r/fuckthealtright mod made a detailed post of his research into Russian propaganda and T_D: It's highly upvoted and even guilded, but gets removed by admins, and the account is deleted. Users are confused, and call bullshit om the admin's reason for removal, and speculate why it why it was removed.

188  2018-09-21 by Ghdust2

First link: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fuckthealtright/comments/9hlhsx/why_did_that_well_researched_post_about_t_d/e6cw46z

OP chimes in a bit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fuckthealtright/comments/9hlhsx/why_did_that_well_researched_post_about_t_d/e6cwp36?context=1

Another user calls total bullshit to the admins, as they believe this wouldn't interfere with an admin 'investigation' of T_D: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fuckthealtright/comments/9hlhsx/why_did_that_well_researched_post_about_t_d/e6d05om

A mod notes that any other people who have evidence, or come across evidence, pertaining to the investigation the deleted user made should feel free to post to the subreddit about it at any time: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fuckthealtright/comments/9hlhsx/why_did_that_well_researched_post_about_t_d/e6cz7k6?context=1

Another user claims Reddit is dead, due to the actions of the admins regarding this situation: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fuckthealtright/comments/9hlhsx/why_did_that_well_researched_post_about_t_d/e6cwsx4

OP notes how the admin's attempted suppression of this information will only inflate the issue even more, and will quickly be out of their control: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fuckthealtright/comments/9hlhsx/why_did_that_well_researched_post_about_t_d/e6d01ek?context=1


Wasn't fuckthealtright one of the subs admins earlier said had the most influx of propaganda posters and were mostly from Iran/etc?

Yes. So now we have propoganda fighting propoganda.

Maybe. Who knows.

So now we have propoganda fighting propoganda

it has always been this way

Turns out the post just linked to some domain abnned for being Russian propaganda. Fuckthealtright persecution fantasies lol.



why the fuck do SRDines want T_D banned?

they’re supposed to be smug enough to know better

But it was banned far after it was up and only after it gained significant traction. If it really was deleted for containing banned domains, why wasn’t it deleted immediately?

the user deleted it

The domains were apparently banned after the post was submitted, after he told the admins about them.

i wonder what countries are posting propaganda in /r/drama...

I'm from China and the sooner you all accept bussy and lower the population, the grand dragon will invade and consume you.

Also please forward us all you agressive man on man sodomy pics for uh... research

You can't even was twitch.tv like civilized countries. What up with that?



How else am I gonna view people that are better than me than watching them on IRL?

Look outside your window.

Go to the nearest homeless shelter

Pokemon streams though

Dragons don’t have shit on dinosaurs 🦖, just wait till the venture forth from the plasma fold and consume us, mayo and rice all the same.



They did pretty good in the Korean war, were able to reverse American advances with no air cover at all (the USSR was like "Fuck this shit I don't wanna get nuked", and the Chinese didn't really have planes). Other than that... yeah not a lot. If the people who ruled coma at any given point in time were Chinese, China was doing pretty good. It's kind of amazing thinking about it, how such a large and powerful civilization kept being conquered by central asians. And also get their asses kicked in one every war they tried to fight Bhurma, Korea, Vietnam, and Japan.

If I betray America do I get some cool Chinese Stealth Suit? What about a sword?

China's imbalance of the sexes will force Chinese men to turn to bussy anyway.

one with terrible priorities

I'm Armenian and do my part to counteract Russian propaganda on here and the discord whenever possible

Isn't Armenia pro-russian?

The caucuses is so weird... Nobody is allied with their neighbor. Azerbaijan-Turkey, Armenia-Russia, Georgia-NATO. FYI Georgia got screwed hard relying on NATO.

That's a really simplified view of things.

The year is 2018, and reddit has become the host of a new Soviet-Afghan-style battle, a proxy conflict between nations not yet at war. Except that instead of the Red Army and Mujahideen, it's fat, sweaty nerds posting in wifebeaters and soiled underwear.

Basically any political sub is astroturfed at this point.

No, the powerful nations of the world are going to let the worlds biggest online politics forums untouched, and they will let the people make their own decisions without influencing them in any way. USA, Russia, China, etc are benevolent governments. Obviously.

Governments aren't the only ones astroturfing. Companies, political groups, random internet groups. Sockpuppeting is an age-old internet pasttime. I'm surprised it took the various major governments so long to join in.

