b*rnie bro salty that uncle joe won’t cancel his $140k student debt

1  2020-12-24 by ChapoDestroyer


Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


  1. b*rnie bro salty that uncle joe won... - archive.org, archive.today*

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zozbot replied to snappy. it’s a christmas miracle. 😍🎄

Given how Robinson got caught admitting that he coached one of the "witnesses" for the "Biden rape accuser" if he keeps whining Biden will add an exception to make sure he doesn't get that 10% either.

Literally offering them a free 10 thousand dollars of debt relief and they're still mad.

The problem of modern leftists is that they want the fancy lifestyle made possible by capitalism for everyone, without realizing how unsustainable that is. They want an utopia where their needs are taken care of and they're free to talk about racial theory, but they don't realize that someone still has to be a cook, a plumber, a farmer and an electrician. They want school debt forgiveness, and by extension, free college, but don't realize that classroom seats are limited. Under the current system, student loans are a way for mediocre people to attain an education they didn't earn by merit (scholarship), but in return they have to buckle up and show that they can cut it in order to pay off that loan. If college becomes free, what'll end up happening is that most of these people simply won't qualify for their desired school, and those seats will just end up going to talented people who barely were unable to qualify for a scholarship.

Making college free won't solve these people's problems, it'll just lock the doors of good schools for them.

Making college free won't solve these people's problems, it'll just lock the doors of good schools for them.

Well fuck, now I want it.

If only there was some other country with free college that existed that basically completely refuted every claim you just made.

Where would it be?

Germany has free college and university is much more selective. Mediocre primary school students are shuttled into the trades.

College graduates earn 50% more than everyone else. Boohoo they get a little debt for the privilege. The modern left has almost no connection the needs of the working class, it's just college students stumbling on their first struggles in life.

I can not stress enough how poorly educated one has to be to think indebting people right out of school is a good idea or makes any sense economically.

This country is likely one of the least coherent and absurd on earth. Nothing we do makes any sense and seems to primarily be driven by conservative delusion and economic illiteracy.

I agree. Instead of cheating students, we should be paying then for delaying their careers

People take debt so they can drive a car to work.

People take debt so they can provide a home for their family.

People take debt so they can start a new business.

Yet what debt do Internet leftists focus on? College debt for martini lunch lawyers and woman studies majors 😢😢

You know what, you're right. The economists are all wrong. Indebting people right out of school so they can't buy houses and other things that drive the economy is actually very cool and a very good idea.


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What retard economists did you cherry pick from WayOfTheBern

How about we turn to a publication called The Economist?

First, an actual economist would note that the average college debt is quite low.

The average recipient of a bachelor’s degree in America graduated with $16,800 in outstanding debt ... it seems unlikely to trigger the kind of indentured servitude so often imagined.

This debt is close to the same amount the average college graduate makes over non-graduates ... in a single year.

Second, an actual economist would note that free college would help the wealthiest, not the poorest.

A universal college benefit would disproportionately help families that are already comfortable. Even among young Americans (those between the ages of 25 and 29), only 37% have a bachelor’s degree or a more advanced one. They are disproportionately white and wealthy ... Racial inequalities in educational attainment, which persist in the present cohort of young Americans, probably owe more to the quality of earlier schooling than the anticipated cost of college. For that reason, universal pre-kindergarten may be a more effective use of resources than universal free college.

The economist is legit a neoliberal shill rag. What kind of a dumb ass argument is "racial inequalities exist so we can't have free education.*

The general economic consensus is that indebting people out of college is a bad idea. That hasn't changed in a long time.

If you choose to take out a hundred thousand dollar loan to study sociology that's on you. No one else.

No one made that decision for you.

Likewise, if I choose to spend a hundred thousand dollars on a solid gold dildo with a diamond tip signed by Hulk Hogan that's on me. That's my decision and no one else should be held responsible for it or be forced to give me ten grand because of it.

You made your choice. Now pay your debt.

Ah yes, the typical know nothing rightoid response - all of the degrees are totally sociology of course, and sociology is a worthless degree because rightoid pundits said so!

Of course it's not like we have research showing a college degree will earn you an extra million or so over your life time, even sociology.

Know nothing conservatism will be the end of this country.

pol pot did nothing wrong .

die asap 4eyes

The reason Biden won.

this degree will make me millions!

but I shouldn't have to pay for it :(

you should pay for it for me (:

the absolute state of the dude who replied to me

Of course it's not like we have research showing a college degree will earn you an extra million or so over your life time, even sociology.

Cool, then why the fuck are you bitching about a meager 50,000 worth of debt? If you're getting such an important degree that's going to make you all this money then pay for it yourself instead of begging for handouts from your betters.

Likewise, if I choose to spend a hundred thousand dollars on a solid gold dildo with a diamond tip signed by Hulk Hogan that's on me.

If it's on you, you're doing it wrong. It should be in you.

