Grab your popcorn folks. Justice Department preparing for Mueller report as early as next week

239  2019-02-20 by Communist_101


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening.


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I am a bot for posting links. github / Contact for info or issues

I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

2019 is lit as fuck.

And we are only 6 weeks into the year.

Wait until the roarin 20s part 2

Dromplf is finished


What cope, nothing's happened yet

It's all over for Bronal Brumpft

Le epic banter😂😂😂

Make America Le Epic Meme Frog Again lmao

67% upvoted

Absolutely #S E E T H I N G

yes, people are seething that President Daddy will be cleared, correct.

typing all that COPE


lol enjoy next week

you gonna take to the streets when you don't have a fake special counsel anymore?

Imagine coping so hard you make a username in allusion to Ed's

ummm, ever heard of a tribute?

smh plebians

lol sucking off a pajeet

AKA 'doing the needful'

Isn't that where you cum on a picture and then post it online?

Ayy bby, u want sum tribute?

I'm upvoting both of you because I'm a true centrist.

I'm upvoting both of you because I'm a true centrist.

I'm downvoting both of you because I'm a true centrist.

Not sure what just happened here but I think both of you are welcome: /r/radicalcentrism

I'm going to create /r/unradicalcentrism to balance out my subscription.

It annoys me that you new fucks making clones probably don't even know the saga of noodles

nigga do you know the saga of eva_unit_hung? because it never dies, my friend

Eva doesn't even come close to the hilarity that was noodles. Eva never made videos of himself nude in a dog collar while barking. /r/dickgirls really spawned some fuckin weirdos, like the shrek looking mofo

Yeah I agree Eva is a quality human being and the least-disgusting person this subreddit has ever seen.

You're joking, right? Eva was a noodles persona.

No I'm pretty sure he's a king among men.

No noodles was nuts and lame, even when he put on new personas.

who the fuck is noodles, seriously.

Im not a fuckin noodles alt

i mean evas not a noodles alt

who the fuck is noodles

sip Now that was a real lolcow back in the day, nothing like today’s lolcows.

Noodles was nobody. Frank Tenpenny aka Eva was his alt. Not worth any more words than that.

lol no i/he wasn't

If you are truly Eva then prove it

omg I just realized why you think I was noodles lol

noodles himself once confronted me on discord about this:

I can vouch that eva_unit_hung/imitation Ed/imitation me is a different sperg than Noodles. He's a young canuck buck just looking for the right American bussy to marry so he can fulfill his dream of voting for Daddy.

and get chick fil-a

I'll be sure to bring an order for you to your immigration hearing before informing the review board that you're actually a Canadian spy.

oh please, do you know how fast I would become a double agent for the US if I was a leaf spy?

I know you would in an instant. The immigration board wouldn't 😉

looking for the right American bussy to marry


Just tell him you're taking him to Boston. He won't figure it out until it's too late.

Are u implying that I'm not a true patriot?

When I get my green card you can come live with me and eva and /u/ladyvetinari on our ranch. Look you'll even have your very own horse

Only if I get two of them. Strap one to each foot and I'm done with the whole silly walking thing

I have a better idea, just need to add some rockets and I have myself a heli-jew

wait seriously?

No lol.

I was a dickgirls mod like 5 accounts ago, i never really commented in the modmail but it was fun to read.

submitted 52 minutes ago


commented 42 minutes ago


currently 89% upvoted

You kids these days got no patience, I tells ya

gay comment with 200 upvotes

“I’m not sure why this was downvoted”

lmao look at this faggot judging upvote % when post has like 5 upvotes. It's at 87%/28 upvotes now and you look like a retard.

he always looks like that lol

Which group of people is seething/coping? Genuinely can't tell. Is it everyone?

But if you grab your popcorn now it will be stale by next week

I feel like you don't have our best interests at heart

So either Trump is finished and the_donald melts down, or nothing comes of the report and the reeing of /r/politics will fill the entire site.


Invest in Dramacoin.

up uP UP!

Yeah the latter is 100% happening. I don't even think this can be considered drama anymore.

