spoken portrait , his MO he will lure victims by saying he has a ben 10 sex doll in his van . shoot on sight

1  2020-01-30 by molested_by_clowns


The Sonichu medallion is a nice addition :>

So is that > like a beak or a smile?


Oh, okay :^)


So I gotta know. How did the bird thing begin? How old were you when you woke up and said “I wish I were a bird, and there is a absolutely a sexual component to this wish”?

I didn't choose the bird life. One day you might wake up as a bird. ôvô

Post cloaca

After hitting my head on pavement

Usually that comes afterward, when learning to fly.

How far have you flown? Is it worth learning to save on plane costs?

Not far; I usually just stay home and shitpost.

Is it worth learning to save on plane costs?

Short flights over land? Definitely. Across an ocean? No chance, way too risky. Óvò

Interesting interesting. By chance do you eat seeds? If so what’s a recommended brand

Sunflower seeds are normally my go-to, you can find them in pretty much any Whole Foods.

Ravens are omnivorous too though! :>

Since your a raven do you have a treasure trove of shiny objects?

Check their profile for them.

Can you afford the cloaca surgery?

Ravens eat fucking trash. Scavengers. 🤮🤮🤮

Did your choice of a carrion-eater have anything to do with your fondness for guro, Totally-Not-Mircy?

I'm not into guro/bloody stuff, I assure you. Óvò

Nothing to see here Just 2 kings starin at each other 😏😏😏

lock up your daughters folks. they might fuck that dog.

Lawlz Chandler

I want to post drawings here too ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Do it

I want to be able to post, but it's too much effort now

Gods, his picture always makes me want to vomit every time I see it

You seem jelly. His only real crime is bullying the god Will wheaton

No, that is literally the only time he did anything worthwhile

Because you have vivid fantasies of deepthroating his grotesquely huge member?

That's a weird way of spelling micropenis


/r/Drama is one of the most reactionary and transphobic subreddits on this website. Their moderators consistently promote this behaviour, and their userbase has been known to harass leftists and brigade their posts.

I created this subreddit as a response to that. All hatred and shenanigans at /r/drama can be catalogued and made fun of accordingly.

There are only two rules: no bigotry and no /r/drama users.


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Nicely done. You really captured the bloated jowls and the desperation of a life completely wasted.

life completely wasted

do you not see my karma score??

I think it needs some shading on the chins but i'm happy with the results

you made my hair kinda crazy, was that artistic embellishment?

When the best thing You have to work with is some crappy low quality pic and 15 minutes (15 minutes too much to invest in this) this is the best i can do

it's pretty decent overall. The hair is wack and so is my jawline but I give it a 6/10

Not Bad taking in consideration the the time 6/10 is great , senpai has noticed me

unfortunately he made the raccoon look like some kind of dog?

wait, the otter is actually a racoon?

Fyi i take requests for just $5

delete your account


Why does he look like Josh Gad in this drawing?

I have noticed since losing weight that I get less comparisons to Josh Gad and Jonah Hill

People would say that shit like it’s a compliment lol

It's so beautiful!! 🙆‍♂️

It's really too bad our resident Lawlz historian has disappeared. It was nice to have all the artwork in one place.

He's skinny now