The Messiah just got evicted off Reddit.

1  2020-12-11 by JanetYellensFuckboy

I don't think a single dramatard has ever waged a more rapidly effective campaign of generating $€€the. People of Land are forever indebted to him.

Rest in Property, King. ✊


Any bets on what his new / u / will be?

idk what did they call Jesus after his resurrection?

janet and ant?



God of Land

Landlord Phoenix

Sword of the Landlords

Landlord Restored

Ayatolla of Ending Landphobia

Crucifixion Can't Stop Your Eviction

The Landlord Archangel


Rip TLM! He will rise again just like jesus.

Damn, any idea his last words?

Google cache:

Only up to Dec 2nd though.

He was posting here yesterday or the day before. It's very recent.

You're right, the most recent comment I found here was at Dec 10 21:42 UTC, about an hour later than the comment I gave.

RIP king.


What got him in?

Admins implemented land value tax

Demolition ball.

Check my last post here. “Local Rslurs currently berating one another.” Messiah was one of the Rslurs. Apparently the other rslur reported him to chadmins lol.


Never has your recent comment: "The dramacel must walk a fine line in the land of sardines." been more relevant.

Covid got him. I'll start on evicting those families of southie irish trash to replace with hardworking first and second generation immigrants in his honor.

He's earning rents in heaven now.


May he have many luxurious properties to his name including Mayfair and Fleet Street.

Standing at the pearly white gates, evicting sincels to Tenent Hell (after a nonrefundable application fee)


They always take the best :(

Was he homocracy by any chance?

Literally who?

Minority rights activist who recently got COVID

The Homocracy's alt 😓

Pretty sure I know him from alternative platforms. He’ll be back.

lmao I love that guy. He's one of the greats. Did the no-humor admin grim reapers get his latest gamerSEETHE creation?

He's a moron. I don't know why the fuck you people like him.

He starts shit in subs and then runs here and goes "look at all the shit I started!" and then we wonder why we lost our ability to link to subreddits.

He starts shit

Oh the humanity!

If that's where you stopped reading then it explains how dumb you are.

Looking at past threads, I believe you were the guy who got him booted off.

In summary, I dislike your attitude of censorship. I've little anger towards you though, more just sadness :(

Found his alt

Why are you describing the best sort of contributor then acting like it's a bad thing?

Because we lost the ability to link because of this kind of shit. It shouldn't be celebrated.

Creating drama and then running to the sub to be like "DRAMA DO YOU LOVE ME YET" is pathetic trash.

Imagine caring so much about reddit.

your dumbass is still here, isn't it

Yep, here not caring.

This sub should have been y'alled a long time ago, but Joan is a bitch boy that bends over backwards for the admins. You're bringing the same energy.

Yup. This sub should be y'alled because this is the kind of pissboys you've sunk to liking.

I don't really care for him either way, I now only use this sub to bully Lawlz. Come to think of it, it's really the only reason I'm on reddit.

A fair and noble reason.

You have made this same point before. I think you are in the wrong sub?

I'll keep making it until that cunt is gone for good

imagine taking drama this seriously lmao

The lady doth protest too much

It sounds like you're mad you can't generate the kind of seethe he did so well that they had to call in the paid janny squad.

Nah, LFL and LFS are great subs, love them for their drama. It's the running here asking to be loved that's pathetic.

Fuck out of here with your reddit janny ass kissing.

He starts shit in subs and then runs here and goes "look at all the shit I started!"

This is literally exactly what Drama is all about. What you're describing is literally the ideal arrDrama poster. It's even a sub rule that you're encouraged to post your own drama. If you want to sniff your own farts and pretend that you're taking the high road while you gawk at morons on the internet, go back to SRD.

It's harmless funny shenanigans that rile up people who take internet so damn seriously. His boston sub trolling was funny. All he did was post images about rona and they got all mad. The landlord sub and the scalping sub are funny to me too. People are mad at what is obvious trolling.

The subs are funny, his need for validation is pathetic. It's what he was doing when he was in arrrBoston getting banned every other week. It's why he moved here because he wasn't getting the attention he desired anymore from the locals.

He is coming back as u slash Scalper_Jesus

What did he say? What this action a hate crime or a lawfully eviction?


Our king 👑 will rise again

Only like the 40th time he's been banned. He'll be back with another dumb account with his other dumb shit. Pony never leaves.

Christus mortuus est, Christus resurrexit.