You guys ever notice

1  2021-03-16 by adminsare55IQ

How when you get into a scrap with a mod on this website that comes off as just very mentally ill, belligerent, poorly educated etc etc they always mod like 300 subs?

I guess it makes sense, how could a mentally stable person mod that many subs.

I'm honestly starting to think Reddit isn't even that bad and it's the poorly educated wanna be internet tyrants that have so much time on their hands they just capture 85% of subreddits.


An infamous janitor recently made a post expressing that they think that the work that they do "hunting Nazis" for reddit is worth a salary of $175,000 per year. They currently do it for $0. That tells you all you need to know about the level of delusion and stupidity needed to take it seriously.

lmao six figures for what, searching pushshift for mean words?

that person's post is one of the most idiotic and narcissistic things i have ever read

it's so confidently incorrect on so many levels and is so self-absorbed

"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: Oh Lord, make my enemies ridiculous. And God granted it."

– Voltaire.

Voltaire was the only good bottom in history

I disagree. What about proto-Ted?

"Civilization is a hopeless race to discover remedies for the evils it produces."

— Jean-Jacques Rousseau

That's a fancy way of saying "Every day we stray farther from God's light."

"Like many intellectuals, he was incapable of saying a simple thing in a simple way"

— Marcel Proust

I personally have costed my shitposting on Reddit to be worth $20,000 an hour. This is just an early estimate if you thought it sounded low, after all I’m very skilled at, but we need to start somewhere. I expect to be payments to come directly from Reddit, or I can be paid in tips from the people I have shitposted upon.

Literally most jannies do think they are important, unfortunately.

Holy hell, they actually think people would ever willingly pay Jannies more than minimum wage. I'd unironically be in favor of putting a loophole in for minimum wage on Jannies to be less than $1/day.

How about $0.00? It's nice and round...

I'd say pay them $0.50 on each pay period using a mastercard, of course the jannies would have to cover the $0.50 mastercard transaction fee.

gee i wonder who you work for

Not mastercard, I just know their merchant fee off the top of my head for other reasons, or at least from the last time I looked it up. Other processors have different fee plans.

yeah knowing the exact merchant fee wasnt the clue

lmao they think they'd immediately be the boss and head up the department. Just more proof the powerjannies have a desire to have power and that's it. They mainly seem like pretty miserable people, so I assume it's all they have in life.

I will bet literally anything that your run of the mill power mod on reddit is an impotent little snot faced social reject and reddit is the only power they feel they have in life.

Sounds like you should consider doing it for free.

Yep. They are social rejects which is why they like to mod 300 subs so they can get back at people. Guaranteed that no one respects them irl and this is how they make up for it.

Don’t you realize that someone with her credentials and level of experience doesn’t just grow on trees?

I've seen powerjannies argue over who gets top janny based on how many actions they've taken as jannie. I wonder if these people fight over who gets to ban and who gets to do more work for free.

There are jannies for larger twitch channels that make more than minimum wage, paid out of the streamer's pocket. It's truly bizarre.

It makes sense there because the streamers usually know their jannies on some personal level, and they don’t want to pay their friends like shit.

They actually get paid?

Most probably don’t, but some of the more popular streamers may

I'd prefer a maximum wage for jannies.

I sat down and did some math, and (as an example) for someone with my credentials and experience


"So I was telling Darlene at work about my degree in English Literature with a Minor in Women's Studies, and some man had the audacity to interrupt me and ask, 'Are you done making my sandwich yet?'"

PhD in stalking people's post histories

Most PhDs earn shit for wages

The paragraph that talks about getting paid would make a great snappy quote.

lmao this idiot doesn't understand 230. "voluntarily" doesn't mean that the moderators need to be unpaid, FB pays a small army of them that they pay to uphold it's content guidelines (they also get PTSD lmao).

Just when I think I know how deep the mental illness goes, it collapses into an even larger blackhole full of copium. They need to come up with a new disorder, stuff like persecution complex or narcissism doesn't even scratch the surface.

lmao oh dear that's quite the high opinion of this person's "skills." A lot of companies have realized that people will do lots of things for free if you give them a sense of power, saving them a lot of money on hiring people for things like customer service (Google) and Reddit (unpaid moderators). Unpaid jannies are just reddit leveraging free labor. They grew their business by allowing people to have communities and in essence they grew their business on free labor. Unfortunately, the people who mod hundreds of subs do so because they like the power, and it's really ruined reddit for anyone who has a different opinion from the powermods.

