I think I'm gonna start ending my stickies like YouTube videos

1  2019-02-10 by MasterLawlz

Hey guys, MasterLawlz here! Hope you liked that sticky. Be sure to upvote and check out my user page to see more dank shitposts. Smash that subscribe button in the sidebar if you want to keep up to date on future stickies and let me know in the comments section what your favorite Ben 10 transformation is.

punches camera like Jeremy Jahns



The patrician choice.

The fools choice

Jeremy Jahns

Anyone who watches people who talk about movies on youtube is an above and beyond mega-autist. Film-youtube is neck and neck with metareddit for most cancerous internet community. The only decent channel is that one guy who did that video on Tarkovsky that circulated a while back, whose name I can't remember because I still have some modicum of self-respect.

Imagine even knowing who Jeremy Jahns is.

I only know from back in the days when /r/moviescirclejerk was tolerable

that was like five years ago lol

Yeah I pin mcj's death at the end of 2014 when Interstellar came out. All the Nolan memes went mainstream and they had nowhere to go.

The Interstellar memes were some of the funniest shit I've ever seen on this site mainly because the circlejerk surrounding that movie is unlike anything I've seen before or after. People were literally saying it was a religious experience that made them a better father and shit like that.

The Ghostbusters reboot is when it really took a nosedive because they started defending it hardcore. That and when they were defending Jennifer Lawrence really hard. After that, it was just about social justice all the time.

oh for sure, I'm a Nolan stan and even I though the Interstellar memes were great (partly because its maybe my least favorite Daddy Nolan kino). But it was like that masterpiece that exhausts an artist and leaves them with nowhere to go.

And to your other comment, I will just say death to all capeshit

Using the word stan.

To the guillotine with you.

what pushed it over the edge?

Ghostbusters 2016, The Last Jedi, and the general trending of all circlejerk and badx subs towards the state of CB2 and SRD

I feel like the last two Star Wars movies had a lot of publicity and discussion for like a year then people just stopped talking about them

Cause they are forgetable movies.

He's never really claimed to be a high brow critic lol. His first review ever was for Transformers 2.

ok just promise me you'll never be one of those faggots that goes around parroting every frame a painting, unless its that one video that shits on capeshit

I don't think I ever watched many of their videos but I do remember them breaking down how the music in the Marvel movies are unmemorable.

yeah that's the one I mean

you could kinda say that for most of the Marvel movies though. In every category, they're pretty competently made but never more than a 7/10 in any way (I will say however the CGI for Thanos was amazing).

I still give the first Iron Man a pass though, I still think it's one of the best action blockbusters ever.

competently made

imo "competently made" but bland is the most frustrating type of movie. But yeah, the first Iron Man is better, probably because Tony hasn't fully evolved into the nonstop LOL XD RANDOM quip machine

Plus the picture on that movie is so good compared to the rest of the MCU. The story isn't paced like shit, and they use humor as a foil to deflate tension when it's appropriate, as opposed to "HEY LETS DO A JOKE EVERY 10 SECONDS"

Oi, don't shit on EFAP. They were one of the few channels that actually didn't suck at "video essays". I guess you could blame them for kinda starting the entire genre that's just cancer at this point, but they did not suck. And even though video essay genre is cancer, you can't deny it's a higher tier content than just a review, requires a lot more though, planning and footage etc.

I'm lukewarm on EFAP. On one hand, I love how he shits on the blandness of the MCU. I also like that he has a stiffy for David Fincher.

As an old cartoon buff though, I can't forgive his lackluster video on Chuck Jones. That one is really weak.

But yeah, they are obviously well-made videos.

I think what makes EFAP stand out is that he seems you actually make sense rather than have you go "That sounds like he's stretching it" or "that sounds obvious" and the worst quality of all picking on plot inconsistencies and characters acting dumb.

Maybe that's because he is an actual editor with decent knowledge. Well enough to make a complete layman like me appreciate and understand what makes certain movies or cinematic techniques tick.(like the wolf children lateral tracking shot and his video satoshi kon).

Even the most lackluster videos you mention like Kurosawa one still makes a ton of sense as what makes one good and the not so much especially when he compares it with like you said the blandness of the avengers.

