"The San Francisco School Board spent two hours debating whether or not to allow gay father of "mixed" race children to join a volunteer parental group. The group is currently composed of all women. They decided not to allow him, because he is a white man and does not add diversity."

94  2021-02-10 by itsnotmyfault

Title in quotes because I am quoting a title.

Another quoted title is "Heather Knight - "The SF school board tonight spent two hours talking about whether to allow a gay dad of mixed-race SFUSD kids to volunteer for one of several empty seats on a parent advisory group.""

Both refer to https://twitter.com/hknightsf/status/1359382113875755011 please consult directly to listen to the angry mob.

A full recording of the 8 hour meeting will appear here, probably later today: https://sanfrancisco.granicus.com/ViewPublisher.php?view_id=47

Meeting agenda here: https://go.boarddocs.com/ca/sfusd/Board.nsf/goto?open&id=BW6NY5613C6B

Livetweeting of the meeting, but in not horrible twitter form: https://archive.is/jJtu6 The relevant parts are reference "PAC":

Commissioner @FaauugaMoliga thanks PAC for work and volunteer effort, asking about issues with representation. Coordinator Jaques-Menegaz speaks to some of the difficulties with recruiting. There are still 4 regular spots and 3 alternate spots available. #BoardWatch

Moliga notes that PAC is not a place to push political agendas, it is for those who want to be there for their kids #BoardWatch

Commissioner Alexander has questions about the underrepresentation of many groups on the PAC (Arab, Vietnamese, monolingual Chinese-speakers). Feels like white parents are over-represented. So many spaces are dominated by white parents. Only 15% white kids in SFUSD. #BoardWatch

Commissioner @mattalexandersf feels it has been strange since coming to the board to notice the huge majority of participation is coming from white parents. If there is going to be a PAC, that should be a way for other groups to access the Board of Education. #BoardWatch

Jaques-Menegaz says PAC has been talking and trying to strategize about how to increase diversity. The pandemic has compounded the difficulty. Those who may have done it in the past are not able to commit #BoardWatch

Commissioner @jennyhlam talks about the importance of not just the modalities of communication but also the messaging. What works? "I spent 10 years on advisory bodies" that is how you get to know all of the complexities, be part of the solution. #BoardWatch

Concerned about underrepresentation on PAC of API community. This is how we build up true parent leadership. DELAC and PAC are not interchangeable. Glad PAC is doing outreach with limited-English proficient Chinese parents. #BoardWatch

Lam also notes that API community is not monolithic. PAC member Laguna notes that they are also doing recruiting at Aptos MS (adding an image just to spice things up) Sanchez notes representation issue has been there always on PAC. What are goals? #BoardWatch

Jacques-Menegaz says there is no "list" of demographics needed on the PAC. Agrees with some board members that a means base stipend would be helpful. Don't want to engage in tokenism. Would ideally like to see representation from the Filipino community, API, Arab. #BoardWatch

Jaques-Menegaz says that also must acknowledge that there are some voices that we need to hear, who may not have capacity to serve as member of PAC. Would like to be able to increase diversity significantly by June #BoardWatch

Sanchez is uncomfortable, doesn't want to micromanage PAC. 40% of SF is white, 15% of SFUSD. Here most from white parents (90-95% of correspondence) that is an unequal power dynamic. People from decreasing the distance may feel they are not heard, but they are disproportionately.

.@marksanchezsf does not want to confirm new PAC member at this time b/c makes PAC even more disproportionately white. The Board is going to vote on the appointment #BoardWatch

Jaques-Menegaz is reading recommendation into the record. This candidate was unanimously approved by PAC membership. 4 spots still open and 3 alternates #BoardWatch

(BTW- interested in joining the PAC? Click here to learn more pacsf.org) #BoardWatch

Oh wow, going back to public comment on the appointment and lots of hands raised. This is democracy folks :) #BoardWatch

PC (public comment): Reverend Brown: this is a parent group that is not inclusive, doesn't even mirror Joe Biden's cabinet. Appeal is that the representatives of this panel get busy, be inclusive, stop making excuses about the pandemic. #BoardWatch

PC: Tearful speaker is speaking up in solidarity with friend who is up for appointment. This is bullying by those in power. He is a leader in his school and city community, in the LGBTQ community. If you talk about representation, he is a Gay father in a mixed-race family

PC: Discussion discredits the intersectionality of Seth being an LGBTQ parent of multiracial kids. There is a level of collaboration going forward in filling the rest of these seats. Consider the "both/and" of this. #BoardWatch

PC: Asking not to support this appointment. Ask PAC to increase representation by communities hard-hit by COVID #BoardWatch

PC: To deny someone a spot on the PAC because he is a member of a parent group you may not agree with to me feels very unfair and not representative of what SFUSD claims to be for #BoardWatch

and many more angry comments.


