CB2 mocks rape victims

134  2018-03-14 by life_is_painfull


CB2: "The thread about Hawkings was misleading, we're not that hateful"

Also CB2: "Lol male rape victims"

The Hawking thread was so isolated and non-CB2 that it's now stickied on the front page.

Really makes you think

ironically stickied by /u/supergauntlet

um wrong sweaty, I stickied it because it's a great post :)

The only great posts are in cb1 duh

Be on the look out for the troon agenda

..What anti-hawkins thread?

In which all of cb2 shit's on the op

Well, to be fair, /r/drama stickies their autistic posts too.

Get your ass in here now Snappy before they delete it.

Before who deletes it? CB2 has like, 1 mod now and he hates the users.

how is life celocunt?

Please don't be mean in r/drama, this is a friendly place for friendly people.


sorry friend

/r/drama takeover when



Oh look what we have there, the pathetic privileged idiot DSD-3.

Wow the misandrist whores are out in force today, someone must have burnt a period candle last night.

/u/knappsterbot, what's wrong with getting redditors scared of women? Do you think that extra caution about obtaining consent is unsexy? Or are you upset that this will deprive many women of skittish redditor dick?

Oh boy I made it to r/drama! I'll just say I'm not mocking the victims, just the way Reddit flocks to this sort of thing, just like the Terry Crews stuff. It was overly callous in hindsight but oh well I made my bed.

Why didn't you delete the post like they asked you to?

I'm about to, it was a mistake. I was in a bad headspace.

Do you think the fact your title reflects more of a contempt for men, than a critique of Reddit culture, reflects the fact that you have misandric tendencies?

No. It didn't convey what I wanted because I went for snark over clarity. I am a man and don't hate myself or other men, but I get frustrated with the attitudes so many have on Reddit. I expressed it poorly with that post.

for what it's worth, you're right, lol, reddit has a hard on for male rape. just a bit tone deaf to call people out on it.

That's the conclusion I came to as well.

You had a good point, but phrased it poorly.

reddit has a hard on for male rape.

Should have said β€œMale rape makes reddit wet.”

Probably because it's difficult to discuss literally anywhere else.

Don't you think it'd be better to focus on examples of Reddit reacting negatively to female victims, rather than mocking Reddit for reacting positively to male victims?


I went for snark over clarity.

Oh my, we'd never do that here!

Oh boy, a male feminist mocks rape victims. What else is new?

Self-reflection and admitting a mistake?!? Not on my reddit buddy!

not enough groveling. this is about people's lives, fate worse than death, tears for the ages, trauma of a lifetime, and you took a giant shit on it. idc tbh, but this apology reeks of a little something called unexamined privilege. you're a male feminist, i know you can grovel better than that.

misandristic, misogynic is also not a word

Ty, supprised there even an official term for it, lol

is this a joke lmao

I'm about to, it was a mistake. I was in a bad headspace. I am retarded.

just the way Reddit flocks to this sort of thing

But what's bad about it?

The double standard. Women are doubted and men are held up as victims, even in cases of women accusing men.

But that means that redditors are more afraid of women raping them and falsely accusing them, which makes them stay the fuck away from women, which is good, no?

Haha that's not a terrible point


Well said

Lol just some epic liberal humor for ya

Libtard TOTALLY TROLLED EPIC STYLE 21 21 21 πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

Women are doubted and men are held up as victims

You think that female rape victims are doubted more than male rape victims?

Here on Reddit, yes.

Women are snakes and liars out to corrupt the innocence of man

Thanks for providing an example boss

This but unironically

Meanwhile in reality, Crews' case was dropped.

Holy shit you're serious?

Alright. Show me 3 examples of female victims telling their story on reddit and redditors not believing her. Or even just one if you want to be really lazy about it.

Delusions like this are common among feminists. One of the consequences of their severe mental illness. It's like they live in a fantasy world.

wtf i love whataboutism now

Remember that one time a dude falsely accused a woman of rape

No one else does either

just the way Reddit flocks to this sort of thing

You do realize that twoxchromosomes and related subs do exist, right? The creation of crewscrew or whatever didn't wipe them out. They're, like, a massively populated sub that gets posts to r/all almost every day.

And they also have a rape related thread hit /r/all like once a week

try once a day

why am I not getting more attention REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


I feel like you have a limited vocabulary

Shut ya trap, faggit

Why are you giving me more attention? I become more powerful with every reply!

