/r/braincels is banned

354  2019-09-30 by zsfh


Tally of subs banned in this banwave. Source.

Oooh. They got pissearthbegins. Will they go for the sources of their content next? /r/GenderCritical? /r/itsafetish?

I'm holding my nut for the tidal wave of seething, fuming Terfoids that will wash over the site when those get hit. The only thing that could surpass it is a full on tankie or TD banwave.

Oh my god, if GC gets banned the meltdown is going to be one of the best we've ever seen.

Although in terms of Trust and SafetyTM violations, the "suck my feminine penis uwu" troons objectively are worse offenders than the femcels are.

Laurelai wasn't an exception. He was, sadly, just a ahead of his time by a few years.

hoo dat

Legendary insane rapist tranny, former Reddit powermod who got powers on /r/lgbt, pissed off the entire userbase resulting in /r/ainbow splitting off. Massive drama circa 2015. Now spends his time ban evading on twitter, threatening people and posting about girlcock.

Can you link to a kosher sauce?

Part 1 of the LGBT drama. SRD post on Laurelai

They're (archived) reddit posts so should be fine. SRD leaves a lot of the good stuff out, and that's saying something considering what's there.


Nah, it will be neovagina disasters before GC. TERFs are used to being banned. I think probably KF would be where they would regroup if Reddit gets rid of all their subs.

lmao I wonder if some of the TERFs will go full 1488 out of desperation to find a place that accepts them.

I don't see that. They could already be Trump supporters if they just wanted to be with people who agree with some of their concerns about trans issues. I think KF will fill the gap just fine.

But wouldn’t KF try to bully them into caring about the “JQ?” I got the impression that it was that kind of community.

I've been browsing the farms on and off for a few months and racist/anti-semitic shit is very rare and null has said how he hates places like gab partly for being infested with nazis.

It's a pretty unique ecosystem focused mainly on documenting the biggest spergs on the internet. Browse through the community watch threads and you get a sense of radical centrism, although it leans anti-SJW since SJW types tend to make the biggest spergs.

I've been hanging out there a while and I don't really see that. JY has his own forum topic and people just hang out there gossiping and documenting his atrocities. The worst I saw was after Christchurch, a lot of losers were drawn to that thread.

Ah. I sorta assumed that Christchurch was the death of KF. Aut-right infestations are like pancreatic cancer for a forum, they spread everywhere and become impossible to excise.

Null is kind of anal and runs a pretty tight ship. People have to stay on topic in a thread. JY is Jewish, but if anyone started talking about Jews running Hollywood, it would be like, "we're talking about what JY wore to court, gtfo". Hitler himself could post there if he wanted to, say, obsessively document for months what two fat sisters who make youtube videos have done.

But wouldn’t KF try to bully them into caring about the “JQ?”

Would bullying be necessary? Just point out who owns most porn sites, also Weinstein and Epstein, and gcels will be sieg hailing in no time!

They're already on there after the Mumsnet doxxing attempt. Half of drama seems to be on there too though.

Mumsnet doxxing attempt

Do tell. This sounds juicy.

Quick TLDR since I didn't catch all the details orginally. Bong foids said mean about trannies and Yaniv on Mumsnet. Trannies mad. Bong police and mad trannies try to get Mumsnet to give up dox and IPs on foids who said mean things (unsuccessful or ongoing). Foids look into how they can post their criticism under the oppressive regime of Bongistan, discover the farms. The farms welcome them with open arms, and there a large number of Mumsnet expats there to present. Probably about 5-6 months ago?

Mumsnet doxxing attempt

Where my write up post?! Stop being a lazy fuck!

We're already on KF tbh

Ice Poseidon lmao. I used to watch that guy from when he was king of IRL. Now he is just a goblin. Sad but I dont think he has anyone but himself to blame. It's sad, but what can you do. He deserved it

I dont think those subs even discuss him anymore. its all ex-hanger on streams.

What's the backstory? Can I get a quick rundown on his fall from grace?

I don't think it's sad at all


Why would you watch his streams? How autistic are you?

I'm not autistic. I'm retarded.

