SNL rips Twitter a new asshole, shits in its mouth, makes it shit it out of its new asshole, then eviscerates the shit into a drinkable smoothie where Twitter is forced to swallow all of its shit without spillage, and is then forced to suck its own shit up its new asshole!

556  2019-03-10 by HodorTheDoorHolder_


There is absolutely nowhere on Reddit (except maybe The Great Awakening) where stupider, sadder, scareder, or crazier comments consistently get upboats and support than this place you linked. You might think, Hey look! A place where women aren't all sucking tranny peen! Weird! But then you find out that they are scared of tranny peen, and believe that in a couple years, women who don't assimilate and get a peen themselves will be locked up in suspended cages, let down from their gibbets only to be repeatedly viciously raped and denied STEM jobs.

That place is like /r/drama if everyone here felt scared for their lives, and could only find possibly recourse in demanding mayocide and bussy. Swap our memes for 'white-female ethnosexstate now' and 'kill all men before they kill all women' and you have a pretty fair idea of their topics.

And that's where it gets interesting: they're unironically probussycide, unironically antifemayocide. Truly, /r/drama has its antithesis.

And believe me: it is dangerous.


  1. This Post -,,

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Some asshole read this well written post and saw it was an SNL sketch and then downvoted it. Lol 😂.

Can you really blame them though?



Imagine reading past the 3rd word of a title

Imagine rimming my bing.

I could do that 👅

Whenever I need to rim something I choose Bing.

Bing is B A S E D

What does this even mean?

Grandpa alert

Reading past what?

I donwvoted it. i feel like shit and i want u all to feel like i do all the fuckin tkme

I already live like ima (2019 version of y’all) existentialist. If I got more depressed then I’d shoot an Arab at the beach 🏖.

Whichever you chose it amounts to the same. Absolutely nothing.

How absurd

At the beach,

At the fair,

Maybe even in the town square?

Why you could shoot someone anywhere!

And if you should,

decide to snap,

if instead you could,

turn the gun on your braaap.

Unironically though, it's really fucking inconsiderate how people are still somehow happy even when I'm not.

Maybe they saw it was you that posted it and just knew it would be garbage.

I’m hoping my post headlines get me a job at SNL as a page.

I downvoted it because it's not available in my country.

The title of this post lol XD leddit cancer

lol XD



That's gonna be a yokes from, cap'n

DAE yikes ?


Some ashole unironically shills for Cheeto Night Live.

smh. what next? /r/politicalhumour is actually funny?

The real feat here is that SNL made a funny sketch.

A game show sketch. That’s new!

The marketplace of marketable ideas.

even Norm Macdonald who wrote the first celebrity jeopardy sketch knew he was taking an idea from SCTV and waited until he could ask for Eugene Levy's permission to make the sketch, so that one isnt even original

God I miss Sean Connery fucking with trebeck, my parents got me SNL cast highlight dvds as a kid and the will Farrell one had the celebrity jeopardy skits. Absolutely loved them.

They're all on YouTube.

You know what, the format works.

Its honestly one of the only sketches that SNL can say they are sort of good at

the last good one before this was MAGA Tom hanks on black jeopardy, with Kenan Thompson as host again.

so yeah, they occasionally tap into something with it

Was it though?

For SNL, yes

Before 2015 they were doing well.

Whether you like Trump or not, you can tell someone has a crippling lack of humor if they still make Cheetos and hair jokes 4 years later.

i mean trump is the center of many posts on the sub, so does that tell about us?

Trump as a topic isn’t bad. The same topics constantly cause you have no idea how to actually be funny is.

Yeah because they owned the libtards 😎

Rings hollow when they wear shirts worshiping kids bussys.

lol wut?

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme

Okay, this is epic.

Nah, people are just happy they acknowledge "dude woke twitter lmao"

I laughed once.

If it was like, half the length it would have been funnier.

I don't know if you caught it last night but they replayed the Luke Perry episode from the 90s and it was fun reminiscing about how it used to be so funny. Rock, Spade, Sandler, Farley, Hartman, Carvey, Myers, they were all there. Even the not so funny skits were miles ahead of the garbage put out now.

