Time to monologue at you.

60  2018-07-28 by justcool393

hey guys, gals, and non-gender-binary-conforming people,

just wanted to tell you an update on the site rules and how they relate to Drama.

  1. because we can't have nice pings, we, as of now, can't allow username mentions on the subreddit except for people who are okay with it.

eventually, I'll write a bot or something to automatically approve people who want pings, but for now see the stickied comment.

  1. last time we told you stop the "kill yourself" and other harassing comments and PMs because those are against site rules. we are reiterating this.

  2. stop brigading as well. this is the definition of brigading. don't do it.

  3. in general, follow the rules of reddit.

there isn't much more to say than this. if you have any questions, username ping me in the thread.


I respect Hitler but I don't idolize him. He is partly to blame for the loss of the Reich and the destruction of Fascism's public image. He done fucked up, but he is still one of the greats.


  1. in general, follow the rules of red... - Outline

I am a bot for posting Outline.com links. github / Contact for info or issues

leave a comment here if you are okay with being username pinged.

Go right ahead.

Lolwut. Userpings are for fags. What kind of gaywad wants totally anonymous men pinging them just so they can talk about their cocks or something like some fucking faerie? I'm sure many losers here but not me. I'm a manly masc guy who gets hard doing manly masc things like being straight. Don't @ me.

That sounds gay

Lolwut? Userpings are for fags. What kind of gaywad would be okay with totally anonymous men pinging them just so they can talk about touching their rock hard cocks or something like some fucking faerie? I'm sure many men here but not me. I'm a manly masc guy who gets sprung at just thinking about manly masc things. Don't @ me.

That sounds hot. Ping me daddy ping me hard.

I consent to being told to kill myself

Anything for approval, huh?

I consent to being told to kill myself

Stay alive

Ah, ha, ha, ha

You're not my real dad

That's what u think

What if we're not okay with people not username pinging us, Can I request that all comments not pinging me be removed?

No fuck u


Donald Trump


Whatever happened to the unimpeachable right to harass people?


Kiss your sister

As long as it's not by a mod. I've standards.

pee is stored in the balls

woke af

Can you allow us to die?

Ping me bby I'm so lonely.


Sure why not


espèce d'autiste

omelette du fromage

I'm lonely...

Don't @ me

You can rape me and set me on fire. And also ping me.



Di we have to go it in that order?

It's RNG

u/justcool393 is the big gay.

For You

His weird flirtation ritual includes banning


allah akbar

What about people who don't matter?

I’m a fucking ping cushion so ping tf away


sugg my dibb

Go for it, but I mean, why

Sure. Any attention is better than none.

the safe word is 'masterlawlz sticky'


Do it pussy

i can't believe you've done this

i am ok with people telling me to commit die

So long as it’s not by Ed. Gal has to have some standards.


Momma aint raise no bitch

I consent but only if you say nice things


Fuck you

I like whiteknighting you whenever people sperg out because of something you did. It’s funny to piss them off.

I appreciate your creation of drama.

Please talk about my guys I really need the recognition

I feel like this is a box of lucky charms, but someone took the marshmallows out


One the one hand, I don't actually care about any of you.

But on the other hand, I'm bored.

Abuse me daddy.

Also, whom is mostly archaic and your insistence on using is presricptionist pendantic schoolmarm crap. You are seriously calling someone out for using the subjective form of a pronoun instead of the mostly dead objective form on Reddit? Exactly how thick is your neckbeard?

kill me

Is this real life?

I'm not opposed to it

do u know who my dad is!???

The faggot!???

You're only the 4th worst mod.

I'm a really cool guy

Only if you want an animal friends pic.

Fuck it, sure, why not.

This is a sad day for drama and I shall do my part 😭

lmfao I'm about to die anyway

this is SAD

Enthusiastically consent.


I wish to ruthlessly keep myself from harm.

I am okay with pinging. I stand with r/drama


No, please don't.

Fuck rules

I consent to pings and kys pings.

i don't give my consent for this intrusion of private life. fuck the popo


Nobody will ping me anyway.

ping me daddy

I consent

The dinosaurs said these rules are retarded



Ping me Daddy 😍

Give me attention


Yeah, sure whatever.

Ping me daddy


Meh.. Permission? r/drama's no fun anymore




ping me daddy

Drama is dead

Ping me daddy 😍😍😍

what if I didn't huh? What would u do then?

Active consent

ping me daddy





Sign me up for the onslaught.

Would you ping me? I'd ping me. Id ping me hard

ping me babe


Ping me daddy

I'm OK with it because I'm not a little bitch.

