The most American thing I’ve seen on Reddit: Whale “does research” and determines that it’s physically impossible for humans to not be fat.

177  2019-05-12 by Ghdust2


I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


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-724 comment karma is the lowest I've ever seen. Reconfirming that if there's one thing reddit can (mostly) unite on, it's their dislike of fatties.

back then I was still under the assumption a person could lose weight, now I'm pretty convinced a person can't. I've done a lot of research since then.

good lord

We finally found the perpetuum mobile

Fatty is hilarious no doubt about it, but this reply has me rolling:

u/AndBeTheLight 202 points · 11 hours ago · edited 6 hours ago

So I did. But I didn’t google search...I used Google Scholar

Imagine using Google Scholar in the current year, then bragging about it. Like, people don't use that for anything besides finding things in MLA format for bibliography for school papers.

First, that was me. Second, I don’t have school access to peer reviewed papers anymore, and found it to be a more reliable source for searches than pubmed or proquest for full articles (not just the abstract).

I used all 3 for my doctoral thesis and found that google’s search algorithm leads to more topical papers than pub med. Overall I prefer proquest, but I use them so infrequently, google scholar is easier.

What subject were you looking up that you used MLA? For healthcare it’s usually AMA or APA.

I used all 3 for my doctoral thesis

'tism ahoy!

Unlike you, I never finished college. I'm actually successful in life.

Oh snap did I hit a nerve? My degrees don’t define my success...they just allow me to practice my profession. My success (or failure) is my own doing. I happen to be successful, but it has less to do with my degree and more to do with my passion for the field I’m in. I only even brought it up because it allowed me to make the point that, no, there is a genuine use for the platform.

Also, did you just call me autistic because I have an advanced degree? Let me break down this thread for a minute:

  • You insult the search engine I used despite the fact that it is actually the better one

  • You claim I’m autistic because I have a college education

  • You claim I’m not a success because I went to school, despite knowing literally nothing about me

One of us has some serious insecurities, and it’s definitely not me. You should probably talk to someone. I’m also not going to be responding to this any further because you seem to want to pick a fight, and frankly, I’ve got better things to do with my life than feed angsty reddit trolls.

passion for the field

This nigga can't even type without emitting illiterate biznizsprechen in a cloud of foul vapors. I sincerely hope you're more competent in whatever you do for a living than you are at "writing", or at least that it's relatively innocuous like teaching literature or selling essential oils.

Da fuq are you talking about?

insulting your diction, but we can toss in reading comprehensive ability as well with the lot

nigga you stupid

Having an advanced degree is peak autism and peak spoiled brat.

Oh snap did I hit a nerve?

No, and PS I ain't gonna read beyond that. Try writing less you autistic piece of shit

there's no need to be upset

You quoted that person, thinking they were the one claiming people can't lose weight. You were wrong. They were refuting that claim. You're only still arguing with them now because you're an asshole, too stubborn to admit a mistake.

No you retard I quoted them because they claimed they used google scholar like some sort of egghead faggot. Like seriously who the fuck uses google scholar. I only used it after I had finished a term paper and I needed to pad out the citations so you search for a few words and have it spit out the MLA citation.

But only a complete and total autistic retard would use it as an adult.

Of fucking course anyone can lose weight, look at the pics of Auschwitz you just need to cut calories in. Fucking duh.

Imagine thinking you're smart just because you look down on Google scholar. And that you're smart for not having much education! Fuck you're a dumb toxic cunt

Lol nice troll attempt 0/10


Imagine not using libgen or sci-hub in current year lol

Just copy and paste the article's name in the libgen's search box you dum-dum

Imagine being ABD (I assume the thesis is unfinished and no defense was given) and not using the Internet to download research. This is why there's a fucking replication crisis; doctoral candidates can't find their own asses with a map and a three million dollar mirror configuration ensuring no matter which way one looks, the ass is presented in the middle of FOV.

Imagine actually researching the topic, so you don’t know the name of the article. Which is why I use search engines.

I use Mendeley for in text citations. Auto-references right in word with whatever format you want.

That isn’t bad or cringey at all, mega props to that dude.

Imagine not understanding how to use Google Scholar properly in the current year

Imagine being over the age of 21 and reading university essays.


what's wrong with google scholar?

I can't tell if you're retarded or trolling.

But mostly the fact that it's for gigantic faggot nerds.

