An AITA post involving a fatty gets linked to SRD. Body acceptance warriors rise up and annex the thread to discuss the crime of manspreading

128  2019-03-17 by want-dick-in-butt-xd


Okay, so first of all, you've just made a reply to me that is in two unrelated parts. The first is unrelated to anything I said. As long as you comport yourself in this manner, you will only be met with derision. It is a nonsense method of communication.


  1. This Post -,,,

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can mizmoose fit in a bus seat?

I walk with a cane (that has a plate & four feet at the bottom).

Healthy at every size.

I don't see any talk about man spreading.

None of this is as bad as people from China town getting on the bus with live chickens, rotting meat they intend to eat and trash bags full of recyclables they've collected as their daily income. The 8x from China toen to Daly City is the worst bus line on earth CMV

Can't you just walk a few blocks and take the BART back to Daly City?

At the time I lived in North Beach and worked in the excelsior on Balboa but like 20 blocks away from Bart. So taking th bus cut like 30 minutes off my commute plus about 30 blocks of walking

Fair enough.

You imagine living in a country with over a billion of them.

Did you ever stop and realize you deserve every bad thing that could happen to you for living in California?

MUNI being MUNI things 😂😂😂

This is why the Japanese tried to exterminate them. The Chinese are slobs and the Japanese are obsessive neat-freaks. Why the Japs were stupid enough to think they could rule the Chinese in the first place is beyond me, however.

There’s nothing I hate more than people making a scene on my behalf. It’s embarrassing and the pregnant lady was probably embarrassed, too. Women aren’t complete idiots that don’t know how to ask for a seat if they’re incapable of standing.

That said I’d rather chop off my arm and eat it before getting pregnant so I guess I really can’t speak for how the lady felt about the OP.

My wife asked me whether, if it were medically possible, men would get pregnant. I told her that the movie Alien is basically what men think of when they imagine being up the duff.

WOW mpreg kinkshaming

You’re an idiot though

Geez I never thought I'd be followed from another sub. Haha. I didn't mean to hit a nerve with you in r/ProjectRunway. Now I feel kinda bad for hurting your feelings.

That “nurse” is either no nurse or a terrible nurse.

Two things

1) Overeating in a lot of cases can be seen as a physical dependency - the more obese you are, the hungrier you get. Combined with eating being a physical dependency

Then consider that fact with

2)Many medications have the side effect “may cause weight gain”, but have you ever stopped to consider what that means? Obviously you can’t simply absorb carbon out of the air and turn it into fat. There’s another mechanism at work here.

Having been on one such medication, I can tell you what the mechanism is.

Sheer, relentless, unending feeling of starvation.

You stop being able to tell in any meaningful sense what is “enough food” to be healthy, and no amount of food is enough. I had eaten my self into a state where my stomach couldn’t handle any more food, and I was still hungry.

I put on 7kg (about 15lbs) in 6 weeks. It’s taken me 18 months to lose half of it.

People who have never been overweight and claim people should just lose weight/never gotten there in the first place annoy me so much. It’s like non-smokers telling smokers to give up. And that they were stupid to start.

Wow, that’s a lot of irritation there Psimo

Yeah, well, but people who pretend to be health professionals in order to crap on people are the worst

Some high-quality fatty COPE right here 😂👌🐋

Ma'am we've been over this before. You need to stop.

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That's what her doc probably has goten sick & tired of saying, LPB.

Incalculably based

1) Overeating in a lot of cases can be seen as a physical dependency - the more obese you are, the hungrier you get. Combined with eating being a physical dependency

Tbf, I am pretty sure that's literally true, and most fatties are food addict.

I don't know if it's really hunger or mentally you just don't know when to stop or how to regulate it. Although I believe you can stretch out your stomach over time.

This is why you need to eat really filling things that are low in calories like lean meats you enjoy and very little sugar which is not filling at all.

It's true. CICO is a big part of weight loss but a bigger part is eating calories efficiently. It will take a lot more will power to eat like 3 sausage mcmuffins per day with nothing else than it would to eat chicken breast and beans which you can actually have more of. There was actually a study done that I had to do a paper on in class and it found that people who changed their diets to include food like oats and chicken and stuff had less cravings and desire to eat junk food.


That's why I kinda roll my eyes when I see top posts in 1200 is plenty with "it's only 400 calories!" and it's like a giant ice cream sandwich or whatever lol. In like an hour of eating that you'll be hungry again and probably just eat again.