I'm ok to be pinged, but honestly who would want to?

Make Drama Great Again.

Stretch my anus, make me famous


Just here for someone to help me find the motivation to finally kill myaelf tbh

I am cool to be pinged


Womp womp



Ping me daddy

brekkek kekkek kekkek

I want to be cyberbullied mercilessly, to death.

/r/neoliberal has a system for pinging users by interest group. Just a thought.

Mean pings aren't too much fun when no one wants to mean ping you :/

Ping me senpai

Dude pings lmao

i consent 😳

Hopefully I do something dumb soon so I can try it out.

im not popular enough

not like anyone will ever do it 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Mayocide now


Ping me daddy ( Ν‘Β° ΝœΚ– Ν‘Β°)

I hate white women.


No one ever will but ok

I can't believe we've come to this

me neither.

I'm not actually looking at these comments.


tbh I'm taking a cursory glance at them. I was more gonna say that I wasn't gonna reply to all of them. they all still hit my inbox.

corn milk



You can ping me idgaf


i-ii-it's not like i wanne be pinged, baka.

ping me fam

Add me too bot


go blow a tail pipe u meanie

ur mum.

Look, you've got these highly intelligent imperious girls, but who told them it was their undeniable American right not to be offended? Being offended is part of being in the real world. I'm offended every time I see Donald Trump on TV!

I don't even see the point, but OK.

Bussy blast me mommy

i live for rebbit notifications


Leftists are the REAL fascists.



mayocide when tbh


Where do the balls go during sex?


Come at me bro

I don't consent


I consent


Fuck you


Signing consent

Consent LUL


Ping me mod_senpai

ping me bby

I just want you to know that you're a meanie.

just the messenger tbqh


vxzcxzccx vcxv

I don't think i ever even posted here, but sure, why not?


It is with heavy heart that I accept the mods' decisions. I guess this is why we cannot have nice thing.

I don't mind getting pinged, if that's worth anything.

I too, am opening myself up to verbal rape. Sorry, digital verbal rape.

Beam me up.


Listening to (((admins))) smh

I consent to being pinged, told to KMS, and anally probed.

Can I ping people here to raise awareness of this new rule, at least?

yes I need attention

I have a spine, so I can handle a few retards saying my name.
Also it is quite lonely.

I consent to everything, so long as cameras are not involved.

Ping me daddy.

can ping tenderly

Be my bitches and inform me of good drama so I don't have to look myself.

Send me liquid poop.




May Allah swt give you guidance mods

add me to the list big daddy

Ping me daddyπŸ’¦πŸ’¦

I love you justcool senpai ❀️❀️❀️❀️

Anyone who doesn't comment here is a loser who deserves the awful things we can no longer say to them.


I'm so lonely.

Feel free to ping me since I argue constantly like an unhinged fucktard but I'm constantly getting temp bans so no guarantee that I'll be able to respond.

Literally lynch me

I know I'm late to this but ping me Drama daddy

I wanna get pinged, including if anyone wants to tell me to hang myself.

Feel free to abuse the shit out of me, just be aware I might be sexually aroused by it.

I consent πŸ˜‰

Ima firing my lazar xD

If need be, you can ping me, why you'd want to, I can't see

Sure, ping me

n8thegr8 uses his position as moderator to spread fascist propaganda on Reddit. Not figurative fascist propaganda-- actual fascist propaganda. Tag him with RES so you can recognize him wherever he posts, call him the cowardly piece of shit he is, and report him to the mod staffs of the subreddits he has weaseled his way into a moderator position in.


This is gay

beep beep lettuce



I don't post enough to be pinged, but fucking have at it



If I didn't want to be pinged....

I'd turn off the fucking feature.

You can but I don't know why you'd want to ping a boring nobody like me.

Ping me daddy

Pingle my dingle daddy 😩

ur gay


alex is a stupid


knee grow


I have aids

sure thing papi

Sure ping me. Also go fuck yourself as well as the person (if it wasn’t you) who came up with this gay ass decision.

Yes but nobody pings me anyway


ping me if ya must.. it's still RUDE


Ping me Daddy πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ’¦πŸ’¦


You can molest me with pings.

Sure okay whatever

Ping me daddy πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ†πŸ†


Ping me plz

I want to be white listed but nobody ever pings me anyways 😭😭😭

Ping me


I consent to pings, calls to kys, and other things filed under "cyberbullying hahaha, just turn of the screen, haha".

de-escalatory consent

πŸ…±is πŸ…±s πŸ…±ullshit

I want to die

Helperdroid and its creator love you, here's some people that can help:


source | contact


/u/justcool393, since this bot replied to my comment which was in reply to yours, am I allowed to bully it, as it agreed to harassment by proxy?