Theres new subs popping up on r/reclassified every minute, they are really pulling out all the stops today

Madmins are gay

holy shit, they got r/tardtales. that sub was hilarious.


😨 right before their movie came out?!

oh fuck how high is the body count going to be now?

there will be justice when the body count matches stacy’s cock count ✊🏾

In that case no one is safe.

unironically it will be a LoLocaust 😭

Spez is in on it and is a secret incel ally. He knows exactly what he's doing by shutting down a large venting forum for young, angry and depressed men right before Joker comes out... 🤔

First he took their pedo cartoons,

then he took their echo chambers,

and now they have nothing left to channel their incel-dom.

Spez has no one else to blame but himself for the nation-wide bloodbath when “Jokester” premiers this Friday...

Attention, all Burgers! Stay away from movie theaters! And concerts! And the mall! And bars! Only you can keep yourselves safe!

Reddit is so fucking gay smh

Gayer than Incels?

Incels are gay retards that you can laugh at, Reddit is the gay boss that won't stop slapping your ass and bumping into you in the hallway

That sounds highly specific.

I work in HR, contact me. Send me a couple nudes, we'll see what we can do from that point forward.

Gayer than MGTOW

Gayer than MGTOWWOM

That shit isn't gay though. It's the future.

MGTOWWOM is the straightest lifestyle choice one can possibly make tho

There is absolutely nothing gay about two men having sex.

Some would say it's the biggest lie the left has ever told.


I'm out of the loop, what's the WOM?

With other men.

Oh right. Cheers.

Incels just can’t admit they’re gay yet

They posted this and banned the sub at the same time


I use this shitty website less and less these days, the "anti evil" badmins team has completely gutted reddit's whole reason for existence. inb4 /r/drama gets inevitably banned.

good. U wont be missed


good job I’m absolutely seething.

Apparently it's possible to get cucked and chucked without actually having sex. Lifefuel for lawlzcel.

I love how they got banned for bullying when they probably got bullied their whole lives 😂

They straight up maintained a graveyard of users who killed themselves. It was depressing

No shit?

Yeah, it was up to about 40 last time i checked

How do you even count that

good bye posts?

It was depressing

Speak for yourself.

Virgin shaming never stopped, and that's a good thing.

The vast majority of the people on that sub seemed to be socially awkward teens who were within 1 SD of the average American loses their virginity, drawn in by crab-in-bucket NEETs telling them that they're doomed to be alone and unloved, sort of like a slightly less flamboyant version of that discord server that draws in teens from /r9k/ and turns them into traps. Good riddance, places like those create many times more problems than they solve

edit: I hope the badmins cuck and chuck every single sub that spreads depression and suicide memes next

edit2: but it will probably be us next instead

I hope the badmins cuck and chuck every single sub that spreads depression and suicide memes next

egg_irl, menslib, and cripplingalcoholism are on notice.

I mean sure, it was a horrid place that unironically probably helped ruin a bunch of dudes lives with the crab bucket mindset, but holy shit snally think of dramacoin

Drama is almost never harvested from there though 🤔

Yeah, the only really fun braincels post I can think of offhand was the one where the femcel mod resigned after getting engaged.

iirc there was some good stuff posted from the first few incel subs and a lot of the users are nuts, but most of the interesting content is chapothreadesque point-and-laugh 'lol look at these crazy assholes this guy wants to fuck his sister' and there's a pretty sizable group of incels here, which prevents incel threads from getting off the ground

Honestly this sub is more hostile to Inceltears than it is to incels. Not to defend Inceltears, but it's really pathetic how contrarian we can be sometimes.

It's interesting that /r/drama can make fun of losers, but the sub making fun of people who promote mass murder, suicide, pedophilia etc. is crossing the line and 😏actually worse😏 than the people who promote mass murder, suicide, pedophilia etc. 🤔

Literally all I do is bitch about how subs have gotten worse over time and how they used to be better. It's incredibly obnoxious.

