Gussy owner upset when she realizes the superiority of the Neo-Vagina in sporting events. Shitshow in the replies as tone policing, pronoun patrolling and psuedoscience jargon flies everywhere.

142  2018-06-07 by Oh_hamburgers_


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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This is some good drama. OP is a times editor, not some breitbart writer, doesn't insult anyone, remains calm. Continues to cause drama. Fantastic.

Except she keeps going on about “the girls” without realizing SHE IS A GIRL. Girls should be happy that their records are being broken. It’s called progress.


Guys I think we have an actual retard here.

u/recallrethuglicans is an unironic r/esist poster

What an unexpected turn of events. Really throws ya for a loop

We need a blender large enough to fit all r/esist and TD posters in. Then we can make a nice, REEEE smoothie.

That’s a lotta zit juice and Walmart hair gel


What loop?

Not sure, but I bet it’s a problematic loop which erases the lived experience of Latinx trans women,

I bet it’s a problematic loop which erases the lived experience of Latinx trans women.

Yeah, but everything does that. You're not really narrowing it down there.

Personally, I think he's a long-time troll. He keeps it believable most of the time, but every once in a while, he'll say something that's really out there.

What kind of a person with do nothing but troll for over four years?

A dedicated retard.

Hey now let's cool it down.

Lol "why would I even lie about this? If you don't believe me, I don't care."

We have a term to describe someone with this condition: "mod material".

Either way it's a little less sad if you do it ironically and self-aware.

Imagine eating such obvious bait from RR of all users.

Normies get OUT!!

Imagine believing RecallRethuglicans when he tells you “I’m just pretending to be retarded”, meanwhile he’s seriousposting boring shit about gubernatorial candidates to r/california all day.

Just face it. He’s the real deal.

RecallRethuglicans is Ken M tier trolling. He always says the dumbest things possible and people still take him seriously. It's hilarious.

Lol, yeah, totally ironic. That is such a lie.

If RR was such a milkable lolcow why isn't he tagged here more often? Checkmate.

He's been posting insane, Poe's Law bait for so many years. I think Obama was still in his first term. He is, imo, the perfect troll. He constantly posts the literal dumbest shit I've ever seen online and morons line up to try and argue with him. Every time. It's Ken M tier trolling. Look, either he is ShitPoliticsSays's perfect SJW boogeyman dipshit or he is a master troll. I have been leaning troll for yearz.

But they say the same shit and worse I'm places where "trolling" isn't plausible and would be completely absurd to consider.

Honestly, I might be confusing this guy with someone else. Sorry.

holy shit stfu lol


Listen, it is ok. Don't overthink it. Someone out here says something retarded, you mock it, especially when it is me.

Just stick to that.


Where isn’t trolling plausible? Game of trolls went literally everywhere with their antics.

Agreeing with people in obscure places and saying literally nothing out of the ordinary.

Depends on what you call ordinary statements.

Did they magically become not male? Lmao

lol, men are better women than actual women.

Girls should be happy that their records are being broken. It’s called progress.

Lol girls getting smoked by wannabe girls with long hair and a feminine penis is not progress. If anything its just a lesson in biology for all the dumb fucks out there that think women can compete on a mans level in sport.

Yeah males breaking records set by females is the best way for women to celebrate success.

Except they are women too.

A dude in a dress is not a woman lmao

It doesn't fucking matter. Why do you think women are separated in sports in the first place?

So what’s the issue? They are women competing with women. Men have their own separate competitions.

Because it isn't a fair playing field you mongoloid.

I don't ever know why you ask these things when you cant handle the answer.

They aren't biological women. They have a completely different bone and muscle structure and biological men have a larger lung capacity.

Identifying as a woman does not magically change biology.

The reason females can't physically compete with males has nothing to do with identity.

If we adopt this stance it will be physically,impossible for someone born into a female body to ever set a world record.

You're right, every man is a potential women. They just have to make the choice

He said “female,” not “woman.”

this boy is a troll

Girls should be happy that their records are being broken.

Humans should be happy that their records are being broken so women should be inspired by Usain Bolt...?

Stop downvoting for the lolcows you fucking pigs.

gas yourself

Girls are a social construct.

Dare somebody to post this to gendercritical

They'd agree it's bullshit.

Dare someone to post it to TrollX

Idiots would just screen cap the tweet and post it there with the title "LOLOL r u guys triggered???" getting instantly banned.