I am a consenting adult


I hope

Plz @ me bro.

fuck me sideways




If you fucks don't ping me I will beat you like Mir beats pimm

Oh fuck yeah bae! Ping me all nought long!



Hitler did one thing wrong, and that was being vegetarian


I can handle it

kill me daddy

Ping all you want, I don't check messages anyway

ΰΌΌ ぀ β—•_ β—• ༽぀ GIVE PING ΰΌΌ ぀ β—•_ β—• ༽぀

Ya killed drama. I consent I guess.

I consent

The link is down

oh you're right. fixed.

Ok, I think I'm signed up. Do you need my social security # or anything?

yup. also date of birth, credit card number, the security code, expiration date, your mother's maiden name, and photo identification.

user reports: 1: Username pinging is a human right you fucking mongs

Imagine believing /r/drama posters were humans lmao?

Is there such thing as subhuman rights?

Jews did this


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. this is the definition of brigading - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  3. in general, follow the rules of red... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)


Somehow, (((/r/4chan))) did this

Snappy knows what's up

Well, it’s been a good run, people.

Time to go to Voat and harass people there

I wonder if Voat is still a thing

If you’re racist enough it will always be a thing in your heart

Tbh FPH was the only community they nuked hard enough to permanently force them there. It's easy enough to move on to the new edgy alt-right forum of the time, admins don't seem to concerned with stamping out successors. But holy fuck did the destroy FPH and anything that even vaguely resembled a successor to it for all time.

I kinda think they went overboard by personally targeting imgur land 🐳. In any case, it’s not like there’s a lack of alternative fpp like subs around.

Time to go to Voat and harass people there



good un, mate.

You'd just blend right in. To be subversive on voat you'd have to have a community of wholesome humanists.

Unironically a good idea

"black people have rights and are productive members of society"

you'd get run off of voat

Nah dude, its a bastion of free speech.

unless you say anything that's not completely abhorrent

SBBH has filled in that job haha.

You know someone could write a bot to ping users on voat and tell them to come here. Then again this sub alone has more users than all of voat

Harassing people on Voat is like pissing in the ocean, you're not accomplishing much.

Ok wow how can we get that sweet lolcow milk now?

I've discovered how to induce lactation in people of both genders

πŸ‘€show meπŸ€”

Feed prolactin to people and you can milk them

You can feed me whatever you like just rub my tummy

/u/justcool393, please kill yourself, you dumb faggot.

Woah. Rude! That's fark.com talk, buddy.

What did they say?

They told a beloved mod to keep themselves safe. Such a pity they removed such a positive message.

you seen Fark lately? place doesn't even attempt to be funny anyore, they are more outraged over there than r/AHS on their worst days

You're not my real dad.

Mommies are better anyways

Do you speak from experience?

Give me Vietnamese milk pills and I can accomplish many things

Of course.

I thought you didn't believe in there being q difference

/u/justcool393 please ban all the shareblue shills who come here.

isn't this like your 12th account?

Hah, Soros is the top mod.

shh don't tell him

Without being able to invite people here to meltdown, this place will become a circlejerk of the current soybois and dumbass ddf spergs fighting all the time

We've managed before and we will again

You are the worst mod on this board.

Says the newfag lol

  1. You don't know me.

  2. Being a borderline hikki that mods r/drama is not aomething to be proud of.

If you really are a women you should be ashamed od yourself and try to get some class into your personality.

I live with my boyfriend so idk what you're talkin about

You might have me confused with someone else


I live with my boyfriend

How often do you peg your boyfriend? When will he start on HRT?

Once every two days, and I'll sneak pills into his food when he's not looking

True love.

For the 50th time. A vibrator is an inanimate object. Not a person.

Do you even know who I am

An edgy female incel?

Can't be an incel when I'm force femming my bf

Who are you?

Im a funny r/drama poster.

Never heard of you

An incel projecting perhaps?

You wouldn't have. I don't spend all my time modding a meme sub and talking about weird shit. I do more productive things with my life.

You want to be known for contributing to this garbage hole yet because I hit modqueue for ten seconds I'm the neet? What's your job, cleaning out your basement for your allowance money?

Oh basement joke. Edge of originality for an edgy fujo. Good job Mircy, pat yourself on the back. Maybe say i have a small dick next, show me that high quality banter.

