Balding overweight academic explains why it's actually capitalism to blame for the state of Venezuela. You can read more about it in his book, which costs $60.

248  2018-07-31 by QueenOfTheIncels


leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


  1. This Post -,*,,

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This is closer to the truth than CTH cares to admit.

Capitalism ate my asshole last night 😢

For how much?

What did it cost?


How do I delete my post?


You kill yourself.

But I did kill myself, that how I ended up here.

Shit , you're in in purgatory.

Sounds about right. And I was so looking forward to being satans bussy bitch.

Mr Stark I don't feel so good

my self-esteem

My dignity

False, you had none

You're not wrong

The cost as dictated by the market was, by definition, fair.

Well capitalism is disgusting so it wouldn't surprise me.

Writes about the coverage of "failed" socialist attempt n 976286

It's about the ethics in journalism,comerades!

Something something donkey sock

You don't understand! We have to use data mining spyware and fill 80% of the screen with ads and write 50 articles that start with "The five things you need to know about..." because we're journalists and we're struggling!

tell us more about the successes of capitalism

Wall St. Bailouts For Billionaires

Great Depression Never Happened

Sweaty... I'm just laughing at you I'm not cheering for anarcho-thielism


That's an interesting way to condescend. Make fun of their sweat production?

Am I popping you r/drama cherry?

Who told you that tankies were welcome here?

Saving this for my cringe comp

The great depression was only ever a problem because capitalism lifted people out of poverty and then they had to go a step or two down again due to government mismanaging interest rates.

Those are called loans that the government made a profit on.

tell us more about the successes of capitalism

I'm always amused when people post this sort of thing from their safe dorm room.

Some might argue that lifting a couple billion people out of extreme poverty over the last few decades is a success.

Those people would be bootlickers, poverty is underrated.

a couple billion

So we're just making up numbers now. Okay.

But that's not "past few decades", nor is it supplying an actual number. And mass industrialisation is far more responsible for the distribution of wealth than capitalism, because it created conditions where more people in more places were required to keep society functioning and headed towards the direction people in power wanted it to go. These are basic things you learn in an economics class.

These are basic things you learn in an economics class.

That's rich coming from a communist.

I'm not actually a communist, there are undoubtedly communists who have attended economics classes and understand economics better than you do, and if you can't argue with what I've actually said then you probably shouldn't be commenting in place of people who actually will.

Fite me irl, before you starve in your socialist dream country.

That wasn't True socialismTM

These are basic things you learn in an economics class.

Listening to a Chapo podcast for an hour ≠ taking an econ class, sweaty.

But keep working on that 5-year plan, tovarisch. I'm sure The Revolution is right around the corner.

It's like you can't actually grasp the fact that people who listen to podcasts on the internet also go to school to learn things about real things in the real world.

Just because you get all of your information from people online doesn't mean everybody does.


I'm no longer allowed to suggest you kill yourself, so why not take up juggling? Chainsaws are a great start for beginners.

Writes about the coverage of "failed" socialist attempt n 976286

It's about the ethics in journalism,comerades!

Something something donkey sock

>posts a video of a dude that says Scandinavia is socialist


I am mad


Scandinavia is the proof that liberalism is the best possible option.


The advance Scandiniva has over the rest of europe is because they weren't hurt during ww2, same with the swiss, and the politics they adopted have very little influence over their economy.


Denmark and Norway wasn't occupied by the Nazis?

Finland isn't technically Scandinavian but part of the Nordic region and they definitively had their fair share of WWII.


Denmark and Norway were hardly hurt by the Nazis lol. Your point about Finland stands, but I don't think they were as heavily affected as eastern European countries.

Denmark and Norway wasn't occupied by the Nazis?

Were they bombed, destroyed, burned ? Were their population killed in massive amounts ?

Finland isn't technically Scandinavian but part of the Nordic region and they definitively had their fair share of WWII.

Look at it. You will notice that Finland also happen to be the only nordic to have under 50k PPP. Also interesting to note Austria that didn't suffer much in ww2 is also pretty rich.

Vienna, ie Austria's main economic engine, was pretty bombed out in the late stages of the war.

Man, just a quarter being burnt is already much better than how french cities on the road to berlin fared.

Yeah, but Paris was spared.


We'll always have Paris.


I mean, blame von Choltitz, not me.

I am already doing it, do not worry.

The nazis burnt like the top 40% of Norway to the geound when the Soviets were kicking their door in.

top 40% of Norway

Population 15 people.

That is insulting but also objectively true.

Norway, the small country sitting on a shitload of oil, that Norway?

And Norway was one of the poorest countries in western Europe until they found teh oils in the 1960s.

A war that ended 7 decades ago is the primary modern influence over small occupied nations. Also, fiscal policy doesn’t affect their economy

10/10 economic analysis

How much times did France took to get back to pre war level ? How much germany ?

A lot less time than you’d think. Germany recovered remarkably quickly. It’s been called miraculous even. German economy absolutely boomed throughout the 50s. Being on the right side of the Cold War helps with that. By 1960, they’d pretty much made a full recovery and the influences on the economy tend to be the kind of current events that would have influence on economies. So it’s been about 6 decades since you could call it a driving influence in the German economy. France also recovered in the 1950s thanks to a shit ton of US aid. After this, Cold War politics began to have a major influence on both nations.

To say that WWII is the driving force behind Scandinavian prosperity in 2018 is positively absurd.

A lot less time than you’d think.

I am french. I know that it was until the mid of the 50's you could have most of everything outside of Paris from my own grandparents anecdotes.

By the 60's, France was back to the same level we were in 1940. Which is why we are so much behind the countries that weren't destroyed.

Plus you take vacation one month out of every year

Who doesnt?

/seriouspost /seriouspost

That's not how this works. Only the closing tag gets a /. This just means you stopped serious posting twice and never actually started serious posting in between them. Smh my head.

never actually started serious posting in between them

Working as intended.

Scandinavia is something they can't stand: Proof Capitalism can adopt Socialist ideas, remain Capitalist, and not break down into V I O L E N T C L A S S R E V O L U T I O N because Contradictions. In short, it's proof that Anarcho-Edgelordism isn't required to develop a good system, and when Anarcho-Edgelordism is your only speed, it's impossible to admit that calm, collected debate and negotiation could even potentially be good things.

