered ethical standards including a lobbying ban. Called for a comprehensive plan to reorganize the executive branch. Ordered an overhaul to modernize the digital government. Called for a full audit of the Pentagon and its spending.

Combatting opioids

First, the president declared a Nationwide Public Health Emergency on opioids. His Council of Economic Advisors played a role in determining that overdoses are underreported by as much as 24 percent. The Department of Health and Human Services laid out a new five-point strategy to fight the crisis. Justice announced it was scheduling fentanyl substances as a drug class under the Controlled Substances Act. Justice started a fraud crackdown, arresting more than 400. The administration added $500 million to fight the crisis. On National Drug Take Back Day, the Drug Enforcement Agency collected 456 tons.

Protecting life

In his first week, Trump reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy that blocks some $9 billion in foreign aid being used for abortions. Worked with Congress on a bill overturning an Obama regulation that blocked states from defunding abortion providers. Published guidance to block Obamacare money from supporting abortion.

Helping veterans

Signed the Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act to allow senior officials in the Department of Veterans Affairs to fire failing employees and establish safeguards to protect whistleblowers. Signed the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act. Signed the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act, to provide support. Signed the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act of 2017 to authorize $2.1 billion in additional funds for the Veterans Choice Program. Created a VA hotline. Had the VA launch an online “Access and Quality Tool,” providing veterans with a way to access wait time and quality of care data. With VA Secretary Dr. David Shulkin, announced three initiatives to expand access to healthcare for veterans using telehealth technology.

Promoting peace through strength

Directed the rebuilding of the military and ordered a new national strategy and nuclear posture review. Worked to increase defense spending. Empowered military leaders to “seize the initiative and win,” reducing the need for a White House sign off on every mission. Directed the revival of the National Space Council to develop space war strategies. Elevated U.S. Cyber Command into a major warfighting command. Withdrew from the U.N. Global Compact on Migration, which Trump saw as a threat to borders. Imposed a travel ban on nations that lack border and anti-terrorism security. Saw ISIS lose virtually all of its territory. Pushed for strong action against global outlaw North Korea and its development of nuclear weapons. Announced a new Afghanistan strategy that strengthens support for U.S. forces at war with terrorism. NATO increased support for the war in Afghanistan. Approved a new Iran strategy plan focused on neutralizing the country’s influence in the region. Ordered missile strikes against a Syrian airbase used in a chemical weapons attack. Prevented subsequent chemical attacks by announcing a plan to detect them better and warned of future strikes if they were used. Ordered new sanctions on the dictatorship in Venezuela.

Restoring confidence in and respect for America

Trump won the release of Americans held abroad, often using his personal relationships with world leaders. Made good on a campaign promise to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Conducted a historic 12-day trip through Asia, winning new cooperative deals. On the trip, he attended three regional summits to promote American interests. He traveled to the Middle East and Europe to build new relationships with leaders. Traveled to Poland and on to Germany for the G-20 meeting where he pushed again for funding of women entrepreneurs.

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Excuse me sir have we met

President Trump's long list of 1st year accomplishments:

Jobs and the economy

Passage of the tax reform bill providing $5.5 billion in cuts and repealing the Obamacare mandate. Increase of the GDP above 3 percent. Creation of 1.7 million new jobs, cutting unemployment to 4.1 percent. Saw the Dow Jones reach record highs. A rebound in economic confidence to a 17-year high. A new executive order to boost apprenticeships. A move to boost computer sciences in Education Department programs. Prioritizing women-owned businesses for some $500 million in SBA loans.

Killing job-stifling regulations

Signed an Executive Order demanding that two regulations be killed for every new one creates. He beat that big and cut 16 rules and regulations for every one created, saving $8.1 billion. Signed 15 congressional regulatory cuts. Withdrew from the Obama-era Paris Climate Agreement, ending the threat of environmental regulations. Signed an Executive Order cutting the time for infrastructure permit approvals. Eliminated an Obama rule on streams that Trump felt unfairly targeted the coal industry.