Imagine believing the tripe published by faggots in academia who are too stupid to actually hold productive/real careers.

that's hilarious :D

Those who can't do, teach.

Those who can't teach, administrate.

what about those who can't even administrate?

Someone's got to give a speech at graduation.

Wow you’ve got some old research there! Both were published nearly 30 years ago!! For reference, we generally like to stick to articles published in the past 5 years (with the obvious exception of seminal works)... I couldn’t find a single peer reviewed article written in the past 5 years

I mean, the articles written 30 years ago were peer-reviewed, also. This guy should be more open to the possibility that 30 years from now people will consider the recent articles he found to be flawed/wrong too.


No shit, that's why you don't use old articles on subjects that can change.

Losing weight requires eating less junk food, and yes, to Americans that's in fact impossible.

BuT mY gEnEtIcS tHoUgH!!!!

Burgers can't function unless diabetes is running through their veins.

I kinda hate the "advice" that is typically spouted off at overweight people because it just grossly oversimplifies things. You need to consume less calories, the sheer amount of food you eat may not change much because it might contain less sugar, fried foods, sodas, etc. And that's another thing, it's very easy to drink a lot of calories which can be easily replaced with water and tea.

just stop eating fast food (this includes soda and sugary shit)

I think some fast food is actually fine. Subway and Chik-fil-a have options that aren't very high in calories and I also think Chipotle's mexican bowls (meaning, minus the tortilla or shells) aren't bad either. Just avoid getting things on the side like chips or fries and only drink water with it.

Even some of their other options, when used as an occasional treat, I don't think are bad either. McDonald's soft-serve ice cream cone is less than 200 calories so you could still do that once a week and easily lose weight. Most of these major chains list their calorie amounts on their menus so if you pay attention then you don't have to TOTALLY cut out much, just do it more occasionally.

Yeah but it’s so easy to get shitty food if you go to those places, doubly so if you convince yourself you’re making the healthy choice. Here are my rules:

1.) only eat between 5pm and midnight

2.) limit fast food to once a month, bimonthly if you exercise

3.) do not drink calories. Ever.

It’s great that that works for you, but I feel like for people who are huge and used to eating junk constantly that this might be too restrictive to maintain over a lifetime. Like maybe one of your three rules + calorie tracking, but tbh I feel like just basic CICO is the most sustainable for people aiming for huge weight loss long term, since so much of it is psychological.

I’m not sure if I’m explaining this well, but I feel like every time someone slips up they’ll be less motivated to get back on the weight loss wagon, and with your rules it’s a lot easier to slip up than with just tracking your calories. Full disclosure: the highest my weight has ever been was 112 and that was enough of a wake up call for me to get back in shape, so I’m not exactly an authority on weight loss. What I noticed in myself the first time I tried to lose weight was that mentally I didn’t have the self-discipline to stop drinking socially, turn down slices of cake, etc. I could only be careful and honest about tracking everything I ate so I could try to make up for slip ups by eating more cleanly the next day.

Dont drink calories is probably the most useful advice to give a fatty. About 15 years ago, I embraced this and lost about 30 pounds pretty quickly.

I agree with that, and even with the fast food rule, but telling someone just starting out with a hopefully sustainable lifestyle change to do both those things and only eat between 5 pm and midnight AND try to keep an eye on the nutrients in their food seems like too much too soon. I feel like saying “start with not drinking your calories” and once someone is successful at that and sees results, they’ll be more motivated to add other things on and it’ll sort of snowball from there. Being so restrictive up front makes it seem like having a healthy diet and lifestyle are more of a punishment than something that should be enjoyable

Hi, I'm curious what researchyou have conducted about weight gain/loss. Could you post some of your evidence?

You can shut the fuck up now with your hateful title and site. If I had a mic I'd drop it

Just eat less than 1200 calories a day.

Sub-1200 is kind of low, I think I heard most doctors don't recommend you go below 1200 per day for a woman or 1500 for a guy. You can still be losing pretty rapidly without going quite that extreme, especially if you increase your activity.

shockingly - if you do nothing more valuable in life than flip burgers and watch Game of Avengers, you don't need that many calories. Still don't be a faggot.

That sub has always struck me as borderline eating disorder food porn, the users in it just kinda creep me out.

>implying eating disorders are a bad habit

Implying because it’s already confirmed true

Anorexic girls are the cutest.

