Avid Rick and Mitty viewer sent to the funny farm, not even funny, just sad.

1  2020-05-07 by CommissarCletus


One of the goals they set literally says: "Restore patients sanity".

And everyone clapped

Some dude I used to hang out with got committed.

Apparently he snapped and started claiming he could talk to aliens through his toilet. He quit his job as a model and just went totally manic and started going out to public places and warning people about the aliens and shit.

Last time I saw him before they got him, he was on the roof of some building at a resort we used to crash at saying he could jump off and survive because the aliens wouldn't let him die.

Eventually they committed him, but after a few days he broke out and stole one of the doctor's or employee's cars and drove back to his apartment.

Apparently when the police got to his place he was just calmly cleaning. Like vacuuming and shit. That's what I was told by his family at least.

Real shame too, dude was by far the best looking person I'd ever met. Just absolutely beautiful, could've gone so far in life with those looks. He unironically looked like one of those photoshopped Chad pics.

I remember there was a rumor going around that he had syphilis. Wonder if that was it.

Sounds like you sucked his D a few times.

Good for you

Unfortunately Allah did not bless me with homosexuality.

If only.

Is he single

who wouldn't?

Syphilis is easily curable and it takes years for it to cause major problems. He would have had to contract it in his teens then not bother getting tested that whole time (which I guess is common among uninsured Americans).

What's "got committed?"

Taken away for involuntary treatment

Late teens/early 20s is typically when schizophrenia manifests. It's very insidious like that.

That entire sub is a cringe overload. It's a bunch of angsty, edgy teenagers blaming their parents for them being alive lol. The worst part is that they actually think this makes them smarter than everyone.

noooooo CPS can't lie about who they are, I have to tailor my behavior to their presence noooooo

Why does no one on this site seem to have a normal relationship with their parents?

Because well-adjusted people have better shit to do with their lives.

This is really sad. Everyone on that thread is just fucked.

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Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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This is a result of Reddit normalising unhealthy thoughts. Probably would have been more open to help if it weren't for those radical Redditors pretending hating existing is good and shouldn't be addressed.

Reddit normalizes and amplifies. When you have fucked up thoughts like this, on some level you know that you are the one who's a little off. Now these subs (antinatalism, childfree, collapse, ECT) make you think everyone else is the problem.


Electro-convulsive therapy?

Energetic cuckold therapy

That which is falling you should also push though.


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Also that every mron can come up with a rearded idea and call it a 'philosophy'.

Reddit is the antithesis to mental health and mental illness subreddits are strict hugboxes with an aggressive disdain for self improvement.

Going to reddit for advice on any legal, medical, or ethical issue is insane.

All the help subreddits are unhealthy shitholes. Just look at the slew of narcissism themed subreddits.

I like all the ones for dealing with narcissistic parents and in-laws where the stories make OP look like they have a personality disorder. If you're incapable of writing about your batshit mother without portraying yourself in a worse light, you probably inherited whatever she has.

That is the thing that the subreddits seem to completely ignore. Shit...I am going to end up serious posting...

A LOT of self destructive behavior is learned. The hard thing to do is to break the cycle. All the time, people will detail incredibly destructive behaviors and are in fact encouraged to do so because if you bring up any actions by a poster that isn't healthy, you are "attacking the victim".

Just like /r/legaladvice has chased away every person with a law practice, these self help subreddits chase away anyone that is trained as a therapist.

The greatest part of the narcissist subreddits is when you learn narcissists tend to accuse others of being narcissists.

So those people that claim their mother, father, brother, and grandma are narcissists? Yah...about that.

This - any suggestions to try improving your diet, sleep, exercise (etc etc) are inevitably greeted with a smoothbrain saying "wow r/ ThanksImCured", even though statistically these things are by far the most effective treatments for depression and are therefore the things you should try first.

It's true that there are a percentage of especially unlucky individuals whose brain chemistry either needs changing with mediation or won't respond to any form of treatment, but literally the majority of people presenting with depressive symptoms could fix it with diet, exercise and sleep.