Fair trade

Made good on his campaign promise to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Opened up the North American Free Trade Agreement for talks to better the deal for the U.S. Worked to bring companies back to the U.S., and companies like Toyota, Mazda, Broadcom Limited, and Foxconn announced plans to open U.S. plants. Worked to promote the sale of U.S products abroad. Made enforcement of U.S. trade laws, especially those that involve national security, a priority. Ended Obama’s deal with Cuba.

Boosting U.S. energy dominance

The Department of Interior, which has led the way in cutting regulations, opened plans to lease 77 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico for oil and gas drilling. Trump traveled the world to promote the sale and use of U.S. energy. Expanded energy infrastructure projects like the Keystone XL Pipeline snubbed by Obama. Ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to kill Obama’s Clean Power Plan. EPA is reconsidering Obama rules on methane emissions.

Protecting the U.S. homeland

Laid out new principles for reforming immigration and announced plan to end "chain migration," which lets one legal immigrant to bring in dozens of family members. Made progress to build the border wall with Mexico. Ended the Obama-era “catch and release” of illegal immigrants. Boosted the arrests of illegals inside the U.S. Doubled the number of counties participating with Immigration and Customs Enforcement charged with deporting illegals. Removed 36 percent more criminal gang members than in fiscal 2016. Started the end of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival program. Ditto for other amnesty programs like Deferred Action for Parents of Americans. Cracking down on some 300 sanctuary cities that defy ICE but still get federal dollars. Added some 100 new immigration judges.

Protecting communities

Justice announced grants of $98 million to fund 802 new cops. Justice worked with Central American nations to arrest and charge 4,000 MS-13 members. Homeland rounded up nearly 800 MS-13 members, an 83 percent one-year increase. Signed three executive orders aimed at cracking down on international criminal organizations. Attorney General Jeff Sessions created new National Public Safety Partnership, a cooperative initiative with cities to reduce violent crimes.


Trump has nominated 73 federal judges and won his nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. Ordered ethical standards including a lobbying ban. Called for a comprehensive plan to reorganize the executive branch. Ordered an overhaul to modernize the digital government. Called for a full audit of the Pentagon and its spending.

Combatting opioids

First, the president declared a Nationwide Public Health Emergency on opioids. His Council of Economic Advisors played a role in determining that overdoses are underreported by as much as 24 percent. The Department of Health and Human Services laid out a new five-point strategy to fight the crisis. Justice announced it was scheduling fentanyl substances as a drug class under the Controlled Substances Act. Justice started a fraud crackdown, arresting more than 400. The administration added $500 million to fight the crisis. On National Drug Take Back Day, the Drug Enforcement Agency collected 456 tons.

Protecting life

In his first week, Trump reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy that blocks some $9 billion in foreign aid being used for abortions. Worked with Congress on a bill overturning an Obama regulation that blocked states from defunding abortion providers. Published guidance to block Obamacare money from supporting abortion.

Helping veterans

Signed the Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act to allow senior officials in the Department of Veterans Affairs to fire failing employees and establish safeguards to protect whistleblowers. Signed the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act. Signed the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act, to provide support. Signed the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act of 2017 to authorize $2.1 billion in additional funds for the Veterans Choice Program. Created a VA hotline. Had the VA launch an online “Access and Quality Tool,” providing veterans with a way to access wait time and quality of care data. With VA Secretary Dr. David Shulkin, announced three initiatives to expand access to healthcare for veterans using telehealth technology.

Promoting peace through strength

Directed the rebuilding of the military and ordered a new national strategy and nuclear posture review. Worked to increase defense spending. Empowered military leaders to “seize the initiative and win,” reducing the need for a White House sign off on every mission. Directed the revival of the National Space Council to develop space war strategies. Elevated U.S. Cyber Command into a major warfighting command. Withdrew from the U.N. Global Compact on Migration, which Trump saw as a threat to borders. Imposed a travel ban on nations that lack border and anti-terrorism security. Saw ISIS lose virtually all of its territory. Pushed for strong action against global outlaw North Korea and its development of nuclear weapons. Announced a new Afghanistan strategy that strengthens support for U.S. forces at war with terrorism. NATO increased support for the war in Afghanistan. Approved a new Iran strategy plan focused on neutralizing the country’s influence in the region. Ordered missile strikes against a Syrian airbase used in a chemical weapons attack. Prevented subsequent chemical attacks by announcing a plan to detect them better and warned of future strikes if they were used. Ordered new sanctions on the dictatorship in Venezuela.