Drama has even been astroturfed

Who'd astroturf /r/drama lmao, other than the evil straight mayo lobby.

Pakistani drama websites

those fuckers at socksoff.com for one

excuse me but they have great deals on high quality socks, they can astroturf all they want

Vinyl records!

There was a guy around 2-3 years back who posted on reddit and then used the interaction on his blog to help push his consulting business. He bought me my favorite beer so it worked out really well in the end.

What retard would want his business associated with /r/drama?

companies and private entities do it way more than governments now, even when its on their behalf

because then you can just deny any link if its found out

modern political propaganda is less about "influencing" people to think a certain thing and more about radicalizing and lowering their inhibitions and getting them angry

people will quickly spot a thing saying "believe this fact!" (Thats horrifying! Yes) but if you just make people angry then theyre way easier to suggest shit to

and americans are notoriously easy to influence, everyone saw that after 911

modern political propaganda is less about "influencing" people to think a certain thing and more about radicalizing and lowering their inhibitions and getting them angry

Depends on the goal. Russia is trying to radicalize the US public to create chaos because it'll hurt US in the long run, and the American and the Russian government are enemies in international bloodsports.

Someone like Hillary, on the other hand, may want Trump to gain publicity because "if I make this crazy senile man the face of the Republicans, people will vote for me", and then she may influence her media partners to cover Trump more often ("pied piper strategy" apparently). Or they may pay young people to post anti-Bernie crap on reddit to turn the circlejerk tide against him. These examples of "propaganda", though that word isn't enough to describe the mass manipulation going on in 2018, aren't meant to radicalize people, they're meant to "influence" people.

With the stakes as high as they are, it's both. It's always both.

Russia is trying to radicalize the US public to create chaos because it'll hurt US in the long run

a divided nation fighting among themselves with a government that obstructs itself out of petty spite cant project its power around the world as effectively

which is good when you want to build a big pipe across a few countries and theyre in the way

Someone like Hillary, on the other hand, may want Trump to gain publicity

hillarys ham fisted bullshit hardly even counts as propaganda, its basically that thing out of the simpsons "hey you join the navy"

Or they may pay young people to post anti-Bernie crap on reddit to turn the circlejerk tide against him.

thats not dems, thats rich people with political interests and billions of dollars who want rules protecting them and puppets to carry it out

hillary is just a dumb old woman with delusions of grandeur and thats what they needed

hillarys ham fisted bullshit hardly even counts as propaganda

Influencing media to cover a candidate so you get more votes is not propaganda? Maybe by 20th century standards.

no i mean it was just so clumsy and obvious that calling it propaganda makes it sound more subversive and clever than it was

they were just lying because they think people are dumb enough to believe it

it was just so clumsy and obvious

I don't know what kind of mentality you have, but when I see extensive coverage of someone by the media, I don't immediately think "They're covering him/her on purpose to manipulate votes!"

they were just lying

Which lie are you talking about?


Imagine if the chief hobby in your life was politics.

r/drama is a bastion completely free of Soros bucks and Putin nickels.

Everyone I make a pro-immigration post, a thousand dollars pops into my bank account. I don't ask questions.

Iranian propaganda = Fuck Trump = Good

Russia propaganda = Trump comrade = Bad

Aren't Russia and Iran allies?

Well gosh almighty there scoob, we're right on the cusp of some great revelation o tell ya. Why would 2 allies want to agenda push the nations retards into hating each other so much. Jeez, I guess we'll never know.

Allies, shmallies.

One of the theories is that Russia doesn't care about Trump and is also propping up far left propaganda to stir up as much shit as possible.

I mean when you're a nation that has pretty rigid control over it's populace via violence (Russia) or religion AND violence (Iran) it just makes sense to destabilize the US population so it's that much harder for the US to get anything accomplished.

This is the only conclusion that makes sense IMO, the Soviets worked extremely hard to prop up far-left groups and ideologies in the west why would they dismantle all of that and switch fully to the far-right, especially with former KGB Putin at the helm?

They're playing us all against one another and its shameful (albeit fucking hilarious to watch) that we're all gobbling it up like cum hungry hamsters...

The Soviet attempts did not work very well. They flooded the Communist party with cash, but attached so many strings and made it so obvious that they were the SU's bitches that they were totally unable to make any inroads and in fact lost much of what they had gained in the 30's and 40's.

