Bernie is running for POTUS

557  2019-02-19 by declaration69


I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


  1. This Post -,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)



Wow, he even had his wife do a once over with the clippers, he's fuckin serious this time.

It's not about the right link it's about being first in sending the message.

Lol, Bernie is a Russian puppet now too. Amazing.

He's a commie, Russians are commies, makes sense.

I remember when it was far right cranks who were screaming about Russian conspiracies.

Horseshoe strikes yet another victim.

Unironically wish Mormon daddy would win and we can get back into tjhe Cold War šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

Ahh mitt ā€œbinders of womenā€ Romney. A simpler time, where the Russians were not major geopolitical threats (lmao) and Obama was young and cool.

The race between Obama and Romney was probably the cleanest election that ever happened. Americans just got tired of it I guess.

That's kinda lazy and repeated all the time Obama was pretty much right we can easily handle Russia by imposing sanctions that hurt Putin and his allies. We are so much more powerful economy there could never be a cold war dynamic again

Liberals are impressively retarded

"useful idiots" in FSB parlance

Funny thing there is way more evidence for that then there is for daddy. But no, Bernie is commie and Russia is not.

Whats funny is hes an independent now so now the dems will be even more split. If bernie loses again the bernouts are going to vote for trump twice just to spite whomever beats him.

As a Dem, this is why I feel I need to vote for him in the primaries. Not because I think he will make a good president, but because Bernouts are man children and this is the only way to get them to vote.

Now this is left unity

WAIT hes not running as a democratic candidate?

He probably will but he was elected to congress as an independent. Not sure what he's doing.

Somebody on twitter said "this is like Pearl Harbor for white women who use AAVE"

Wine sales are about to spike boi

white women who use AAVE

literally gagged in pure disgust

theyre literally going to do the same shit as 2016 arent they lol

I am so fucking pumped for this whole election cycle.

Definitely my favourite show on TV. The breaks between seasons are brutal, though.

It's just to bad we have to pay for a reality tv show.

What is this retarded Boomer comment.

I'd say 2 years of campaigning out of every 4 is pretty good value. And definitely not retarded.

They up their game hard every season though

American election gives me russian erection šŸ˜Ž

Out out out

No I'm actually russian and US election drama makes me unironically half chub

Ah. You're alright then. Carry on,comrade.


No. >:(

Every Russian is a comrade, whether you like it or not.

Communism bad

That's just capitalist propaganda talking, comrade. Don't pay attention to the capitalist pig America.


Off to gulag with you then, western spy!

Okay I'm kind of tired of larping. Thanks for sticking along, frienderino!

are you prepared to be blamed repeatedly for the failings of either party

Always good drama. Probably true to at least some degree though.

don't flatter yourself, your county with a smaller GDP than Italy didn't influence shit

Since the president of my country made constitutional ammendments that basically make him president for the forseeable future, iā€™ll miss our crazy entertaining election drama, but at least now i can enjoy this.

what kind of shit hole do you live in

My ā€œshitholeā€ is 10 times better than your burgerland.

No one gets to talk shit about my country but me!

The only sovereign nation 10 times better than America is Lunar Base 1A, and that's only because of their strict immigration policies.

Blink twice if you're writing this under duress.

Inshallah brother

president of my country made constitutional ammendments that basically make him president

What country?

Oh man. Imagine Bernie Sanders deciding to not be nauseatingly "nice".

Some people are genuine believe it or not.

Bernie Sanders was close to bowling over the most well funded and well connected power group in history (whatever the fuck you want to call Clinton's influence network) ... with one damn stump speech and numerous moments of inexplicable weakness.

All those aggressive Sanders activists have inched closer to positions of power everywhere. Now imagine him getting angry. Yeesh.

You say that now.

Your tune will change after 18 months of MATCH ME!!11! on the front page.

It's going to be glorious watching the Democrats eat each other alive, Trump get indicted midway through, Pence revealed to frequent gay prostitutes, and Comrade Jeb finally winning it all after a slow and steady campaign

It's gonna make up for all those times my dad beat me. It's like I'm going to Disney World.

Itā€™s going to be an exhausting drama overload

Im just gonna vote for trump again out of spite. Also I'm a posadist.

Is /r/politics going to hate this or switch back to loving him? Stay tuned!

The donate too bernie subreddit was one of my favorite comedy places ever






post zoz

post bog


Oh nononono

someone gives platinum to people who donated

Berniebros may be the most pathethic people on the planet

Money is real tight and not I'm not getting paid till the end of the month, but dammit my $27 donation has been made. Can't put a pricetag on hope let's do this 2020

dramanauts could at least pay $50 for flairs

This sounds like all the poor people from 2016 dumping their life savings of $100 on him and saying match me.

Damn why didnā€™t they just buy lotto tickets

theyā€™d rather waste their money with no opportunity for return

I guess that makes sense. After all, their entire ideology revolves around the principle that you are only as good as you are poor.

Gotta respect it, being passionate about politics

It's cool, Bernie will just give all back when he gets elected and taxes the rich, right??

I wonder why money is tight for him...

Why? Idealism scars u?

Is Bernie the Star Citizen of presidents? Thousands of donations only to lose to people who know how politics works.

Drama folks have lots of money.


I would've agreed with this during the last presidential race, but we've made some great strides in being pathetic since then

Bernie is a Jew and Democrats hate Jews. They never let him win nomination let alone support him for President.

someone gives platinum to people who donated

Let's skip the middleman and they can just give platinum to Bernia.

To be in sync with the Bernie platform, they should actually just platinum everyone in the thread equally.

To be in sync with the Bernie platform theyā€™d give everybody silver

Wouldnā€™t the money spent on that platinum be better off donated to Bernieā€™s campaign?

Some people just have a bunch of Reddit coins for some reason and might have just waited to bust their platinum nut.

Like I have a few despite never spending money on Reddit although I did get 4 years of gold because I had Alien Blue installed.

Bernie voters aren't known for their intellegence.

R/politics says Bernie bro donā€™t exist and are Russian bots. Who knew.

I'm still upset 'Hillary Hags' never took off


Bit of a stretch tbh

Let's see if it works.

Have you ever seen an /r/menslib poster?

Have you met the Hillary shills?

imagine thinking that having beliefs is bad

he's not a radical centrist


the most pathetic people on the planet are powermods, thread lockers and self comment stickyers

the average pond scum bernie bot has nothing on the sheer worthlessness of a reddit power mod


Stupid too, why not donate it to bernie instead of wasting it on plat?

jesus fucking christ

ā€œNo longer an underdogā€

Holy shit these people are bad at finances

Didn't know that paypigging was this woke!

OH MY GAWD That match me bull shit. I had forgotten.

I've had a kidney removed for Bernie. MATCH ME.

"I donated both my kidneys! Match me!"