When being a pede comes before drama 🤮🤮🤮

Neah, if the latter happens r/politics will just call Mueller a compromised Russian asset.

Orange man bad...always

Of course, if the first happens, TD will call Mueller a deep state agent.

Will? They have since the second daddy gave them that term to parrot.

Pretty sure they already doing so <_<

There’s not a chance in hell this site would turn against Mueller lmfao

Neah, if the latter happens r/politics will just call Mueller a compromised Russian asset.

100% guarantee you the narrative will be that because Mueller is a lifelong Republican, he's covering up for Trump. Already seen that sentiment quite a few times on Reddit.

Didn't the rightoids find a bunch of dirt on him and call him corrupt a couple months back? It's gonna be amazing watching them swap talking points as FULL C O P E mode sets in

Iirc david wohl and company held a press conference during which a paid participant was going to state that mueller sexually assaulted them; only to have no one show up to make the statement.

So ultimately they had a press conference and stood on an empty stage for like, 20 minutes for nothing.

Huh, I didn't even know about that one. I just remember some retards on /r/conspiracy screaming about how Mueller is a dirty cop who'll be happy to fake evidence against trump cause he's done it before (something about a false accusation landing someone in jail for a few years?)

Please, Muller was the one who presented the evidence to attack Iraq. You know how that ended up. People don't really need a conspiracy to think Muller may be doing someone's dirty work.

I am so ready for that spin.

tbh Mueller has a pretty shitty history so i'm amazed people treat him like some noble warrior of justice

A lifelong republican who became America's Chief Cop is not going to arrest donald trump lol.

The fact that the left spent the last two years rallying around him is hysterically dumb.

It’s going to be “Ehhhh we found some stuff that’s kinda suspicious and here’s some things to do to improve security, whatever though.”

Both sides are going to cherrypick parts of the report and declare overwhelming victory when it’s just going to be a soggy dud.

Both sides are going to cherrypick parts of the report and declare overwhelming victory when it’s just going to be a soggy dud.

I'd imagine it's much more likely that the left will say Trump obstructed justice and rushed Mueller if things don't go their way.

can they really back pedal that after fellating Mueller so much as being an immovable rock, which he is, he is a distinguished person

Of course they can and will. The political cost for completely flipping on an issue has been reduced to nil.

This. Flip-flopping stopped being a thing in 2012 when Obama did a complete 180 on gay marriage and the media called it an "evolution" instead of a flip-flop.

Of course I was referencing Obama's boring gay marriage flip and not Daddy's unparalleled ability to hold two conflicting of simultaneously

Give credit where credit is due. Obama paved the way for daddy by making all of the left's criticisms of him nothing more than hypocrisy.

Please, half the country "flip flopped" on gay marriage around that time. It's one of the most limp wristed critisims of lib politicians out there. At least they changed their tune instead of wasting everyone's time by still trying to pass futile gay marriage bans like the smoothbrains in Tennessee are doing. Try harder and hit libs with their real hypocrisies.

I’ll be whatever you want me to be, just vote for me!

Isn't that what you want in a politician?

Man I really hate when the guy we elect to represent the majority adopts the views of the majority.

Then why not just vote on every issue? Replace the politician with a computer. You should have some sort of steadfastness on your opinions, otherwise did you really strongly believe in that idea or were you just lying? It can really damage someone’s character and believability. That’s why it’s always a talking point every election.

Obviously, organically they can change over time, but otherwise it just opens the door to change them when they’re convenient.

They didn’t change their tune though, just their public position which amounts to lip service only. Their private position remains the same.

Based Big Dick Cheney was all about gay marriage a decade before Berry and Thicc Clinton

Thinking it only started in 2012 and not decades earlier

Being called a "flip-flopper" actually did legitimately hurt John Kerry though.

That's not flip-flopping you dummy.

Lol that’s even worse as he’s basically calling himself a war criminal 😂😂

Well yeah I didn't say that Kerry was good. No one liked John Kerry.

Not even John Kerry.