That said, I've actually been playing classic WoW recently (lol) and it's startling how similar the average WoW general chatter is to modern drama users. I actually think the subject of younger disaffected males who are unable to express ideas outside of memes and hide their real opinions behind "irony" to be incredibly interesting.

edit: I hope the badmins cuck and chuck every single sub that spreads depression and suicide memes next

you're a colossal faggot

DAE have no friends to sit with at lunch and want to die? so relatable xDDDDD btw don't give me any advice on how to improve my situation you simply can't understand the depth of my pain

keep yourself safe, friend

thanks, I will continue to look out for my safety

LMAO I didn't realize this was snally. Foids literally can't understand depression.

yes, your extremely common medical condition is so deep and hard to understand 🙄

the only people who can truly conceive of it are the tens of thousands of other youths upvoting posts on /r/me_irl about laying in bed all day and tfw no close friendships

I assume you have some sort of safety network keeping you afloat, but mental illness becomes a lot less glamorous when you're responsible for your own survival.

Your rant overall is so true, but this part is extraordinarily true, and reminds me of a fascinating story I read yesterday about. And that so few really realize the difficulty and depths of the nature of.


When you have some spare time to read, you might find this story interesting if you've never heard about it.


Thanks for reminding me of this, it's a really fascinating story that illustrates how somebody can think themselves into a crisis and how badly things can spiral out of control when someone has no support network. It's a shame that this is happening on such a major scale and that social media platforms allow it because it's mistaken for "support" or "self-care" or whatever.

Ma'am this is a Wendy's.

Surely you don't expect me to read that autism.

I'm just saying let miserable people be fucking miserable and spread their misery to each other. Trying to censor that is fucking stupid and if it bothers you, just ignore it. I hope you didn't waste too many brain cells coming up with that reply

You're going to regret this sentiment big time in a few years


Should we close down all bars and liquor stores because they feed alcoholics and their bad habits?

No, but we should continue to restrict alcohol from minors and treat alcoholism as an illness that needs to be overcome rather than something that's cool and character-building.

you all want to be ~tortured souls~ like the artists of yore but without producing anything of merit and without suffering anything that a previous cohort hadn't managed to COPE with. The only factor unique to your cohort is that you surround yourselves with people and content that glamorizes and reinforces misery.

How's that unique compared to emos and goths before them?

kink shamer

hell yeah i am

I hope the badmins cuck and chuck every single sub that spreads depression and suicide memes next

all of contemporary youth culture on suicide watch


edit: I hope the badmins cuck and chuck every single sub that spreads depression and suicide memes next


They'd have to ban arr drama for that

Idk, we've come closer to being banned than this imo

The vast majority of the people on that sub seemed to be socially awkward teens who were within 1 SD of the average American loses their virginity

That's enough to keep them permavirgins.

By the time you're college age it's more or less over for you if you haven't lost it yet, good luck finding a date while being a virgin.

That's just not true; the average age for an American to lose their virginity is 17, i.e. that half of them are virgins into college age and at times beyond. This is probably increasing as zoomers are engaging in less risky behavior. You have to be absolutely out of touch with reality if you think that someone's screwed if they don't have sex by the time they reach college age, like how do you even come to form a belief that flies in the face of reality like that

I'm not talking about those who save it for marriage, having been acquainted with such people myself being a practicing Orthodox Christian. But generally those who are virgins into their twenties haven't yet experienced a romantic relationship yet, which can be a problem for them when they seek one. I think we can agree here that the majority of women in their twenties and above wouldn't want to date someone who has never experienced a relationship before, simply because they're going to have to play mommy the entire time and teach them how to boyfriend.

And that's not to mention the problems with sexual relationships being a virgin causes. They simply won't be able to last long and will have no clue what the fuck they're doing and that'll lead to a situation where their partner is repulsed sexually by them.

I would like to see what those stats look like for twenty somethings, and factor put those who save it for marriage. I'm willing to concede if the evidence proves me wrong.

But generally those who are virgins into their twenties haven't yet experienced a romantic relationship yet, which can be a problem for them when they seek one.