That Scientific American blurb contains no research. Terrible source, D-.

1200isplenty is designed for people who want to go on a crash diet without exercising. A healthy adult is an active adult who engages in regular resistance training along with other forms of exercise. 1200 will never be plenty for a healthy adult.

Sub-1200 is almost never recommended. 1200 a day is ~1 lb/week weight loss for me, a 5’2” & 105 lb woman. I’m assuming for someone of her size just maintaining her weight would require a relatively huge amount of calories. She could probably lose weight even at 1500 calories a day

I'm going to assume you're pretty dang active then.

Because a 30 y/o (just picked an age tbh) 5'2 and 105lb female with a sedentary lifestyle (office job, little no actual exercise) would have a TDEE around 1350 calories. and would take around 23 weeks to lose a lb at 1200 calories per day.

So, while 1200 can definitely be too low for many its not some hardline cut off for how many calories someone should never go below. In fact a lot of Drs who specialize in treating morbidly obese patients put then on a super restrice diet around 800 calories per day even though their TDEE is obviously WAY WAY higher because they can afford to drop several lbs per week for a while.

25, swimming 1-2 days per week, training for a half marathon, hiking on the weekends, and I tend to walk as much as possible, so moderately active I’d say. 23 weeks to lose a pound seems...inaccurate? If I were completely sedentary I could maintain at 1400 or so, lightly active ~1600. I know for a fact that I lost around a pound per week at 1200 a day, so I guess maybe double check your calculator?

It also seems incredibly negligent to encourage people to dip below 1200 calories a day if they don’t have to unless their diet is being medically supervised. If even someone as small as I am can lose weight at 1200 a week, anyone larger should be able to.

30/ 5'2 /105# is a TDEE of around 1350. Those are the numbers I used. So reading at 1200 would be a 150 calorie deficit.

I fucked up by not differentiating between days and weeks in my head lol. 23 DAYS of that deficit would be a lb loss. Calculator is fine. My brain wasn't.

Given most people looking to lose weight arent 105 lbs. But there isn't some magical bad thing that happens if you dip below 1200 calories. If you're aware of actual literature that says otherwise id be genuinely interested in seeing it.

It’s pretty generally accepted that it’s difficult to gain all the nutrients you need sub-1200. 2 lbs/week is seen as the most aggressive sustainable weight loss people can achieve in a healthy way. Most people aren’t 105 lb, so eating at 1200 is gonna give them a healthy deficit and hopefully allow them to still get all of their nutrients. For people with extremely high TDEEs, eating sub-1200 without being supervised by a doctor seems like a gateway to disordered eating and malnutrition

Gee if only there were some sort of pill we could take that contains nutrients so we don't have to eat them.

Am I just living in an unfortunate time zone or have you not stickied anything for ages?


You should drop the fork, hun.


From your own link “They say that the number is based on a 1959 study conducted by Dr. Albert Stunkard and Mavis McLaren-Hume in which 95 of 100 participants failed. But then admit “Since the 1959 study, though, the statistic has been reinforced by most other clinical studies, which also showed people with discouraging results.” Studies like this one which is a 55 year study. They conclude that “Dieting has it’s own benefits…People who try to lose weight tend to eat better and exercise more, leading to increased fitness and lower blood pressure”.”

Pretty dated research even the ones that are “reinforced” by other clinical studies. What sad excuses you’re making. The reason why people tend to fail is that they don’t make lifestyle changes, rather they go on diets (which they see as TEMPORARY) once they lose the weight, they fall back into the same habits they once had pre-weight loss. You are absolutely ridiculous to even intimate that losing weight is impossible just because you were unable to. The fact that you use garbage studies and silly generalizations to justify the mental gymnastics is proof to me that you were never serious about losing weight.

I appreciate you trying to join a conversation about a shitty blog post without even looking at the blog post.

I’ve read the post, and it’s highly likely that it’s a troll because no one can truly be that stupid. But just in case there is someone here whose confirmation bias is so strong that they still cling to the 95% figure, a bit more reality injection here might help.

I’ve read the post

Then why are you linking the article which the blog post tries to debunk? Literally everyone who cares to shit on the blog post has already seen it.

it’s a troll because no one can truly be that stupid

That's my initial reaction too but then I think about some of the people I have met in life and I question it because people absolutely can be and are that stupid

If I had a mic I'd drop it

it would bounce off of you before hitting the ground

/u/notdabestsister can you lift a mic? I know you must have Herculean leg strength from lifting yourself, but does that translate to arm strength?