This subreddit has gone to such utter shit that people just copy posts from stupidpol and paste them here

Refer to the redesign's sidebar image or gtfo

Wtf is the appeal of stupidpol, it’s full of jilted babies

Originally it was supposed to be for leftists who are anti-idpol. Over time it started shifting towards people who are “leftists” who are actually just anti-liberal which is the reason for the unironic simping over people like Tucker Carlson and other right wing populists there. I give stupidpol about a year before it dives head first into full fledged Red-Brownism.

That sounds way more entertaining

it's entertaining in the same way that SRD comments are entertaining, i.e. not at all

SRD is just like 98% of subs on this site - boring!

But I've never seen a red-brown sub before. That would be a novel kind of derangement which I'd quite like to see thank you.

I don't know, I found the comments in that one SRD post where they discussed their thoughts on LFL or LFS quite illuminating. Also the comments from when Lawlz posted there.

the SRD jannies won't ever let me do it again either, the bastards

You know the conditions.

Just curious, what are the aforementioned 'conditions'?

aren't you a SRDine jannie? How can you stand to look yourself in the mirror?

I don't have to, they shatter every time I walk past one. 🕺

yeah there hasn't been an entertaining Red-Brown movement since Roehm got long-knifed while giving his long knife to a boyish blonde SA chapter leader

You would think so but when all the content boiled down to “libs bad, suck daddy carlson’s cock” it ended up just being a sub full of blind populism with no guiding principles, at least from what I saw.

Hey. I like the threads where people try and decide who is and isn’t PMC and everyone ends up sperging in rage.

Third generation cattle barons are folksy working class and penniless baristas are PMC actually.

arr neocentrism is the political sub where it's at.

San Francisco has become the ultimate meme city. It's always been a weird place but now it's being run by fucking Rose Twitter. It sucks because when I was a kid I used to love visiting my grandparents there because it was a beautiful city with a great, if somewhat strange, culture. Now it's full of drug addicts shitting in the streets and kids going a whole year without education while the government debates over oppression points. London Breed is the only sane one left in the city government but she can only do so much.

Drugs addicts shitting in the streets is the main indicator of a sophisticated modern metropolis. If it doesn't smell like shit outside your office, you live in flyover country.

mildly amusing but otherwise 😴😴😴 tier agendapost

Where is the drama?

Reject drama. Embrace humorless agendaposting.

Joe Biden is OK I guess lmao bottom text.

He can sniff me anytime he likes

where was yalls bitching the last 5 years of mcfluff posting

Bitching at the 10 rightoid agendaposters for every 1 mcfluff or pizza agendaposters.

I've been bitching about the lack of final solution to the cajun question for at least that long

If the state of Louisiana can’t kill us what can?

I liked this part:

PC: former member of PAC from 2005 has questions. Do you have a parent from Lowell HS in your group? Have you reached out broadly to the Lowell community? Concerned PAC isn't getting full feedback. Are there asian-americans on the PAC? #BoardWatch

PC: responding to previous comment- most recent harassment was not targeted at White and Asian students, it was targeted at Black and Jewish students. Concerned about the use of model minority myths. Also concerned thought about who is represented on the PAC #BoardWatch

I guess the Asianx and Lxtinx folx have been beating on the blacks and jews of SF :(

Asianx are lower on the oppression stack than Jxws

it's all over for mongoloids

To think the Khazars simped for them and get this in return. What cucks.


SF school board is absolute on fire these last few months. From closing down schools, to #cancelling that notorious racist Abraham Lincoln, just hitting it out of the park for drama.

Has any other government body produced this volume of seethe in our time?

What's the stereotype of women in positions of power regarding dramaticness and productivity? I totally forget.

I was about to link you to the Japanese Olympic Committee guy who went on record saying he doesn't like having lots of women in positions of power because they make meetings go on long and he has to limit speaking time to get work done... but it turns out he's finally gotten toppled and will be resigning after weeks/months of pressure of the statements: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/feb/11/tokyo-2020-president-yoshiro-mori-expected-to-resign-comments-about-women