Louis CK is back and Chapo is ANGERY 😡 😡

1  2018-12-31 by dootwthesickness_II


Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


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dude bussy lmao

oh fuck yes I am ready for the oodles of people that are gonna be pissed off by this hahaha

seeing as a side point of the bit is that he's sick of people telling him what he can and can't say, then i have to say you're taking the correct side of this bet

yeah but twitter mobs amirite

My entire experience in my whole life of sjws is people on reddit complaining about them. I'm not convinced it actually exists as a movement at all, independent of rightist totalitarians molehill mining in order to justify the return of white supremacy.

They do exist but they are too scared to voice their opinions irl. You have probably met them as that weird guy in your college class who wears fingerless gloves and doesn't speak or make eye contact with anyone

Wow, this thread really triggered you, didn't it?

My entire experience in my whole life of sjws is people on reddit complaining about them.

Just to pour salt in the wound, let me remind that just this weekend we had multiple posts/threads about a guy in a vape shop getting fired for being the stereotype you say doesn't exist. He even "REEEEEEEEEEEEE'd" out loud and did the clapping his hands while talking thing. The only thing missing off my bingo card was "did you just assume my gender," which I luckily picked up in another post/thread making the rounds this weekend.

Hang out on my Facebook feed some time then.

The funny thing is most of them are friends I've made from church.

Nah they exist. At most, they comprise ~5-8% of the US population.

They're giant faggots and frightened of confrontation, so they mostly voice their opinions/form mobs online.

Hang around Seattle, San Fran, Brooklyn/Manhattan, parts of LA long enough and you'll actually spot them in the wild.

Usually very boring, self-serious, anxious people. Smug af 100% of the time. Not worth talking to unless you can use them.



People should just jerk off during his show in protest

oh no that would be horrible

I'm pissed off because I didn't laugh, not because it was offensive. Actually, it was offensive because it wasn't funny.

as long as you're pissed off, I'm good


lol nigga is mad enough to go to my (very vast and ancient) post history and REEEEEEEEEEEE on some of my (very) old ones.

I was just memeing with you on that last post, but now I think you're actually offended offended.

im seething. and did you just fucking call me the n-word? i seriously doubt you're a person of color so refrain from using it. continue this behavior and i may have to post you on /r/iamatotalpieceofshit. tow the fucking line white boy

im seething

i believe you

then you should also believe this. I have a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you if you delete the nword, that will be the end of it - I will not look for you, I will not pursue you... but if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you... and I will not kill you, but i will fuck you up nonviolently.


can u snoozepost this guy for me? kthx

calling on another white supremacist to save you? ed scissorhands won't help you buddy. i will send you private messages everyday until you close this account.

please do, i can farm em for karma and become the new gallowboob

He deleted his comment, lol. Also, I don't normally snoozepost individual comments. Entire posts/threads.



N joy ur b&

I honestly think he's one of those depressed comedians where they hate themselves but thats what keeps them going. They live off making themselves an unlikeable person because it fits into their act. it's all he's got.

Louis CK definitely has like a humiliation fetish. If you've ever watched the show its like someone punching themselves in the face continously. He'll lick their feet, get kicked in the face, and then jack off to it. Honestly I think the past year has been the best of his life probably.

Louis CK should totally be a poltard now

Louis CK don't owe you shit

That bit was just sort of ... boring. I've seen more creative reddit comments.

Yeah I coulda done better, but every minute I spent actually reading these comments was a minute someone else might’ve scooped me on this.

He meant the Louis bit, not your linked post

Just noticed the sub is using automod to remove new comments lol

absolutely, but the real beauty, as always, is in the drama it will cause.

I mean presumably this is just a clip from some club, which is where comedians try out new bits. It's not going to be as refined as watching one of his specials.

obviously Chapo is making this out to be some kind of alt-right shift that makes Louis indistinguishable from Milo Yiannapoulos, but its just one joke out of many, probably including anti-Trump jokes, anti-racist jokes, etc. And I really doubt that this throwaway makes it into a special if Louis ever manages to get another.

Louis CK completely throws away all his material and redoes his entire act like every year. This is pretty amazing for a comedian, as 99% of the time a comedian spends like their entire life just continuously building up one act. Anyway he probably goes through a lot of stinkers in that time period. He's got to polish them up.