And considering the left wins the vast majority of "working class" voters in this country, I'm not really sure how you can conclude it's the left out of touch with the working class

Bro have you been asleep for 4 years?

No, I'm just not a moron that thinks "working class" means "rural whites."

By total number more "working class" voters vote democrat.

Bitch, every single person in a flyover state is working class by definition. Can't be enough baristas in coastal urban centers to outnumber them

This is just peak stupidity.

Bro you're the epitome of that stonetoss comic

Hicks, most of the time I enjoy easily dunking you, but today is not a good day.

Not to be pedantic but it's not "free" it's just 99% cheaper (200-500 a semester) than what we have in the States and the education system in Germany is also radically different from that in the States.

People in the trades are also highly sought after and you don't have to go through college to become things like a Software Developer or System Admin or other highly trained specialists.

The modern left has almost no connection the needs of the working class, it's just college students stumbling on their first struggles in life.

Except those students are starting life by being exploited by a system that allows for idiot teenagers to take out tens to hundreds of thousands in "educational" debt, which isn't really debt since it can never be expunged like normal debt.

And before we go the "well they should have known better" route. No. That's why we're supposed to have a government and customer protection, so that citizens and consumers aren't exploited.

Glorious Nippon?

Most people don’t need to go to college in the first place. It’s basically a 100k occupational license. It doesn’t help much in your job usually, not more than actually working the job for four years anyway.

College in countries where it is "free" is very different from the american experience. Overall this might be for the better (fuck if I'd admit that whatever's brewing in american universities is good), but it does mean that people would really need to temper their expectations.

I know exactly what free college means there. There's nothing wrong with it.

Sure, there isn't, but it's existence doesn't refute the point that "modern leftists'" (really, actually only the extremely online american kind, at least I hope) expectations of what a socialist society would entail are out of whack.

Nobody is fucking calling for socialism. Trying to conflate social safety nets and basic standards of living with "socialism" is something that only takes place in America.

This country is a 3rd world country with an oligarchy grafted on top of it.

Any and all attempts to improve the lives of the average American is declared "socialism" while the rich sit around on their fat asses buying politicians and pushing through tax cuts and 3 martini lunch credits.

Fucking ghouls.

nobody is fucking calling for socialism

In a thread about Nathan J Robinson

I don't give a fuck about this clown. I'm talking about education in general.

Most people don’t need to go to college in the first place. It’s basically a 100k occupational license

Offering when. 10k puts me debt free.

There’s a twenty percent chance that reading this mother fucker’s Tweets will literally be the way I die. I can feel my blood pressure spike and my head get dizzy with rage every time I see his obnoxious green velvet jacket come across my screen. He is the r slur to end all r slurs - myself included.

I just looked up his website. This guy is the fucking worst.

Yes, Ledasha working as a walmart greeter should pay for Nathan Robinson's Ivy League student debt. This is very very fair.

I don't know, this only makes sense if my and some other people's observation is true: that if you get sucked into the college and undergrad and graduate stuff, you would've spent the majority of your life where you don't make anything with your hands and all your performance is graded subjectively and then you spend your salary to buy things from a supermarket, and you just don't have a gut feeling for why those people who subjectively assign your salary can't assign twice as much and the same for everyone in the country. Surely the supermarket wouldn't run out of stuff?

Modern American universities are glorified daycare centers so if anything it just makes these people less prepared for the real world.

Yes, Ledasha working as a walmart greeter should pay for Nathan Robinson’s Ivy League student debt. This is very very fair.

It is fair. Education is a positive externality so she benefits by his Harvard PhD. She needs to pay her fair share for his sacrifice.

We as a people failed this man by not bullying him enough.

Seriously, just look at him. Mental illness comes in many forms, and one of them is apparently a twisted idea of what "dapper" means.

He also talks like FDR

Just like everybody else from Sarasota.

Someone literally just shaved a neckbeard.

His hair makes him look like some kind of alternate universe Tucker Carlson.

Lol I'm suddenly 10x gladder to hear about his debt.

"Here's a winning electoral strategy: let's money which would go to the poor and instead give it to ivy-league white kids."

  • literally no one with a brain

Except Robinson is worth -$160k and is probably in the poorest 1% globally


damn, middle class people with $300K mortgages must be in like the bottom 0.001% then

Stupidpol was big mad that Biden said giving $50,000 of student debt relief to everybody would be a big mistake. These people have literally lost their mind.

Keep in mind, at the same time, he said he was comfortable with $10,000. Which was what he campaigned on.

What kind of idiot gets $140k in student debt

Go to community college ffs

Someone who went to ivy league law school and then became a journo.

paying 140,000 for a useless piece of paper

but why

Seeing the state of things now, I wish I had forgone paying off my federal loans cause the rest of the private loans will be with me til I'm 50 and none of the directives ever touch private student loans.

It'll be great when Biden reneges on another "Day 1" promise.