I'm more referring to the latter decades of the cold war and the Soviet/Chinese influence on domestic social movements rather than political parties (3rd parties are never gonna win any real power anyway). Antiwar protesters marching holding mao's little red book is a stark example, Black Nationalism movements were known to be in contact with foreign agents, and more importantly, the spread and acceptance of far-left ideologies within academia really heated up during this time drawing heavily on Marxist ideology to form the basis of their study. The Soviets had a much harder time influencing American's in the past due to political, social, and technological restraints, but the groundwork they and their allies helped lay during these decades is apparent today in the general institutional acceptance of far-left ideology in media and academia.

Communists don't just disappear, they've been here in decent numbers since early 1900's have only continued to increase in numbers since then, whether they directly took orders from the Soviets is irrelevant because as Marxists their mear existence and beliefs act as a destabilizing force in the west that can be nudged and inflamed directly or indirectly without much effort because they are already fundamentally opposed to the political, economic, and social order of the western societies they live in. "Useful Idiot theory"

What people seem to forget nearly 100% of the time in these arguments is that we're doing exactly the same thing to them. You just don't speak russian so you don't see the russian language media complaining about US influence.

Oh hell yeah we are lmao I'm not ignorant to that, I mean Yeltsin (Putin's predecessor and former boss) was clearly propped up by western influences post-collapse and everyone from moderates to hardliners came to despise us for doing so as Russia sunk deeper into ruin over the course of his administration (whether because of us or not, the image of him as a useless drunk puppet had real effects).

Daddy Putin is masterfully throwing it back in our faces and I can't entirely blame him for it, especially after Hillary and Obama started fucking around in Ukraine and nearly ganked Russia's only warm-water naval base. It's like if the Russians managed to drive California to declare independence and ally with them, we could never let such a thing happen because of the massive economic, military, and political losses it would incur on us. (granted that's not a 1-1 comparison but you get the point.)

Daddy Putin is masterfully throwing it back in our faces

He's more effective as a weapon for factions in American politiccs to use against their enemies than he is against the US generally. The sanctions are fucking with their country hardcore, and just about every one of their next generation weapons projects from the T-14 to the Su-57 has been scaled back from "replace our existing model" to, "let's have 5 on hand for testing".

Bonus yeltsin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9YnDirqwT4

Oh yeah, it's incredible people can unironically say Trump is in Putin's pocket when the sanctions being levied against Russia are having such a profound effect. All the recent "super weapon" reveals have been a PR tactic to distract from their miserable state and hopefully reclaim some of the arms market share they've lost in recent years to western nations.

Although if this bull shit narrative keeps breeding discontent and political instability then it benefits Putin and his allies just as well, I don't think our politicians understand how little control they have over this narrative especially with the international reach its gotten, it's destroying our image in ways they can't easily fix once Trump is out of office.

Also God I love Yeltsin, he was almost as much a meme-leader as Trump!

I think its a bit different. Yeltsin was a well-meaning drunk who was rightfully ridiculed for his poor leadership. Trump is an excellent leader who is hounded by a media increasingly resorting to unethical tactics to turn the public against him.

Russia doesn't care about Trump

Yes, Trump alone is powerless to benefit Russia in any meaningful way because GOP is still behind him and GOP fucking hates Russia.

Considering there was an indictment filed regarding Russian support for Sanders and Stein I'd call it more than a theory

Why wouldn't they? The more we bicker at each other, the less attention we give them.

they want america to quash "leftist" dissent so they have more in common

also they specifically dont like the people and organisations that fund it in america

I have a theory that water makes things wet.

Russia helped out Bernie and Black Lives Matters. They don't care about helping conservatives, they just want to sow discontent.

What about Google, which is provably/firmly on the anti-Trump side, and is owned by a Russian?

You mean Sergey Brin? The dude who immigrated to America almost 40 years ago when he was six?

Surely that can't be who you mean, though. So who are you talking about?

Oh, my mistake, he's as American as apple pie.

I know right? An immigrant who moved to America from an oppressive country and became incredibly wealthy is definitely one those stories that shows what America, the land of opportunity, is all about!

I Jewish defector from Soviet Russia goes onto become the main arbiter of information in the US, openly working against the democratic will of Americans, and that's "what America is all about."

