It’s official ❤️

1  2020-08-11 by IslamWillSaveUs


Me when White moids commit acts of police brutality: 😡😡😡

Me when Beautiful Black QUEENS commit acts of police brutality: 😍😍😍

Das ryte kkkraka ✊🏿

Dems really decided to go with a tough on crime ticket

As they should Mashallah.


I really hope the VPs get a debate. Just imagine watching Harris making really cringey jokes that only she laughs at while Pence makes the most broad, milquetoast statements while also throwing some shit in about "the love of Jesus". Truly would be a historical moment in reality television.

That sounds boring as shit. I’ll take the Rapey Vibes debate instead, watching both of them say dumb shit will be must-see TV.

Truly hope they don't happen on the same night. It'd almost be a toss up between which one I'd wanna see live, but I'd probably have to go with the one I that involves two old men doing a push up competition.

Damn patriarchy 😤

VPs always get a debate.



damn you can see the future

Past performance is not a guarantee of future results, but it's usually a pretty good predictor.

There's a difference between talking about the effects of somebody's actions and talking about their character and motives. Obviously, Trump's actions have (thus far) had less bad effects than Hitler's. But what the original poster was saying, and what I think is hard to dispute, is that Hitler was a better man than Trump.


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Trump is a silver-spoon coastal elite that rode his dad's real estate company to the top. Hitler was a struggling failed artist and traumatized vet who clawed his way to the top with nothing but his own charisma and schizophrenia.

I need a link to the original for this pasta.





there’s no 🚫❌😤way biden👨‍🦳could survive the white house for 4 years. meet your future first female president everybody!😍😍

That gussy would give him a stroke on his first day in office.

With a lifetime valid n-word pass no less 😮

Not sure how much a lifetime supply of anything is worth for uncle joe. :)

lgBt 🤝 law enforcement

She the lawyer that put away thousands of minorities for minor drug and probation infractions?

No, just a lawyer that did all those things.

All those other lawyers were just posers trying to pretend they were as based as she was.

Oh okay. What ethnicity is she? I seriously can’t tell.

Half indian (curry) half Jamaican

100% Mommy material 🥰

Most definitely

curry fried chicken

yassssss queen slayyyy

She’s got a laundry list of disgusting blind items on crazydaysandnights. Apparently, a large portion of her political career was spent on her back.

Maximum Seethe

Maximum Cope

r/mademesmile r/nextfuckinglevel r/loveforlawenforcement
