r/LateStageCapitalism mod threatens to kill Venezuelan for starving

1  2018-10-27 by Ayylmao11023


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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Shit's getting nutty here, might be time to make a move.

don't worry it's just mentally ill people being mentally ill. Literally nobody on r/LSC has any form of irl power or influence over anything. That's the whole reason why they post there anyways.

Just picture a group of skizo hobos

I know, I know, I know... And you're absolutely right and all that...

I just can't comprehend the level of impotence you need to reach so that you need to roleplay so hard.

I mean... How absolutely useless and inane fuck of a shit you need to be that you find solace in pretending that you have some sort of a power and you'll have revenge on everyone?

I mean, I understand a school shooter - that nigga just thinks: "I will kill these few people because they are poopy-heads." And that's that.

But these fuckers think that they, together with their comrades (who are totally not "eat-raw-potatoes" level of retarded) will rise up, somehow acquire combat and survival skills, and will all deal with the other half of the world. And it's not the action that gives them pleasure, but the thought, that "One of these days... totally."

Even the good old bible fans think that God will do the dirty work, not them themselves. But these fucks... How much of a shut-in blind basket case do you need to be to think anything of this is going to happen?

I am totally writing more than I should now, but tankies just boggle me wee mind.

Based ChapoTraphouse

> Drama can't say KYS or even delete yourself

> Commie mods can threaten to murder people

Admins lol

It's word-for-word the same threat they use all the freakin' time.

/u/spez please explain


Admins don't get notified by calling them out.

/u/Spez has his mentions on, he just rarely answers them.

He must get like 10,000 a day.

What, he responded to a single thread one time? I've seen him called out probably 300 times without answering, and he is probably tagged in every second post, so answering doesn't really mean he was notified, just that he spends time on Reddit.

he responded to a single thread one time?

I didn't have to go deeper than one page in his "new" comments page to find this, but yeah, obviously it's the signle time he did it.

It's also a comment in a not highly upvoted /r/drama post and he replied to the ping in less than 30'. So, are you telling me he's an /r/drama addict?

Wait, you can see the exact time it was posted? Mine just says they were both "3 months ago."

On desktop you just have to hover your mouse over the "3 months" info.

Reddit admins are just as communist and crazy as mods if r/LateStageCapitalism if not more

Wait aren't Reddit admins white supremacist alt righters or something?

Are you retarded

It's hilarious how both sides think Reddit admins are the other side when they're just lazy and incompetent half the time.

But one side is retarded, the other side just hates retards

I'm having a hard time figuring out if your comment is sarcastic.

I think you've got that the wrong way round.

Depends who you think is who


implying Reddit admins are Nazbol

ok sweaty

white supremacist alt-right anarcho-communist jewcels with liberal capitalist characteristics

Spez isn’t an admin and I highly doubt he’s even the least bit socialist.

implying LSC isn't just middle class American white kids cosplaying as communists


/u/spez doesn't give a shit about this site. He hasn't for 5 or so years.

Send it to admins, think of the drama if the sub got banned

No you see the Admins are

*shakes magic 8-ball*

Communist Sympathizers they'd never ban one of those subs

I see you're familiar with the site's admin tools.

Yeah, that‘s why they haven‘t banned T_D as well!

T_D actually contributes to the site. It's actually interesting.

Late stage capitalism is just a bunch of angry 14 year olds arguing about how their mom won't let them stay out past midnight and how their step dad Terry keeps eating all the Fruit Roll ups.

This is a repost, and the guy already did that when it happened.

An admin replied with a longer version of "k" and that was it.

That was their automated reply now they made it longer:


We’re sorry to hear of this situation. We’ve investigated your report and taken action accordingly. Thank you for being vigilant and helping us keep our community fun and safe for everyone.

Please note that due to privacy considerations we cannot share details on the actions we’ve taken.

We recently launched a new way for reports to get to us more quickly and efficiently. Please visit reddit.com/report for future requests so we can better investigate your report.

You can find many helpful links and articles on Reddit Help

The part that gets me is the "due to privacy" reasons bullshit. I reported this to the admins and the post wasn't even removed but allowed to say up.

Ya because fascists aren't people. Its not murder if they're not human.

fascists aren't people

True, but neither are commies.