The result is lots of people running alts, so those millions of accounts that they have are a likely huge bloated number compared to actual users.

This is my favorite type of [NAME REDACTED]'s comments: pseudo-legalise. Anyone else remember that post in 🏴‍☠️/Dallas where xer tried to argue with an actual lawyer and got repeatedly dunked on and bullied? Man that was some good shit 🤣

One of the best parts about chan culture is the constant and relentless bullying of the janny. If they aren't regularly brought down a peg and reminded that they're wasting their time for free this is the kind of shit that happens

This actually makes me like shartskinn because there is absolutely no way they're not a long con troll...this can't be serious and at some point in the distant future they will reveal their cis-normativity to aye-ehch-ess and the sub will implode in a violently beautiful spectacle

They're absolutely serious. This is the kind of person controlling hundreds of mainstream subs on reddit.

I'd unironically support the political right if they absolutely took a sledge hammer to social media.

holy shit lol

Better the work they do "hunting Nazis" than the work posting child porn being done to shut down "Nazi" subs.

Barfbinn also has to spin up a department and recruit other mentals. It's not easy


Your comment has been removed because it contained a bad word. The word was moid. If you intend to use this word in a purely demonstrative manner, please use the first letter of the word followed by '-word' or '-slur'. Thank you for helping us keep /r/drama safe.

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From where did you get banned this time?

Same places I always get banned from tbh, by the same mentally ill power mods.

did you ever notice powerjannies are rslurred


Hey give him credit for finally realizing it.

I think the idea of limiting the number of subs that you can mod is a good idea, but then people would just add themselves with alts.

Given the mass account bans they hand out to people for violating various echo chambers, they have ways.

There genuinely should be a site-wide rule preventing a single IP address from moderating more than 2 subs for the sake of the mental health of janoids.

Terms like “jannies” and “they do it for free” should banned from reddit. I may not be a mod but i am still tired of moderators being talked down like they are slaves slurs like “jannies" are very demoting and terms like “they do it for free” just mock them it is discriminatory biased tasteless and threatening how can the admins tolerate such behavior? do they not realize how psychologically tolling it is to be constantly told “JANNY JNANY CLEAN UP MY MESS” on top of all they already do in terms of moderating reddit? one of my friends is a mod and she has possibly suffered mental illness because of being constantly mocked and discriminated and threatened as a mod mods should be respected not looked down i want them to enjoy their jobs not dread them how can we stop people from saying these tasteless offensive things? i just want the mods to feel safe when they work

PS. Im 14 not some child.

Counterpoint: they do it for free.

A comment you submitted to Drama derails the purpose of Drama, which is a focus on:

  • Cultures of hatred which are
  • Enabled, platformed, and amplified on Reddit
  • Through misfeasant or malfeasant (neglectful or malicious) "Moderators".

There was an @H$ thread not too long ago where they were legitimately getting big mad about people calling them jannies and saying “they do it for free.”

Really? Damn, I missed it. I'd love to see their take 🤣.

I remember a ToR thread on the same thing, which was eventually deleted because it was really embarrassing (and ToR gets shit deleted all the time), but I didn't see hippos talking about that...

Dumb question but what’s ToR

Arrrrgh Turbomindsofreddit I think

Last time I wrote out a full sub name here with arrrgh, I caught a two day ban from some particularly uptight janny. So... Sorry. It's a major meta sub that has all the powerjannies there discussing sociology of reddit.

abovebrains of rëddįt?

No. (stronger term than) hypothesis of reddit.

Why? Are they even remotely antagonistic?

To whom? I don't really understand the question...

When I say "antagonistic," think AlmostHamSandwiches. But obviously nobody surpasses them

Well, I was specifically referring to powerjannies, and the sub I referred to is kind of their safe space. They do occasionally bring up compensation and really dislike arguments made against it.

I still don't get/doubt any of the mods here would suppress the mention of TheoryOfReddit though. It's not like we're ever going over there posting "they do it for free" shitposts like this

Oh, that's what you meant. Sorry, I didn't pick up on that. I was just being overly cautious, I guess.

In fact I really like ToR. Their threads are interesting, all basically like this one lol

(also I've been itching to post that stupid song/vid ever since I first saw it but couldn't think of an excuse given its content)

Yeah, but the sentiment is the opposite of the one in this thread...


