Ice Poseidon might go to prison

303  2019-03-20 by toxicwasteofspace



The rare occasion when something is both good for society and dramacoin.

Blessed drama šŸ™

fag poseidon

I figured the dude would get caught up for trafficking in CP and coke

CP also has been a possibility, one of his associates was facing this (Asian Andy) I think but he denied it but then deleted his discord (where the cp was)

So donā€™t hold your breath, itā€™s likely that because it was essentially on his discord (yes due to a shittalker) however this still is a problem and itā€™s Paulā€™s responsibility to keep his platforms clean from illegal shit.

pyramid scheme btw

Yeah, fuck that guy.

What the fuck is wrong with you

Based & redpilled

Seriously, any guy who would turn down sex with Aria Nina deserves to be locked up

Aria Nina specifically wanted it to be on cam, I would not fuck her either to then be turned down by every single sponsor and be an even bigger laughing stock because I come in 2 minutes plus everyone starts posting pictures of my hairy ass.

He can stream for an hour and make enough money to buy hookers who are prettier than her anyway.

You know you can get you're ass waxed, right?

You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


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Iceposting is punishable by death

iceposting is dramakino.
that shit works on multiple levels - he engineers fake drama for views, but his sheer idiocy causes real drama that follows him everywhere, massively amplified by his swarm of angry incels that give him money.

Celebrity drama is the capeshit of drama.

It's a good thing he's not a celebrity.

By heat death?

It was inevitable

Pls pls pls send that smelly terrorist to pound me in the ass prison

I'm guessing the dude has a stockpile of amphetamines and child porn.

There are many theories floating around! Doxxing, terrorism, cocaine, child porn, the whole Ponzi scheme thing. I'm betting whatever is the reason why they raided him, they will find something illegal.

Keemstar was working on the ponzi scheme too no? I would assume he would be raided too if that were the reason.

I'm guessing half his fanbase knows his address by now so I wouldn't think this would be a normal case of swatting. Also he would be even more retarded than I thought he was to not warn the cops of this possibility the day he moved in.

That just leaves kiddies and meth

It's probably 50/50 imo. On one hand, his fanbase does love swatting. On the other hand, he's probably involved in some sketchy shit

They had to have ā€œprobable causeā€ for a warrant and not being able to read a map is not enough:

If this is was regular shit it would be more along the lines of local cops and DEA Affiliate agents working in that county. For them to have multiple FBI agents in is definitely something insane going on and it's probably in part due to the that ponzi scheme. If it really was a cover for drug money laundering then we may actually see Ice get murdered within the next 2 years due to him being the weakest link

Is he involved? How so? I didn't think keem had any sort of professional affiliation with Ice

Maybe Keemstar turned stateā€™s evidence?

Also he would be even more retarded than I thought


Keemstar was working on the ponzi scheme too

I hope this is true

Keem is the exact type of mayo pussy to run around, with his token black friend, screaming "No Snitching" and "Snitches Get Stitches" he's secretly signing the CI paperwork and his signed statement pinning the blame on others.

I think its the ponzi scheme one. The timing is very close of coincidental, and none of the other bullshit that he's done even had them bat an eye before this point

I'd totally forgotten about his pyramid scheme where he basically tried to peddle it as a "triangle opportunity" or whatever

Considering you can report Ponzi Scheme's to the FBI via their website, I wouldn't be surprised that many of his fans filed a report.

I eagerly await his first Livestream from jail done with a cellphone smuggled in through someone's ass

If Arab Andy couldn't do it, then he definitely can;'t

He live-streamed a phone call where he kept trying to explain to someone that itā€™s not a Ponzi scheme, heā€™s just using later investorsā€™ money to pay back early investors (lol) and his friend kept telling him thatā€™s the definition of a Ponzi scheme

It's not a Ponzi Scheme it's a Poseidon Scheme!

