TrollX becomes more woquer, lays down the law

91  2018-02-08 by v_is_one_person


"Instead of spirit animal, just use fursona"

Someone, anyone, just end me.

Nah, please're better than that. Plus killing yourself over furry trollx user? This will not look good in a suicide note.

"He died as he lived, raging at r/trollx"

What is your fursona? Its okay, this is a safe space.

Mine is a spirit animal. Like literally a dead animal that has turned into a ghost

"I identify as ectoplasm"

Mine is a spirit animal. Like literally a dead animal that has turned into a ghost

So... basically roadkill?

I like to imagine they've been humanely killed but the reality is it was probably horrific

I had some deerburger the other week. There was some story about they hit it and it screamed after they pit a bullet in it, a couple of times. Well, eventually they got into the bed of the truck (dead i think, but don't quote me) and eventually they overcooked it.

That burger was awful.

The cars on that show are basically a metaphor for the state of my life

you got it all fucked up

this is a keep-yourself-safe space


unironic btw

Mine is a sheep. uwu

don't you mean

Min is a sheep, ewe

Ron Jeremy

August Ames

Do a flip off a tall building!

This is the most horrifying timeline



Same! I’m currently trying to figure out an alternative to “totem pole” (like “I’m lower on the totem pole than she is”) - “chain of command” doesn’t quite fit.

Imagine living like this

Pecking order is chicken appropriation.

Somehow I didn't think feminists would be jumping at the opportunity to compare themselves to a bunch of old hens.

/u/wholesomedramauser you need to explain to these people that Feather Americans don't give a fuck about "cultural appropriation", as long as you hand over the booze first.

/u/emnii It may surprise you to know that not even a large minority of native Americans practice the old traditions. We generally aren't going on spirit quests and shit, we are normal people that can joke, it's a religion, it has nothing to do with most of us. Also I highly doubt your whitebread ass is going to ban mocking Christians so just stay in your lane Becky.


I like this guy hey hey

Also I highly doubt your whitebread ass is going to ban mocking Christians so just stay in your lane Becky.

Imagine thinking this is a burn


I'm sorry you don't have a sense of humor Becky

That's because you dont get it.

Someone's buttmad

Honestly you right, that was weak.

Are you 1/16th cherokee

Im half native, specifically Hoh tribe.

Hey how are ya! Hey how are ya! Hey how are ya!

As someone who grew up in a native family and goes to many Comanche Fairs and the likes... Can confirm. A lot of Comanches don't really practice the old traditions. Just normal people tryin' to get by. That's it.

How about these fucking upper middle class 3d white women start raising money to donate some dialysis machines to reservations across the continent instead of some feel good vocabulary changes?

Imagine living like this

Serious talk. A lot of passionate activists I've known burn out specifically because of this. They'll still do community work but on a much smaller, quieter scale because people like this at bigger organizations chase away eager, hard-working but human activists.

Politics drive me past the point of buttmad. Keep talking, I need it.

Suffer not the furry to live.

/u/Sophia_Forever your cultural appropriation is disgusting.

Peak mayo.

makes it easier to pick out the freaks i appreciate it


Tell me more about the rabbits.

Strange I never thought of spirit animal as cultural appropriation, just as a kind of blasphemy I guess. Same as any jesus fucking christ, or oh my god.

Christians are not an oppressed minority whose people were forced to surrender their native lands and subjected to genocide that affects their children to this day, socially, but politically wherein the sovereignty of their nations is totally diaregarded in lieu of the personhood of pollutant corporations. So, no... It's a lot more insulting than just sacrilege. Also because most Chrisitians use polytheism as an excuse to use the slur "savage" and denigrate the spirituality and belief of those whom they continue to rob and then perpetuate awful fallacious stereotypes about.

Oppression Olympics Gold Medalist

Christians are meanies, therefore the rules don't apply to them.

That's kind of the point of that 'punching up' bullshit. It's just, 'You have to be respectful toward me, but I'm allowed to fart in your face if I want to'.

Aka younger sibling syndrome.

I mean Christians went through that too just longer ago.

The yazidis, copts, assyrians and chaldeans are still oppressing the muslims of Rome!!!

They still are, in a bunch of Muslim majority countries.

Wait, are christians still dominating the middle east?