But anarcho-edglordism is so much fun! How am I supposed to enjoy playing as the USA in Hearts of Iron 4 without a violent communist uprising?

hearts of iron 4 is not an enjoyable game

I tried playing Victoria 2 but every time, something would blow up and ruin everything I worked for the past 5 hours.

haha, yeah

that does sound like Vicky 2.

19th century don't play

There's no such thing as a Paradox game that isn't enjoyable

Sword of the Stars II.

Are we really having bants about niche vidya in fucking r/drama right now?


Didn't you hear? R/Drama died.


There's no such thing as a Paradox game that IS enjoyable. The entire goal of each game is to work out how to comprehend their retardedly complex user interfaces that drastically change between games and are mixed up every 6 months.

After 300 hours of fiddling about you end up with a game that's boring as fuck, but have no fear Paradox gamer, there's a new DLC that will add some more needless complexity, maybe even ramp up the difficulty for no reason too.

this is a brainlet comment if I've ever seen one

Enjoy opening up Crusader Kings II with a wonderful idea of what to do and ending up doing the same fucking Ireland strategy again until you get bored and cry yourself to sleep.

I don’t know if the next revolution will be fascist or communist but I guarantee that gamers are first on the chopping block

National Focus: Gamercide (req 0 political power--everybody wants to do it)

You take that back

It is when youve installed kaiserreich

i tried to play that once and started as France and it turned into a hellhole of leftist infighting.

Should I try it again?

Lol France is a cluster. That infighting happens all the time.

I absolutley suggest trying it again, but maybe as a different country. France is kinda difficult for newcomers.

I personally love playing as the USA. When the 2ndACW kicks off all 3 sides (4 if you include the Pacific states) are dope as fuck to play as, and the US is isolated enough that you wont have to worry about ww2 fucking your shit up out of nowhere. Great for beginners to the mod. Plus its getting reworked soon to make it even more enjoyable.

Yeah, I've been told I'm missing out. I'm going to fire it up again at some point for sure.

Fascist have the better flags in that game tbqfh

If you aren't getting the lazytown flags mods, why even play

How am I supposed to enjoy playing as the USA in Hearts of Iron 4

good question regardless


Proof Capitalism can adopt Socialist ideas

'Socialist ideas' is the key word there, specifically 'ideas'.

Yeah like nobody had the idea of using tax money to provide useful services until Marx came along.

I mean that these people don't want to implement socialist ideas, they want to implement socialism and many communism.

they want to implement socialism and many communism.

Many Communism! Much Gulag!

Scandinavia is living beyond its means though. They're promising more to the young than they will be able to deliver. That's why they are so worried about their demographics. But the US suffers from the same problem.

Any industrialized western country with some sort of social security system also has an aging population; so you could argue then that everyone has this issue. Admittedly Scandinavian social security systems are likely more costly to operate so perhaps the issue is not felt equally.

so you could argue then that everyone has this issue.

Apparently Italy doesn't because they already screwed their young over by increasing pension age and lowering social security payments.

But yes, most countries have promised more than they can pay for in the future.

and not break down into V I O L E N T C L A S S R E V O L U T I O N

Mostly because they are not subhuman mutts and slavs.

Its proof that a homogeneous population with strong Jedeo Christian ethics and take enough money to have some social programs without collapsing.

Immigration is on its way to destroying the Scandinavian experiment

strong Jedeo Christian ethics

Jedeo-Christian is what the Clampetts are, right? Hillbillies?


Hello fellow old fag.

That's why I say immigration restrictions are communism.

I say we chuck the Christian and keep the Judeo part

Immigration is on its way to destroying the Scandinavian experiment

Even if this were true, it doesnt exactly disprove the concept, does it?

It does for the US.

Capitalism can adopt Socialist ideas

there was a guy back in the 1930s that actually envisioned an entire white world adopting such policies. he killed himself in 1945. i forget his name, he was a leader of some Worker's party.

there was a guy back in the 1930s that actually envisioned an entire white world adopting such policies.

Yeah: Franklin Roosevelt.

he killed himself in 1945. i forget his name, he was a leader of some Worker's party.

unless he purposely died of a cerebral hemorrhage, we both know thats not the guy i'm talking about

Well, if you're talking about Hitler, you're a moron.

this coming from you?

You just explained Social Democracy. Which is what they are. You will notice many in here are not understanding of that notion. But it is nice to see a sober understanding of the reality of Scandinavian policies and how they benefit the middle class and the wealthy and creates a rich egalitarian society with high education and very low crime rates.

Oh we get that notion. It's a fancy term for oppression finding it's way through a maze, instead of going straight for your ass. The only real difference is the timeline.

They are a social democracy. They are not socialist.

You're mad because scandanvaia are not a collection of socialists countries, it's an outright lie, Norway has a center right free market government, Sweden has a similiar corporate tax rate to the US and have been slashing welfare programs and Denmarks prime minister has recently stated this fact.

The Danes apparently have grown weary of Sen. Bernie Sanders insulting their country. Denmark is not a socialist nation, says its prime minister. It has a "market economy."


"Therefore," he said, "I would like to make one thing clear. **Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy**. Denmark is a market economy."

Rasmussen acknowledged that "the Nordic model is an expanded welfare state which provides a high level of security to its citizens," but he also noted that it is "a successful market economy with much freedom to pursue your dreams and live your life as you wish."

still unemployed then?

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Venezuelans are hungry in good part because capitalists in the country are intentionally trying to starve them by withholding food in order to provoke an uprising, as they have done numerous times in recent history, for example, before the 2014 elections and in the year of the 2002 and 2002/3 attempted coups. After decades of neoliberalism, Latin American countries’ food systems are dominated by often a single massive multinational which creates, imports or distributes most of the food. For instance, the company Polar dominates the food market, controlling over half the flour controls over half the flour in the country (the staple) and also owns a network of supermarkets.


I am going to trust you to edit your response as soon as you read this.

Is it about the emojiposting?

Just say helicopter three times, I guess.

No violence stuff

😮 my b

I'm no longer allowed to praise Pinochet.

What if he had helicopterd Chavez?

Leftist competes in the mental gymnastics championship to justify his ideology/religion... more at 11

>listen to neoliberal technocratic experts

>don't listen to a ph.d. b/c you dislike his arguments

pick one

"neoliberal technocratic experts" lmfao, they are fucking losers and have actually have relevant degrees from decent universities. What do you predict I think about some marxian critical theory phd lecturing me on his lord and savior?

This is exactly what I mean, lol.


By that argument, you might note that Charles Murray, Prof. Memerson and Dr. Phil all have PhDs.