He's gonna make a fortune off of weed advertisements. Because weed is gonna be a huge business and prices won't change at all when it's legalized. In Oregon after legalization we grew 10 times more than was bought, but retards still think it's gonna be a bigger business than toilet paper or rice or laundry detergent. It's the biggest thing since bitcoin.

Fuck, I'm hoping they hurry up for medical laws in my state before spring fully hits. I've got a number of good seeds and been working the dirt over and adjusting the PH on top of my compost mix. So fucking sick of dealing with good, but not amazing knock you down coughing weed

How big that scam got?


ā–³ ā–³

You cant triforce

That was an artistic recreation of Poseidon's pyramid scheme

Everyone knows Darqwolff's trillion dollar business is the only business we should be investing in! He plans on becoming the next Lex Luthor

I'm seeing people say it's because someone spoofed him phone number and made bomb threats

That sounds dumb, don't buy it. Pretty sure the cops could get records from the phone company and it wouldn't match.

It's 100% fake because most of those number spoofer companies operate out of other countries, who don't respect anyones laws nor reply to subpoena's, which is why they generally are taken off the play and app stores. Had a similar issue with my ex using one of those apps.

Are they used for robo prank calls? Had a buddy do it to me a couple times before I called him on his shenanigans.

The robo prank calls can be in the same service but they tend to be entirely separate apps or websites at this point. I used to have a number spoofer on my phone but it fried before I could transfer the apps over. I miss fucking with people with that

Last I heard about him (from this sub), he was fleeing the police in Europe.

What happened then?

What the fuck was he fleeing for? lol

Doxxing isn't against the law you mong.

One never comes without the other

Some backstory for people who only watch 5h on implementing TCP stack? I know he was retarded because he was an YouTuber, but what flavor or tard? Seeing feds, it's probably libertarian flavor?

It is most likely going to be that one. It's weird because he didn't hide he liked them young, just the drug use.

I just saw his face in linked thread and it's clear his guilty, we only have to asses the severity of his crimes.

It will be worse then other youtubers I assure you.

Great for us, and therefor, for the world.

He pissed off his own community filled with Doxxers and Swatters, so they spent the past 2 months documenting all his illegal behavior(drug use, pedophilia, Ponzi Scheme).

Could be anything but apparently they confiscated every computer and cell phone in the Mansion.

Sounds like a le epic tard fight. Thanks for cluing me in.

Wait, what did he do to piss them off like that?

I remember wandering onto his subreddit about a year ago, people there were cringey fanboys

He closed the subreddit down, so they made their own subreddit dedicated to taking him out.

what sub is that?

Dude what, that's fucking hilarious

Censored the reddit,lied, and in the end closed reddit and did crab dance and laughed at them and they all just moved to different sub without his censorship lol. He s not very bright person tbh.

He s not very bright person tbh.

Lol post the crab dance

He s not very bright person tbh.

No kidding. It takes a special kind of stupid to bite the hand that swats.

Kept surrounding himself with trashy people so they would be his content and he could sit back like a lazy bum. Then hyped up and made a bunch of lies about investors for a year and a streamer house. Finally got a mansion but nobody knows how, everything seemed shady as fuck. At this point many of his viewers abandoned him because he was trying to turn his streams into lame Jake Paul shit. After those failures his Youtube channel got deader than ever and he turned into an even lazier bum, an IRL streamer that doesn't leave his room and uses others as dancing monkies, turning even the mansion into a homeless shelter with tents in the garage and garbage piled up everywhere. All the while everything was crumbling, from his career to his health, instead of streaming he stayed in his room shittalking and putting the blame on his viewers for pointing it all out, while denying his coke addiction and the fact that he is being played by his homeless rat manager. It culminated in him banning his subreddit in the cockiest way. He continued to ignore the problems, but his former fans did not, came together on an old backup subreddit not owned by him and were determined to kill what little carreer he had left before he could do it himself. That was about a month ago. Nobody knows if this is the result of the ponzi scheme, the drug connections, that one politician's twitter hacking or because of the evidence the community has collected and reported him of daily.

