The entire spectrum of neckbeards furiously circlejerks over Marvel's latest foray into the fields of psychology and politics; this time by portraying Jordan Peterson as a literal nazi.

1  2021-04-06 by busslordlowkeybussin


I find it pretty comical that an "artist" would write in a strawman of someone who has spent their life educating people on the horrors of the Nazis as an actual literal nazi. Then without stopping for a second and asking themselves how they got there.

The portrayal itself is also moronic. What is the author honestly saying here? That Jordan Peterson is a near-immortal hideously deformed Nazi supervillian? This is just dumb on both a literal and metophorical level. The Red Skull would never be stupid enough to do this under his own name. This would be like Ahmad Al Aliwi Al-Issa doing self-help advice after escaping from prison while the FBI was chasing him. The way I Would have written it would be that Peter Jordanson is a slightly silly parody of Jordan Peterson, whom the Red Skull brutally murders and makes his face into a lifelike mask. That way you get to insult Jordan Peterson, while, at the same time, not insulting the reader's intelligence. Like all cults, he then slowly corrupts his followers into his twisted ideology of cruelty. The best path to damnation is a gentle slope with no sudden drop-offs. His message changes from "stand on your own" to "help your brothers" to "Sometimes you have to make hard decisions" to "You got to be cruel to be kind" to "The wicked do not deserve kindness" to "wickedness is weakness" to "weakness is wickedness" to "cruelty is awesome. Bully those who are different".

The Red Skull would never be stupid enough to do this under his own name.

Imagine knowing about capeshit.

Cap's lil speech at the end sounds like he's talking about...another group, if you ask me. They're darker.

The best path to damnation is a gentle slope with no sudden drop-offs. His message changes from "stand on your own" to "help your brothers" to "Sometimes you have to make hard decisions" to "You got to be cruel to be kind" to "The wicked do not deserve kindness" to "wickedness is weakness" to "weakness is wickedness" to "cruelty is awesome. Bully those who are different".

Coates can't do that because what you just described is the evolution of his fellow travelers in the Wokie movement.

I find it pretty comical

I also find it funny how much it makes you s**the

The people praising this are calling him a cryptofascist.

Lobsterman spent his life doing what?

Writing ridiculous strawmen is basically a tradition for artists at this point. They've always done it and they'll keep doing it till the end of time.

I remember when American lefties were somewhat sane and when they did things like this their targets were a) actually deranged nitwits (like Jerry Falwell or book burners) with objectionable opinions and b) they showed true wit, with subtlety and cleverness enough that they didn't have to resort to weaksauce shit like slapping a swastika on something to show you it was bad.

Coates is not a good writer, and exists on the same tier of talent as Ayn Rand, which is to say that his prose is terrible, he beats you over the head with his point, and generally bores the living piss out of you. The only reason anyone tolerates how bad either author's writing is and spends money on it is because they're supporting the author's philosophy and/or politics.

Coates might be a bad writer, but he isn't stupid. Ayn Rand stumbled into being a cult figure accidentally. Coates did it on purpose. He saw the market for telling lefties with a white-guilt complex things that validate both their guilt complex and their undeserved smugness. He packaged that validation into a book then sat back and waited for the deluge of cash and accolades. He's running the same kind of grift as people like Talcum X and Chelzoe Van Quinnzenberg, but unlike those half-wits he's doing it with impeccable style in ways that allow him to retain his dignity.


You deserve to be banned for the following reasons

  1. Unironic Capeshit knowledge

  2. Being fucking annoying

  3. Most importantly words words words words

  1. I plead guilty, but my specialty is knowing things that will never be of any use to anyone, so I'm obligated to know capeshit.
  2. You say "being fucking annoying," I say, "Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible."
  3. Guilty once again, but in my defense I've been exposed to an ungodly number of Pizzashill posts and can no longer discern the difference between a normal post and a LongPostBot trigger.

Lobsterman is also a deranged nitwit, he’s just too low-energy to be mentioned in the same breath as Falwell and company.

The man is almost more mundane and milquetoast than Mitt Romney at a church picnic. I'm not sure what you think makes Doc Lobster 'deranged,' but nothing he says is remotely controversial among normal, well-adjusted people. The only people who complain about him are Blue Check weirdos and people who are stupid enough to listen to and repeat Blue Check weirdos.

The only thing remotely interesting the man has ever done was go on a drug bender, and he didn't even make that at all entertaining. The only value he has as a human being is that by doing and/or saying nothing at all unusual he seems to create enormous amounts of seethe, which honestly makes him a treasure.

I am now referring to him solely as Doc Lobster because it makes me think of the B-52s.

These people say "freeze peach"
Because they were all blue haired cows
They went to college to learn from a Doc
But it wasn't a Doc
It was a Doooooooooooc Lobster

It is the simple redefining the meaning of fascist is to brown smear the political opposition.

Quite spectacularly in 40's people recognized that fascist had lost all it's meaning and had become a meaningless political insult.

Its their only counter-argument because if they were smart to actually debate, they wouldn't be artists in the first place.

Especially comicbook artists, bleh!