Ha! Both of YOUR kidneys?

Fuck I completely forgot about that until now lmao

I just had a no wipe shit, and to celebrate, I'm donating $5! Who's going to match me!?

Sorry i can only ever feel satisfied if commi mami wipes me

I just mugged an old lady and donated her $40!

Match me!








They didn't learn from last time did they? Lol.

For all the whining Berntards did about ā€œastroturfingā€ during the 2016 primaries, they failed to see that the ā€œI JUST DONATED $27. MATCH ME!ā€ posts that hit r/all every single day is what actual, effective astroturfing looks like.

Hey it was legitimately a decent strategy to spend money on your chance for limitless NEETbux

quick give him all your money so he can give it to the dem nominee when he loses

Bold prediction.

They love him... until big money candidate enters and wouldn't you know it all these accounts who don't post on reddit and now talking about how great big money candidate is.

I remember r/politics the moment Hillary lost. It was like a completely transformed place. All the hysterics about Trump were gone for the most part and the people left standing in the ashes were back to being spiteful because of the Bernie thing again. But I'm sure now the subreddit is totally organic.

It's organic in the sense the dissolution is real.

It was even worse when Hillary beat Bernie. It was a 180 on the whole subreddit. They hated Hillary when Bernie was still in the race then suddenly everyone was a lifelong hilldog fan and never doubted her

Yeap, that day the shill accounts were activated all over reddit, not just r/politics. Subreddits with 1000 followers were receiving 12k upvotes, subs like fuckthealtright and r/esist became "popular" overnight. They stopped right after Hillary lost and were activated again after a few days. Ever since reddit has been a fucking shithole.

The fucking politicos attacked gamers. Gamers.

Don't call PR company shill accounts politicos, it's an insult to politards like me.

i was tracking the front page of /r/politics when the primaries ended, and made this chart

that mysterious dip is the day after the last primary

so wait

the shill accounts left after the primaries, then?

the bernie shills suddenly stopped, though then the mission became "overturn the result at the convention" and it kind of picked up a bit again. after the convention it became purely anti-Trump

Everyone likes to act like only the other side is getting played.

tbh i'm still torn as to whether it was paid astroturfing or not. it felt like something was switched off 1) after the last primary and 2) when clinton collapsed. i was posting in /r/politics (as a clinton supporter) tons back then and it was very noticeable

but then if you're a bernie supporter and the last primary is over, maybe you just stop caring and stop posting religiously to /r/politics

Bernie had Revolution Messaging. They specifically do astroturfing. They even said "The team also nurtures and helps grow the communities on Sandersā€™s already popular Facebook and Reddit pages" on their website in 2016

Bernie spent more on social than Hillbot. He paid revolution messaging close to 30 mil. It's a valid strategy but his act as some morally pure conscience of America bugs me.

There was a PAC (or it might have been a marketing company) called "correct the record" and they released a financial statement at some point detailing where they were spending their money, and they listed reddit - they literally admitted they were paying reddit.

There was a tiny bit of drama, then it was buried. The theory was that they purchased the politics sub, specifically to help Clinton get elected.

On the day she collapsed outside a rally and had to be dragged to a van, all the moderators of politics suddenly disappeared. There were threads about her collapse, and even threads *gasp* positive about Trump. It was like this for a few hours, then all the mods returned and it went back to normal. People theorized that the moderators were off in discord trying to figure out what their strategy was going to be with regard to the collapse video.

they literally admitted they were paying reddit.

This sounds like a conservautist's fever dream. Source?

This sounds like a conservautist's fever dream.

That's because it is.

We should really curb rightoid behavior when voting patterns on random, conspiratard-tier shit is upvoted in the same way here as it would be in TD.

Like idk, gas half of them so that it evens out.

Inshallah brother.

It's literally on wikipedia. Do you know what google is?

they literally admitted they were paying reddit.

Conservautist can't read. Shocking.

I didn't say they were paying reddit, but they said they were paying users to post on social media. Where do you think they were posting? Google+?

Are you mentally stunted or do you not understand how quotes work? He said that "(((they))) """literally""" admitted (((they))) were paying reddit." I quoted that part and asked him to source it.

I already know correct the record was a thing you feverish brainlet.

You were the one that said Correct the Record was a conservautist's fever dream. Who's the feverish brainlet now? Can't even keep your story straight.

they literally admitted they were paying reddit.

This sounds like a conservautist's fever dream. Source?

The quoted statement, followed by a comment about that particular quoted statement.

You're not supposed to press the cotton swab further when you feel resistance. What compels rightoids to keep pushing in the face of failure?

Yes, I already know you said that it was a conservautist's fever dream.

I'm not sure why you want to keep bringing up that you thought it wasn't but so be it.

I don't know about specifically paying reddit but their pitch was to respond to people on the internet to make people like Hillary so hard to imagine they wouldn't be on reddit.

I don't know about specifically paying reddit

But that is what he's claiming. Which is so ridiculous that it can't be anything else but the musings of some retarded conservautist.

CTR was actually just an attempt to do the social media Trump meme thing but for pro-Hillary memes. They ended up being so horrifically boring that nobody ever saw them, causing people to instead invent conspiracy theories about how CTR spent their money. It's fun to think the DNC might have done something smart like buying out reddit moderators, but in the real world they just threw that money into the garbage.

tbh david brock is a crazy person an i wouldnt put it past him to do any number of underhanded things

also he buttfucked the pizzagate guy

It was an underfunded and totally out in the open team of clumsy people with professional resumes trying to translate PR to politics as if totally unaware of what viral social media political trolling had become. As a Clinton supporter, I found it not only infuriatingly stupid, but totally undermining to the few legit supporters who had been battling online without any support.

Now you guys do it out of the private ESS discord for free

I always do it for free. And the people who need hide in discord servers are postinhg memes like police lives don't matter.

It was more blatant than that. The weekend leading up to the collapse there was some gay Trump drama. After she collapsed, the initial wave of stories that Sunday morning were claiming she had heat stroke. Nobody was buying it so the narrative changed later in the day to pnemonia. The Monday after, all the stories on politics were about the Trump drama that people no longer gave a shit about. All the comments were freaking out about Hillary collapsing. The next day on Tuesday, there were no shilled stories or commenters at all and politics looked like it had before the election cycle even started. It was bizzare and the most obvious example I've ever seen of a subreddit being astroturfed. Then on Wednesday it was back to business and the narrative being pushed was how brave Hillary was for fighting through illness. Basically it took them two days to change gears and figure how to spin an event.

I lived this amazing time period and all of what you typed is true.

There was that one dude who was blatantly making sockpuppet subreddits and botting them to the frontpage, and after a few of them got banned he made /r/marchagainstnazis and just said fuck it and gave the first post on a brand new subreddit something like 60k upvotes in just a few minutes.