You belong in gulag with him

The Soviet Union probably would've wanted to throw someone like me in the gulags! Thanks!

Just ignore the Redhat troll and move on. Your day will be better for it.

If I didn't enjoy messing with retards I wouldn't be on this sub.

Ok pedo

openly working against the democratic will of Americans,

Have you considered the possibility that the reason Trump only finds bad stories about himself when he puts his name into Google is because he's a drooling retard who Googles his own name rather than doing his fucking job?

You know I never considered that. I'm voting for that based black guy from Minnesota in 2020 now.

openly working against the democratic will of Americans

this sounds like a noble goal but you seem to be implying its a bad thing?

Plot twist: I was only talking about the will of niggers

Now you look foolish!

americans are the niggers of humanity so im with you brother

No niggers are

against the democratic will of Americans

We're a republic, not a democracy though. A well run republic requires a shadowy cabal of globalist Jews in order to counter the irrational passions of the mayos. Who didn't even actually win more votes than their opponents.

The electoral college is there for a reason, to prevent a single state full of non-American spics from turning the election. And the EC is what he was shooting for. Also, factor in the unfathomable levels of propaganda against voting for him, not to mention various kinds of meddling (we know the Dem primary was rigged), and he still fucking won. That's levels of based I can't even comprehend, and I didn't vote.



You're literally retarded. You're why Plato hated democracy.

“A fox born in a henhouse is actually a chicken”

Enough with your tricks, Jew. We’ve had it.

So facts are Jew tricks now?

Is a fox born in a henhouse a chicken, you fucking mong?

Nice try, (((Soros))), but you're not fooling anyone by shitposting this retardedly.

People are calling Serena Williams a sheboon


Is a fox born in a henhouse a chicken, you fucking mong?

Yes, as long as the fox is BASED.

Lol I love T_D posting

Only by circumstance. And in this instance Iran is against Trump, Russia is for.

China and Russia might also seem aligned, but fiercely compete for influence in Central Asia. Russia also benefit from high energy prices, China does not. This will put Russia at odds with Iran when Russia would support sanctions on Iran to sell it's own oil.

Yeah this. Russia doesn't care for Iran's conflict with Saudi and actually has a good relationship with the Saudi Monarchy actually, the King just visited Putin a little while back. It's mainly an alliance of convenience over Syria. Putin also doesn't care about Iran's dislike of Israel.

Nobody is really allied among the US rivals/enemies

Yeah he backs every anti-israeli force in the middle east but it's secretly pro-israel. How desperate so republicans have to be to blow Putin that they pretend he's an Israel lover?

To win the elections.

Putin and Bibi call and visit all the time, there are 1 million Russians in Israel and half of Putin's closest Oligarch friends are Jews with Israeli citizenship.

yup. they've also been caught making violent posts on t_d and running to their sub waving it like a "gotcha" card.

Fuckthealtright is the definition of "useful idiots". They banned me for saying bad things about Islam, which is nothing new for ex-muslims on reddit roflmao.

Yeah it's really impressive that they can keep bringing up that Russia is trying to divide America while they're frothing at the mouth demanding that half the country be executed

The right has been calling for the killing of liberals for decades, it seems to be astonished when the hatred is returned in equal measure.

i believe so. politicalhumor was the biggest target

"we'll make it not funny at all or die trying"

Imagine caring this much about identity politics.

Imagine using " Identity politics " unironically

Understanding how both sides use of identity politics proves horseshoe theory is radical centrism 101.

mostly from Iran/etc?

Lol Iran etc

What’s etc

Sounds like a shariablue shill

Fucking mayo

Iran would destroy any mayo country

Just like iraq, libya, egypt and syria did right? when did we get so pathetic that we need to LARP as powerful nations? The sooner we accept we are weak the earlier we can improve.

B-but yeah the iranians have extremely high tech military equipement guys we swear. Support the Ayatollahs they will surely destroy israel LMAO

You forgot Afghanistan I wonder why

But seriously anyone thinking an invasion of Iran won’t turn into a Vietnam 10.0 is retarded

Occupation isn’t about technology or pure manpower. Iranians fought a fucking WW1 style trench war just a few decades ago pussy mayos don’t stand a fucking chance in hell

LOL @comparing the iraq-iran war to a future US War. if anything you are proving my point, they couldn't even beat the IRAQI army, even the american one?? And yeah, ok there will be another insurection that will ultimately destroy another muslim country even more so than the US would ever be affected.