Does your keyboard not have an enter key?

I don't get two things; how do I keep hearing about seemingly uber rich youtubers/vloggers, do youtube videos really pay you enough for a mansion? And why are they all degenerate drug addicts with responsibility problems?

Now I feel like an old man

Youtube no, sponsorships and in-video ads do.

Pewds made around 12 million last year not including merch sales and endorsements deals from his twitter and insta. Jenna Marbles makes enough to live in a nice ass house in LA with youtube as her sole income

Very very few people are able to make real money on youtube, but the ones that do get paid pretty well

Not to mention ice was the kind of retard who helped make IRL blow up the way it did. He definitely had an effect on how future streamers present themselves I feel like.

His youtube videos never did all that great aside from one or two good clickbait. Streamers make bank from subscriptions, or in youtubes case sponsor and now membership. What was even bigger for him were donations, two kind. One just as reward, he had some particularly loaded viewers like an arab kid with oil money. The other kind is tex to speech, pay three bucks to have something said out to him, which he abused by surrounding himself with trashy people to bait viewers into talking shit to them.

Still hard to believe he made enough for the mansion because he was absolutely retarded with money, constantly losing thousands on deposits, damages or expensive items like clothes he would lose or trash in days.

I mean he's been evicted from like every last place he's lived with a huge long list of damages. I imagine any landlord who allows him in has him pay like 6 months upfront with a ton of damage and security deposit.

Phew, thanks for the in depth explanation

Could be anything but apparently they confiscated every computer and cell phone in the Mansion.

Wonder what they'll find on there.

He was one of the first "life streamers" or whatever who basically livestream their entire existence only he would do the most depraved shit imaginable for his insatiable audience of gibbering NEETs.

Wasnt justintv who started that? the guy who made twitch?

I have no idea I'm ashamed I even know who Ice Poseidon is tbh

Probably the first was Jennycam

That was pre streaming, old school webcam stuff, updating every few seconds.

Not sure but Ice is generally known as the original face of IRL streaming/what made it blow up, before he started getting places swatted and bomb threats called in.

Nerds shouldnā€™t be allowed in

Can I get a link for these 5h TCP videos ?

Awesome, thanks.

Rust lmao

5h videos on implementing TCP stack

Genuine question: how are you able to watch long technical videos? I'm way too impatient for that shit so unless it has a transcript, it's back to digging through StackOverflow for what I need.

It's mostly a downtime activity, there's a lot of great content on programming, so I pick whatever I feel like exploring. It helps I cram my second hobby (fountain pens) into it, I'm taking notes on interesting points, so I'm constantly engaged.

Sometimes, when something really interesting pops up I will often pause and then go back to terminal and try to see how that works.

One time I accidentally ended up watching a whole 6hr video about nmap in one go... No regrets.

Oh yeah, the "let me tell you about the 97% of arcane features this well known program has" is a great rabbit hole.

Unironically yeah. A lot of it was weird situations and features I ignored

It's like when I stumble on some absurd Vim video and think to myself: I've been using it for 20 years or soā€¦ I guess I'm still a noob. Oh well.

Well nerds make these tools so documentation that makes sense to literally anyone else but the writer is in very short supply.


Nothing of value would be lost

Literally, genuinely, not-being-dismissive-nor-ironic who?

edgelord streamer who gets in autistic slapfights with other wannabe e-celebs for the amusement of no one but the most desperate of drama whores.

with a cult following of severely mentally ill people on reddit and discord that follow everything he does

Oddly enough that accurately describes both Ice Poseidon and Keem Star.

OK so you know how people play games on twitch? Well this guy admitted to running a pyramid scheme live on twitch. Turns out the feds don't like that.