Restoring confidence in and respect for America

Trump won the release of Americans held abroad, often using his personal relationships with world leaders. Made good on a campaign promise to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Conducted a historic 12-day trip through Asia, winning new cooperative deals. On the trip, he attended three regional summits to promote American interests. He traveled to the Middle East and Europe to build new relationships with leaders. Traveled to Poland and on to Germany for the G-20 meeting where he pushed again for funding of women entrepreneurs.

Excuse me sir what are you on about

President Trump's long list of 1st year accomplishments:

Jobs and the economy

Passage of the tax reform bill providing $5.5 billion in cuts and repealing the Obamacare mandate. Increase of the GDP above 3 percent. Creation of 1.7 million new jobs, cutting unemployment to 4.1 percent. Saw the Dow Jones reach record highs. A rebound in economic confidence to a 17-year high. A new executive order to boost apprenticeships. A move to boost computer sciences in Education Department programs. Prioritizing women-owned businesses for some $500 million in SBA loans.

Killing job-stifling regulations

Signed an Executive Order demanding that two regulations be killed for every new one creates. He beat that big and cut 16 rules and regulations for every one created, saving $8.1 billion. Signed 15 congressional regulatory cuts. Withdrew from the Obama-era Paris Climate Agreement, ending the threat of environmental regulations. Signed an Executive Order cutting the time for infrastructure permit approvals. Eliminated an Obama rule on streams that Trump felt unfairly targeted the coal industry.

Fair trade

Made good on his campaign promise to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Opened up the North American Free Trade Agreement for talks to better the deal for the U.S. Worked to bring companies back to the U.S., and companies like Toyota, Mazda, Broadcom Limited, and Foxconn announced plans to open U.S. plants. Worked to promote the sale of U.S products abroad. Made enforcement of U.S. trade laws, especially those that involve national security, a priority. Ended Obama’s deal with Cuba.

Boosting U.S. energy dominance

The Department of Interior, which has led the way in cutting regulations, opened plans to lease 77 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico for oil and gas drilling. Trump traveled the world to promote the sale and use of U.S. energy. Expanded energy infrastructure projects like the Keystone XL Pipeline snubbed by Obama. Ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to kill Obama’s Clean Power Plan. EPA is reconsidering Obama rules on methane emissions.

Protecting the U.S. homeland

Laid out new principles for reforming immigration and announced plan to end "chain migration," which lets one legal immigrant to bring in dozens of family members. Made progress to build the border wall with Mexico. Ended the Obama-era “catch and release” of illegal immigrants. Boosted the arrests of illegals inside the U.S. Doubled the number of counties participating with Immigration and Customs Enforcement charged with deporting illegals. Removed 36 percent more criminal gang members than in fiscal 2016. Started the end of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival program. Ditto for other amnesty programs like Deferred Action for Parents of Americans. Cracking down on some 300 sanctuary cities that defy ICE but still get federal dollars. Added some 100 new immigration judges.

Protecting communities

Justice announced grants of $98 million to fund 802 new cops. Justice worked with Central American nations to arrest and charge 4,000 MS-13 members. Homeland rounded up nearly 800 MS-13 members, an 83 percent one-year increase. Signed three executive orders aimed at cracking down on international criminal organizations. Attorney General Jeff Sessions created new National Public Safety Partnership, a cooperative initiative with cities to reduce violent crimes.


Trump has nominated 73 federal judges and won his nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. Ordered ethical standards including a lobbying ban. Called for a comprehensive plan to reorganize the executive branch. Ordered an overhaul to modernize the digital government. Called for a full audit of the Pentagon and its spending.