We need to start taking the extreme positions at each side of the spectrum and purge whoever holds those views. "Foreigners aren't people"? Chop "Violently seize the means of production"? Chop "Donald Trump is not retarded"? Chop "We need a UBI"? Chopper.

Pretty sure communists are more human then any fascist fucktards!

Fascists are hateful pricks but commies are useless waste, I'd rather deal with neither. Unironically.

If I had to pick one, I would maybe go with Fascists? At least they would practice eugenics.

Now that I think about it, commies would too in order to make better tater farmers.

thinking fascists would spare you


thinking I was talking about myself

Man, nuke anything that isn’t mayo. The inbreeding makes us all tards.

nuke anything that isn’t mayo.

that isn’t mayo.

mods mods mods

Don’t you dare misquote me.

I eat poop sandwich

-- Scarytownterminator 2018-10-27

Meant to post futa but instead caught a serious case of gout

--Aimless_Drifter 2018-10-29 RIP

gout caused by futa is how i wanna go tbh

If it bleeds it's okay to knead.

B-but I took an ancestry.com DNA test a-and I'm 56% white! I-i'm going to be in the ethnostate!

Getting sunburns is ackshually good for you.

If someone asks you whether you'd get cancer or aids, you don't pick one. You punch the person in the face for asking you a retarded question.

AIDS is way better than cancer. Are you retarded? People with AIDS live more or less as long as normies.

Me: Picking between cancer or aids is a retarded activity.

You: Say no more

I mean, I'm sorry you're retarded? It doesn't help with the AIDS but it does make you more predisposed to cancer.

Update your disease rolodex bruh, it's 2018. You could have at least have said something like cancer or ebola.

I'm sorry that you're such a reactionary imbecile/unabashed retard that you completely missed the point: you don't pick because you don't have to, you purge both.

Update your disease rolodex


Based on your galaxy brain, even the fascists would euthanize you after your second sentence, even if your opener is "kill all commies."

I'm sorry that you're such an ignorant cumtard that you are unaware of what diseases are anymore - it's not my fault that your memes need updating because you've spent too much time on the internet in the last 10 years fapping furiously to trap porn.

I'd love to debate the finer points with you about which diseases match which failed social system but something tells me that you won't do this in good faith. I'm guessing it's your crippling addiction to toe porn.

I think I'd rather take a tankie/fash spitroast than listen to an American internet 'liberal' bloviate for even a single minute.


To be fair, I also bought a dictionary app you sesquentalian fuckstick.

Death to all wingcucks tbh

political nihilists unite!


and what i left in the toilet this morning is more human than the communists as well but that doesn't mean i shit humans.

Because commies like you have a such a great history right?

Uh, no sweaty. Communists are more akin to roaches than any hominid.

More human than human

Pretty sure communists are killed more humans then than any fascist fucktards!


Two sides of the same coin.

You all think you're so smug thinking what a person believes in comes before their right to life. You act like you're a moral person when you're just as scum as the people you speak of.

That's just judging each according to their own beliefs but on a metalevel. If you think that fascists should get the bullet you get the bullet for being a communist and vice versa and so on.

why even live?

Mighty broad definition of fascist you got there

Says the NPC

They did quarantined them, and likely banned them only so they can claim they enforce the rules on everyone when we know very well they don't.


They aren't banned or quarantined nowand literally on their front page right now is a post talking about how people are going to be killed by Right Wing Death Squads and how Liberals deserve it for not being leftist enough

It's not our job to support Democrats, it's reluctant Democrat supporters job to become socialists, anarchists, and communists.

If liberals do not move to the left, they will fall to the right.

On the plus side the thread is full of hilarious Horseshoe "I'm leaving the country if Trump Wins The Republicans win the House again I can afford it

I guess they got out of quarantine.

They aren't banned or quarantined now and literally on their front page right now is a post talking about how people are going to be killed by Right Wing Death Squads and how Liberals deserve it for not being leftist enough

Report it. I am a bit slowly working on a sub to report all promoting of violence in left wing subs as a means to show and prove the admins not doing jack shit about it. As they clearly think comments like this don't break the rules.

Report it

The goal of this sub is to laugh at the poop not touch the poop.

Just look at /r/Politics latest where they've swapped back to Twitter being bad.

Reporting stuff doesn't do anything, every sub is a mods playground depending on how in favor with the admins they are just /r/drama doesn't hypocritically lie about it.