So that makes his content a leagues above crap that Reddit circlejerks like redditlettermedia and YMS imo.

Isn’t he the one who did blackface when he dressed up as Blade

I thought you were just shitposting but apparently he did lol

RLM got nothing on my boy Nostalgia Critic

This but so ironically it becomes unironic.

He was the government's first attempt at the MKSoya project.

Goddamn that guy with the glasses crashed worse than an airplane with soccer players on it

Normally I would agree with you, but I've found a couple jewtubers who give pretty good recommendations of hawrer films.

It's over for Red-Letter-Media-cels. Mike has nothing else.

The real dumpster fire youtubers are the ones who review fast food.

Nah I still respect them more than film-tube or lit-tube

Redlettermedia or go die in a fire

Imagine liking and emulating Jeremy Jahns.

while it does not surprise me that your tastes are this pleb, Lawlz, it's still disappointing.

He's a pretty funny, likable guy

I wouldn't take him seriously as a critic though, he's extremely lenient on a lot of movies. I remember he liked Green Lantern back in the day. But I still watch him periodically because he seems like a cool dude. It's not like his reviews count on rotten tomatoes so I don't think there's anything wrong with him

It's pretty ridiculous that Chris Stuckmann actually affects the tomatometer though. They're both basically in the same tier except I find Stuckmann a lot less funny.

Stuckmann really counts as an actual reviewer? 🤢

what's the world coming to?

I'll grant you that Jeremy does at least seem nice/genuine, though. His opinions are usually ass and pretty manchild-y, but at least he seems to be actually passionate about the schlock he enjoys, unlike some other reviewers (who for the sake of preserving their privacy I will post satire of their bullshit instead of their actual mind-numbing drivel) I could mention.

Stuckmann really counts as an actual reviewer?

Stuckmann really counts as an actual reviewer?

yes. I think within the last year, RT broadened their criteria greatly and he got added or something.

I think the worst semi-famous YouTube critic is the YourMovieSucks guy. He's a furry that has unironically argued on reddit that beastiality is okay (while also saying that he would not personally partake in it, which I don't believe) and is pretty pretentious and I heard refuses to watch anything old. The worst part is I think he actually is a smart guy that can have interesting insight but everything about him makes me not even want to listen.

The worst part is I think he actually is a smart guy that can have interesting insight

Eh? I mean he's better than Stuckman or Jahns in terms of filmmaking knowledge for sure, but compared to people with actual film studies background like Lindsay Ellis or the guys at Red Letter Media he doesn't even remotley hold a candle. Even compared to other people in that 'sardonic reviewer' community he's the bottom of the barrel and mostly just a straight-up contrarian in denial. The other guys he has on his podcast, RalphTheMovieMaker and I Hate Everything, are waay more tolerate.

YourMovieSucks is Cinemasins for pseuds that think they're too smart for Cinemasins.

He takes small details literally nobody would notice and blows them way out of proportion. His "critiques" rarely amount to more than nitpicking, and he's always so far up his own ass that you can't even laugh at his incompetence.







I've come to the conclusion you're not even signposting, this is just zoomer humour.

Allah save us.


His name was: zhcyiD9

RIP Seth Rich.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis


I think I'm gonna start ending my stickies life


What are your Twitter hash tags that I can pound out?

hey lawlz, is the AAFL just as good as the NFL or is it just me?

Alright, well that's the end of this video. Remember to rate the video, comment the video, and subscribe if you wanna see videos similar to this one. Cya.

I saw two alien horrors recently: The 4th Kind and Dark Skies. God, Dark Skies was sweet. Especially with that 90210 bitch as lead, damn she was fine and good.

What's your favourite cape-kino?

Idk maybe the original Spider-Man

6.5/10 no bell icon clicks


Does anybody have the link to that one video where it's the ending to star wars 7 but edited like a YouTube video ending?

That’s what made me think of this lol

Jeremy Jahns

Just got flashbacks to 6th grade

Honestly I've got to say that Cannonbolt is my favorite transformation.

I really like Jeremy's sandwiches. I like the Vito with no lettuce, no tomato, add mayo and peppers. Also, I think Guy Fieri and him fuck.