Louis CK completely throws away all his material and redoes his entire act like every year. This is pretty amazing for a comedian, as 99% of the time a comedian spends like their entire life just continuously building up one act.

a lot of comedians do this lmao what are you talking about?

they tour for ____ amount of time, refine it down to the good stuff, do a special, take a holiday, then start all over. only the hacks reuse their shit from one special to another

Pretty much all british comedians rarely generate new material, and instead re use the same jokes over and over.

Stand up is one of the few art forms Americans are objectively the best at.

Canadians tend to be really good too

Maybe it's the melting pot thing? Racism is good for jokes.

Yeah I used to follow Louis fairly closely, and he had lots of leaked "experiment" sets that range from interesting and funny to mediocre and cringy. That's just part of the process for him and this joke isn't him getting "redpilled" or anything.

99% of the time a comedian spends like their entire life just continuously building up one act

This has not been true for like 30 years. Any comedian who tries to exclusively work a single act for their entire career will fail in the age of the internet.

im retarded

I think 10-15 is fair. It absolutely was not the norm before the comedy started getting big on the internet, most comedians would throw away about 10-25% of their material each year, keeping only the best stuff as they go. Jerry Seinfeld is still doing this, as are many from his generation.

Presumably a Louis CK who has an actual grasp of public opinion about himself would (on his second or third public attempt to reingratiate himself) might try addressing the accusations head on. Or try some material safely AWAY from the subject so it's not as much of an elephant in the room.

But nope. He chose to rail on tired old out of touch hack material. He literally says "I used to think old people were wrong and now that I'm old it's the young people who are wrong. Because I'm never wrong." Like that is a joke. It CAN be a joke. But not from a guy who still refuses to reckon with what HE did wrong.

Presumably someone who wasn't this stupid wouldn't be trying such weak material when people don't even want them at the mic. Presumably he'd know to bring his A game.

Are you ok

Why should he get this chance? He is a rapist who grabbed and forced many women and masturbated on them

Even if he does apologize it is better that he slide into the alt-right pit and have his income destroyed as a lesson. Only fear can keep the men in comedy from these bad actions or the wrong words

Also fear will make them watch each other and report things that are bad and should be punished. This is how comedy can be made great again

Unless there was a "/s" in there somewhere I'm gonna have to insist that this new pasta.

He literally says "I used to think old people were wrong and now that I'm old it's the young people who are wrong. Because I'm never wrong." Like that is a joke.

That's not the joke, but I can understand how you missed the joke since it would require a sense of humor to recognize what the actual joke is.

The actual joke is that he was looking forward to being an old man and tut-tutting young people for doing all the dumb shit he did when he was a young person, like drinking to excess, wasting money, and asking women if they wanted to see him jerkin' the gherkin. Unfortunately, the dream of tut-tutting young people will never be realized because young people today suck. They don't drink a lot or do cool drugs. They aren't out smashing their genitals together in search of the newest STD. The joke is that young people are disappointingly boring. Worse, they're also preachier than modern old people, compounding the problem. He wants to give kids shit like old people him shit when he was a kid but he can't because young people suck at being young people as much as you suck at figuring out what the joke is.

The "actual joke" worked better in its original form, "I can't wait to get old and get away with saying terrible shit under the guise of being old."

That he has nothing other than "boring" to work with but insists the bit is good is why he's offering up hack-work, because the premise is tautological, but only works if you ignore that "I want to complain about Youth, but there's nothing that I specifically want to complain about so I will complain about that." is a really shallow take. Almost like a crappy justification to shit on the young, and treat them like the face of his downfall, instead of his fat finger face leering back at him.

You still don't get the joke, and that's no one's fault but your own, making you the butt of the joke. You're boring and preachy, just like the joke says. Congratulations, you're a punchline. Next stop: Serious-posting in SRD.

I bet if you tell me I didn't get the "clever" overtired premise a few more times it will stick.

It was a weak set. Especially for CK. Give the material to Jezelnik and you'd end up with a stronger set, and THAT'S the issue here. It's not "edgy". Edgy comedians dont settle for such mediocrity.

Hell,give the set to Amy Schumer fr a rewrite and it'd be punchier. Amy Schumer. That's how average his set was.