I think it would just get caught in her gravitational pull

Oh yeah, cause I believe the garage being crapped out of the most unbiased and objective site on weight loss and weight science!!

Linking from a fat blogger isn't evidence.

It's physics. Eat less than you do right now and you'll lose weight.

Nigga you a fat fuck hahahahahaha 😂😂😂😂

niggas be fat n shit

Lol that blog is not at all a good source of anything.... You haven't researched, you've just gone on Google trying to find anybody saying what you want to hear.

Just look around the world and see if people are as fat as you on average.

Your research is full of holes, and it would deflate faster than your body lose weight.

No way anyone would use a Ragen shitstain blog post to seriously back up an argument.

She's one of my heroes so you can fuck off with that shit

She's a massive scam artist who got caught cheating on a fun run so yeah sounds about right

cheating on a fun run with a funyun

only elite athletes walk backward through a finish line

Troll confirmed. Haha

I'm glad someone is finally standing up to thkse bullies.

You go, girl!

Eat less garbage.

Being your hero doesn't make her correct.

But she dances like shit?

Lol, no wonder you strive to be fat.

Get your hand out of the cookie jar.

you made the bait too obvious with this post.

dial back you retard.

I didn't make this post you idiot.

You're a trainwreck, better get a Planet Fitness membership and lose some pounds

I have a condition where exercise causes me to get really winded and sore for days and days afterwards.

Me too nigga.

It’s called delayed-onset muscle soreness and everyone gets it, dummy.

No mine was so bad my NP prescribed muscular relaxers



Are you still a fat fuck

This made me laugh out loud

Yeah. Because the more sedentary and out of shape you are, the worse you feel initially after you start excercising.

I've had days where I'm so sore from Squats that I'm limping everywhere and people ask me if I'm injured. I'm sure if I went to a doctor it wouldn't be that hard to get special medicine for it. I recognize it as standard DOMS though.

So, like, what happens to literally everyone when they exercise?

honey thats called muscle fatigue and everyone has it. i genuinely dont know if you're trolling or not but in the event that you're serious please understand that literally everyone is sore and winded after exercise if they're out of shape.

Yea it's called being a lazy fat fuck lmao

You are just obese and weak. Muh condishuns is just you making excuses.



At any rate, weight loss is nearly all down to diet. Stop being gluttunous and eat less and you will lost the weight

Yeah it's called being out of shape

This condition is called morbid obesity.

I have a condition where exercise causes me to get really winded & sore...

The "condition" is called "lack of conditioning". You are poorly-conditioned.

This would diminish over time, through repeated exposure to the stimulus.

Great b8 m8

Oh god your not just fat, youre also retarded

She's one of my heroes

I don't doubt it.

If you aren’t a troll then you’re straight up delusional. What has she done that is worthy of being your hero? You deserve better

If you get a cut, does it bleed gravy?

You should drop your sandwich instead, bby. Obese bloggers aren't credible sources, larda

Have you considered now gulping down every scrap of food you see?

You realize a blog post from a blogger who references her own blog for "evidence" is totally worthless?

Either you are dumber than a box of rocks or you are a troll.

Her blog is backed by science dumbass. Is her blog fake ? No it's not

she uses dubious scientific research that has either since been debunked or had dubious samples sizes. She is a complete and utter fraud, pandering to desperate. obese women utterly desperate to convince themselves their weight is genetic and predetermined. Which is ridiculous considering literally all of human history and thermodynamics.

You're just a person on the internet saying this, she backs up everything. Who am I supposed to believe ?

How about you go to a real medical doctor and ask them? Show them this blog. And go in with an open mind. And ask them straight up " is there any medical or genetic reasons I can ot loose weight?"

There’s literally hundreds of people who post progress pics, hell, there’s even subs dedicated to this. Do you think these are all fraud?

No but at least 95% of them will gain in back, that's proven

sources on that please

Honestly, do yourself a favour and stay faaaaaar away from all haes and fatlogic bullshit. You're wasting your life. Fat doesn't magically appear out of nowhere.

Everyone can lose weight, but educating yourself about your eating habits might take some time. If you'd track your calories (everything) you'd clearly see that you eat above your calories and that's why you struggle. Nothing else.