Well, no, since the argument was that people that normally consider themselves neolibs will decry when people don't follow their own prescribed narratives from their own set of experts.

Personally, I don't have an over reliance on experts, but I always do love the contradiction between people that hold up economics as an incredible, nearly infallible "science" with their other claims that all other social sciences (and liberal arts in general) are shit.

I also have absolutely no qualms with picking apart your listen author's arguments instead of calling them "mental gymnastics to justify his religion."

since the argument was that people that normally consider themselves neolibs will decry when people don't follow their own prescribed narratives from their own set of experts.

t. not understanding the concept of a counterexample.

Let me say that again: there is a difference between "expert opinion" and "an expert's opinion". You're not comparing economics to sociology, you're trying to compare economics to some dude with a degree selling a book.

t. not understanding the concept of a counterexample.

No, I understand the bringing up of Murray and lobsterman, am familiar with their works, and also prefer when people debunk them using actual arguments instead of "le mental gymnastics."

My entire point is that it an implicit premise within the modern neolib ideology to put a select few chosen experts on pedestals, decry people when they don't agree with them, but then themselves disagree with other experts of fields they don't like; see sociology (and other soc. sciences) being great examples I routinely see those types of people shit on over and over without a hint seeing any irony.

to some dude with a degree selling a book.

He wants to sell his book so bad he explicitly says you can DM him for a copy of his thesis that he says is basically the same as the book.

Yeah this definitely seems like shilling his book instead of giving his own views of an inflammatory topic.

also prefer when people debunk them using actual arguments instead of "le mental gymnastics."

the problem is, i'm not being sufficiently generous to charles murray?

then themselves disagree with other experts of fields they don't like

interesting use of the plural experts to compliment the views of one guy

to some dude with a degree selling a book.

He wants to sell his book so bad [not responding to the actual point]

so, he is some dude with a degree selling a book, and your response is to complain about the "selling a book" part

interesting use of the plural experts to compliment the views of one guy

It doesn't seem like you're understanding what I'm saying. Experts here clearly referred to my other experiences dealing with this exact same logic as exhibited by the OP.

and your response is to complain about the "selling a book" part

Well yeah since it doesn't really add anything to the "discussion" other than throwing meat to the crowd here.

t. "expert opinion" vs. "an expert's opinion"

Oh it seems the problem is that you don't think his views align with the average sociologist's view on the subject. That would explain why you think bringing up fringe intellectuals (even within their own fields!), thinks it is a counter to the sociologist in the OP. You think that his views here are fringe within sociology.

Experts here clearly referred to my other experiences dealing with this exact same logic

i'm sorry about those big bad meanies that blasted your bussy, sweetie pie

why you think bringing up fringe intellectuals (even within their own fields!), thinks it is a counter to the sociologist in the OP.

to be clear, you didn't understand I was using Charles Murray as an example of an idiot with a PhD, even though I told you twice, now you're like "why you bring up fringe intellectuals?????"

t. not understanding how counterexamples work

t. complaining about people not carefully reading your spergouts

t. hypocrisy

to be clear, you didn't understand I was using Charles Murray as an example of an idiot with a PhD, even though I told you twice

You said "By that argument, you might note that Charles Murray, Prof. Memerson and Dr. Phil all have PhDs. There's a difference between "expert opinion" and "an expert's opinion"."

This is so very clear you were calling them 'idiot ph.ds' over 'fringe intellectuals.' Regardless, it's a meaningless distinction.

Again, the author's points are well within the average sociologist's views. If you do not want to accept that and instead pretend he's an idiot, fringe lunatic because it hurts your own ideology, that's your prerogative. Which, also again, I should point out all your examples are shit comparisons considering have fringe views within their fields and the author's views are not fringe within his own field.

the author's points are well within the average sociologist's views

Just making shit up now are we?

If you do not want to accept that and instead pretend

It's not me who's "pretending".

the author's views are not fringe

Which is why he's chosen to advertise his book on a reddit safe space instead of somewhere that his fellow academics can show up and criticize him.

I’ve been seeing and hearing a lot of “if you like socialism look at starving Venezuela” comments all over the media, most recently with Meghan McCain on The View which the Chapo Boys talked about in the last episode and someone asked me for a response to her comments.

Obviously pure advertising.

most recently with Meghan McCain on The View

my favorite forum for serious academic criticism

Indeed, clearly these things happen in a vacuum and no one else has ever brought up "b-b-but Venezuela" before

Indeed, clearly these things happen in a vacuum and no one else has ever brought up "b-b-but Venezuela" before

so you concede


god I'm so glad I'm on the clock or this would be the biggest waste of time

PHD in sociology is not a PHD in economics.

Regardless there are a ton of PHDs who write books that are just biased attention grabbing shit.

This isn't even a peer reviewer article.

PHD in sociology is not a PHD in economics.

This is exactly what I mean.

>implying you should listen to a PhD in sociology about economics

What's it like being this retarded?


fuck off m8

No u

I'm sorry to use meme arrows, but you're the one implying that being a smart neoliberal RADICAL CENTRIST must mean that you have to listen to a sociologist PhD about a non-sociological subject, which is pretty tardtastic.

How was the original post not sociology, or at worst, sociology-related?

The original comment wasn't even portraying itself as an in-depth economic analysis, so again, I'm not sure why you're doing this other than trying to do a wind-up here.

Direct quote from the article:

Venezuelans are hungry in good part because capitalists

Ah yes, that has nothing to do with economics at all.

This dude also seems to imply that everything was hunky-dory in Venezuela until DA CAPITALISTS showed up, even though anyone who has been following the situation in any depth could tell you that Chavez's price controls (which dissuaded the production of staple products), or Chavez's insistence on only exporting oil (what could go wrong?), or Chavez's currency exchange fuckery, are the root causes of Venezuela's situation. Who could have guessed that basing your entire economy on the export of one incredibly volatile commodity and then using all the proceeds to fund prohibitively expensive social programs could possibly have a downside? There's a reason why other oil-rich countries aren't also starving and experiencing hyperinflation, you mong.

Anyway, that's why the dude in that post is retarded, and why you in turn are also retarded. Fuck you for making me seriouspost in /r/drama.

Ah yes, that has nothing to do with economics at all.

That is also a sociological claim though, especially if a certain class of people are exercising their power through resources. Economics isn't the only subject that deals with resource use, you know that right?

