Dementia ridden man BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWS at old TV show.

123  2019-02-17 by OniTan


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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The Gamergate President

We can ponly hope he ends up like Mercedes Carrera.

Or like our very own u/darqwolff

Agent Gamergate

first reply is Eugene Gu

Like clockwork. If Trump is re-elected, I can't wait for this NEET to kill himself.

How does Eugene find time to tweet @ Trump?

Malpractice lawsuit, when?

He lost his residency due to TDS.

He says MD in his profile because he has a medical degree but will likely never be a doctor. He got booted out of his residency because of his autistic REEEEing

they honestly deserve each other, 2 chatty catties

Remember, this is the same retard that pretended to be a woman in order to suck his own dick on Twitter.

He’s a DINO. A doctor in name only. Got fired from residency for being an idiot.

He's not wrong, SNL is trash. Like 1-2 good skits an episode.

so you think this is very unfair collusion that should be looked into? lmfao

No, just that Sho is trash

And yet Daddy watches it religiously 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

imagine watching tv

I'm pretty sure he has a special cable package that only shows things involving him in some manner.

Remember that he does have to get his twice daily dose of positive news and mentions of him delivered.

Not even joking:

Honestly he wouldn’t even need that considering he’s roped into pretty much every show on tv imaginable.

Are we sorority judging the quality of TV shows by if a dementia riddled moron watches them?

A blumpkin for Trump is eating mcdonalds and watching television while taking a shit. AKA a Trumpkin.

Reminder: this was posted at 4:52 AM.

He’s gotta have a super weirdo sleep schedule from all that adderall he rails. Executive time probably doubles as nap time or else idk how anyone would function.

He's said multiple times that he only gets 4 hours of sleep every night.

Probably why his brain is so smooth

That just sounds like they give him a downer at some point and once it where’s off he gets back up because the uppers haven’t worn off and takes more uppers.

Explains his sagging skin

Dude just wakes up and rages lol

Imagine how swiss cheese his brain is

Excuse you, it's American cheese 🇺🇸

except in DC it would have been almost 8 AM ya dork

Are you saying Twitter is on British time or something?

For me it says it was posted at 6:52 and I’m central time. Therefore he would have tweeted it at 7:52. Unless he tweeted this on the Pacific coast or I’m just taking crazy pills.

Can confirm, am Washingtonian.

7:52 AM

It's over for calicels

Imagine not understanding how timezones work

Permission to ban u from drama

Guys. Guys. He's only pretending that the mediocre TV show got under his skin so bad. He's acting embarassingly weak to own the libs.

This is some 539455162nd-dimensional chess right here.

how do the Networks get away with these total Republican hit jobs without retribution?

this new thing called the first amendment

Does anyone unironically watch SNL? It’s been unfunny trash for at least the last decade. They did nail the 2016 primary debates though

Evidently Trump does.

Not sure what he hopes to accomplish by stating the obvious. I suspect in all one massive COPE

It's simply hilarious that he's railing about a TV show that hasn't been good in decades. It's just a pity he hasn't gone after the Simpsons yet.

I suspect it will be Familyman next, Seth mcfarlen did a really unfunny reeeeeeeesist episode recently.

If my parents are any indication, boomer/gen x libs get excited for every episode but always end the night disappointed

people have been saying this about SNL since its second season.

SNL was never good.

Oh idk I liked the early to mid 90s and some of the early 2000s.

It’s been unfunny trash for at least the last decade.

People have been saying that about SNL since it's been 10 years old. It's always been a hit or miss show but people tend to forget the bad sketches and remember the good ones. It's been good for a while now because Kate McKinnon can shine turds.

And nothing has been as bad as the mid-90's at the end of the Sandler/Spade/Farley years and before the Will Ferrell years. The only reason that something as unfunny as MAD TV was able to survive was because SNL was that bad.

oddly enough I think SNL's portrayals of his kids are way funnier than their portrayal of him

He's impossible to parody because he's already such a trainwreck. You can't toss word salad.

that and everyone else has done it to death, there are only so many jokes you can make about one person

You can make fun of the occasional malaprop, but Trump is blasting his nonsense out 24/7. He drowns out any good jokes through sheer weight of retarded material.

Honestly there are a lot of jokes that haven't been made about him, the problem is that all the jokes about him are just naked political pandering rather than actual jokes.

tldr “the media is the real enemy of the American people”

in 2019 he’s completely right

Media is fucking garbage but elected officials are no better. The biggest problem with the news media is that it's not remotely critical of the structures and institutions that govern this country.

Voters directly control who is an elected official, whereas media are only accountable to their owners.

At the same time, most citizens have the means to become their own media producers but few people outside of an elite class can become politicians

Yeah, is the exact same thing as the Wall Street Journal

media says bad things about daddy? MEDIA IS ENEMY OF PEOPLE

I dont believe that anyone actually believes this. It's just a weird fancy way of saying the media is bad and doesnt agree with you.

the media is terrible whether it “agrees with me” or not

there is zero honest journalism happening in the world anymore, it’s pure shilling whether political or corporate (frequently both)

journalists aren’t to blame for their industry being destroyed by the internet and shifting consumer tastes but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be mocked and ridiculed for their partisan hackery no matter who’s funding it

Who is the first journalist on your list you would like to take hostage?

Paul Krugman

absolute disgrace

I would take him hostage and noogie his bald head so hard


Somebody link an album with that furry orca whale diaper comic where BAWWW originated from.

Where's Ed with his super hot take on why orange man is bad and why he'll be impeached anyday now?

Daddy tweet is a distraction from the Russia investigation. Daddy knows that Muller about to drop the hammer on him soon.

Donald Trump is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful Human being I've ever known in my life.

This guy wants retribution for NBC and SNL for mocking him and Republicans. If that’s not fascist behavior I don’t know what is.

Also he seems to not know what collusion means or he’s trying to confuse his base.


a former snl star (chevy chase) called out SNL's underhanded bias, but calling it out now is a conspiracy theory


lol Chevy chase is universally hated and universally hates everything. Sorry you have a problem with conservatards people made fun of. It may help if they should stop doing so much retarded shit.

Orange man bad, upboated on instinct

Good lord you’re a faggot

Imagine listening to chevy chase in 2019