Says the one calling me an incel jesus christ this is why I hate autists literally zero self awareness

Who do hate more autist or your low self steem? Because normal people don't go around modding r/drama and being 100% edgelords (edgeladies). Learn to let go of insults and love yourself more Mircy, maybe that way you can start the path of not being a weird fuck. Who knows maybe you are a halfway decent person one day.

So you only know my flair and you're extrapolating from that? You brag about posting here which is likely you spending more time here than I have. Take a gander through my post history if you think I spend nearly as much time on this place as you lol


you two would make a cute couple

I already have someone :)

can trannies ever really 'have' S.O's tho? seems to me they're always just dating desperate fags who settle for them on some pseudo-fetish shit

Yeah we can have normal so's. I think a lot get chased away since hrt makes you have a second puberty+ heightened sex drive for many though

I think a lot get chased away since hrt makes you have a second puberty+ heightened sex drive for many though

sure that's the reason

Yeah, it is as far as I've seen. Most I've met that are out have been in relationships or are currently in one. Knowing /r/dramas demographics survey puts those tgirls in a better camp than most people here :p

If you really are a women you should be ashamed

"really a woman" r/drama


You're the worse mod on this board.


Don't worry, as long as riemann is a mod you can only be second worst.

Making Ed a mod fixes this for everyone.

You're the worse mod on this board.

My poll stats say there's a .3 difference between most hated and most loved

the centipedo thinks his opinions matter ;)

I like you alright 😊

The username pings only became a thing during J. Dank's tenure on reddit anyway. We'll survive without them.

We should unironically bring her back too goddammit

What happened to her? I know she deleted a while back

I prefer trans pizzashill

If only...

What amazed me most about that train wreck was that she hid her tattoos even in videos/gifs.

she just had some neckbeard doing it for her. maybe that's why she stopped, the guy didn't wanna do photoshop for her anymore.

Regardless, that is an absolutely absurd amount of work considering how often she posted stuff no matter who was doing it.

my theory is that it was the "mr. jewdank" or whatever and that other guy who white knighted for her in every single thread. he wanted dat ass and would do anything.

Not a bad one tbh

A taken girl's boyfriend is the worst kind of white knight cuck. Ugh...

I hope she got that big rectangle lasered off her ass. Given the lack of pain receptors down there, it shouldn't be that bad.

Got a link to half that stuff? I'm curious.

I think this is a good time to come our and say i unironically found her sexually attractive and would have sex with her if she wanted me to. That is all.

keep on keepin on.

So you can get your fix of busted ass gussy? No thx

Snally make sure you're okay with being pinged. You're very important to /r/drama and we need to be able to call onto you in difficult times.

We're going to have an exclusion list of regulars who are okay being pinged for the time being

It's in repliea to the sticky comment, reply thete


Typos are basically American culture at this point


Was she actually a Jew? Holy fuck the Jews are like the most dramatic people in the world.

You know I've been watching a lot of antisemitic propaganda videos lately, and I can't help but be super impressed with the Jews. Like they are awesome, everywhere there is drama, they are at the forefront. How can you seriously look at this shit and not feel like they are the most awesome people in the world?

I think my mother must have cheated on my dad with a Jew to make me.

Maybe I just wish. :-/

jews rock

she said several times she wasn't Jewish

no mayocide

Unironically keep yourself safe

Oh shit, that's going to have to be fixed, mayos need to go. Thanks for your feedback fella.


Peace out fuckfaces

You are exactly right too. Let the in fighting begin. Drama will quickly become SRDines. Wanna know where you can ping? r/Familyman

Come on by and ping till your hearts content

lol was only a matter of time really.

the current soybois and dumbass ddf spergs

at least they will be jerking in opposite directions, which will get feelings and foreskin nice and raw

Oh, commenting in the linked threads isn't brigading? News to me.

Like SRS says, it's ok to yell at the poop, but not touch it.

"Like SRS says, it's ok to yell at the poop, but not touch it." - shit covered SRS user

probably, lol, I'm just saying that being able to comment in linked threads has been a thing forever.

Man, that takes me back.

Sadly true and heterosexual

because we can't have nice pings, we, as of now, can't allow username mentions on the subreddit except for people who are okay with it.


Rip r/drama



because we can't have nice pings, we, as of now, can't allow username mentions on the subreddit except for people who are okay with it.

We can't even nice ping people? Bruh.

I endorse all pinging of myself

you can ping mods

Then just mod the main protagonists in each linked thread.

they gotta accept tho.

this isn't /r/science lol we don't need 100 mods.

