Fugees OUT

1  2020-08-10 by Goddd-Howard

I will individually ban thousands of Nazis if I have to. DON’T πŸ‘πŸ½ AGENDA πŸ‘πŸ½ AGENDA πŸ‘πŸ½ POST πŸ‘πŸ½


I don't want refugees either, I agree with you.


I will individually ban thousands of Nazis if I have to

What’s your monetary compensation for this noble endeavor again?

I get payed a deserved jannie salary

We fight for the Vaterland for free. Truly we are the most honerable knights of the jannie Heer.

> knight

> No von


Kellere von Janny

Good! Based mod is based!

I am already in joy waiting for all the triggered nazis wining about muh free speech.

I go on a streak for my Drama addiction for a few days and just in diesem Moment something happens while I'm away lol - what went on here??

Seethe on Fritz, la raza is here to stay πŸ‡²πŸ‡½

mah jogga

btw can we ban shitty imageposting, that's how deux died tbh

Yeah probably need to do that too

love you bb 😘

I love you both

I have a tendency to make agenda ish posts, but I troll both sides. I mainly fuck with the fugees on ruqqus though

Will you ban commies too, or are they cute and valid?

I will ban them too

Commie here, I've also been posting since it was dead as a doornail.

That's the next sub the chancellors will verbieten, I guarantee it.

Die Grenzwacht hielt im Reddit.