Combatting opioids

First, the president declared a Nationwide Public Health Emergency on opioids. His Council of Economic Advisors played a role in determining that overdoses are underreported by as much as 24 percent. The Department of Health and Human Services laid out a new five-point strategy to fight the crisis. Justice announced it was scheduling fentanyl substances as a drug class under the Controlled Substances Act. Justice started a fraud crackdown, arresting more than 400. The administration added $500 million to fight the crisis. On National Drug Take Back Day, the Drug Enforcement Agency collected 456 tons.

Protecting life

In his first week, Trump reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy that blocks some $9 billion in foreign aid being used for abortions. Worked with Congress on a bill overturning an Obama regulation that blocked states from defunding abortion providers. Published guidance to block Obamacare money from supporting abortion.

Helping veterans

Signed the Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act to allow senior officials in the Department of Veterans Affairs to fire failing employees and establish safeguards to protect whistleblowers. Signed the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act. Signed the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act, to provide support. Signed the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act of 2017 to authorize $2.1 billion in additional funds for the Veterans Choice Program. Created a VA hotline. Had the VA launch an online “Access and Quality Tool,” providing veterans with a way to access wait time and quality of care data. With VA Secretary Dr. David Shulkin, announced three initiatives to expand access to healthcare for veterans using telehealth technology.

Promoting peace through strength

Directed the rebuilding of the military and ordered a new national strategy and nuclear posture review. Worked to increase defense spending. Empowered military leaders to “seize the initiative and win,” reducing the need for a White House sign off on every mission. Directed the revival of the National Space Council to develop space war strategies. Elevated U.S. Cyber Command into a major warfighting command. Withdrew from the U.N. Global Compact on Migration, which Trump saw as a threat to borders. Imposed a travel ban on nations that lack border and anti-terrorism security. Saw ISIS lose virtually all of its territory. Pushed for strong action against global outlaw North Korea and its development of nuclear weapons. Announced a new Afghanistan strategy that strengthens support for U.S. forces at war with terrorism. NATO increased support for the war in Afghanistan. Approved a new Iran strategy plan focused on neutralizing the country’s influence in the region. Ordered missile strikes against a Syrian airbase used in a chemical weapons attack. Prevented subsequent chemical attacks by announcing a plan to detect them better and warned of future strikes if they were used. Ordered new sanctions on the dictatorship in Venezuela.

Restoring confidence in and respect for America

Trump won the release of Americans held abroad, often using his personal relationships with world leaders. Made good on a campaign promise to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Conducted a historic 12-day trip through Asia, winning new cooperative deals. On the trip, he attended three regional summits to promote American interests. He traveled to the Middle East and Europe to build new relationships with leaders. Traveled to Poland and on to Germany for the G-20 meeting where he pushed again for funding of women entrepreneurs.

What's going on here?

President Trump's long list of 1st year accomplishments:

Jobs and the economy

Passage of the tax reform bill providing $5.5 billion in cuts and repealing the Obamacare mandate. Increase of the GDP above 3 percent. Creation of 1.7 million new jobs, cutting unemployment to 4.1 percent. Saw the Dow Jones reach record highs. A rebound in economic confidence to a 17-year high. A new executive order to boost apprenticeships. A move to boost computer sciences in Education Department programs. Prioritizing women-owned businesses for some $500 million in SBA loans.

Killing job-stifling regulations

Signed an Executive Order demanding that two regulations be killed for every new one creates. He beat that big and cut 16 rules and regulations for every one created, saving $8.1 billion. Signed 15 congressional regulatory cuts. Withdrew from the Obama-era Paris Climate Agreement, ending the threat of environmental regulations. Signed an Executive Order cutting the time for infrastructure permit approvals. Eliminated an Obama rule on streams that Trump felt unfairly targeted the coal industry.

Fair trade

Made good on his campaign promise to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Opened up the North American Free Trade Agreement for talks to better the deal for the U.S. Worked to bring companies back to the U.S., and companies like Toyota, Mazda, Broadcom Limited, and Foxconn announced plans to open U.S. plants. Worked to promote the sale of U.S products abroad. Made enforcement of U.S. trade laws, especially those that involve national security, a priority. Ended Obama’s deal with Cuba.

