Daddy releases the memo megathread: fuck the new mods edition

68  2018-02-02 by wazzupnerds


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


  1. This Post -,*,,

  2. hint at release #1 -,*,

  3. hint at release #2 -,*,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)


I thought you were banned?


Don't do that again lol

Don't worry, all I think about is you

Omg. Post the booty call video.

The what

When you two fuck, of course!

you perv ;)

How much bussy is in the memo? I'm only interested if there's bussy.

Democrat bussy

I’ve already seen Weiner’s dong, not sure if I need to see his leathery brown eye as well.

Now if it were Mueller’s...

Thicc 😋

Steele bussy

I like how Trump is trying to claim his own FBI director is biased against him because he won't lie to protect him.

What are you going to do when daddy wins the next election?

Laugh at how dumb the American population is?

But it's good for dramacoin?

And bad for the country.

Why do you hate america?

Nicely try Russian Bot

I don't hate America, I hate its people.




Says the fucking europoor lololol

Don't talk to your daddy like that, we created you

hon hon hon đŸ€đŸ«đŸ·

Why do you hate drama?

Self hating americans are the worst bussy.

Why should I not hate them?

Embrace dissillusionment. Then you get the truth. Then the money. Then the women. Thats when you say hello to a little rocket friend and get nk to nuke the US. Thus fulfulling the prophecy.

Give me a single valid reason to not hate Trumptards and rural Americans.

Because we're nice?

I bet some of them make good pies. And bbq!

Also they supply greys and Nordics (the aliens, not the ethnicity) with test subjects

They are human?

In a word, “””hybrid vigor”””.

Eh, mostly fucks over poor people, and ew who cares about poor people?

Well, everyone should, considering they're the majority of the country and at some point they'll get sick of this shit.

Daddy has nukes though, all greg has is a blanket and a wet dog.

Daddy will die of McDonalds before that happens lol

Impying poor people don't live off McDonalds and KFC

No. I'm not implying that. lol

Ok lol

I'm almost rich enough to buy a drone swarm so I don't really have to worry about (((poor people))) anymore. It's not like they've actually been productive recently. Marxist rhetoric stops making sense when most people aren't even worth exploiting.

I'd rather not eat the poor. They taste nasty.

Plus the garbage eating makes them really gamey. Eating the rich on the other hand.....

All the medications and drugs they take spoils their meat too. The only good longpig is the farm-raised longpig so you can control what they ingest

Great point! Camps first, cannibalism 2nd.

What!?!?!?!? I want blood on the streets.



I mean, at that point the whole process will be comedy, so you might as well roll with it and laugh at them all.

Break a leg. But we're talking about pizzashill here.

Pizzashill will continue his succesful career as reddit commentator.

I’d like to believe he’s a literal shill, so that at least he’d have some justification for why he says the shit he says. I mean, I know he’s not, but I get kinda sad when I think about it otherwise.

Quit pretending to be this dumb. You know damn well stay this means.

Remember when Trumps own FBI director called the memo bullshit?

Keep doing your thing pizzashill, this is the day you've been training for!!

Summon all your agendaposting powers and keep fighting! Only your laughable dedication to spin can save this country now!!!!

What spin? There's nothing even in that memo that's bad, and given the fact again, Trump's own FBI director called this memo bullshit, what in the ever loving shit makes you think spin is required?

"What spin?" Proceeds to spin

Your hackish bullshit is so transparent, it's why I love reading your comments. So self serious, so deluded, so entertaining.

Do you think this will lead to Pres Hilldawg in the 2018 Special Elections after Daddy escapes to Siberia under Russian protection?

Honest question.

I don't think anything will even happen to Trump. The GOP will defend him until the end, they don't care that he's obstructing justice, they don't care that he's attacking his own FBI/DOJ, they don't care that he's lying about this entire thing.

They're sycophants.

I used to think this sub was about drama, but you've shown me that it's actually about making sure every single fucking place across this site gets battered with cultish politicbots. Thanks for showing me the light. Kamala Harris 2020!

imagine thinking this isn’t fun


With regard to the House Intelligence Committee’s memorandum, the FBI was provided a limited opportunity to review this memo the day before the committee voted to release it. As expressed during our initial review, we have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.

Surely, this will be the end of the DNC. Obama and Hillary are finally going to be sent to Guantanamo.

The best part is all the claims about liberal bias in the FBI. Everyone knows most liberals go into a career of law enforcement 😂😂😂

789D chess or just the ramblings of a retarded old man?

This is your brain on Christian conservautism!! Save yourselves people!!!

These retards believe in the prosperity gospel unironically. I would ask if they read the new testament, but lets be real those inbreds can't read. There really is not a dumber creature in this world than a conservative religious person. It spans all the religions.

I'm still a registered Democrat Ed.

not voting for Gary Johnson

And I thought I couldn't hate you anymore!

You never struck me as a Gary Johnson person. Did you unironically vote Libertarian during the election?

i'm kidding. Gary Johnson is a fucking joke plus libertarian is a meme ideology

Libertarians get the bullet too tbh


I'm not religious. I'm 'spiritual'.

God I hate people like this. It's like "I reject the social organization and community that religion provides, but I also want to keep believing in all the make up bullshit that makes me feel good too"


How many underscores are in your username? I thought it was two but I have not been getting my acknowledgements of my pings so I must have it wrong.

  1. Just one extra. I don't know I haven't received your pings. Odd đŸ€”

I'll take it up with consumer affairs.

