English “person” threatens to never listen again to NYC mayoral candidate. How will Yang ever recover? ☢️

1  2021-05-11 by -_-pete


When will bongs and Eurocels ever learn?

It's been too quiet over there. Next European continental war when?

Well France is about to have a Civil War. Maybe some country will take advantage of that?

Hopefully the bongs invade and they'll fight for another 100 years. That would be funny I think.

Finally a war they can win.

The amount bong posters on T_D in its heyday was honestly quite hilarious... bongs have to appropriate burger populism to feel like they have some place in EU and world politics. Build the wall (around that godforsaken inbred island)

Escape from Britain. The sequel i didnt know I needed.

>Snake Plissken getting continuously held up by hordes of unarmed bobbies asking to see his butter knife loisence

bongchads... I KNEEL...

If history is any indicator, probably never.


I don't see how that's relevant, they are right to be disappointed

I guess the fact some dumb europoor on twitter has a literal zero impact on US politics is not relevant.

They really shouldn't open that can of worm on the Americans. We already dominated the general webspace; imagine we decided to shit on foreign politicians more than we already do.


Name and flair checks out.

This gives me an idea. Future shitposters would really benefit from knowing a second (or third language), since you could disguise yourself this way pretty easily.

the kool kids krew moved onto less legible languages ages ago

get with the times grandpa

Can't, I'm stuck with English and the (Superior) Traditional Chinese, instead of Russian and (bleh) Simplified Chinese.

(Superior) Traditional Chinese

Oof, better not let the people's republic hear you say that

I really don't hide my disdain for them whenever I get a chance to rant on the PRC, so it's not like it would make a difference. What are they going to do, threaten my (non-existent) relatives in the Mainland?

They can't even send assassins to bad a few games outside of their border, unlike Best Korea.

Europoors and a bloated sense of self-importance and entitlement, Name a more iconic duo.

🏴‍☠️drama and a bloated sense of self-importance and entitlement

When euros complain about American news on an American website


"Oi bruv, me nan lives there y'know. Don't fink I asked u anyway, mate".

Any yang supporter who didn’t realize yang was a centrist this whole time deserve all the tears they cry if Yang supporting Israel over Hamas is what turned them off.

Yang, like every other “progressive”, will say whatever it takes to get elected and then toe the party line in office. For any true progress, we must throw our support behind Vermin Supreme.

Or the rent is too damn high guy.

Yang was slightly based and centrist pilled for his presidential run, but now that he is running for the king of burg town byc, he’s become the same ol c-slur in wolves clothing that he always was sadly. Apparently he was attacked specifically because he is a-slurred for the crime of not wearing a mask in a comedy club

Europe is so boring and irrelevant that Europoors would rather invest their time into US politics over their own

That's just the softpower America has.

Society here is so boring and irrelevant eurocels will literally do BLM protests even tho their country has like 3 black people

Not even national politics, this is local politics

Local politics with the big names eurocels get plastered to death with tbf

why didn't you link it in the first place

Maybe I’m r-slurred 😩


Don't worry being rslurred is mandatory round these parts.

Trains are NOT cars.

Whyte women should be exterminated.

Amerimutts will have no mayos in abt. 100 years, and that's a good thing.

EU will have racewars in 50, Islam will prevail.

Male bussyhunters are often lolibertarians.



Now please ban my alt from this absolutely ultra-cucked sub

Can you imagine knowing the name of a mayor, wait no, a mayoral candidate of another country, much less attempting to interact with them on twitter?

What the fuck?

You know I was a big fan of Yang. He's getting in bed with some unsavory characters. Tusk is not a good person IMHO. I hope he is not sacrificing his morals for power.

Britbongs are meddling in our elections. Here's why that's a good thing.



Even if she was from NYC it wouldn't change anything anyway, twittertards don't exist irl and are a vocal minority, Yang would just lose 1% of his fans.

Post irrelevant screencap of twittercells. No drama.


I'm fucking glad my main acc is banned from this absolutely CUCKED sub.