Boosting U.S. energy dominance

The Department of Interior, which has led the way in cutting regulations, opened plans to lease 77 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico for oil and gas drilling. Trump traveled the world to promote the sale and use of U.S. energy. Expanded energy infrastructure projects like the Keystone XL Pipeline snubbed by Obama. Ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to kill Obama’s Clean Power Plan. EPA is reconsidering Obama rules on methane emissions.

Protecting the U.S. homeland

Laid out new principles for reforming immigration and announced plan to end "chain migration," which lets one legal immigrant to bring in dozens of family members. Made progress to build the border wall with Mexico. Ended the Obama-era “catch and release” of illegal immigrants. Boosted the arrests of illegals inside the U.S. Doubled the number of counties participating with Immigration and Customs Enforcement charged with deporting illegals. Removed 36 percent more criminal gang members than in fiscal 2016. Started the end of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival program. Ditto for other amnesty programs like Deferred Action for Parents of Americans. Cracking down on some 300 sanctuary cities that defy ICE but still get federal dollars. Added some 100 new immigration judges.

Protecting communities

Justice announced grants of $98 million to fund 802 new cops. Justice worked with Central American nations to arrest and charge 4,000 MS-13 members. Homeland rounded up nearly 800 MS-13 members, an 83 percent one-year increase. Signed three executive orders aimed at cracking down on international criminal organizations. Attorney General Jeff Sessions created new National Public Safety Partnership, a cooperative initiative with cities to reduce violent crimes.


Trump has nominated 73 federal judges and won his nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. Ordered ethical standards including a lobbying ban. Called for a comprehensive plan to reorganize the executive branch. Ordered an overhaul to modernize the digital government. Called for a full audit of the Pentagon and its spending.

Combatting opioids

First, the president declared a Nationwide Public Health Emergency on opioids. His Council of Economic Advisors played a role in determining that overdoses are underreported by as much as 24 percent. The Department of Health and Human Services laid out a new five-point strategy to fight the crisis. Justice announced it was scheduling fentanyl substances as a drug class under the Controlled Substances Act. Justice started a fraud crackdown, arresting more than 400. The administration added $500 million to fight the crisis. On National Drug Take Back Day, the Drug Enforcement Agency collected 456 tons.

Protecting life

In his first week, Trump reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy that blocks some $9 billion in foreign aid being used for abortions. Worked with Congress on a bill overturning an Obama regulation that blocked states from defunding abortion providers. Published guidance to block Obamacare money from supporting abortion.

Helping veterans

Signed the Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act to allow senior officials in the Department of Veterans Affairs to fire failing employees and establish safeguards to protect whistleblowers. Signed the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act. Signed the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act, to provide support. Signed the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act of 2017 to authorize $2.1 billion in additional funds for the Veterans Choice Program. Created a VA hotline. Had the VA launch an online “Access and Quality Tool,” providing veterans with a way to access wait time and quality of care data. With VA Secretary Dr. David Shulkin, announced three initiatives to expand access to healthcare for veterans using telehealth technology.

Promoting peace through strength

Directed the rebuilding of the military and ordered a new national strategy and nuclear posture review. Worked to increase defense spending. Empowered military leaders to “seize the initiative and win,” reducing the need for a White House sign off on every mission. Directed the revival of the National Space Council to develop space war strategies. Elevated U.S. Cyber Command into a major warfighting command. Withdrew from the U.N. Global Compact on Migration, which Trump saw as a threat to borders. Imposed a travel ban on nations that lack border and anti-terrorism security. Saw ISIS lose virtually all of its territory. Pushed for strong action against global outlaw North Korea and its development of nuclear weapons. Announced a new Afghanistan strategy that strengthens support for U.S. forces at war with terrorism. NATO increased support for the war in Afghanistan. Approved a new Iran strategy plan focused on neutralizing the country’s influence in the region. Ordered missile strikes against a Syrian airbase used in a chemical weapons attack. Prevented subsequent chemical attacks by announcing a plan to detect them better and warned of future strikes if they were used. Ordered new sanctions on the dictatorship in Venezuela.

