chad wagie BTFOs fatties

1  2021-03-12 by ChapoDestroyer


noah's ark the value menu, lmao

Holy shit! Call an ambulance.

lmao Richard is going places I tell ya.

this is the voice of a man that has nothing to lose

shit's hilarious

The most unrealistic part of this is that the tubber didn't want to eat

I’m thinking how the manager would try to rectify the situation if the ladies complained. What’s he supposed to do, offer them free food? “Here you go fatso, I know this slop will tide you over.”

Gotta get a coupon so they can Noah's ark the menu again

No, it's realistic. It just said they didn't want to eat not that they didn't eat. I'm sure they inhaled their Big Dave's triple Baconator Classic while sobbing into their gallon sized Frosty.

fat shaming is punching down

is it though?

Dunking on fats will always be punching up. Fatties are the global elite. They consume a disproportionate amount of the food and drink, they take up a disproportionate amount of space, and they use a disproportionate amount of our healthcare resources. If any other group did this, they'd never hear the end of it from the twitterati (who are, coincidentally, mostly fat). In the old days, leftist and unionist political cartoons always portrayed the capitalists, the statists, the oppressors as bloated pigmen. Do you think this is a coincidence? Do you think it's a coincidence that today's so-called "leftist" movements carry a torch for such nonsense as fat liberation and intuitive eating at the same time that their most vocal mouthpieces have ballooned in size? This is an infiltration. We are witnessing the erosion of the global workers' movement by a cabal of hippopotamic layabouts. They don't want justice. They don't want honest pay for honest work, weekends off, and healthcare benefits. They want cheeze-its and games for their nintendo gadgets. Workers of the world, do not let your movement fall from within. Do not let the very swine your forefathers fought against erode your solidarity. Do not fall for the siren songs of processed meats and drive thru neon. Workers of the world, defend what's yours. Workers of the world, unite against the fatty menace.

Cellulocide NOW

I was gonna reply WORDS WORDS WORDS, but no. That's copypasta-worthy

I was going for equal parts Eugene V. Debs and MeMe Roth

Yeah good going man you actually words words words’d palatably

Are you Italian? Cause you're cooking up some great pasta

Let's not pretend anyone who claims to care about worker rights has ever been anything other than a lazy piece of shit. Including Marx himself.

Alexa, what are the coal wars?

an accident of history after the advent the Industrial Revolution but before the synthesis of fentanyl

This but unironically. Opiates were created by the FBI to keep the working Appalachian baptist down. Eastern Kentucky used to be a place where tax men disappeared and nobody'd seen nothin'. Now it's a hive of painkillers and fat. I'm not going to go as far as encouraging rule-breaking behavior against alphabet spooks, but remember what they took from you.

steve earle's "copperhead road" should be required listening for elementary school children

Wrong part of the country but I'm also partial to James Mcmurtry's "Choctaw Bingo."

Do you remember in the 90s when they said all these chemicals would increase estrogen and have unknown effects on humans? Well, here we are. lmao

The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory seamstresses had it coming tbh

This but unironically

Marx was a degenerate alcoholic that mooched off his friends

a cabal of hippopotamic layabouts.


Fatties 🎅🏻 are the global ⚫ elite 😏. They consume 👅 a disproportionate amount 🔢📉 of the food 😩 and drink 🍸🍺🍻, they take 💅 up ⬆ a disproportionate amount 💯 of space 🚀🛸, and they use 😏 a disproportionate amount 📉🔢 of our healthcare 🌌🚑⚕ resources 💦. If any other group 👥 did this, they'd 😝 never ❌ hear 👂 the end 🔚 of it from the twitterati (who are, coincidentally 🤔, mostly 💯 fat 🐋). In the old 👴 days 📆, leftist ⬅ and unionist political 🇺🇸 cartoons 🈂 always 🕔 portrayed ✍ the capitalists 💰, the statists 😡, the oppressors 😡 as bloated 😤😖😵 pigmen 🐖⛏. Do you 👉 think 🤔❓ this is a coincidence 🤷🏻‍♀️? Do you 👉 think 💭 it's a coincidence 🤯 that today's 📆 so-called 😷🔴 "leftist 🆘" movements 👣 carry 🔛 a torch 💡 for such nonsense 😔 as fat 🐋 liberation 👅👄 and intuitive 👁 eating 👅 at the same time ⏰ that their most vocal 🔊 mouthpieces have ballooned in size 😱? This is an infiltration 😗. We are witnessing 👀 the erosion of the global 🌐 workers' 🏢 movement 📦🔛 by a cabal 🐢 of hippopotamic layabouts. They don't ⛔🚫 want 😋 justice ✊🏿. They don't 🚫 want 😍 honest 😇 pay 💲 for honest ❎ work 💼, weekends 📅 off 📴, and healthcare 👨‍⚕️ benefits 👍. They want 😋🚶🏢 cheeze-its and games 🎮👾⁉ for their nintendo 🤦‍♀️ gadgets 🔌📱. Workers 🏢👷🏚 of the world 🌎, do not let 👫 your 👉 movement 📦 fall ⬇ from within 👌🅰. Do not let 🙆 the very 👌 swine 🐷 your 🌈👉 forefathers ♦ fought ⚔ against 🚫 erode your 👉 solidarity 😫. Do not fall 🍂 for the siren 🚨 songs 🎶🎷 of processed meats 🍖💦 and drive 🚗 thru 🚫👁🌫 neon 🤖. Workers 🏢 of the world 🌎, defend 🛡 what's 😦 yours. Workers 🏢🅰 of the world 🌍🖖, unite 🇺🇸 against 🚫 the fatty 🐋 menace 👹🇺🇸🌎.