Any mod?

any mod here

Oh , I was reading that wrong

what happened

the mods got cucked

Did the admins tell you recently pings aren't allowed?

So pinging is for all intents and purposes verboten now but according to the admins commenting in a linked thread is A-OK. Doesn't that notify a lolcow pretty much the same as pinging does? Arbitrary admin intervention is arbitrary.

commenting in a linked thread is a-OK

except mods in the communities we go to can just ban the shit out of us immediately :/

What if we have a bot that pings in a separate subreddit which exists only for aggregating links to the "pings" back on r/Drama. Lawyer'd our way back to meanpings.

Someone make a totes-style that links to r/drama

Encoraging harassment in any way is now admin ban territory fyi


No doubt they'll selectively enforce..

Well of course it still reddit we are talking about. Still waiting for them to enforce bestof

What did they do?

What did they do?

vote manipulation and brigading as fuck.

If the admins actually cared about brigading there would be no meta subs at all

They "care" sometimes.

Well they probably weigh up their love of meta subs against their disdain for brigading.

Oh, good! I'm safe. I'm below notice, even /u/PhysicsIsMyMistress ignores me.

Hence the need for my username

Not commenting or voting in linked subs was like the one rule I actually followed. I'm not good at following rules, not because I don't believe in rules, I love them, I'm just retarded.

No because most of these lolcows post in ridiculous echo chambers. You'll be drown out by the heffers handlers.

Just let them ban the sub ffs.

Um excuse me, subreddit bans are literally censorship and thus a violation of the first amendment!

Help! /r/Drama is trying to disenfranchise me. They won't let me ping the-realDonaldTrump.

Promise me that when we reach critical mass of normie stupidity, you mods don't pull a David-me and instead give full permissions to the TrollX mods or some shit.

That sounds hilarious though.

If it happens, mods should hand over the entire sub to Gallowboob and wash their hands of it.




What does a Rich Evans sex tape sound like?

Wow, how can /r/drama survive this?

Guess I'm a #SRDmissile now ;)

wow this sub has officially gone to shit. im going to raddle.me and becoming a chipmunk otherkin. God is dead I believe in nothing now.



is this the leftist version of voat

No user pinging unless they approve?

PEAK srdine tier. Unironically ridiculous

Think of it like the 3/5ths compromise

Can we slide into their DMs and tell them to meet us at the playground?

As if we don't already do that.

I don't, why bother? shits only funny if it's public

We're VOAT now.

i'm just commenting on the sticky so that people pay attention to me.

please keep your health, mind and body in best optimum state as you peruse this subreddit!

We need to find a way to circumvent this shit, fuck the admins.

Just comment in the linked thread. That's perfectly fine as long as you don't vote apparently, because fuck common sense.

I'm banned in the majority of subreddits I ping from

Toe the line, you fucking arab.

Ew fuck you're right. I've been typing that wrong for a long time

PM the drama thread to all potential lolcows. It will serve the same purpose.

Can I ping spez?

What about people who don't matter?

We can still ping qultists, right? The boomers don't know how to taddle to admins

unfortunately not, no. sorry.


Seriously though, thanks for trying to keep us out of trouble and taking all the flack

is this sub dead?

was the sub ever alive?

nothing with mayos ever truly is

Now who's gonna clean up the mean streets of reddit?


because we can't have nice pings

Why can't we?

We had a talk with the admins

Why not just post the convo?

I would but it was in audio

I can't imagine how weird their voices are.

Is there a specific instance or person who caused this?


I am aghast someone has to speak to the Reddit staff in San Francisco. Who ever speaks reptilian these days?

u/Masterlawlz how am I supposed to spread the message of the dinosaurs πŸ¦– now

Can we please have a target shot actually isn't a glutton for punishment? Snally blamed it on Q and I think that's fair.

u/Masterlawlz what did you do you massive fucking autist?

You killed the sub; the least you can do is give us the dirt.

(jk r/drama has been dead for months)

That time I posted a cuckold video claiming it was a re-enactment of the menslib mods’ everyday lives was apparently targeted harassment lol


That is an odd way for forum admins to contact yall

New modmail sucks

On what platform did this exchange take place?

miswrote. it's "we can't have nice things." apparently there has been an uptick of harassment of people and stuff like that, so the admins are saying that we shouldn't allow username pinging unless a user wants it.

the top comment thread is a really temporary solution to declaring their enthuastic consent per se, I may make something to automate it in the future.

admins delenda est


we can't control what happens outside our subreddit. with that said, it's probably not the greatest of ideas.

