Surfer mommy wants to prevent people who are heckin' cute and valid from competing in sports against women. Twitter thinks she's neither heckin' cute nor valid.

1  2020-12-12 by SlimjobDopamine


Why is this such an issue? Fucking Christ the west is too spoiled. We need another World War.

Sure figure out something to make tslurs feel included. Whatever. But reality is no foid will ever compete against a biological man. Like what the fuck is wrong with these loons. They legitimately want to “lift women up” by allowing them to get beat by down by testosterone. Just so fucking backwards. The difference between male and female puberty is night and day in the average person. Imagine that in a professional setting now where someone trains on end for something.

These fucking morons are so caught up in their own bullshit it’s ridiculous. Like it’s so absurd. A few years ago I did the stronglifts 5x5 program. I was going to the gym with a chick that I was seeing and she is a total gym rat. Within 2 weeks, from a completely cold start (95lbs squat, 135 deadlift, 95 bench, to work on form as I got back into it) where I hadn’t been at the gym in 3-4 years, I was putting up about 1.5X the weight she was in squats and deadlifts. I ended up more than doubling her squat by the time I worked up to my max within a month and a half. And I’m a lazy son of a bitch that was working out 4-5 hours a week. She was going every day for an hour or more.

We literally have the data to prove it.

Test is just way too fucking powerful. The average non soylent male can overpower most women.

Although some of the comments here bring up a good point about letting men be the best women too, I’d prefer eternal wokie seethe over that shit.

Hell, most soylent males can overpower most women, hence the prevalence of male feminists.

I’d prefer eternal wokie seethe over that shit.

They'd be happy about that tho, woke people don't give a shit about bio women. It's why any sub that leans moderately bigoted gets shitcanned on reddit except for the extreme misogynist ones that also happen to be associated with the most violence and terroristic acts by far.


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I would let Tulsi sit on my face.

As a liberal I was secretly slightly relieved when the Dems didn't win the Senate just because it means that fucking provision in the Equality Act wouldn't pass.

Arr neoliberal already hated Tulsi before this. They're going absolutely nuts over this.

I think they should be allowed to compete with women but only because I wanna see massive shlong in those slutty gymnast's outfits at the olympics

Wrong direction, break down the walls further, I want every women's sport record holder to have a penis. A feminine penis of course.

What fools the East Germans were. They took doping in the wrong direction.

Amen. Finally exposing wamen's spurt for the joke it is.

I love t-slur drama, as it divides the Left like few other issues.

I love how every single one of the people attacking Surfer Mommy eventually reach the conclusion that women's sports just shouldn't exist at all because of transphobia or something. Either because they've grew up being told how strong women are and genuinely think that biological differences don't exist or because they seem to have a genuine hatred/jealousy of bio women.

When im gonna get a son I'm gonna put that fucker on lethal doses of estrogen the second he even considers playing with a doll. And that's okay because he will be cute and valid. 😍

*she 😍😍



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I would love a troid daughter but I don't want to nerf her strength, height and intelligence with that hormone garbage. How can I convert my son into a woman without removing his abilities to succeed?

twitter angry a dude can't utterly ruin a woman.

Lol. Tbh women in sports always complain about weight class and divisions. Just remove sex separation so...

A. Women can get murdered in UFC. B. They never win anything again except birthing competitions.

Until women are utterly wrecked by superior dudes in dresses who off themselves at being slightly insulted on social media, this world will never be fair.

I’ve never supported t-slurs competing with real women until now.

At first I was against tslurs in women's sports but then I thought about it a bit more and I realized all it would do is make the game better to watch. Imagine the WNBA with college stars that never made it in the NBA vs the women who can't even dunk rn. It's a better experience for everyone. Except the foids but who cares about them

A WNBA team full of beautiful 🥰 t-slurs. It’d be glorious ngl.

Tbh most of the women in the WNBA look like tslurs anyways

You should never forget that every t-slur in sport, in politics or CEO is one less biofoid. T-slurs rights now and forever!

That Tulsi didn't get the nomination is a crime.

GOP should have primaried donald and put her in.

Proof that Dems hate Pee-Oh-Sees.

I am convinced the whole t-slur sports issue was fabricated just so that men can win literally every sports event, even the ones they aren’t allowed in. Mamba mentality


knows all sorts of shit about random video games, talks about programming languages and graphics cards and whatnot

doesn't get a simple reference to one of the most famous athletes of the last twenty years

that's right, i don't like basketball. i'm not cool, don't hang out with me.

that said:

  • it could easily have been a kill bill or metal gear or actual snake reference

  • alluding to any notably competitive football player might have found some traction

  • i don't know shit about any programming languages

so i think you may have misjudged me

Why have you shared two separate nudes of your wife but none of your bussy 🤔🤔🤔

i'm shy? and she gets gratification out of shit like that

I thought you were a gigolo

i was. i've just made too many enemies to have my real life meaningfully linked to reddit. this isn't my first account, i've abandoned a few to stalkers

Kobe Bryant reference, basically obsession with winning at all costs

Oh sweaty he's was one of America's top 15 rapists

America's Next Top Rapist, I'd watch that.


Except men aren’t competing

Yeah, break down the separation, just have sports instead of women's and men's. This is what earns top drama coin

But tslurs don't want unisex sports, they want to be affirmed by being allow to wslurs' sports!

So I have an idea, why don't we leave wslurs' sports as is, but require men to wear like blue armbands or something and wslurs(male) participating in men's leagues to wear pink frilly armbands!


A lot of men's sports are technically unisex but women can't compete at the highest levels at all.


lol she is gunning for that fox news thot anchor isn't she

how about proposing something productive to the functioning of the economy when there is COVID going on, and not this culture war BS which is not important whatsoever except that it triggers the left, this is like that tiger king bill except that triggers fentanyl America, and people wonder why congress is dysfunctional when they focus on nonsense like this

This is productive to the functioning of the economy if by economy you means women’s sports.

thinking women's sports even matter commercially

she's so fucking stupid lol