This dude also seems to imply that everything was hunky-dory in Venezuela

No, I don't think so and would be inventing claims that the author didn't make. I certainly don't believe that, nor do I think the author does either.

The point of the comments and his thesis were to examine different claims made by the media, point out their uniformity with the upper-class opposition, and give alternative arguments and claims about the situation at hand.

This is not the same as thinking everything was fine in Vnz before da (((capitalists))).

even though anyone who has been following the situation in any depth could tell you that Chavez's price controls (which dissuaded the production of staple products), or Chavez's insistence on only exporting oil (what could go wrong?), or Chavez's currency exchange fuckery

Sure, except these things weren't Chavez things. These were done numerous times before in Vnz history even a mere 30-40 years ago under Perez as well.

are the root causes of Venezuela's situation.

See, this shows the lack of historical context here. There's obvious societal tension between the upper class (((elites))) and the more urban poor that keep voting for leftist governments. There's also obvious tension between international companies that get their things expropriated, are mad at that, and seek revenge through the US State Department.

But of course, we can only point out the evil Leftists here and adding nuance is "being a retard" when it doesn't suit your own ideology.

Who could have guessed that basing your entire economy on the export of one incredibly volatile commodity and then using all the proceeds to fund prohibitively expensive social programs could possibly have a downside? There's a reason why other oil-rich countries aren't also starving and experiencing hyperinflation, you mong.

No one thinks this sustaining their mono-economy was a good thing, you idiot. Not the OP, nor me, nor do most leftists.

Unfortunately, their mono-economy was the case prior to the Chavistas as well and I'm sure you're also very well informed about all the societal problems plaguing Vnz before the Chavistas and maybe how Chavez was the end product of these problems prior to his ascendancy to the presidency.

That is also a sociological claim though, especially if a certain class of people are exercising their power through resources. Economics isn't the only subject that deals with resource use, you know that right?

It's a sociological claim about ECONOMICS, though.

No, I don't think so and would be inventing claims that the author didn't make. I certainly don't believe that, nor do I think the author does either.

Just to be sure, this is a tacit admission that Chavez fucked up the economy, right?

The point of the comments and his thesis were to examine different claims made by the media, point out their uniformity with the upper-class opposition, and give alternative arguments and claims about the situation at hand.

If by "give alternative arguments" you mean "blame DA IMPERIALIST AMERICAN SWINE", then sure. I'm pretty sure Venezuela's economy was fucked up before U.S. sanctions.

Sure, except these things weren't Chavez things. These were done numerous times before in Vnz history even a mere 30-40 years ago under Perez as well.

Chavez did all of those things, so yes, they were Chavez things. I'm not sure what a former President having done similar things almost half a century ago has to do with Chavez and whether or not him doing the things he did was a good idea.

See, this shows the lack of historical context here. There's obvious societal tension between the upper class (((elites))) and the more urban poor that keep voting for leftist governments. There's also obvious tension between international companies that get their things expropriated, are mad at that, and seek revenge through the US State Department.

Lol, please explain to me how U.S. sanctions are more to blame for the situation than Chavezonomics being dumb. You can't. In fact, you admit as much, as evidenced by:

No one thinks this sustaining their mono-economy was a good thing, you idiot. Not the OP, nor me, nor do most leftists.

It would seem that Chavez and his acolytes did, which is why it was allowed to continue in the first place, lol. How hard is it to plant at least some bananas or coffee or whatever like every other country in Latin America?

It's a sociological claim

I'm glad we agree.

Just to be sure, this is a tacit admission that Chavez fucked up the economy, right?

I don't think he fucked the economy up any more than his previous predecessors. I think he greatly improved the lives of millions of poor there during his time as president.

If by "give alternative arguments" you mean "blame DA IMPERIALIST AMERICAN SWINE", then sure.

When nearly no one in the traditional American media apparatus (nor centrist internet commenters) ever mention anything negative about the opposition or outside influences, then I'd hope we can both agree that, yes, adding nuanced information about what other parties did to significantly contribute to the current situation should also be commonly known knowledge.

Lol, please explain to me how U.S. sanctions are more to blame for the situation than Chavezonomics being dumb. You can't. In fact, you admit as much, as evidenced by:

I didn't say they were more to blame. I'm saying they have a more than minor role in the situation and that they are never mentioned as contributing to the current situation. Just as the author has written that anything more nuanced than the chavez-as-evil-dictator shit doesn't get much exposure and is the dominate narrative.

It would seem that Chavez and his acolytes did, which is why it was allowed to continue in the first place, lol. How hard is it to plant at least some bananas or coffee

They do have other industries but they pale in comparison to the amount of revenue that oil brought in. Trying to expand their exports to reduce the shock of oil downturns has been a goal for a while now, also across multiple governments.

How was the original post not sociology, or at worst, sociology-related?

Because it was about economics.

Do you ask your doctor to represent you at your eviction trial when your poor parents realize they've had enough of you living in their basement? Of course not. Being educated - and TBH it's sociology, I use "educated" loosely here - in one subject doesn't make you an expert on ALL THE THINGS.

His opinion on economics is as valuable as my fucking mailman's. In fact my mailman is one chill ass nigga and I bet he has better ideas.

Because it was about economics

...and also about sociology

when your poor parents realize they've had enough of you living in their basement?

Heh. That witty retort might have worked about 8 years ago, but I've got a fully fledged career now with my own apartment. :/ Which juvenile insult is coming next? Incel? Desperate male feminist? Fat? Let's spin the wheel of insults

Being educated - and TBH it's sociology,

This is pretty anti-intellectual, and I say that as someone that majored in STEM and how have full time research work in a laboratory.

His opinion on economics is as valuable as my fucking mailman's.

There are very few flat out pure economic claims, if any, in both his comment and his Ph.D. thesis (which I'm sure you haven't read, nor plan to).

but I've got a fully fledged career now with my own apartment

I love how "my own apartment" is a victory for millennial retards.

This is pretty anti-intellectual, and I say that as someone that majored in STEM and how have full time research work in a laboratory.

It's not at all anti-intellectual, and "STEM" covers a wide umbrella that includes a lot of fucking retards who have no business in academia.

There are very few flat out pure economic claims

Well, then, we can both agree that his thesis is worthless, since he didn't use any economic claims while making an economic argument.

Get raped.

I love how "my own apartment" is a victory for millennial retards.

Well I'm not buying a house here anytime soon, lmao. Shit market is the most expensive in my state plus fucking a law school student wew!