You need to post a tumblr gif of someone crying, titling the post "My day is ruined after reading so many transphobic comments on a tweet, troll send me good vibes"

You then link the tweet in the comments.

This guy dramas

Lol yeah, I've spent time browsing that subreddit because different perspectives are always interesting. I just noticed after a while that's trans issues are the achilles heel if you will.

I've always wanted to troll them with something but I also don't believe in doing something that causes someone to be genuinely upset. I just like fucking around and shitposting to confuse americans. Like randomly blaming issues on people from Michigan or Nova Scotia.

So you're one of those Russian bots trying to undermine liberal Western society?

I also don't believe in doing something that causes someone to be genuinely upset.

Like, legitimately, what is wrong with you?

Idk I like stuff like making millennials feel old by calling the PS3 retro gaming or randomly blaming a random american state for the furries.

But I don't feel right trolling with comments that hurt other peoples feelings or inciting others to comment things that would hurt other peoples feelings. Don't get me wrong I've done it before and quite often a long time ago. But I don't really feel right about it now.

I know that's kinda retarded.

I envy your creativity

Does anyone remember that movie Juwanna Mann?

Unfortunately, yes.

Lorne: This is crazy. No one is gonna believe you're a woman!

Juwanna Mann: You did!

Lorne: All right. This is blackmail.

Juwanna Mann: No, it's black... FE-male!

Lorne: That's not funny.

due for a remake tbh

ofc the top reply is a guy with a rose emoji next to his name

what does that even mean

Democratic Socialist. The fucking worst kind of the soyboy.

Did he just put an emoji in his name or is it some special marking?

Fuck if I know, I've never used Twitter.

I believe they brand themselves when they are initiated.

unironically using the word soyboy

go get shot by cops in Arizona pls

hit a nerve, soy boy?


the people who unironically use soyboy are the unironic soyboys

that insult is never used for anything but projection, you only ever see it thrown around in places where actual alphas don't hang out

well at least they're self-hating soyboys.

Where do the alphas hang out?‽!!?!? 🤭

how the fuck would I know

In my bussy

It'd make my life easier, that's for sure.

Just curious, what's your position on using 'small souled bugman'?

Anything which makes me feel like I'm in MDE should be taken outside and shot

What about 'liberals get the bullet, too'?

Social-democracy brah, they are actually two different things. Also, stop hating on EU, you bitches are just jealous of our healthcare.

it's a way for woke brocialists to identify each other on social media, because the hammer and sickle emoji would turn off normies

This bronational brocialist gets it.

Lol it's not a brosocialist thing.

The other two are right, but in the UK it’s also just the symbol of the Labour Party.

ah you're more accurate in this case. I'm so used to seeing it from the chapo crowd that I didn't read his bio

His twitter description is even better:

Scottish dissident. Gay husband. Small businessman. Labour centrist. Pro-EU and pro-UK. Editor of @labourhame. Wins elections.

You say it's not fair, and it would also not be fair for all trans athletes to be excluded from competitive athletics, so we have to find a way forward that treats everyone as fairly as possible.

uh huh...such as...???

like that doesn't asnwer the fucking question at all

I'm gonna stick with the tried and true 'no one cares about female sport.'

at least not until men got involved with them, fuckin patriarchy

(The only suitable answer)[]

We need a Final Solution for trannies

So do you believe excluding all trans athletes from competition would be fair, or do you just believe that one unfairness outranks the other, and the trans students just have to be excluded?

I literally don’t see anyone saying they shouldn’t be able to compete at all but it’s ridiculous to say that a trans woman who was biologically born as a man doesn’t have a genetic leg up in a women’s only competition

I'm giving it two years until there is a massive shitshow when transwomen start grabbing up woman's scholarships.

I can't wait tbh. The amount of shit flinging on both sides will be glorious.

And if it's a sport like sprinting where it's you vrs the clock, just classify them in a third and fourth gender for competition.

Or just have them race the men because that's what they physically are. If Thai ladyboy kickboxers can do it right everyone can.

Didn't an FtM dominate a race recently because of the hormonal treatment?

An FtM dominated wrestling in some state where they force you to compete based on your birth certificate.

They have major disadvantages against the men so that's not fair either.

Bad luck.

