/r/drama census results

162  2018-06-25 by BasicallyADoctor

Hello dramanauts! Our 2018 census has concluded. Here are the results.


As I expected, the plurality of users were in the 18-24 age range. We do have a few young’uns as well! And 32 denizens of the local nursing home, /r/greatawakening.


/r/drama is a veritable bussy stockpile, with 4/5 users being cis males. The remainder is evenly split between gussy (🤢) and various flavors of trans.


Coming in at just a hair under 70% str8, we are proving all the statistics wrong today. Bisexuals/Pansexuals make up the next largest group, with about 16%. We gotta pump those numbers up next year, straighties. Try some cock now and the, it’s good for ya!


At 61% mayo, drama is actually even whiter than the US. The next biggest demographic is the Jews who apparently make up 6.6% of (((users))).


Showing the mod who created this survey’s poverty, the highest level of income only goes up to 50k USD. Surprisingly, about half of /r/drama appear to live at or above the poverty line. Thank goodness rent is cheap in Mommy’s basement!


Students make up a large fraction of the /r/drama populace, with wagecucks making up just under half. Our unemployment rate of 5.1% is well above the current federal unemployment rate. Come on, dramanauts! Bootstraps!


/r/drama is a highly educated sub, with the vast majority having attended or currently attending higher education.

Relationship status

Surprising nobody, well over half of drama users have nobody to have and hold at night. 8% are self admitted incels! I am among the first group. Ladies, I know there are a few of you out there, my inbox is always open 😉


/r/drama is a bunch of godless heathens. Imagine my shock. Also, only about half of our ethnic Jews apparently are practicing.


/r/drama stays committed to its centrism, with both Radical Centrism and South Park Neutrality remaining very popular. The rest are mostly libtards.

Time on reddit

/r/drama apparently attracts users from a wide range of account ages, but very few are newer than 2 years old.

Sexual kinks:

There were too many to effectively display in chart form, but the most popular were:

I am a sexual tyrannosaur: 32.5%
Maledom/Femdom: 27.9%
Bondage: 26.4%
Internet moderation: 23.8%
Choking: 22.8%
Cosplay/Roleplay: 22.8%
Kink shaming: 22%
Being oppressed: 21%
S&M: 20%
Being advanced on by TITRCJ: 19.7%
Being kink shamed: 16.4%
Biting: 16.1%

tfw the only other person with my fetish is an under 18 male 😞

Favorite mod

Snally takes the lead, but Notch is in close second. I guess making a trillion dollars off a roblox clone is not as cool as posting about birdwatching forum drama from 1997.

Least favorite

More mixed, but with masterlawlz as the clear winner. Joan likely got a boost here from not following up on the busy we were promised.

Mods you like

Mods you hate

Mod net favorability

I took it upon myself to make my own chart for this. It takes how many people like each mod and how many people dislike each mod and subtracts them. I also added a “Literally Who Factor” Which takes the number of people who had no opinion of them one way or the other and subtracts from 100. The lower, the more famous. Shocking to me is that Joan_Wayne_Gacy actually has positive net approval, but his apparently lesser-known alt TwasIWhoShotJR does not.

Favorite Regular

Not much to say here.

Least Favorite Regular

Ed’s popularity sees a darker side, meanwhile Pizzashill actually has more lovers than haters!


Pizzashill again! He is living rent free in our sub, our minds, and our hearts (smile emoji)

Most blatant agendaposter:

Pizzashill by a long shot. Then ed. Special mention to Physicsismymistress, the_reason_trump_won, and gadolboobies for being basically the only other ones people said.

Favorite type of drama:

Political drama appears to have came out on top, with Q, Tranny, Incel, and Meta drama coming behind. Because this was write-in, there is no real good way to quantify it.

Best Drama meme

Snapshill, followed by Radical Centrism, followed by Mayocide. My personal favorite meme(bussy) was only the fav of 7.8%. 😞

Other charts are in this album https://imgur.com/a/exIDCvq

Notably, keeping in line with its radical centrism, the plurality of /r/drama has no feelings one way or another on feminism.

Finally, pizzashill edges out ed in a spergfight, 551 votes to 433!

Thank you for participating, and see you next year!


Wow, this is sad

And yet, here we are

Basically I'm here forever now... feels bad man.


Those are what I got from Google forms. I don't know how to use Excel but if one of the other mods does they can make better graphs.

I'm p good with excel. I'll see about making some when I get home.

I don't know how to use Excel

Can I change my vote on least favorite mod?

give us a public link to the form results

also date of birth and mothers maiden name

No because people will use the data for bad things

What do you mean?

Here's an example of what we'd be able to see.