Call the StupidPol Jannies mod him immediately.

punching wide

In America obesity correlates heavily with poverty, so yes. But it's also a behavior you have to actively engage in, so...

If fat shaming is punching down, so is smoker shaming. And, I don't know, deadbeat dad shaming?

If you can't say a behavior is bad just because poor people do it, you're not going to end up allowed to criticize any behavior aside from usury and virtue signaling.

On one hand, corporate america definitely pushes fatty foods on poors because eating healthy is expensive and time consuming which makes it difficult for poor people to find the time and resources to eat healthy.

On the other hand, just stop eating so much, fatties. Also take a walk or something, fuck.

eating healthy is expensive


you know you need to have grocery stores where you can buy apples in bulk like in decent neighborhoods. It is a very well known thing where you dont have grocery stores in poor neighborhoods.

Which is caused by poors not buying groceries, not vice versa.

that is hyperbole at max.

How so? If you think that there's free money lying on the ground why don't you open a grocery store in some poor area?

Are you sure it’s not caused by the constant theft?

Poors tend to also be fat because the root cause of both is laziness, especially if it's a lifelong thing. Obviously a normal person can go through a rough patch and be fat/poor for a couple of years. But if you can't escape either no matter what, it's almost definitely because you're lazy.

Eating healthy is not more expensive than eating junk, it can be done cheaper even. The problem is that it takes more effort.

Fatshaming is punching down but that only makes it funnier

I'm generally a dick but I feel bad for fat chicks so I'm nice to them. Well, 200+ fat chicks. I'll call a barely-fat-girl fat girl names (Rhonda, Peggy, Lisa, Ashley, Heather, any first name that is a synonym for something pretty or valuable) all day long. Unmarried fat girl over 30 is life on sad mode with no hope, so that's like kicking a three legged dog as far as I'm concerned.

I never feel bad for fat people because it's their fault

he thinks women are capable of making choices

Open your eyes, simp.

To everyone QTing saying “Dont get this guy fired” Ive worked in the food service industry for years, its not hard to not be an asshole, they knew the risks when they said what they said, stop sticking up for shitty people

Remember, these are the same train communists that are all for "workers rights" and "workers of the world unite!"

Workers rights unless you are heckin mean uwu

What's the point of working at a fast-food chain in a trashy area if you can't make fun of the clientele.

Wageslaving at Wendy's is like being a drug dealer except without the money and fu

this is the person who made the post lmfao

im honestly amazed at how literally every twitter mess is caused by a train

The Slatestarcodex guy exposed the theory that autis-slurs, schizos and t-slurs have in common a neurotransmitter imbalance that causes dissociation (which is more or less what dysphoria is after all). By pure coincidence, this imbalance can be alleviated by estrogen (not kidding). That's why most ausis-slurs and schizos are (born) male. It also explains the huge t-slur, auti-slur and obsessive twatter-canceller overlap.



That was a very interesting article

Is this why foids only think about themselves

Aren't most of the ssc readers tismos?


Woah that mask is trippy as fuck

That's why rationalists are so based IMO.

I’m shocked the naturally beautiful woman wearing a lovely dress in that picture is looking for attention

OMG you guise don't kinkshame Lawlz.

Oh shit gives bardbundleofsticks run for his money.

I can't make a joke. This is already perfect.

Richard shouldn't have stopped at fat shaming.


top AHS contributor

Xhe's a mod


God fucking damnit. Beyond parody at this point.

For once I am proud to be from the same town as Richard.

I kinda thought this would be a troll account and that shirt said "Black Lives Fatter."

Jokes punch up too

Pakistan is definitely not sending their best.