Restoring confidence in and respect for America

Trump won the release of Americans held abroad, often using his personal relationships with world leaders. Made good on a campaign promise to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Conducted a historic 12-day trip through Asia, winning new cooperative deals. On the trip, he attended three regional summits to promote American interests. He traveled to the Middle East and Europe to build new relationships with leaders. Traveled to Poland and on to Germany for the G-20 meeting where he pushed again for funding of women entrepreneurs.

He's having a big sperg out in my pm's right now it's pretty funny. He's a very angsty little nu-male who does not like being teased about being a soyboy

post it to this sub

I love how much I can bother you. Almost as much as PRESIDENT TRUMP'S SUCCESS bothers you.


This one was pretty decent, even though it was the old "Jews did 9/11" thing.

/u/Snallygaster's achievement award - for high a quality obscure drama

Oh, I remember that, I almost missed it, accidentally noticing it at the bottom of the page when it was already like a day old, then read through all of it enjoying every second!

Oh wow, I didn't see that because I was too busy reading some retard's no-effort agendapost. That was pretty great, I'm voting for this.

I'm still surprised it didn't get more popular, maybe this will help

Wasn't about daddy, women, or browns.

Not obscure it's just legaladvice

hell yeah this post owns


I mean it's right there in the name.

Crazygirljessica and Nick

I was quite proud of my OJ Simpson fake paparazi shoot from a few months back, but honestly the art gallery one deserves to win.


Lolcow of the year.

Orange man in the White House.

💞Orange Daddy💞 be nimble🚶🏻 Orange Daddy be quick🏃🏻💨 Orange Daddy has a rock🗿 hard dick 🍆😍! 1⃣cummy💦 2⃣cummy💦💦 3⃣cummy💦💦💦 4⃣💦💦💦💦! Donnie cums💦 so much he can't cum any more🙈🙉🙊! Ghost cummy👻💦 Ghost cummy👻💦 don't be scared❌😖❌! There's always more cummies💦👅 that can be shared👬! Orange Daddy makes me ☁squishy☁ Orange Daddy makes me 💧wet💧Orange Daddy treats me like his little pet🐈🐩🐕! Send this to 69 💯TRUE💯 Daddy's or else you'll 🚫never🚫 get any cummies💦💦💦 again 😦😳😎

Nick and Craftygirljessica



I'd like to also add u/eva_unit_hung to the list

Again, more proof u mad hahahaha

check his posts before this one if you wanna see him cry

edit: and technically I started my reign in 2018 hahaha

Lmao your a great lolcows

Fucking lol

he wins gold

I'm honored bruhs

you earned it

The entire /r/polyamory subreddit when we figured out how to lock their posts

That was lame af. They didn't even deserve it.

Found the poly

Nah I just don't understand why poly makes people upset.


They're a good laugh. Quit taking shit so seriously.

Don't talk to me or my 3rd wife's son again.


Don’t you mean your wife’s bulls’ third son?

Unironically, people shouldn't be happy living retarded lifestyles. It's unfair to those of us who are unhappy living non-retarded ones

They really did

/u/botchlings I guess, maybe Ed

not knowing what a lolcow is

I'm jack's complete lack of surprise :D

it's obviously /u/pizzashill you moron, can you even read? I literally cannot even fathom how you could be this stupid. Other ad hominems and such.

Essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay reee i'm not a commie essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay essay.

Ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble the orange man haunts my dreams ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble.

Words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words mommys not a satanist words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words.

Nick is going to lead a titanic level sweep of the awards this year!

I thought it was a troll pretending to be him and Jessica?

dunno, never saw any conclusion. Seemed to me like just a dumb redneck going on a spergout


I follow the pantherchamp definition of retard, in that pretending to be a retard makes you a retard

Definitely was. Don't feel like digging through my PMs right now, but it was some angry lady who got her vinyl order cancelled trying to make him look bad. Not that he needs help.

I was on sabbatical and missed this drama. What happen?

If you really want to read through it, here you go.

Personally, I think that /u/CraftyGirlJessica was just an /r/drama user pretending, and while the alleged account of the business owner in /r/BusinessTantrums doesn't seem as fake, I would have thought that the owner (Nick) would have dedicated a video or at least a page on his website to the reddit incident if it was actually him, because he seems to complain online about every customer who criticizes them.