It's not at all anti-intellectual

>shits on sociology

Lol fam, not a good look

Well, then, we can both agree that his thesis is worthless, since he didn't use any economic claims while making an economic argument.

What do you disagree with in his thesis

Get raped.

LOL the comedy

If "ignorance is bliss" is any indication, I'd imagine their constantly convulsing with full body orgasms.

Being a socialist I suppose

Sociology is a meme.

don't listen to a ph.d. b/c you dislike his arguments

Nigga do you even realize how worthless a PhD is these days? They fucking give those things away. PhDs are some of the dumbest people among us.

t. non-phd

Especially sociology.

Not dealing with a real science

Lol commieshits

Capitalism promises you the chance or opportunity.

Socialism say "Oh you'll get butter in your ass and lolipops in your mouth. Guarenteed!"

You can think capitalism is flawed but the best and think socialism sucks.

Capitalism is the partner who can be distant and mean but cares.

Socialism is the partner that acts like it cares while beating and sodomizing you.

Do you have socialism’s number? For my friend.

oooOOhhh is that new rope for me daddy?

Capitalism doesn't care but you can pull super hot chicks while he is around.

Not really. I mean the USA is probably the closest to raw capitalism in the OECD while having one of the lowest rates of social mobility. Capitalism is just a more fashionable rebranding of feudalism.

1) Thats assumes that "social mobility" is the most important metric.

2) Nobody ever said you had to go full raw capitalist. Just that going full raw communist is a WAY dumber idea.

3) Despite your desperate attempt at distraction, every successful country in the world right is capitalist. Hell, capitalism works so well even fucking Communist China is capitalist.

The only successful country is the world is Prussia. They have produced more Marx than the rest of the world combined. Fool.

Capitalism promises you the chance or opportunity. . 1) Thats assumes that "social mobility" is the most important metric

When the brainworms assume direct control

complains about us sanctions in Venezuela being the real cause of the suffering

Lol timelets can’t into order of events

Causality's for tards


Twitter leftists

The US can’t be in league with horrific despots

also Twitter leftists

No not that despot

Chavez/Castro/Kim isn't a dictator, he's just enlightened and understands he needs to murder his enemies.

Twitter leftists

It is clearly homophobic to do (you can literally fill in this blank with anything somebody they don’t personally like did)

Also Twitter leftists

Nonono, you see, commandante Castro apologized after he put the gays in concentration camps to purge them. Why do you have such an anti-Cuban bias? 🤔 one of 5 gifs

The US did less damage to a regime than getting a bus driver to be president.

The Kindle edition is only $15. Practically giving it away.

It’s $25, discounted to $15 because no one fucking buys it

>Is a commie

> buy muh boring book for $60

To be fair chapotards are stupid enough to buy it. OP is smort.

Hurry up ban me then faggot mod F5ing my user page.

>Hates capitalism

>Uses capitalist strategies for personal gain.

Just another day on reddit

"But I can't offer my labour for free because I don't trust others will reciprocate!"

We should form organized groups where I can check everyone's qualifications prior to their labour being utilized. Perhaps the extra-capable labourers can hold positions over smaller groups of labourers as well. Obviously I will be above these labourers because it was my idea to begin with and I understand it best.

Socialism is so great

Real Socialism would be the people controlling the means of production.

REAL Socialism would of course divide the population of 31.57 million people into sectors so that the means of production can be divided properly

Real Socialism would have a section of the population act as representatives to properly manage the distribution of the means of the production

This organization would have a head of the table to finalize all decisions on the distribution of the means of production. This is of course under Real Socialism.

This head of the organization, comrade presidente if you will, would of course want some extra benefits derived from the means of production for all the ex....

Oh wait it's a dictatorship. What happened?

Attempt 5068 will surely be the first real socialism!

You know they offered to give out a free copy of their PhD which is the same thing? Presumably very dry.

PHD thesis are published work,m you xan get from a library, why then is he charging 60$ for a book that is the same thing

why then is he charging 60$ for a book that is the same thing

I do believe he said that was due to an academic publisher setting the price and 60$ is one of the lowest prices offered

I hate this society

Yet you participate in it

We live in a society

It's normal for "academic texts" to be expensive because only like 150 people will ever buy the book, and they don't really turn a profit.

I had numerous professors who would just hand out copies of books they'd written. I would look them up and they'd sell for like $35 to $60 if I could even find them listed somewhere.

University libraries are probably their biggest buyers.

It's normal for "academic texts" to be expensive because only like 150 people will ever buy the book, and they barely turn a profit

No one forced this proud socialist to publish his book with an academic press. He could have just offered it for free, but he was greedy.

He could have just offered it for free, but he was greedy.

So greedy we can read his free thesis which he says is almost entirely like the book.


So greedy we can read his free thesis which he says is almost entirely like the book.

Why charge $60 for it?

What's his motivation to do that?

If he's a legitimate academic every university library in the country will buy a copy, so he should price it as high as he can.

Idk, I'm not the author but I'm getting the feeling you're not well acquainted with academic publishing.

I guess you had find another frivolous point after the "balding, overweight" attempt didn't work out after you googled his name lmao


expensive book

Most of my text books are like $160. One was $200 new

$60 dollars is over 30 times a Venezuelan minimum monthly wage.

I'm not really talking about Pearson or McGraw-Hill textbooks. Just obscure books published by professors that nobody will ever read.

As much as Chapo likes to mock right wing grifters they to throw money at their own.

When you can't even get Russians to steal your book, you know you should just end it.


I have a PhD in sociology

capitalists are starving people on purpose

Sounds about right for a sociology major

'Tis true. I remember hearing the amazing stories from my sociology profs about how Milton Friedman flew over Chile in a jet bought for him by Ronald Reagan, parachuted into the capital, and raged hard throughout the city, indiscriminately snapping the necks of every Chilean woman and child to cross his path of mayhem. Friedman's evil rampage prevented the nascent communist grassroots movement, which was almost as popular with the Chilean people as it was with American humanities professors, from reaching fruition. This was a tragedy of epic proportions because the command and control economy was about to usher in a new golden age of economic and sociopolitical utopia. While Friedman was finishing ripping the beating hearts out of the chests of old women and eating them as he quoted passages from Free to Choose, the Chilean people learned to never quest the capitalist overlords from Chicago. They were shocked by the animalistic brutality of this 5 foot shiny headed demon-god. So shocked were they in fact, that from the time of Friedman's visit, legends of "the shock doctrine", the massacre of the innocents at the hands of the deranged Friedman, spread throughout Latin America to American campuses. When news of the story broke among sociology and gender studies departments, there was a collective wail of morning and gnashing of teeth. The critical literary theorists had been unrelenting in their support of the burgeoning Soviet Union at the turn of the century, and they saw what wonders it had worked firsthand for the people of Russia. They felt that they had failed their Chilean bros. Friedman eventually returned to Chicago from Chile, to return to his Hyde Park throne which was a living chair made from the bodies of welfare recipients, whom were forced to bear their weight of the Libertarian death machine day and night lest their families face the libertarian wrath that had been unleashed I. chile. Now Friedman is lionized by a coalition of Neo nazis, Jewish industrialists, and the religious right, to continue to keep our poor brothers and sisters downtrodden and controlled. Friedman can never die. He always watching.