This site has been a shithole for years, it's just been ramped up to 11 in more recent times

I understand why people support Bernie, free stuff is good.

I understand why people support Trump, nationalism.

I don't under why people support Hillary.

Buzzfeed and NYTimes told retarded bimbos and California soyboys that not supporting her is sexism and that she'll get rid off all the idpol boogeymen.

...they believed it.

Commie mommie gussy > Hilldog gussy

They can take our lives, but they will never take our manspreading!

Middle aged housewives who pay attention to 24/7 news channels and have heard her lionized as some feminist icon since 1992 love Hillary.

Literally the reason my mom and her friends voted Hillary in the primary was because "she deserves a chance to lead after the things her awful husband did to her".

Most people vote for retarded reasons.

make 40 the maximum voting age

As long as you make 35 the minimum.

Gen X will finally have its revenge.

Nah that's ridiculous. 34 would be cool tho

source: am 34

You won't be for long.

this but unironically

give pragmatic and experienced people the right to vote only - and see how much better things would be

Just repeal woman's suffrage. We'd lose the TradThot vote, but eliminating the cool wine aunt demographic would be worth it.

The "feminist" who stayed with her husband for political gain after he cheated on her with an intern in front of the whole world. The feminist who clings on to a long-dead marriage for power and financial gain. I'm not American, and I've always found her gross because of this. Whatever else comes out of her mouth is insincere because of it.

Middle aged housewives who pay attention to 24/7 news channels and have heard her lionized as some feminist icon since 1992 love Hillary.

Nah, not to get too serious in /r/Drama, but Trump won white women in that demo, according to exit polls.

And lots of Bernie supporters demographics are younger versions of Trump supporters' demographics. I.e. progressive kids of Trump supporters. So they may be economic progressives now, but they were raised hating Democrats, hated Democrats all throughout 2016 and will turn into their Democrat-hating economic conservatives when they hit the critical age/asset ratio level at which young idealists turn into their parents

I'm talking about the middle aged housewives in urban centers, not the Fetanyl-Americans.

Opiate addled housewives arguably decided the election, so I'm not sure it's fair to ignore them.

Or she was really smart, knows how to do stuff and did do stuff.

2016 style populism was all about anti-establishment male posturing and big promises that the populists who made them have no idea how to keep. Mexico's not paying for Trump's wall and America isn't going to turn into Venezuela for Bernie's young white male socialists.

People who don't get Clinton aren't old or knowledgeable enough to know the difference between a fake promise and someone who knows how to do shit. They're the political equivalent of the guy who thinks a girl who talks to him so long as he's picking up her bar tab at the time is a better choice for a 4-year GF than the one he has to get to know first.

lmao voting for sane and competent candidates instead of nationalism and free stuff like wtf

Competent? She lost to Trump.

a nother great thing about Trump is how he gives hope to millions of Americans with small toadstool shaped penises

And Hilldog gave hope to millions of women that if your husband is successful enough that one day you can ride his success to your own failure.

Just thinking about makes millions of hard little toadstool penises, just like the president

It's funny how people hate trump are so concerned with his and his supporters' dicks

When trump masturbate do you think he uses just the thumb and forefinger, or are his hands small eough that he can get a couple of fingers around lil Mr toadstool?

literally the only thing she had going for her was not being Trump.

Which is also the inverse of why many people supported Trump.

Had the Democrats run anyone without the disadvantage of being Hillary, they probably would've had it in the bag.

It's fucking hilarious that Trump and Hillary were literally the first and second last popular presidential candidates, ever. Man that was a weird election.

We're only getting started, pal

90% of slimeball news networks focus literally on nothing but trump bad hillary good for two years straight

People voted because the only choices presented were justin bieber vs. Nickelback. Half the nation chose to stay at home or vote third party, everyone else basically treated iy as another american idol with less stabbings.

pre-primary MU polling had Sanders (and even Oā€™Malley) beating Trump easily, Trump beating Hillary, and Hillary beating all the (R)s who werenā€™t Trump.

Bernie came close to even with the other (R)s and lost to one of em IIRC, I think it was Rubio that beat him lol

neolibs long for an america that never existed, aka pre-trump where everything was fine and normal and nothing bad ever happened

typically neolibs had good lives then and have good lives now, but don't like having to read about border cages and sexism in the oval office, as if both those things haven't been going on since basically forever

hillary had a politically safe but still ā€œprogressiveā€ platform, name recognition, a much more favorable public image whenever she wasnā€™t running for something, and would also be first lady prez

sheā€™s also the only one of the three with actual foreign policy experience, but who gives a shit, thatā€™s all neocon indoctrination anyway

It sint free its called taxes you dummy lol

Why wouldnā€™t I?

Sheā€™s a neolib and she isnā€™t retarded. Seems like a decent choice.

she isn't retarded

Lost to Trump

Really activates your almonds

I was kind of at first for hillary cuz she has experience!!!

Then was like fuck both ill vote trump for lols

Socialism Nationalism

Why not both?


Better to have no change than someone who would change things for the worse.

Is that actually the case? Penis it more likely that once Hillary won the Bernie supporters became less vocal, and then the Hillary supporters become more vocal? They don't necessarily have to be the same people.

God I hope mommy runs and beats him again

This is why /r/politics collective reaction to her collapsing at that 9/11 memorial was so funny. Instantly the place turned anti-Hillary for an afternoon while the shills were waiting for marching orders.

You mean when HRC had to be loaded into a van like a side of beer?

Instantly the place turned anti-Hillary for an afternoon while the shills were waiting for marching orders.

yes, Iā€™m sure that was due to her shills panicking and losing the ability to downvote, not any sort of gloating brigade

lol dude literally nothing about hillaries campaign or fanbase was organic

the entire apparatus was working overtime to make up for how unappealing she was

well yeah, once Hillary officially became the only (D) candidate, attacking her became politically disadvantageous even in the short-term, and defending her became advantageous

so youā€™d have fewer people willing to criticize her and more people willing to downvote criticism of her

seems like a pretty logical outcome tbh

Ah yes, those were a good 24hrs. Just like the 12hr reprieve due to Hillary being thrown into a van like a side of beef. Or the temporary moment of sanity when Hillary put Pepe: An Explainer on this Racist Symbol on her campaign website (until the mods removed it).

Just took a look at the mega thread. Sorted by best, a god damn TV reference is in like the 4th or 5th spot:

For everyone who's listing all the reasons Sanders shouldn't run: There's an episode of The West Wing [...]

+100000000 for the West Wing reference

lmao, imagine having to make your points via TV shows.

Churchill was wrong. The biggest argument against democracy is reading /r/politics

These are the same people who mold their political ideals and narratives around a young adult wizarding series

You canā€™t convince me that Bernie isnā€™t Dumbledore and his supporters are like Dumbledores army who are fighting against professor Umbridge (Hilary), the ministry of magic (the DNC and mainstream supporters), the death eaters (Trump supporters and republicans) and He who shall not be named himself (Trump).