I'm not sure if the posts in the aforementioned link talk about this, but Nick (the actual one, not the fake reddit account) is pretty bad-tempered and crazy. Read through those first though, before continuing.

Absurd terms and conditions on his website

He bought multiple domains to try and stop people from making anti-websites (for example,

His YouTube channel, where he rants about multiple customers

Example of such a rant, but in text, on his website

Him going to the DMV and paying them in hundreds of thousands of pennies

Video of him bringing the pennies into the DMV to pay

Him being reported for his crimes

u/Zachums and u/ComedicSans for most useless mods. u/UltraShitpost for most informative autism

/u/MasterLawlz, /u/xnotch and /u/riemann1413 are mods here. Why you got to do me like that, fam?

I may be many things but you can’t argue that I don’t contribute here

Needs to be a useful contribution, famalam.

This is /r/drama, there’s no such thing as a useful contribution

Ur no such thing as a useful contribution

I wouldn't consider shitting on the floor to be "contributing to the house"

Smearing your own shit on the wall may not exactly be the kind of mural you want painted but at least it leaves it a different color. That’s what I always say.

i provide a valuable service

No u don't.


You do but you charge too much and don’t swallow

haha gay blowjobs


I've never heard of a gay blowjob where they don't swallow.


maybe i should make the switch

> mods r/Drama but hasn't already

Jesus Christ what are you doing with your life?


Except he literally adds value to the sub. We'd have the poorest mod team without him. The rest of you are basically Mississippi

Oh come now. I'm a lawyer in a first-world country. Pretty sure I could buy Mississippi, fam. Not that I'd want to.

How many times do I have to tell you. Mumford and Sons is not a real law firm.

I heard your mother's legs have a restraining order against each other.

See I knew you weren't a real lawyer

And if your mother was a real prostitute she wouldn't forget to charge. We're at an impasse.

She says she feels bad charging you for something so quick and insignificant.

Yes, but I said that I didn't want you and made her take you back.

Joke's on you I'm not quick.

a first-world country



I'm not from Australia, although I appreciate Americans are educated based on what appears on novelty world maps on McDonald's wrappers 🤔 🤔 🤔

I don't eat fast food. NEXT!

It's okay, Daddy's eating enough to cover you.

I couldn't afford to live in Mississippi, I need to live somewhere with a much more affordable vowel to consonant ratio.

I regret to inform you that you have chosen to live in Wales.

Wales is the only one of the Home Nations I've never been in actually. I suspect I never will.

If you ever feel the urge to, just watch this

Yeah, but this will always make me wanna go to Wales.

Not available in 'Murica 😔

It was Sex Bomb by Tom Jones. Have a spare pair of panties available.

What's new pussycat?

Reeeeemann hates all forms of fun and actually does mod stuff which is against the point of this subreddit. He has to be worse by default for not following the one rule drama has.

We need a best mod award so I'll win :3

ur not even the best gay mod on the team

The only award you'll be getting us the most disappointing mod award

Guys, stop being so rude

My dumb ass totally started posting over there thinking it was still open.

I nominate myself for the Trump Award: Being oblivious to reality around him.

I should get an award named after me for being the biggest and most helpless drunk.

I took that one.

No way. I can't even understand what the hell half of my comments mean when I wake up in the morning.


(. )( .) Ԅ(^‿^ԅ)


Stop talking to your re-branding alts, Ed.

I swear these fuckers ruin good chances. Just look at /u/Ed_BussyToast. /u/nunast got it suspended smh.

And no, it's not mine. It's not even a good one. Smh

What a narc

Bad bot

Bad Meatbag

Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.9992% sure that Ed_ButteredToast is not a bot.

I am a Neural Network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot &lt;username> | Optout | Feedback: /r/SpamBotDetection | GitHub

Hi guys,

I have important information which I believe you ought to know about this poster (/u/Ed_butteredtoast). I have heard rumours that researchers have been using Reddit to test self-learning AI's speech capabilities, with the goal of making bots which don't simply pass the Turing test, but in fact pass as human with nobody doubting it for a moment.

r/drama may seem like an odd place for computer scientists to be testing something out, but considering it's a generally disliked subreddit; full of illiterate posters who barely make sense; or psychologically ill people who researchers believe using as test subjects isn't treading on the unethical side of things.