I bet if you tell me I didn't get the "clever" overtired premise a few more times it will stick.

I've already explained to you, twice, that the "'clever' overtired premise" isn't what you think it is. At this point I don't expect it to stick because you're clearly too dumb for /r/Drama, which is an impressive achievement considering how many unironic /r/politics and /r/The_Donald have managed to eek out an existence here without any help.

If, as you suggest, the premise is "overtired," it doesn't matter who is telling the joke. If you honestly believe having Amy Schumer sandwich it between sentences about her vagina and how much of a whore she is (which is less funny and more true now that she's become a monumental sell-out) would be "stronger," then the lifeguards need to ban you from the gene pool.

There's two premises involved in the joke. Neither are what you said. One is a near universal premise that is accepted as trope. We'll call that the Premise. The other is a personal premise that for clarity's sake we will call the thesis. It's just a second piece of the premise though, and you need both.

First piece! The one I've been complaining about but you said doesn't exist! "Old people complaining is funny". It's the premise behind "Old Man Yells at Cloud", an episode of Short Poppies, at least one Broadway show and countless other things. It's part of the premise here because CK immediately talks about how much joy he hopes to get out of being an active participant in such an event. If you don't innately get that there's comedy potential in an old person having heated opinions, the joke falls flat. Indelibly part of the premise.

The thesis! Young people aren't as out of control as past generations! CKs personal touch appears here, as does the tension for our joke. You see, the first premise is true, but for CK to achieve his goal, he needs to find something for him to get worked up about. Only there's nothing inspiring for him to work with! Conflict!

And then he riffs on the differences between generations to derive comedy from the above.

See, the meta-premise of "old man complaints" is the premise, otherwise the structure the jokes are built around wouldn't be the way they are.

They'd be "Millenials do like X, but we were all Y!"

Premise is without a doubt "I can't wait to be old and get away with , except _"

I hope this was as boring for you to read as it was for me to write. Structure is tedious when you have to break it down, but it's better than you saying "No, it's the part with the jokes" a third time.

Ma'am we've been over this before. You need to stop.

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You're being pretty intellectually dishonest. I'm just as let down by his sexual assault allegations as anyone but this bit has nothing to do with that. If you don't like him, don't go to his shows, don't click the links. We desperately need to shift away from this visceral fear of 'wrong-think.' These conversations that spawn from controversial material are infinitely more valuable than shouting it down and silencing it in the first place. You're perfectly entitled to find his routines boring (unpolished and not intended to be heard outside of this small comedy club albeit). However, if we continue to attempt to silence voices - comedians or otherwise - it ends badly for all of us.

It was ok. Definitely better than any take from the rightoids sphere.

All stand-up is shit and boring though

Stand-up died with George Carlin.


Stand up should be an angry man shouting about politics with zero jokes.

Change my mind

Only if it agrees entirely with my worldview. Otherwise it's not comedy.

Check out /r/StandupShots. It’s exactly what you would expect

Did George Carlin even tell jokes? His sets were the real life version of “old man yells at clouds”

Comedians actually usually do not tell jokes. They make funny observations about life. Sometimes they abuse the format (where it's just one person with a mic talking to a crowd) to just go off on rants though. Can be good in its own right, but George Carlin was definitely on the preachy ranting end of things rather than funny observations end.

George Carlin was definitely on the preachy ranting end of things rather than funny observations end

the fuck are you people talking about

this is the man who came up with

rat shit bat shit

dirty little twat

sixty-nine assholes tied in a knot

I think that was more of what happened as he got older, his earlier material was way less angry shouting about republicans.

Stand-up died with George Carlin.

I'm sad for anyone who actually thinks this, goodness

If you mean "died with" as in he was the one who killed it yeah for sure.

All stand-up is shit and boring though

kys faggot

Don't be retarded.

Jesus Christ, these mongoloids aren't even trying.

Stand-up is for boomers now

Demitri Martin isn't bad.

No shit, how else are you going to try new material to see if it works? Not on TV, just open mics.

That material has been worked over by countless anonymous internet retards for over a decade. It's hacky.

I'm getting a very low centrism reading from this comment

Nah I just don't worship Louis CK because he looks like a svelte handsome version of myself.