U could dox

how tho

We want to get rid of some of the write in things because of reasons

Just send us a copy of the data with all the identification stripped


I don't know how to use Excel

I sure hope you checked one of the /r/greatawakening boxes.

I highlighted the squares and said make a graph and the graph was wrong;

I don't know how to use Excel


No wonder your ass cant make above 50k cant even put numbers in a spreadsheet.

/r/drama is a highly educated sub

Get out. Stop lowering our intelligence.

Give us the data, /u/BasicallyADoctor.

I have it

Then post the link lol, you just have to click the sheets icon

you can't just do that, say you have it and then not do anything. c'mon you incompetent man

/u/normie_girl they throwing shade at you girl!

Also like I said, we needed more detailed categories for ethnicity. Us r/drama users with weirdo ancestry (and no I'm not American so none of that "I'm 1/8th cherokee BS) were left out in the cold.

This is bad and you should feel bad


I like this "Literally Who" factor.

Anything good from the free response section?

White, poor, and confused. Time to break out the fentanyl, kids.

What if I want to break out the Arizona Watermelon Drank and Newports?

Don’t oppress me with your cultural norms.

I've lived in Phoenix. I don't meth shame.

I had to write middle eastern because there's no pakistani or southeast asian category.


You mean the bad Indians?

Asian Americans are Americans of Asian descent. The term refers to a panethnic group that includes diverse populations, which have ancestral origins in East Asia, Southeast Asia, or South Asia, as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau.[

I'm not a hapa, m8.

asian/pacific islander is separate category from hapa

It's pretty clear it means East Asian.

The US census definition of the term encompasses south asians too

Definition does not mean connotation, m8.

And what would that connotation be?

In the US, East Asian.

Only trump supporters and equivalent mouth breathere think South Asians aren't Asian so it's irellevant. The government classifies them as Asians and that's what matters. End of story.

In America the term "Asian" commonly refers to east asians though. Indians are usually just Indians. And all Muslims are Arab no matter what. The census categories are kind of dumb and don't really match how people think about race in the US. Nobody touches them though because nobody touches race in generally.

In Britain, though, "Asian" usually refers to all south asians. Although Sikhs and Hindus wish it did not.

Hey mr paki man hand over bin laden

He died.

Oh sorry I forgot you can't say you're Asian, you have to say you're middle eastern otherwise you're tricking the British public into thinking terrorists are Chinese


I think this survey was a huge waste of time. Hooray!

Pwned those /r/drama losers le epik style!

Ebic my friend!! ;))

Everybody here is gay except me

This is pathetic. Remind me why we haven't Jonestowned ourselves yet?

That abnormally (((high))) count of you know who, harvesting us for our bussy.

It is our duty to lead others to the gas chambers before walking inside ourselves


We havn't merged with great awaking yet.

Nobody around here is kool enough to make the kool aid.

AKSHULLY, they drake Flavor Aid at Jonestown, not Kool Aid.


Imagine having a favorite poster on a sub. Fuckin nerds.

Imagine replying to a survey about it

tfw you my favorite poster

I don't have a favorite poster, famalam. I have /u/CirqueDuFuder my mod-waifu. 😘😘😘



my favorite poster is /u/annarchist because guns and huntin yeeehaw.

yee yee

I wonder how empty this place would be if their was a true mayocide

At least u/pizzashill would be gone

Damn I guess I’m not autistically posting dinosaurs 🦖 enough

You’re my favorite poster, I’m just not autistic enough to take a survey on a subreddit.

I'm autistic enough but I'm not SQUARE enough to fill in unironic details of my ironic life.

I cannot think of a worst popularity craving than being known as a /r/drama POWER USER.


Being the least liked drama power user?

32% find t-rex sexy. Sure you are to blame

That and it is objectively true

The sexual Tyrannosaurus line from the second most famous Governor to star in Predator did take the number one kink spot.

I can get the dino meme.

But how did you integrate the plasma fold bullshit?

Some r/conspiracy post got link here a while ago and he was babbling about that and lizard people; I thought it was funny so I integrated it into my schtick

Shoutout to cirque for being best mod, SRSposter, and all around shitposter (even if he wont admit it on his main).

Also get get a presentation nerd on this, because this post sucks.

Shoutout to cirque for being best mod, SRSposter, and all around shitposter (even if he wont admit it on his main).

Also get get a presentation nerd on this, because this post sucks.

Why was the income level only at $50,000? Are the mods that fucking poor?

Yes. They are internet janitors.

I'm not gonna brag but I make over $50k a year.


You're (((cheating))) tho

But I'm Christian

I was sure i was replying to annoysthegoys lol

your username...


Don't worry, notch pushes us at least into the top 5% per capita.

Tbf making a single >50k category actually produced a fairly decent looking chart with evenly spaced category sizes. Because we are in general poor af.

I'm not.