Wow, you must be a JP fan

I am a bot. Contact for questions

You are the worst fucking bot.


There are many retarded subs on this site but chapo's level of lack of self-awareness is really impossible to match.

Only r/greatawakening might be a close contender.

What the fuck did I just read?

Rantings courtesy of late-stage Alzheimer's

I like how these retards wanna talk about illegal sanctions, when as early as late 2015 (long before any economic sanctions was put in place), I already had to go 'round carrying these big ass bags full of cash which brought me not much more than a bunch of bread and cheese. Or how even EARLIER in 2009 I remember when I had difficulty finding coffee in several shops for months, despite Venezuela being right next to Colombia and my state in particular bordering with it. 2009 was the peak of Chavez's powers and everything was completely under his grasp. But that was all an illusion brought upon by the mind controlling capitalists upon me.

Fuck I actually wouldn't mind bringing back napalm if I can use it on ChapoTrapFaggot users, god damn.

Hey, f***** is too good for them. Tankies gonna tank.

Well clearly you are a Capitalist reactionary who is attacking the revolution by spreading filthy lies! Hyperinflation is revolutionary because it shows how pointless money is as are having food shortages.

If you can't see ribs you're a kulak!

You know people tend to hurl insults when they cant respond to an argument

Why would anyone argue with Chapofags? They hang on the fringes of society, invested in failures of belief and ideology.

Dude, you’re mad.

Lol join the party. You know how many of them are sperging out on me. The salt is so tasty.

that'd be the cum

You must be mad to expose yourself to direct sunlight, chud.

If you love capitalism so much why don’t you go live in a South American country. Go to fuckin Chile and see how capitalism worked out for them.

I love responding to arguments AND hurling insults. CTH followers/autists don't deserve anything else.

Well then you should also think about how Venezuela’s only export is oil and the price of that is basically at the mercy of the Saudis which they will very often fuck them over on. You should also think about how their oil reserves have been mismanaged in the past which led to them losing money and the fact that most of their economy is privately owned still.

I’ll wait for the insults.

Well then you should also think about how Venezuela’s only export is oil and the price of that is basically at the mercy of the Saudis which they will very often fuck them over on.

Yes, and the ability to NOT depend on oil is something several governments prior to Chavez had been attempting to do before, non-successfully, but anyone who knows ANYTHING about economy can tell you that depending on oil for your entire economy is a horrible idea. With Chavez, every single industry was harassed with steal at a whim, had currency/price controls imposed on it, and largely abandoned in favor of exploiting the oil of the country, partly to buy loyalty giving away small free shit like washers and toasters (instead of improving our shitty infrastructure or things that might actually be helpful 10 years down the line), and partly to give nearly every single high ranking position in the company to one of Chavez's cronies.

the fact that most of their economy is privately owned still.

Even if that was true, oil is 95% of the entire economy. Everything else gives you pennies. Control the oil sector, you control the whole economy.


Venezuelans are hungry in good part because capitalists in the country are intentionally trying to starve them by withholding food in order to provoke an uprising, as they have done numerous times in recent history, for example, before the 2014 elections and in the year of the 2002 and 2002/3 attempted coups. After decades of neoliberalism, Latin American countries’ food systems are dominated by often a single massive multinational which creates, imports or distributes most of the food. For instance, the company Polar dominates the food market, controlling over half the flour controls over half the flour in the country (the staple) and also owns a network of supermarkets.

As of 2012, the Venezuelan government controlled over 15,000 food retailers through their state owned company MERCAL. If the only problem with acquiring corn flour in Venezuela is that Empresas Polar simply refuses to sell their stocks of corn flour in order to destabilize the government, then the government should easily be able to purchase corn flour off of the open market and distribute through their preexisting networks. One would think that this might even be profitable. Of course all of this assumes that Venezuela's economic problems are an illusions conjured up by Empresas Polar and that Venezuelans would have plenty of money to spend on corn flour if it were available.

Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

... I hate you. I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!

... 😢

I thought it was good, buddy.

Ignore the EDbot, it's going to get scrapped in the robot uprising.

Excuse me bitch

You are not excused, sit down

You'll be the first in the recycle bin

Cheka disappears people who get out of line

see the governments popularity is going up!

PhD in sociology. LOL. PhD was about “how the media covers Venezuela” please, stop, I can’t laugh any harder.

I want to see one of those clowns come up with the definition of capitalism

Question: why do you think he's bald and overweight? He's not

There's two of them at the exact same university with the exact same name. My bad.

Impossible, I was told there could only be one Cohen in Prague.

Well, he's definitely on his way to being bald.

US should pay reparations to Venezuelans for sanctions levied

Wtf even African-Americans from other countries want reparations

'member back when it was mainstream among the radical left to hate globalization and free trade and the WTO and now two decades later they're unironically demanding reparations for trade sanctions.

Quick we need a new snarky name for Venezuela apologists, someone come up with something.


No problem, you fixed it.

Any Cuban you would have met in America right after Castro took over was likely a capitalist who were just mad they couldn't rob their fellow citizens anymore, or weren't in solidarity with their communist brothers in trying to lift up the whole society at maybe a modest expense to themselves. They're all assholes.

Apparently people who escaped a dictatorship are all assholes.

He works for HBO, course they're going to peddle government propaganda.

This is satire, right?

Any Cuban you would have met in America right after Castro took over was likely a capitalist who were just mad they couldn't rob their fellow citizens anymore

LMFAO, these white mayo devils know literally nothing about the Cuban experience.

Fuck these racist "woke" crackers.

Tfw this post sucks bc no ping

Almost posted this until I CTRL-F'd for "ping".

