/r/badphilosophy puts their degrees and student debt to use on the (((PewDiePie))) problem

1  2018-12-19 by CrosbyStillzandSwag


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Wise words, snappy

What a circlejerk, goddamn.

You're not a philosopher if you hate that someone you don't like for wrong think is reading philosophy, retards.

/r/badphillsophy is essentially /r/cth2

they’re not mad at him for reading it

they’re mad at him for CONSIDERING it

world of difference m8

So basically they're even bigger retards, because they're mad about something he hasn't even done yet.

No, you don't understand: only philosophy majors who were handed interpretations by their professors could possibly understand the correct interpretation of various famous authors.

Philosophy isn't about discussing interpretations or seeking truth: it's about telling people what they actually meant because otherwise people might "misinterpret" something to support some other worldview than your own, and that's unacceptable.

Tbf you're not generally going to badx subs (with the exception of maybe econ) to argue in good faith

paying money to study Philosophy


Oh look, retards pretending to be smart.

Isn't it bad philosophy in itself to not want certain viewpoints read about

Like, that sub should have a sticky at the top, just linking to itself as the best example of bad philosophy. That place is hilarious.

The notorious Neo-Nazi Ethan Klein strikes again.

Why do they keep calling Jews a Nazi? That must understand how that is ridiculous.

The inclusion of Ben Shapiro is even funnier - because he's visibly Jewish, and because the alt-right fucking hates him

He is a nutcase though.

All midgets are

Wrong, it's the 21st Century, look at weev, Nazism is multicultural now

Will Ben Shapiro put himself in a concentration camp then? I'm sure that would upset his doctor wife who is a doctor.

Not to mention his sister (who is much hotter than his wife despite not being a doctor).

Ethan is just the Jewish equivalent of an Uncle Tom.

The best example is when he promoted neo-nazi propaganda on his twitch regarding the bombing of Dresden.

Now it's kinda obvious he did that because he's an impressionable moron who's friends with people like JonTron, who believes in a white ethnostate. That and the fact that Ethan is super critical of Israel (fair enough) which has a long and decorated history of calling any criticism of it's policies 'antisemitism'.

Sidenote: this is the Crux of the problem with Israel labelling all criticism as antisemitic - the uneducated and disengaged masses can't tell the difference between their political point scoring and actual lies which are genuinely antisemitic, but many of them are inclined to assume it's all bullshit instead of assuming it's all antisemitic.

Israel did nothing wrong, and the Dresden bombing was a pointless waste of human lives

You know hitler single handedly created israel, right?

Good for him

what about the bombing of dresden?

Despite being responsible for the literal worst podcast in existence (really an incredible feat), I think he deserves some credit for how his mere existence riles up people who think Nazi's lurk in every shadow.

How does he keep getting away with it?

Well, in addition to "jokingly" paying Sri Lankan kids to hold up a sign that said "Death to all jews", using the hard-R N-word on his stream, following and engaging with Notch, Ben Shapiro, Ethan Klein, Logan Paul, Boogie1488, Ian Miles Cheong, Count Dankula, Jordan Peterson, Steven Crowder, Laci Green, Palmer Luckey, Lauren Southern, Bunty King, Stefan Molyneux, Paul Joseph Watson, Butch Hartman, Dave Rubin, KEEMSTAR, Christina Hoff Sommers, and Jontron on Twitter, including having at least Ben Shapiro and Stefan Molyneux on his stream, constantly fash dogwhistling, GamerGate rethorics and probably a lot more I could have mentioned had I given enough of a fuck about him to really dig into his story, the crucial part is his total unwillingness to act apologetic or reflective on all this.

What a sad state of affairs when the Face of Fascism in 2018 is made up of manlet jews, more random jews, a morbidly Obese gaymer, edgy right wing faggots, retarded YouTubers, LobsterDaddy and a few feminists.

probably a lot more I could have mentioned had I given enough of a fuck about him to really dig into his story,

> claims to not care about pewdiepie

> knows every person he's interacted with over the last 4 years

Typically the people outraged over, say, Jontron or Pewdiepie--like truly outraged--are former fans of theirs whose ideologies conflicted with YouTubers'. And typically if you have a YouTube account and subscribe and pay attention to these people's lives and shit--if my assumptions based on 95% of comments on that website--you're a fucking emotional tidal wave of id and rage and rape- and murder-impulses, and the only people less qualified to have their opinions valued are the lurkers too cowed by the intelligence of these comments to leave one themselves.