Every time we donate to Bernie, we show these villains that we will not be defeated, and that love will triumph over hate!

at least they're broadening their spectrum, they usually don't branch away from harry potter and thanos

Lol, there's a pretty good reason why Donald Trump threw his support behind the Bernster during the Democratic primary, and I don't think it was because he was starving for a challenge.

Ultimately it was a reddit comment that really cemented my feelings on Bernie. A few years ago I, like many, had nothing but admiration for his integrity and progressive agenda - but I couldn't escape the impression that the sheen had come off. I couldn't really put my finger on why, but then I read a comment along the lines of "if you need the lead piping in your town removed, he's your man - leading the country, not so much".

That pretty much nailed it for me. As a "details guy" I imagine he's great, as your local congressman he'll come out to bat for you and get a particular problem resolved - but "big picture" problems, with all their nuances and the strategic compromises required to tackle them, not really his forte.

Trump is the president lol, what the fuck does it matter. If a literal mongoloid can stumble his shitty adult diapered self blindly into the presidency I could give a fuck less about ā€œdetailsā€. Anything is better than another smily faced fake Democrat corporate goon who will do nothing for anyone that isnā€™t paying him, or some dementia ridden Republican boomer grandpa rattling off the last thoughts of his dying brain as American policy.

this is actually genuinely how I feel as well

this guy understands politics

The GOP has had at least 2 senile presidents now. I demand that the left be allowed the chance to potentially have a senile POTUS of their own!

it was a reddit comment that really cemented my feelings

Congrats on the autism

>commenting on a Drama post

Congrats on the autism

You're just jealous because he's vaccinated.


Right? Lol

I predict the DNC will go all in on Bernie this time and he'll lose to Trump in the biggest landslide since Reagan/Mondale.

That implies the DNC cares about voters.

No, I just think they are so far up their own ass they legitimately think he has a prayer of winning.

That's because he actually does, the DNC having it's head up it's ass is when they pretend people actually like Hillary or Kamala Harris.

That's because he actually does

People who think this vastly underestimate how non-retarded the rest of the country is.

They care about winning, and first candidate they've been floating has already fucked herself in a scandal.

What candidate?

Kamala Harris. The scandal is that she did things district attorneys do when she was a district attorney.

The scandal is also that she refused to do district attorney things to Steve Mnuchin after receiving money from him.

Nah. I dunno if the DNC gives a shit what the voters think. Dozens of candidates are running, which will likely all but ensure that no consensus candidate emerges. If no candidate wins 2,026 delegates (out of 4,051), the DNC-appointed superdelegates decide the winner.

They barred superdelegate from pre-announcing their support this time (or voting at all if the primary is uncontested at that point), which looks like a positive reform vs 2016. But it also eliminates the pressure to pre-declare for any specific candidate, which increases the potential for backroom anointment in a crowded primary field.

I refuse to vote for any candidate until they go on Ellen and dab to show how with it they are

Looks like they all love him again with strong messages of 'most popular politician' and all concerns about bernie bro's can be chalked up to russian trolls. Donation links abundant even caught one match me.

Looks like Revolution Messaging is firing on all cylinders.

Is Hilldawg still in charge?

Depends on whether or not AOC endorses him.


maybe itā€™ll actually go back to having multiple opinions represented lol

R/conspiracy just switch from Tulsi Gabbard to Bernie Sanders. If they switch candidates you can bet r/politics is going to do the same.

Initially, yes. They'll worship him as commie mommy's great grandfather, but then Hillary Clinton will sneak cyanide in his state-issued pills and they will celebrate her womanly rise to power.

There's gonna be a leddit civil war

Going to be a lot of drama on this one. Last time in order to sow division peeps pretended to be for or against bernie, we got Bernie or bust bots that made Clinton supporters hate him.

People and bots are going to keep that stuff going.

Good time to invest in drama.

Love until Biden is announced as running or running mate.

I got blasted for being even slightly critical of this.

Pretty sure the propaganda machine is already behind him, knowing he will have the same effect as last time.

Depends on who's paying the bots.

Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z

The Bernie redemption ark is gonna be lit šŸ”„ šŸ”„ šŸ”„ šŸ”„

The bad, the good , and the jew.

Bernie on the Jewish question

It should be interesting seeing him criticize Israel, since they can't pull the "anti-Semetism" card on a Jew.

Tell that to zuck lol

No, Democrats are going pull the race card against him as they did with Laura Moser in Texas.

You're right Democrats can't pull the anti-semetism card against Bernie Sanders. So they plan on pulling the race card against him as they did with Laura Moser in Texas.

Prediction, the DNC stabs him in the back again by rigging the primaries even worse than before because the DNC corporate shills would rather have Trump than an actual leftist as president, the Democrats implode and the orange man smugly wins the election again.

I forgot, before they do all that the Democrats will try really hard to use identity politics to paint him as racist and sexist. It won't go very well.

i predict that Kamala Harris will win the primary and the generals because she has so many identity boxes that this idpol shit might actually work this time around

Americans are retarded but not that retarded. Other than corporate and social media spamming this idpol shit to brainwash and distract the public it doesn't seem like the actual public gives a fuck about how many identity boxes she checks. Normal people are fed up with this idpol bullshit including Democrats who live outside rich pretentious shitholes like San Fransisco and New York.

i know you might get that impression if you get your opinions from anti-sjw retards on youtube, but overall idpol shit works in elections and it's played by both parties precisely because they know it works

Hillary might have lost, but she was bad at running for president period and she wasn't black

of course it's not the only thing that you need to win, but it can help tremendously

Idpol shit works for rightwingers because humans usually put self-interest first so telling a white majority that they're the good guys and that the Mexicans will come to fuck their wives works for a lot of them, especially the retards. It will never EVER fucking work if you tell them that they're the bad race that oppresses others and other stupid shit like that.

Also you have to look at who actually votes. Old people. You think my old white grandma gives a fuck about any of this? No fucking way.


Fat purple haired 19 year olds don't vote. If you can't do it from an iphone app, it ain't happening.

I guess the general election will be an extension of the midterms and the boomers will be surprised again.

They vote, the only thing is that theyre concentrated in areas that would have votes for that shit anyways.

Also this. Not gonna swing that SF vote any time soon.

Obama was literally president once.

What is that supposed to mean?

The biggest meme of the Obama election was idpol. Don't play dumb.

Obama and his campaign never made the mistake of focusing on idpol or telling people they're the bad apples, he couldn't because this divisive intersectional cancer wasn't popular back then amongst liberals, not in 2008 or 2012. The only ones obsessing over race were some insane rightoids that were making fools of themselves by repeating ridiculous Kenyan conspiracy theories. It didn't go well.

