Banning of dosrama was a disaster for the zweicels.

1  2020-08-17 by pot_head_pixie

"ted HAHAHA monke HAHAHA"

I don't know how you retards are going to "return" to monkey, they got higher IQs than you.


There's no need to be upset

This just makes me wanna post more tbh

Even op has Ted posting in his history. He's just trying middle school reverse psychology.

The boring truth was every thread here was getting 2-3 replies at the time and it wasn't very interesting and people aren't reacting well to ahs and the admins being on the warpath lately.

Hey ted's cool, his fans are just the worst though 😔

Also saying i'm middle school level is basically a compliment at this point.

A true zweochad plays both sides to gain as much seething out from everyone as possible

Hey look, it's a seething whiny text post like the ones that shit up /r/drama and /r/deuxrama. At least dos was free of this cancer.

Found the deuxcel

Out and Proud. Dramacels stay losing.

The drama expanded Universe died in 2016 everything that came after was the last bloody screams of a soul refusing to separate from its rotten body.

Drama died the day it exceeded 30,000 subs

Continuing on my explanation of white people fucking animals:

"White people" here can refer to any Caucasian person or any other person of another ethnicity that behaves in the same colonial mannerisms, this is why we switched to saying colonist or settler because it more accurately describes the type of cross-ethnicity insantiy that is the concept of "white supremacy". So many indigenous people have been indoctrinated into this system over the last few hundred years that its very difficult to seperate out some people from this (like me)


  1. Banning of dosrama was a disaster f... -,

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the real disaster is the migration of Dos' mdefugees and im*geposters

dosrama is banned -> mdefugees just flood the next public -rama sub which is zwei

I'm not even being subtle, you really couldn't make this 2 step connection?

I'm not even being subtle, you really couldn't make this 2 step connection?

no I have brain damage therefore I fit in here

Sir, we are jellyfish colony

Shit, i have no retort to that.

Report any fugee posting and help the cause

I am a refugee of r/MillionDollarExtreme

make a new one that's explicitly gay. that'll stop em

Wasn't that r/drama?

Imagine being so evolved that you don't even want to return to monke.

This horde of uncultured swine don't even know we evolved from apes not monkeys 😤

Good polemic, tbh. I'm more of a return to mollusc fella myself.

These are vain points, everything is in flow due to our temporal existance. Even if we returned, we'd not stay there; returning to monkey means we'll live a rough equivalent of the last couple hundred thousands/millions of years again.

I can start animeposting really hard if you want.

Cry more. MDEchads are essentially the Aryans of plebbit, going from land to land and destroying the locals.

The MDEcels have been kicked out by hundreds of different communities for anti-social behavior and failure to assimilate

It's not the Aryans you resemble, buddy

109 subreddits and still counting

More like MDEchads destroyed the local culture so much that the jannies had to take everyone out.

ZweiRama will also fall to the nomadic MDEchads and there's nothing you can do about it. After we ravage this place, we'll move somewhere else.




MDE rights are human rights!


I was only away from Dos a few days before it got banned, did fugees really take over in that short period or is it just a meme lol? Ahs was just focusing it due to dogpill/transstuff thought that was the cause lol