People gain it back because they do crash diets for a short period of time and then go back to their old habits. People who make sustainable changes and maintain them are able to keep the weight off. Dieters fail not diets. You can’t fight the math.

And that statistic you’re using is known for being incredibly flawed.

This is a common myth spouted the most often on evidence-poor HAES proponents' sites.

The actual percentage of people who regain weight is unknown. The 95% figure comes from a paper with few subjects and poor methods (by today's standards) from the 1950s.

You can see more on this here.

However, the National Weight Control Registry is made up of people who have lost, and kept off, a significant portion of their weight longterm. Their studies may be of interest to you, if and when you decide it is finally time that losing weight and becoming healthier (yes, it's true) is more important than your pride.


There is no way you are not a troll. I refuse to believe anyone as delusional as you exists.

I think the people who call people trolls are rhe real trolls

You also think it’s impossible to lose weight lmao.

I think people who can’t lose weight and make uo excuses are fatass cows who can’t accept reality.

Did you know there were no fat people like today for most of history?

What is that like, "you smelt it, you dealt it"???


You’re supposed to believe people who have PhD’s in this field not a blogger who is actively seeking evidence to support her views- that’s bias. I suggest you search peer reviewed journals on the topic and how they suggest you lose weight in a manner that is healthy for you.

My boyfriend weighed 220lbs in high school, he weighs 160lbs now and looks completely healthy. All he did was cut back on how much he ate and how much junk food he consumed. Heck, recently he started getting fluffy (not that I care I love him), but he was getting insecure and started watching what he was eating, he started losing weight in a healthy manner.

It’s completely possible to do, it takes a lot of willpower and commitment though. You need to be ready for that and to own up to your mistakes. You should apologize to your sister and understand that she was trusting you to do this because you stated you wanted to anyway. You should’ve warned her before hand and told her “hey this isn’t working out and I may have over estimated how difficult this would be” I mean she didn’t shame you or anything until the last minute when she couldn’t get the dress altered in your size- which she was willing to do.

Admitting there is a problem and maybe you made a mistake is the first time to acceptance and repair. Do it.

Congrats on ruining your sister's wedding.

This is more recent, from 2018.

Obesity researchers do not discount that it is very very difficult for most people to maintain weight loss. They tend to be against diets because diets are a temporary solution to an entire lifestyle. Read this scientist's recommendations at the bottom of the article.


She doesn't back shit up at all. Her "research" is based on one profoundly flawed study carried out nearly 70 years back


If you want to believe anyone, go to your fucking Doctor and ask them what their take on being obese is. You just want to believe people like Raging Chestpain because it gives you a nice excuse to be a lazy POS and carry on being fat and eating yourself to death.




You are insufferable and pathetic in equal measure. You will die a miserable death from something painful and preventable if you don't spine the fuck up and sort your shit out. Get a therapist, address your issues, see your Doctor and get a grip. When you're on your deathbed dying a painful beetus related death, just remember the amount of people on here who tried to talk sense into you and the retarded coddling you got from the HAES retards.

Sounds like you just like being fat. I get it, it’s easier. It is, however, possible to lose weight. I lost 110 pounds in 10 months and maintaining beautifully. I also come from a family of obesity.

Either stop being lazy and do it, or admit you’d just prefer being fat and move on. You caused this situation, not your sister.


I didn't seek out this sub, they linked me

You're the bad sister.

Yeah I get that I have an entire family that hates me

Have you considered calling her, owning that you fucked up by not trying hard enough to lose the weight but mainly by not telling her sooner, and letting her know that you'll organise the closest possible dress and you'll pay for it yourself? It could go a long way towards mending the relationship. You've got to own your decisions and your behaviour. You're the one who has made this mess, and it is your responsibility to fix it. Even if she had been a bridezilla in other aspects, this aspect is your fault, not hers.

Also, you can lose weight. Consult your GP and discuss what the best course of action for you would be. Then join a gym and do a few training sessions. The important thing is to stick to it - having a gym membership is no good if you don't go, buying healthy food is no good if you just buy a pizza instead. I know this from experience.

actually seriousposting

It's not their fault that they hate you. It's a natural reaction because fat people are disgusting. Not just the way they look, but it represents a life of laziness, over indulgence, and a complete lack of self control.

