Snappy, PLEASE

1  2021-04-27 by 32624647


lmao jfc this is a troll, right? wtf happened to zoomers? Read another book. Like the Little Engine that Could. chooochoooo trains.

I've seen the original thread. They're serious.

😂 how do you become this pathetic? Reddit.

Suggest they watch Dear Zachary

Dear Zachary gives Redditors PTSD

It is Exhibit 53 for why the Day of the Rake is not just a good idea but a moral imperative

At the current rates railway networks (and railway network advocacy) are expanding we'll soon have direct track access to our homes...

Not to become one of the terminally online but there's an actual reason for why people don't use his name in the books. It would be incredibly based by Rowling if Gay Old Wizard simply refused to use it because he was deadnaming.

So I googled it and apparently it was jinxed only after he was revived.

By the way I liked Zelazny's take in "The Changing Land" (I think, or maybe that other book that had a barbarian maid with a battle axe nicknamed "Castrator"): a certain very powerful and very old wizard spent so much time summoning demons etc using his own name as a part of incantation that now they hurry to whoever says that name in fear of being punished for tardiness, and get really displeased upon discovering that it was some random guy.

Tom Riddle's gender identity is baby murderer and you have to respect that

Sorta how Aimee's gender identity was baby diddler.

Sorry, sweaties. Can't put up breadcrumbs to the original 🏴‍☠️⚔LettuceGrainBaconTomato thread. Our sub's esteemed janitors wouldn't let me.

Best I can do is a 😎 pointing to a TiA thread where everyone's blown the fuck out by this take.

I remember frequenting TiA in 2014, but quickly dropping after I realized that they were going into fits over nobodies and cringy kids on Tumblr.

Five years later, the Smithsonian says that punctuality is white supremacy. The entire world is rehashing the same things TiA was doing years before. Crazy shit man

TiA is kinda like the people who said DDR would win in 2016 back when everyone still thought that was impossible.

The saddest word both tongue and pen is TiA was right again.

In all seriousness I feel this. I have been harping on wokie sjw type bullshit for about a decade now and how it will direct company HR and then public policy in government. Everyone thought I was a mad man. I caught so much shit in group chats saying “nobody is listening to these nobodies” and shit like that. I’ve been vindicated in the last 5 years alone. Can’t wait to see what the next 5 bring."voldemorts+new+name" works, unfortunately there's zero drama, literally one supportive reply.

Deadnaming Voldemort is worse than the genocide he was committing.

I'm sure we posted this in the right place we could get a priceless "this but unironically" reply.

The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. Snappy, PLEASE -,*

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Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself

Based and N-word pilled

Thank you OP!

Whoever said that totally missed the point of that part of the story.

The worst part about it being the point is not even subtle.

Harry Potter is a sexual power fantasy novel for gingers. Imagine being soulless, your entire life ironically revolving around not getting burnt by something 149,597,870 km away, and not even being the sidekick to the 4-eyed protagonist, yet still nailing one of the cutest girls in the world. 😂 The flying purple bus is the most realistic part of the books

This is the hottest take on wandshit yet.

