space dahddy shares some science with twitter and the blue checks are not having it or how twitter learned to love fascissm

1  2020-04-30 by Corporal-Hicks




i'm loving this "how [x] learned to love [y]" title game meta

He must wake up every day hating himself.

I bet he wakes up every day rich and you don’t

how so?

Because he makes himself look like a dunce all the time. He's even mentioned he has major self-loathing issues.

why does his existence bother you so much?

Because I hate it when African Americans are more successful than me

He doesn't bother me. I believe he doesn't like himself. Why are you analyzing this? Upvote and move on.

sounds like you have alot of pent up anger for a person just existing

It sounds like you look up to Elon Musk because you've never had any real male role models πŸ€“

maybe i dont let the existence of billionaires trigger muh feelers


Go ask to give him a blowjob already, jfc

πŸ„²πŸ„ΎπŸ…πŸ„ΏπŸ„ΎπŸ…πŸ„°πŸ„» πŸ„²πŸ…„πŸ„½πŸ…ƒ

Wow didnt know homophobia was allowed in this sub

Why are you analyzing this?

Because it's funny how blatantly you are projecting your own self-loathing on to Elon, all while lacking the self-awareness to realize it lol.

My own self loathing has nothing to do with Elon’s. He actually did say he has self loathing. It’s in a tweet response.

Don't most geniuses struggle with depression, historically at least? Or is that just a meme

actually yes

I don't

Now Sensei, just because you're an extraordinary artist and comedian does not mean you're a genius. You already have so many accolades as it is, why add genius unnecessarily



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probably. i'm sure most rich, successful people who bang supermodels are just ridden with inner turmoil.

aka pedos

No self respecting craves the validation of Internet weirdos like Elon does

When did you lose yours?

Lose my what?

losemy balls lmao


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Why does he have Deus ex as his avatar?


Put on a trench coat πŸ§₯

And fight some conspiracies πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ

Get experience 🧠

And level up abilities πŸ’ͺ

Will you pick rifles πŸ”« or computers πŸ’»?

Don’t πŸ›‘ pick swimming πŸŠβ€β™€οΈ because it’s fairly useless πŸ˜’

It’s a shooter πŸ’₯

And a role-playing game πŸ€“

The levels are ugly 😡

And everyone looks the same πŸ§Ÿβ€β™‚οΈπŸ§Ÿβ€β™‚οΈπŸ§Ÿβ€β™‚οΈ

We aren’t the same Ion Storm that made β€œDaikatana” πŸ’©

Our games are good πŸ‘, and they stay on schedule πŸ“†

We made a sequel that no-one liked πŸ‘Ž

β€˜Cos we dumbed it down too much, β€˜cos we’re thick πŸ€•

Cause the illuminati kicked him out

They've already got the brain implants tech from him, no reason left to keep him around

He sees himself as JC Denton.

I just realized that JC stands for Jesus Christ obviously.

JC, his closest ally Paul, his predecessor Adam ... real subtle naming pattern, guys.

Would not mind, since a healthy immune system deals with any virus succesfully.


Hidden gem right there.

Joey woparino is a drama machine

Haha funny science billionaire meme man says open up we must listen to his genius

imagine actually enjoying the taste of boot

Hmmmm. I wonder why a billionaire would be angry that people aren't working? πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€” It seems like the one who enjoys boot is you buddy

Well bill gates wants us all locked up and mainlining vaccines. Which billionaire should we listen too?

whoever is richer

none of them they're all c*ckholds

Except for Notch, who remains based at all times.


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Damn son you've got me

oh a billionaire said this so we should do the opposite

because you look stupid

you look stupid

I do post on rrrrr/drama

Bill gates is unironically correct about everything. 😎😎😎

Hes retired tho.

How do you retire from being a billionaire?

He's retired from his companies and therefore doesn't give a fuck if the wagies stay in their cages

He still has a interest in his assets keeping their value. If people can't pay their bills, that doesn't happen.

Oh, he sold all his stock?


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You're right, he has literally billions of dollars in stocks and that's why he's currently trying to keep the economy closed and the stock market going down. Because that makes so much sense.

He owns MSFT so he benefits from people being basement dwelling NEETs

My vote is for cheese merchant Emmanuel Besnier

The one who doesn't have a factory in Fremont, CA?


shamelessly stealing lame leftist bootlicker posting

how are you any different than they are

boot posting is actually a libertarian/anarco-capitalist thing. Try to keep up.

Most people try to stay far away from pedophile lingo as a rule.

You prefer the flavor velour loafers of our Ayn Randian Overlords?

The best thing about elon musk is how hard he triggers aut​is​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ts like this one.

Well I happen even bigger autist than you assume as I get triggered by the r-word redditors who worship him because he's muh real life version of muh favorite capeshit character

lmao that y axis label

population (people)

thanks for breaking that one down for us Elon

To be fair, you have to have a high IQ to scroll through Elon Musk's Twitter

Honestly I am just happy when anyone puts units on their charts.


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Damn, Scott Manley is in there!

Is there anything he can't do?

I wish more people would catch it tbh, dead Americans get me hard. No edgelord, I'm sexually aroused by American buttanguish. These last few years have been torture for my peepee, it's all leathery like a catcher's mitt and I have to use lotion so it doesn't bleed.


Its a pretty dumb argument. The US is already number 1 in the world for COVID deaths (Inb4 but muh China) and this is in spite of the fact that the US has one of the lowest population densities in the world. Burgerland should have been fine but here we are.

So countermeasures are outperforming projections? That's good. We should keep doing them. Are we trying to beat the all time high score or something?

US has one of the lowest population densities in the world.

Lmao imagine being retahrded

It's 145th out of 194 countries. Take 10 seconds to google, er sorry DuckDuckgo or whatever you ppl are on now, before dunking on someone.

That's not the regarded part. Majority of deaths are in high-density cities. Rural and suburb areas are doing fine in comparison.

That's not the regarded part. Majority of deaths are in high-density cities. Rural and suburb areas are doing fine in comparison.

Yokels in Flyover Country: 1 2

Egomaniacal Urbanites: 0

Of course its just looking at things at an averaged basis as compared to other countries. The lower population density of the US means it is less vulnerable to these types of pandemics as compared to other countries at a nationwide scale. Compare the US to say, Germany, another Western nation. The US has an average of 87 people per square mile and 193 deaths per million people. German has an average of 603 people per square mile but only 79 COVID deaths per million people.

So while Germany is nearly 7x more densely poplulated than the US, and thus more vulnerable to disease on that basis, it has had only 40% of the deaths on a per capita basis.

Germany is a pretty extreme example of a Country that has seen vastly better outcomes than the US but when you look at per capita Covid deaths with population density in mind you can see how we fucked up pretty badly.

one of the lowest

not even top 40

Lmao imagine actually being retarhded

Funnily enough there is only one single country that has a higher per capita death rate from than the US that is less densely populated that I could find and that country is.....

Sweden! The country that decided it didn't need to put in restrictive measures.

Valid points tbh