I'm not either bro. I just think it's hilarious that that scheme of division actually works pretty well.

Just pointing out the people who actually have jobs, etc, likely aren't the ones who are free to fill out the survey.

I didn't take the test tbh. Notch clearly didn't either.

Highest bracket was $50k+.

wew lad.

SF homeless

Can that even get you a coffee in SF?

Theres an extended stay hotel in North Beach that's around $750 a month

I mean, you can do worse in sf

For sure, I lived there for a year. It was better than sharing a 2 bedroom apartment with 4 other people

Can all the non-singles gtfo?


Are you a mayo dude or an azn grill?


Then how tf do you make hapas?

I'm half Mexican, a quater Filipino and a quarter Mayo. My wife is Filipino/Spanish. So I'm not sure what you call it. Hapa is mixed Asian righ5?

Special shoutout to the 18 people who voted me worst mod 😊

(I know who you are)

18 people voted for me best drama regular. Same people probably.

Degenerates all.

No you don't.

most of them are his co-mods.. the others are his furry alts

most of them are his co-mods.. the rest are his furry alts

Are you implying that the rest of the Mod's don't have furry alts?

I voted for u/BasicallyaDoctor.

I should have, given you managed to fuck up the greatest Jessie Ventura quote in the history of ever.

I identify as a goddamn sexual tyrannosaurus, none of this weak-ass "sexual tyrannosaur" shit.

I voted for every one of you fags

I might have, I picked a name at random out of fairness

I don't know who you are

Keep doing a shit job and you'll get more votes

Just to add I didn't vote but would have voted if I knew this option was in.

At 61% mayo, drama is actually even whiter than the US.


Self-identified race Percent of population
White alone 72.4%


Mayo and spicy mayo were separate on the form. That stat includes Hispanics.

Does mayocide includes spicy mayos?

We operate by the one drop rule here

Basketball americans are on average 20% mayo... snoop dogg and dave chappelle are going to be mayocided? Thats super centrist I guess.

They gotta go too

Those mayo numbers are fucking disgusting. We need to do better.

Damn I know people irl hate me, I didn’t realize internet people Hated me too. Good for me.

I'm disappointed with my unfavorability rating. I hear you all and promise to shitpost with more frequency and less thought this year.

literally who are you

Unlike you, I wasn't born yesterday

/u/AnnoysTheGoys is a former mod that I modded

literally who are you

kill your sickness

I prefer your earlier more easily doxxed username tbh

your earlier more easily doxxed username

pls no bully 😢

What kind of turbo retard uses their actual name on drama?

I'm not that retarded, but someone who was really buttmad was able to find my real name via my old username through weaponized autism.

Tbf how many Goldberg MacShekelsteins are there?

there are a lot of trumptards here not represented by this data

some of these self styled south park centrists are crypto trumptards

The Daddy Defender is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Trumptard and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

Gotta work on my drama creds

Your Uncle Dave says you also need to work on your oral technique.

Don't have an uncle

People who have stake in these results are massive fucking morons. Polling a sub that is literally based on not giving a shit and expecting accurate results is one of the most retarded things I can imagine. Keep yourselves safe, people.

I can't believe the amount of effort in this post, it's exhausting. Even looking at it is way too much emotional labor for me right now

The remainder is evenly split between gussy (🤢) and various flavors of trans.


Why would women post her, seriously? For that matter, why would trannies?

Trannies are attracted to computer fantasy worlds like shit to East Indian thoroughfares.

What kind of deranged lunatic has this place as their fantasy?

Trannies. What the fuck did you think we were talking about?

Women love drama. We probablu beat out the reddit average tbh.

I mod here

That's so much worse.

We're awesome at drama

For the keks

> Surprising nobody, well over half of drama users have nobody to have and hold at night.

girls only want chad, and chad doesn't post on drama.

i do tho

"hey guys i'm really a chad"

sure, i totes believe you.

I am surrounded by dick, and I still haven't laid one of you? This is bullshit!

How's it going babe 😎

I'm upset other people don't have my black chicks fetish

Sort your g-ddamn pie charts.

lol @ drama turning on /u/Ed_ButteredToast. When did we turn against his light?

We will release better charts after we get our computer guy to finish up with them

This is seriously 🦆ed up data presentation. I demand we open the computer guy bidding process to the autistic public.

When we got smart and he got angry.

Aha. Most of you dumb fucks aren't going to do anything with your education that you are in, and you are paying premo rates to boot.

I bet most of you are right wingers too because I can't imagine who else keeps spamming the retarded edgy and or ethics in vydia posts here.

I fucking hope they never change bankruptcy policy for student loans in spite of you dumb fucks.


How the fuck do people think this is a lawful place?

I think that's the darker red actually, the lighter red is only a tiny bar.