Damn. Maybe people shouldn't record new material still being worked out? He certainly had a point, and seemed back to form.

He certainly had a point

he made the same stupid joke in the same stupid way that people have been making for 20+ years, it wasn't profoundly unfunny

he basically turned into tim allen

I know it's unconscionable to you that a famous person left the Church of Progressive Social Politics. But you're writing off a comic most people agree is excellent as some hack from a bygone era because of 30 seconds. That seems a bit histrionic, but that's en vogue these days.

I'm not saying he's terrible and will never be funny again, I'm just saying, the audio you hear in that clip is not good at all, and won't resonate with anyone besides crusty old boomers who will share it on FB

if he's workshopping bits, ok I get it. that bit needs to stay on the cutting room floor. To call it reductive would be an extreme understatemtn

and won't resonate with anyone besides crusty old boomers who will share it on FB

Hi. 30 years old here. I believe the pomp and circumstance with which teens - 25 yr olds hold themselves is outrageous. You're quite myopic if you think this is a Boomer-only bit.

I'm 30 and none of my friends would find this bit funny enough to pay to go see. but then again I grew up in a big city and went to college, so none of my friends are hillbilly fent addicts

Is there a reason you all are so faggoty about everything? I mean, Jesus, you jump straight to name-calling. I know we all grew up agreeing Jon Stewart was the standard for political communication, but a ton of us suck at mimicking his style. Wind up just coming off as bratty cunts.

I think it's because the "big city" lifestyle is too expensive for most 20-somethings, so they get to extend their adolescence by living like teenagers until they've got grey hair. Unfortunately, when extended-teens like you should be building a career and raising a family, you're begging for change on Patreon. And because you can't reflect on these choices and accept you made a mistake, you dig in and just get reflexively cunty toward anyone doing it "the normal way."

that entire second paragraph is what I believe is know as, "projection"

it's really not that expensive, if you make any sort of decent living. plus me and my friends tend to live in places like Nola, Austin, Atlanta, Dallas, etc where shit's affordable if you're not a NEET. It's not like we are in NYC or San Francisco.

also cracking up at

extended-teens like you should be building a career and raising a family

I'm 29 and I'll knock up Mrs GH22 when I'm good and goddamn ready pal. My folks were older than I am now when they had me, too.

You could never post on /r/drama from Wichita Falls or Cedar Rapids. You can only do that in the big city 😂

And there it is. "I wanna have fuuuuuuun." The battle cry of the irresponsible and loan-burdened. Have fun at this year's music festival circuit!

I will! Just went to ACL this fall

Learn a trade or skillset, give up your creative dream, and get a normal job. I'm an accountant by trade. The home and family will follow your hard work. Call it law of attraction, the secret, chaos magik - whatever. If you work hard toward concrete goals, reward will follow.

I have a home and a nice job and a career, a wife and a car. I just don't have kids (yet) because I am not a slack-jawed yokel incapable of using contraception.

I legit feel bad for you. My dad was an accountant and that's how I know that shit fucking suuuuuuuucks

I just don't have kids (yet) because I am not a slack-jawed yokel incapable of using contraception.

That's a remarkably immature attitude. I hope you're ready to grow up someday.

And accounting as a trade can be quite boring, but it pays more than enough to fund the fun things in life. Eight hours/four days a week for relative comfort and freedom and - more importantly - security for my family is a fair trade.

What do you expect from children who's brains aren't yet fully developed?

Watch the whole set.

It's rough and unpolished but fucking hilarious. You tell Louis CK doesn't give a fuck anymore.


You're half right. Guess which half?

Awe, you're trying to be clever

I huffed out an amused breath.

He's chucking things at the wall and seeing what works.

Louis should get David Lynch to direct a short film of him jacking it

I would masturbate to that


i had a real good lol at this, thanks

I want to see the Micheal Bay version.

To be fair, Bill Hicks is my all time favourite comedian (fight me, I'm British its practically a national belief at this point) and a lot his work was closer to a sermon than stand up.

More "shut the fuck up and listen, I'm right" than "laugh at my funny jokes"

lol imagine saying this as praise

bill hicks more like bill hitler amirite

but srsly, he's alex jones now

Its over for comedycels

Ah yes, Bill Hicks, the most "important" comic of our time.