By reporting it I mean the admins not the mods. While the admins won't do much, the more we report and more vocal we are about it the better. This is why I am making a sub for this so that people can point and go "see the admins aren't enforcing the rules on left wing subs". The goal is to make it harder for the admins to play favorites and start actually enforcing the rules they are suppose to be enforcing.

Nobody gives a shit and this is all a complete waste of your time.

If they didn't then why do people keep on raising a fuss over it then?

If they didn't then why do people keep on raising a fuss over it then?

How does the amount of screaming indicate the admins' level of interest? The evidence is right in front of you: it's what started this entire comment thread. /r/LateStageCapitalism gets a slap on the wrist for blatant rule violations while scores of right-wing subreddits get quarantined and banned. And this is after concerted efforts on the part of right-wing to expose this same behavior. What other left-wing subreddits have the admins gone after? The only other one I can think of is /r/FullCommunism.

They banned the one that made that threat-rap about PK.

The goal of this sub is to laugh at the poop not touch the poop.

yeah now that we're SRD 2.0. we used to be able to ping and shit

The goal of this sub is to laugh at the poop not touch the poop

No you fucking idiot. The goal of this sub is to stir the poop up until it touches as many people as possible. It's literally in the sidebar.

/r/drama mods are literally the most oppressed minority to ever exist

/u/redtaboo explain this paradox

But it's just 'a social experiment'

lol fooled you guys!

Saying please is a fascist dog whistle. That nazi should have known that nothing gets past the lsc mods

Manners are white supremacy.

I know that you're being sarcastic, but good manners and politeness is actually imperialistic and perpetuates the notion that white culture must be adhered to in order to be considered an educated and respectful human being.







^ Jesus christ writing that garbage was so easy. I think I understand why leftoids think they're being smart when they write shit like this for serious lmao.

you got me there for a second

Commies on the internet are such tough guys. If only they faced the hardships that people endure on those countries. It's so retarded this mindset and this aggression


Get back to your basement, chode.

The whole thing behind internet commies is "if we do it again, we'll do it right!"

And the only thing they do is type insults on reddit. Laziest ideology

This is such a dumb comment lol.

I've been saying for months that cops need to kill more tankies. If they stepped up their game then there would be fewer commies and the surviving ones would actually have a reason to feel oppressed and fear the pigs. Everybody wins.

Ok aaand that's legit incitement to murder. Looks like retardation can get out of hand everywhere.

Is this person convincing a cop to kill someone because the cop read a drama comment?

I don't know what the legal definition of inciting is in your country, I'm using the colloquial, non-retard meaning, i.e. don't say in earnest that x should kill y. Also killing someone without some imminent danger prerequisite is the definition of murder.

Donald Trump should nuke your city. You are in trouble if he reads that comment.

What the honest fuck

You've never heard of tankies?

Imagine being as retarded as an LSC mod

am retarted

but not as retarted as LSC mod

kill whitey hail Dalai hoof kratom

both sides

Fascist pig had it coming tbh.

both sides

I propose we gas anyone who uses that term

Only as long as we gas both sides

We should gas anyone who uses any term

I love fresh pasta

Starving is better than not being able to ping this retard 🙁

This was from like last year.

Lol no.

Based on the prices and wage, that's not from last year, more like 4-6 months ago.

That is impressive for you to figure that out from pricing. It was five months.

I'm from Venezuela and I remember cheese going for that price a bit before the reconversion mess. It should be somewhere around 4-5 months ago top

damn where'd u get this from

Fascists calling normal people fascists. Name a more iconic duo on reddit

bourgeois white "allies" calling the actual working class proletariat ennemies of the proletarian revolution?

'I look forward to the day of the proletariat uprising!'

Working-class don't vote the way they were supposed to.

'Dumb fucking peasants don't deserve the vote!'

This screencap is older than Jesus.

the worst part (other than the killer tankie narrative) of that subreddit is how thin skinned they are , they wont even debate you , you just get banned for not agreeing with 100% of what they think

🤔 sounds like another subreddit that they really hate


Revolving door theory holds true

horseshoe more like circle amirite lmao

You can joke about but look up Pol Pot, he was nationalist and killed Chinks for being Jews.

Because The_Donald and LSC are nothing but two sides of the same coin.

I mean, it’s a circlejerk sub, that’s kind of the point. Just like TD if they allowed dissenting opinions they’d be downvoted to the ground by the 80% of redditors who disagree with them, whatever the merits of their points.