Darker red is probably chaotic neutral.

/r/drama stays committed to its centrism, with both Radical Centrism and South Park Neutrality remaining very popular. The rest are mostly libtards.

Ya know, I appreciate this. Look, I post on the_Donald from time to time, you can feel free to REEEEEEEE away. But to act like there aren't actually statistics showing great numbers like unemployment (especially black unemployment) and a bull market is to do us a great disservice. We're 2 years in, folks. Nothing has been all that catastrophic that's happened. We haven't shocked the gays. There's not a tranny genocide. The world isn't ending.

I have rational posts upvoted every now and then, and while I'll be honest I'm sure there's brigading trolls with nothing better to do at times, this community can be pretty fair about things sometimes. Big ups.



Identify theft is a felony.

Look, I post on the_Donald from time to time

You have to go back 🛑 🛑 🛑

That only works for illegals

Out out out 👉 👉 👉

/u/Ed_ButteredToast, take it from here.

Oh dude too far. Everything was fine til you tagged that clown. Now I'm gonna get a book in my general direction within the next 8 hours.

Due process doesn't need a judge!

I'm going to bed, I don't need this. Anything but Ed.

/u/Ed_ButteredToast will follow you to bed.


61% mayo

You self loathing fucks lmao

We may be 61% mayo, but we hate 161% of you to make up for it.

I'm Hispanic. I'm an oppressed person, thank you very much. Check your privilege.

Mayo isn't skin deep.

You would know, I'm sure.

Yeah, because I don't put mayo in my burritos.

Neither would I, that sounds kinda nasty tbh

Yeah mayos are disgusting.

By itself yeah. I like egg salad, that shit's okay to me. I can't think of anything else I like mayo in but yeah

You're literally over 50% mayo, and that's 50% too much.

I mean you're actually kinda right sorta? I'm a quarter Italian, half Puerto Rican. My Grandmother told me growing up she was half native, but I've never bothered to pursue if that's the case. I don't care that much about identity or whatever the fuck. I was born in New Jersey. I'm an American. That's enough for me.

I mean most Puerto Ricans are white aren't they? The native population was genocided and then Spanish people came over. So basically your part Italian and part Spanish.

Yep, and if someone asks, that's usually what I say because my great grandparents are either Irish or Spanish.

"I'm only colored when I can leach off of government programs or get brownie points in identify politics"

Typical mayo.

A regular Pocahontas

Can you paint with all the colours of the wind?

Nah mostly I just bitch about overwhelming problems I've never faced in ethnic communities I'm not a part of.

Welfare isn't apportioned by AA tho

I checked. Yep, still there.

Just make a burritocide post once, just to see how it feels. Then you will understand. Self-genocide is the deepest loving/sexual feeling possible for humans.

I’m dago. I’m only white when it suits my purpose.

So the same general demographic as most of Leddit, what a surprise.

I think God's chosen and middle easterners are slightly over represented here. I (((Wonder))) why...

God's chosen


I went from in a relationship to single while this was being tallied.

White Male, mid 30's, self employed over 50k, virgin bussy...any takers?

Good work, thx bby

Happy to do my part to help us get astroturfed more effectively!~

Thanks faggots.

the age category was pretty dumb

only two categories for the 18-34 ages span, where like 99% of all redditors fall into

at least next time make something like idk, 18-21, 22-25, 26-29, 30-34

All of the charts got deleted lol


birdwatching forum drama from 1997

I might not be able to find it on a forum but I'll see what I can do.

Any BBS drama you can round up?

I wish. BBS is basically gone aside from what some archivists preserved while their communities were active, and from what I can see the content is highly curated. Come to think of it I should probably contact them and see what they've got

I want to see the messages to mods and final comments people made. They were shown last year IIRC

We will release the final results once we are done polishing them. These are just the raw numbers

Okay, this is epic.

Hey mods you better have appreciated my hilariously whimsical replies to this form.

At 61% mayo, drama is actually even whiter than the US.

Not by much.

Wow I’m offended lol

Tbh though I am the worst mod

I want to end my life

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can i change my answers on who i hate most?

Yay I helped!

There were too many questions so I gave up halfway through.

Where tf are the comments

That was my favorite part last year

For some reason I thought more chicks browsed Drama... rolls eyes

Steve Huffman: Compensation, well... A few steps down the road what I would like to do is when I say empower communities, I think there’s an extreme version of that, which is where we bring economics into this. Allowing communities to have business models. And hopefully you can use your imagination there, but I think there’s a lot they can do and that would open the door to communities having money and potentially moderators having a share of that. So I think we’re pretty far off, but that’s one of my, kind of, fantasies, that we can elevate communities to such a degree that people can actually run a business or earn a living on Reddit.

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