Get the "i would like to see the manager" haircut too lol

My only regret is I'll be on a flight when this gets released. At least il be able to tune into CNN for their unbiased findings.

They'll just say that it's illegal to read the memo yourself.

>not using in flight wi fi to shitpost

What year ate you living in

You have to pay for wifi on Canadian airlines.

The build up to this is killing me.

Not because I care about whats in the memo, but because I want to see the massive sperg out that comes.

In law school my con law prof was all bent out of shape over how secret courts are bad and wiretaps are against human rights and woe is the world.

In a Trumpian world she is now justifying it all. I sent her a copy of her 2013 paper bemoaning FISA and secret courts, attached a copy of her latest paper justifying FISA courts and said, “Explain.”

Her response was unintelligible idiocy that can be summarized as, “fuck Drumpf.”

That is the most "that happened" thing I've heard in awhile.

Nope. If you look up Bay Area law professors and do some digging you will find several well written articles on how FISA courts are unconstitutional. If you then poke around you will find at least one who has flipped directions and now argues for them, purely on partisan grounds.

You should be banned for using "that happened" non-sarcastically.

this is why I can never be an antisemite because i would have to support hitler

Her response was unintelligible idiocy that can be summarized as, “fuck Drumpf.”

I'm guessing this was either at Berkeley, or a low tier school. Since you say Bay Area, I'm leaning Berkeley.

Post response.

Lol Nunes voted to re authorise and expand FISA warrants like a week and a half ago.

Shhhh. We all know it's partisan games. Nunes is a raging hypocrite but would really rather you look at that memo and those totes unfair FISA courts.

Imagine cqring abput this.

Imagine getting told you are on the wrong side of history, that you don't deserve to dream, that you are a racist sexist xenophobe, etc, etc just because you didn't vote for Hillary (even if you didn't vote for Trump).

I'm even American, but I can see why TD would have a massive Schadenfreude over shit like this.

Besides, it is unironically hilarious to see /r/politics lose their shit over anything right of themselves.

Poor whitey. The struggle is real.

I'm hispanic though lol.


Hispanics are white whenever they benefit from systemic inequality. They aren't when they're victims.

I had a professor once who pretty much explicitly stated this

Your professor was a jackass. There are white and black hispanics. Race isn't ethnicity

Race and ethnicity are too loosely defined. I just consider anyone who doesnt look like me a different species.

The fish are my true people.

He's either a white Hispanic or a race traitor, either way he deserves gulag

This is just the weird intermediate period where Hispanics are only part way through their admission into club mayo. Same shit happened with the Italians and Irish.

soon they'll be oppressing everyone with their catholicism, as is tradition

Well thing is, depending on the area there are white hispanics. Argentinians for instance are white. Blue eyed and blonde, you know, Nazi descendants. As far as us Costa Ricans, we just like to pretend we are white.

Same thing went for the cop who shit Philando Castille. If a Martian only knew about the world through the NYT, he'd think "white Hispanic" was a term for someone who'd shit a black guy.

We need a wall at /r/Drama

Post bussy

What race are you


Lmao, sorry you're too ashamed of the real answer

It's okay to be reptilian.

It's not okay to be an otherkin

The /r/Drama commenter is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But ask him “What race are you?” and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I've been found out.”

Lol whitey mad

Why haven't you self-mayocided yet, butterboy?

Lol whitey mad

So jewish?

Race isn't (((real)))

except the memo doesn't say anything incriminating and just regurgitates the old talking point that the FBI used the steel dossier to obtain the FISA warrant, which the FBI has denied. It doesn't offer anything new. All that build up for jack shit

It is now corroborated that the FISA warrant was obtained under false pretenses, and that they went out of their way, even as far as briefing the media to validate their own claims, to issue spy on a political opponent.

If Republicans needed something tangible to discret anything Muller says from now on, this is it. If Trump needed something to discredit the Russian Collusion story, this is more than enough for him as his base. They will hang on to this as hard as they can.

And besides, if it's "nothing", why were Democrats and the FBI crying so loud about not releasing it.

Because they know idiots will think this memo is something more than the scribblings of a partiaan hack. If this had factual basis they would have been fine with any "counter memo" necause that wouldn't matter. Why are republicans so afraid of equality in government memos? You know why.

Because they know idiots will think this memo is something more than the scribblings of a partiaan hack

Yeah, because Democrats are being sooo honest now right? You were just given proof that the FBI used a democrat funded dossier, that relied heavily on circular sources, to spy on the Republican runner up. And you still call them partisan hacks.


See what I mean? Idiots already calling a random memo written by a hyper partisan Republican "proof".. This is what the FBI fears, the pure unadulterated stupid that is the average American.

That’s not true though, carter page was under surveillance since 2014 and this is in reference to the 3rd renewal application . So the original warrant preceded the Steele dossier by about 2.5 years. Side note and I’m being earnest here, I’ve never understood why people that don’t even live here are so invested in our politics?

Well given the disproportionate impact what we do has on the rest of the world, it's understandable that outsiders take an interest. Plus we've been an absolute shit show for about 10 years, which is entertaining. I followed Italian politics when Burlusconi was running around with super models and taking statues to the face.

That actually makes a lot of sense, outside of Berlusconi, Chavez and now Duterte and Daddy I sometimes forget how tediously responsible most world leaders are.