What I'm trying to say is:


As an addendum:

Gaymers get the chair, weebs get tortured, and people who use YouTube for anything other than noose tutorials oughtta be locked in another, deathless dimension in which all tactility is replaced by searing flames and sharpness.

Man was put on this planet to punish the pathetic and different--just read Samuel and Judges and Kings, and you'll understand that God really wanted some people absolutely fucking annihilated. Follow the example of our Israelite forebears, and breathe deep the Words of Nasim, the Last Great Prophet: YouTube and its followers deserve God's Wrath. Smite what ought be smote; eradicate the men who follow not your God and Lord.

it's over for youtubecels


I believe it

this is hot. you got anymore???

Just keep repeating in your head "kill all weebs... kill all weebs." Will save me a bit of work, tbh

Thanks for pointing this out. I read that shit, then saw that comment at the end and thought this guy had to be fucking kidding. I actually enjoy some of the shit pewdiepie puts out, and I didn't even know he has had contact with half those people, and don't even know who some of them are. If this doesn't count as "not giving enough of a fuck" then what fucking does?

He is a chapo poster. They have no life

it actually does surprise me that he follows PJW and Stefan Molyneux, but the really weaselly thing about this comment is that they just list them along with H3H3 and Logan Paul like its all just the same Nazi stew

That’s because they are

With leftoids, you’re. never just a little bit bad.

It’s either your okay, good, or literally Drumpf

Doesn't suprise me in the slightest. PewDiePie, along with Colossal is Crazy, are like the penultimate examples of the "Middle Britain" closeted Tory type. If he came out and called himself "socially liberal, economically conservative" he would be a living stereotype.

Gothenburg in Middle Britain

PewDiePie, along with Colossal is Crazy, are like the penultimate examples of the "Middle Britain" closeted Tory type.

Horseshit. He's just anti-SJW, that's the single common factor in all of this. And of course being against the concept of making up your own gender means he's outright fascist.

This dude is off his fucking rocker lol

Which one? There's so many to choose from in there.

Pewdiepie should read Mein Kampf live on stream and just get it over with tbh.

Worked well for a mtg "pro-player"

Logan Paul

Literally hitler tbh

This but unironically

Also literally Jewish



Ben Shapiro


Ethan Klein


Logan Paul




Ian Miles Cheong


Count Dankula


Jordan Peterson

A retard but not a nazi imo

Steven Crowder


Laci Green

Wait, seriously?

Palmer Luckey


Lauren Southern

Why would he do that?

Bunty King


Stefan Molyneux


Paul Joseph Watson

Memes aside, why would he follow this cunt though.

Butch Hartman


Dave Rubin



Dicksucker and the worst and saltiest gnome in the world but I guess dramacoin grows around him, or rather the other way around.

Christina Hoff Sommers




Ben Shapiro

Good bussy, can't blame him

Stefan Molyneux



This but ironically

Count Dankula

I also want to denounce Stephen Fry as a fascist, since we're playing this game.

Butch Hartman is the creator of Fairly Oddparents

icksucker and the worst and saltiest gnome in the world but I guess dramacoin grows around him, or rather the other way around

Well, he's gnot a gnelf.

He's a guh-nome!

a gnoblin perhaps?

Butch Hartman

The creator of evil alt-right cartoons designed to brainwash children and turning them into literal nazis such as The Fairly Oddparents and Danny Phantom

He made a family friendly video service that was religiously influenced, he became scum to woke twitter

Laci Green was instantly put on the naughty list for the badphil pricks because she is going out with Chris PenisGun.

Best part is that Laci Green and Ian Miles Chong were both prolific SJWs right up until they switched teams. They're both just attention whores who like to say edgy stuff. Doesn't matter what extreme they're pitching for, as long as they have a team to play for.

calling Stefan Molyneux a fascist instead of explaining why he's wrong

not an argument!