Christians aren't oppressed anywhere nor anyway that matters (right here, in the way I care about) so they can't be an oppressed group at all.


lol another progressive stack adherent who doesn't believe in a world outside the USA

You would be lucky if they think life exists outside of their suburb.

The USA is far too diverse for that to apply so broadly

Christians are not an oppressed minority

We are, just not in the west, for the most part. I mean I thought that whole policy was an attempt to be more aware of how others around the world might feel about things but there you go.

Thanks for taking a stand and clarifying. I left TrollX for a while for it's white feminist feeling. Anytime I addressed spirit animal comments or talked about the unique experiences of being a brown lady/sometimes nb/pan/disabled person and how that inevitably complicates each of those self expressions and the general response, the tone seemed really defensive and unrepentant. It was well worth the break because an area that made me uncomfortable was not worth the trauma of confrontation, more and more posts were making me feel like I wasn't the target demographic and thus definitively unwelcome for my criticisms.

And silver goes to



my vagina is in my purse...


Dude, YES. and I hate how much people here will try to defend it. Like "I'm not mocking his actual dick, I'm mocking his insecurity about his dick" like come the fuck on, that's the same exact thing and you know it.

You know what. I'm gonna actually give them props for this attempt at consistency.

We'll see if it's ever actually enforced.

Pretty much every sub is filled to the brim with millennial scraggly bearded theys. You know when one male feminist types to another male feminist wrong thinker that his penis is tiny the hypocrisy still makes them hurt too.

(I wouldn't hold my breath)

Probably because they're all self-conscious of being made fun of for having micropenises

i'm not making fun of ham beasts, i'm making fun of how ham beasts are disgusted by their own ham beast bodies, because they are sickeningly fat ham beasts.


Body shaming is not respectful. - You're all beautiful and we're not going to tolerate anyone telling someone else that their body shape or size sucks. Body shaming comments or posts will be removed.

I can’t be the only one who knows they’re obese legbeards, angrily staring at that fit chic with a guy whose arm can actually slide around her.

Health at every size! Fat is beautiful!

I unironically miss FPH.

I unironically miss FPH.

We all do brother, except for gross fatties, aka 75% of reddit.


I mean the body shaming thing goes both ways, if I had to guess, thin/fit women probably deal with the most body shaming from people who are jealous or insecure on that sub.

You notice how thin people rarely complain about being body shamed? 🧐 by Jove I think it’s because they are happy and know they’re healthy!

The women I know all keep quiet about it cuz otherwise they just get told they have thin privilege

Lol where do you live


Maybe it's because they are very rarely body shamed ?

Dont try to be reasonable here hun

DeepDickedHillbilly exposed them in all that roast post as fat leg beards.

Wait is that why he gone? I missed this :(

Yes. R.I.P.

when did that happen?

This (archive) is the thread that started it all. He posted it to /r/drama repeatedly (the mods kept removing the threads within a few hours of them being posted) and kept pinging the same people in every thread, saying the same to them. The sub mods eventually banned him, so he proceeded to post it in a bunch of other random subreddits. Here are some examples:

He was eventually suspended by the admins.

Here are some related /r/drama threads about the whole thing:

Holy shit thanks for the amazingly detailed response!

Wait isn't this what got u/deepdickedhillbilly banned? Watch out for the mayo admins

His mistake was supplying usernames. I’m just providing Imgur links and leaving it to you mongs to do whatever.

Why don’t you have a “The Reason Trump Will Win 2020”? We all know at this rate it’s gonna happen.

too many characters to fit and im lazy. some other nerd has why_trump_will_win or something like that tho

and im lazy

The Reason Trump Won

how do i make an empty post?

No clue ask your predecessor


delet this

Go to "Preferences" and then click "Deactivate," it's the second tab from the right.



Trying this right now!

Kill yourself.

Cause there's a solid chance it doesn't happen and the smug neoliberals will be out for blood if Trump loses.

Solid chance he would have never won the first time too.

Spirit-animal-Kin once again being lambasted by the bigots in TwoManyChromosomes.

At some point twomanychromos is gonna merge with gender critical.

That's okay my spirit-animal doesn't adhere to binary gender pronouns.

Not unless it starts hating trans people

I can kinda see TERF becoming a bigger thing over stuff like this

I really hope y'all are going to remove dick size insults. I knows this is a fun way to try to ward off obnoxious dude bros who wander into the sub, but it's still definitely body shaming.