There's a lot of interesting research on this. I think that over time, adjusting your diet changes the bacteria in your gut which makes you crave different things. If you eat relatively healthy then try and eat something deep fried after this adjustment, it might legitimately make you feel ill and you'll wonder why you even craved it in the first place.

Shit, you could eat a steak damn near every day and lose weight. I went to chilis' and they have a meal that is a 6 oz steak, loaded mashed potatoes, and broccoli that I legitimately could not finish because I was so full. And it was only like 600 calories for the whole plate. I could have eaten the same calories in Junior Mints and not been filled at all.

3 sausage mcgriddles should be good though.

Also kinda messed up how slaved people are to their hunger. You can be hungry, and if you have a regular eating schedule your body will adapt, but people freak out and start pounding snacks or eat til they're bloated cause good forbid you be a bit uncomfortable for a few hours.

Instead of trying to win the hunger olympics it’s probably a better idea to just eat better.

The mild discomfort of skipping a meal is now a literal olympics of suffering.

Gosh your life sounds like it's been easy.

Jeez man calm down. I don't think you understand.


It's a lot easier for someone to succeed with their weight loss goals and live a healthier life if it's more comfortable of a process. I think instead of making it a competition on who can be the least comfortable it's just more logical to eat cleaner so you don't struggle with hunger, sluggishness, lack of energy and discomfort. I had a pretty nice post about this and that guy knocked it down a few notches when it's actually biologically proven that eating cleaner helps with a lot of problems that contribute to weight gain including hunger pains.


My comment literally has nothing to do with my own life or experience. It was a figure of speech referring to how one's level of hunger pains doesn't relate to successful health. But just because it seems to upset you, my life is easier than *pie* (pun intended).

I don't think you understand.

It's a figure of speech you chose based on your experience with what skipping a meal feels like. Nobody was encouraging 'hunger as a sole method of weight loss' or even a method of weight loss at all.

Your explanation was that you were literally offended by an imagined slight. By all means, keep telling us how personal this totally isn't.

The mild discomfort of missing a meal should not cause or qualify as 'pain', and that perspective wasn't coming from anyone but you.

Of course I was defending myself. You took a funny (imo) hyperbole too literal and insulted me.

Such is the way of reddit. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Uh oh, it forgets the last thing it said from message to message. I think we have a broken one.

I already explained myself. I didn’t have to do it once and I don’t think it will work if I do it twice.

Or you could just have a healthy snack like some nuts or pistachios

You can have deez nuts lmao gottem

If junkies can quit heroin, butter golems can quit fruit pies.

Having been fat myself it's true you do get hungrier the bigger you get, that said while I've never been addicted to drugs of any kind I can't imagine dieting compares in any way to kicking drugs.

You get hungry, sure, but it's nowhere near the S T A R V A T I O N levels people seem to be implying. You just accept it as a part of slimming down and after a while take that mild hunger as a sign you're on the right path.

That said though I've never been straight-up obese so maybe their experience is different. Biggest hurdle for me was actually just learning to eat efficiently and the sheer amount of calories my fat ass was consuming previously through snacks.

Found some more:

I was just reading a KevinMD article about how it takes an average of 10 years before doctors start accepting newer research that changes long-held medical beliefs. And even then, medical and nursing schools tend to be the last hold-outs of outdated information, so that may drag it out longer.

'I don't need to lose weight because in ten years they'll discover obesity is actually healthy'

Lmfao, from the atrophied mind of infamous mizmoose.

Fat people aren't hated for being fat, they're hated for taking absolutely zero responsibility for their condition, and this lack of responsibility oozes into their way of life. They're lazy, and not just when it comes to exercise, they're lazy about everything.

In a world of resources that can be scarce, being fat is worse for the environment

Fats use more of everything. Even take bigger shits and clog toilets too

I put on 7kg (about 15lbs) in 6 weeks. It’s taken me 18 months to lose half of it.

a year and a half to lose 7.5 lbs lmfao

Hahahahahahahaha how the fuck is obesity real hahahaha nigga just walk away from the food like nigga close your mouth haha

Who knew SRDines could relate so well to a female hippopotamus 🤔

I hate to say this but I unironically believe this is one of the few subs that exists in the real world.

