Twitch bans the use of simp on their platform.

1  2020-12-16 by Zero5urvivers


“Banning ‘hate speech’ isn’t gonna lead to policing words!!!! That’s a slippery slope argument”

Also, the mouth breathing troglodytes that will defend this with the classic "They're a private company they can censor anyone they want!"

This would be a fair argument if corporations weren’t monopolies backed by governments and people had a choice in what they watch

I literally choose not to watch people play videogames because my grandfather killed Japanese one day in San Francisco back in 1976.

Literally based


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So far, any time there has been an argument made that some tried to dismiss because it's a "slippery slope" argument, it has turned out to be precisely that.

Yay I'm no longer suspended

Somebody needs to just ban twitch altogether, that would solve many problems.

Or just it's chat, half the internet talks in baby talk.

half the internet talks in baby talk

That's no justification. And a large part of the problem.

That's why we need a return to the time when adults built, maintain and properly monitored "the internet".


It's like they're trying to radicalize the Zoomers.

Incel and virgin are also now banned insults.

W*men are running out of insults quickly




It never even began for FemaleDatingStrategyCels

The policy overhaul comes after Twitch was inundated with reports of sexual harassment within its community and complaints that the company had ignored the issue for years.

Foids have played themselves lol.




Better to just have emote only chat sitewide

Pepe and Pogchamp at Tanagra

"Kiteo, his eyes closed" will be the new blind playthrough tag



But wouldn't that just be an are drama clone at that point?

"Have sex" will be next smh

RIP cooking channels using extra v****n olive oil in recipes

Coomers about to hop on the euphemism treadmill for some new vocabulary.

I hate myself for it, but I have gone full contrarian to the point where I am filled with endless glee when I see Gamers whine about "free speech", "muh slippery slope", and shit like that. I hope they get censored harder and still continue to watch their favorite streamdaddy even though they are pretending they are boycotting.

Twitch has quite the stranglehold on streaming too, so they can't really go to other platforms. The alternatives afaik are YouTube and FaceBook, and you're pretty much guaranteed to make way more money on Twitch.

Who would ever want to let their entire facebook friends list know that, not only are they a gamer but watch gamers play games.

Well Mixer used to be a thing but merged/turned into fb gaming, so they either had to migrate over or transition to Twitch. Outside of that I'm not sure.

Microsoft, actaully having real game dev studios under them and the infrastructure to support it, could have dominated the streaming market years ago, but instead they tried to give us Mixer.

They are Microsoft after all

Supposedly Youtube has gotten a lot better for streamers and people are having success there. The new HololiveEN Vtubers pull big numbers over there. Youtube streaming still seems shitty to me though. Plus lots of twitch users won't switch because they can't spam their favorite POGGERS emotes.

Twitch is just garbage running on the streamerbase and viewerbase inertia. It's been so bloated with monetization shit, channel points, drops, Twitch Prime loot and skins and who knows what else. Obviously tigher rules and people getting banned more easily applies to all social media in last few years in general, but still, Youtube's somehow more lenient with rules (apart from copyright) as far as streaming is concerned. Crazy.

It's been so bloated with monetization shit, channel points, drops, Twitch Prime loot and skins and who knows what else.

FWIW that's up to the streamer. Only one channel I follow does drops and I watch them maybe once a month to have something on in the background.


I thought they were pretty clever to cash in on the Weeb audience that only understands English. They would need a new market since they had to retreat from Mainland China.

I hope for more cause of accelerationism

We as a society need more ways to shame these "men" , not less.

Someone get the 🍕 in here for a statement. He's gotta be coming for being right

That's it, I'm moving to Jouer.

Why even have chat if you can't question and demean the sexual practices of the...people? whom you're talking.

Hoes_glad_x24 is live: Streaming Simp City

We'll I guess we're shrimping now boys.

Isn't twitch pretty much the reason that word is in such wide use? Like, this literally will do nothing, people will just start using a different word.

haha no fucking way

What are you gonna be streaming now Lawlz?