Relationship experts of SRD get baited by a clear as jizz troll. Still turn the thread into another 'men bad' circlejerk.

73  2019-08-24 by Turgnibil


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Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. Relationship experts of SRD get bai... -,,

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I bet nobody in that thread can even change a tire.

Yikes! Assuming that someone is “less manly” because they can’t change a tire? That’s kind of toxic my dude. What if they’re wife’s boyfriends already knew how to do it, so they’ve never really needed to learn?

I don't seriouspost often but I unironically despise whoever made "toxic" a common internet phrase.

That’s some toxic levels of cope you got there 😷

I should've seen that one coming :<

People use "toxic", "incel", et al. like powerwords, despite the fact that nobody actually gives a shift except their leftoid cohorts.

Their* you illiterate fuck

Really? An honest mistake and your immediate reaction is too name call? Does that make you feel manly? Way to keep perpetuating mail toxicity, friendo. Blocked and reported 🖕🏿🖕🏿

I'm sorry bud, I dont want to be reported.


Ummm, sorry sweaty, grammar shaming is ableist towards the mentally retarded. This is a safe space bigot.

What if they’re wife’s boyfriends already knew how to do it, so they’ve never really needed to learn?

Holy pickle in a popsicle! Why are you making Jamal do all the hard work around the house? Are you some kind of slave owner?? Yikes! Be better!

There is nothing wrong with not knowing how to do something like that. Whats wrong is that they probably have no interest in learning how to change a tire.

Imagine being so poor that you drive a car instead of a blimp.

I personally prefer someone who knows what they're doing, knows what they like, knows their way around another person's anatomy, and isn't likely to be seduced away by something they haven't tried.

SRDine take of the day: "You should date sluts, because they're more likely to be loyal to you"

You should date serial killers, they aren’t likely to kill you because they’ve already experienced killing

You should always hire applicants who've worked at 30 different jobs in 10 years instead of one who's worked at 3 in 10, the former is more experienced.

Yikes, why does Reddit resort to talking in ebonics when someone has a downvoted opinion? It’s so darn cringeworthy

The poster who did that is literally a britbong.

Great.. a 19 years old virgin who used the word 'hoe' Call the police!

No, an intel in training who thinks women who have sex are “being passed around”

Holy shit they are placing so much weight on this phrasing. I feel like I'm back at my old English department.

This type of wordplay autism is what sustains at least half of all fights on the internet.

Guy who has first kiss at 19 has troubling views on women and sexuality. Color me shocked.

I was 23 when I had my first kiss and I like to think I'm not a misogynistic piece of shit.

Lots of people have their first kiss around that really doesn’t mean someone’s going to be a sexist or misogynist. Kinda just feels like a mean-spirited jab at those who didn’t date in high school.

Classic case of SRD having a strong opinion about something because it hits extremely close to home. Someone crosspost the cuckoldry post from yesterday there, I wanna hear the hot takes.

[–]Fire42uck 2 hours ago

Guy who has first kiss at 19 has troubling views on women and sexuality. Color me shocked.

[–]BillFireCrotchWalton 1 hour ago

I was 23 when I had my first kiss and I like to think I'm not a misogynistic piece of shit.

Fire42uck 45 minutes ago

Maybe I'm just projecting. I was older than you on my first, but I actually did have very troubling views on women and sex when I was younger.

Absolute state of SRD, full of angry foids and angry kissless male feminists.

Women aren't property. They don't get "passed around" like a pokemon card.

lol, they wish slutty women retained value as long as cool pokemon cards

They don't get "passed around"

( x ) - Doubt ( ) - Believe

I can guarantee everyone in that thread is a nicecel

hoooooooly crap that reaction was not proportionate to what he said lol

I mean maybe he could have worded it a bit nicer but Jesus, nothing he said necessitated that level of seething






tl;dr subreddit drama defends loose pussy