Look at your own example, Afghanistan. What did the muslim ummah win from that war? What did the people of Afghanistan "won" from the endless insurection?

Fuck all, the us lost a few thousands troops, the retarded Talibans sacrificed a whole generation for nothing more than a perpetual insurengy that will lead to misery and destruction for them while the US isn't even slightly affected. So yeah, sure they """"won"'" LOL.

Now we should sacrifice the future of 80 million people because surely this time the US will collapse by remotely bombing a country back to the stone age.

Maybe instead of believing some power hungry dictators that know really well how to use the Muslims soft spot for jihad and resistance while doing nothing more than getting rich on the people's back and oppressing them to shit, we could acknowledge that this strategy won't lead to anything of value. Because "allah is on our side".

Help yourself and Allah will help you.

Sorry for the serious post guys 😪

Haha imagine being as retarded as you. You have to be a special kind of stupid to come up with this story on my comment.

Are you really this stupid you think I’m comparing the Iran Iraq war to a Iran - us war?

Fuck this is so pathetic

nah, you are pathetic. You said that the iranians fought a trench war with the iraqis. Which is fucking retarded and has nothing to do with anything. You know who else fought in the trenches in that war? The fucking iraqis that still got absolutely humiliated by the US. And keep in mind Iran's technological gap with the US is way bigger than Iraq's before the gulf war. Do you see how stupid it is to bring that up?

Also keep LARPing on the internet. I'd bet that if you were actually living in iran or somewhere where you could actually be affected by your stupid rethoric you wouldn't be so pumped for a war. No one in iran wants a war, it's only the leadership that keep pushing that agenda to gain legitimacy.

But yeah Jihad for thee but not for me!

You can’t win against an idealistic insurgence. Stop being a fucking retard dude it’s really not hard to understand what I’m trying to say but for some reason you’re just reeeeing about something completely different.

Imagine getting your panties in a bunch about a comment referencing your country on reddit lol

Technological gap lol the us army can’t even beat literal cavemen in Afghanistan

that's not the point you were making. I agree that you can't really beat an idealistic insuregency with reasonable means. They could absolutely beat them if they actually had a reason to, but why would they waste shit to do that? They are ultimately harmless outside from killing other afghans. but what you said was that Iran could beat the US. Getting raped to the point where the only elements still fighting are pockets of guerilla fighters isn't exactly what I would call winning a war, don't you think?

Fighting the USA would make iran turn back to basically the stone age but with AK47s (basically as you said the afghans are now) while the US wouldn't lose more than some material and recruits that won't affect the actual nation at all. Is that a victory? In what fucking way lmao. And as usual they will leave a puppet governement so that the only people getting killed by that resistance are other locals! What a huge victory for us 🤔

Fuck man stop getting your panties in a bunch about a reddit comment you’re not understanding.

Fuck imagine putting so much effort into an r/drama conversation and reeeing about it.

Sorry that my comment ruined your pathetic day buddy

You have to be a special kind of retard to imply that a trillion dollar war won’t effect the country. I guess I would be frustrated as well if I was that stupid

true the us never recovered from the iraqi and afghan war. Completely ruined. Oh wait no the US economy has never been this strong before

and yeah I'm serious posting 😩 sometimes radical centrists need to speak up too. don't like when wypipo pretend to know stuff about the middle east when their source is r/syriancivilwar shills.

REEEEEEE leave us alone and start a war in your own country PLS

You’re not a centrist you dumbass. You’re an American toting party lines so by definition you’re right wing. Man you’re just making more of a fool out of yourself by every comment

And rating the well-being of the us by how much profit stakeholders are taking home is retarded

What's even more retarded is to think that the US has been crippled in any significant (especially if you compare it to how those countries were absolutely raped) by the wars they waged against those countries, but yeah just distort what I said to evade what I actually said. Also imagine thinking that the stock market isn't a good way to get a good picture of a countries economic health lol. Thanks for disproving modern economic theory!

And yeah thanks, now I'm american I guess. Even though I've been there twice in my life. Again, why are you using stupid deflections instead of actually addressing any of my points? I've explained in detail why I think that the US can absolutely destroy iran without any real difficulty and your reply is 'what a retard haha'.