Oh my sweet merciful fuck, can you imagine the bantz between Trump and Chavez?

Jesus that’d be incredible. Imagining the daily drama generated from a Hugo v Donald head to head bout is confirmation that regardless of what anyone tries to tell you we really are only living in the second best timeline right now.

For someone who “isn’t American” you sure seem awfully obsessed with the towing Republican Party line. Why? Like it even matters outside of the USA which party is in power. If you are in one of the poor countries where it does, lmao 😂

You know, I actually tried to stay away from this shit. But then reddit got infected with this political bullshit, in almost every sub. Some subs like politicalhumor and neoliberal were completely destroyed in the anti-trump reaction. And it the cancer spread from calling trump supporters "Nazis" to call every single conservative a racist nazi.

I'm not obsessed with "towing the Republican Party line". I am obsessed in pointing out how hilariously hypocritical and absurd the "Internet Left" has become. And I call it that because IRL, people are nothing like that (I travel to the US for work rather often). People may hate trump but they really aren't as retarded as your average /r/politics user.

And it doesn't matter what /r/worldnews says dude, whatever happens in the US still matters in 99% of the countries out there.

Well most of that is gibberish. So you're Canadian? Then who gives a shit. Not sure what your point is, except that you are obsessed with supporting one particular tribe in American politics. You care too much about shit that doesn't concern you. You should be clubbing seals to death like a normal Canuck.

Not Canadian either lmao. Are you really this butthurt that a non American supports Republicans or Trump? This is the kind of shit that bothers you?

So you're Mexican?


So you're Haitian? Why do you care so much about the domestic politics of another nation?

Stop it dude, I don't know what your point is. You are the biggest country in the world, the one that still dictates which direction everybody else goes in a lot of different topics. A lot of what you do, even domestically, will end up affecting most of the world. You honestly have to be a /r/politics type of self loathing American or an anti-American european to deny this.

I'm from CR.

I'm not even American, which is why I don't have much of an opinion as to the party political machinations of the GOP or the Dems.

I loathe you for caring this much and shitting up this thread with your bullshit opinions. By CR do you mean Costa Rica? Shouldn't you be dying of Yellow Fever or fucking donkeys?

stop serious posting because I disagree with you


By CR do you mean Costa Rica? Shouldn't you be dying of Yellow Fever or fucking donkeys?


Amerifats have the thinnest skin of the globe.

outside of the DNC nobody really gives a shit about Russia.

All the proof anyone needs that you're an idiot and not fit to have this discussion. Right up until the current investigation started the Republicans all cared deeply about Russia, they were falling all over themselves to try and drum up some sort of "traitor" line of reasoning against Clinton based on some uranium pay for play bullshit, they were calling for investigations left and right because classically the Republican party has seen Russians as our main enemy. If you weren't ignorant of history you might recall Reagan referring to them as "the evil empire", hell up until 1991 there was absolutely ZERO chance you would see a Republican politician of any sort voice anything but absolute disdain for Russia, and they all had tough words for Russia during the Obama years.

Now suddenly when it benefits them, the evil empire and birthplace of the evil communism that the American right has absolutely hated for a century is just fine? hah.

Huh actually you are right, I forgot about Hannity going on for months about Uranium One.

So, is it or is it not? Because it seems some of you play the exact same game of treating Russia and Putin as some kind of mastermind behind Trump.

So yeah, I was wrong, but at least I’m not a hypocrite like some of you.

Don't you mean Republican funded? The creation of the dossier was paid for by Republicans.


I don't think nunes is a parthian he doesn't even look scythian

It is now corroborated that the FISA warrant was obtained under false pretenses, and that they went out of their way, even as far as briefing the media to validate their own claims, to spy on a political opponent.

And here's the problem, people will fall for this. You just read a politically motivated, cherry picked summary from a guy who already got caught trying to manufacture dirt to discredit Mueller's investigation. The memo itself doesn't even state that the warrant was based only on the dossier and the person in question, Carter Page, was already under surveillance. And again, this is all from a politically motivated, one sided summary of information.

The memo itself doesn't even state that the warrant was based only on the dossier and the person in question, Carter Page, was already under surveillance. And again, this is all from a politically motivated, one sided summary of information.

Not saying that. But personally I'd say it's enough to raise questions. Even if the rest of your post is 100% true (which I can't say I care to discuss in /r/drama of all places), what exactly is the problem with pointing out problems with how an investigation is being conducted? Oh, the investigation is against your opponents, who so gives a shit right?


funny you use that word. nobody in washington is saying this shit is manufactured. they are saying it's missing context and pieces, that, like you said, is cherry picking details, etc, etc. But nobody is accusing Nunez is manufacturing this. really makes you think.

what exactly is the problem with pointing out problems with how an investigation is being conducted?

That might be the worst part of this stunt. Nunez has taken this vital function of Congress and used it as a political tool. This isn't about holding the Justice Department accountable. If Nunez actually cared this memo would contain the necessary contextual information. If Nunez actually cared, he would have held off until the Democratic rebuttal could be vetted and released concurrently. But he doesn't care, it's a cynical attempt to shape public opinion. It's absolutely disgraceful to anyone who cares about actual accountability and oversight.

But he doesn't care, it's a cynical attempt to shape public opinion. It's absolutely disgraceful to anyone who cares about actual accountability and oversight.

Oh come on. My eyes have literally rolled out of their sockets.

Ok dude, that's cool. Shit is really bad though.