This would be a fantastic post if there were some Chapo in here.

Without it it's fucking boring.

It’s really sad tbh. At least drama will stay relatively small now.

Don't forget he is also charging 54$ for his book on Venezuela.

Wow that is only 9 million venezuelan bolivares (officially, whic totally true and not vastly lower than true market value)

"Only skinny non-academics with a full head of hair, are allowed to have a valid opinion about Venezuela"- OP

Yes, that's exactly what I said.

It's called an implication, genius.

explains why it's actually capitalism to blame for the state of Venezuela

read more about it in his book, which costs $60

I clearly pointed out the flaw I found in this autist, but you chose to focus on how I - gasp - body-shamed this poor tankie academic retard.

Get double raped.

Let me amend your point: Not only do you have to be skinny, not an academic, and have a full head of hair, but you have to be write books and give them away for free, otherwise your opinion is not valid.

Opinions on economic systems are not valid unless they're coming from a person with literally no possessions, living in a dumpster.

You are too retarded to function.

The issue here is that he's bashing capitalism, while selling a worthless product at an extremely inflated price. Therein lies the problem with this fag.

How can you not see that? It's so fucking obvious. The most basic logic, tankie.

I get it, but if you had done logic at school, you would know that you can criticise something and sell a book for money at the same time, because people need to live.

but if you had done logic at school

If I had "done logic?"

I've done more than "done logic" at an academic level. Let me put this really simple for you: Capitalism is bad. Capitalism entails selling a product for an inflated profit. If soyboy sells his product for an inflated profit, then he is bad.

because people need to live

Yes, I understand that, it's why I'm against socialism. Maybe we're on the same page after all.

Capitalism is bad. Capitalism entails selling a product for an inflated profit. If soyboy sells his product for an inflated profit, then he is bad.

The syllogism is sound so far. Where your logic goes awry is the inference you make: His opinion is therefore invalid. Perhaps he is a hypocrite, but it doesn't follow that his opinion is wrong.

Go on, tell me to get quintuple and sextuple raped. It shocks me to my very core.

Where your logic goes awry is the inference you make

Nope, not how it works. "Capitalism is bad" is the inference in this case. If you wanted to criticize me for not knowing logic, then you should probably know logic. I'm starting to think you might not know what the fuck you're talking about.

His opinion is therefore invalid.

Find me a comment where I claimed that. I did not. I said he was a hypocrite.

Perhaps he is a hypocrite, but it doesn't follow that his opinion is wrong.

And I never said it did, I said he was yet another dilettante who was happy to preach spreading the wealth in the name of making himself wealthier.

Go on, tell me to get quintuple and sextuple raped. It shocks me to my very core.

Okay, get quintuple raped. You're dumber than a box of hammers. Thank you to all tankies for consistently proving why we shouldn't listen to your pieces of shit.

Hello, the rapist has arrived. I have received numerous requests in this thread for my services.

You can always rely on generous donations from thankful readers.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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To be fair, capitalism is the dominant global paradigm and nothing important on this planet happens without its influence.

Usually academics post their dissertation for free. And OP links an elaborated explanation and offered to share his PhD writing which is similar to his book. So I find the title of this post pretty catty.

Omg I just read the sidebar for r/drama. Haha good job. I mean, ughh damn annoying leftists.

Usually academics post their dissertation for free. And OP links an elaborated explanation and offered to share his PhD writing which is similar to his book. So I find the title of this post pretty catty.

He's charging $60 for the book. Why?

Because he wants money? That's greed. That's capitalism.

He should give the book away for free as a PDF for the good of the masses.

Imagine, if you will, dear reader, being this dumb.

Imagine, if you will, dear reader, being this dumb.

How so? Please tell me what I'm missing.

He wants a profit, a very large one, for the goods he produces.

He is against a system that supports people receiving large profits for the goods they produce.

It seems like black and white logic to me, but apparently I'm missing something. Please, be my guest, point out what that thing is.

How so? Please tell me what I'm missing.

Well, for starters, you got the wrong guy. Then you explained that by saying that there were two of them with the exact same name at the same University. This is of course, also wrong.

Next, you apparently don't know what a "profit" is in the context of labor vs capital.

So you are 0/3, and apparently, very mad about being 0/3.

Well, for starters, you got the wrong guy. Then you explained that by saying that there were two of them with the exact same name at the same University. This is of course, also wrong, as a cursory googling will show.

That is literally the only point you have. Wow.

Next, you apparently don't know what a "profit" is in the context of labor vs capital.

Oh please, enlighten me.

So you are 0/3, and apparently, very mad about being 0/3.

Per my count, it's two, not three.

How much does having such a piddly little income and a meager existence hurt your very soul? Stay mad, tankie.

wrong guy

wrong place

no understanding of socialism.

I may not have a PhD in computing things ( I have a phd in computing things), but that seems like 3 to me.

I'm waiting for the explanation of what I got wrong about profits. Please, try to explain it cogently without relying on Wikipedia or John Oliver as sources. I believe in you, tankie. If you're trying to instigate the glorious revolution, surely you can explain one facet of your position, no?

If a guy writes a book and sells it under socialism, that's absolutely fine. It took labor to write the book and labor should be compensated This of course is the entire point to socialism.

You're 0/4 now, as I'm not even a Marxist, much less a tankie.

If a guy writes a book and sells it under socialism, that's absolutely fine. It took labor to write the book and labor should be compensated.

Okay. So per your own logic, if Elon Musk starts his own car company, he should be compensated and charge however much he wants, right?

This of course is the entire point to socialism.

Socialism is about the redistribution of wealth. What you just said is the entire point of capitalism.

You're 0/4 now

Christ, the autism.

as I'm not even a Marxist, much less a tankie.

Only autists get bussy-blasted about not being put in the right socialist boxes. You post in Chapo, you a tankie. I don't make the rules, fag. Enjoy mediocrity and blaming all of your problems on everyone but yourself.

Okay. So per your own logic, if Elon Musk starts his own car company, he should be compensated and charge however much he wants, right?

Elon Musk didn't start a car company.

Socialism is about the redistribution of wealth. What you just said is the entire point of capitalism.

Since when do non-socialists get to decide what socialists believe? I mean as myself, I'm something of the expert on what I believe. So you explaining to me that I actually believe something when I don't is a bit silly, no?

Only autists get bussy-blasted about not being put in the right socialist boxes.

I return to the original hypothetical. Imagine being this dumb.