Bill Hicks is literally up there with Hedberg as quintessentially classic 90s standup imo

bill hicks may have been sort of a whiny baby, but at least he had a unique/distinct voice and POV that was more than just, "dude weed lmao XD"

no idea how anyone over 14 years old ever found hedberg funny

Same reason people love Jimmy Carr or Steven Wright, very short, good bits and quips. Sometimes you just want to eat a light snack, instead of the three course meal like Hicks was.

Also Hedberg was less about weed and more into heroin.

Jimmy Carr is funnier than mitch fite me

Bill Hicks had decent commentary but was unfunny.

Carlin managed to deliver better social commentary AND be funny.

Bill Hicks should be forgotten imo.

"Hitler did nothing wrong"

t. Chapo's favorite comedian

What these chapocels dont get is that if Bill Hicks were alive today he'd probably be a raving qultist....he was heavily into conspiracy theories and it was usually "the government is satanic pedo lizard people" type of conspiracy theories. They think guys like Hicks and Carlin would have been allies to the far left but that can't be further from the truth. Those guys would have hated limp wrist leftists and probably sided with child grooming lolbertarians

Quite a move, laughing at people for misguidedly coopting Hicks then doing the same thing with Carlin in the same paragraph.

Carlin would've bought a gun and blown his own brains out, after hiding suicide notes around his house and other properties explaining how whoever was most likely to find that note was the main cause of his suicide.

Carlin said he was shocked and appalled by the censorship that was coming from the left

If I wanted to hear a sermon I'd go to Church.

That was awful. Louis CK wasn't ever really funny but this is just a new low.

Like don't get me wrong as it's not offensive by any stretch of the imagination. The jokes about easily triggered kids have been done so much better so many times over that you really have to bring something actually funny to the table to pull them off now.

Maybe CTH is actually right for once. Maybe Louis CK is trying to build up a new fanbase by going after the offend-o-trons. The only problem is there are a lot of people doing it a lot more creatively than him already.

The NPCs seem to be loving the new CK

Why do you love it?

The only problem is there are a lot of people doing it a lot more creatively than him already.

yes, but not that many more who can do it and get to the top of twitter trending.

there's daddy, pewdiepie and... see, you have to think about it for a bit.

As retarded as the leftoids are I dont think I've ever actually seen anyone go after them with anything Id call creativity or intelligence.

Just like I've never seen anyone scream at dog shit with creativity or intelligence.

I dont think I've ever actually seen anyone go after them with anything Id call creativity or intelligence.

I mean, conservative people aren't funny, is the thing

leftists are getting less funny. but conservatives have never been funny.

All real humour is centrist.

Nah, all good humour is south park "if you care about anything you're a loser" lolberts

Maybe CTH is actually right for once.

When you start uttering such things as this, even in jest, it's time to consider keeping yourself safe.

Go watch another Ben Shapiro pwning liberals compilation

Don't push your manlet fetish on me, bro. Some of us have standards.

CTH don't like him because his edgy humour is milquetoast

What I'm saying is CK should do a lot more cocaine and throw in way more n-bombs

That wasn't funny at all holy shit.

Troons are normal people also no making jokes about them because unlike normal people they always on the verge of killing themselves!

in woke culture, troons aren't normal. they are sacred cows!

Literally Jerry Seinfeld tier standup lmao I don’t know whether I’d choose between a Louie CK show or a Chapo podcast

High praise, that would be my comedy dream team.

Literally naming a guy worth hundreds of millions and comparing him to Chapo podcast.

100k a month in income is nothing to sneeze at.

Split how many ways? Compared to a guy worth hundreds of millions and has had success in many different formats.

Also, I can probably say Seinfeld that is a rounding error for Seinfeld.

Their soylent bill alone consumes 60,000$ of that per month

Being worth money doesn't mean shit to how funny you are though. Case in point; Seinfeld and chapo make the big bucks, but both only provide a servicable chuckle at their very, very best.

Seinfeld and chapo both make the big bucks

This is like saying the average Drama user and Jeff Bezos both pay taxes.