Sweet, they can't make fun of my tiny dick anymore! Open season on cocktail wieners, ladies!



It's because they can't say "you guys". Plus they're really woke so they're down with the AAVE.

They're hooked on Ebonics.

And single motherhood

And heroin.

How fucking DARE you. "Y'all" is proud Confederate talk, not ebonics.

Just because white people owned the black people that said it doesn't make it a white people thing

protip: If someone says you have a small dick, you arent allowed to prove them wrong

I dunno man it's pretty easy to do

I just learned some people who having hearing difficulties are upset by the phrase "tone deaf" (yes, even though it refers to music or insert other rationalizing here). I hope I never hurt anyone's feelings using it, good to know.

/u/Al-E-Kat why should you care that someone was offended because they misunderstood something as common as tone deafness? You're doing yourself and everybody else a disservice by bending over backwards for stupid people, even if they happen to be deaf.

also how are they even going to hear someone say "tone deaf" to be offended by

For the sake of sanity I'm goung to assume this was a despaired attempt at passive-aggressively uttering critique.


This is why no one takes anything a feminist says seriously and why so many feminists can't find a real man.

How dare they even call themselves trolls?

Trolling in twox is anything that goes against a legbeard hivemind. The real trolls they never catch because they are pretending to be legbeards.

TrollX is a place for trolly visual humor like memes, gifs, comics, and videos. Even though they can be funny, text articles are almost always going to get removed.

Trolling = Posting things like "MRW when I get my period"

80% of their current front page is just reaction images. Is this what entertains them?

MRW women are truly deficient in intelligence

'Trolls' refers to their appearance, not their behavior.

And there’s the biweekly reminder that I’m banned from trollx

Why do mayo legbeards determine what’s culturally appropriating?

Coz other people have literally anything else to do.

Because minorities arent woke enough to understand their own culture and whats best for them.

Please avoid using phrases that could be perceived as cultural appropriation, such as describing something as your "spirit animal". - You can call something your "spirit animal" and most people won't hate you, but you will catch more side-eyes than if you had used something like "patronus" instead.

/u/emnii anything can be regarded as cultural appropriation. You typing in English is cultural appropriation.

I can't believe someone unironically typed that.

Your use of agricultural crops is culturally appropriated from the middle east you shitlord! How dare you appropriate beer culture with your pastuerized and refrigerated milk!

/u/emnii have you considered that penning people's culture to their race is pretty fucking racist?

I mean of they're going to decend to that level of white feminist woque pedantry it seems the weird to use 'catch[ing] side eye' as it is an appropriation of african american slang.

Im not the type to use "my spirit animal" but I've occasionally found myself almost saying it, but stopping (aware of the cultural insensitivity) and not having a substitute to use to continue my thought. "

u/heart-cooks-brain Native Americans care more about fixing actual issues like alcoholism in their community compared to getting offended by people saying they have an imaginary animal watching them, unlike you.

Its not like those indians can do it without the help of white women.

Maybe white women are the reason they drink that much 🤔

wtf I love injuns now

You can call something your "spirit animal" and most people won't hate you, but you will catch more side-eyes than if you had used something like "patronus" instead.


lol is that an hp reference?


I legitimately refuse to watch or read Harry Potter anymore. I'm just so tired of it. It's kind of like capeshit to me.

On a scale of trollx to Archer, how wide is your reference lexicon?

just never read hp or seen the movies. too busy studying the blade


Or just keep yourself safe

if they'd read the correct series of childrens adventure novels they could call them daemons which are actually a decent match for the concept theyre trying to convey

u/cboo09 how can you live such a sheltered life? Jesus Christ, no wonder you have 300 different kind of mental diseases. And trauma of confrontation? On the titernets? Shieet i don't know how you wake up everyday and not scream at the wall for being white. Hope you can recover and live a normal life

u/emnii I must protest. At this point it has become extreme cultural appropriation for you to call the people in your sub " Trolls ". There is nothing troll like about you people anymore.
Just to save you some time: someone already banned me.

If you look at their weekly Trollcall where they post pictures of themselves, they are all most definitely trolls.

Noooooooooooooo. They don't do that do they , I gotta see this. .

OMG. I went and checked. 1st you were right. 2cnd Now I am torn.

/r/TrollXChromosomes mods you guys better listen. u/emnii talking to you. You guys are playing games with the fragile hearts of your sub members.