This is a sad day

/u/Justcool393 when does this go into effect? Can we have til midnight to ping our little hearts out?

it's in effect already. there isn't much we can do at this point in that regard. :(

Why the sudden change? Something triggered the admins?

I think it was probably that crazy old lady who bit her bathmat or whatever the fuck lol

she got pinged a shitton and for nothing too I don't think I saw a single response out of her crazy ass

probably u/gallowboob tbh

I'd imagine it was /u/david-me's (can we ping him, he posts here now) de-modding since they specifically mentioned this sub in their message to him.

Aye'm gud bby!

Brown chicken, Brown cow.

I guess I'm gonna have to join them now

Q predicted this.

Holy shit, you're right. This must be the big BOOM in July

I knew it would come! Trust the plan. #MAGA


For what it's worth, I still think you kids are cool.

hey look, it's that pathetic neet who mods a video game journalism sub!

Hello good friend.

hello, drain on society. what's mom serving for dinner tonight?

That was rude.

Do you guys need more moderators because I have a nice bussy.

Prove it

post it and I'll consider it

PMs are okay too.

Don't you hog it for yourself!

As a long time subscriber and valued contributor I believe now is the perfect time to elect new moderators, drain the swamp if you will.

Let me just say, free speech is what makes this sub, and disallowing pinging users for drama (as is the whole purpose of this sub) is just kinda pathetic.

I've been pinged from this sub before. I think it was to be mocked or scorned at (due to my alt-right views), and I had zero problem with that. If we can't make fun of ourselves, then life is an empty pit.

Sorry to all :(


I get banned like every other day man, dont feel bad.

True, and that's what makes it funny. Being a mod's playground, it's fun to expect the unexpected.

Yeah the longest I ever got was three days, and that was because I drunkenly anger pinged somebody after a bad day at work. Otherwise it's just to annoy you.

Entirely arbitrary short term bans > entirely arbitrary permabans with some autist arguing that they are not entirely arbitrary

Being pinged is my kink.

People are dumb, redditors somehow worse.

Its the same mentality as why people dont leave facebook and shit. What if you miss something. Like sure Ive never been pinged about something I give a fuck about but one day I'll say something clever and someone cool will talk to me.

This is all a joke right? I can't tell anymore...

it's not a joke.

because we can't have nice pings

Dad? Dad is that you?

Why don't we just track reddit admins to their houses and stab them?

This is literally Nazi Germany now, except without the fashion.

Either this is a joke or r/drama now is

Or both

Well......bye bye then.

you can mention users without pinging them if you'd like.

Thank you, but I still will probably leave, this place is becoming boring, even for me. Still 😘, for being a good mod.

Can we pm users with links to threads where people are hurling abuse without pinging them?

wouldn't recommend it.

/u/justcool393 I’m not a person. You deal here with Admiralty Maritime Jurisdiction which deals with persons, which I am not. I’m a shitposter.

I do not wish to create joinder with you.


no it's actually heterosexual

But for real though, can I ping users of /r/drama? Like if they're already here I think its fair to assume they're fine with being pinged into different threads.

the admins wanted us to whitelist it. if someone is already in a thread and you ping them to a different comment, that's fine as well.

but other than that, I think for now, we have to restrict it to the people we've whitelisted. we may be able to relax the restrictions at some point. if anything changes, I'll let you all know.

Wait wait wait, so we can comment on a linked thread AND we can ping inside a comment thread where the person is already commenting?

not unless you want admin banned. you can comment but if ya harass ping then its problematic.

My last attempt: can we respond in the linked thread with something like β€œhi! R/drama is discussing your point of view. Please come join us! We would like a first hand opinion!”

Idk we gotta ask the admins prolly

Can we just go into the thread and tell a user their valuable insight is being appreciated in a drama post and they should come over for a quick visit? Or is that brigading?

we can't control what happens outside our subreddit, but for that case, please see the stuff about brigading and redtaboo's comment on it.

demxqz8 had a newer definition of brigrading

We define brigading as intentional community interference, which typically plays out via comments or voting enacted by a group. This includes targeted group behavior that maliciously interferes with or encourages interference in the operation of an existing and separate community. This does not include organic and non targeted cross-community participation or simple discussion of other communities. Simply linking to a post where people follow and participate on isn't always considered to be interferenc

/u/sodypop needs to get offa her Bay Area mayonnaisekin high horse

Can we still ping /u/spez? And oops.