If it doesn't fit into 280 characters or reference Harry Potter then they haven't read it.

theres no reading involved, hes got like a 100 hours of youtube videos he has dedicated to the subject

Did you mistake Nazis for "Cultural Marxists" (whatever the fuck that is)?

Also - stop watching JP and open a book. Nietzsche is where he stole most of his "deeper" shit from, so start with that.

Did you mistake Nazis for "Cultural Marxists"

uh no. He has many many lectures on nazi ideology. A simple youtube search would show this. Also, ive read plenty of nietzche thank you very much.

what is his best how to video then

Does Mr ptererson have any good let's plays

I would buy a 2 ethnft of an episode of Dan playing some shitty Bible game.

Why would you read a book when reddit has all the philosophy you need

Tahnesi Coates (I tried lol) is a prize winning author. He isn’t a deviant cartoonist.

Not sure if that makes this better or worse lol. Either way it's still dramatic so we good.

He’s just dunking on r-slurs here. His real work is actually interesting to read but he’s known to be very bougie but that could also be the fact that certain people don’t like it when someone excels and doesn’t stay in the hood.

Coates was born in Baltimore, Maryland. His father, William Paul "Paul" Coates,[11] was a Vietnam War veteran, former Black Panther, publisher, and librarian. His mother, Cheryl Lynn (Waters), was a teacher.[12] Coates' father founded and ran Black Classic Press, a publisher specializing in African-American titles. The Press grew out of a grassroots organization, the George Jackson Prison Movement (GJPM). Initially the GJPM operated a Black bookstore called the Black Book. Later Black Classic Press was established with a table-top printing press in the basement of the Coates family home. Coates' father had seven children, five boys and two girls, by four women.

I think we should celebrate the fact that a black man rose from his humble Baltimore beginnings to get to be a capeshit writer. The American dream.

That says so much about how far standards in writing have fallen.

Awards are no longer about standards and/or quality. No one awards literature for its profundity or creativity in Current Year 06/+6. Awards are given out either for the author's position in the progressive stack or for works that speak with the "right" politics no matter how badly written they are. Coates is a prime example of both, and given the literary atrocities he's foisted upon humanity it's only fair that he is punished by having to write capeshit.

On one hand, JP is being a sperg for caring too much about comic book; on the other hand, the artist is being a sperg for thinking this is cute and valid.

I'm going go with they're both losers, and drama is the only winner in this exchange.

drama is the only winner in this exchange.

The way it should be.

Radical centrism ✊

Sweetheart, if someone thought "yeah, those Jordan Peterson quotes would be in character for Red Skull", maybe it's time to think LONG AND HARD about your personal values and politics.

Just saying.

I'm 100% sure there's no use in pointing this out, but everyone gets compared to Nazis and [insert fictional bad guy]. "Rethink this" may be good advice in general, but the "ur a NotC" signal is noisy to the point of being completely worthless.

Also, anyone seething about how SJWs infiltrated capeshit, must SOMEHOW not be aware that a shitload of capeshit was just paper-thin racism metaphors for children to learn that it would suck to be discriminated against. The "infiltration" happened before you were born.

Lmao capeshitters are out of control.

So how does Captain America fight him? By replying to every post he makes on Twitter?

He's gonna take down his website by reporting it to the hosting and domain provider, essentially rendering Memerson and his goons useless as they'll spend the next few weeks doing nothing but boycotting the company.

Truly a new golden age for comics

How many dozens of copies did this sell? People who actually spend money on comics are not the audience here.

People who actually spend money on comics aren't people.

The phrase you're looking for is contradiction in terms.

I feel sad, empty. No matter where I go or what I do, a tubby sperg will never make me a nazi in a Captain America comic. I will never nut on Scarlet Johansson's face, I will never make friends with a talking raccoon, and I will never get to be a fascist dog penis. Marvel is a cruel dream that fades into cold, abysmal reality.

Being upset by this is how you know he takes himself too seriously. His response should be to buy a Red Skull mask and go give openly positive talks in public with it. Talk about the American war machine and other based leftist things.

idk I'd be dumbfounded if most of my life I lectured about the evils of totalitarian governments and how they get there, one-liners about self-improvement, to basically have a nazi regurgitate those one-liners?

Honestly I'm curious how the comic is going to make this work. Is captain america (who is black and lesbian) going to come in and tell red skull that lonely losers have a right to not clean their room and not wash their pp?

It’s capeshit he is literallly a nazi and they are just going to horseshoe extremism him right back to a literal swastika

Right but is washing my pp in the shower a dog whistle for gas chambers?

If it smells bad enough, possibly.

Being a villain is also cool, they're usually the second, if not the most interesting character, and many people do genuinely identify with him.

Though I guess this being cheap capeshit the villain is probably a hamfisted one dimensional caricature, just like all other characters in the comic.

i remember something from a few years ago where some wokey comic artist did some speech for red skull that was supposed to come off as cartooningly fascist but it actually was very poignant and kindof inspiring. Ill have to dig that up.

I call this the Senator Armstrong Effect.