You don't have the kind of career Seinfeld had without being funny. It is fine if you personally don't like it. Seinfeld is respected in the comedian community.

im listening to the leaked louis set and its very clear hes just going to tour red states for the rest of his life to rapturous crowds, like trump

Sounds like Louis CK is smart enough to figure out who his friends are. "Do I try to go back to work and appeal to people who are just going to piss all over me after I got thrown under the bus by an ungrateful dyke, or do I try to appeal to people who don't have a stick up their ass and want to laugh?"

I look forward to his upcoming tour with Jeff Dunham and Larry the Cable Guy.

Funny enough, he has a bit in his set about finding out who your true friends are.

Pretty sure Larry the Cable Guy is the highest grossing comedian on top of that. I can't stand his routine, but clearly there is money to be made without having to appeal to blue checkers.

Lol other comedians have multiple sources of revenue not just their bit. If you type 24/7 because no one would ever hire you to do anything else you can in fact have higher grosses than someone who tours in tiny comedy clubs throughout the nation in preparation for their Netflix special.

Please rephrase what you are saying. Why are people typing 24/7? Tour typo?

Whenever people say things about the most profitable comedians, I remind them that for the entirety of the 2000's the Rolling Stones were the 2ND most profitable band for tours. Behind?

The Dave Matthews Band.

See DMB were on tour for almost the entire decade, and quietly churned away more money than several sold out Stones goodbye tours. Nobody sane is calling DMB the "best". Nobody sane is giving Jeff Dunham and Larry the Cable Guy the titles of "Best". But they do tour a lot.

Nobody sane is calling DMB the “best”

You didn’t go to college in 1999.

I literally have no idea what the fuck you just said, but I assume its retarded, since you said it.

The same guys who spent the last decade calling him Louis Cuck King? He doesn't owe you shit. He's not your friend.

The same guys who spent the last decade calling him Louis Cuck King?

Maybe now he's done with his "Male Feminist" routine.

He doesn't owe you shit.

Yet he appears to be delivering. U mad?

He's not your friend.

I'll have to defer to your expertise on this matter. The only person on this sub who is more of an expert on not having friends than yourself is Pizzashill, PBUH.

Maybe now he's done with his "Male Feminist" routine.

got it out of his system with the forcing women to watch him jerk off

/ > people who don't have a stick up their ass

/ > conservatives

not so fast my friend

Everything swapped once the left became autistic

nothing ever swapped, our country has always been full of stupid gullible dumbasses, politics is just another branch on the dipshit tree, not the trunk of it


>imagine being a cuckservative on this sub

>imagine being a blue checker on this sub.

why the fuck are either of them here...

This is a NAZBOL only sub

Everything is terrible in its own way

Eh, conservatives are pretty much used to the media, comedians, hollywood, and artistic people of all types giving them shit. They also know that they're not going to be able to shore up outrage on the same scale as leftists on twitter and elsewhere.

i bet he did this joke in NYC. he was getting a lot of laughs.

listening to the leaked louis set and its very clear hes just going to tour red states for the rest of his life to rapturous crowds, like trump

Bet blue states turn out massive numbers for him.

so fyi the custom around here is dudes with great dicks post a pic of it and their inbox gets flooded with thirsty dms

Not sure why they keep going with this, these faggots literally bitchsnitch the moment anyone posts an actual photo of their penises.

theyre hacks, plain and simple. We over at /r/opieandanthony on the other hand call dead italian women "nigger". thats some real comedy.


Legitimately end your wife

Idk why but this made me lol. So stupid yet accurate.

W e w culture fucking sucks right now.

Is it bad that I want to kill myself after reading all that?????

In your case, no.

Do it

That really is some terrible standup tho

I predicted he would go in this direction when people tried to ruin his life. I hope he doesn't go away again.

Dude was just hangin brain. I dont see what the big deal is.


The whole thing is like an hour long, people shouldn't be judging the quality on 5 mins. The auschwitz joke was pretty funny, nice and quick and multi layered.

It's wonderful that he doesn't apologize, or give any hint that he genuinely believes that the acts he engaged in with full consent of people who were not co-workers (co-workers are literal employees of the same employer, and that's not how the entertainment industry works) as he is nobody's employee. He had no authority relationship with any of the women who have made paid accusations for money. So what might have motivated them to lie after being offered enough money to buy a new car to say something juicy about a celebrity they once met?