Well yeah, it can be a problem, but that's different from "it's over". According to the CDC, only 4% of 43-year-old men have reported not having sex, which is the highest proportion for men >30. It can and will limit somebody's dating pool, but so does every superficial flaw to varying degree

And that's not to mention the problems with sexual relationships being a virgin causes. They simply won't be able to last long and will have no clue what the fuck they're doing

That ends very quickly...

and that'll lead to a situation where their partner is repulsed sexually by them.

You underestimate the amount of people who would be patient with an inexperienced partner and overestimate the amount of experience people who know what they're doing. This paragraph just comes off as fear/insecurity.

and factor put those who save it for marriage. I'm willing to concede if the evidence proves me wrong.

I'm not sure about the 'saving it for marriage' part, but there would have to be a lot of men 'saving it for marriage' to the point where a tiny proportion of men have reported not having sex in their 30's+ if men who don't have sex by the time they hit college are (never going to be) screwed.

that guy who advocated for government-funded girlfriends was ahead of the curve

He unironically did blaze a trail, who would have thought?

RIP to all sorts of good drama. What will inceltears do now?

Accuse people of being incels.

incel check

Is this supposed to trigger a bot?

i wish, but since all the incel subs are banned it wouldn't work anyways 😢😢😢

Pretty sure the Asian masculinity and hapa sub is still around.

And then of course there’s all the women incel subs that are still up

i wish, but since all the incel subs are banned

Nah, inceltears is one of the last subs for incels left standing.

okay incel

RIP to all sorts of good drama

Great drama. They also fed the retards over at IncelTears. This is a sad day for /r/Drama. If Aznidentity gets banned next, I'm quitting Reddit.

yeah the chadfish drama was great.

Chad the holocaust denying nazi hooking up with black girls

Chad the unrepentant child rapist hooking up with single moms

And then it got banned :(

Now Braziliansigma will finally have to get a job

It's over.

for incel-cels

Chadmins sure love punching down

Certainly doesn't get that much lower

This subreddit was banned for violations of our Content Policy, specifically, the posting of content that harasses or bullies.

But whom did they bully?

the posting of content that harasses or bullies.

We're unironically next, there's no way this couldn't be broadly applied to us

A year ago I said it was only a matter of time until /r/Drama got banned. Feels like a countdown just appeared above the header.




That's a good thing, tho.

Was checking there last night, they moved from Gussy to Trussy, which caused the Jannies to start sweeting uncontrollably.

Of course. A significant portion of trussy is made up of traitors to the incel cause.

What if

no really

What if I become the girlfriend I want?

Guys stop laughing at me

Stop laughing at me or I'll ban you

The trussy/janny venn diagram is a circle.


The admins literally changed their rules so they could ban them, lol.

our Content Policy, specifically, the posting of content that harasses or bullies.

God, we are so fucked.

It's not a cope thread. It's sniffing their own farts thread.

as long as incels are as a group hateful misogynistic transphobic, rapey and into pedophillia i will never care if it helps you cope.

stop that shit then I'll feel sorry for you.

About as cope as it it gets

Ironic isnt it? They're celebrating the death of the one thing that gave them meaning.

They'll find a new subreddit to target. Maybe r/smuggies. Maybe r/AFwithNJF, although the libs haven't found that subreddit yet.

I mean, sure the powerusers probably shouldn't have spent so much time on there, but I don't quite think your attempt at using bothsidesology to reduce all 100k subscribers down to some one dimensional caricature of anti-incels holds any basis in reality.

to simplify it down to a level that the average /r/drama poster can understand

/r/incels: REEE FOIDS

/r/inceltears: cringe


Shut up nerd.

Don't tell me what to do.

Both sides doesnt apply here, since IT is unironically worse. Some of the most socially awkward and autistic people on reddit, it even got so bad that the incels started to make fun of them.

I get that a lot of IT might be awkward little twerps like the rest of reddit (and when it boils down to it any community focused on shitting on a particular group of people will attract a lot of folks whose only saving grace in life is not being one of the people they hate, or being one of them and hiding behind a screen) but nothing will compare to incels and their fantasies about killing foids, pedophila, incest, advocating for rape, and in general just their completely distorted and warped ideas of how the world works

And the reason it was shut down is because of all the hateful disgusting crap posted there. No one is discriminating against virgin men.