The war machine is heckin cute and valid

He should just be thankful he was protrayed as conscious and not addicted to drugs

I feel sorry for anyone that cares about comic books past the age of 13

Pokemon is worse. I know people in their 30s excited for the new pokeman gaymmes

they made more pokemon games after red and blue???

I must confess. I played Silver and Gold.

I will serve my punishment with relish.

OK. go listen to pickle relish on spotify for an hour.


Pokémon Go is the only one I know of

I almost kind of respect them nuking their plausible deniability with the "10 rules for life" thing.

No one would know about this unless someone put it up on twitter, because no one is reading Marvel Comics anymore. :(

It should come as no surprise that the reason no one reads (Marvel) comics any longer is because of silly shit like this. It's like they had a marketing meeting, asked about their existing customer demographic, and decided to create a product designed to make that demographic stop buying their product. "We need to replace our existing loyal customer base with Wokies, t-slurs, and other deviants who flip shit at the least little thing before starting boycotts" strikes me as being a bad business decision.

The comics are just advertising for the movies at this point. Radlibs aren't going to buy comics because of this shit, but they'll watch the same capeshit movie over and over if Twitter tells them it's pr@xis.

Good riddance, Marvel has never had a single story that lived up to even the worst of DC's major events or a character who could stand next to Superman.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Not marvel fans, they're stinky

Didn't they stop making Xmen to spite Fox and ended up losing a cash cow?


Ta-Nehisi Coates is more of an r-slur f-slur n-slur than Peterson. And I say this as someone who didn't need to be taught to clean their penis.

I really enjoy how people are trying to make Dan Pson seem super mad because he literally just described that happened in a twit. Writing the people you don't like into villains of your comic book is literally a sonichu move.

It unironically makes me mad that a dude that is just trying to tell the men children of today to develop character and clean their own shit is portrayed as a nazi or something wtf. Are those ideas so controversial nowadays? Because if they are, then we really do have a problem.

The fact that they can’t even grasp the real world without capeshit tells us how fucking damaged some mayo m*ids are.

How is it surprising that the idea that you should take personal responsibility is controversial? If people start admitting that they're responsible for the shitty state of their life they won't/can't blame anyone else. People like Coates make bank off of telling people their shitty lives aren't the result of their own stupidity, and nstead their suffering is being caused by nebulous boogeymen like "the patriarchy," "institutional racism," and/or Chik-fil-a. Telling dumbasses that their dumbassery doesn't matter and that the only reason they're poor and stupid is because of factors beyond their control sells better than "stop being a dumbass."

Lobsterman is tremendously fucking cringe, and anything that gets him so butthurt is a net gain for the universe.

Clean your room

That phrase really works best on lobsterman’s target audience of neets who never left home.

That’s the point 😉

A couple of decades ago that might have stung.

Did you really get out of that phase? You’re on drama after all

Drama is full of oldfslurs and has always been the only sub truly worth visiting. Probably the lowest NEET quotient on the whole site.

What's mikhala peterson up to? She's more of a lol cow than lobster daddy

oh yeah, shes fucking nuts. I wish she would just go away

No dude she is awesome for drama. The meat diet, her psudo science and how when we call them out on it lobster daddy's stans REEE the fuck out. She also exposes peterson. The whole thing is a scam and always has been not sure if it was intended to be. Dude was making 50-100k per month. At one point.

lobster daddy's stans

He has stans? Like how can you be a fan of being told to clean your room?

When your mom say's it fuck that bitch, when your pseudo daddy say's it you better listen up boy

Simply proof that gormless 30-something failsons need to be Dommed, and that JP is the closest approximation their pain-fearing pansy-ass can handle.

based and daddy pilled

Doc Lobster's whole schtick is echoing timeless traditional wisdom and melodramatically opposing things that most people think are stupid. Believe it or not, most people respect and appreciate that kind of thing. I won't be happy until Doc Lobster shares the truest bits of wisdom that have come to light in the modern era, like "you can't make a ho into a housewife" and/or "Wu Tang is for the children."

Wow! So glad I have billion dollar corporation to point out who the bad guys are! I love it when my favorite fictitious superhero fight that one bad political guy I don’t like!

I'd be flattered if I was him tbqh

When he says I offer you the sword of manhood this is metaphorical, however he is literally saying I offer you my cock.

With being cucked comes great responsibility

This is just the higher-level version of posting your internet opponent's quotes with a soyjak face.

No one cares😒😒😒

I can't wait until TERFs are portrayed villains in Wonder Woman.

Please Marvel, make Wonder Woman a tslur. Please please please. We could end fossil fuel usage with all the seething that would cause

Do it for the children

Wonder Woman, but instead of a rope she fights guys with her supernaturally long, prehensile girlcock

When she lasso's someone with her girlcock they say tslur rights are human rights



Someone contact Garth Ennis right away!


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ovarit -> where you want to be when they announce

That's DC

Capeshitter exposed

Over for me


Isn't she DC?

That would be so juicy. They could easily counter and say that kind of portrayal is misogynistic. Inshallah one day.


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That’s pretty fucking entertaining. Good find.

Ok this made me laugh.