4 judges signed off on the FISA and the only way for it to get renewed is for new evidence to be obtained from the FISA. I believe it is even started in three memo itself

In 40 years and almost 34,000 warrant requests the FISC has rejected 12 of them. Are you seriously arguing that this somehow didn't meet the entirely high standards of evidence demanded?

Are you seriously arguing that this somehow didn't meet the entirely high standards of evidence demanded?

Yes, honestly this is what the Republicans are complaining about based on the fact that the renewal was based on faulty info.

Is it dumb? I don't know, maybe, who gives a shit.

You're actually dumber than the republicans in question because not even they are mentally deficient enough to believe what they're peddling but you're unironically eating it up.

Huh, the tolerant left strikes again. Guess what, so is the rest of reddit pretending the Democrats love them and want the best for the country, so are the people who are suddenly in love with McCain and Bush, so is the majority of reddit that doesn't realize that if Russia is doing anything at all, is playing both sides like a fiddle.

So don't bring this "oh huur hurr you are a dum dum for believing in Republicans BS" when your team (I assume) has been feeding off anti Trump propaganda for at least two years now.

And hell, at least republican supporters are getting wins.

Imagine believing any of the nonsense of what you just wrote 🙄🙄

You've lived most of the past decade as a counter culture retard on reddit. I get you're a small sucked mayo lite Latino but you should seriusouly consider deleting your reddit account and going outside.

Haha, imagine believing the democrats love you and will take care of you.

See, you're so full of dumbass bullshit you actually think I'm a leftist dem. You're sperging out about politics and giving unironic political pep talks to yourself on a Friday night. Either keep yourself safe or delete your account. You've failed as a human being.

unironic politcal pep talks to yourself kys or delete your account You've failed as a human being.

lol who is sperging out again?

How many political rants have you posted in r/drama tonight? You're like botchling's retarded Latino cousin without any of the zest.

I’m just replying to people who are replying to me bud. I am very sorry you think an Hispanic speaking out against what your believes is such a foreign and offensive concept.

I think you're a literal moron and have been for a long time. It's too bad you still don't see how much of a waste of space you are.


You sexually identify with Trump because you're both legitimately retarded. Birds of a feather thing.

Don't fucking lump me in with tolerant people. I'm angry, on the internet and vaguely anonymous. I will shit all over you for believing things.

You. I like you.

It is now corroborated that the FISA warrant was obtained under false pretenses,

If youre an idiot this is certainly true

You mean the second FISA warrant right? Page was the target of recruitment of a Russian spy ring in 2013 and was

Democrats were playing 5d chess. They knew how stupid the document was and wanted to bait them into overpaying their hand. Now everyone knows that Trump is a Republican president and thinks that Republicans would geniunely elect a weird orange dude who doesn't like Mexicans. How embarrassing!

yep, the second warrant.

Democrats were playing 5d chess. They knew how stupid the document was and wanted to bait them into overpaying their hand.

Uhu, that's why Pelosi was almost ripping her hair out trying to get Nunes out of the committee.

I thought that was just his she spoke.

which the FBI has denied

You're fuckin wack bro.

McCabe testified before the Committee in December 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information

Someone has some reading to do.

Oh who am i kidding, you're going to stick your head in the sand and keep repeating the same debunked talking points.

Then they should have no problem releasing the FULL transcript of his testimony. Not some blurb written by Nunes who is blatantly a bootlicking flunky. What's your arguement the Steele dossier shouldn't be used in conjunction with other evidence gathered for reapproval?

What's your arguement the Steele dossier shouldn't be used in conjunction with other evidence gathered for reapproval?

Is this some kind of a joke?

A document written by a foreign national with a vested anti Trump interest

Salacias and unverified, uncorroborated

Paid for by DNC & Hillary Clinton

being used to spy on the opposition party front runner.

And you don't see a problem with that?

A document written by a foreign national with a vested anti Trump interest

Shockingly when you work for an allied foreign countries intelligence agencies you share concerns with them. Nothing spectacular here.

Salacias and unverified, uncorroborated

It wasn't the only reason for fisa renewals and was part of a pattern of evidence the fisa court considered in renewing.

Paid for by DNC & Hillary Clinton

They just picked up what the GOP who wrote this memo put down tbqh.

being used to spy on the opposition party front runner.

See above and if page wasn't involved and trump associates hadn't been talking to flagged Russians they would have nothing to worry about. đŸ€”

AND all of the aforementioned facts being hidden from the FISA application, instead funneling the details through the media and "anonymous sources"

  1. Proof besides this memo written by nunes? The FBI did a release already saying this memo isn't accurate and is cherry picked. Steelers political association is largely irrelevant especially to everything found after the warrant was issued. Trumps team still fucked up being way overly chummy with a hostile foreign government.

Proof besides this memo written by nunes?

What do you mean. This memo is the proof. Nunes is the fucking chair of the house intelligence committee. No one is saying that any details included in this memo are false, just that it's missing details or context.

Oh yeah, I'm sure there is some context where the FBI and DoJ colluding with the DNC and Hillary campaign using intel by an anti-Trump foreign agent to tamper with the 2016 election is ok.

That was sarcasm.

I don't know what I was thinking arguing politics in /r/drama

Give your downvotes here.

libtard talking points

Boys we got ourselves a live one here

Oh look another libtard talking point parrot.