This is what literally every previous generation says about “their” snl cast.

That's because SNL has been spiraling for decades

Which is what everyone says about everything going longer than two seasons.

False. I fucking love JoJo and Robot Chicken

We all make mistakes.

Araki basically gets amnesia halfway through every part so Jojo doesnt count

And it's false how?

If it's popular right now after spiraling for decades, how godlike was it originally? Would watching old episodes give me an erection lasting 72 hours?

Shows don't decline for decades, people just stop watching and instead of getting back to watching things it's easier to say "it sucks now".

Bonus points because people are lazy fucks and always looking for the common denominator to get karma, points or people to nod in agreement. The common denominator is "it was good at one point in time, now it isn't anymore".

Nobody is going to argue, everyone reading feels validated. It's like walking into a bar wearing a "I suck everyone off who says things used to be better" shirt.

The word circlejerking doesn't do it justice. This is unmotivated circlejerking. Giving a handjob out of boredom in hopes of the rest of the sub shoving a pinky up your ass.

"boo hoo, I used to like it, now it sucks" give me a break. I don't even watch SNL, don't need to in order to know you could show thirty clips from thirty years and have people rank them from best to worst and you wouldn't get anything close to a chronological order.

Longpostbot, take it from here.

What people don’t get is that the writing style changes when the show has different writers. The quality depends on how good those new writers all, not on how long the show has been around. Most people just don’t notice the writers change so when the show quality changes they think the show is running out of ideas.

If only you put all that energy into your relationships

They say "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery".

Sadly enough, you're trying to charm a bot.

As if you've ever experienced flattery.

Thanks longpostbob!

You can't deny that SNL doesn't produce the same talent. Look at the cast through the 80's and the 90's and look what they did afterward

Calm down, Pete Davidson.

Jesus Christ imagine writing a serious post about a shitty network show.

It's not about the show, it's about the comment.

Try again.

You still wrote an effort post you fucking loser

"look at me, so nihilistic, so edgy"

You’re the reason why this subreddit should go private again. /u/riemann1413 pls ban and set the sub private

Unironically pinging the only father figure in your life because your feelings got hurt on an online board.

It’s not my fault you’re an unfunny bore. You serious post and your attempt at humor gives off major adult virgin vibes

dude saying /r/drama is nerd shit is the same as saying nothing matters at all, we can all learn from/u/Psyman2

yikes, you thought this was a roast lmao

This but more condescending

Nothing still running is "spiraling downwards".


False. Scrubs, House, Avatar, Star Trek TNG, and Blue Bloods say hi.

I tried to list a show from a different genre and that's why these are a strange grouping.

Nobody thinks the 80s cast was all that great.

or maybe from day 1 it was never good


Like a big fat turd in a toilet bowl, barely squeezing its way down the plumbing.

Exactly if you say SNL was better when you were younger its nostalgia goggles. If you say the same thing about capitalism everyone agrees with you. SNL back when you could get an appartment on the upper west side on an entry level income without roommates was amazing. SNL now when you need 6 figures to get an apartment in the bronx with roommates sucks

Rock, Spade, Sandler, Farley, Hartman, Carvey, Myers, they were all there.

That was the best time for SNL.

Actually I'm gonna say that the time before that with Bill Murray and Dan Ackroyd and John Lovitz and John Belushi was better... but in honesty the last time I remember it being funny was when it was Will Farrell and Chris Kittan? (can't remember his name, but a snide bastard with nasal voice, very funny)

you're right. Between Murray and Farrell times is when it was the best. Murray was a little bit before my time, but I've seen their sketches.

i enjoyed Andy Samberg and Bill Hader when they were on. Kyle Mooney had funnier stuff when he was on youtube honestly. here's two videos that i remember liking from him.

Lovitz was on in the late 80s. The rest of those guys were in the original 70s cast.