Porn is intellectually Chinese food. You'll be full for 30 minutes. Though later you are hungry again. Anyone saying it is self care is ridiculous.

That just means I have to eat as much Chinese food as possible

I mean, who doesn't like porn. But, even boring sex has a sense of connection.


Is there anything more pathetic than this learned helplessness?

It's one of those thjngs which started out with a legitimate purpose (mocking people who say "just cheer up!" and such) and has gradually escalated into mocking anyone who suggests anything other than antidepressants.

Even then it’s like hyper-overreaction to a motivational poster that’s all “If you’re sad just focus on being awesome!” and they flip the fuck out because a pithy short quote isn’t personalized to their exact circumstances.

Those people don’t want to get better, they want sympathy and attention.

Yup the original intent is fine since stuff like "have a positive attitude" is a dumb meme. But it's a meme not because it's incorrect, but because the path to it was never outlined. Now even describing a roadmap to improvement that involves changing what they do is haram.

I may be showing my 30 year old boomer side here, but I've also noticed that the zoomers are glorifying depression and anxiety. They're a lot like the emos of my generation, but the emos were more about being super into all their feelings, not just focusing on the bad ones. I feel sorry for these zoomers because they're wasting such a pivotal and fun time of their life for what is basically a fashion and fad that reddit promotes.

Emos and goths from the 80s/90s were usually artistic, hot, or some combo of both. They dwelled on depression and anxiety but it was more of an expression of oneself and a desire to belong, instead of "Woe is me" shit. That's how you got The Smiths, The Cure and slutty goth chicks.

Man u old. I meant the mid 2000s craze of screaming and whiny music and bad swoopy hair.

Youre describing my cringe flash backs perfectly.

But i still loke the buffy the vamp slayer cali girl shit. Yknow?




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This is objectively true. Literally no amount of therapy or medication will compare to actively making real changes to your life to improve it. This might offend some but that's why I have minimal respect for therapy in general. I feel like you're just paying someone so you can wallow in your own misery for an extended period of time.

Is Wesley wallowing 🤔

The problem with depression is getting to that point where you can actively change your life to improve it. Depressed people can't just eat an apple and wash their ass, their brains aren't rewarding them for any positive action and it feels better to just be a lazy sad sack of shit. After weeks of this you'll find your room full of trash and dirty clothing and the bad environment makes it worse. It's a spiral that most people can't snap out of without help

That's why medication and therapy exists. The medication keeps those negative feelings under control and ideally you use that to establish a normal healthy lifestyle and they wean you off it, but more likely you'll take it n still treat yourself like shit but at least you won't feel anything so it's fine. With therapy you can get help recognizing why youre feeling this way, and what steps you can take to fix that, and you have a neutral party to talk about your feelings and thoughts to. Though there are plenty of therapists who are absolute dogshit so it's probably a scam just smoke weed lmao

It's because by turning what they have into a disease lets them absolve all responsibility for their misery.

The internet should be 18+ only CMV

Smart phones have ruined the internet. Made it too easy to spout off shit on the go. All internet access should be 56kbs dial up.

Why would I want to change a correct opinion?

Strictly-enforced or allow 18+-passing minors in so long as they keep up the façade?


He’s in a goddamned echo chamber.

I mean I just always thought everyone lived with self loathing, what is the point of dedicating an entire branch of philosophy to it? Just shut your fucking mouth and pay a prostitute to smack your ball bag with a bamboo stick like the rest of us.

It's not unique to Reddit. Even back in the day, there were things like pro-anorexia communities on Livejournal. The Internet in general gives a place for people with fringe ideas to have them validated.

Don't Tell them you have suicidal thoughts

I don't think the advice on this comment will be helpful considering he is literally saying he wishes he wasn't born over and over again lol.

Little trade secret: If a patient tells their doctor "I wish I didn't exist, but I don't have suicidal thoughts," the doctor will smile, say he understands, and then put "patient endorses suicidal thoughts" in the note.

"Actually, I'm very happy and well-adjusted. The outbursts you are referring to were merely social experiments."