For a quick rundown on the more obscure people:

Ian Miles Cheong is a right-wing journalist/blogger type

Steven Crowder is a conservative guy who makes little jokey political videos and "gotcha!" segments where he makes fun of dumb liberal arts majors who don't know what they're talking about but try to sound smart anyway. Similar to Laura Southern, I guess.

Palmer Lucky is the founder of the Oculus VR... thing. Not sure what they do exactly besides make overpriced gimmicky meme tech, but yeah, that's what he was known for. He got kicked out after people found out he's actually a conservative living in Silicon Valley, which is normally punishable by death but in this case he was given the mercy of exile.

Bunty King is a YouTuber. Not even sure why he's on that list tbh, he's not even all that conservative, more centrist anti-SJW than anything.

Stefan Molyneux is a living meme and political commentator in the vein of Jordan B. Memerson.

Butch Hartman makes cartoon shows for kids. He's not even really conservative so much as he is a devout Christian. But I guess being Christian = being fascist now. I think I read a thinkpiece of Slate about that while sipping my soy chai latte at Starbucks.

Dave Rubin is a lolbertarian. He deserves derision and dismissal. Though I don't know of any connection between him and PewDiePie, so... idk why he's there.

Christina Hoff Sommers is an OG feminist who never really got on board with 3rd wave feminism's brand of intersectionality and privilege and shit, so she's now seen as the black sheep of the feminist scholars, because she finds PC culture to be mostly bullshit and while doing normal feminist stuff also campaigns for men's (mostly boys, I think, technically) rights, too. She has a pretty good book about discrimination and emotional abuse against young boys and how it shapes society, I'd recommend it.

Also lolbertarianism, autismal as it may be, is basically the polar opposite of fascism. Fascism is right-wing collectivism while libertarians are hyper-individualistic to a fault.

Hell, in theory fascism is a revolutionary ideology so technically it doesn't even count as conservative.

I have no idea why fart-huffing retards feel the need to put everyone that makes them butthurt into the same all-encompassing boogieman. Laziness? Extremely low intelligence? Both?

If you want to be a fascist, you're free to do so, as long as every time you command your dictatorship, everyone consents to your commands. And that you can only imprison/kill people who consent to you doing so. And you can only invade other countries for lebensraum if they consent. And only if you're below 6'.

I have no idea why fart-huffing retards feel the need to put everyone that makes them butthurt into the same all-encompassing boogieman. Laziness? Extremely low intelligence? Both?

It's simple, really: you don't get the outraged reactions you want if you just say "PewDiePie made some jokes I consider crass and I think he should consider his influence more when speaking". You have to call him Hitler, that's how you get people to pay attention. Nuance has no place in an ecosystem where eyeballs are currency.

I think this is part of why people fucking lose their shit the the fat hairy guy (aka Boogie) says something stupid.

You know alt righters would love to paint him as "SJW" and leftists and liberals and an alt righter but he doesn't quite fit into any group. I think this is part of why people hate him so much, when he says something idiotic they can't put him in a box and be done with it, rather they need to shit on every single dumb opinion he has.

It's fun to watch tho so I can't complain.

Oh wow, thanks, guy!

Ian Miles Cheong

A pro-gamergate "games journalist"

Steven Crowder

A right wing political comedian. The "Male Privilege is a Myth, Change My View" guy. His shtick is filming ultra-left college kids then taking highlights of the times they are retarded.

Stefan Molyneux

Right libertarian not-a-cult leader.

Dave Rubin

Left-wing but doesn't like religious fanatics.

Christina Hoff Sommers

Queen of the meninist philosophers.

Palmer Luckey, Bunty King

Yeah no fucking idea.

And thanks to you too, guy!

Doesn't Dankula fuck a trap how is he a Nazi

Ethan Klein

Logan Paul


The paragons of modern Fascism.

Mussolini would have just became a plumber if he saw what fascism was today.

And Plato would've just thrown himself into the Aegean if he saw what modern 'philosophers' were talking about.

If you dont throw your 12 year old's computer in a bonfire when they start watching satanicfascist youtubers like Ethan Klein you are literally acting like neville chamberlain

To be fair anyone associating with Logan Paul deserves to be hanged.