I can handle it.

Maybe if you're modded we can has pings back? Pwitty Pwease!?!?!

Sweet. I appreciate that you finally responded to one of my pings here. Am I not funny enough?

He doesn't want to encourage even more dummies

I was under the impression he has pings disabled

Spez why have you not banned this degenerate pit of alt-right hatemongers?

Daddy 😍😍😍

Look I understand we're in the containment sub, but you gotta let us have some sort of contact with the outside world.

Spez can I please have some money

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

well no shit

Of course you can, nobody is preventing you.

Spez? More like sperg!


user banned for admin harassment

/u/spez for drama mod.

Np doesnt do shit

Turn CSS on and look at the np.reddit.com/r/drama.

Maybe if you have res or custom css on. I dont and i see all posts

Yeah, it's due to the CSS.

I thought you were all about shilling the redesign?

That's what she said!

Omg hi spez!

Can you please just give /r/drama carte blanche when it comes to pinging? For the greater good

No luck catching them killers then?

It's just the one killer actually

A great big bushy beard!

your dad sells apples, andy.

Out of the probably hundreds of times you get pinged a day, this is the one you show up for?

Tbf, drama is a pretty special place.

Say hi to your tennis wife for us.

You're thinking of Alexis, not Spez. Different people.

Spez should marry the other one.



Ban T_D (unironically do it)

You flair sucks. Just sayin'.

:'(.. How can we mock T_D if we cannot ping them tho? They have a new conspiracy every week.

It's like telling a kid they can only look at the candy in a candy store.

Spez, you run this site badly and you should feel bad.

You know, rumor was that you had UN pings turned off. By confirming that you did not you're making things worse on yourself.

Me too. Pretty please with sugar on top?

You got spared by the Thanks bot. Was it rigged?

Donald Trump

it website has the big gay

post bussy

hello, how are you?

Halt die goschn... u/spez auf r/drama?

Shut the fuck up nig nog.

You can't handle shit.

People always seem to give you shit but to be honest I never had a problem with you. Until now that is. Let us ping again asshole.

hey just wanted to let you know that you're bad at your job (which is why reddit has never successfully monetized lol) and you will not be remembered in your field.

Hey sexy ;)

Fuck you

Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune

Hey spez, /r/t_d is attacking a random redditor thinking he is the Madden shooter just because he posts left-wing comments. Time to ban? Doxxing is against the rules isn't it?

did the beat go off?



Your wife is disrespectful

is pinging forbidden even when it comes to other r/drama users?

gonna repeat this comment here

the admins wanted us to whitelist it. if someone is already in a thread and you ping them to a different comment, that's fine as well.

but other than that, I think for now, we have to restrict it to the people we've whitelisted. we may be able to relax the restrictions at some point. if anything changes, I'll let you all know.

Not my President Mods!

So are we allowed to name the bad users in drama threads without the ping link, ie, u/ ?

you are. note that u/ makes a link and a username ping now.

I already miss pings

Can we ping people who already participate on this sub?

The funny thing is, the only brigading that's gone on around here recently is KiA brigading us. I wonder who's been complaining about us? Really makes you think x100...

πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€”


I think you're full of shit tbh

because we can't have nice pings, we, as of now, can't allow username mentions on the subreddit except for people who are okay with it. eventually, I'll write a bot or something to automatically approve people who want pings, but for now see the stickied comment.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

So the bot will add any name we add here? Huh.

the bot only is on that one top comment.

We srd now bois. NOT A DRILL

Drama needs ping consent training. We need to teach Mayo users not to ping.

Jesus this sub is garbage. Less and less reason to use this place.

F r/drama

So is this a forever thing or a just-until-we-get-shit-under-control thing? Cuz the ability to call people here for retarded slapfights is literally the one upside to this godforsaken shitpile of autism.

tbf people have been keeping up with nicepings as far as I've seen

we'll see. and not in the "we'll see, but really this is just a comment to appease the masses" way, but we'll continue to try and work with the admins and probably revisit allowing username mentions at some point.

I can't say exactly when at the moment.

bretti gud, thanks fam

apology for poor english

when were you when reddit drama dies?

i was sat at home eating smegma butter when jc ring

β€˜pinging is forbidden'


last time we told you stop the "kill yourself" and other harassing comments and PMs against other people because those are against site rules. we are reiterating this.

I wanted to tell you to kill yourself but then I realized that living your life would be more painful to you.

That's a little rude.

But is it dramatic enough?

doing pretty well actually. how about you?

Pretty fine too.