Obama didn't have to focus on it. It was a meme. Same thing as the "it's her turn" meme a lot of people fell for. Hillary's mistake was definitely the deplorables thing. But the idea that idpol doesnt work from the left is just nonsense.

Trump literally said that being or voting for a democrat is a mental illness - nobody even remotely gives a fuck

Hillary says that half of the Trump base are deplorables with a bunch of other qualifications - it's one of the worst out of touch comments of any politician of all times

like sorry but that shit outraged people because they wanted to be outraged, along with other things Hillary said, simply because she is not a likable character

nobody even remotely gives a fuck

you can't have both TDS and nobody cares

Trump is memeing, he created the standard of the troll politician so he gets away with it. The standard has drawbacks, like constantly being ridiculed and not even being taken seriously by anyone with an IQ above 10 even if they're voting for him.

Hillary was trying to appear like a respectable politician, saying shit like that holds a different weight than when Trump says it because when a serious politician says it you take it seriously, when the orange shitposting man says it you know he's trying to piss off liberals and doesn't care if it's the truth or not. You might not consciously notice these differences but your brain does so you know deep down it's not the same.

This of course isn't in difference of the shitposting moron, but please don't pretend it's the same or that the public should have reacted differently.

I don't think you understand my point, I specifically talked about "left" idpol being a losing strategy, I'm obviously talking about focusing on or obsessing with identity politics like the blue checkmarks are doing are doing or Hillary's campaign tried to do, not just reacting or fighting back rightwing identity politics.

There's a difference between the two, one is aggressive and makes you look like a loon and the other defensive and makes the others looks like loons.

obsessing with identity politics like the blue checkmarks are doing are doing or Hillary's campaign tried to do

I don't think you understand mine. This is a meme, as in not real.

I still don't understand your point. The "I'm with Her" bullshit wasn't just a meme and it extended far beyond the slogan, it was an actual campaign strategy, they actually seriously accused and focused on accusing both Bernie supporters and collectively all Trump supporters or being racists and sexists. Also you haven't exactly explained what exactly was the "idpol meme" during the Obama campaign.

Hillary's level of idpol obsession was on par with Obama's except for one point when she called the other side a basket of deplorables.

I don't think it's that idpol itself works particularly well, it's that baseline politics have always been about ethnic identity and voting blocs. Voting is about representation, and generally you want your interests represented by someone who at least looks somewhat like you.

that's literally what idpol is lol

I mean would you have called it idpol when the majority of the country was white and we only got white presidents? If so then idpol is meaningless since it describes politics since forever.

well it also was statistically more likely for a mayo to be elected when mostly mayos were around

idpol is meaningless since it describes politics since forever

i guess it does

i'm sorry, but idpol shit either does not work for generals, or has no effect on generals

idpol has no effect on hispancis or african americans because they'll vote 70:30 and 95:5 regardless of basically anything, so what you're left with is the risk of alienating white americans (the largest voting population)

Idpol works well on certain minority groups and to woke mayos but outside of that I think it probably has a net negative effect.

Granted, it may still be better to use than to omit, but a lot of the democratic base is probably getting alienated, especially the ones not inside progressive cities.

You know, it doesn't even matter if burgers are dumb or not. There's a very small subset of people that actually have an effect on policy. Whoever wins is whoever serves those interests better. Everything else is a show.

It used to be a show, they've starting losing control of the narrative since the internet was popularized which is why Bernie and Trump exist. Which is also why they started heavily censoring the internet in a desperate attempt to silence anyone deviating from the narrative under the pretense they're doing it to save the public from "fake news". And unlike what we've been told they don't just censor rightwing heroes of free speech:

Lmao San Francisco is poor as fuck. Don't get me wrong, the tech bros are doing fine but the average person in San Fran has to decide if they want to live in an apartment or have all three meals a day

I'd say normal people are fed up with this idpol bullshit

Not even close. 2020 election is going to make 2016 look tame.

Americans are retarded but not that retarded.

o ye of little faith

I predict Jeb! pivots left, campaigning on "practical liberalism" (contrast with compassionate conservatism). Sweeps the Dem nomination, wins every single electoral vote, and leads first the country then world in a glorious age of peace and prosperity.

Turtles for everyone.

*Guac bowls

This was never in doubt. Jeb! Is the second coming of Jesus, Buddha, MLK, and Gahndi. Mohammad is actual quoted as saying ā€œinshallah, one day a man named Jeb! will become the leader, and will usher in the golden age of manā€

Really, if I could compare Jeb! to anyone, heā€™s the emperor of man from 40k before he was made a cripple.

Ah yes, a Stark in Winterfell, a Bush or a Clinton in the White House. Everything in its place.

Jeb! is beyond the left/right dichotomy. His political spectrum spans across higher spatial dimensions. He is actually president right now because he does not experience time as linear and occupies multiple timelines simultaneously.

I don't think she can overcome the "literally who?" factor.

Actually, none of the democrats bar Sanders or Warren can.

the DNC corporate shills would rather have Trump than an actual leftist as president

not enough people realize this.

that's not even a controversial take, that's a literal fact. they might hate republicans, but at least they're playing the same game. they'd rather battle it out with them than have a rogue true lefty come in and flip over the table.

Combine this with that fact that trump is a NY liberal larping as a republican.

To be honest I really doubt he will win the primary for a number of reasons. However I like him running and think he should do so for the rest of his career because he often is the only progressive voice and he is able to steer the debate to more pressing concerns than if our economic growth has the right exponent. To be honest I can't wait until a candidate says we should limit growth for the good of the people and the planet.

I mean they probably don't have to do any active rigging at all with such a crowded primary field. If no candidate gets 50% of the delegates (tough order when every Democrat who's ever lived is running), then the superdelegates choose the winner.

My bet is that he pulls a Mussolini and becomes a full fascist. He logo can also be a faggot, but different than the fasces


glorious watching swedish teens call midwestern boomers is peak reddit, and i can't wait for the bipartisan ESS alliance to reform.

Bernie's like 5 years too old to be a boomer is the best part. I thought we had to dump old politicians

Yeah Bernie was born in 1941. Jesus he's older than shit

Believe it or not he's only 5 years older than daddy. Don't get me wrong, orange man looks pretty fucking awful but he's pretty lively for a semi-senile old fuck

I think he means phone banking

Old politicians are only bad if the're Rethuglicans, /r/politics just won't say that

What do you mean swedish teens calling midwestern boomers?

In the 2016 primaries, a bunch of Europeans, mainly Swedes and Brits, were active on /r/Sandersforpresident. They had this thing where anyone could volunteer to phone bank people to shill for Bernie.

Ultimately that meant a bunch of Swedish teenagers sending phonecalls to Midwestern American households trying to convince them to vote Bernie.

The long term effect of that is large numbers of young people outside our borders slowly imbibing Americaspeak.