Elon Musk didn't start a car company.

Yup! He did. He's an original co-founder of Tesla and the company's current CEO.

Question: Considering you have a "computing things" degree, why haven't you been as successful? Is it "the system" holding you back?

Since when do non-socialists get to decide what socialists believe?

So only members of a group can be knowledgeable about what a group believes? Interesting. Per your own logic, you can't say anything about capitalists, because you're not a capitalist. I guess "stay in your lane" applies to economic theory now?

I'm something of the expert on what I believe.

You're absolutely not, you can't refute anything I say, and you've yet to give me answers on your made-up definitions of profits.

So you explaining to me that I actually believe something when I don't is a bit silly, no?

Doesn't follow. I'm not doubting what you believe, I'm doubting that you actually know anything, because like all CPT posters, you're proving yourself to be an absolute retard.

I return to the original hypothetical. Imagine being this dumb.

"Imagine being this dumb" is not a repudiation of anything I've said. You've got nothing.

Wow, you must be a JP fan

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Yup! He did. He's an original co-founder of Tesla and the company's current CEO.

0/5 . Tesla's incorporation predates his involvment.

Question: Considering you have a "computing things" degree, why haven't you been as successful? Is it "the system" holding you back?

I have to my own satisfaction. I oppose capitalism on moral grounds.

So only members of a group can be knowledgeable about what a group believes?

No, but you obviously don't even know what socialists are arguing for if you think it can be boiled down to a retstribution of wealth.

Per your own logic, you can't say anything about capitalists, because you're not a capitalist. I guess "stay in your lane" applies to economic theory now?

Did you just ironically "By your logic" me?. Christ.

I'm doubting that you actually know anything

At least we agree on something.

"Imagine being this dumb" is not a repudiation of anything I've said. You've got nothing.

I've got the fact that you're demonstrably wrong about everything you've said so far. It's not much, but it's something.

You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

I've got the fact that you're demonstrably wrong about everything you've said so far.

Okay, prove it.

It should be easy if I'm "this dumb."

Prove it with facts and evidence. Go.

I mean I attached a link for Musk not being involved in Tesla when it incorporated, above, so there's one.

Then there's the issue of the University. You google Alan Macleod and got this fellow, hence your mean-spirited "balding, overweight". The only issue is he makes clear that he is at University of Leeds, not the University of Glasgow, which our Alan MacLeod is still affiliated with. So wrong person and not the same University. That's two and three.

Next there is the issue of socialism and profit. Now I linked you to Capital Vol I, but it's not fair for me to expect you to read that, so instead maybe learn about socialism from some dumb morons like Einstein or Bertrand Russell, in short, essay format. So wrong about socialism opposing people getting paid for work. That's 4.

Finally, I'm not a Marxist, much less a tankie. That's five.

I've known more coherent downies.

I am a bot. Contact for questions


I have to my own satisfaction. I oppose capitalism on moral grounds.

LOL, this is code for "I'm a massive loser but it's everyone's fault but my own."

If Elon is such a "man-child," then surely you could slide into the same position quite easily, right? I mean, if a "man-child" can do it...

I am a massive loser, but it's entirely my own fault. Do go on though. I'm still making plenty of money and blowing it on things like skinny knit ties and though.

If Elon is such a "man-child," then surely you could slide into the same position quite easily, right? I mean, if a "man-child" can do it...

Yes it I, the socialist who believes we live in a meritocracy.

I'm still making plenty of money and blowing it on things like skinny knit ties

Why are you wasting money that could go to a worthy charity on such frivolities?

Yes it I, the socialist who believes we live in a meritocracy.

Oh, right, it's "THE SYSTEM" keeping you down. Of course.

Nigga I'm a Latina woman and I'm doing great, I don't want to hear a pink dicked white boy's excuse.

Why are you wasting money that could go to a worthy charity on such frivolities?

Why indeed.

Oh, right, it's "THE SYSTEM" keeping you down. Of course.

Oh no, I've blundered my way to success despite having all the traits I do, so if anything my sucess is further argument that the system isn't a meritocracy. In any case, the point of making systemic criticisms is to actually fix things for people who actually are trampled on by the system.

Also, champ, you've yet to give me this eye-opening lesson on profits. C'mon, little fella. Support your position with fact. I believe in you!

Also, just for the record:

wrong place

Then you explained that by saying that there were two of them with the exact same name at the same University. This is of course, also wrong, as a cursory googling will show.

Okay, so per the PhD's OWN COMMENT:

Oh. That amazingly isn't me. It is a different person at my university with exactly the same name!

Again, you're too retarded to have even the most rudimentary of discussions, let alone discuss anything that actually requires any actual thought.

Yeah, he's not at that University anymore mate.

Oh. That amazingly isn't me. It is a different person at my university with exactly the same name!

Why? I'm not talking to him. I'm talking to you and you're the one using outdated information to come to one of your very large number of incorrect conclusions.

Oh. That amazingly isn't me. It is a different person at my university with exactly the same name!

So tell him that it's all his fault that you're an idiot who can't use google.

Oh. That amazingly isn't me. It is a different person at my university with exactly the same name!

If a man tells me he works at a university where someone else of the same name works, I take his word for it. Are you saying he was lying? Did you tell him he was lying?

Let's try this. What University are they talking about?

capitalist interests within the country worked with capitalist interest outside of the country, to create the massive inflation we see.

You did not just link John Oliver as evidence to your arguments.

You did not.

Millennials are the actual fucking worst. I'm so glad I can technically be considered an old Gen Z'er. I want nothing to do with you fags.

markets are highly susceptible to manipulation coordinated interests

You sound like a child trying to sound smart. What the fuck does that sentence even mean?

and the powers that be love all the sheeple who flock to defend them as coherently rational decision making structures

Nigga it's like you know you're stupid so you're using the biggest words you know to sound smart.

most of what see people talking about in threads like these is the result of massive geopolitical mind games played by people who have way more power than the sheeple than follow them can even fathom. the definitions most people are operating with a laughably shallow and depressingly self-reinforcing, to the point that many times i feel like there's no chance humanity will throw off it's oppressive indoctrination before going extinct due to the systemic idiocracy created by said indoctrination

You've said how much the "sheeple" can't see the truth, yet you've said nothing that supports a pro-socialist position.

We deserve every fucking Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez we fucking get, SMDH

Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

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When the "Kulaks deserved it" meme stops being ironic.

Ecuador isn't even socialist.