Lie your ass off to anyone involved in the therapy/counseling fields. They will probably give you a lot of tests and screenings. Don't admit to having ever drank or tried drugs, had sex, had any suicidal thoughts, etc. Don't even tell them you feel sad sometimes. I don't know what your situation is like, but it might be a good idea to un-involve yourself with you family once you turn 18. They will try to convince you that you can't/won't make it on your own but you can.

Psychiatrists aren't fools, if your affect is disturbed then they'll notice that no matter what you say lmao

What else are you supposed to do? Tell the truth? This is why theater should be mandatory.

You underestimate what kind of whiny (literal in this case) children antinatalists are. They don't want to kill themselves, their entire hang-up is that they'd much prefer to have never existed, but now that they exist they are deathly afraid of ceasing to exist and that's a major part of their constant suffering!

I wasn't born into a perfect world through no fault of my own, so I suffer

Imagine antinatlism in the third world where people had slim to no resources and oppertunities.

You can't because only mayo magic is capable of such baselessness.

Yeah I went to that sub a while back and asked them why they didn't just kill themselves if they didn't want to exist but they just told me to fuck off, so I did.

“I don’t wanna die, I just wanna complain about existing and not try to get healthy!”

"There is absolutely no middle-ground between bliss and suffering." - the enlightened antinatalist.

Is there anything more Chad than giving birth to an antinatalist? Assuming it's a male of course.

Ok this is actually epic. He's also being very vague about just why his mom had to get CPS involved because if he were honest he'd probably be laughed out even by that subreddit

Good rule of thumb is that whenever someone posts a story where everyone around them acts like villains, they're lying their ass off.

Nah bro, this is what happens when you reveal your powerlevel. I had a similar thing happen to me after I told my mom about “j*nnies”.

Exactly. Also who the fuck would call CPS on their kid other than literally the last resort?

He even says that he's constantly bringing down all his antinatalist feelings on her. Fuck I'd report my kid too if only to get their whiny ass out of my house for a couple of days

OP is 17 and could have been emancipated at 16. She's just too dumb or lazy to do so.


Except that's a straight-up creative writing sub.


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where is the father in all this

He went out to get some cigarettes

Working on his rap career

Read the post history, Dad told her to K Y S a while back and gave her a knife.


Holy shit, Dad of the year award when?




That whole sub is weird as fuck. They hate their parents for being born without their consent, like nigga just kill yourself you can end this shit in like 10 minutes flat if you want lmao.

I tried explaining that to them a while back but they just bitched about how they shouldn't have to put in the effort to off themselves in the first place. Lot of other excuses, too. Mostly they just told me to fuck off though.

I mean I'll do it. Where they at?

What is it with Redditors whining about their situation yet unwilling to take the bear minimum action to improve it?

See hundreds of comments daily whining about crap jobs, zero prospects, expensive housing. The answer is always self-improvement and be a competitive person that can actually survive in the world.

But they just moan on Reddit and hope someone else will one day overthrow the system so they can have everything they want without having to break a sweat.

Fucking Redditors 😡

Honestly this phenomenon is solely because Harry Potter didn't really have to work hard, everything just sort of fell into his lap without him having to try.

Like he was some loser living in a closet and then out of nowhere it's like "oh hey you're actually a magician and can cast cool spells and you get to go to this awesome ritzy palace school and woah get a load of this it turns out you're actually extremely wealthy and have a vault full of gold too and oh shit you're also the Chosen One who would've fucking guessed it and dude your life just got so much better with no effort whatsoever."

That's it. That's the reason.

I'm actually prepared to accept that as fact because it's so plausible.

Redditors are just waiting for their Dumbledore to swoop them away out of their cupboard without having developed any skills or talents.

Well done for finding this truth.

It honestly just came to me the second after I clicked reply, but after typing it up I'm now convinced it's 100% true.

Harry Potter's adventures only happened in his mind, and Harry is a depressed, delusional loser that is about to f3nt himself to death on a council estate.



An External locus of control is very much a Reddit thing. As well as a social media thing. A lot of people firmly believe that shit happens to them and nothing they do can change their situation.