How mad are you that Trump won despite the FBI and DoJ colluding with the DNC & Hillary campaign to spy on him? On a scale of 1-butthurt?

You sound upset

So, you're butthurt. Got it.

Nah I put tiger balm on it daily so it’s under control I appreciate your concern though

Hello Shariablue

how come pelosi was freaking the fuck out about it to cuomo then?

Either its release is a danger to national security OR it's another political hitjob that doesn't say anything new. It can't be both.

Why was Pelosi freaking out? Cause she's a Democrat, so therefore a useless hack who won't really ever stand up for anything. I hate my party

I don't care about this memo at all but honestly dude you sound like a massive faggot.

thx bb


Lmao imagine unironically being a straight white American male

Jokes on you, I'm ironically a white American male.


It's written by Devin Nunes lol. It was so stupid. It reads like the first draft was written in crayon.

They haven't realised any of the evidence and the Democrat memo says the exact opposite of it.

Everyone involved is an idiot. Trump obviously didn't collude with Russia. Why would they bother colluding with him? He's far too stupid to be involved in any plot and just by getting his campaign writing them emails saying they'd love to collude does an equal amount of damage to the US political system.

I actually agree with most of what you said.

Dude the memo is so fucking dumb this is hilarious. It's main issue is that the FBI didn't mention the Steele Dossier when obtaining the FISA warrant renewals. Basically they are assuming and putting words in the FBI's mouth with this crock of shit.

I don't care what you think go jerk off in /r/politics soy boy this sub is for laughing at people not soapboxing

awww sad that it's just the GOP being retarded per usual?

Levels of retardation:



You again

i am layered, like an onion

He says, soapboxing.

You says, boxing soap

It's an honest job.

cry me a river moron

cry me a river fag

The real Ed would use more emojis

ecks dee

It is the real Ed

The real wazzupnerds would use more emojis


Eh jumbled has been making fun if stupid wypipo since he got here years ago, this is nothing new for him

I've read it. I'm mildly terrified that absolutely nothing in it is surprising or new to me. I need to reconsider my life. Or end it. Probably easier now.

I'm way more pumped for when trump fires rosenstein. They'll be some great liveleak footage of the protests and anti fa people smashing shit. Maybe we'll get a counter alt right protest, who knows?

Exciting times.

The worst part of this that literally all of this isn't really "the FBI". It's literally just the political top of it. Small circle of self important backstabbing and wannabe game of thrones shit.

Worse - that IG report is coming .... and it was set in motion by the Obama admin under the pretense that the FBI was unfair to Clinton.

It's like the political version of backwoods Alabama.

Yeah man I actually feel bad for the FBI dudes who are on the ground going after child traffickers and shit who are getting hit by the collateral from this. Maybe we should start a go fund me.

You know what's even worse? Sinking the Russian Collusion ship risks having people forget that Russia still has fucking spies everywhere. Like seriously .... when the cold war ended, did people really think Russia would just disappear as a huge country with its own intelligence network?

Putin and Daddy love each other, so Russia would never do anything to hurt us.

Wow the /s version of your comment is even more fucking retarded.

Let's be friends.

Nah just do as the Roman's did.

Don't worry the purge is coming I can't wait to see obeast goys charging federal troops

I'm deffo going to see it on premiere day wearing my MAGA hat 😊😂

And it ends up being weak as Hell.

This is just the warmup to trump firing Rosenstein That’s gonna be the fun part

The well known liberal progressive organization known as the FBI. Bunch of hippies.

I'm quite sure Wray's pronouns are xir, xhe, zazzle

Incorrect the proper pronouns are: zoz, zle, and zozzle.




Hey wait a minute!! (ÂŻïčƒÂŻÔ„)

LOL "had also" now that's quality spin.

The FBI and DOJ used a tainted unverified source to spy on the president and failed to disclose how they got the information to the court.


They were spying on Carter Page, not the president. And Page was already under surveillance.

Under surveillance since 2014 with 3 renewal requests smh this memo was such a letdown.



so wait, you honestly didn't know the DNC had funded the dossier?

I imagined it would be lame, but this takes the fucking cake. Holy shit, never realized that succesful people could be this inept.

Welcome to r/"drama".

For me the biggest bombshell was Steele leaking parts of his dossier to yahoo news, and then the corresponding yahoo news article was "cited extensively" in a FISA renewal application, all to conceal the fact that Steele/the DNC/Hillary campaign were behind it.

That's right, fucking yahoo news was used to renew a fucking FISA surveillance order.

What a fucking joke.

Ya, memo doesn't really do anything to the Russia investigation. But learning that Obama's DoJ, the FBI, the DNC, and basically every mainstream media outlet were all conspiring against trump in the background and still couldn't stop him from winning the election is pretty funny.

I mean none of the law enforcement agencies were really against Trump apart from those two FBI agents and one of them wrote the Clinton letter and both got removed once Mueller realised.

There are new mods? Gay.

This tbh, they should just give all control of the sub to u/Ed__ButteredToast

I keep saying this, but they just don't listen.

No one shall say the name of Ed without using his title sheik I will not tolerate it

And get the whole subreddit banned for Babe posting?

Do it already! Half the office loves CNN and the other half likes some weird combo of OANN, Fox, and the Hill. I need some real drama over here!

It's been released and is kind of boring. I think you'll have to wait for the rebuttal for some real dramatic action.