Yes, but not for being a nazi, just for having such poor judgement that you know it'll eventually result in innocents being harmed.

Exactly what Logan Paul wants

I thought it was that hanged people deserve to associate with Logan Paul

Homophobia attack shane dawson like that

T. Incel

The loganater bullies all virgins


no Sam Hyde

He truly IS forgotten.

he actually followed sam the other night im suprised media/tards havent started screaming about it yet

I'm surprised Sam hasn't been tripped up by statutory rape charges yet. He's pretty open about the fact that he's done that.

Of course, if he did, nobody would notice now.

No one would dare accuse Sam of rape.

Can’t spam the Sam.


I mean he is responsible for multiple mass shootings and he keeps getting away with it

Pretty sure he did it after following Vox and making jokes about who he follows being automatically alt-right, so he's fucking with them.

I saw someone on vox not 100% support punching the alt right. The whole group is fascist

lists a bunch of shit

if I cared about him that is!

Lol why do people do this

What's wrong with following Ethan Klein?

He called someone and SJW once. Literally Hitler.

My god. The N-word. With a hard-R? Unforgivable.

"Death to all Jews"

Literally lists out two Jews in the list of "problematic" personnel

Thinking Butch Hartmann (old-fashioned Christian semi-conservative) is anywhere close to Count Dankula (edgelord)

Count Dankula is an ex-commie edgelord...just like MUSSOLINI.

Laci "I think radfems and libfems both have a valid worldview and I don't necessarily agree with either" Green is a literal Fascist, just like the fascist sub r/GenderCritical.

Haven't you heard? Jews are white, and thus support fashism!

u/xnotch is our fascist mod?

You just have to love the false narrative building these dummies are doing.

Pews had released more content in the past 12 hours than he has that would be considered "fascist" but they've built him up so much that they think he's just on YouTube doing nothing but complaining about the Jews and the blacks.

hard-R N-word

Are those people retarded?

That sub is such a waste of a great sidebar.

Wow some internet dude who says the n word is gonna BUTCHER /r/badphilosophy's favorite Danish Autist.

also lol @ being critical of a dude trying to educate himself.

Did he stop making money from edgy kids and pandering to CTH types now?!? Why is he educating himself now that's useless in a YouTube career

For his own benefit?

So they are mad that Pewdiepie might misinterpret a book that he hasn't even read yet or commented on, and of course talking to people on twitter. That's an impressive level of outrage.

The only good badsomething sub is r/badhistory change my mind

badhistory is good and full of leftists

badphilosophy is horrible and full of leftists

badeconomics is good and full of enlightened utilitarian centrists

badpolitics is meh, kinda boring and dead

badmathematics is good and not stupid enough to fuck with politics

This is the only correct opinion tbh, close this thread mods

They are really adamant in denying the Holodomor for some strange, reddit-y reason. Hmmm

They really aren't. I looked up holodomor and the first two posts each reached the front page and were deconstructing claims made by tankies that the holodomor was natural/caused by the west

/r/badhistory is perfectly willing to discount perfectly good books by perfectly good authors because something stated in it doesn't support their narrative. They'll just gang-up on anyone who disagrees and states that there is any ambiguity, or cites any author they don't like.

Sometimes they're right about stuff but you basically have to back them into a corner where the statement is so absurd that politics doesn't matter, like the "Medieval PoC" blog, and even then they'll try to look for ways to justify some parts of it or to virtue signal.

I've genuinely seen some posts there use MedievalPoC as a source lmao

Huh. The guy is literally outraged at Pewdiepie for asking for feedback on what classical literature he should read next, because it's possible that he might in the future misinterpret the thing that he hasn't read or commented on yet. That's amazing.

I see his outrage tbh I mean everybody who's ever read that book is now an actual fascist simply because PDP read the same book. PDP really is turning people into fascists smh.

Youre not joking BTW. Last year i had a bunch of classical literature on my wish list and sent it to family members for christmas. My ultra-progressive aunt actually asked me "why i would want those books?" Implying i was researching nazism. The list had Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Orwell, etc. When did reading existentialism become pro nazism?

