The brave BBWs of TwoX try to support one another in their body positivity journey, but the cishet trolls of Reddit can't behave

96  2019-03-09 by bussysmalls




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I'm the heaviest I've ever been but I'm the happiest I've ever been because I taught myself how to love myself where I am at in that moment.


A big one, for sure

I will never understand why foids spend so much goddamn time typing with their fat little fingers about how much they love their blubber when it would be so much fucking simpler to just lose the fucking weight

OP posts on /r/depression all the fucking time and all of her posts across the board are a fucking bummer. Don't tell me how happy you are to be obese when you're clearly fucking miserable

That's because being a mass of "sentient" fat online inevitably brings easy attention, which they sadly are dependent on. I hate how much they're addicted to their illnesses- fueled delusions.

That's why the mentally ill shouldn't be left alone to themselves

That's why the mentally ill shouldn't be left alone to themselves

Thankfully the mayocide will have the added bonus of wiping out most of the mentally ill, so that's nice

don't imply or post that the mayocide is in any way violent, it is not.

Thank you for doing the emotional labor of educating me daddy

It isn't just that. Some people make it their identities. I remember there was one 600 pound woman (or something like that) that was worried about getting gastric surgery because she thought she would be betraying the fat community (she was a famous author or something).

I'm not sure what the best way to word it would be where it would still encourage those people. The best I could think of would be that you could love yourself but not your body, and that you should try and improve your body/health BECAUSE you love yourself, not just accept the situation.

Being self-conscious sucks and there's not much you can do about it other than losing the weight.

The post wasn’t saying they’re happy to be obese, the post was saying they were learning to be happy now instead of waiting to be happy later once they’d lost weight from going to dance class long enough.

If anything this is a growth moment for them.

These women HAVE to know deep down that it's unattractive to be obese. They HAVE to. I refuse to believe that anyone is that disconnected from reality.

It's rebellion. That's all any of this memepolitical bullshit is these days. Angsty young people going through a little rebellious phase so yeah, they absolutely know it's unattractive because they're rebelling against it.

Fucking posers wouldn't know how to rebel if their lives depended on it 😡😡😡

I'm sorta glad I'm a guy so that I never had a bunch of people telling me I'm beautiful just the way I am lol.



(Not SRD but TwoX is close enough)

a night of dancing became revolutionary for me

In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony doctor's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by myself.

OP is a basketball, so unfortunately post-glorious mayocide we'll still have to deal with her. BUT, without disgusting mayo foids poisoning her beautiful black brain with fat acceptance nonsense, she might actually work on losing the weight

Exactly ! This is neo colonialism at its finest.

Mayocide has only benefits. Directly and indirectly.

She meant revolutionary upon her axes.

I bet she was straight up Ernesto.

Gunt blocks the cunt, thus preventing rape. Pretty clever fatty.

What’s a gunt?

Gut cunt. It's when you get so fat your stomach sags down over your junk.

The opposite of a gink.

Here's a riddle

During a /r/TwoXChromosomes meetup who is the largest in the room?


the cake

Largest not smallest

The correct answer is

No one because going outside is something twox'ers never do.

i dont think they can all fit in a given room

Being the largest person in the room often makes it hard for me to be confident, and feel secure in myself.

Good, you shouldn't. If I were a chick and I was the largest in the room, my first google would be "how to lose weight".

"how to lose weight"

Gussies are allergic to hard work tho. They want to look good but not if it involves work. That's why they always have those ridiculous fake nails and six pounds of makeup on, even if their bodies are completely ruined. Manicures and makeup don't involve breaking a sweat. They care DEEPLY about what they look like, but they refuse to do anything to improve the situation if it involves actual effort

Bro, maybe they’re not fucking you, but there are plenty of hot, skinny women who put hard work into their bodies.

He's obviously not talking about them.

Wanting to fuck gussy.


all this stale bussy/gussyposting in drama is a sign of unironic incelpills taking hold. people here need a new joke to entertain their primate brains

Usually they don't put hard work into their brains as well.

This is the awful duality of life - either date somewhat smart but unattractive, or date the hot person that you'd want to smash... over the head on how fucking dumb she is.

Go to medical school or law school if you want to meet a booya hottie who's also smart.

Dude. All the ultrastacies from my school went to medics. The only smart one went into the Aviation university (I think to become dispatcher or shit like that)

I have to admit I was talking out of my ass a bit as far as medical school is concerned. I guess doctors can still be morons. But I can tell you that the girls in law school have some grade-A quality brains and equally impressive looks to boot.