This is the real answer. Good for drama though, cause both sides are gonna be mad. Maybe enough for the House the impeach but not enough for the senate to convict. Which would also be great for drama, but bad for people who don't want a retard in office, cause last time that helped Clinton a lot.

it'll either be they find something unrelated to collusion but everyone will consider it proof of collusion, or they find nothing and Mueller will be called a hand-picked Trump stooge

It’s going to be the former. There is no way there wasn’t a lot of unethical/vaguely illegal conduct. It was a political campaign for fucks sake.

The report is just going to spotlight how the sausage is made.

Bonus points for some Manafort style snags where they end up arresting somebody for a crime from years ago that has nothing to do with the election and it gets pounced in by r/politics as proof of muh Russia.

i assume it'll be some dodgy as hell real estate deal. tho they might just give him a slap on the wrist or work some kind of deal out

Alternatively, they seize fraudulently purchased real estate. Imagine the drama if Trump is evicted from trump tower

Defend Daddy

The thing is are the corrupt fucks gonna charge on anything less then high treason?

Interesting way to say there will be intentional doublespeak worm language designed to let both parties have talking points

The sane parts of both sides maybe. But there's a lot of people who are convinced that this report will end with Trump being dragged out of the White House in handcuffs.

If that doesn't happen there's going to be some spectacular meltdowns.

"We sternly believe trump is guilty of something"

This is good for bitcoin

either way we win.

This is good for dramacoin

nothing will come of the report but the special investigation of the president will keep going in perpetuity as is the new normal, which will inevitably bite dems in the ass as soon as they get someone in the seat

Investigations have been weaponzied for decades to the point that both Democrats and Republicans have been bitten in the ass by them.

Given how many times Benghazi was investigated I'd say that the precedent was already set.

There’s a cake next to your name, so post preggers feet please.

To be fair though Bengazi was a massive fuck up and I still cant understand how no one went down for it.


nothing comes of the report

Mueller wouldn't have interview Sarah Sanders if that were the case.

Drumpf is finally through this time

Bad orang man is done for sure

Better yet something middle ground and truly radical centralist. Something that implicates multiple senior campaign figures but not trump himself. That would be the ultimate spectacle.

or, the outcome everyone knows is coming, trump is obviously guilty, and people just call it fake news. If you haven't figured it out by now, one more report isn't gonna do much


Both situations are good for dramacoin tbh

Looking forward to /r/politics calling Mueller a Russian shill.

^ I'm ready to help force that.

Get the fuck out you r/The_Donald posting shits. The real question is why your mongoloid asses haven't been deported from this subreddit yet.

Chill out fag, I know you haven't gotten your daily dose of cock, but just relax, it's coming.

This is a bussy loving safe space thx

Sounded more like him propositioning tbh

>Calling people gay on drama

Lurk more.

Nigga I like bussy too. That guy was just being a giga faggot.

Everyone who posts here is a faggot, even the straight ones. Especially the straight ones.

Another one! Are you lost poor fellow? Lemme help you out, politics is that way

no u

no, u

Exactly the level of thought and insight I'd expect from an /r/politics resident.

Go easy brother, many of us had to deal with those people falsely accusing us of being Russian shills since the USA election shitshow. It's only fair that he can make a dry quip about it

Don't worry at least the local MAGApedes will be good entertainment if Daddy does get indicted (long odds but still a very dramatic possibility).

The real question is why you haven't been permanently deported for KYSposting 3 times, shitbird

I did it far more times than that before the admins decided having fun was against the terms of service. Also, you're gay.

I did it far more times than that before the admins decided having fun was against the terms of service

Me2. It was fun while it lasted

Also, you're gay.

Stop sucking up to mods, it's embarrassing tbh

smh homophobe

Is this someone's anger account?

That would imply I have another account.

M A T Z O ' D

I didn’t think Santa was one of (((them))). But you seem to have a naughty list?

They're all on the first page of his comments but removed

Everyone in this comment chain should be shot without trail.


SRDinespeak should be made a punishable crime.

Surprised he didn't write "folx" to be honest and tell y'all you can't behave.

Let's unpack this...