During Fox's fight against Tamikka Brents, Brents suffered a concussion, an orbital bone fracture, and seven staples to the head in the 1st round. After her loss, Brents took to social media to convey her thoughts on the experience of fighting Fox: "I've fought a lot of women and have never felt the strength that I felt in a fight as I did that night. I can't answer whether it's because she was born a man or not because I'm not a doctor. I can only say, I've never felt so overpowered ever in my life and I am an abnormally strong female in my own right," she stated. "Her grip was different, I could usually move around in the clinch against other females but couldn't move at all in Fox's clinch..."

stories like these and these runners make it obvious that transgender individuals unfortunately cannot compete fairly in a sports setting.

Sure they can. If they have a dong, they fight other dudes with dongs. Not chicks.

Why does the operation matter?

Because it's expensive. Who would pay all that money just to not have people talk about it?

Fallon got the full package years before competing.

Transgender women have advantages over biological women but not all the advantages biological men have. Once hormone therapy starts muscle mass shrinks towards female level.

Once hormone therapy starts muscle mass shrinks towards female level It won't. They are sportsmen, they will maintain it. And if they won't? Takes just going off the pills for a natural source of steroids to kick in.

To be honest I can't help but hope misogynists start pretending they're trans to just fuck with women in these sporting events, the drama would be immensely entertaining.

We need incels to stop nailing their junk to shit and start transitioning.

I'm sure it will happen, how many guys would get off on dominating women in this way? And if I've learned anything it's that you don't even have to shave or grow your hair long to say your a woman.

to be licensed, transgender female fighters must undergo complete "surgical anatomical changes ..., including external genitalia and gonadectomy" (see sex reassignment surgery) and subsequently a minimum of two years of hormone replacement therapy, administered by a board certified specialist.

Looks like a steep price to "dominate women".

Considering high school sports are before most people can even get operated, this would essentially come down to a ban of transgenders. Considering the stakes aren't that high in the first place ( Which both means no one's getting screwed too hard, and that the benefits of faking transgenderism are ridiculously outweighed by the cons ), not sure that's a great way to handle this.

As to the Olympics, while operation isn't needed ( Which can be argued to be a good thing, since some transgenders choose not to get operated ), they still need to be within certain hormone levels for a full year which apparently needs around a year to two to be reached in the first place.

2-3 years of hormone therapy is still a pretty steep price to gain an advantage that, at that point, I'm not sure even exists anymore - Pretty sure the Olympic committee has looked into the fairness of that rule pretty in depth.

Overall I still find that the claims people could pretend to be transgender to gain an unsure advantage over biological women in a competition pretty far fetched. Not because one couldn't theoretically, but because it's sort of like when people find a loophole in a game that say allows you to kill yourself instantly or destroy your own units. I get that it's technically possible, but I still think it's not a problem because anyone doing it would essentially be f#cking themselves over more than anyone else.

In America, high school is where sport careers begin, so yes it is a steep price to pay for validating someone's feelings(if they exist) about their gender. 2-3 hormone therapy requirement is not enough to ensure a fair competition, you can't transition a skeleton and you will lose the only a little of muscle gained when you still had high testosterone. And you can always plug back in, just drop the estrogen pills for a day or two. Trans people should have their own separate competitions, there's no way around it.

Wtf all I have to do to legally beat up wen is cut off my dick? Why didn't anyone tell me this earlier

You don't even need to do that! You can keep your hair short and grow a beard. As long as you say "I feel like I'm a woman" poof! You are now officially a woman!

to be licensed, transgender female fighters must undergo complete "surgical anatomical changes ..., including external genitalia and gonadectomy" (see sex reassignment surgery) and subsequently a minimum of two years of hormone replacement therapy, administered by a board certified specialist.

Well no. It's in the link.

Well that kills the plan that 90% of the guys here have.

suffered 7 Staples to the head in the first round

Who let this bitch bring a staple gun in the ring smdh

What is a woman is kinda a big problem for sport, tbh.

Here is an article about this.

In 2006, 25-year-old Santhi Soundarajan from India ran in the 800 meter race at the Asian Games in Qatar. Competing against athletes from 45 countries, she won a silver medal.

The next day, however, Soundarajan was called in for a blood test and asked her to undress. A few days later, it was announced on Indian national television that Soundarajan had been stripped of her medal because she had failed a sex test. Although born and raised as a girl, Soundarajan carried a Y chromosome. Like Martínez-Patiño, she was born with androgen insensitivity syndrome and had female genitalia.