I mean don't get me wrong, fat people's bodies are absolutely disgusting. But the lifestyle and personality it represents is arguably more disgusting

I have a friend that’s easily 320+ but is more organized than I’ll ever be. You can be fat and have a good personality and be productive. And being fat isn’t a good reason for your family to hate you. You sound like an unpleasant person.

Ok fatty

This sub has an intense, borderline irrational hatred of fat people and pitbulls.

You only have yourself to blame for that.

Fat doesn't have to be an identity. It could be a lifelong unhealthy habit. It could be a coping mechanism that has worked well in past, but in the future will cause more harm than good.

I strongly suggest getting into therapy and working through the identity, family, and underlying issues.

We all got 'em. But it's part of being a grown up to work through them.

And ignore the assholes on this thread, but don't ignore science. That's just willful ignorance.

dont listen to these people... u were in the right 100%. call ur sister and tell her shes a bitch n then block her u dont need that negativity in ur life. if u want to get back at her for what she did to u just call her work n make a bunch of complaints about her to get her fired... will make her think twice about that next time...

I don't think you're serious

you're fat AND crazy. It's you that's wrong, not everyone else.

Makes sense to me

Good. And you clearly hate yourself too, because who could love themselves and be fat?


Fat people can't be scientists. Stop watching TV.

Stop downvoting the lolcows.

I'm not downvoting anyone I don't even know what this sub is

Your doing fine. I’m telling others to not downvote you. “Lolcow” is someone involved in drama who comes here to argue. A lot of newbies downvote people like you instead of appreciating the treat of having you here.



Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Being Fat Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Plate Like Nigga Put Down The Fork Haha

A blogpost is not a legitimate source. I’m actually stunned at how stubborn you are with your disgusting ignorance.

Weight loss is possible. Changing eating habits is possible. It’s not your genes. You’re just a lazy asshole.

OMG, you’re citing “dances with fat”? You must have a really fatty brain too, retard.

Here's a diet truth pill for you. Diets fail not because dieting doesn't make you lose weight. 95% of diets fail because 95% of dieters are delusional blubber monsters like you who can't go 4 hours without stuffing themselves. It's 100% self control, and you have none of it. Your diets don't fail because dieting doesn't work, but because you're a broken excuse for a human being who does nothing but debase yourself to be a slave to your base desires. There's nothing wrong with diets, or your body. There's something wrong with you.

Hit the gym, planetoid.

She doesn't even attempt to rebut the NY Times article showing that the 95% figure was based on a 1950s study with poor methods and very few participants with any kind of evidence--the most she does is mention the figure was acknowledged at two meetings regarding obesity. That does not constitute evidentiary support.

By contrast, the National Weight Control Registry has a much, much higher "n" or number of participants (and therefore, greater study power by definition) than the 1950s study on which the 95% figure is based.

Her rebuttals to the NWCR are then based entirely in hypotheticals, and a conspiratorial note about the authors' income--spoiler alert, Ragen makes money from her blogging about how fat loss isn't possible. Yet she does not seem to see the irony in her position.

I found you from your post in AITA and I'm not going to be rude to you like some of these other commenters, but you really need a new hero.

The reason diets fail is not that the diets themselves have failed, but because people stop adhering to them. Consistent, modest lifestyle changes result in consistent results over time. The 80-120 lbs you say you wished to lose in your AITA post is possible, but will take time and effort.

A blog post by a notorious fat idiot and grifter? The asshole who manipulates and stages her 'workout' photos? The moron who has been "training" for ironman for the last 4 years and has only gotten fatter? The piece of shit whose ideology is digging the grave of her immobile super obese girlfriend?


This bitch is your evidence?


Hun I ran an anti-fat acceptance blog for YEARS and I have torn apart every single fat positive imbecile who profits off of the low self-esteem in fat young girls and contributes to the further destruction of their bodies. What an ANTI-feminist thing to do; to tell women to remain fat, unhealthy, unfit and weak.


It is sad that you bought into this hot garbage.

omg she's linking Ragen Chastain. The biggest (pun intended) fat positivity dumbass on the entire internet. THIS IS A SHITPOST YALL SHE AINT SERIOUS. (pls good lords, be a shitpost, my sanity is going down the drain)

She has thousands of supporters and followers.

Hitler had millions of followers, does that make him right?

Charles Manson had a huge following, did that make him right?