You are actually wrong. The office may as well be burning down. I’ve got a senior partner shouting at two associates over the legality of FISA, the secretaries are trying to sort out what the FBI should have done, and everyone seems to be fighting.

100 attorneys at this firm and they’re all at war. Cept me. I’m just spinning in my office chair listening to it all.

Oh shit, I can't tell whether that sounds like a toxic work environment, really entertaining, or a little bit of both.

It'll be entertaining when he records and posts it.

Normally it’s a great place to work. Today is special. But enjoyable.

Damn, quiet as a tomb in my office atm. Then again, I never hear people talking politics here and the place usually empties out by 3 on Fridays. I'm looking forward to bantz with my conservative friends. Unfortunately they aren't stupid and didn't expect much from Nunez's memo.

I’m only in the office today because I have a settlement negotiation in the afternoon. Otherwise I’d have fucked off to the gun range.

Your basement isn’t an office you NEET.

Don't the attorneys have important shit to be doing? Is this the kind of shit that goes on while they bill me for $500/hr?

Depends on the firm. Friday tends to be fuckitall day for us. Most attorneys seem to do their billing properly (ie charge for time worked not time screeching about Shillary). There are a couple who do a 9-5 and yet their billing is a bit wonky.

I personally talk shit between increments. Stress relief for me and the client isn’t billed.

living that south park neutral life

The memo is kinda boring tbqhwyf. Not a single mention of porn stars or golden showers :-/




Okey dokey,

The entire memo is about the discredited Steele Dossier being used to obtain a FISA warrant required to spy on an American citizen.

Does any of this matter?

  1. The memo contains no new information, and is really just a list of Trump admin gripes in declassified memo form.

  2. The memo fails to mention that Page has been under investigation for his ties to Russia since 2014, years before the release of the Steele Dossier.

  3. The memo tacitly admits that the Steele Dossier was not the only evidence submitted to the FISA court in order to obtain a search warrant against Page.

So, if the Steele Dossier were the sole basis for obtaining a FISA warrant against a US citizen that would be troubling, but that's not what has happened here. The Steele Dossier appears to have been added to evidence already gathered against Page years after the investigation had already begun.

That's a nice bit of spin

"Deputy Director McCabe testified before the Committee in December 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information."

"The 'dossier' compiled by Christopher Steele (Steele dossier) on behalf of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Hillary Clinton campaign formed an essential part of the Carter Page FISA Application."

"Neither the initial application in October 2016, nor any of the renewals, disclose or reference the role of the DNC, Clinton campaign, or any party/campaign in funding Steele's efforts, even though the political origins of the Steele dossier were then known to senior DOJ and FBI officials."

This might not be Watergate, but this is a serious fuckup.

Speaking of spin, all of the quotes contain unverifiable claims. If Nunes wishes to prove these assertions he can push for the release of the transcript of McCabe's testimony and the for the release of the FISA applications going back to 2014.

Ah, the "it ain't real" defense. I had wondered what line people would settle on.

I don't doubt the core facts of the memo, I doubt Nunes characterization of the statements of others. for a couple reasons -

  1. Nunes failure to mention that the investigation into Page's activities dates back to 2014 is a conscious failure to provide crucial context and is evidence of a willingness to deceive.

  2. Nunes could be pushing for the release of documents proving his claims, he has failed to do so.

Talk about an absolute #nothingburger. This is more disappointing than when I didn’t get a my sized Barbie for Christmas when I was ten.

all of that was already known

The "dossier" was originally funded by anti-Trump Republicans during the primary

You're falling for the nonsense. Notice how the memo fails to mention that the guy was already under surveillance and doesn't say anything about whether the dossier was the only evidence considered by the court when considering an extension of the existing warrant? Also notice how the memo is carefully to say that the dossier formed the core of the decision to request the extension, not to grant it. This is exactly the stunt everyone predicted Nunez was pulling. It's exactly the kind of dishonesty we expected to see. What sucks is that it will work.

What sucks is that it will work.

Of course it will. If the FISA warrant into Page wouldn't have been extended without the Steele dossier and the dossier itself was unverified and politically motivated (and these two features were known by top brass and not reflected in the warrant application), that's a huge fuckup.

They clearly felt they needed (or at least wanted badly) to use the dossier in order to continue the surveillance of Page.

What would be wrong with deciding to extend surveillance based on that dossier?

The fact that it was largely unverified and paid for by a political campaign. The unverified part is bad enough, but the expressly political part is dangerous. Had the warrant application been submitted with these provisos (which were known by FBI and DOJ), they could have tried their luck. They didn't.

We don't know how important the dossier was for the court's decision to grant the warrant. I think you're confusing the role of the dossier in the decision to ask for an extension with the role of the dossier in the court's decision to grant the extension. All we know about the material presented to the court was that the dossier was part of it.

Per the memo:

"Deputy Director McCabe testified before the Committee in December 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information."

I'd love to get ahold of that testimony.

But let me ask you a question:

Given that the dossier was largely unverified and transparently political, was it appropriate for FBI and DOJ who knew these things to omit them from the FISA application?

Maybe? How can I answer that question without knowing the role played by the dossier in the application or how it was presented?

But Carter Page is an actual Russian agent, though.

"Stop spying on my Russian agent! He's trying to collect info for Putin and get the sanctions removed! Uhh, uhh, the evidence was gathered illegally! Yeah, that's the ticket."