Although she had never before doubted being a woman, Soundarajan was suddenly thrust forward publicly as a gender imposter. Struggling with depression, she attempted suicide shortly after returning to India.

There was even one that had a kid and yet was not considered as a woman. Despite being born as one, living as one and having a kid.

There are real outliers who for various genetic reasons blur the line between male and female, but 99% of the time it's just normal males who think they're female.

Eh, according to studies, intersex are 1.7% of the population.

According to Blackless, Fausto-Sterling et al., 1.7 percent of human births are intersex, including variations that may not become apparent until, for example, puberty, or until attempting to conceive.[136][137]

Trans are 0.6% of the population. So trans are significantly less numerous than people with a weird gender genotype/phenotype.

Blackless, Fausto-Sterling

I don't trust these names.

I dunno what sort of data there is about this, but don't most intersex people identify the way their genetics are expressed? I think I would hear about it way more if they acted like the kids in the news story

I dunno what sort of data there is about this, but don't most intersex people identify the way their genetics are expressed?

Eh, the issue is determining what is a male or a female genetic. That's why they are intersex.

Nah that's not true. My friend is XY but has a mostly female phenotype. She's unambigiously male genetically, but she didn't even know anything was different until she didn't hit puberty on time. There's a good number of intersex conditions like this. There's also shit like XXY or whatever where there's some genetic fuckery, but that's not the defining feature of intersex.

Nah that's not true. My friend is XY but has a mostly female phenotype.

I might have been unclear. The issue is that determining what truly is a man or a woman just genetically is harder because there are women (like your friend) that are XY, or male that are XX. To nobody surprise, the human genetic code is a fucking mess.

Oh I gotchu. Makes sense. With people like my friend its pretty obvious she's just a girl, but with people who have ambiguous genitals or weird mixes of sex hormones that whole deal must be a hoot and a half.

People don't realize how many 'abnormal' genetic conditions there are because a lot of times they're benign.

Always cracks me up that statistically a few of those "two scoops two genders" obsessives are probably packing some wonky genes.

that's what happens when you believe propagandists.

look at the table on your wiki link.

the three most common types of intersex happen less than 1 in 1000. Add it all up and you get less than 0.4%.

that's what happens when you believe propagandists.

Wew, lad. Do not worry, I am sure a random faggot on the internet is a much more trustable source than an actual peer reviewed scientific study.

Case in point :

the three most common types of intersex happen less than 1 in 1000.

While the wiki page say :

Hypospadias (urethral opening in perineum or along penile shaft) one in 250 births[145]

if you use the strictest definition of "intersex" as "chromosomal sex is inconsistent with phenotypic sex, or in which the phenotype is not classifiable as either male or female" it's only around 0.018%.

That's kinda the issue here. What is chromosomal sex ? Is it XX for women and XY for male ? Then people affected by turner and klinefer aren't women or men. You are already at 0.13%.

And what is phenotypical sex ? Does having a beard and no boobies make one a man ? If so, you can add about 1%.

Hypospadias (urethral opening in perineum or along penile shaft)

that doesn't make you intersex LMFAO

that doesn't make you intersex LMFAO

Fam, I am sure you know much more about what is an intersex than doctors, but still ...

add all the even rarer intersex conditions and you get maybe 0.3%.

So about there is half as much intersex as trans. Your point being ?

99.9% of doctors agree with me, that you don't become a woman by peeing out of the middle of your penis.

It's one of the possible symptoms. l2r.

[you right now](

which of the symptoms justifies considering Hypospadias "intersex"?

My guess is on the non existence of balls and the presence of an hole.

oh the balls exist

uhm but the balls (and penis) exist

The non existence of balls is common in that shit. l2r

no it's not. not even remotely, tardiboy

The most common associated defect is an undescended testicle

an undescended testicle still exists.

and this "most common" associated defect appears in 3% of cases. all the other associated defects are even less common than that.

10%. l2r.

so 0.4% (aka 1 in 250) have Hypospadias at birth

in 10% of those, a testicle won't descend by itself.

that's 0.04%.

And somehow in your mind an undescended testicle = intersex? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Intersex people are born with any of several variations in sex characteristics including chromosomes, gonads, sex hormones, or genitals that, according to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, "do not fit the typical definitions for male or female bodies".[1][2]

Really make you think. 🤔

yup, shit like that is the only way they can inflate the numbers of intersex people beyond 0.2%..