Oh shi-

This edge

we hear about female victims like literally every day. and no matter how much you think women aren't taken seriously, male victims are taken about 10% as seriously as women

"I'm not mocking male rape victims, just kvetching about the support they get"

The Terry Crews stuff? Reddit was definitely in an uproar over the women as well, I felt like.

But overall Reddit flocks to what it believes is the untold story. People want to see things they didn't expect.

The Terry Crews stuff? Reddit was definitely in an uproar over the women as well, I felt like

They were, but only Crews got a dedicated subreddit that immediately shot to the front page.

But overall Reddit flocks to what it believes is the untold story. People want to see things they didn't expect.

I definitely recognize that, but in conjunction with the demographic that tends to skew towards misogyny.

Lol Terry Crews is a Reddit darling, he's basically a built-in meme here. He probably has like 4 subreddits.

skew towards misogyny

Of course. And I'm sure BLM says Reddit skews racist. I'm sure MRAs say it skews white knight. Progressives say it's an alt-right shitfest, right-leaners say it's a leftist cesspool.

Reddit is a wonderful place because of how diversely it allows people to bicker over who is more hated sitewide.

Reddit is a wonderful place because of how diversely it allows people to bicker over who is more hated sitewide.

Hey that's part of why I like it too. The voting system does give some insight on prevailing popular ideas and subjects though so talking about trends aren't without some objective data.

One of the major unspoken reasons for this is that men don't lie about rape while women do. Even the lowest estimates put women's false accusation rate at 8%, which is pretty shockingly high. Since no one gives a shit about raped men, we just don't have the same incentive to lie about it. Therefore, you never need to consider the possibility of a false accusation when a man is the one accusing. With women, the odds of an accusation being false are pretty significant.

but oh well I made my bed.

And now youre getting raped in it.

When you care about being contrarian more than you care about rape victims

Why do you think it's okay to mock rape victims?

Why waste all this time and effort justifying your shitty behaviour?

Just say "oh you poor menz" like we know you want to.

/u/knappsterbot how does it feel when the top comment calls you out for your BS? Pls express yourself.

It's valid.

Unlike your contributions to society.

Hey I've donated to Wikipedia

tbh I was going to make fun of you for wasting your money, but thats not even all that bad of a thing to contribute to. good on you

Eh, it has a weird and oddly politicized culture. The intent of donation may be good. Though the actual change it effects is negligible.

Which way do you think it sways considering that you said it is slightly(?) politicized?

Having seen a few discussion pages myself, left. It's a very moderate influence but it's there.

Thankfully, I've not yet seen a single actually credible source being removed for political reasons, so the moderation is decent. But perhaps leftist sources are given a bit more leeway than right wing ones.


Go down to the second discussion and read the argument, for an example. The mod claims anthropologists can be sourced on whether there is a biological basis to race.

There was a section about feminism in the article about butcher shops.

Who knows at this point.

Sea lioning

Sea lioning (also spelled sealioning and sea-lioning) is a type of Internet trolling which consists of bad-faith requests for evidence, or repeated questions, the purpose of which is not clarification or elucidation, but rather an attempt to derail a discussion or to wear down the patience of one's opponent. The troll who uses this tactic also uses fake civility and feigns offense so as to discredit their target. The term arises from a 2014 edition of the webcomic Wondermark, where a character expresses an unsubstantiated dislike of sea lions and a passing sea lion repeatedly asks the character to explain.

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/u/Knappsterbot - ever consider it might be because men's stories of being victims of rape and sexual assault are largely/historically ignored by society? Nahhhhhh...that couldn't be it, it's because men hate women!

95% of Reddit are men. People care more about their own, big whoop.

rape is a massive problem, but show me one thread with as many upvotes as this where it asks women their stories.

show me one thread where a man is accused of sexual assault with not all top 5 comments saying "innocent until proven guilty"

show me one subreddit that formed around one woman fighting against misogyny and rape, like /r/crewscrew but not a man

Lmao these fat women actually believe this. Jesus. "innocent until proven guilty" well that's how the system works you fucking retard.

You said it, man.

so can you show me those or nah

It's not my job to educate you

guess I'm right then

educate yourself

imagine being this braindead lmao

why are heterosexuals so gullible




31 upvotes, every top comment is calling it out, has since been deleted.

Imagine being such a bitter faggot and posting there

imagine having a micropenis

Don’t have to uwu


It's not so much that everyone has an ulterior motive, rather that the culture of Reddit is toxic and misguided.

redditor for 7 years

has helped pay for 231.26 minutes of reddit server time

2,341 post karma

95,970 comment karma

Why on earth would you be so involved with a site you think is "toxic and misguided"?? Just fucking leave already!!