Bold prediction, the report contains some negative stuff about Trump but nothing to clearly link him to collusion.

Trump supporters and lefties both get mad.

Drama benefits.

They are gunna pin it all on Stone if they found anything concrete

It’s going to be Stone tried to collide but is a retard and couldn’t swing anything but his wife’s pussy

That's my bet too. Remind me to delete this comment when I turn out to be wrong.

That's my bet too. Remind me to delete this comment when I turn out to be wrong.

So says Nom_Chompy

Ty <3

I'm gonna play the low odds and put $10 down on Trump getting indicted, /r/politics cumming themselves, and a new era of socialist progressive domination beginning in America. Followed shortly by Muslim invasion. Inshallah.


I’ll take those odds

Loser pays $10 to a charity of the others choice


Just to clarify, you’re betting he will be indicted and I’m betting he won’t.

Yeah, like you said it. But with the cutoff for "doesn't get indicted" being if he makes it to the end of his current term? Or wait until the end of his 2nd, if he gets one, to see if he gets indicted? You decide

If he gets one, 2nd.

Alright this is a potentially really long, definitely at least over a year long bet, I'll put a Google calendar reminder


See you in a few years lmao

there's always the chance he agrees to be censured instead

Weird jinx, but ok.

That would be the best thing for drama. Should be intereting

Drama benefits.

How so? Mueller loses all of his importance. Trump doesn't have to fight with the FBI anymore. This whole ordeal will be over with, and that's terrible for drama.

“20 ways to get Bernie elected and reopen the Russia investigation”

“The President was cleared of any wrongdoing, and that’s a bad thing.”

bc he doesn’t have to be nailed with collusion - as far as we know, he may very well be nailed for some obstruction of justice or emolument thing

this is the guy that tries kissing random ladies on the street and pays to have his hookers shut up, don’t rule too much out

Doesn't a presidential indictment basically require either a prior impeachment or a Supreme Court ruling? At least historically.

The months of parsing the an ambiguous report are going to be fucking unendurable.

My guess is there's a lot of bad stuff about the Trump Campaign but not much about Trump personally, because he wasn't involved in the minutae of his campaign at all

I'm totally okay with that as long as Kushner and Ivanka get some heat. And I guess Don Jr too but he's so incompetent that it wouldn't be as fun watching him go down in flames.

Possibly something like calling Trump extremely careless about how he handles himself.

Comey Part Two?

lmao at people that still expect something

You tired today? Normally you jerk yourself off a bit about how you're always "right." This was rather low effort for yoy

this jaborni is usually an asshole? I ran into him denying the holocaust today and thought he was just /r/unpopularopinion trolling and trying to show off his "intelligence" apparently its not an isolated incident.

Lol holocaust denial is a new depth of idiocy for him. Not surprised he's trending downward. Doesn't seem like the type to better his life and educate himself

/u/captainpriapism link us your holocaust denial comments pls. Lol

just go to "stalin is worse than hitler" on /r/unpopularopinion. Him posting unironically in /r/unpopularopinion should already make him an outcast, yet here we are.

He's a complete outcast, even the MDE spergos laughed at them when they had a stopover here

/u/captainpriapism 😂😂😂

lmao why do you make this shit up constantly and think about me so much you bothered nerd

this is drama not /r/be a huge faggot

Look at how desperate you come off as

whats gotten up your ass lately though you seem real pissy

is it all the fake stuff you keep falling for like a rube lmao

i bet you believed the buzzfeed mueller thing right

and the covington thing

i can just make some more here if u want

how are you gonna claim to like drama and not even deny the holocaust jeez

Yeah it's not like the investigation hasn't lead to several people cery close to Orange men ending up infront of courts and even jail

lol no it hasnt its just show trials for tax and shit so simpletons think it wasnt a waste of time

