🏴‍☠️/AskHistorians, basically the polar opposite of this subreddit, was BANNED by the gigajannies today

1  2021-03-08 by JanetYellensFuckboy


They got banned, then unbanned, then rebanned, then unbanned again lmfao

Some paid janny must have finally snapped from all the spinning noises coming from Aaron Schwartz's grave, and is now banning default subs to try and pull an Old Yeller on this site.

they had banned pics and videos sub too.

That was actually based. 🏴‍☠️AskHistorians is undoubtedly the most extreme seriousposting on this god forsaken website, but it was legitimately interesting and worthwhile

Meh. If you masturbate to reliable sources and other wikipedo-level bullshit - sure. But it's nearly impossible to ask or answer questions there without spending a year figuring out their labyrinthine rule set.

AskHistorians is so r-slurred with their rules. The one time I realized I could actually answer a question someone had asked, I knew my comment would be removed by some dick in hand jannie simply because I wasn't able to remember the exact name of the source.

History is so malleable tho...

they gatekeep really fucking hard over something that really isn't that important.

They have tried to make it as rigorous as possible.

Maybe you shouldn't make shit up and pass it off as true? Idk, might work better.

I've done that. I mean - I'm kind of a history nerd, have been for over two decades now. It's scary how much useless historical trivia I have. My attempts at answering questions languishing with zero comments after half a day were almost universally failures, though.

Usually the source (a book by an actual historian) was not reliable enough or something. Even when I specifically tried to conform to their bullshit ruleset and write as though I'm a fucking college student 🤮🤮🤮

History is really interesting. I like it too. Just no money in it, but I agree it's kinda fun to learn it.

I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with seriousposting. Especially when 80% of Reddit is not worth the time, seriousposting or not.

How do you do the stupid crab thing?



This thread is for the one with the same snoo as default avatar. Pls.

I mean it's not currently banned?

Wtf was it banned for in the first place?

For the first time in my recollection, admins are discussing their fuckup. Tragically, they're doing it in the salty 🐟 subreddit.

I honestly think Reddit is employing some of the least competent people on earth.

Even by social media standards, they're scraping the very bottom of the barrel.

The fact that they're SRDines really doesn't speak well of their character.

True, but it's not like they have options. I doubt any of them are approvedcels... 😞




Thats what happens when you allow The Atlantic Council in

If you were a quality, in-demand software engineer would you choose to work at reddit?

Like u haven't done a simple mistake

The moment Masteawlz shaves his entire body SRD dies. Ask yourself, is Masterlawlz doing enough for drama?

How would that work? I don't mean the shaving, I can unfortunately quite easily intuit that part, but what happens afterwards? Scopies sets the place to private or something?

We mod him and fuck off to let him do whatever.

which one

SRD. The pinned post.

Grats on your Bucks staring down a 2 seed. Though I think they end on the 3 line

Ngl, it was almost pleasurable seeing them demolish Dabo after he and ACCels talked shit about the conference

they're doing it in the salty 🐟 subreddit.

this is the saddest part

Agreed. Depressing to know that they'll bestow intimate knowledge to, of all people, those joyless cretins. It feels emblematic of their special treatment.

subreddit ban public message goes here

Maybe having reddit be publicly traded is a good thing since that might lead to actually competent people running this site.

You could find meth addicts more competent than the clowns that run this place.

"You banned a popular subreddit and drove people off the site for WHAT reason??" - investors

Because their rslured bots fucked up. That's what they're saying in the 🐟 can anyway...

I can even sort of guess how - they probably just started updating their bots to start mass-banning various GC offshoots that are cropping up and some code monkey screwed it up.

It's not banned.

We don't need pinging when we have such great drama as this!