You are absolutely delusional. I suggest taking a basic biology course and stop making excuses.

Hitler had millions of followers, does that make him right?

No; being right made him right.

Not funny dude


So then the Earth is flat.

You're brain must be working overtime trying to justify your stupid reasoning.


And pounds lmaoooooo

I don’t know man I think Virgie Tovar is even more of a dumbass.

You're a man of culture as well, I see. Virgie isn't so delusional that she thinks she can run an Iron Man, though.

Citing DWF is like citing Breitbart

No, you’d eat it

You realize that you literally linked an article by someone without a degree in any relevant field who is also a well-known con artist who is pointing to one study from the 1950s without a significant sample size, right? Why would anyone take that seriously?

Honest question then, why does she get so much respect and give speeches to colleges and businesses?

I mean that's why I take her seriously.

She gets respect from other fat idiots who believe in lies.

God you're insufferable. I feel bad for your family for having to deal with you.

Fat personality is real.

Because gross fat lazy people want to find validation to be lazy and gross.

HAES is fucking cancer. It tells the lazy and slack "no, it's okay to ruin your body and eat yourself to death!!"

It is is disgusting and anti science as the anti vaxx movement and it's followers are gross and lazy and just want a pass to be lazy, gross slack morons who dig their own graves with a knife and fork.



Watch the You Tube channel Every Damn Day Fitness for a realistic shoot down of the HAES "movement" (they don't deserve the term used in a serious way cos most of them find wiping their own damn arses too hard).

this has to be a parody site

it's fucking real

Are you physically capable of dropping a mic?


...I mean, at least without it hitting every part of you on the way down?

Please dont drop our mic fatass. Or sit on our chairs.

You'd only drop it cos you'd struggle to hold it up without getting out of breath, hambeast

Linking an article from Ragen Chastain is like linking an article from the Onion and taking it seriously. She doesn't understand how dieting works and she is a huge hypocrite. She's lied about her marathons(she's copped out of mutiple marathons) and she's posted false times for her marathons(you can actually see the times she's ran, she usually doesn't finish or finishes behind the disabled competitors). Before you tell people to shut the fuck up, maybe you shouldn't be believing the lies of people who don't understand how things work.

Lmao you fat fucking retard, just because fad diets don't work doesn't mean you can't lose weight. Use your fucking head, is the cholesterol lowering the blood flow to your brain or were you this dumb before you ate yourself into a blob?

Linking from a fat blogger isn't evidence.

It's physics. Eat less than you do right now and you'll lose weight.

95% of dietERS. Not diets, dietERS. Not the diets themselves, but people on diets

Your only (flawed) source says in the title that it's the PERSON's fault they gain weight.

Your family must hate you. I feel bad for them having to deal with you.

Lrn2 reply mong



It's not about the bait but the fish you reel in.

With a hacksaw she probably could achieve it in 20 minutes

Yeh, but would you really like to lose a whole forearm?

so concerned about her health~


LOL that’s like a year if you’re dedicated.

See your mouth shut and take vitamin suppositories.

She offered to get something a little more "size neutral"

That's a funny way to say "she offered to get me a circus tent"

Burgers are a mess. Leafs up north should just annex them already.


tbf "obvious bait" is pretty universal and not restricted to Americans

You'd think if she did "research" she'd know that absolute qualifiers can be debunked by anecdotal evidence, and thus her "research" is shit.

Diets fail for these people because “diets” include every single dumb attempt under the sun. High fat diet+couch potato life=fail. Eat only certain colored food for each day (yellow on Tuesday)= fail. Switch everything to smoothies and literally pour sugar in it= fail. You say the words “macros” and TDEE around one of them and they give you that fat, blank stare before pulling a bag of chips out of their waist band.

Ok but how large is this woman that she thought she could lose 80 lbs in a month??

I'd literally be dead way before I lost that

Same!!! I haven’t been 80 lbs lighter than my current weight since I was 2. Some of these numbers are mind-boggling

Lol, comments disabled

Because obvious trolling. Anyone that spent anytime in fatlogic or fatpeoplehate could have written it. It's only mildly humorous if that.

I know people that utterly destroyed in the brain do exist tho

God I miss FatPeopleHate

I was actually on my way to voat to see if made it's way over there. Come join me!

it's physically possible to lose weight, but morally wrong.

This is obviously a troll post and you’re retarded