I want to realllllly badly post a bunch of those pics here and make fun of them. I think that them calling themselfs trolls gives me license, as you should never ever publicly post any sort of sensitive information if you are a troll.

However /r/TrollXChromosomes is clearly a womans support group for the fragile and downtrodden. Not a group of tough and devious trolls. As such I will refrain from doing what my heart desires. For now.


culturally appropriating the Romans

And Slytherin.

/u/emnii's spirit animal is the giant panda.

What? Why?

Because it's fat, stupid, and useless.

With almost zero libido too

“You’re all beautiful...”

It’s not a lie if you believe it.

You can call something your "spirit animal" and most people won't hate you, but you will catch more side-eyes than if you had used something like "patronus" instead.

These people always manage force Harry Potter into every discussion.

They're decent children books, not holy scripture to plan you life around, y'all.

Is there anything more boring that British conservatives?

I was going to say yes, but then I couldn't thing of it.

Canadian conservatives give them a run for their money.

What a bunch of tiny dicked nancies

I just got banned for asking which of many thousands of Native American groups used 'spirit animals'.

The ones who spoke English.

Oh wait.

The chill tranny ones who sat around smoking dope and speaking to animals

"Christians are not an oppressed minority whose people were forced to surrender their native lands and subjected to genocide that affects their children to this day, socially, but politically wherein the sovereignty of their nations is totally diaregarded in lieu of the personhood of pollutant corporations."

Imagine being this oblivious. There are numerous historical examples of Christians being concured and institutionally oppressed, some quite recently.

Btw you do know that, globally, Christians are more oppressed than Muslims, right?

I blame the Romans for not crushing the Jewish heresy known as "Christianity".

Could someone please come oppress the Jehovah's Witnesses who keep bombarding me with literature when I'm walking my dog?

I really hope y'all are going to remove dick size insults. I knows this is a fun way to try to ward off obnoxious dude bros who wander into the sub, but it's still definitely body shaming.

/u/BiteTheWorld is right. Plus it's very hurtful to all the transgender users on TrollX.

Please avoid using phrases that could be perceived as cultural appropriation, such as describing something as your "spirit animal".

lmfao kill all white women

But what if r/trollx is my spirit animal?

I was banned from there for being too feminist.

Your link doesn't work. But that's OK. Nobody will care about this tomorrow.

Just wait until one regular accuses another of violating the rules, then one of them contacts a mod buddy.

There isn't enough popcorn in the universe.

Hello trolls!

but without them our subreddit would devolve into mindless nonsense.


Body shaming is not respectful. - You're all beautiful

Please avoid using phrases that could be perceived as cultural appropriation, such as describing something as your "spirit animal". - You can call something your "spirit animal" and most people won't hate you, but you will catch more side-eyes than if you had used something like

So they literally culturally appropriate "catch" (black) "side-eyes" (asian) in their post about forbidding cultural appropriation.

Troll-x isn't sending their best, folks.

i'm so used to people telling me to keep myself safe that it's honestly jarring when I see mods in other subs try and make their subreddits positive and uplifting environments

Positive by protecting made up nonsense and giving a safe space for thin skinned creatures to lie to each other about how fierce and sexy they are.


Thank you mods!!! I love this sub. I just wish it was not only a virtual space and there was a secret troll room in every town to chat and meme and cry together with lots of troll strangers

Thanks for taking a stand and clarifying. I left TrollX for a while for it's white feminist feeling. Anytime I addressed spirit animal comments or talked about the unique experiences of being a brown lady/sometimes nb/pan/disabled person and how that inevitably complicates each of those self expressions and the general response, the tone seemed really defensive and unrepentant. It was well worth the break because an area that made me uncomfortable was not worth the trauma of confrontation, more and more posts were making me feel like I wasn't the target demographic and thus definitively unwelcome for my criticisms. Mods taking a stand against appropriation is a big deal and I'm extremely happy I logged in today (a now rare occurence) to see this. It makes me want to try being here again. There was a time when TrollX was very important to me and I'm deeply in need of reasonable feminist connection, but it absolutely needs to be intersectional

Please avoid using phrases that could be perceived as cultural appropriation

I fucking love that "cultural appropriation" has become a thing in the USA and no-where else. It's hilarious to see people who think of themselves as progressive insisting on racial purity.

The worst of reddit, made even more worse.