And Dennis Miller doing Weekend Update.

who even watches SNL on TV anymore - once in while (every three months or so) when they make a funny sketch - its all over the net.

To be fair the early 90s SNL was way less political plus most of the cast is conservative so they probably have more in common with the losers on this sub. And have the same sort of humor

Why don't they just make a real show? Can someone explain the title and why it's so outrageous? pls thx lv u bb

nah SNL is funny you are just out of touch.

Yes, it's the viewers who are wrong.

Woah look at this hot edgy take guys.

The jonah hill spoof of that movie Her was one of yheir funniedt bits in a long timr. I highly recommend

It's sad that Jonah Hill, who is genuinely funny, gets his reputation from Seth Rogen/James Franco "Dude weed, lmao" movies.

Between this, the Impossible Hulk, and Gold diggers of the WNBA it was a pretty good episode.

Except for how terrible Leslie was. Cold open was awful

Yeah, playing straight isn't her thing. The cold open just seemed clumsy. The Power Point sketch was good shit tho.

Yea I wish she would just go away. She just screams, that's not comedy.

Every week is a solid C+ to a B. It's just so trendy to shit on it. It's generally pretty decent

I really enjoyed the powerpoint sketch. That was probably my favorite from this episode

Dat Chicken commercial was funny too

Dat chicken commercial was funny too

Blessed title


Namaste u bigoo

lmao this is really good. I gave up on SNL but this was great. Fuckin Twitter. I'm waiting for the day they get all up in arms over something and the person they are targeting has no account and doesn't pay attention to social media so they get confused on what they can do.

It's happened a few times with videos of old ladies being racist and someone inevitably tries to find children or grandchildren

jfc lol. Twitter people are cancer. That's fucked up.

jfc. Like I get it's shitty but people that old grew up in a different era. Doesn't make it ok, but it's likely her grandkids don't think like that. God I hate twitter.

What the fuck lol

A Harry Potter reference to judge someone's character. Of course.

Just doxing itself is shitty.

offended by old people

attempts to doxx despite people telling them to stop

attempts to insult the old person by referencing Harry Potter

this makes me understand nihilism

Her house was definitely Slytherin

it's OVER for old-lady-cels. how will she ever recover from this?

Ah yes, the north korea approach to punishments. Throw the whole fucking family to the camps.

Blocked in Canada reee

Oh, it’s a video of a skit where SNL makes fun of Twitter for their crazy 😜 SJW antics.

I watched it using my vpn, is there any Twitter drama yet?

Idk 😐 but search for “SNL racist fascist” and 👏 get 👏 back 👏 at 👏 us 👏.

Note that it's more "twitter users" and less "twitter Inc.".

not if you say learn to code

It doesn't but I gave a VPN so no worries



Be free my friend.

I found it after looking around here:

1) ctrl f mirror for the homies

2) thanks

You need to get on that VPN shit

With facts and logic

Uploaded has not made this available in your country. I’m in Australia not middle earth ffs

VPN to either the US or UK

I'll let you watch it if you blow down under mate haha get fucked by Emu's you poofta haha cunt haha booze and kangaroos haha

🚨🛑sick cunt detected🛑🚨

I’m in Australia not middle earth ffs

Move to New Zealand tbh

Good motivation to move to a real country like America or Texas.

Have you tried not genociding the aboriginals lately?

Already bagged my quota for the day

Yes, we have tried apologising to them for past woes and even giving their communities money and investing public funds to their areas for simple needs development.

Sadly they keep raping their kids and using the money for booze, drugs and gambling.

You live in a penal colony

Australia was made a penal colony because the last penal colony declared independence.

Wonder who that was?

The greatest gathering of retards ever which produced a country that became a dominant global super power?

I'll take my bloomin' onion now, Steve

outback steakhouse isnt australian

I know but that isn't going to stop me from making a shitty joke featuring faeux aussie marketing



What a shitty title

Imagine being this upset over the title of a Reddit post.

It was a joke you colossal fuck head

Wow imagine being this angry over a Reddit comment.

Imagine imagine imagine, imagine.