'YTA If this woman was as large as you say, standing on the bus is also a bad, unsafe option for her'

... And for everyone else, in the event of a crash, an obese bitch would become a literal wrecking ball.

Being crushed by an unsecured ball of fat is part and parcel of using public transport in a big city

lol put down the fork, fatties

listen, I have a slow metabolism. The last two weeks I actually only ate celery and salt flavoured water. Know how much weight I lost? I actually gained 2 lbs. Both the American and Russian government are extremely interested as my body could be the key to solving possible energy crises of the future. Do NOT fatshame me. You hear me?

They canliterally live off of their fat storage until they become skinny. Fat people can't die of starvation.

Every SRD comment thread...

Someone links thread in another sub using arcane magicks to create a title of perfect balance and lack of bias, perfecting this in a way which must lead to OP entering Nirvana at the earliest notice. No regular r/drama poster can ever do this correctly, hence posts get removed during times when drama has gone private.

Crafty SRD seriousposters recreate the drama by having the exact same conversation once more with added smugness and virtue signalling.

SRD thread is posted to drama. Dramatards are reminded of the evils of seriousposting, righteous drama mods ban a few chapotards and MAGAcels as sacrifice to the Gods of Radical Centrism. Everyone unironically calls each other "faggots".

Its straight up insane how desperate srd and reddit in general are to judge literally ever dumbass thing they see on the internet. You'd think at some point they'd be all "holy shit, I'm wasting my life arguing pointless shit I'll forget ever happened in a week" but here we are.

It is de wey of life ☺️☺️☺️

Imagine whiteknighting over fat gussy 🤢

-21 points

The brave are always silenced

They hated him because he spoke truth

You stop being able to tell in any meaningful sense what is “enough food” to be healthy, and no amount of food is enough.

Ever heard of counting calories you absolute retard ?

I had eaten my self into a state where my stomach couldn’t handle any more food, and I was still hungry.

Stop eating, then ? Like, it's just your will VS your stomach at that point, and sorry to disappoint you, plenty of people win that battle every day, including people who are at a normal if not too low weight, needing only a fraction of the calorie intake a fattie would need to maintain their weight.

I put on 7kg (about 15lbs) in 6 weeks. It’s taken me 18 months to lose half of it.

6 months to lose little more than a kilo..? Think for a minute, this is less than 7 grams a day.


Please dont use such offensive words in 2019. Refer to us as PoS(people of size)

rise up

I doubt it


overweight+multiple sclerosis+spine surgery. I can't always make it through a grocery store with out using the scooters. Fucking love the stares, dirty, looks and occasional comments about them being for "sick people not lazy people"

This is why we need FPH. Someone needs to bully this sack of lard so that they are not stupidly fat WHILE supposedly have spine problems.

sOcI0eConOMiC coNdITi0nS

The ~180 countries with lower obesity rate than the US all have better socioeconomic conditions than fat burgers do and don't you dare refute this fact.

The only cure for the fatty epidemic is communism. CMV

Hard to be obese in a bread line

Why is it so difficult for the fatty to stand.


Fat people only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting

Wtf is wrong with SRDines? Why do they insist on throwing a wall of text in my face and explaining literally everything that happened in the thread? Yeah, I can fucking read the thread you dumb SRDine fuck. At least r/drama drops a link and adds a funny title like "MAYOCIDE NOW!", "Daddy Defence Force is in full damage control" or "It never even began for Chapocels" and I can just go to the thread, read it and later laugh at these faggots with my fellow r/Drama bros. The canning is long overdue.

 She could easily be suffering from an invisible disability.

Invisible indeed.

CAN NOW! CAN NOW! Even snally must go!

Someone so big that she took up two seats would probably have trouble standing up a packed bus, right? Better she take up the seats than block the isle and risk falling over.

is anyone surprised reddit’s trannies are incapable of empathizing with a pregnant woman? also lmao @ being so fat you’ve moved beyond blocking aisles and now you can block entire isles.

Day of the canning when?

I can't believe you assholes are seriousposting about being fat of all things. Just stop eating lol

I'm already having flashbacks to the time a friend & I got on a bus to go home. It was at the tail end of rush hour; the bus was full but not packed. I walk with a cane (that has a plate & four feet at the bottom). We got on the bus and every seat for the disabled was full of disgruntled looking people who didn't appear disabled...

But miss moose is completely heathly, nothing is wrong with being fat.