Friendly reminder /r/pinging exists

You are the real MPV, my fam


Is pinging okay if it's of more than 3 users? (because then they wont get the notification)

yeah that should be fine.

lmao drama got cucked

following a user around vote on everything they post can be considered vote manipulation. We often detect this automatically, throw out the votes, and if we see it we will issue a suspension and explain to the user why they need to stop.

camping out in a subreddit to up/down vote absolutely everything that is posted can be considered vote manipulation. We often detect this automatically, throw out the votes, and if we see it we will issue a suspension and explain to the user why they need to stop.

using multiple accounts to vote on the same content (again, up or down) can be considered vote manipulation. We often detect this automatically, throw out the votes, and if we see it we will issue a suspension and explain to the user why they need to stop.

Tbh I've done all of this at some point in time before in various crazed adderrall binges, and I've never gotten a suspension for it. Usually it's pretty clear that at some point they automatically stop counting the votes though.

/u/spez is it okay if I ping you?

he already made a comment saying it was okay in this thread.

/u/spez what's it like being worse at running reddit than Ellen Pao?

So if pinging is such a problem why did they add it default it on to Reddit as a feature?




I really don't have the answer for that.

lol gaaaaaaaay

"brigading" is just whatever some faggot mod wants it to be, its not real

we, as of now, can't allow username mentions on the subreddit except for people who are okay with it. eventually, I'll write a bot or something to automatically approve people who want pings, but for now see the stickied comment.

no need for a bot.. this should work in automod:

    type: any
    ~body+title (includes): [ 'u\/', 'user1', 'user2', 'user3']
    body+title (regex): ["( |/|^)(u|U) */"]
    action: filter
    action_reason: "Mentioning other users - check for whatever."


this should.. block all userpings if they show up in the title (to stop that annoying username mention bot) or in the body.. except for 'user1', 'user2', 'user3', which are usernames of those who don't mind being pinged.

Getting pinged was how I discovered this sub.

maybe it's nice we're not doing them anymore


How about a new policy of writing out the username without the tag, and we can still link threads right? So link to their comment?

And no direct pinging means we can be as disgustingly shitty as possible to their non-tagged name.

If anything, this will get more of them here imo

As an Australian I've always kinda understood it I guess. You bowl the ball with a straight arm,trying to hit the wickets, you hit the ball with the bat, run as many times up and back as you can, or if the ball rolls over the line it's four runs for free, or if it goes over the line on the full it's 6 runs for free. If the ball or bat or foot of the batter knocks over the wickets then that batter is out. The batter is also out if the ball is caught on the full.

The most complicated thing is the scoring, mostly because they give you numbers for how many runs they'll have to get per over and other stats that aren't necessary and just serve to confuse you more. At the end of the day it's just whoever gets the most runs though.

Farewell /r/drama it was nice while you lasted.

If you can't yank retards out of their hugboxes what's the point?

RIP in die r/drama


Admins are fags.

Is /u/spez ok with being told to fuck himself?

In general, can we ping people to ask if they want to be friends?

May Allah swt give you guidance mods

stop brigading as well. this is the definition of brigading. don't do it.

The admin has a dogshit contradictory definition of brigading. Apparently it's OK to link to another subreddit, but not if it's brigading.

I think they get butthurt if there's a heavy bias in the upvotes / downvotes which they see coming from other subs. That would make sense. So don't downvote tankies in a tankie sub and so on.

KYS and by that I mean keep yourself safe it's a crazy topsy terby world out there

Feel free to ping me since I argue constantly like an unhinged fucktard but I'm constantly getting temp bans so no guarantee that I'll be able to respond.

u/spez is a nig nog. Go fucking drown yourself in your political correct safe haven.

can't allow username mentions on the subreddit except for people who are okay with it.

So we’re doing the affirmative consent thing? Should we ask via PM each time?

it isn't advised for you to pm people from linked threads.

Smoke signal? Semaphore?

This is fucking bullshit.

lmao @ kia running to the admins to neuter this sub

/u/captainaprism must be so proud

Did we really get banned from pinging by those faggots in KIA complaining ?

Yeah I assume they ran to the admins, unless there was something else major here that I missed recently? I think the david-me drama was too much for them. They brigaded a bit but when they saw too many posts about mayocide and all that they probably got triggered

i consent to being pinged fuck the faggot admins

Can I be a mod so I can sticky comments and posts about the end of reality?



fuck you



Can I be a mod?

I want to have posted in /r/drama's death knell

/u/justcool393 is a faggot