Because I like other aspects about it

what do you use reddit for? what aspects do you like?

It's an endless font of content and discussion, we get stuff and people from every corner of the internet and the known universe here. We get a lot of shit too. Ultimately I like the utility that Reddit provides, that's why I've stuck around and participated, but there's still plenty of stuff that bums me out.

In other words, you have a compulsive need to find toxicity to be outraged by.

I could see how you could read it that way if you have a brain injury

It's pretty obvious from your behavior and attitude. I bet you have some kind of sick sexual fetish that can only be satisfied by getting outraged on the internet. You male feminist kooks are always into some weird degenerate shit.

The orgasms are better the more downvotes you get

wew got em

I like interacting with people from every corner of the internet and the known universe. But I hate when they don't see things my way.

I really hate it when shitbags like you incompetently try to twist my words though

Fee free to elaborate and explore, in your own words, your reasoning for coming to a website you "hate", because I'm genuinely curious about people like you.

double-happiness' original question is something I always wonder myself about the CB2 crowd.

I already have nincompoop

Flesh it out a bit more. If you like the discussion Reddit provides, but you frequent CB2 where the discussion centers around how "toxic" Reddit is, with links to posts that run contrary to your sense of morality, then aren't you seeking out things to be outraged by?

I have discussions all over Reddit, it's not like I only participate in CB2. But a lot of the time I've already seen whatever I'm "outraged" about and go to the sub to vent with like-minded people.

if you have a brain injury

Uh buddy, look at the subreddit you're on.

If we didn't have brain defects, we wouldn't be posting here.

I think you’ll fit in pretty well here if you decide to stay

I don't think you;re correct to say that reddit has any particular widespread 'culture', let alone a toxic one. This place actually has some overtly mutually opposed communities.

Whenever I hear people sneering about what a 'basket of deplorables' redditors are I always think they shine more of a light on their own snooty censoriousness.

That's fair but I disagree

Like being able to run into your little corners and soapbox about your virtuous chivalry. Probably can't do that in real life, right? Or you feel better about yourself by pretending to fix the world to make up for the inability to fix your own life?

People demand proof when someone suggests actions being taken against a named accused. Like 'X person' should be arrested or fired. Not for anonymous experiences.

Plus, no one is saying these men should be taken at their word anywhere. But there are plenty of subs where mentioning the fact a woman might possibly lie is blasphemous. It's literally a core tenant of majority feminist subs.

Also, is that sub aware of the irony of being one of the biggest echo chambers on Reddit? You just perpetuate circlejerks you agree with.

Man you sure read a lot into that sentence. Sure I like small subs with like-minded people, but I'm not isolating myself. My life is going pretty well right now so it's more an expression of my frustrations with bigger picture stuff that is harder to change.

my frustrations with bigger picture stuff that is harder to change

That would require not hating a majority of the people and finding excuses/labels to be dismissive about their views.

Ok, I agree with the part about some adolescent boy getting manipulated by some control freak woman isn't awesome just because it involves sex but... So some guy got super wasted and fucked some bitch he didn't want to, who the fuck cares? Men and women are different, it makes sense to have different standards sometimes.

post this to /r/MensRights if u r a real man


Nowhere in my comment did I describe all sex as being enjoyable, so I'm not what you are responding to. What i am saying is that it's ok to treat men and women differently under certain circumstances because they are different.

u/onitan must love CB2

show me one thread where a man is accused of sexual assault with not all top 5 comments saying "innocent until proven guilty"


Why is it a bad thing that people believe in innocent until proven guilty? Are you aware of reddit's history with witch hunts? Do you want those again?

eat my ass nuggets misogynist scum

Men are gagging for it

show me one thread where a man is accused of sexual assault with not all top 5 comments saying "innocent until proven guilty"

/u/wwxxwwxx clearly wasn't around for Brock Turner. None of the threads about him had the innocent until proven guilty comments at the top, despite it being, you know, literally the law of the land.

/u/Benur197 i need to know about the guy who defended bestiality, give me a link pls.

What rape victims? Victims of sexual assault, maybe, but to be raped requires the victim to be harmed in more ways than just physical assault; it requires a societal discrimination of the victims "group".

winner winner chicken dinner. /u/Valdincan you are now king of the tardies

winner winner chicken dinner. you took the fucking bait m8

Reddit is a website almost entirely populated by guys, that cares primarily about men’s issues.

/u/-dEbAsEr 30% of reddit is female. https://imgur.com/gallery/cPzlB