Shit's gonna get even wilder.


The self-righteous, self-absorbed, and self-appointed EnoughTrumpSpam people got their historical asses handed to them. I'm willing to spend whatever money I would've tossed on reddit gold to do the same to these bitter zeroes.

Well guess you should stay away from reddit in 2020.

/r/politics is already unreadable now and it's getting even worse

I mean I guess I'll be still coming here to follow up on the latest guerilla warfare between the democrats. How the sentiment shifted from Bernie circlejerk to Hillary was just so fascinating. The potential for drama this time is even higher with Bernie, Warren and Harris in the race. Someone already said Harris has the upper hand since she is black and a women, Trumps kryptonite. Like the women card worked in 2017.

That shit flipped the day bernie didnt get elected, then all the accounts shilling for hillary dissapeared straight away.

I mean I guess I'll be still coming here to follow up on the latest guerilla warfare between the democrats

I get all my political news from r/drama comments and every body else should too.

/r/politics has been unreadable as long as ive been on this website (2011)

I want to block /r/politics in /r/all but I can't because anything remotely related to Trump is banned from /r/news so I have to check in every once and a while to see what he's done this time.

Read a newspaper

I do, but Trump's idiocy is increasing at such an exponential rate by the time the paper is on my driveway he has already backtracked, denied and then restated whatever he just did 10 times over.

r/politics has been unreadable since 2016

politics is unreadable

itā€™s always been like that

oh no not /r/politics

Did he really just say that he wants a fundamental and unprecedented transformation of the US economy?

Sigh. Let me go on record as saying that I clicked on this video with the most open of minds . . . maybe he'll want things to be fresh and good and non-partisan? . . . and I instantly got full-blown /r/socialism (which btw, has never been tried and if you disagree, I have several divisions of T-34s for you to talk to, capitalist running dogFN).

[FN] Are you suspicious that I used the phrase "capitalist running dog"merely to avoid ending a sentence with a preposition? If so, you are correct; also, get thee to a gulag.

Social democracy has been tried in several countries and it seems to work just fine for them. Honestly the most effective system is gonna be some hybrid of capitalism/socialism, its what made the 1950s/1960s the golden age in the usa.

what made the 1950s/60s the US' golden age was that every other developed country was demolished by WWII.

I mean that's definitely why we pulled so far ahead of the rest of competition, but the many socialist post-war economic policies, such as the high taxes up to 91% in the 1950s and wages earned keeping up with inflation/productivity, led to creation of a very strong middle class(plus strong unions). It wasn't until the late 1970s/early 1980s when Regan started to dismantle many of those policies to protect corporations that we started to see decline that we now have today.

There is zero correlation between tax rates and revenue collected as a percentage of GDP. The US has collected more relative tax revenue over the last couple decades than it did when top rates were higher. Also, wages are keeping up with inflation. Not sure what decline you are talking about because people are definitely wealthier now than they were then. Income inequality doesnā€™t mean everyone is worse off.

There is zero correlation between tax rates and revenue collected as a percentage of GDP. The US has collected more relative tax revenue over the last couple decades than it did when top rates were higher.

Its not just simply about how much you tax, it also about who you tax. We are currently taxing the wrong people(poor people/working class) when we should be taxing the shit out of the mega rich(those with a net-worth in excess of 5 - 10 million) and corporations(including their environmental impact and used resources).

wages are keeping up with inflation

blatant lie

Not sure what decline you are talking about because people are definitely wealthier now than they were then. Income inequality doesnā€™t mean everyone is worse off.

GDP is too basic to be a good measurement for economic prosperity and doesn't take into consideration how that wealth is being distributed within a country. Also I disagree with the notion that people are better off then they were in 1950s/1960s, they didn't have trillions in student loan debt and could find careers easily with just a high-school diploma(my dad a retired cop who gets 95% of his pension for the rest of his life and currently owns four houses).


This is one of the worst post I have EVER seen. Delete it.

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srry bby


Its not just simply about how much you tax, it also about who you tax...when we should be taxing the shit out of the mega rich

This is your brain on Chapo: The goal of taxation isn't to raise revenue for the government, it's to punish rich people.

We are currently taxing the wrong people(poor people/working class)

Poor people basically pay zero federal taxes. The middle quintile has an effective rate of ~10%. What are you even talking about, Chapotard?

I disagree with the notion that people are better off then they were in 1950s/1960s

The poverty rate was substantially higher in the 50/60s, the crime rate was higher, and life expectancy was lower. But now you need a bachelor's degree to get a decent job. Cry me a river.

Stereotypical neolib that serious/agenda posts politics all over reddit.

You spend way too much time in enough spam/circle jerk subs to take anything you say seriously, but listen up faggot, you can call me a retard, a tranny or even a libertarian, but don't ever call me a chapo, that just crosses the line. You kind of remind me of that absolute retard Dave Rubin and his incoherent rants on twitter about bernie.



what the economy tanked before reagan took office and continued to tank while he was in office, that is also a hilarious take on the 50s, I would attribute 99% of the us post war boom to either the general post war economy and the marshall plan.


Alexa, what's the Marshall Plan?


compare the actual numbers

Ah yes the 60s, a golden age of absolutley 0 civil unrest which definitely did not lead to the upheaval a general upheaval of dozens of traditional systems and American culture as a whole.

Also lmao @ the Eisenhower Era being a "hybrid of capitalism/socialism." Ike was domestically a continuation of Truman's cultural movement towards Suburban America. Maintaining New Deal policies is not even remotely 'socialist.'

Ah yes the 60s, a golden age of absolutley 0 civil unrest which definitely did not lead to a general upheaval of dozens of traditional systems and American culture as a whole.

People actually had the time/money to care about social issues.

Now itā€™s just unemployed neets who do.

Actually that explains so much holy shit.

Most social strife is born out of poverty, not wealth. You think the union advocates of the 1900s were well off?

Plus even if the hippies were well off that didn't at all translate to the blacks who were fighting for the civil rights bill being well off themselves

To be honest I think you are confusing economic strife and social strife.

The two are just about intertwined

Yea, but not completely and I see the 1930s/1940s as economic strife bubbling to surface while the 1960s/1970s were more focused on social inequalities. Basically I think you have to deal with the economic issues before you have a lot of time to devote to the social ones. Of course you can tackle both at the same time, but the 50/60s saw the USA in one of our best economic positions and the I believe civil rights movement wouldn't have existed(or would have come about later) without that economic prosperity giving people the ability to get educated(college was basically free) and become "woke".


Fuck I'm actually done serious posting now.

the music was cool though

Except he doesn't want a social democracy. Bernie is a closet socialist that praised Venezuela and the Soviet Union. He adopted the social democracy meme to not immediately turn away every voter mildly interested in him.

what a boring seriouspost

social democracy is the most boring ideology on the planet

And eco fascism is the only way to save the planet.