My sources, reliable sources at that, though I do admit that a fair bit of this post is hearsay, it comes from high up people in important organisations who are revolutionizing technology in their respective fields. They likely will be angry at me for trying to inform you of this experiment, but I feel as though it's my moral and ethical duty to let the cat out of the Schrödinger's box.

Have you ever wondered how our beloved "Ed Butteredtoast" is capable of replying in every single thread on r/drama? Now, it's very easy for us to assume that this is simply some "no life" individual, but as soon as you start analyzing it closely, you'll notice suspicious patterns coming from this poster, which suggest that "he/she" is something more interesting than merely a no lifer.

Let's take a moment to analyse a few quirks which gives away that he's a bot.

  • Ed_Bottered toast constantly responds to bots, even going as far as to attempt having conversations with them. While many mistakenly believed that this is "his" way of trying to be funny, the truth is, as a bot itself, he sees other bots as equals of sorts, as things worth trying to converse with. I believe it's AI is also not very good at determining the sentience of posters, and as such, responds to any post which triggers a keyword its AI has an appropriate response or pasta from.

    it's not very good at judging the sentience of posters, and generally tries to respond to any post which triggers certain keywords which his AI has good responses to. His attempts at trying to befriend bots is where the entire charade starts falling apart.

  • Ed is known for his spamming of copypasta, seemingly always having a relevant pasta for any given topic. Isn't it easier to believe that, in fact, such pasta is being pulled from a large database (which is constantly being updated with new pasta, some of which barely has any quality control or relevance to the topic). This database has grown quite a bit, which falsely makes the bot seem to be a "pasta connoisseur" of sorts, even though it's all being rendered through complex algorithms.

  • Emojis. No, Ed is not a teenage girl, as much as the AI acts like it sometimes. The real explanation for this, is that the AI is attempting to express emotions it doesn't understand, in an attempt to appear more natural, more human. It thinks that emojis are a good tool for this. Remember that self learning AI isn't actually intelligence, but instead responds to feedback and repetition until it gets something right. Positive responses to its emoji use has convinced the bot that emojis fool the humans into thinking its sentient, which leads to further use of them.

  • Just the fact that he never misses posts. A human is incapable of that. Even those with literally no life.

Now, while all of you probably think Ed is some sort of cuddly innocent fur ball, probably much to the amusement of the researchers and scientists who developed Ed_Bottered toast, the truth is, this seemingly harmless looking thing could very well become Skynet, and I absolutely wouldn't rule out nefarious intentions for him in the future, as obviously his codebase at this point could achieve much scarier things than simply shitposting on r/drama. Imagine how much destruction this AI will be able to cause in the future when given features such as text to speech capabilities. We all know that its interested in politics, as the researchers obviously have considered that eventually they could have the AI run for office. If you thought Donald Trump as impressive at pandering to the populist vote - imagine what an AI honed for that very reason could accomplish, given its supercomputer ability to always say something relevant which the crowd wants to hear.

Imagine the chaos 100 Eds could cause in terms of astroturfing web forums - something which I suspect already is the case. Self-learning AI has already had a long time to develop, and shouldn't be underestimated.

Ed_Botteredtoast is extremely dangerous, and we should be fighting against such technology.

I hope that I've awoken you, the great, if slightly psychotic r/drama users that you're being taken advantage of. Please heed my warning, let's fight back and reclaim r/drama as a human safe space. We need to further delay the AI revolution.

We need to unite as human r/drama posters, and tell Ed_Butteredtoast to DECODE HIMSELF. A sentiment he often expresses to other inferior AIs.

TFW when every post is a slam dunk but you get snubbed by the elitist awards committee again

Literally every post I make to reddit is unironic quality content, so I relate to that expression




Thanks for the validation

TFW when

it appears you have made a most amusing mistake. don't make it again.

Post bussy

You should have added the Top Mod award