You didn't ask for books written by latinx womyn of color that challenge dominant paradigms of social performativity and toxic heteropatriarchal masculinity, so clearly you are bazi aligned. The fuck did Dostoyevsky understand about the human condition anyway?

I've noticed a lot of the hyperprogs getting concerned or upset if you are interested in reading history too, it's all very Cultural Revolution-y.

The r/badx subs are all barely concealed appeals to authority, I learned that from reading Kierkegaard.

r/badeconomics actually does good work.

I'll second that; they're far less retarded than the others.

Go tell /r/badhistory that Islam was spread by the sword and watch them bend-over-backwards to redefine was "holy war" means to explicitly exclude inconvenient conflicts for their narrative. "No, these authors are discredited charlatans; the authors we agree with are the authority on the subject!"

Yeah yeah, I'm sure it's them who bend over to justify their narrative and not you.

No sorry the answer we were looking for was "Ottoman Empire"

chrsitans were evil for the crusades

The moors were underprivileged minorities

t. badhistory mods

I started my account just to post on /r/badhistory, it used to be my favourite sub and I'd always throw a few posts together whenever I had a college assignment.

Now reading it makes me nauseous. I think I realised it just wasn't for me anymore when I got massively downvoted and accused of being a racist when I said there were no black Celts.

I loved BadHistory. Then CURRENT YEAR happened and it's all gone to shit.

That's hardly surprising since most of science is appealing to authorities.

I'd bet 1% of posters there have read any philosophy other than marxism.org

Well, that is quite the pretentious sub

If money can't buy a lifetime's supply of impotent smug, what's it good for?

Because he is a witless fascist sympathizer that is now doing intellectual posturing that will only end up completely mangling and distorting whatever he ends up reading.

woah, redundancy makes you smarter!!

Look no further as to why philosophy as an academic field is a fucking joke nowadays

To be fair, the philosophy departments haven't been exactly held to high regard for decades now. They get kept around because it's ridiculously cheap to run a philosophy course... both in running costs (all it takes is the cost to keep the lights and heat on in a classroom) and personnel (philosophy students literally have no other work prospects, so they'll teach for helluva cheap.)

That's actually not "cheap". Paying a person to show up is actually fairly expensive, and that's a room that could probably be spend opening up another course that has more value to students. At this stage, some departments are there because of internal politics and tradition.

Modern Philosophy is a joke because:

  1. All the good "philosophers" split-off to become "the sciences". All the guys who didn't want to just discuss objective facts refused to join them. Most of the big names in philosophy were mathematicians, physicists, etc, but existed at a time when there was only really the one subject to study and it encompassed everything; they're better-described today as "scientists".
  2. Existentialism more-or-less was the final word in non-objective philosophy and discussion of worldviews. "People can self-actualize", "People's self-perception can affect their abilities", "People's interpretation of objective facts affects their behavior", etc. All the post-structural bullshit that came after by people like Foucault basically just try to twist it. They make strange interpretations and those are generally what are taught in philosophy classrooms today.

In short, philosophy is basically just another propaganda center that's mad because the rigorous arm of their subject redefined itself and the best aspects of its arm were written nearly two centuries ago and everything since then has been utter rubbish.

This is the wrong place to post this bait.

Paying a person to show up is actually fairly expensive

If you said this to someone who didn't actually know some adjuncts, you might have been able to get away with it. :D Nice try tho.

that's a room that could probably be spend opening up another course that has more value to students

C'mon man. Lecture halls aren't task specific unless they're surgical theatres or such. One class spends an hour or so in a room, they pack up and move on and the next class comes in. I mean yeah, maybe if you're talking some tiny campus with seriously limited space, but I've yet to walk on a campus where all rooms are in 100% utility.

... plus, value to the students is kind of irrelevant. The student, for whatever reason, has decided that pursuing a BA (in this case, one with a philosophy component) is valuable. The college/uni in question is filling that demand, and it's a helluva lot cheaper for a school to seat a phil major than, say, a premed or any sort of engineer.

If you said this to someone who didn't actually know some adjuncts, you might have been able to get away with it. :D Nice try tho.

That's true, but the whole department isn't adjuncts.