This was endorsed by Kaczynski GANG.


man the next few decades are gonna be rough on you if you think bernie sander's milquetoast-ass, not even socialist platform is "full-blown r/socialism"

We need the whole gang tho ,add daddy and mommy into the mix and 2020 will be glorious.

Won't be the same without the zodiac killer and the guacamole bowl merchant.

Please address Jeb with the respect he deserves

You dropped this > !


šŸ‘‹ Slow šŸ‘‹ and šŸ‘‹steady šŸ‘‹ wins šŸ‘‹ the šŸ‘‹ race šŸ šŸ‘ šŸ¢ šŸ§“

Jeb! will be president, at this pace

do you think my rhyme/joke made it across? it sounded really funny in my head tbh

Yes šŸ˜¹

Pls clap

all your favorite characters and more return for election 2020

Super Smash Bernie Bros

2016 part 2: Electric Boogaloo


Isn't Commie Mommy too young to run?

*PokemonGoToThePolls Mommy

fuck I'm dumb

Reddit as a whole will be a absolute mess again

when is it not?

Take away their clothes and throw all of them into a small bathtub full of honey, the votes are equivalent to the soap they all manage to pick from the sin(k)hole.

Rev up those donations, who will match me?? He can win this time!

here's how bernie can still win:

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RemindMe! 18 months

I don't see how he could realistically win.

All of the life savings he's gonna get in donations have been accumulated over the last four years and are meager as a result. I'm also not sure if his supporters have acquired new wives to sell to Saudi Arabian slave traders 4Bernie yet.

Dude just raised $1M in the time since you made this comment

Bernie Bro šŸ¤­

I mean I voted for him last time.

But then I voted for Daddy in the big race

You sound like a radical centrist!

Ugh more homeless people to take care of

Income redistribution epic socialism style 8)

you better match me you cuck

Was really hurting for food this week, but I donated my welfare check. I'll gladly starve if it gets Bernie to the White House!

Thereā€™s also the fact that heā€™s a doddering old fool.

This was the recommended video after I watched the Bernie Sanders video.

Jussie Smollett allegedly wanted "bigger reaction" from threatening letter


Lol, the American Democratic party is going to cuck themselves into losing to a career Gordon Gekko impersonator two elections in a row.

Dude is going to be "Breadline Bernie" the second he takes the nomination, and all that "most beloved politician in America" nonsense is going to evaporate into thin air along with his political relevancy.

'the most beloved politician by state' is such a bullshit measurement anyway, if he had 78% in say Florida, then it would carry some weight, but he is close in popularity to another Vermont senator nobody even knows or cares about - that's the case with virtually all low population homogeneous states

He did once invite Daniel Ortega on an official "state visit" to Burlington when he was Mayor. Unfortunately old Danny Boy was busy committing human rights abuses, but he did send someone in his stead who is rumored to have carried out political murders on his behalf. True story, you can look it up. Hardly the first leftist dictator he displayed fondness for either.

It would be so easy to render the man politically obsolete that it's not even funny... Well, it is pretty funny, but it probably wouldn't be for him.

The only reason he gets to carry on with the compassionate grandpa bit is because he's never been a serious enough player in a national election for any of his opponents to risk ostracizing his supporters by playing hardball with him.

Literally every "human rights abuse" done by the Sandinistas pales in comparison and is sometimes justified by the absolute brutality of the Contra opposition.

You're doing the equivalent of calling America an evil menace for bombing Japan, without considering the tens of millions slaughtered in WW2 by the Japanese Empire.

Lol, noble ideals don't typically require the extrajudicial execution of those who speak out in opposition to them...

Which opposition figures did Ortega have executed? In 1981 and in 2018 protesters were killed in clashes with police, but I dare you to show me a Latin American country where this hasn't happened.

Literally every "human rights abuse" done by the Sandinistas pales in comparison and is sometimes justified by the absolute brutality of the Contra opposition.

You're doing the equivalent of calling America an evil menace for bombing Japan, without considering the tens of millions slaughtered in WW2 by the Japanese Empire.

all that "most beloved politician in America" nonsense is going to disappear within the first 10 seconds of the first attack ad someone takes out on him.

exactly this. all the "Bernie would have beaten trump"cels are forgetting that unlimited dark money and big data were able to turn Clinton from 'boring former senator and secstate' to a corrupt baby-fucking Satanist who stole the primary in a matter of months. someone who conservatives weren't able to take down after 20 years of investigations.

even if Bernie doesn't turn out to have any skeletons in his closet, 7 days of Clinton-grade weaponized bullshit might literally kill him.

The fact this guy honeymooned in fuckin Soviet Russia is not gonna be good for him

No worries, he can make it up to the blue-collar voters by regaling them with the tale of how he once got kicked off of a leftist commune for being too lazy. I'm sure that will play well in the rust belt.

I don't think normies would really care about that. People take vacations to China all the time.

Why do the memes write themselves?

If he gets the nom, he's up against Trump. There is nothing that TRUMP of all people can say about Bernie and Russia. It's flat out ridiculous to say that any scandal any Democrat may have in their past is going to be a negative when they are going against Trump, who is on record about wanting to fuck his own daughter. Bernie faces real obstacles from his Dem opponents, but if he actually runs in the general election, what can possibly be said about him that can't also be said about Donald?

yes it will, thats cool as hell

fyi he probably didn't. He went to sister city to Burlington in the Soviet Union on official business, but jokingly called it a honeymoon because he got married soon before the trip.

Does anybody remember him getting stiffed by the DNC and Hillary receiving all his gibs he got from donators?????

Hope he wins so I can NEET it tf up.

NEETbux wont be fully implemented until commi mami reigns as our glorious leader in 2024. May mami's milkers lead us to a glorious revolution.

This wobbly old guy?

Hottest take possible: Hillary needs him to run again for that sweet supporter donation transfer!

Is he still going to be alive in 2020?

He will be the first octogenarian president. It will be fun keeping track of the bruises.

He's only a bit older than daddy, and presumably doesn't eat McDonald's regularly

Yeah but Sanders looks like he is going to pass out anytime he says a word with more than three syllables.

this is what a REAL president looks like

*takes gigantic sip of diet pepsi*

HUNK alert

jewish people live forever, just like slavs

*slav women, slav men just all drink themselves to dwath in their late 50s

Or take to much rads picking up radioactive material.

And smoking. Donā€™t forget ciggies out the wazoo

It's the survivor mindset. A Holocaust survivor was actually the oldest man alive until recently (RIP)

pretty sure its baby blood actualy

Heā€™d be 79 when he would go into office. So maybe he will survive a first term but in a wheel chair.

Going by historical precedent and looking at other presidents who used a wheelchair in office, I predict at least three successful terms, maybe a bit of a fourth.