The first step in improving and actually get back what we lost is to aknowledge our mistakes. Why the fuck are you trying to continue a strategy that has failed for over a century? What are the results of one century of death and misery? fuck all, just even more american hegimony on the ME. Again, it just shows that you are a typical white guy with an orientalist twist to your savior complex.

lol you’re still triggered

if you think America couldn’t use the trillions literally flushed down the drain on useless conflicts you’re a special kind of retarded

But whatever I guess healthcare, education, homelessness, welfare , mental health, police is all functioning totally fine and not effected at all by budget cuts to keep some useless conflict against mountain people alive

Stop replying dude seriously because it’s clearly effecting you

the USA can literally just print money. Whatever they do, they can't get bankrupt unless the US loses it's dominance over the global markets. You are clueless about economics man

Also i sure am triggered by a post on drama, got me there bud

the USA can literally just print money.

Wew lad American education really is just horrific

>he doesn't have any understanding of the US debt system

you just confirmed how clueless you are lmao

Quiet down, goyim

Why would Iran make anti-russian posts though? Iran and Russia are buttbuddies.

"Let's get subs and users banned... subs and users get banned this is the worst we need an investigation. Banning isn't the solution!"

Spez is alt right sympathiser confirmed

implying it wasn't confirmed for a long time 🤔🤔🤔

It's impressive how many people actually believe this. Even on SRD you can get upvoted for saying that.

Have these dumbasses forgotten that the algorithm kept getting changed in order to keep T_D off the front page and it didn't work so they created /r/popular

That was just an appeasement so he could claim he was fighting the altright. If he really was aganist them, they'd be banned pronto.

Not sure if sarcastic

The_donald raped and murdered my family

Trump's toad chode demolished my boyhole

rofl i am 100% stealing this god bless you /r/drama


And turned me into a newt!

hes not just going to ban some shit because people cry about it, its not like theyve actually done anything wrong

And why should they get banned?

Ban them and you have to ban every sub like them, which is a good chunk of subs with 75K+

Do you realize how big a shitstorm banning the largest pro-Trump community would be?


i want it now

Still mad they banned the csgo sub from the front page but league got to stay

t_D is the most milquetoast, cringy shit that could still be considered some kind of 'edgy'. The fact people get so arsehurt by a board they don't have to look at is frankly hilarious to me.

Lol, spez just doesn't want to get Charlie Hedbo'd.

If you had the money spez has, would you give a rats ass and lift a finger because of the harpies????

Is Spez, dare I say it, /our guy/ ?

卐 14/88 卐

R/ftar has been a bit too cospiracy like for a long time.

I should know.

But they're on the Right Side of History so that's all right.

Russian boogeyman everywhere

https://www.reddit.com/r/ModSupport/comments/9hjkv5/so_about_those_suspicious_activity_reports/e6dxwk5/ - One mod spoke to the OP of the deleted thread. The poster decided to cut and run because of internet death threats.


Cop out. I've had more than my share of internet death threats and I feel fantastic and I'm still alive.

I'm still alive.


While you're dying I'll be still alive.

I feel fantastic and I'm still alive.


Tbh I would never know if someone threatened me since I never check my inbox

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

How does this make you feel? From my main.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis


Do you have some sort of debilitating autism/anxiety?

Nope, just generally don't care enough to check messages. If I want to see if someone responded I'll go to the comment, otherwise I just post shit and move on.

See this from my main.

What is disable inbox replies

Why would you disable inbox replies?

It's like a little tally of how many people got butthurt about things you wrote on the internet.

ok I respect you

The kids you rape probably don't feel fantastic.

I'm still alive.


On drama? Take a wild guess

lmao pussy

You have to be such a retarded pussy to care about internet death threats. Unless they have your address or some other personal information why would you even register a death threat as being different from any other negative comment

What's even goofier is when they say shit like that and the offending comment was something like "I hope you choke on your lunch"

I hope you choke on my cock and then we'll kiss

That being said, it’s actually quite easy to doxx someone who has a longstanding account.

Not if you don't post revealing information.