Yeah but none of that matters. Even if the Trump campaign was improperly surveilled that's not why the Russian investigation started. A Trump aide got drunk and told an Australian diplomat how much fun he was having trying to collude with Russia. This is geniunely a true story. The Australian diplomat then contacted the US embassy which opened the investigation.


I read the memo I don’t understand what the hub-bub is about.

Well I dunno what exactly is with this supposed memo, I just hope it leads to a shitstorm in murica

We've pretty much been a 24/7 shitstorm for about 2 years now. Where have you been?

It can always get better.

it's not a real shitstorm until the senators start throwing fists at each other while in session

Live from CSPAN

Don't worry daddy can purge the national traitors in the fbi now with full backing of the party

The Donald has a bad legal advice thread sticked to the top by a mod that is absolutely fucking nonsensical. They're so sure that this gets rid of the entire Mueller investigation.


(Declassified by order of the President February 2, 2018)


January 18, 2018

To: HPSCI Majority Members

From: HPSCI Majority Staff

Subject: Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Abuses at the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation


This memorandum provides Members an update on significant facts relating to the Committee's ongoing investigation into the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and their use of the Foreign .Intelligence Surveillance Act (PISA) during the 2016 presidential election cycle. Our findings, which are detailed below, 1) raise concerns with the legitimacy and legality of certain DOJ and FBI interactions with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), and 2) represent a troubling breakdown of legal processes established to protect the American people from abuses related to the FISA process.


Investigation Update

On October 21, 2016, DOJ and FBI sought and received a FISA probable cause order (not under Title VII) authorizing electronic surveillance on Carter Page from the FISC. Page is a U.S. citizen who served as a volunteer advisor to the Trump presidential campaign. Consistent with requirements under FISA, the application had to be first certified by the Director or Deputy Director of the FBI. It then required the approval of the Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General (DAG), or the Senate-confirmed Assistant Attorney General for the National Security Division.


The FBI and DOJ obtained one initial PISA warrant targeting Carter Page and three FISA renewals from the FISC. As required by statute (50 U.S.C. §,1805(d)(l)), a FISA order on an American citizen must be renewed by the FISC every 90 days and each renewal requires a separate finding of probable cause. Then Director James Comey signed three FISA applications in question on behalf of the FBI, and Deputy Director Andrew McCabe signed one. Then-DAG Sally Yates, then-Acting DAG Dana Boente, and DAG Rod Rosenstein each signed one or more FISA applications on behalf of DOJ.


Due to the sensitive nature of foreign intelligence activity, PISA submissions (including renewals) before the FISC are classified. As such, the public's confidence in the integrity of the FISA process depends on the court's ability to hold the government to the highest standard, particularly as it relates to surveillance of American citizens. However, the FISC's rigor in protecting the rights of Americans, which is reinforced by 90-day renewals of surveillance orders, is necessarily dependent on the government's production to the court of all material and relevant facts. This should include information potentially favorable to the target of the FISA application that is known by the government. In the case of Carter Page, the government had at least four independent opportunities before the FISC to accurately provide an accounting of the relevant facts. However, our findings indicate that, as described below, material and relevant information was omitted.



The "dossier" compiled by Christopher Steele (Steele dossier) on behalf of the Democratic Nati-onal Committee (DNC) and the 􀇆llary Clinton campaign formed an essential part of the Carter Page FISA application. Steele was a longtime FBI source who was paid over $160,000 by the DNC and Clinton campaign, via the law firm Perkins Coie and research firm Fusion GPS, to obtain derogatory information on Donald Trump's ties to Russia.

a) Neither the initial application in October 2016, nor any of the renewals, disclose or reference the role of the DNC, Clinton campaign, or. any party/campaign in funding Steele's efforts, even though the political origins of the Steele dossier were then known to senior DOJ and FBI officials.

b) The initial FISA application notes Steele was working for a named U.S. person, but does not name Fusion GPS and principal Glenn Simpson, who was paid by a U.S. law firm (Perkins Coie) representing the DNC ( even though it was known by DOJ at the_ time that political actors were involved with the Steele dossier). The application does not mention Steele was ultimately working on behalf of-and paid by-the DNC and Clinton campaign, or that the FBI had separately authorized payment to Steele for the same information.



The Carter Page FISA application also cited extensively a September 23, 2016, Yahoo News article by Michael Isilcoff, which focuses on Page's July 2016 trip to Moscow. This article does not corroborate the Steele dossier because it is derived from information leaked by Steele himself to Yahoo News. The Page FISA application incorrectly assesses that Steele did not directly provide information to Yahoo News. Steele has admitted in British court filings that he met with- Yahoo News-and several other. outlets-in September 2016 at the direction of Fusion GPS. Perkins Coie was aware of Steele's initial media contacts because they hosted at least one meeting in Washington D.C. in 2016 with Steele and Fusion GPS where this matter was discussed.

a) Steele was suspended and then terminated as an FBI source for what the FBI defines as the most serious of violations-an unauthorized disclosure to the media of his relationship with the FBI in an October 30, 2016, Mother Jones article by David Com. Steele should have been terminated for his previous undisclosed contacts with Yahoo and other outlets in September - before the Page application was submitted to the FISC in October-but Steele improperly concealed from and lied to the FBI about those contacts.

b) Steele's numerous encounters with the media violated the cardinal rule of source handling-maintaining confidentiality-and demonstrated that Steele had become a less than reliable source for the FBI.