I blame this on shitty parents and the fact that everyone from a young age is told they can accomplish anything they want. And that leads to some people thinking that they will be successful no matter what.

A lot of these people are also born to relatively middle class parents and don’t seem to understand that not everyone is guaranteed a middle class income and you need to put some effort in to succeed and attain what your parents did. Most don’t understand a lot of people are dirt poor.

No it's alright to say you can accomplish whatever you want but you have to be strict with your kids and cultivate the mindset of hardwork too. My parents always always said you can become whatever you want that's your destiny and shit like that but combined it with hardwork and now I'm pretty decently living, making more than my dad did.

I agree, but there are a large number of parents who forget the whole. “Work hard” part too

unwilling to take the bear minimum action

This typo suggests an intriguing new way to end it all: suicide by bear.

It would be like "suicide by cop," but instead of waving a fake gun around in public, you would walk into the woods with a bunch of delicious, unwrapped snack foods stashed about your person.


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Unironically depression, basically everyone who's Extremely Online™ is depressed. Self-improvement would sort their lives out, but the whole point of being depressed is you have zero motivation or discipline to self-improve. They congregate online because websites like reddit and twitter offer no-effort dopamine hits, it's like the world's lamest addiction.

Only solution is to draft them in a war. Nobody's got time for existential apathy when your ACV is rolling up a beach dodging Chinese mortars.

they shouldn't have to put in the effort to off themselves in the first place

It's surprisingly difficult to do, you do have millions of years of evolutionary instinct driving you not to even if it is objectively the best course for you and you recognize that and make your peace with it.

That's why doctors don't just give terminal cancer patients a knife in places where euthanasia is legal

The internet was a mistake.

-Jonathan "boomer" franzen

i wouldn't want a world where I can't read the shits you guys spew on arr drama tbh

The psychiatrists are going to know that he's lying and diagnose him with schizophrenia


His mom is busy creating a school shooter, lmao


Bussy isn't even a joke. its a way of life in a world with these women.


I remember when I was twelve I was telling myself one day there would be something

Aaaaah we've got 12 year old girls worrying about not having big tiddies

First world f*ds complaining about their existence is totally mature and hcking intelligent. 💅



My god their post history is a wild ride

Wow I would think this was a troll if I didn’t know so many people who fit this exact mentality irl


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Thinking you are some profound intellectual while sitting in the backseat of the shortbus.

Lie your ass off to anyone involved in the therapy/counseling fields. They will probably give you a lot of tests and screenings. Don't admit to having ever drank or tried drugs, had sex, had any suicidal thoughts, etc. Don't even tell them you feel sad sometimes. I don't know what your situation is like, but it might be a good idea to un-involve yourself with you family once you turn 18. They will try to convince you that you can't/won't make it on your own but you can.

Are they trying to get OP to kill himself or shoot up a place?

This is advice you’d give to somebody processing into the army, not a member of the self deletion fanclub.

Did anyone report this to the admins? This website was a mistake

The only people that OP is fooling is other Redditors. Anyone who's been around or dealt with teenagers know exactly what kind of edgy shit this one is.

One of the goals they set literally says: "Restore patients sanity".

average redditor


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Psychiatry is a means of enforcing social control. Here’s why that’s a good thing.

I mean it. This post shows why involuntary commitment is a useful tool for humanely dealing with antisocial little shits like OP.

You are showing signals of dehumanisation and aggression toward victims of zoomer shit. You should get involuntarily committed on the grounds of being based and g ay at the same time, a multiple personality disorder, if you will.

Anti-diet, anti-work, and anti-birth/life. How many crazy subreddits are on this website!?

...Besides our's. Our's is a based sanity.

This has nothing to do with reddit. That right there is bipolar disorder combined with being a bit too woke to live.

This is bullshit.

The fact that he mentions CPS indicates he's a bong.

B0ng1stan1 courts will keep nutters on the street up to the point they randomly start cutting people's heads off with bread knives. Attempted durk@-durk@s get released back into the community all the time.

He should have posted a picture of C00merguy and claimed it was him in the funny farm, then at least this bullshit would be funny.


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Fuck off.