Weekend at Bernies part 3 is an option there

Honestly a literal cadaver for president would be the best option at this point.

I would support this if Kanye was on the ticket as vice president

I just sold my magic cards and funko pop collection, took out a second mortage.


(This thread totally not astroturfed by mods)

I just sold my nintendo switch!

Haha just kidding, it was my wife's boyfriend's.

Magic Grandpa 2.0

In a strange turn of events, there's a Russian somewhere rubbing his hands vigorously.

Ruble for good Amerikantsy pigdog!

At least I have chicken

Welp, unless he ends up in jail or murdered Trump just won 2020

I mean his heart could kick it dudes fat as fuck and his only exercise is walking

P l e a s e t a x

While I'm sure its not legally fucking lit would it be for him to have A Lotsa Teeths run as his VP, win, then kick it? A 29 year old President? Yassss plz.

only if there's a pee tape

if? Come on, there has to be multi racial bukakke tapes, judging by how much she got around in college.

Is it? I donā€™t know about vice presidential requirements so Iā€™m just gonna go ahead and support this dramacoin idea.

The Constitution is going to be getting some major bug testing in the next years, why not this? I have a feeling the SC would say you can't purposely set out to create a contradiction though.

Fuck it just reformat the whole thing and start from a clean slate. First amendment: no more mayos in office.

Oh god were getting another 4 years of trump arent we

II the line up the Dems have so far...absolutely...

This is good for dramacoin

Remember folks, incumbents hold a natural advantage on top of this absurd line-up.

Can't wait until all that donation money has to go to whoever the DNC decides, and to once again watch that old pussy roll over and start campaigning for them.

again? dear lord why

He. Can. Still. Win.

Good luck with that

For drama.

Oh great! I can't wait to see the level of outrage and distress from his cultists when he falls short of the mark once again.

I love how this is on r/Drama. Probably correctly placed ha

Bernie was right about big pharma and Iā€™ll never forget that šŸ˜­


Oldest candidate ever? he even going to survive his presidential cycle?

Already donated my cat.

Yassss king!!!! Slayyyyy!

for fucks sake you old hippie, you're 77, stay in bed

Well, r/politics is already inundated with neurotic individuals weaving elaborate delusional fantasies about repressing the opposition and every narcissist is pontificating like they've just been venerated as a cult leader. The histrionics of 2016 were just the prelude and appetisers to the sumptuous banquet of drama that is 2020.

You just made me laugh my ass off in my night class thank you.

lol looks like the democrats have learned alot from their last blowout.

trump is a racist sexist...

oh nevermind...

I mean anyone can run as a Democrat or Republican, for the most part. But yeah, we're fucked, he's going to win the nomination and Trump will eat him alive.

how is that fucked? trump has been a terrific president compared to anyone in the democratic party.

Season 5 is usually never better than seasons 1-4 but this could be an outlier

Old mayo way past itā€™s sell by date yells at the sky, news at 11.

Okay, so it's definitely going to be Hillary again.

Just remember, no refunds.

Iā€™m still waiting for Hillary to announce

Lol. It's over for youngcels.

Bernie was directly linked to Russia and politics is eating it up right now like he's a savior.


Oh god, I pray Clinton re-offers too

What ever happen to keeping "old white males" from power in the new woke America?

rules for thee, not for me

do you honestly think weird libs aren't saying exactly that?

I dont know but im gonna love the content on here and r/circlejerk

And then Mommy shows up to commit elder abuse against Granddaddy again.

I'm baffled he's running after the whole "thanks for shilling for an outsider candidate, I'm going to give all your money to the person you hate now" debacle, are his fans really okay with that?

Churchill was wrong, a conversation with the average voter is not the greatest argument against democracy. Instead, reading the comments on /r/politics is.

top ten anime redemption arcs

He just needs to stroke out and disappear. Fucking democrats are going to blow this

The (((Bernie))) Messiah is running for President. Watch out for him folks someday he going be the future dictator of US.

The (((Bernie))) Messiah is running for President.

I am going to enjoy more of this US of A region locked pasquinade.

Lol if they donā€™t get ranked-choice going weā€™re fucked


Now we just need Hilldawg to run and this will be the most entertaining year of the century.

I bet if a republican like Trump implemented all of Bernie's ideas everyone would love it. You love socialist ideas until you realize its socialism

Democrats are going cuck him even worse than they did with Laura Moser. If there one thing Democrats hate more than Mayos then it a socialist Jew running for President.

Now all we need is for Hillary to run and dramacoin will reach absolute peak.

Lmao this reminds me of the long dm I had with u/ shareblue. They literally just ask people to post stuff and act like you are part of some great resistance when you were just shilling for the most corrupt candidate possible.

How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?!

[x] Old

[x] White

[x] Male

[x] Cis

[x] Straight

[x] Rich

He's perfect šŸ˜šŸ˜


oh lord here we go

And remember Reddit actually believes that voting against the herd, means you are voting for the Russians.

lmao they like all of the candidates this is gonna be great

Bernie Bussy Bros

Poor Bernie...

Democrats in 2030


Breadline Bernie and Commy Mommy vs Cheeto Dictator and Mr. Taze the Gay Away

I cannot fucking wait.

Heā€™s racist

Bernie "where the fuck are my car keys?" Sanders


can't wait for r/SandersForPresident fodder here. I hope Sanders will run a high energy campaign.

Who isn't running for president at this point?

What will mommy do now?

Since his socialiat policies already piss of the mayos, I hope he runs under a full blown communist dictatorship platform this year, really get under their melanin deprived skin

No refunds part 2

Yikes. Thatā€™s a waste of money

Welp here's to another 4 years of Trump, because all the Bernie idiots are going to refuse to vote Democrat when he loses again.

We need less people in their 60's / 70's running for president.

let the shit show begin!

What is with all the cutaways in this video? Did they need to shorten his statements into coherent sentences? Seriously, keep the camera on the guy who's talking.


No refunds part 2.

theyā€™re literally resurrecting the completely debunked ā€œBernieBrosā€ narrative

Trump by a landslide at this point

RemindMe! 12 months



Not going to lie, I cried. I have no faith left. My boyfriend was able to calm me down, to remind me that Bernie could still win California.

I honestly have no hope left. I honest to god don't think I'm going to be able to keep going if he doesn't win.

I know everybody says that, but I really mean it. I'm going on suicide watch. Fuck Hillary, and anybody who voted for her.

She doesn't give a fuck about the future of this planet.

I honestly don't know how I'll be able to keep going. I'm already planning going to the hospital if he doesn't win, because I will most likely try to take my life.

People hate discussing suicide, but there comes a point where it does seem better to be dead than to watch everything you love in life be broken Around you.

I just don't know how much I have left in me.

Has CNN leaked the 2020 debate questions to Hillary yet?