Before and after Steele was terminated as a source, he maintained contact with DOJ via then-Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr, a senior DOJ official who worked closely with Deputy Attorneys General Yates and later Rosenstein. Shortly after the election, the FBI began interviewing Ohr, documenting his communications with Steele. For example, in September 2016, Steele admitted to Ohr his feelings against then candidate Trump when Steele said he "was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president." This clear evidence of Steele's bias was recorded by Ohr at the time and subsequently in official FBI files but not reflected in any of the Page FISA applications.

a) During this same time period, Ohr's wife was employed by Fusion GPS to assist in the cultivation of opposition research on Trump. Ohr later provided the FBI with all of his wife's opposition research, paid for by the DNC and Clinton campaign via Fusion GPS. The Ohrs' relationship with Steele and Fusion GPS was inexplicably concealed from the FISC.



According to the head of the FBI's counterintelligence division, Assistant Director Bill Priestap, corroboration of the Steele dossier was in its "infancy" at the time of the initial Page PISA application. After Steele was terminated, a source validation report conducted by an independent unit within FBI assessed Steele's reporting as only minimally corroborated. Yet, in early January 2017, Director Comey briefed President-elect Trump on a summary of the Steele dossier, even though it was-according to his June 2017 testimony-"salacious and unverified." While the PISA application relied on Steele's past record of credible reporting on other unrelated matters, it ignored or concealed his anti-Trump financial and ideological motivations. Furthermore, Deputy Director McCabe testified before the Committee in December 2017 that po surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information.



The Page FISA application also mentions information regarding fellow Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos, but there is no evidence of any cooperation or conspiracy between Page and Papadopoulos. The Papadopoulos information triggered the opening of an FBI counterintelligence investigation in late July 2016 by FBI agent Pete Strzok. Strzok was reassigned by the Special Counsel's Office to FBI Human Resources for improper text messages with his mistress, FBI Attorney Lisa Page (no known relation to Carter Page), where they both demonstrated a clear bias against Trump and in favor of Clinton, whom Strzok had also investigated. The Strzok/Lisa Page texts also reflect extensive discussions about the investigation, orchestrating leaks to the media, and include a meeting with Deputy Director McCabe to discuss an "insurance" policy against President Trump's election.

Seeing this shit in a Reddit comment seriously makes me wonder if Stephen Paddock had the right idea.


You're witnessing the end of my faith in humanity. Please have some respect, you FUCKING SHITLORD.

This copy paste is very nice of you Edward xx

Memo contents as far as I can understand them:

Britbong gets paid by Mommy's party. Britbong (as Euros do) hate America, freedom and Daddy. Britbong compiles salacious dossier on Daddy. Dossier is then used to get a warrant on a Daddy associate, despite the fact it remains mostly unverified and its political origins (though known by top FBI and DOJ officials) are not disclosed to FISA court. Another piece of evidence to bolster the unverified Britbong paper is a Yahoo News article. Turns out Yahoo News article is circular, since its source is Britbong himself. Former FBI high ranking official says without dossier, there is no warrant. Warrant granted anyways despite these massive flaws, warrant is renewed multiple times.

TL;DR: DNC pays foreigner to write unverified dossier, FBI and DOJ officials who knew it was political and unverified didn't disclose that, warrant granted. They renew warrant again and again.

Except it’s a renewal of a surveillance application, meaning the original FISA application to conduct surveillance on carter page preceded it and relied on absolutely nothing alleged in the Steele dossier. In fact there were 3 renewal requests so we don’t even know which one this is.

Per the memo:

"Deputy Director McCabe testified before the Committee in December 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information."

The applicants for the warrant clearly felt like they needed (or badly wanted) the dossier to extend the warrant. The fact that the dossier was largely unverified and paid for by the opposing political campaign and that this was known by top brass and omitted from the warrant application is a big deal.

It's not a big deal at all. A Republican hired an opposition research company to do opposition research. Then the Democrats picked up the contract. This is standard operating procedure in politics.

The fact that the agent who collected the intelligence caught Trump's campaign swimming in Russian agents doesn't negate the fact that Trump's campaign was swimming in Russian agents.

That's some mighty delusions you have there. The only place swarming with Russian agents is Remington Steeles flat.

Correction: Russian agent Carter Page gets sloppy, FBI is onto him. Page joins Daddy's campaign, feds keep tracking him. The orange cheeto gets elected with Vlad's help. The rat Page gets arrested, pleads guilty and flips. Bootlicking weiner Nunes tries to white knight for Daddy, writes a fanfic about how the FBI totally collected evidence illegally.

This is also the only verified Russian interference in the American election.

Washington: In one corner, we have despicable partisan rats putting out a skewed propaganda document. On the other, we have political elites fighting to keep their kingdom of secrecy that allows all manner of abuses.

The memo doesn't come close to saying what Hannity and company want it to say. It clearly is cherry-picked. It is also laughable, as the Democrats and FBI allege, that this "memo" harms national security. What a shit show of dishonesty across the board.

I'll take the people fighting the Russkies.

I still have no idea if this is good or bad for Daddy, someone tell me how to react.

It's a dud, it doesn't really have a net effect on the narrative. If it were a slam dunk bombshell we'd be having a very different conversation right now.

Why isn't anyone asking the real question: how will this affect the price of bitcoin?

This is good for bitcoin.

When the government falls because they have to move the deep state coup up, the only currency left will be bitcoin. It'll still be a bubble though.

Lol it's a nothing burger. Trump gets cucked again