Power users all go to the meet up and shit. Someone knows who they are.

its like a thousand times less threatening than someone getting vaguely angry with you in the street over a parking space or some shit

oh no someone that cant do anything is compensating by saying stuff

like clearly if they were going to do something they wouldnt tell you first like an idiot

I've been doxxed so many fucking times on this site. I was sent a death threat with my details once a few years ago but you really think any NEETs on this site are going to do anything about it? Doxxing is so overstated.

wow you're a giant retard

Not that you're input isn't appreciated. but how the fuck do you get doxxed "so many fucking times".

I mod some major subs and have had several AMAs. My handle is part of my name. Anyone with a pulse could dox me. I don't care.

I've like never been doxxed or sent death threats ever, which is weird because I literally just walk around he here constantly sperging.

Reddit is working for the ruskies!!! This site is dead!!!

1000 upvotes, 3x gold.

Wait, he deleted his accounts because he was being fixed. It wasn’t the admins.


Has anyone ever actually been killed by someone who threatened them on the internet?

Wow you took the "Steal from SRD adding choice quotes" bit too seriously I think

too seriously? the fuck you talking about

lol effortposting

What the fuck. I just watched that thread jump 9k upboats.

Reminder: no one of them make money for this

the admins included

I love how nothing has changed between now and 2003 when we were all posting on phpBB, vBulletin and Simple Machines forums.

"Internet moderator drama is the same."

ohh vbulletin, that brought back memories. the older versions are still better than the new one


Gorillas fling their own shit better than these spazzes.

Lol this is an exact copy of the SRD post

Beats having to post in that echo chamber.

Oof an admin replied in the SRD thread it’s an absolute shit show check it out I’m too lazy/incompetent to link on mobile

The same thread got linked before this but got downvoted and has some queers I've never seen posting in this in it


...aaaaand now they're brigading it. Great. Just... great.

I sure as hell hope this doesn't end with Chapo, LSC, and FTAR getting b&, though. We already lost a lot of lolcows during Qrinstallnach, we can't afford to lose any more.

Fuck em. They thought it was a good idea to promote censorship, let them eat the shit sandwich they built. Ban all the censorship promoting douche subs, and may they spend rest of their internet days posting cat pictures to each other on facebook.

Armchair_investigation.exe is ready to launch. Y. N. ?

I’m sure the deeply intellectual mods at /r/fuckthealtright really did manage to internet sluth this one out! I’m sure these aren’t the fever dreams of a pink haired trans who missed their hormones.

But he was our Q...

Obvious fucking witch hunt gets pulled duh

muh russians

We need to censor views we don't like, and why should reddit have to cater to the right wing ideals? They can make their website <- last week on reddit.

This week on reddit. OMG reddit censored something we need pitchforks!!!!

It's amazing to watch an entire website go through the Trumpkin reddit's experience. I swear people easily forget that crazy people get hung up on the sames things over and over again for a reason.

So this guy spent hours of research to reveal that a domain that got an average of 30 upvotes posted to T_D, all by the same user, and was... what? That that was going to get T_D banned?

impossible to take on faith considering the CEO’s repeated public support for T_D.

This is peak derangement. No, not the way those people call TDS, but actual, real, derangement. You have to be literally insane to claim that any part of the reddit admin team supports T_D.

I'm gonna be honest here, I love this sub, but most of the users are fucking retarded and not at all centrist.

All said, I think the reddit economy lost a couple million karma

What a pathetic moron.

We have played that sub out so hard. We dug up Darius II's tomb and found seven shekels, which allowed us to purchase enough Jew wisdom to bamboozle these goons.

Rouhani's rabid redditors are too powerful for these weak minded weserners.

Pretty sure I saw a post in Russian on /r/politics once can we ban them?

Got banned from there for pointing out that an alleged "hate crime" that took place at an Air Force academy remedial education program was likely a hoax committed by a black student. I'm still banned from there despite the fact that that I was later proven correct.


for FUCK’S sake, people

So this some sardine complains about TD members being vile POSs and the worst of the worst and end up with this:

You're sick, twisted, and disgusting people, /u/spez & /u/kn0thing. I wish only the worst for you.

Oh wow, you are so much better.

Then comes TiTC to delete what I assume were comments calling his hypocrisy. That fucking prick is also a mod here right?

u//spez More like u//SPEtsnaZ

Hey thats pretty good

Copying the title word-for-word from SRD


Reddit did not delete this user or remove any of their posts. The user deleted their account and content themselves

lol, much ado about nothing

It's a conspiracy by the populist elite to keep the globalist masses down.