A dude with regular dick and balls, whose pee-hole was slightly misplaced at birth, easily corrected surgically, is basically a hermaphrodite HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

You might like your beard without boobs but with a massive beard, but most are not gay enough to follow you down that hole, fam.

good, we can finally both agree that you were completely wrong about the prevalence of "intersex"

Once again, l2r

Fam, I am sure you know much more about what is an intersex than doctors, but still ...

"Intersex" is a social term, not a medical diagnosis.

Most disorders of sexual development do not yield truly "intersex" outcomes.

One of, if not the most common DSD is Klinefelter syndrome, where a male has two X chromosomes instead of one. Being XXY does not make a person half male and half female. In any case where there is more than one X chromosome, the additional X chromosome(s) deactivate - this is also true of females, including females with three X chromosomes. Thus, based on how the chromosomes actually behave, XXY 'reduces down' to XY, so yes, people with Klinefelter syndrome are male.

There are two sexes, but there is variation within those two sexes.

So XY female and XX male do not exist anymore ?

This topic can get really tricky and into the weeds, so I kind of just want to gently remind you not to get too wrapped up in semantics or generalized language at the risk of seeing the bigger picture. Cases of XX males and XY females don’t “muddy the waters” of sexual reproduction, their natures underline how specific the system of sex determination actually is.

Sex requires two kinds of gametes: sperm and ova. “Male” is the name of the reproductive system that is structured towards the production and expulsion of sperm, “female” is the name of the system structured towards the production of ova. Parts of either of these systems may not work, like a car factory may have a broken conveyer belt and not produce cars, but there is no third alternative system, and there is no case of someone with both systems (rather, there are no cases of people producing both sperm and ova).

These designations as “male” and “female” are universal for all species that reproduce via sperm and ova, even if the chromosomal determination system is different (for example, birds have a ZW/ZZ determination system which works very differently). The XX/XY determination system explains genetic material determining sex passes from parents to child.

XY results in the male reproductive system because of a specific gene, the SRY gene, on the Y chromosome, that initiates the production of testicles. The presence of testicles produces not just androgens, but another hormone that shuts down development of ovaries, uterus/etc.

XX male syndrome is caused by a Y chromosome, which has the SRY gene on it, getting “mixed up” with an X chromosome during cell division in the father, resulting in an X chromosome with the SRY gene on it. The consequence of having two X chromosomes instead of one in the case of an XX male means that only partial masculinization may occur – as some cells with inactivate the X chromosome with the SRY gene, while some cells will inactivate the other X chromosome. The result is either normal male development if the majority of randomly inactivated X chromosomes are those without the SRY gene, or underdeveloped testes, sterility, and consequent androgens if the majority of inactivated X chromosomes are those with the SRY gene. XX males will not produce ovarian tissue, though, because of that SRY gene in the first place.

There are a few different conditions that can result in XY individuals who are phenotypically female, but do not have ovaries and/or have or do not have undescended testes, which can be a result of defects with the SRY gene (resulting in no testes), or other defects unrelated to the X and Y chromosomes (androgen insensitivity, resulting in testes instead of ovaries, but no external masculinization). These aren’t defects because they’re just “different,” they’re defects because something went wrong in the process of development, and there are other health issues associated with these problems.

Ultimately, the point is that XX males and XY females only exist in the way that they do specifically because of how the XX/XY sex determination system works in humans. XX males would not manifest the way that they do if, for example, inactivation of the additional X chromosomes didn’t occur randomly (like in some species).

Yeah, the human genetic code is a fucking mess. I think anyone that had even one lessons on it is aware of that.

Which is why determining what is truly a man and a woman is so fucking hard.

Aside, just the SRY gene is not enough as 85% of all Swyer don't have mutation on it.

Mutations in the SRY gene have been identified in approximately 15 percent of individuals with Swyer syndrome.

Which is why determining what is truly a man and a woman is so fucking hard.

. . . only in the case of about 1 in 80,000 people.

It also isn't terribly hard. They're chromosomally male, and would have developed a male reproductive system if there hadn't been defects on a few genes. Past the development of gonads, though, their development went onto the female reproductive system.

The syndrome has a lot of associated health risks. Those affected cannot pass on their own genetic material, have increased risk of cancer unless their gonadal tissue is removed, and are dependent on hormone replacement therapy for bone health and puberty.

