I wanna share some cool art with you before it disappears

9  2019-07-19 by IsraeliArmyWaifu



  1. I wanna share some cool art with yo... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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u/catholicgirl14 where'd you find this work of art?

I still think it’s a pedo larping. Maybe some girl who REAAAAALLY wants attention.

You shouldn't take usernames too seriously, I'll assume at least 10% of these rightoid spaces are larpers.

100% of tradshit is larp. Idk what the situation with this “girl”s identity is


Unfortunately Google doesn't have what I'm looking for, there was this frenworld ban evasion sub and someone posted some really autistic artwork depicting honkler gassing happy merchant, it was hilariously autistic, the sub got shoah'd and I can't find the pic on Google.

Saw that too

Lol he censored the hand-drawn boobies. Maybe rightoids and radfems have more in common than previously thought?

ngl the spider-soros is kinda cool