I thought he got banned from twitch years ago

using keemstar as a newsource

Keemstar is a retarded garden gnome but there's pics in the replies of the feds at the dudes house

lol owned

Why is he going to prison?

being gay


Clickbait title considering the amount of degenerates that live in that house it could be any of them

If we're lucky, all of them.


any YouTube edgelord gets swatted on the reg, it doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re actual terrorists

SWAT is one thing, FBI another different beast.

idk I canā€™t keep the SOPs of all your burger death squads straight

Maybe he shouldn't have admitted to bring a part of a ponzi scheme.

Pro tip: doubt admit to running a ponzi scheme on YouTube šŸ‘šŸ‘

He needs to be in an asylum.

Finally, a win for America.


"Let's kick some ice!"

Itā€™s 99% related to that tamp mayor that got his twitter hacked and shouted out Ice Poseidon

Nothing will come of this

didnā€™t he literally explain how he was running a Ponzi scheme on stream?

Why do people watch him?

Because he's the kind of moron that talks about his ponzi scheme on stream.

He solicited a prostitute on stream twice in a month too

Don;t listen to ice_poseidon2, they are creepy autists who swat ice and do all sorts of shady shit. it was either one of them or one of the psychos like dj panz who phoned in some fake shit, probably what keem was talking about.

feds took robot andy, that shit sucks

Oh look what crawled out of the basement.

I literally cannot imagine any fate in this life or any other life, any other era, any dimensions known to us or unknown to us worse than being an Ice Poseidon fan, who has spent years of life wasting away and watching what autistic nonsense this degenerate cooks up to keep your attention.

it was either one of them or one of the psychos like dj panz

What in the fuck are you talking about - speak English boy!

feds took robot andy, that shit sucks

Literally who, and how could it possibly suck?

Go off king

What basement? Iā€™m a regular here.

Ice is just reality show junk on YouTube. Itā€™s not a big deal. What is a big deal is the insane Reddit stalkers who over analyze frames of video trying to find evidence of coke on his nose, doxxing his girlfriend and theorycrafting her cheating on ice with everyone, and stickying instructions on how to donate personal insults and then chargeback.

He could have stopped streaming and gotten a real job at any time. If the same bad things keep happening to you over and over again and you don't put in any effort to make it stop then at some point it's partially your responsibility. Plus the guy sounds like a dickhead in his own right, can't feel too bad for him

He enjoyed streaming and his idea to make it stop was to close his Reddit, which infuriated the autists. He enjoyed streaming and the aspect of building a community but Iā€™m not sure how it could be policed

He willingly turned his stream on in the airport, mentioned where he was going and proceeded to film the ENTIRE airport around where he was sitting....including gate numbers. That was 100% on purpose so someone would swat the airport or w.e and gain him more news.

Ice is the quintessential annoying retard who thinks all attention=good

You have to be sincerely fucking retarded if you believe he did it on purpose. He got banned from twitch for doing that. He was terrified from the experience too, unless youā€™re one of those ip2 morons that believes heā€™s a sociopathic mastermind who faked being scared and crying.

You seem way to knowledgeable and into his autistic adventures to claim you're not a fan of his.

I am a fan


Ice Poseidon died years ago, this was Ding Ding.

Honestly surprised they haven't found any dirt on Keemstar.

das good shit

As long as him and Mexican Andy both go down,Iā€™m happy.

Fucking based. This dude is a parasite on the internet. Twitch was a mistake because they propped up such abhorrent Creatures...

Seriously ? Who?

Great news, IP is a scumfuck

Who dat dude?

Imagine how good his streams will be when he gets out lmfao

good riddance

News says it is over Spoofed Bombthreats and shaggin' yer nan, m8

A legend.

the internet is a weird fucking place

When your twitter avatar looks like shitty ice cream with artificial colors, you deserve to go to jail.

What a bunch of faggots

Awesome. Take em all down. We all know there are more of em...

Apparently some guy writing a book on streamers who was hanging with him for sometime, was a known FBI informant lol

I been in prison for less