That’s just the sad fact of reddit, if the position you old is not in the majority, the only way to get discussion on it is to carve out a niche for it. That’s why the only open politics forum that has relatively chill moderation is left wing as fuck. I don’t like any of it, but Reddit’s system encourages it.

If there was any actual interest in “discussion with communists/trump supporters”, the subreddits that are made for that would be much bigger.

Why would anyone want to discuss anything with a communist? That's so utterly stupid.

If you don’t want to you don’t have to, but this guy is complaining that they aren’t letting him.

If they want to have a little niche to talk amongst themselves, I think that’s fine. Same can be said about TD.

If everyone should have their own little space to talk about what they want then why are you here talking about commies like they matter?

Because they are the subject of the conversation?

Yes and the official stance of the subreddit is that commies are scum and deserve nothing. Go elsewhere with your rhetoric.

Ban that bitch for wrongthink!

Right, so ...serious post I think the subs you mentioned are proof to the contrary by themselves. These are places where literal murderous discourse is allowed to fester without the possibility dissuade the participants from being murderous pigs. If preventing the enforcement of internet circlejerks means that people don't get to have their discussion niches then that's not so bad to begin with but that's not even what would happen. On reddit, for example, you could still have subs dedicated to certain topics, where you can only make certain kinds of submissions. You just can't tell people what they can comment on those submissions, this way the crazies can have their god given right to their little freak shows and the rest of humanity can come in and let them know that they are abhorrent freaks and why.

Communist here. You scared to discuss???

If the TD mods started speaking like this the sub would be banned in an instant.

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Not sure if intentional or not, but the line through that mod name hides nothing.

tbh he was asking for it

serious posters deserve to line the wall 👌😂👌

This is so old the user probably starved to death already anyway. It was just recently making the rounds on enough commie spam.

it clearly says in the screenshot that the ban happened 2 hours ago, so how could this image be old?

god learn to read idiot

I think he was trying to make a joke


Wait are you whooshing me or the guy I was replying to


The guy you replied to was also making a joke.

A screenshot from half a year ago will still say that the post happened a few hours ago. The guy you were replying to was acting disingenuous on purpose to make a joke that the event happened recently because the picture said "2 hours ago."

I guess I didn't catch on silly me

Pretty sure this is old but gonna guess they can still get away while this sub can't

I wonder how it must feel to LARP commies all day.

When we are all eating the rich, that lsc mod won't be allowed a single bite.


I don't know why you bothered blocking he name. Actual commie scum should at the very least be verbally abused.

Al socialista no lo mueve la razón, al socialista lo mueve el resentimiento, el odio, la venganza.

Goddamn I love that subreddit.

For those that don't speak Spanish:

The socialist is not moved by reason, the socialist is moved by resentment, hatred, revenge.

I don't get that sub. Even if you agree with something they post they still just ban you.

>Hate and violence is OK because I'm right!!!

Literally every extremist brainlet that, when they succeed, end up getting millions of their own people killed.

What a class act Jesus Christ

Please tell me this guy gets banned for this? Holy shit.

haha what a fuckin edgy ass larper

tankies can’t think

the proles dont know about marx. they just want bread and stability

then the revolutionaries of "muh communism" will be right by the side of the graves of khulaks or bourgs.

1917-1920 repeat.

Isn't this already like six months old or do they send the same ban message to all Venezuelans?

When you're a socialist that unironically hates the working class.

"Why, why is everyone turning right-wing, why?" asked the communist.

"Why is everyone stealing my anti-capitalism hype?"

They banned me from that sub because I replied 'is this a joke' to the auto mod which removed my comment for a 'slur'.

The mods are basically nazis

People that post to that sub un-ironically are so sad lmao.

This is what I come here for

This post seems misleading. But anyway I can agree that communists should be shot. Nothing wrong with that. I have quite a few family members slowly starving to death because of them.

This is literally from months ago you retard. And it's something that's been posted a million times already. Find something new.

Kinda surprised smokeuptheweed9 (this is clearly him) hasn't gone the way of dessalines_, though.

No longer mod pimmeranian

Harassing me over several platforms isn't gonna end well for you, regardless of my mod status.

Bye bye modship

You speak too bad to be a mod, you don't deserve the rank.

fuck you for calling someone a retard.

Your failure to provide a link is your weakness, old man.