I feel like I would have sympathized with Gina Carano more had she not immediately run crying to Ben Shapiro of all people

1  2021-02-22 by MasterLawlz

At first, I thought she was an idiot but I just read an article where she was open about her side of the story and personally, I do believe her when she said she didn't have malicious intent. Some of the things she posted were stupid but I don't think she was actually trying to offend people. It's not like James Woods or Milo Yianappolous who explicitly went out of their way to be as controversial as possible and then were surprised when it came back on them.

The problem is she went running to Ben Shapiro who was probably fucking salivating over this opportunity. He's obsessed with 'cancel culture' and spiting the left as much as he can so poaching an actor from Disney must have sent him through the fucking roof. I actually wish I could enjoy his content because while he is a whiny little weasel, I don't think he's stupid. If he didn't feed off controversy and tribalism, he would probably be watchable and I would actually like to listen to someone with a different perspective. But politics aside, the guy is just straight-up annoying.

I honestly think partnering with Shapiro could hurt her career way more than anything she posted on social media. Actors have recovered from worse but one thing that will put the final nail in your coffin is deciding to start acting in garbage right-wing movies. Kirk Cameron, Kevin Sorbo, Tim Allen, etc. She would be better off just lying low for a little while and not doing anything rather than making movies with the Daily Wire.


Wow this lawlzpost sucks!

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Wow, a good lawlz post for once!

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The funniest thing about this automod response is you just know Lawlz coded it in the first place and eagerly awaits upvoting it right after posting.

bruh idk how to work automod lol

Yeah but the other one came first

Yeah it would be a dead simple copy-paste job

I honestly thought she could have made it pretty big with just a youtube channel of her own, then I actually watched about 15 minutes of the interview and yeah she doesn't really have a personality and was kinda boring imo. Do you think that your shapiro hatred might come from the fact he doesn't have a jewfro but you for some reason do?

You mean to tell me she didn't get into professionally beating the fuck out of other women for her charming personality?

Idk man I watched her during her mma career and she did pretty good in interviews then. Now it's like all those headshots she took then have taken a toll. The only thing that kept me awake during her shapiro interview was the high pitched whine of Ben's voice.

If I had to hire a dumb lunatic for a job, the first place I'd look is in MMA. It's just funny people were shocked when she turned out to be a dumb lunatic

I watched the 1st season of the ultimate fighter back in the mid 2000's and those guys were all mostly bragging pricks that had real underlying issues going on. They all had a desire to prove themselves to everyone and once you heard their back story you knew why. About 90% of mma fighters bios read " grew up in an abusive household and was bullied in school until dropping out at age 16. Has been in a relationship with XXX film starlet for 2 years". That right there tells you what they really think of themselves and the height of their self esteem.

Yeah but that season finale fight was amazing to watch where they literally just slugged the shit out of each other for 15 minutes.

Yeah it was. I stopped watching the actual show like halfway through and went back for the finale. I still remember that dude tearing that door apart and realizing he was the type that would suckerpunch a random dude of he was having a bad day.

Yeah and they usually come from a very undesirable place to live...or Boston. Ryan Hall is the one MMA fighter who seems thoughtful and intelligent, seems like the bullied kid who learned to fight back, whereas most others were the bullies.

Ryan Hall does MMA to promote his BJJ books and school. And he grew up in the DC suburbs of Virginia. Not exactly the school of hard knocks lmao 😂

Like any good Redditor, I was speculating about something which I know nothing about and didn't feel like doing basic research on

Is she selling feet pics yet

Pretty sure they're barefoot in mma

No but if you watch the 1st 5 minutes of the interview you'll notice she apparently doesn't know how to tie her shoes.

I think MasterLawz is a guy

Bets aren't off on lesbian aunt.

Is The Mandalorian technically a Flash Gordon reboot 🤔

I thought that it was calculated: if the main charge against her was antisemitism, of course she should ally herself with a prominent Jew. If so, her critical mistake was assuming that when wokies use words, they mean anything. They do not, it's just slurs, like when a 13yo calls you a nslur fslur.

She says in the interview why listen to the twitter horde and brought up them being children.

Hurr durr. Shave your body. Post a selfie. Wil. Pinging.

This subreddit fucking sucks.

Tim Allen

He's still doing great though?

What has he done aside from that boomer sitcom that recently ended?

He and the guy that played Al have a reality show involving building and creating challenges.

So they made Tool Time for real?

It's still going and carrying a show for 9 seasons isn't nothing.

She knew exactly what she was doing the entire time before she got fired. Disney talked to her multiple times about what she was posting. They wanted to give her a spin-off show to star in, but she made it clear being able to spread her bigoted opinion was more important than her career. She only came off as a victim after she was coached by Benny and his team. You pitied her because they wanted you to feel that way so you would be on her side. She’s a piece of shit, Ben is a piece of shit, and anyone that sides with them are pieces of shit.

Fair point. It’s crazy that she fucked herself out of a spin-off. You KNOW it was gonna pay really well.

Man, she could have been set for life if she didn’t think being a bigot was more important. She was already getting a name for herself as an upcoming action star. Her future could have been great. Now the best she can hope for is a future in porn after her Shapiro produced “I’m a victim of the left” movie flops.

>talking about starshit unironically

/r/drama has completely fallen from grace


I’m talking about the person not the show she was on lol

If you didn't know the show, would you who this thot was? No.

Uh...yeah? She’s pretty famous

I never heard her name before your shitpost, so not that famous.

She was a huge UFC fighter and she was in Deadpool and The Mandalorian

Got her ass whooped in a UFC match

She was in capeshit

She was in starshit


I guess I don't follow the ufc close enough then. Why bother watching women fights anyway?

She was dumb for being on social media at all but not as dumb as the media and the twitter mob that lie about everything you do and say because you're not woke enough for them.

Yes, Ben Shapiro is an annoying little shit but he's not stupid. He probably called her the second he found out she was shitcanned or maybe he was already in talks with her before this. idk.

Also everyone talking about how she was making millions or would have made millions is dumb as fuck. Most actors do not make anywhere near that, even leads on a show don't. Actors on a show that's been going on forever (Friends for example) are the exception, not the rule. Sure she made decent money but it sure as hell wasn't millions and millions of dollars.

Her posts weren't even poltiical, yet she wants to make this about politics as does shapiro. This has nothing to do with policy. At the end of the day her job is to 'act' but also sell a show. you want everyone to watch that show and she failed at that. There are plenty of degenerates in hollywood but they typically try to keep that shit to themselves. They are fake. Very few are authentic.

Although her tweet about Jeffrey Epstein not killing himself is based and likely what did her in.

Her options are limited. Whatever right wing ideology this is is dying. Her choices are to build her own brand or partner with them. I don't think she is smart enough or entertaining to do that so going with ben is the right choice. A pay cheque is a pay cheque. Although MMA porn/only fans could be an option.