Theoretical Department of Reddit Bullshit

Bottom rslurs of /pol/ but it’s Opposite Day

Every day I cry about what lawlz took from us

If I remember correctly, they tried to claim it was a dog whistle for t-slurs and had some super deep hateful meaning.

PM me link?

This reminds me I got banned from PC-Aryan-Reference for informing them that they are in fact glorifying the not see regime. I need to report the entire sub to the jannies, will update later. brb

You are very good at getting people to seriouspost.

Thanks. I find being right most of the time baits spergs into serious post fights often.

What a foul yet intoxicating waft that sentence was.

Being right is a curse honestly.

The sweet sound of consensus that. I don't think anyone would disagree you're accursed.

I find the key to being right is to hold no personal views yourself. That way you're fluid and flexible, able to adjust rapidly and attack idiots from all directions.

Stochastic smugposting terrorism.

I consider it more so a form of freedom fighting.

Trade out the last word for whatever you want, the first two stay.

I can allow you into my cult if you want. You can also avoid being wrong, but it requires a lot of sacrifices.

Is this a sex cult or one of the boring ones?

Reddit is pretty bad tbh. somehow the removed comments are usually by in large more stupid

To some extent. But there are in fact large numbers of these people that mod hundreds of subs exclusively on ideological lines and twist and distort established rules to do so.

The guy that banned me for "doxing" from a sub because i said a guy lived in Chicago - that wasn't a reasonable reading of the rules and he knew it, he needed an excuse to ban me because he lost an argument.

The mod that banned me for "Islamophobia and hate speech" when I said "perhaps Islamists shouldn't be allowed to murder people" either didn't know what the term "Islamist" meant or was defending religious extremism.

And I'm pretty sure he knew what it meant.

It is because they don't care and moderation will be random. They often just respond with poor argument because they don't have to argue about their decisions.

Even if you come to agreement with the mod they are wrong they will just go "lul i decide fuck you"

It reminds me of how Nextdoor works, meaning it barely works and its fucking obnoxious lol

Nextdoor always has drama (usually whte wmen) and there's always a boomer who's two comments away from dropping the gamer word

Agreed. Every time I make the mistake of looking at the website, it's just a bunch of paranoid old boomers freaking out about people walking by their house in hoodies that they suspect of being black or some stupid shit.

It’s because jannies ARE paid. They’re paid with petty power. Imagine how sick and disgusting that workforce of degenerates must be.

Down with j*nnies!

I honestly think Reddit, if they want to improve this website, should just start purging these people that mod 300-400 subs.

I've literally never met one of them I'd consider intelligent, or competent, or anything other than unhinged.

They don't want to. They deliberately encourage this sort of behaviour in order to control the narrative and make reddit in general "nicer" through appealing to some weird sense of importance of various nutters by making themselves available to them.

I mean it's not really doing anything but making the website awful.

The number of just openly mentally ill power mods has gotten insane.

Just banning won't work, they come back. Superjannies should invent some sort of a honeypot, a kind of fake subreddits populated entirely by bots, like in this short story.

They did and it's todayilaerned.

Ya idk they're probably too mentally ill to be dealt with seriously.

Wonder if someone will come up with a replacement to reddit.

I mean Reddit was the replacement for another site ruined by superjannies. Terminally online autists will always dominate big online spaces, and big online spaces will always allow it because they like the free labor.

The other day lardbinn (who isn’t even one of the biggest powerjannies) valued her work at $175,000 a year. That’s obviously r-slurred, but why would Reddit get rid of an idiot who’s willing to do (what they think is) hundreds of thousands of dollars of work for free because it makes them feel less useless? Why would another website refuse this?

I thought all the changes they made to the features of Digg is what killed it.


Senpai🍕, why bother with people who are into voluntary slavery? Their action speaks for themselves.


❤️❤️❤️ L.O.V.E.Y.O.U!

Im not that vengeful

You have no idea the depths of perversion at the heart of Reddit.

I'd go further and posit that the # of subs moderated and sanity are directly inversely correlated.

I'm honestly starting to think Reddit isn't even that bad and it's the poorly educated wanna be internet tyrants that have so much time on their hands they just capture 85% of subreddits.

Wikipedia has the same problem, when authority is outsourced to the internet the most autistic rise to power.

Boobie literally died after reading this post.

I'm honestly starting to think Reddit isn't even that bad and it's the poorly educated wanna be internet tyrants that have so much time on their hands they just capture 85% of subreddits.

It's the admins fault for letting some unstable prick mod that many subs in the first place.