Tbh if it was virgin men discrimination reddit would shut itself down

my only source of community and connection banned just because of some stupid posts. that subreddit meant so much to me it's really depressing.

Pathetic cope

after years of posting in our sister subreddit, they have finally banned me for saying "women can get laid at any time" is a correct opinion, with the ban message "pdpl".

no idea what that means, but they do it for free

pewdiepie lives

everyone should subscribe to him

yeah I just got b& there like a month ago for something similarly innocuous

allah I am trying to be patient but when oh when will the day of the can come? not soon enough

day of the can is a sunnah of the prophet

just cracked open a soylent and heard about this news! Can't believe it, this is the best day ever !!!


I'm surprised they haven't removed the comments posted by refugees.

Lol they banned r/Iceposidon too

/r/iceposeidon is private, not banned

Turns out I was wrong. The main sub was /r/ice_poseidon. It's gone. So is /r/ice_poseidon2 and 3.


Lol with those new gay antibullying rules, were gunna get a couple more of these. Banning arrdrama incoming 🤗🤗

Also OP you’re a gay this was already posted half an hour ago

All drama is being multiposted today due to lack of user participation.

So inceltears is the new incel sub

Inceltears was always the incel sub.

SRD instantly connected the dots with this and The Joker movie.


It's 'Marilyn Manson did Columbine' 2.0

That subreddit actively encouraged self-hatred and suicide.

Tru when's /r/menslib getting a strike tho

Their self hatred was right on the money though.

Lol good.

Incels on suicide watch. Like not even joking some of them might do it after losing their community.

They still have their own website and lookism.net

This is the now the largest incel sub, we're getting banned next

proud to say I never visited that sub

what was it? I can gather a fair amount of info from the fact that included the suffix, "-cel"

It was incredibly gay and retarded but also kind of based. It turned into complete shit after it got quarantined though.

Out of all the "men complaining about shit" subs they were the funniest.

Quarantine makes it hard for less invested people to visit a subreddit (or, at least that used to be the case). Which inevitably resulted in the sub spiraling and breaking even more rules than what got it quarantined.

Some of the memes were funny every couple of weeks.

offshoot of the pre-2016 /r9k/ crowd

Wasnt asking you, cretin.

Let me speak in your language of Cretin Retardian. Im a bit rusty. I haven't fully grasped your language.


Darrrr dyurrr wewoo wewoo wavaba nyarn wohoo wohoo waaaaaaa durrr durhhhhhh duhhhh

For people who arent Cretin Retardians, that translates to:

Go fuck your Dad's dick hole like the good little sperm you are


  1. /r/braincels is banned - archive.org, archive.today

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers


It’s over for in-cels. 😢

thrown out-cels

Plays world's smallest violin

Any idea what tipped it over the edge? Or is it just the admins being bored

Probably that poster who sued spez

RIP. that sub was legitimately funny sometimes.

What's the point? They'll just make a new home or flood some other sub.

it was getting old anyway

Pour one out for /r/Opieandanthony

If anyone told me 5 months ago r/drama would be the last sub standing out of all the subs that are going to get banned or have been banned I would have laughed in there face.

do not comment or vote in linked threads

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Rest in peace


This whole sub is already full of straight men that gave up on women. And went lady penis now finally the incels can find mates here on r/drama what a time to be a poster and commenter here 2019 will be rich in love and war. Heres to all of you i love you all post bussy get back at the liberal scum! 🥂

It’s pretty bad when even Reddit doesn’t want you. Pretend thots and players on way to help.

That was true maybe 5 years ago, now it doesn't mean very much.

Now might be a bad time for American dramatards to go to the movies, or the mall, or church, or yoga class, or a Jason Aldean concert.

Chad comes out on top again. It was only a matter of time after r/incels was banned. I'm surprised it lasted this long.




I bet a woman did it.

Mods should ban every soygrinning moron in this thread celebrating this. Braincels was prime Drama material and a bulwark against /r/Drama getting banned ("Hey, Braincels exists, why would you ban/quarantine Drama?")