Finance is probably another good place to look. Those IB and PE broads usually have to hustle their asses off to be taken seriously among the fin-bros. Those kinds of roles involve sales skills and client interaction, so everyone tends to be hot as well.

But I can tell you that the girls in law school have some grade-A quality brains and equally impressive looks to boot.

I am sharing my faculty with theologists, lawyers and, until recently, medics. The rule of thumb has ALWAYS BEEN that medics have no shame, Teachers have no intellect and lawyers have no morals.

And journalists with financists/wannabe-managers need to be straight up holocausted because such ratios of uselessness/ego should become fucking illegal.

Are you at a T14 law school? It’s possible the dumbass beauties or the ugly geniuses are at the other law schools. I’m mingling with the cream of the crop.

I don't know what she's talking about, she's very secured to the ground.

Yeah OP is talking about going to dance class and becoming happier. They’re literally talking about how they’re happy to be addressing their weight issue while you idiots scream that they should address their weight issue.

I'd suggest r/1200isenough. Goodluck!

Pfff don’t be mad because I can read

This is r/Drama. You didn't find this aging thread by accident. Some insecure fat chick tying a weigh loss journey and trying to live herself as she is, is cliche. It's also usually failure. You need to hate yourself in a never again sort of way. Love gives you room to fail, hate makes you focused.

So you’re saying... that because I didn’t click refresh in the Reddit app for a while... that I’m obese

You can have a participation trophy for thinking but if you want to actually upset someone, you’ll need to try with your big boy brain.

I didn't say that, I assumed that. You could just be chunky though in your way to obese. It's ok a majority of women are these days in the US. We both know a year from now the fat chick in the op will still be fat.

Meh 5/7

you’ll need to try with your big boy brain

There it is.

A five second glance at your post history shows you're a lesbian with unresolved issues with your dad. Hope you can find a nice creamy dip to accompany all those chips on your shoulder.

Did you get triggered by someone’s post history?

Don’t worry! We’ll break out the emergency blankets and headphones to drown out the bad words!

Nah I'll just call my dad to come pick me up, he's like my best friend

I just told my dad today that if he makes it to 75, then I’ll buy him a motorcycle.

He asked for it in Spartan green and I said custom paint jobs are 77 territory.

Just because my dad’s not perfect doesn’t mean I don’t love him.

But you don't love him enough to marry a nice man and give him grandchildren :-(

Butch I’m gay, that doesn’t mean have a uterus.

Do you even anatomy?

LOL bitch read you some Terry Crews, kids need a mom and dad rug muncher

Didn’t help you much, apparently

LOL, enjoy those abnormally high rates of partner violence and obesity that you "proud and happy" lesbian banshees just happen to have

And you your V card

LOL, nice try, now call me an incel man child.

Go post some more on /r/raisedbynarcissists about the father you love so much and keep on believing that every dude who sees through your shit is just an angry virgin.

I gotta say you had a streak going there, but now I’m sensing a tinge if desperation.

Come on buddy, I can’t get a rage boner if you aren’t dishing out primo burns!

You need to hate yourself in a never again sort of way. Love gives you room to fail, hate makes you focused.

This but unironically and also I mean my "this but unironically" unironically what I mean to say is you're popping off with nothing but facts no lies detected in this tea sis

Unironically thank you???

Just hop over to /r/loseit and read the sidebar. It's mostly calories in, calories out. For some reason, people can't fathom the idea of not eating a mountain of food several times a day.

Whoa a ham planet does some light exercise for the first time in her life and is amazed at how she feels. Who could have thought exercise is a good thing?

What tards had to go in there and downvote all the cows?

Imagine being so out of shape to the point where you get a high from doing light dance cardio and describe it as revolutionary.

These people are insane

TIL being a fat depressed foid makes you the most amazing person ever to walk the planet.

TIL being a fat depressed foid makes you the most amazing person ever to walk waddle the planet.

This reminds me of the movie Hairspray except really depressing and not fun at all


I saw a belly dancing demo at a fair once. Most of the troupe were large women, the largest probably well over 300 lbs

Tummy drumming doesn't count

You know what? Be fat and unhealthy all you want, that's honestly fine. But when the self-love bullshitters start talking about how "oh no gurl everyone has someone who finds them beautiful" and all that other shit is when it becomes fucking insufferable. Throw away your own well-being all you want, stop trying to drag other people down with you by telling them being a fucking hamplanet is perfectly fine.

She should engage in the revolutionary act of putting the fucking fork down

I didn't think the universe could contain so much cope, but today is the day I finally understand what the term 'infinite' truly means