They, too, are not a sort of "third sex."

. . . only in the case of about 1 in 80,000 people.

100k people around the world is a lot, buddy.

They, too, are not a sort of "third sex."

It must be hard having to twist your definition so much to deny the existence of intersex. :^)

Being a genetic outlier is like the entire point of sports to begin with though.

Thats not really the point of high school sports.

You think the best athletes in HS aren't comparatively generic outliers in their schools?

Ok fine, but those existing genetic differences aren't a good reason to do away with sex divisions in athletics

Yeah, genetic outlier like having a slightly greater density of fast twitch muscle fibers, or an unusual tendon anchor point that enables you to exert more leverage.

Not genetic outlier like having a cock and balls and actually being a man competing against women.

Why care about this arbitrary fairness? Why care who can run faster in the first place

Why care about anything ever? You absolute fucking moron

You're right, lets do away with divisions and make every sporting event completely open class to all genders, ages, skill levels and weights! sure all the medals will be held by gifted men in their 20s whove been training since they were kids, and everyone else looking for a fair competition of their skills can get completely fucked, but thats the only way its F A I R

No im more about not having competition anymore

being a man competing against women

This thread started with a comment about how this distinction isn't always clear...

It's possible for someone with a Y chromosome to have a uterus, but not functioning ovaries. Only way they could have a kid is through surrogacy, but not their own DNA.

Similar thing with Caster Semenya

An anagram of "yes a secret man".

we need to ban running competitions, not only do they sow discord among women, they also reinforce race realism.

lol caring about women’s sports

If big dicks are swinging around inside their track shorts, we’re talking about men’s sports. No matter how much lipstick he has on.

Remember that wrestler Chyna? I was convinced she was a dude until she did that porno. Also, writing this comment actually led me to something hilarious. "Described Audio" Porn

Did you see that porn though?

She had a bigger dick than Triple H.

Unsurprising. Testosterone gives her a bigger clit, roids shrink his dick.

Roids shrink your testes not your dick.

I bow to an expert.

It was that little faggot xpac, not triple h

women's alpine skiing and triathlon are fun

I wanna get a twitter to answer butvi just know its a waste of time and it will all be shitposting.

I love social justice

Me too. I want to fight for it. Like a warrior.

I hate you guys. I need an alternative right


hate speech. i’m going to punch you 🥊🥊🥊

Competition is retarded.

Do you think anyone can train and be faster than usein bolt?


And even motivation itself is so vastly different among people. Some just have a much higher level of interest in achieving the top.

Anyways. Just get rid of competitive sport.

Sounds like you never won or excelled in any kind of sport so you don't understand what it feels like

Sounds like you never won or excelled in any kind of sport activity so you don't understand what it feels like

Just felt like it was a little bit off.

You think Bolt didnt have to train to become that elite at his sport? Fucking loser

I can't. But someone else can - that's why we have sports.

this, but unironically

the trannies in sports conundrum is one of my personal favorite modern day drama fests.

Good idea in the replies, why not just separate the sports into XX and XY?

No confusion or debate there, seems to solve the problem.

Won't solve the problem because XY biological women and XX biological men exist as intersex people. Also the competitions still wouldn't be fair because of trans people because trans-women are physically weaker than men who haven't undergone hormone therapy and trans-men are physically stronger than women who haven't undergone hormone therapy.

In the end there are simply outliers that make the competition unfair no matter how you look at it, except if you simply exclude both transgenders and intersex people from competition.

so progressive

TERFs get out.

Other discussions: r/GCdebatesQT

Gross Cunt debates Cutie?

The solution is to go ahead and allow doping for everyone.

Imagine thinking it's a huge problem to exclude .01% of the population from sports.

More like 0.3%, which is more than a tenth of the gay population. More importantly, it's nearly three times as much as the % of the population that is in wheelchair, yet they're not excluded from sports.

Usually in a different category though.

Yeah but that's not being excluded from sports.

excluded from the current categories..

How are they excluded from current categories if they literally have their own categories ?

Be Mayo woman

Advocate for trans rights in sports

mtf trannies start joining my sports leagues

trannies start winning, displacing cis female athletes

The thing I like most about this self-inflicted wound is that no matter what happens in male events or male sports, the door is open for a mtf or a woman to come in and play (I think there was a female NHL goalie a little while back along with some college football gussy). This literally only hurts women.