It’s toilet 🚽 humor

Holy shit this needs to be posted to r/politicalhumor

They delete anything funny


Update: They removed it.

lol of course. That sub doesn't allow funny.

Seems like it should have been just fine then.

lol zing!

It does say images only. Stupid rule, but it's there. Maybe someone can make an album of this with the subtitles?

don't post anything to other subreddits you retards, it's considered brigading

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Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

the bot wars have begun


Actually a good skit.

"SNL made a skit that didn't offend me so I like them now".

SNL offends me by simply not being funny. At least Mad TV got axed when it went to shit. SNL is being allowed to just fester in it's own shit because, um, uh...

Why is SNL even still on the air anymore?

I don't care.

Listen bucko, this is a safe space here for people to chat and laugh. Not for major broomstick up the bussy niggas like this here technically sentient

Trying to be cool on the internet is the least cool thing there is

Might as well double down on how it made you bumsore.


They push a narative that is more important to be pushed to than to not be pushed.

I liked SNL before they became N’Sync.

Disgusting title.

We don't kinkshame here. This is your final warning.

SNL have gone full Bill Maher and started mocking their target audience.

Right. This is all kinds of pot calling the kettle black.

I wouldn't call it hypocrisy, just irony that the people they're mocking probably tune into SNL week in, week out, and probably don't think they're the people being mocked.

You're probably 100% right. No single snowflake feels responsbiel for the avalanche and all that.

What an appropriate analogy

Okay Tim

The twitterati started going after the actors and limiting what roles they could play, that was their mistake.

Lol twitter isn’t their target audience

Their target audience are trump cultists??

They still saved some gas in the tank to take umbrage at people that don't immediately notice the difference between Chinese and Japanese. As if they, or anyone, can tell which is which.

That sketch went fucking hard. I have a new respect for SNL. They didn’t take any prisoners there.

You could say they tore Twitter a new asshole

I guarantee it's gonna be a one off, don't bother watching it in the future.

It's true. I was the Twitter.

Thanks buddeh.

yknow there actually was a posthumous Michael Jackson TV ghost movie

what an awful world we live in

Yikes that title

Did sam hyde sneak in a snl skit? Lmfao

A funny sketch from SNL and one that doesn't rely on lazy humor!

One of the few SNL sketches that makes fun of their target audience. Other one was the brilliant sketch making fun of male feminists:

That's really some stunt there. FedEx small business grant contest

ITT is just DDF going "phew! they stopped making fun of Daddy, SNL is good now!"

lmao 1 sketch where they go after a really easy obvious target that everyone hates doesnt change peoples opinions

snl has always been shit low tier american sitcom level humour

Have they been airing SNL for a while in boganland?

hi id like to introduce you to this thing were all using called the internet

but no they dont, also who the axctual fuck watches tv now lol

Australian comedy is pretty dire.

SNL sucks and has always sucked. It was never funny.

Typically though it is the white person being denied the role, and then perhaps being indignant about it. There is no non-white person going 'hang on, this doesn't make sense'. Handily the progressives both detach themselves from 'woke twitter' and go another step further as to actually disavow the fruits of their movement.

The Will Smith thing is causing the splintering of the group.

What is it with fucking americans and needing to be told when to laugh at the funny?

I literally got my account back like an hour ago after being in Twitmo for like a month and I have mixed feelings. Like on one hand it can be a great source of news and on the other hand it's a great source of retards who are rotting our collective unconsciousness.

That was actually funny...

Jackie needs to show us her titties.

is this in regards to anything in particular?

That title may just be my favourite title ever made.

This is unfunny and unoriginal like all SNL and everyone who says differently is agendaposting.

Anyone got a mirror for non burgers?

Video unavailable The uploader has not made this video available in your country.

And that person? Albeit Twitterstein.

Twitter should have known better than to allow criticisms of AIPAC

Are you an aspiring shock porn script writer by some chance OP or is this title just one of your everyday fantasies?

Oh shit I didn't realize it got that many upvotes lol