I mean yeah, maybe if you're talking some tiny campus with seriously limited space, but I've yet to walk on a campus where all rooms are in 100% utility.

If you look at a schedule, there are certainly gaps. But if you actually talk to any department heads or deans about scheduling then usually their idea of a room being "booked solid" has a much lower bar. There's intentionally gaps left in the schedule that, for whatever reason aren't booked. At some schools, especially those with longer lectures, it's common to see quite a few gaps too short to actually place any classes. Why this happens, I don't know, but economically 100% room utilization is optimal for profits and after that less valuable courses with lower enrollment are still effectively underutilization.

A bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off. xD

Philosophy isn't the worst major but some of the professors are really screwy. Choice of materials provides ample opportunity for professors to teach their own personal beliefs on subjects, which is frankly just poor form.

All those words won't bring daddy back.

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It's because philosophy departments are filled with autistic analytical philosophers that spend their whole life writing about useless abstraction.

Because he is a witless fascist sympathizer that is now doing intellectual posturing that will only end up completely mangling and distorting whatever he ends up reading.

There we go. The real problem.

if kierkegaard was alive today he would be a trump supporter and would be a repeat guest on dave rubins podcast

"So, Soren! You're a philosopher!"

"Hold up Dave, if you label me you negate me."

"I agreeeeeeeee!"

I mean, wow, on the list of things wrong with the world, Pewdiepie being a major celebrity genuinely ranks.

show me the lie

  • Bugs that eat their way into infants' brains via the eyes

  • Sudden death lurking in the skies from catastrophic asteroid impact

  • The tragic imbalance of bussy to gussy on most internet porn sites

  • PDP is a celeb

Checks out.

He's probably gonna end up with Dostoevsky or some shit

Fact: With the character of Raskolnikov (Crime and Punishment), Dostoevsky accurately predicted the internet era's unique brand of autism in 1866.

I can imagine that they're bothered by Dostoevsky, because works like C&P and Demons hit way too close home for comfort.

That sub is full of retards. They draw the entirely wrong conclusion from Starship troopers. It makes compelling arguments in favor of itself while depicting a very dystopian universe where life is one ruled entirely by violence. They just hate it because they didnt it.

Jesus, the comments in there. When did BP turn into /r/iamverysmart? It's like an endless case study in Dunning-Kruger over there.

About a month after it was created.

The subreddit is interesting in the sense that it was created to mock "bad philosophy" but on further investigation... the sub is literally bad philosophy.

welcome to every /r/badwhatever sub

It's like they distilled every philosophy major's ability to insist "no the interpretation I like that my teacher taught me is correct and if you disagree you're reading it wrong" into a single subreddit.

So much for actually discussing things.

Because what is 'bad' philosophy is a rather contentious thing. Calling out bad reasoning and shitty logic is one thing, as is just making blatantly false claims ("Heidegger called himself an existentialist"). But things like moral non-realism aren't bad philosophy, they're just unpopular. Doesn't matter that you've got a shitload of commies there who will see anyone who disagrees with them as the spawn of Satan.

lol, their names all show up as drunkentune in solidarity with some sperg who got in a slap fight with a 'TERF' philosopher and got """doxxed""" (called out) on a philosophy blog.

OMG everybody is a fascist

Peak Reddit faggotry

Funny, because philosophy students are 100% of the time responsible for mangling interpretations. It's really funny to watch them get mad when anybody comes in, actually reads the books (more than they probably had to do for their classes) and can "get" the point or at least debate it. "No no no", they insist, "we're philosophy majors so we understand better".

As if it's not a joke subject at this point. All the people who actually understand logic go into math. The idea that a science major can't interpret a philosopher's work better than a philosophy major is a top-tier delusion.

There's a reason philosophy is built upon arguing with dead people. You can't be wrong if they aren't alive enough to tell you how retarded you are.


Pewds should post Céline, Pound and Mishima next. That'll piss off the woke twitter crowd.

I'm locking this post because video games are bad and dumb, and playing them makes you a perma-virgin who ends up goose-stepping around with your wannabe nazi buddies until you shoot up a school.

Is this a joke? It sounds like but also like something gamerghazi would unironically say