Buzzfeed writes about harassment of Masterlawlz

1  2019-01-28 by EuphoricUtopia


He is worse than a Jew, he is—may Allah forgive me for saying this—a SRDine.


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I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


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HOLY SHIT this is real!

Don't get me wrong, Drama is about as retarded as subreddits come, but writing an article about this subreddit is so light-speed stupid that it may set us back as a species.

Settle yourself. It's community submitted Buzzfeed autism. One of these tards wrote it an hour or so ago.

The fact that they posted the picture is amazing.

U r dum

Got em

Holy shit it's real.

Nathan Price Clark

Nathan Price Clark



This is an extremely sad attempt by BuzzFeed to get more views.

This premise is so idiotic it should have - on top of everything else - convinced you to click through.

It's one of ours that figured out anyone can be a BuzzFeed community blogger. Dear lord.

ok take this from someone who doesn't interact with masterlawlz or have any real strong feelings about him, but shitposts on drama all day:

masterlawlz does not really make this community any better. he is just another one of us with mod power. there's nothing bad or great about him, and his being bullied can be trace along a graph with his stupid stickyposts.

buzzfeed normies fuck off

This post has not been vetted or endorsed by BuzzFeed's editorial staff. BuzzFeed Community is a place where anyone create a post. Learn more or post your buzz!

post buzzy lmao

My fucking sides

You're all retards, this was on buzzfeed community, which anyone can contribute to.

Also the title didn't say no bamboozle.

Not true, Only autists are allowed to contribute.

it was 100% submitted by a drama user.

probably even Lawlz himself.

lol no but this is pretty funny

Found the incel

Nuh uh

Most interesting content from the most interesting moderator

This but unironically.

This but ironically

OP did it, let's be real

It's just lawlz crying for more attention.

Not true, you are fake news.

Yeah no shit, still funny though

Oh yeah we clearly couldn't tell by it being at he very top of the page

Maybe we just think it's funny 😱😱😱

I'm gay


I own it

no u

Thanks for the tip Sherlock Holmes.

You're all retards

Well, this is the dumbest timeline so that figures.

This post has not been vetted or endorsed by BuzzFeed's editorial staff. BuzzFeed Community is a place where anyone create a post. Learn more or post your buzz!

Aww they didn't include my tay/lawlz fanfic.

>This post was created by a member of BuzzFeed Community, where anyone can post awesome lists and creations.

Holy shit it's real!

  • Dramatards

This is why we can't leave the asbestos infused lead paint chips just lying around when /r/all remembers that we exist. Some of them stick around and swallow bait all fucking day long.

I'm going to tell myself that the posts swallowing the bait are themselves galaxy brain bait posts. I refuse to accept that anybody is actually that stupid.

Jesus, can't you just appreciate that it's funny? I'm pretty sure most people here think Lawlz wrote this himself. It's just funny, calm your tits faggot

Top ten reasons I know this is fake but still love it.

He wrote this himself


Who would browse the buzzfeed community page unironically

Fuckin Lawlz would

Community page or not I had to excuse myself from a meeting to laugh at this.

Yw I now have cancer from doing that

Worth it though

browsing drama during a meeting


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Don't trust Buzzfeed.

BuzzFeed's trying to censor the most newsworthy content they have smh

>implying you have a job

Admit it Joan by "meeting" you mean intervention.

Fake and gay, prob even written by op mods ban this faggotry

As retarded as this was, I'm compelled to upvote it.

Op you sneaky pete, almost had me believing buzzfeed wrote about lawlz

Nice try Masterlawlz

Fucked up Commie Mommy's initials, lmao.

Did he dox himself again by having his name posted as part of the URL?

Look at the initials

Nathan Price Clark = NPC

I missed that. I thought it was one of the guys laid off last week.

Well this is going to be on the front page

Another user, Snapshillbot, stated that Masterlawlz was "why we need mayocide", hinting at a white genocide. Snapshillbot User


Isn’t it crazy how that guy posts in every thread??

Yeah, and he's always there first.

He's like the Justin Y of r/Drama.

That’s where I died of laughter

i thoutht all mayos wanted to kill themselves already

Peak Journalism.

It’s actually better than most of the garbage buzzfeed puts out.

I'd bully that face

This post has not been vetted or endorsed by BuzzFeed's editorial staff. BuzzFeed Community is a place where anyone create a post. Learn more or post your buzz!

stupid fucking sucks can't even shitpost correctly.

If I was an actual journalist I would be banned and kill myself in either order

Alright, which one of you got trashed last night, 'fess up.

This was funny, well done

Nice work

If only /r/Drama/ mods actually were a "cabal", the workshy bastards.

You put wayy too much effort into that holy moly. Well done

Effortpost best post

Unironically what should I effortpost next

"why pinging is free speech"

That would be a p good one. Or like "why seriousposters deserve to be ostracized" (though i would probably be kicked out with that one lol)

it's faaaaake

No fucking shit you god damn morons. Still funny.

Congrats on getting publish u/Masterlawlz

I genuinely thought you were using masterlawlz as a replacement word for something serious happening.

Is this how far buzzfeed has fallen? Being on the know of one of the dumbest "in jokes" of the dumbest subreddit on the dumbest website?

I love 2019.


So accurate it hurts

I love your stickies /u/MasterLawlz <3

This is 1000% written by Lawlz himself.

What absolute retard wrote that? It has to be satire, right?

You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)?

It's the two minutes, not three you utter mongoloid.


I cried

lol this gave me a IRL chuckle. Well done OP.

Oac's nudes? Couldn't even get the initialism right?

Buzzfeed needs to be camped

Everyone thinks they're clever pointing out it's just OP shitposting and ignoring that it was art.

/r/Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist.

r/Drama is literally Mos Eisley.

Do they let anyone post whatever the fuck they want with no vetting?

I want a pet otter as well!