Flynn disagrees, Manafort disagrees, Cohen would disagree etc

lmao at "social media trolls and hackers" in that article


lmao @ your ability to selectively read to avoid that part of the text that makes your tummy hurt

i was going to write more but my posts come across far more aloof if i just do a couple lines

for real though its all charges for the dumbest shit, shit dems got away with in 2016 really blatantly

so everyone knows its just a show trial and nothing real

also if trump had actually done anything theyd have known before he got elected

i look forward to either the mueller report having nothing in it or it not being released at all to save face

for real though its all charges for the dumbest shit,

Guess that's why everybody from Mannafort to Flynn to Kushner has been constantly lying, trying to hide the truth, trying to manipulate witnesses and all the other things, people do when they are charged with the dumbest shit

constantly lying, trying to hide the truth, trying to manipulate witnesses and all the other things

what do you mean

they just dont want to go to prison, all this stuff is normal politician stuff that all politicians do and get away with

if anything it validates the existence of a partisan entity controlling things

Ayyyy orange men lmao


Sorry I know for you its just daddy

Ayyyy daddy lmao


Let's start a betting line on if the DOJ blocks the release or not

They already said Whitaker would present a report to Congress, I'd assume it would be up to Congress whether the public sees that but knowing how leaky they've been let's be realistic and assume it will be out same day.

Cherry picked lines within the hour from both parties which imply both treason and exoneration. I’ll put 10 dramacoins on it.

It will be given to the house intelligence committee then promptly leaked in about 10 milliseconds to the New York Times.

Let's start a betting line on if the DOJ blocks the release or not

Isn’t this like the fourth or fifth time it’s been announced that the report is right around the corner?

Pretty sure Q predicted it this time.

I'm a bit sad the Q thing never took off with mainstream republicans. Woulda been lulzy

Not mainstream but local politicians certainly ran with it.

Yeah, but it's the first time with an AG that didn't have to recuse himself from the investigation.

Didn't they say this months ago? I don't buy it. The Mueller investigation will continue in perpetuity.

That's my bet too. Remind me to delete this comment when I turn out to be wrong.

Rosenstein implied a March finish.

If it finishes it will be one of the shortest in history, people have shit optics.

i hope it continues even when he's been voted out of office, maybe after he's naturally passed away even.

This time seems more promising. A bunch of the presecutors involved have gone back to their other work and papers are being moved around in boxes.

Although I guess there is the possibility that one investigation has wrapped up but others are still ongoing.

Aww yes. Dramacoin is going to skyrocket either way

I suspect the reveal it will leave everyone disappointed as is tradition in politics.

“Only Mueller should decide when his investigation is complete. And when he's done, the public should see his full report. Not a summary. Full stop.” - Pohcahontas

They found nothing lol

haven't they said this before? Shits become like a new game of thrones book.

Day of the liberal rope is soon

Both sides should invest in rope. Wouldn't want anyone to be ropeless and unprepared when the time comes, even if the odds are slim.

Yep, I'll need it for when I decide hanging myself is better than starving.

That's an interesting thought. The fictional "day of the rope" in the white nationalist propaganda "Turner Diaries" saw only the "purest," most loyal mayos survive. Among the hanged were centrists, the apolitical and anyone too comfortable with the status quo.

The online mob justice carried out by the screechy left is white nationalist literature in real life.

Fucking finally

Wut? I thought my birthday wasn't until October. How sweet this is.

No matter the outcome I am beyond hyped for this

Mueller's conclusion: Iraq in fact does possess WMD's and we must occupy it for 20+ years


So 7-18 months?

Surely, THIS will be the end of drumpf.

It's been three years. Anyone who still believes the end of blonald drumpf is right around the corner is a moron.

Nixon was three years in

The difference with nixon is that the FBI didn't have the resources it does now.

The difference with Nixon is also that he did only one thing wrong and taped it. Even that took forever.

I kept reading Bill Barr and thinking Bill Burr. And I really think Bill Burr is the one who should have control of releasing the results.

It's pretty clear to me that Trump has been committing obstruction in broad daylight (Twitter). If he doesn't get impeached over this the entire American system of democracy has failed.

I agree, the result of your investigation definitely has much more credibility than Mueller's.

Prediction: Trump claims it clears him no matter what it says. Dems claim it proves he's unfit no matter what it says. Support for removal is 100 percent on party lines.

Then the SDNY starts round two